Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 101 Great harvest!The Shape Changing Technique in the Xuanyin Sutra!

Chapter 101 Great harvest!The Shape Changing Technique in the Xuanyin Sutra! (Please subscribe)
In the Upside Down Five Elements Formation, Lu Tiandu suddenly appeared next to a blood jade spider, raised his fist containing huge power and hit the shell of the spider hard.


There was a loud noise, and the spider was blown away far away. The five-color light curtain flashed, and was moved to another direction again due to the large formation.

The attacked female spider's eyes flashed with ferocious light, she opened her mouth suddenly, and sprayed a stream of white liquid directly towards Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and with a flash of light under his feet, he disappeared without a trace.

This spider has sprayed its web several times, but unfortunately it has not trapped Lu Tiandu once.

As for its sharp fangs and claws that usually kill enemies wantonly, they are useless.

On the other side, the already weak female spider quickly became violent under the mixed attack of the golden thunder tiger and the white jade poisonous dragon. Her crystal white body gradually turned red, emitting blood-red rays of light.

The fangs in its mouth were grinding continuously, and a "chacha" sound was heard. The crazy blood jade spider jumped suddenly, more than twice as fast as before, opened its sharp claws, and fired towards the golden thunder. Tiger.

There was another "boom" explosion, and the violent female spider was blown away by the thunder ball ejected by the golden thunder tiger. The shell of the spider flashed with blood, and she stopped moving...

The jade dragon on the other side was also unambiguous. Although he had just advanced to the second level, his combat power was not weak. He opened his mouth and sprayed a jet of black water as thick as a bowl at the female spider who had just stabilized her body.

Although part of this highly corrosive venom was avoided, half of the bloody spider's body was still stained. The sound of "Zila~Zila" came from the shell of the female spider.

However, the true energy of this level four spider monster was extremely strong, and soon the true energy covered the injured area, and with its hard shell, it continued to fight with a tiger and a dragon...

On the other side, under the impact of Lu Tiandu's fists of four to five thousand kilograms, the male spider was quickly aroused. While it screamed, its shell turned red and radiated blood-red light.

"it is good!"

Lu Tiandu was overjoyed. These two blood jade spiders finally began to go crazy. Although it was difficult for them to break through the madness as long as they had enough real energy, their real energy would also be consumed quickly.

As long as their true energy is consumed, they will be at their weakest, and then it will be easy to conquer them!


The sound of collision sounded again in the formation, and one man and four demons continued the unfinished battle...

Fortunately, there was a large formation to isolate them, otherwise this earth-shattering battle would have alarmed other people in the mine.

At this time, Lu Tiandu no longer conserved his strength. The moment he activated his silver gloves, his fists emitting silver light struck the bloody spider shell again...

This time it only took a moment for the incense to be burned, and the bloody light on the two bloody spiders dissipated visibly to the naked eye.

Its previously indestructible shell gradually appeared with pitted scars. It was obvious that this demonic beast had run out of its true energy and could no longer use its true energy to cover its entire body to resist the attack.

After a while, the two dying bloody spiders began to run around desperately, still looking for the last way to survive.

Unfortunately, they still cannot escape the siege of the formation.

When the last bit of true energy of the two spider beasts was exhausted, they could only shrink into a ball and had no power to fight back.

He took out two spirit beast cards again, and after absorbing the blood essence from the eyebrows of the two blood jade spiders, and then absorbed a trace of the essence from each of the two spiders, Lu Tian finally subdued these two level four monsters.

In this way, these two level four monsters have become his strongest monster support at present!
Taking one step forward, Lu Tiandu appeared next to the teleportation array.

He slightly stretched out his right hand and grabbed it. The floating five-color skeleton held the blue token in his hand, and was grabbed by Lu Tiandu's big cyan hand transformed by mana.

After seeing that there was nothing unusual, Lu Tiandu personally took out the Great Movement Token and looked through it.

This blue token has soft but hard tentacles. It is not made of any metal. It seems to be made of some kind of wood. It radiates a faint glistening light. Judging from the simple patterns and the ancient characters engraved on it, it is obviously a Ancient things.

