Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 102 Nie Ying falls in love!The girls share the treasure!

Chapter 102 Nie Ying falls in love!The girls share the treasure! (Please subscribe)

Holding the jade slip in his hand, Lu Tiandu savored the secret art of shape-changing art. This secret art can still play a big role if used properly.

Moreover, some of the physical requirements of this secret art of changing body shapes can be easily met by him who has reached the second level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill.

As for the fact that he could only use [-]% of his magic power, it had no effect on Lu Tiandu. He already had strong true energy, and even [-]% of it was far superior to the average early-stage foundation-building monk.

Lu Tiandu plans to practice this secret skill in the near future. This secret skill is really one of the necessary skills for traveling as a monk, killing people and setting fires.

In particular, his overall strength is basically invincible in the foundation stage. If he is too outstanding, it will easily provoke attacks from the golden elixir stage.

After looking through several other techniques, Lu Tiandu became interested in the creation of the Yin Fire Thunder.

The name of this Yin Fire Thunder sounds ordinary and there is nothing special about it, but in fact, this object is an existence that is no less than Tiandu Corpse Fire in the Xuanyin Sutra.

Moreover, it is not a magic secret technique, but a secret method for refining thunder beads. It is the same kind of treasure as Tian Leizi, which Lu Tian still has one left.

Tianleizi can only threaten monks in the foundation building stage and Qi refining stage.But this Yinhuo Lei is different.

According to the Xuanyin Sutra, once the Yin Fire Thunder is successfully refined, it will be incredibly powerful. In terms of destructive power alone, it is even more powerful than the Tiandu Corpse Fire, and can cause damage to Yuanying Stage monks. .

The principle is to suppress a large amount of Xuanyin's pure Yin Fire into a ball, then mix in some thunder and lightning power, plus some other materials, and use some special means to solidify and stabilize it.

Once it is sacrificed to the enemy, it can trigger the Yin fire and lightning inside it at the same time, and then burst and hurt people.

It's a pity that thunder beads are one-time consumables. Not only are there many restrictions, but also the refining is troublesome, and it is extremely difficult to succeed. Only monks who can manipulate the spiritual power of the thunder attribute can be refined.

So let alone extremely yin and extremely dazzling, even Master Xuan Gu has never refined such things.

Lu Tiandu was very interested in this.

When Luan Xinghai got the rhizome of the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, it was very simple for him to ward off the five-element true thunder of the evil-dispelling divine thunder. Coupled with his hidden thunder spirit root, he only needed to practice a little thunder attribute magic to make This kind of Yin Fire Thunder is not difficult.

After sorting the various items obtained from the extremely cool storage bags into different categories, Lu Tiandu had now completed the task perfectly.

After copying the information of the teleportation array, Lu Tiandu took out the nine array disks and eighteen-pole array flags that he had buried before. After re-arranging the inverted five-element array around the ancient teleportation array, Lu Tiandu He put away the four spirit beasts and began to collect the spider webs scattered around.

Although this formation is currently only [-]% as powerful as the original version, Lu Tiandu is very confident that as long as the spiritual stones are not exhausted, there will be no problem at all in trapping the monks in the middle stage of the pill formation.

In the original plot, Han Li's [-]% powerful inverted five-element formation made Lei Wanhe in the middle stage of forming a pill feel that it would take a lot of effort to break it, and Lei Wanhe is a Leilinggen monk with top-notch attack power, which is better than ordinary mid-stage formation. Much stronger!

This shows how powerful this inverted five-element formation known as the "Little Forbidden Formation" is!
After gathering up the cobwebs, Lu Tiandu activated the Five Elements Inversion Formation. After checking that there was nothing strange around him, he slipped into the world of stone beads.

It was still early this time, and I had newly acquired the shape-changing technique, so I just needed to practice it first.

Returning to the third floor of Lingkong Tower, Lu Tiandu threw two blood jade spider eggs into the spring of spiritual eyes to let them absorb the spiritual energy and evolve.

At this time, he had a pair of level four blood jade spiders, and he was bound to get them during the trip to Xutian Palace, so he had little interest in these spider eggs.

After feeding several more spiritual beasts, Lu Tiandu entered the state of cultivation.

At present, there is no progress in the second level of Dayan Jue, and Lu Tiandu's spiritual consciousness is sufficient, so it takes relatively little time to practice.

Last time I went to Spirit Beast Mountain to refine thirty level two Qi and Blood Pills, and there are still more than 20 more.

In this way, he mainly practiced the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Art during the day, and refined the Heqi Pill and Qi at night. After training, he practiced the newly acquired Shape-Changing Art, raised spiritual beasts, and had a full daily schedule for practice.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and Lu Tiandu suddenly appeared in the upside-down Five Elements Formation.

After checking and finding nothing unusual, he felt relieved.

When leaving the mine, Lu Tiandu punched a few times at will, and the entrance to the stalactite cave collapsed in an instant.

There was a flash of light under his feet, and Lu Tiandu punched randomly at the entrances of several nearby caves. However, a large area collapsed in a moment. Along the way, Lu Tiandu destroyed several abandoned mines.

As a result, no one except Lu Tiandu knew about the hidden ancient teleportation array.

There was so much commotion that Lu Tiandu hid in the dark and waited for a while before the old man Yu Xing came to investigate with several Qi Refining Stage disciples.

After a brief inspection of the collapse of the abandoned mine, a few people left without any intention of delving further.

After waiting for another two days and finding nothing unusual, Lu Tiandu finally left.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu returned to the Lu family.

"My husband is back!"

As soon as they saw Lu Tiandu returning, the three girls beamed with joy, and the "husband" they spoke of was extremely affectionate.

Lu Tiandu smiled and gave San Shu a hug, and then he was surprised to find that Nie Ying was also here.

