Chapter 97 How to live forever?
In this universe, which has been worthy of being called this for eternity, the most powerful Emperor Xuantian for several epochs is suppressed by the terrifying avenue of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor——

It can be predicted that for at least tens of thousands of years in the future, no matter what major events happen or what kind of heaven-defying people appear, it will be impossible to attain enlightenment and become an emperor and take charge of the Seal of Heaven's Heart.

The Holy Light paved the way, and the Four Spirit Ancient Emperors guarded the Central Xuantian Emperor. They no longer stayed in the depths of chaos, but stepped out and returned to the universe.

A supreme power radiated from the bodies of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor and Xuan Tian Emperor, and all the Dao Qi were surging, and all the Dao people were crawling around them, trembling, and were impressed by their grace.

The supreme Xuantian Emperor's Dao governs the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor's Dao, spreading to the entire universe.

For nine days and ten places, countless practitioners fell silent.

Unprecedentedly, a supreme emperor came to the world to rule four ancient emperors. This is completely a myth.

This is an eternal myth that even the emperors of the Mythical Age can’t match—

Because Emperor Zun asked the supreme being in the restricted area to come out and refine the nine-turn elixir to extend his peak emperor's life, it was possible to achieve the coexistence of several emperors.

"Are we witnessing history?"

"An unprecedented myth will be opened up."

In the vast universe, countless sentient beings are trembling, kowtowing, and no longer dare to look directly at the five supreme figures.

Shi Xuan carries a purple-gold sun on his back, surrounded by one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirit rings, and two supreme warriors rise and fall around him, cheering.

The Ancient Emperor of Four Spirits stood guard around him, driving the nine-layer bridge of heaven and earth, and arrived at the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou.


Countless sentient beings are staring at the five supreme figures.

This is the era with the greatest hope of completely eradicating the forbidden zone, the source of disaster in the universe.

The supreme Xuantian Emperor commanded the Four Spirit Ancient Emperors to dominate the world, enough to destroy all obstacles in the way.

The Supreme Being in the restricted area was also shocked. What does Emperor Xuantian, the Lord of the Immortal Mountain who was once one of the greatest sources of darkness, want to do?
Could it be that after he regained the Dao Fruit of the Emperor and the Emperor, he really had to abandon everything before and start a war with the restricted area?

At this moment, even the many supreme beings who had given gifts before began to feel drummed in their hearts——

Logically speaking, if you use money to do things, you have already accepted the gifts, why are you still causing trouble for us! ?

What's more, we were all members of the restricted area, and we were all the supreme beings in the restricted area, so there's no need to be so ruthless!
"Emperor Xuantian!"

"Do you want to level the penalty area?"

Beidou East Wasteland, deep in the dark forbidden area, there are taboos that make people extremely vigilant and full of fear.

He hesitated for a moment, but finally called him Emperor of Heaven. This was not a shame.

This Emperor Xuantian created a new method on his own, and now he has used the new method to prove the Tao with the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, and has passed through many death catastrophes. It can be said that in the shocking catastrophe of ten deaths and no life, he has absolutely The power of it has overcome all disasters——

After finding that glimmer of hope, his strength indeed surpassed all the emperors and emperors in ancient and modern times, and was comparable to the Huang Tian Emperor who was rumored to be the only immortal in the ancient era.

Everyone in the universe is paying attention to this scene.

The supreme beings in the restricted areas are all on guard, because no one can know what choice the supreme Emperor Xuantian will make.

To find back the part of myself that was once cut off and to return to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven who protects all souls?

Or is he the Lord of the Forbidden Mountain of Immortality who only cares about becoming an immortal and does not care about worldly matters?

"This emperor has no interest in killing himself!"

Shi Xuan looked indifferent and said in a calm tone.

He doesn't care about the Forbidden Zone Supreme, nor does he care about all the spirits in the universe, nor does he care about his identity as the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, one of the greatest sources of darkness in ancient and modern times.

In this world where people eat people, strength is eternal.

In this world, the so-called right and wrong are all ridiculous and false.

When you are truly powerless, you will understand that it is not that you do not choose, but that you are not qualified to choose.

And this is the sorrow of the weak. Let alone right or wrong, they can't even decide whether they will live or die.

"This emperor is still short of a piece of destiny orange gold."

The words that were almost commands echoed in the sky above Beidou, making countless sentient beings dizzy, and even made some supreme beings in the restricted area feel dissatisfied.