Lu Tiandu knew that it could be used as long as mana was injected during teleportation. After playing with it, he stopped looking at it and put it away.

With a flick of his finger, a fireball shot onto the dazzling colorful corpse. After a few breaths, eight colorful beads appeared.

Lu Tiandu put away these eight Heaven-Building Pills. These things should be condensed from the power of the Heaven-Building Pills that have not yet been refined.

It's a pity that his qualifications are not suitable for this thing.

This thing is most effective for refining the spiritual roots of the three and four spiritual roots. The two spiritual roots are probably useless. In the original plot, Han Li Jindan spent decades refining and his qualifications are similar to those of the three spiritual roots.

However, there was no change after taking the Yi Ling Gen or Tian Ling Gen Man Beard, which shows that this thing also has its limits.

Otherwise, if the ancient monks had simply refined more of these sky-repairing pills, the human race would have swept across the Chaotic Star Sea and other regions.

The worst of my digital beauties is also the three spiritual roots. As long as there are enough elixirs, golden elixirs are not a problem.Coupled with the effect of Yin Yang Fruit, Nascent Soul and Transformation God are expected to have no need of this thing.

The most important difference in spiritual roots affects the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy before transforming into a god. After transforming into a god, advanced refining requires the unification of the five elements.

Perhaps only Han Li, who has four spiritual roots, needs the Heaven-Building Pill the most!

From these Tian-Building Pills, we can also infer that Ji Xuan must have entered the Xutian Palace and obtained a Tian-Building Pill.Unfortunately, the Heaven-Building Pill is not a holy medicine that can heal injuries. Ji Xuan, who was seriously injured, eventually died on the spot, leaving the power of the Heaven-Building Pill in his body.

After putting away the two blood jade spider eggs, Lu Tiandu searched nearby again. Unfortunately, there were a lot of cobwebs spewed out by the blood jade spiders nearby, but Lu Tiandu never found the dazzling storage bag and spirit. Beast bag.

This is naturally impossible!

Lu Tiandu estimated that Ji Xuan had buried these things nearby. This was a common practice for many injured monks.

Therefore, when Lu Tiandu ordered the two blood jade spiders who were familiar with this place to look for the storage bag, he did not expect a scene that surprised him!

The male spider opened his mouth and spat out a white round ball. After Lu Tiandu opened the layers of spider webs in confusion, he discovered that what was wrapped inside turned out to be a high-end storage bag and a Advanced spirit beast bag.

"Sure enough, none of these old monsters are simple-minded!"

Looking at the two bags in his hands, Lu Tiandu laughed.

His luck is really good. If in a few years this male spider leaves this place or is killed due to hunting or other reasons, he will never get the dazzling storage bag.

This trip was a success. Lu Tiandu was not in a hurry to copy the teleportation array and collect the scattered spider webs here. Instead, he opened the dazzling storage bag and checked it out.

Lu Tiandu was surprised when he discovered several spiritual stones with stronger spiritual power than the intermediate spiritual stones.

Holding these eight or nine spiritual stones in his hands, he looked at the spiritual stone grooves around the teleportation array. In the original plot, Han Li only used a few mid-level spiritual stones to activate the teleportation array and transfer energy. In the end, everyone was exhausted. Knowing that, he understood the purpose of these high-level spiritual stones.

These are high-level spiritual stones that Ji Xuan specially collected to activate this ancient teleportation array.

Moreover, Lu Tiandu has also asked Xin Ruyin about the teleportation array over the years, knowing that it is impossible to complete cross-continental teleportation with these high-level spiritual stones alone. This is also the main reason why this teleportation array is built under the spirit stone veins. .

On the one hand, the energy consumption of teleportation is on the one hand, and on the other hand, there is the problem of teleportation coordinates. Otherwise, Lu Tiandu would really want to move the teleportation array directly.

It's a pity that the ultra-long-distance cross-continental transmission technology in the human world still exists. We will have to search for it in the Chaos Star Sea in the future.

