Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 103 Spiritual beasts are released!Juling wine!The red whisk calls!

Chapter 103 Spiritual beasts are released!Juling wine!The red whisk calls! (Please subscribe)
"Did your husband rob someone's treasure pavilion? There are so many top-level magic weapons that are rarely seen in the outside world?" Chen Qiaoqian opened her beautiful eyes wide and said in surprise.

"If Qian'er likes robbery, I'll take you with me next time!"

Lu Tiandu laughed and said, "But these are all collected by a monk who is at least in the middle stage of Jindan! Oh, except for Feng Yue's Huang Luo Umbrella, all other sources are legitimate!"

When the three girls heard that Lu Tian wanted to take Chen Qiaoqian to rob them, they immediately covered their mouths and chuckled.Junior Sister Chen snorted, but looked eager to try.

"Golden elixir monks probably don't have such a large collection of top-quality items!" Nie Ying also shook her head, the surprise in her tone not dissipating.

She and Chen Qiaoqian were both family monks, so they were well-informed and naturally had extraordinary vision.

"Of course, this person is not an ordinary Jindan monk!"

Lu Tian didn't say much. There were many people in Tiannan and resources were scarce. Even the golden elixir cultivators probably didn't have many good things.

But the Chaos Star Sea is different. Although there are fewer mineral veins on the road, the ocean is vast and there are monsters everywhere. There is no shortage of materials for third- and fourth-level monsters to refine the best magic weapons.

These collections in the hands of Jindan monks are nothing.

"My husband always brings us surprises!" Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei said with smiles.

Although the two of them had not come into contact with many such things, they also knew that these things were of great value. Seeing Lu Tiandu's handiwork at this moment, and thinking of the surprises that Lu Tiandu had brought to her and her in the past, Lu Tiandu felt a pang for her in her heart. This husband is naturally confident.

"Choose! None of these are of any use to me!" Lu Tiandu waved his hand, looking arrogant.

This scene made all the girls laugh.

However, Lu Tian was not lying. More than half of the dozen or so magic weapons he usually used were top-grade magic weapons, and the rest were either rare or fine-grade top-grade magic weapons. Now the weakest ones are the outside world. A rare high-quality wind-attribute flying sword, Sui Feng Sword!

If you tell me this, you will be jealous to death!

The girls looked at these treasures but did not come forward. Instead, they all became humble.In the end, it was Lu Tiandu who urged the four of them to take action.

Listening to the four girls chattering about selecting and sharing the properties of various treasures, or giving advice to other sisters according to their own understanding, Lu Tiandu felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart!

The long road to immortality, accompanied by so many beauties who are devoted to me, is much better than being an ascetic monk!
Of course, to be blunt, giving themselves to Lu Tiandu was the most correct choice they made in their lives!

An hour later, the four girls finished choosing their favorite treasures.

On the way, Lu Tiandu was brought to the staff several times, which made Lu Tian have the illusion that he accompanied the female ticket to a clothing store in his previous life.

However, this time, as long as he agreed, the girls would never object. After all, Lu Tiandu's vision and strength would definitely make him the best among everyone.

In the end, each person chose a top-grade magic weapon and a treasure or high-quality top-level magic weapon. With these treasures, their strength will naturally be greatly improved.

The remaining magic weapons were collected by Lu Tiandu.

Although eight top-level magic weapons were given away, Lu Tiandu still has more than a dozen high-quality top-level magic weapons with him, which are basically the good things he left behind after each harvest!
Seeing the happy faces of the girls, Lu Tiandu felt a move in his heart and said with a smile:

"Looking at how excited you are, why don't I give you some goodies to make you happy?"

These words suddenly aroused the curiosity of the girls again. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Lu Tiandu, full of expectation and excitement!
Lu Tiandu laughed and asked the girls to wait.

He went out for only a quarter of an hour and then came back. In fact, he went back to the world of stone beads.

As a result, when I walked in, I found that Lu Tianxuan was here again. It seemed that she had just arrived.

"Brother, are you back?"

When the little girl saw Lu Tiandu, her face was full of excitement, "What are you doing secretly hiding here? You don't even call me!"

As he spoke, he hugged Lu Tiandu's arm and started acting coquettishly!

"I just love talking nonsense!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and gave Lu Tianxuan a bang!
Then I remembered that I didn’t bring any gifts to Tianxuan when I came back this time. In the past, she was always indispensable!
Fortunately, he was well prepared. Lu Tiandu said with a smile on his face: "How could we forget our cutest Tianxuan! Didn't I just prepare to send you the transmission notes!"

Lu Tianxuan snorted, with dissatisfaction in his tone.

If she hadn't just learned that her senior brother was back and came to visit him quickly, this evil senior brother wouldn't even be able to remember her, making her heart filled with sorrow and loss!
Why!He is no longer the fourth brother who loves him so much!

