Chapter 96 Beast Milk Baby?

The imperial runes were flying, completely drowning the blazing figure.

In the deep pupils, there are scenes of the collapse of the universe and the creation of the world. After the catastrophe is over——

Shi Xuanku sat for two and a half months and finally stood up.

The unparalleled Qi machine in the world made the stars in the sky tremble and scream.

Endless auspicious colors lingered around him, and four spiritual beasts guarded him, carrying a purple-gold sun on his back, surrounded by one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirit rings——

It exuded an aura of supreme majesty and nobility, like a living immortal king coming to the dust.

With every move of his hand, all spirits will be subdued.

The gleaming ancient stele and war halberd, as well as the billions of strands of divine chains of order intertwined with the Tao, hang beside Shi Xuan, rising and falling.

Immortal radiance is lingering, incandescent, and a touch of the holy radiance of immortality is lingering.

They are transforming, swallowing too many traces of ancient warriors, and melting laws that do not belong to this era. They are destined to be impossible to digest so quickly.

This catastrophe lasted for six months. Even Shi Xuan himself could not remember how many thunder warriors were chopped into pieces and how many enemies were destroyed.

Especially the last supreme palace is really terrifying.

That's right, it was different from what everyone else saw. When Shi Xuan finally reached the top of the great tribulation, what he saw was a fairy palace.

Just like the real world, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the scenery is magnificent, and the first time is spreading its wings.

Under the fairy mist, everything seemed so vivid, and there was a dreamlike feeling, as if I had really entered the fairyland.

Immediately, in Shi Xuan's eyes, there was a figure with his head hanging over the ancient pond and an ancient sword in his hand walking out of the supreme palace. Every step made the earth tremble.


Suddenly, chaos trembled, and the endless sky shook, as if the universe was about to collapse.

In the chaos, mountains, rivers and lakes are manifesting, and inexplicable inscriptions are intertwined, appearing under the feet and above the head of the figure above the chaos.

The inscriptions are intertwined, beating continuously with the veins of heaven and earth,

At this moment, even this boundless chaos seemed to be afraid and trembling.

This is the true majesty of the emperor!
The moment he saw that figure, Shi Xuan's expression changed drastically for the first time, because he seemed to have guessed who the figure was.

The ancient beast Milkman, the founder of the secret method!
But he was puzzled, how could that person appear at this time?
Also appeared in his thunder disaster?
Moreover, the other party seems to have his own consciousness. What is the purpose of this?
Everything was shrouded in fog, making Shi Xuan unable to see clearly.

However, the figure seemed to have walked out of the supreme palace just to take a look at Shi Xuan and had no intention of taking action.

He just looked at Shi Xuan quietly for a long time, and then the figure returned to the supreme palace slowly step by step just like it had appeared before.

All of this happened only in Shi Xuan's eyes. He was the only one who could sense the existence of this supreme palace and see the appearance of that figure.

"Emperor Xuantian"

Somewhere in the unknown void, the old Gai Jiuyou could not stop bleeding and looked towards the depths of the chaos, where the Central Xuan Tian Emperor was guarded by the Four Spirit Ancient Emperors.

At this moment, as Shi Xuan stood up——

The heaven and earth rumbled, all things were awed, and all sentient beings were shocked.

The majestic figure holds a brilliant peerless halberd, a simple and heavy Heaven Monument hangs above his head, carries a purple-gold sun on his back, surrounds one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit rings, stands on the top of Chaos, overlooking the universe.

Exuding an aura of nobility that would make even the most powerful people bow down and worship, without being angry or intimidating.

The four spiritual beasts bowed their heads under him, hovering like a true god of chaos, standing in the eternal blue sky, controlling the ups and downs of the world.

The eight wastelands of the universe and the outer starry sky.

Countless sentient beings were shocked, frightened, and all in awe. They couldn't help but kneel and kowtow towards that figure.

