Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 95 is finally completed; 4 spirits worship the Emperor of Heaven

Chapter 95 is finally completed; the four spirits worship the Emperor of Heaven (fourth update, Jie Jie)

At this moment, deep in the chaos, on the Thunder Continent——

No longer are the nine palaces singing in unison,

Instead, from the nine palaces No. 30 to the 49 palaces, they all appeared together, and ancient figures emerged.

The terrifying aura of these last ten palaces is countless times greater than the previous ones.

I saw that among the last ten palaces, there was——

A true dragon hundreds of millions of feet long roared out, a golden ant tore the sky, a true phoenix soared into the sky, a small piece of grass stood in the chaos, and the green leaves swayed, and there were terrifying sword energy cleaning them. out

The battle was so brutal that Shi Xuan almost despaired.

The Blood Phoenix-Xuandi Halberd and Xuanwu-Cangtian Monument in his hands wailed and dimmed. The Blood Phoenix Ancient Emperor and Xuanwu Emperor, who were combined with the halberd and the ancient monument, suffered heavy damage and almost collapsed together with the two soldiers.

The Wanlong Armor on his body was shattered, and the Wanlong Emperor coughed blood in a daze, obviously he was also seriously injured.

The Qilin beast under him had two horns broken off and half of its head was chopped into pieces. It was dripping with blood and its eyes were dim. It seemed that its soul had been severely damaged.

This catastrophe was too difficult and dangerous. In the end, it can be said that each time it was survived by the tenacious will to survive and the joint efforts of Shi Xuan and the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor.

The battle was so brutal that it was unimaginable. Shi Xuan's body, which symbolized immortality, was shattered several times and was almost wiped out by the terrifying ten evil ways.

At the same time, those restricted area supreme beings who were watching were even more shocked.

Some of them are particularly ancient ones, including the gods and ancient emperors from the mythical era and ancient times——

I have already vaguely guessed what the creatures coming out of the last ten palaces represent.

It symbolizes the buried ancient era. The ten most powerful creatures were the most powerful races that once ranked at the top of all living things.

"Even this kind of race has appeared."

"I didn't expect that what was recorded in the inscriptions at the ancient ruins was actually true."

They had some vague impressions that they had found an ancient ruin buried in the void and learned some secrets from it.

Shi Xuan paid an extremely heavy price and was lucky enough to survive the battle with the ten most powerful creatures.

This battle was the most frustrating one for him.

If he can't defeat him or escape, he can only rely on his powerful source of Chaos Holy Spirit to consume the opponent.

Although extremely weak, the terrifying Qi machine shocked the world, causing thousands of qi to rumble, and chaos began to become unstable.

An extremely terrifying power spread out from the depths of chaos. Countless creatures in the vast universe felt it, full of trembling and awe, and kept kneeling and kowtow.

That is the suppression from the level of life.

It is the fear from the soul of the weak towards the strong.

"Hmph, you want to break through? Delusion!"

"The body of the Chaos Holy Spirit is destined to fulfill us."

At this moment, when this catastrophe is about to recede, Shi Xuan has suffered a heavy blow, and has not yet had a golden opportunity to recover——

Those waiting supreme beings in the restricted area seemed to have finally caught a glimpse of the only opportunity they had been waiting for.

However, at this very moment-

However, four tall and majestic figures appeared, guarding Shi Xuan.

Although the Ancient Emperor of the Four Spirits was covered in blood at the moment, and the Ancient Emperor's body was half disabled, the overwhelming Qi that seemed to destroy the world and destroy the world for eternity caused the eight wastelands of the universe to rumble and tremble.

Their Tao and Dharma are constantly sublimating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Everyone, do you think you should take action? At this moment, the Four Emperors are weak and Emperor Xuan is severely injured. This is the best opportunity. If we let them recover, will we still have a share in the road to becoming immortals thousands of years later?"

The Supreme Lord Qitian spoke, feeling all kinds of crises in his heart.

However, with the manifestation of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, several supreme beings were preparing to take action, trying to contain their fluctuations.

"Fellow Taoist Qitian, you can take action. I will definitely give you twelve points of spiritual support."

The Supreme Light and Darkness spoke. "What about you guys?"