But after all, he didn't say anything. Even before he attained enlightenment, he was able to survive the Heavenly Punishment of Creation and walk through the Immortal Killing Platform, and he was able to kill three flawless ancient emperors with his own strength——

Now, with the Ancient Emperor of Four Spirits, he is using a new method to prove the Tao. The power of this Emperor Xuantian is so terrifying that even the supreme beings in the restricted area have no choice but to give in.

Moreover, as one of the biggest sources of darkness in ancient and modern times, the opponent may not necessarily stand on the opposite side of the Forbidden Zone Supremes.After a long silence, a fist-sized piece of destiny orange gold flew out from the Xianling restricted area, one of the seven restricted areas.

Shi Xuan's eyes went through the void and saw deep in the restricted area of ​​the Immortal Mausoleum. There was a human-sized piece of Immortal Source. It was red as blood and covered with runes, like divine gold.

An old figure was sealed within the Immortal Source. Although he was awake, his eyes were closed tightly and he barely showed any breath.

"The Immortal Lord."

On this old figure, Shi Xuan can feel the power of ancient years.

The opponent can be regarded as the oldest existence in the restricted area. It spans several eras. From lying dead in the mythical era to now, he is definitely one of the most viable old guys in this universe.

At the same time, like Shi Xuan, he has initiated countless dark turmoils, and can be said to be another largest source of darkness in ancient and modern times.

Therefore, as the oldest existence, it is normal to have such a piece of destiny orange gold.

In addition to the slightly smaller piece of destiny orange gold presented by the Forbidden Zone Supreme during the previous tribulation.

At this point, the task of gathering the nine immortal golds to forge the supreme halberd has been successfully completed.

"How difficult is it to live forever?"

Shi Xuan's eyes were deep and he stood with his hands behind his back.

Overlooking the various restricted areas in the Beidou East Wasteland, his final gaze swept over the most special ancient restricted area in the restricted area, and his eyes met a confused and peerless figure for a moment.

Throughout the ages, countless emperors and emperors have been pursuing immortality, and for this reason, they have not hesitated to cut off all the glory of the past and escape into the restricted area.

And the ruthless man in the ancient restricted area clearly didn't care about immortality, but he went further on the road to immortality.

Even though her current state is a bit weird, she has been surviving forever by relying on her own strength.

At this point, Shi Xuan admitted that he was not as good as this ruthless man.

He has now proven the Tao with a new method. In terms of combat power alone, even if an immortal faces him, he is confident that he can twist off the opponent's head.

But in the end he still couldn't live forever.

Immortality not only refers to powerful combat power, but more importantly, it refers to the leap in life level.

It is a higher-level life form that is beyond the realm of humanity.

At this moment, even the towering Emperor Xuan Tian was confused——

What should be regarded as an immortal?Why live forever?
Nine worlds of mortals?Or should we say nine reincarnations?

Living life after life is the path to immortality for Milkman.

But is that really his path to immortality?
He is silent!

"Praise to His Majesty the Supreme Emperor of Heaven!"

At this moment, the quasi-emperor Gong Yangchen who was originally in Ziwei Star Territory came to Beidou and kowtowed with great respect.

His old face turned red, his voice trembled, and he felt extremely proud.

His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor has surpassed the emperors of ancient and modern times, even the emperors of the mythical era are often inferior. Such a supreme existence——

In the future, I am afraid that I will really be able to follow in the footsteps of the Ancient Emperor of Heaven and achieve the supreme immortal status.

Thousands of years ago, His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor took back his Supreme Halberd, but still gave him an Imperial Bell as the foundation for the Tianji Sect to develop and grow.

In addition, Tianji Sect is a force under the name of the supreme Emperor Xuantian, so even the Supreme Emperor of the restricted area will not embarrass Tianji Sect.

Therefore, Gong Yangchen decisively decided to leave Tianji Sect. From then on, he followed his own Heavenly Emperor with peace of mind.

"Get up."

Shi Xuan nodded slightly.

Although he has a cold temperament and is ruthless and decisive, if necessary, he will not hesitate to hunt down creatures even if they have not offended him at all.

But under normal circumstances, he still remembers his loyal subordinates in his heart.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Gongyang Chen stood up with a joyful expression on his face, and then bowed his body to follow after bowing to the Ancient Emperor Si Ling again with great respect.

He is self-aware that he, an ant-like quasi-emperor, is not qualified to wait by the Emperor of Heaven, because that is the position of the Ancient Emperor of the Four Spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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