Even the supreme beings dormant in the restricted area were moving and changing their expressions, and couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

Throughout the ages, how many people have dared to speak of the Emperor of Heaven?

Even the Emperor of the Mythical Age did not have this honor!

Throughout the past and present, and in the future, only the Emperor of Desolate Heaven who was rumored to have become an immortal in the ancient era of chaos could be named Emperor of Heaven.

However, now, there is a person who walked out of the Immortal Mountain, one of the seven restricted areas of Beidou, and transformed into an unprecedented Chaos Holy Spirit.

Later, he pioneered new methods, led the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor to prove the Tao with new methods, and created an eternal myth.

They really want to say "arrogant!"
But when he saw the figure standing in the depths of chaos, he could only remain silent.

Because that figure was truly so powerful that it was beyond the realm of the emperor and the emperor.

No one knows how powerful the Lord of the Immortal Mountain is at this moment. I am afraid that even in front of an immortal, that's all!
At this moment, countless sentient beings in the vast universe calmed down.

The hibernating Forbidden Zone Supremes all fell silent and became silent.

Especially those supreme beings in the restricted area who did not send gifts at the end of the catastrophe, are trying their best to restrain their existence.

This Emperor Xuantian completely beheaded his old body and returned again, even becoming extremely powerful.

The supreme beings in the forbidden area were afraid that their thoughts would change, and they thought of destroying the forbidden area.

Because as he once again attained enlightenment, no one knew whether Emperor Xuantian had once again become the emperor who protected all spirits.

"Praise to the supreme Emperor Xuan Tian!"

Liuhe and Bahuang, all the spirits in the universe.

They all kowtow devoutly, pray and worship.

More and more people hope in their hearts that this supreme Xuan Tian Emperor, who has never been seen before, transcends the ancient and modern emperors, and is comparable to the ancient Huang Tian Emperor, can protect the universe and guard all souls.

No matter what happened before!

Known as the greatest source of darkness in ancient and modern times, the Lord of the Immortal Mountain is no longer the previous Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone who cut himself off, but an unprecedented unparalleled Emperor.

In this world, strength means everything.

And as long as the supreme Emperor Xuantian lives for one day, it means that the desperate dark catastrophe will never happen.

As for whether the so-called Forbidden Darkness Supreme in the past and the supreme Xuantian Emperor in the future will devour all souls, they don't care.

Because that will happen at least tens of thousands of years later. Each generation has its own life, and that has nothing to do with them.

Deep in chaos.

The blood-stained figure of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor stood tall.

The white bones and bloody wounds were shocking.

Shi Xuanku sat there for two and a half months——

In the past two and a half months, the Ancient Emperor Si Ling did not dare to relax for a moment and stayed by Shi Xuan's side.

Therefore, their injuries not only have not recovered, but are getting worse.


Lines of sacred fairy mist flowed from Shi Xuan's body and enveloped the body of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor. Billions of chaotic holy spirit paths intertwined and gathered into a divine cocoon.

The fairy light is lingering, and the incandescent light rains down, which is very peaceful and holy.

With the help of Shi Xuan, the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor began to transform.

The four spirits guarded the Emperor of Heaven and created a new path in this universe with a new method——

Therefore, the current Four Spirits Ancient Emperor can be regarded as getting rid of the self-destruction secret realm method, and using the new method to achieve his new Dao Fruit.

At this moment, with Shi Xuan's help, the extremely exaggerated injuries on the Four Spirit Ancient Emperor's body were healing at an astonishing speed.

These injuries may seem exaggerated, but they are nothing compared to the injuries Shi Xuan suffered after experiencing the catastrophe.

After a stick of incense—

At the top of the starry sky in the universe, four divine beasts' dharma bodies stand guarding the supreme dharma body of the Emperor of Heaven standing above the heaven and earth.

At this moment, the entire universe, whether practitioners or ordinary people, all felt the unparalleled and despairing oppression of the great road.

(End of this chapter)

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