Chapter 94 Tianyan Forty-Nine, People Avoid One

Shi Xuan went crazy, and his fighting spirit broke through the chaos.

The whole person was dripping with blood, the stele and the halberd were used together, the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor was sublimated again, and the powerful creatures were all chopped into pieces, or blasted in half by the terrifying power.

Bloody and rough!

In this terrible battle, this supreme magical power, which gathered all the wisdom of Shi Xuan and the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, was gradually perfected and became more and more terrifying.

Faintly, Shi Xuan's aura climbed to an extreme, reaching an unknowable realm.

At this moment, the Blood Phoenix-Xuan Emperor Halberd, Xuanwu, Cangtian Monuments, Ten Thousand Dragon Armors, and the Qilin Divine Beast were all glowing, and the ethereal ancient chanting sounds echoed in the depths of the chaos.


The vast blood energy collapses the sky, the chaotic holy spirit energy fills the air, and the four spiritual beasts prostrate themselves.

Shi Xuan opened and closed without any retreat at all, all with merit instead of defence.

The war halberd dances, and the fighting spirit moves in the sky.

The ancient monument suppresses, and the divine power shocks the past and present.

The Qilin divine beast roars through the years, and Shi Xuan, wearing ten thousand dragon armor, is like an invincible killing god spanning the endless river of time, killing to the point of madness and numbness.

The war started again for who knows how long.

The long duration of this catastrophe has made all the supreme beings moved, completely silent, and their breaths were turbulent.

The fear in my heart towards Shi Xuan and others has reached its highest level.

The ancient monument and the war halberd are extremely terrifying, the chaotic holy spirit is permeating the air, and the phantoms of the four spiritual beasts are manifesting.

In this battle, too many creatures died, and they were stained with a lot of king's blood.

On the halberd, a strong evil aura surged into the sky, and the murderous intention shocked the world, as if a peerless killing god was awakening.

The ancient monument is vast and vast. Every time a powerful creature is crushed, an additional trace will appear on the imperial robe of the figure above the monument.

Although it is very subtle, it feels surprisingly clear.

On the bloody battlefield, tens of millions of strong men lay dead there, and their blood flowed together to form a vast sea.

"The fight has reached this level"

"Sure enough, it's a decisive victory. The real drama is only beginning now!"

The brutality of the battle made these restricted area supreme beings look serious, fearful, and their eyes flashed with fear.


On the Thunder Ancient Continent.

The roar of thunder, like the sound of war drums, resounds throughout the sky.

There are magnificent palaces one after another descending from the sky, and one after another majestic and peerless figures stand on them, as if they are standing at the end of the long river of time.

It was hazy, so intense that it was impossible to see clearly.

A pair of eyes that were so overwhelming that they seemed to be staring at Shi Xuan from the upper reaches of the long river of time and space.

All in all.

There are 49 thunder palaces descending, which are extremely majestic and majestic.

It was so chilling that my skin and bones were numb.

One after another, the Supremes changed their expressions.

Especially the nine hazy and magnificent palaces at the end.

Even if you close your eyes, you can guess that these must be the strongest group of existences in all eternity.

There may even be legendary "immortals"!
"This guy is simply looking for death."

"If you just break through all the ways, prove the Tao again, and hold the mark of Tianxin, that's all."

"I'm so biased that I actually want to bring Qilin, Blood Phoenix, Xuanwu, and Dragon King together to prove the Tao with a new method!"

"If he succeeds, where will he place the ancient emperors? Even the indescribable Emperor Huang Tian of the ancient era may not be so crazy."

One after another, blazing divine light penetrated the endless void, crossed the vast chaos, and focused on the Thunder Ancient Continent.

There was a Supreme Being who spoke coldly, full of disdain and ridicule.

When they reach a state like theirs, they can perceive the heaven and earth and communicate with all things with just one thought.

Shi Xuan wanted to bring the Ancient Emperor Four Spirits together to innovate the method and prove the great truth, so naturally he couldn't hide it from them.

There has been a saying in ancient times that "there are fifty great avenues and forty-nine heavenly evolutions, and one of them can be escaped".