Qitian Supreme looked ugly.


Suddenly, a dazzling light flew out from the direction of Beidou, crossed the universe, escaped into the depths of chaos, and came to Shi Xuan and others.

"Congratulations to Emperor Xuan for bringing the Four Emperors to enlightenment with a new method and creating an eternal myth. This is a small thought from me and is not respectful. Please accept it, Emperor Xuan."

An orange stone slightly smaller than a fist floated in front of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, exuding a dazzling light, with vague traces emerging, as if there was a destiny god resurrecting, capable of controlling the rise and fall of the universe.

The Ancient Emperor Si Ling recognized it at a glance. It was the destiny orange gold among the nine immortal golds. It was the rarest immortal gold in ancient times. He had never heard of anyone being able to find it.

Sure enough, the wealth of the Forbidden City Supreme is unimaginable, and he can always come up with some unexpected treasures.

In the restricted area of ​​Xianling, Supreme Qiongxiao looked distressed. This was the divine gold that she had been searching for for more than 1 years, searching all over the universe and collecting it!
Just give it to others.

I regretted pressing the golden thread every year to make wedding clothes for others.

Fortunately, Qiongxiao Supreme was a little relieved when he thought that she had already killed herself, and even if she had the destiny orange gold in her hand, she would not be able to refine it into an imperial weapon.

Watching this scene, countless people were stunned, including the Forbidden Zone Supreme. What happened?
"What a good idea! If there is no grievance or enmity, why should we be enemies?"

In the forbidden area of ​​​​the sky, Emperor Dapeng spoke, as if he was waking up from a dream.

"Congratulations to Emperor Xuan for being the first to create a new method that has never been seen before in the world. He has led the four emperors to use the new method to defy heaven and overcome the tribulation and attain enlightenment. I admire him very much.

This is the ancestor of a dragon vein, which is rare in the world. I will give it to Emperor Xuan today, hoping that Emperor Xuan will soon lead to the road to immortality. "

The Dapeng Emperor felt distressed and took out a piece of dragon vein that he was holding on his chest, and the brilliance shone brightly.

That is not an ordinary dragon vein, but the legendary ancestor of dragon veins, which can assist in cultivation and has some effects on the most powerful people in the Emperor's Domain.

It can also reduce the loss of vitality and turn the soulless land into the world's top paradise.

The Dragon Vein Ancestor flew across the universe and flew in front of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor. His energy alone made many people excited. During this period, more than one person wanted to rob him, but no one dared to do it.

This is given to Emperor Xuan by the Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone. No one dares to reach out, unless they think they have a long life?

When some supreme beings saw this scene, their eyes shone. They had never offended Emperor Xuan. If they could send some gifts, and Emperor Xuan was also from the restricted area at the same time——

Even if Emperor Xuan recovers his wounds and returns in the future, he won't cause trouble for him, right?
Of course, there are some supreme beings who are disdainful of this. After all, these supreme beings once dominated an era and were invincible in heaven and earth.

"This is a Taichu life stone. It is a specialty of Taichu's ancient mine. Please accept it, Emperor Xuan."

"This is a small section of the root of the mother energy of all things..."

"This is half a branch of the ancient tree of elixir of life. It has many wonderful benefits. I sincerely wish Emperor Xuan to create a myth that has never been seen in ancient and modern times. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will visit the Immortal Mountain in person..."



The blazing figure was enveloped by billions of strands of chaotic Holy Spirit energy. The four divine beasts bowed their heads and sat cross-legged for two and a half months.

Rumbling blood energy began to revive, as if it had turned into the most blazing furnace in the world, sweeping the nine heavens and shaking the vast chaos.

"I, Qilin, pay tribute to the supreme Emperor Xuantian!"

"I, the Blood Phoenix, pay tribute to the supreme Emperor Xuantian!"

"I, Xuanwu."


Almost at the same time, the majestic voice like a king's decree spread throughout the world, shaking the past, present and future.

The catastrophe has passed, and the Four Spirit Ancient Emperors are guarding the central Emperor Xuantian, standing in the chaos, overlooking the entire universe.

PS: I'm on a business trip these days, so there will be less updates. I hope you guys will understand.

Please support me, please! !
(End of this chapter)

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