What he didn't realize was that when the three women called her husband in unison, Nie Ying's eyes were full of envy.During the next chat, Nie Ying even matched up with sisters Chen Qiaoqian and Xin Ruyin Xiaomei, which made Lu Tiandu feel a little moved.

This trip went extremely smoothly, and naturally it was due to Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei's contribution. Lu Tian was ready to give away many good things that he had no use for and was unwilling to sell to the girls. While giving away the girls' strength, it was also regarded as one of his own. My thoughts.

Seeing Nie Ying's attitude, he actually understood that Nie Ying must have made some kind of decision during the nearly two months since he traveled.

During the chat, Junior Sister Chen talked about the questions that her new master, Hui Ming, asked her to ask Lu Tiandu. Lu Tiandu had been building the foundation for a year and had not yet become a master. Huiming wanted to accept him as a disciple and wanted to ask him what he meant. .

This Uncle Huiming is the sixth cultivator among the eight golden elixirs in Huang Maple Valley, ranking before Master Chen and Li Huayuan. She is also the only female golden elixir cultivator in Huang Maple Valley.

It's a pity that Lu Tian didn't have any intention of becoming a disciple, so Junior Sister Chen declined the offer.

Nie Ying also formally worshiped Lei Wanhe as her disciple after establishing the foundation. Lei Wanhe had a lot of friendship with the Nie family and was very powerful, so it was reasonable.

After the five people chatted for a while, Chen Qiaoqian and the three girls looked at each other and each found a way to leave, leaving Lu Tiandu and Nie Ying alone.

Seeing the rising red clouds on Nie Ying's pretty face and the blush on her slender neck, Lu Tian understood what the women were thinking. He smiled knowingly and took the initiative to put his arms around the beauty's slender waist.

Nie Ying's delicate body trembled, but she did not refuse. She lowered her head and looked extremely charming.

Lu Tiandu still didn't understand this situation. He ran a hand through the beauty's waist-length silky black hair and said softly:
"Junior Sister Nie!"


As soon as these two words came out, Nie Ying was immediately embarrassed. She wrung her slender hands together and her face turned red. Unexpectedly, she suddenly shouted out the title she was thinking of and hurriedly changed her words:
"Brother... I..."

"Ying'er, I like this title very much!"

Lu Tiandu said with bright eyes.It is really a great sense of achievement for such a beautiful woman to take the initiative to call her husband.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Nie Ying raised her head in surprise, her eyes were shining, her beautiful face was as red as fire, she bit her plump red lips and said a little shyly:



Seeing Nie Ying's seductive gesture, Lu Tiandu couldn't hold back any longer. He lowered his head and kissed the beauty in his arms.

At this moment, Nie Ying's innocent and charming eyes were shyly closed, her long black eyelashes tightly covered her pair of quivering water-cut autumn eyes, and her fair and delicate jade neck was straight, full of anticipation.

Suddenly, she felt a heat on her lips, and her plump lips were wrapped...

The two of them stuck together instantly, and Lu Tiandu's neck was quickly wrapped around Lu Tiandu's neck like a snake...

After a long time, the two people in messy clothes hugged each other and talked about love!

At this moment, Nie Ying's beautiful face was stained with thrilling shame and charm, and her eyes were full of water, which made Lu Tian even feel overwhelmed!
Unexpectedly, Fairy Nie, who was usually dignified and noble like a fairy, would be so passionate when she was moved, Lu Tian was almost set on fire!
Unfortunately, although both of them had the intention of having good things come in pairs, Nie Ying happened to be practicing a secret skill at this time and needed to leave her Yuan Yin body behind.

However, as if she felt some kind of "urgency" from Lu Tiandu, Nie Ying shyly stated that she would master the secret technique as soon as possible, and then she and Lu Tiandu would jointly comprehend the Yin-Yang Avenue.

Lu Tiandu chuckled, naturally he would not refuse!

After a while, Nie Ying realized that she and Lu Tiandu had been alone for a long time. She hurriedly jumped out of Lu Tiandu's arms, gave Lu Tiandu a charming look, and then hid behind the screen and straightened her clothes.

After seeing Nie Ying, who still had some red glow on her face, walking out the door with brisk steps, Lu Tiandu smiled, poured a cup of tea, and sipped it carefully...

A quarter of an hour later, the four girls arrived together.

Although the beautiful eyes of the three women all had profound expressions, Lu Tian remained calm and his face remained unchanged. His gentle eyes swept over the beautiful faces of the four women one by one, and then he smiled and said:

"My husband went on a long trip this time and got a lot of treasures. It just so happens that you are all here. Each of you can choose a few to keep for self-defense..."

Hearing Lu Tiandu's self-promotion, all the girls looked at each other. Nie Ying blushed and looked at Lu Tiandu angrily, but everyone could see the joy in her beautiful eyes.

Until this moment, Nie Ying finally felt that she had integrated into this big family!

Seeing the curious eyes of the girls, Lu Tiandu flicked his hand, and a dozen magical weapons shining with various lights suddenly appeared on the table.


After several female consciousnesses scanned these dozen magical weapons of various forms, their faces were all filled with shock.

In fact, among the dozen or so magical artifacts, there are seven top-grade magical artifacts, five rare magical artifacts, including the Huangluo Umbrella obtained from Feng Yue, and the remaining three exquisite top-grade magical artifacts are no less powerful than the rare magical artifacts.

Except for the Huang Luo Umbrella, here are all the Jindan cultivators' dazzling collections, so naturally they are not much different!A rough calculation shows that these magic weapons are worth at least tens of thousands!
Moreover, if you have spiritual stones in Yue State, you may not be able to buy them!

(End of this chapter)

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