Now there are 49 supreme palaces descending from the sky, which shows that if you want to innovate the Dharma and prove the Great Way, you must pass through 49 dangerous passes before you can be qualified to seek the escaping glimmer of life.

What's more, Shi Xuan still wants to join hands with the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor to prove the supreme way with a new method. Such a thing has never happened before in ancient history.

It's going to scare people to death.


He opened his mouth and inhaled, and the endless sea of ​​blood and corpses turned into thunder essence. Like a sea flowing across the sea, it submerged into his body, the halberd, the ancient stele, the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, and the Kirin beast beneath him.At this point in the war, the forbidden magical powers of the four spirit ancient emperors who have transformed into warriors and warriors have been approaching perfection and can exert most of the power of the five of them.

This state is terrifying, even if the immortal is in front of him, Shi Xuan can smash his head to pieces with a Sky Monument.


Blazing light shot out.

Shi Xuan and the other five were not given any time to prepare, and endless chaos was illuminated immediately.

The first one, the second one, the third one
The entire nine palaces roared, and the nine majestic figures above were all killed directly.

"Boom! Boom!"

As soon as the war started, it was extremely tragic.

Without showing any mercy, whether it was Shi Xuan, who possessed the power of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, or the nine hazy figures, they went all out and killed with blood splattering millions of miles of chaos.

If you want to use the new method to prove the supreme avenue, you must truly defeat the avenue of sub-dimensional heaven and earth and truly transcend the avenue.

This kind of thing is destined not to be allowed by the Dao of Heaven and Earth. If it challenges the Dao of the past, present and future of this universe, it will naturally be suppressed by the Dao.


at this time.

The blazing waves were vast and destroyed the void.


The rumbling of the tenth to No. 18 palaces continued.

Infinite light erupted, and immediately nine blazing figures rushed out again, killing them.

They are destined to be more terrifying than the nine figures before.


As soon as he came up, Shi Xuan was blasted away by eighteen figures, and the ancient stele and war halberd were almost blown away.

After such a long battle, Shi Xuan's spirit has reached a limit——

But he himself is constantly sublimating, transforming, and getting stronger in these bloody battles. The terrible energy in the world is so heavy that the avenues of heaven and earth seem to be wailing.


Before he could over-absorb the essence of thunder to replenish his body, nine grand palaces roared again.

No.20 The nine palaces rumbled and shone brightly.

Nine more terrifying creatures rushed out and killed Shi Xuan until he was bleeding.


Nine deaths!
The third batch of magnificent palaces passed through the dangers with difficulty.

But there was another roar, and the 28 to 36 palaces on the ground roared again, and nine terrifying figures came up to kill them with dragon and tiger steps.

Some use towers, some use heavenly swords, some use spurge, and some use big cauldrons.

The bloody sky is extremely tragic.

The invincible warriors transformed from various thunders were blasted to pieces, and were swallowed up one after another by the halberd and ancient stele in Shi Xuan's hand.

The supreme immortality shines brightly, the chaotic energy surges, the bright halberd reveals the cold murderous intention, and the emperor's shadow on the thick ancient monument seems to be coming to life.

"This guy"

"Can you really get through?"

The expressions of all the supreme beings in the restricted area changed with surprise.

Whether he wants to admit it or not, the Lord of the Immortal Mountain has really left them far, far away. At this moment, they are no longer his opponents.

"No way, there's no way he can make it through."

"He is too arrogant. Does he really think that he can be invincible by creating a new method?"

"If you try to bring four former ancient emperors together to realize the new method, you are doomed to suffer the consequences!"

Someone is sneering again and again, so cold and ruthless that it seems to freeze everything in the world.

Many restricted area supreme beings were unwilling to see Shi Xuan successfully demonstrate the new method with the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor.

Because this means that the road to immortality will begin in the future, and there will be great changes.

But such a catastrophe is too terrible, far beyond the level of the Supreme, and they cannot intervene.

If he takes action, he is very likely to be involved in this shocking catastrophe.

And with their current state of self-destruction, once they are involved in a catastrophe, they will only have one option: death.

Therefore, many supreme beings are waiting.

Because endless years have passed, what they are best at is waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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