After all, the current teleportation array in Tiannan is only about a hundred miles away at most, and the teleportation array at Yuelu Palace in Yellow Maple Valley is only about ten miles away.

In addition to several high-level spiritual stones, other mid-level spiritual stones also cost about 200 yuan, and low-level spiritual stones cost hundreds of dollars.

Looking at these spiritual stones, Lu Tiandu was naturally very satisfied.Naturally, the high-level spiritual stones are reserved for use in the teleportation array, and the mid- to low-level spiritual stones can greatly enrich his inventory of spiritual stones.

When he was practicing dual cultivation with Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei before, he spent another fifteen thousand spirit stones to generate a Yin Yang Fruit, resulting in his reserve of less than two thousand spirit stones.

I had originally thought of selling a few Foundation Establishment Pills and Dingyan Pills in exchange for spiritual stones in the near future, but I decided not to do so for the time being.

In addition to these spiritual stones, which totaled nearly 12, Lu Tiandu was surprised that he also found two intact magic weapons, a fan and a copper coin.

Several other damaged magic weapons were damaged when Ji Xuan was fighting with others.There are dozens of other magical artifacts of various colors, including several top-grade and rare top-grade magical artifacts.

When he opened several jade boxes, he was not surprised at all that there were demon pills of at least level [-] inside. After all, the Chaotic Star Sea Golden Pill monk who had lived for hundreds of years would not have been surprised if there were not a few demon pills in his storage bag. Weird.

After doing the math, there are ten level five demon pills and two level six demon pills.

The others are several bottles of elixirs suitable for the golden elixir stage, a lot of monster materials, and several jade slips.

Some of these jade slips were obtained by Ji Xuan from killing people and grabbing treasures, and some were his own, with various skills recorded on them.

When Lu Tiandu found the "Xuan Yin Sutra", a famous technique in Chaos Xinghai, in one of the jade slips, he was very happy.

This technique is very complex. After a cursory look, Lu Tiandu found that some of the secret techniques were similar to the "Tianyin Juesha Technique" he had obtained before. This suddenly made him overthrow that the Xuanyin Sutra was a mysterious bone. The possibilities created.

After all, Tianyin Juesha Kung Fu is an authentic ancient technique, even though he only got fragments of it!
According to his guess, there is a high probability that Xuan Gu has also been inherited by an ancient skill, and finally changed its name and appeared in the form of "Xuan Yin Sutra". It gained such a great reputation that people only knew that Xuanyin Sutra came from Xuan Gu.

Because he remembered that later Xuan Gu practiced the Shura Sacred Fire half-heartedly, which made Han Li shrink back. This magical power was several times more powerful than the extremely Yin Tiandu Corpse Fire and the Dry Blue Ice Flame, and it was difficult for anyone to rival him in the human world.

But there is no record of this magical power in this jade slip!
Obviously, Xuan Gu only passed down some of the skills to Ji Xuan, and even the magical power of Tiandu Corpse Fire in Ji Yin City was not recorded in this jade slip.

However, there are also many useful skills and secret techniques in this jade slip, such as the Black Evil Shura Kung Fu, the Evil Demon Technique, Blood Refining Divine Light, Evil Pill Technique, External Incarnation, Blood Spirit Diamond, Shape Changing Technique, and Yin Demon Slash, Soul Leaving Technique, Yin Fire Thunder, etc.

As for these demonic techniques, Lu Tiandu was not very interested, but some of them were worth practicing.

For example, the soul-suppressing seal in the Tianyin Juesha Gong he had previously practiced had played a significant role.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu fell in love with the secret art of shape-changing!

This secret technique can not only lengthen and shorten various parts of the body at will, but also control muscle relaxation and instantly change the color of the skin. It is definitely the most top-notch makeover technique.

The only drawback of this secret technique is that once it is used, only [-]% of the whole body's magic power can be used.Once more than [-]% of the mana is used to fight with someone, the miraculous effect of the "Shape Changing Technique" will disappear and the person will return to his original appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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