Lu Tiandu didn't notice anything strange about Lu Tianxuan, so he led the five girls out of the house. With a wave of his hand, several large and small spirit beasts appeared in the small courtyard.

Only then did the girls discover that Lu Tiandu had several spirit beast bags in his arms.

"Are these two-headed ice and fire wolves?" Looking at the two three-foot-long ice and fire wolves, the girls were surprised again, "And there are three cubs!"

After receiving Lu Tiandu's approval, the girls gathered around the five ice and fire wolves and looked at them.

"Senior brother, these two spiritual beasts are about to break through the second level, you'd better keep them yourself!"

At this time, Lu Tianxuan was here, and Junior Sister Chen was embarrassed to address her husband.

"It's okay, I don't have any use for these spiritual beasts!" Lu Tiandu smiled faintly.

With a wave of his hand, a jade dragon five to six feet long floated in the void in front of everyone: "This is my spiritual beast!"

For Lu Tiandu, there is indeed no shortage of spiritual beasts.And not only is it not lacking, there is also a bit too much.He doesn't have much energy to feed them!
At present, in addition to a pair of fourth-level blood jade spiders, a tiger and a dragon, two second-level spirit beasts with mutated bloodlines, there are also a large group of white jade poisonous bees and small golden monkeys with special talents. These are his focus.

Especially for the little golden monkey, more than half of the success of the blood ban trial must be attributed to the little monkey, so the land and sky have been taking great care of it recently, giving it priority to take good things!

The girls looked at the white jade dragon with strange eyes. After all, live second-level dragons are so rare in Tiannan, and this was the first time they had seen it!
Because the Ice and Fire Wolf King and Wolf Queen could have children again if they were kept together, so Lu Tiandu took out a pair of blood jade spider eggs that he had no use for and let the girls choose.After some humility from the girls, Chen Qiaoqian got the pair of wolf kings and wolf queens with the highest strength, three ice and fire wolf cubs Xin Ruyin, Xiaomei and Lu Tianxuan, one each, and the blood jade spider egg with the greatest potential went to Nie Ying.

With the help of Lu Tiandu, the girls recognized their masters one by one with their respective spiritual beasts.

In this way, the two spirit beast cards used to control the Ice and Fire Wolf King were naturally released. Lu Tiandu put them away again, and the spirit beast cards on his body were almost used.

The blood jade spider eggs were claimed by Nie Ying using the God-Control Array, and then were collected by Lu Tiandu on the pretext that they could hatch them faster.

Just wait until he hatches it with the Spiritual Eye Fountain and then give it to Nie Ying!
He also gave the girls some pills to promote the evolution of spiritual beasts and first-level qi and blood pills, allowing them to raise them by themselves.

Junior Sister Chen, Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei naturally discovered that the Qi and Blood Pill was exactly the same as the auxiliary pill that Lu Tiandu had given them for body training before, so they didn't say anything more.

They also know the preciousness of this elixir. It is the only one in this family and there is no other semicolon!

In the next few days, all the girls gathered in the small courtyard again. Only then did Lu Tiandu remember that a few months ago, he brewed a batch of spiritual wine suitable for the foundation period according to the wine recipe left by Feng Xian - Ju Ling The wine was brought out for everyone to taste.

This Juling wine was brewed with several kinds of spiritual fruits that have been around for thousands of years, and was also mixed with some distiller's yeast buried underground by Fengxian. In just a few months, it became very mellow and delicious. As soon as it was opened, the aroma of the wine filled the air. Come on, let's refresh your mind.

Everyone was a monk in the foundation building stage, and they all raised their glasses to drink together.

One sip is full of wine aroma and spiritual energy, and after refining it, it actually saves several days of hard work.

This made Lu Tianxuan on the side become more and more resentful!
In the end, it was Lu Tiandu who diluted a small cup of spirit wine for her to satisfy her craving.

Such a spirit of wine suddenly made the girls look at Lu Tiandu with stern eyebrows. This husband of theirs was really too mysterious, and he often exceeded their expectations.

The girls were even more grateful that they were lucky enough to have such a husband.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu left Xin Ruyin information about the ancient teleportation array for her to repair. He also left several bottles of Heqi Pills and two gourds of spirit-gathering wine for the two girls to assist them in their cultivation. Only then did Lu Tiandu and Junior Sister Chen and Nie Ying returned to Xiaoyao Cliff together.

Yes, Nie Ying also opened her own cave in Izumo Peak during Lu Tiandu's last trip to the Great Rift Valley in the Wasteland!
Now that both parties had understood their intentions, the two women stayed in Lu Tiandu's cave for a few more days before returning to their own caves.

Of course, what is indispensable is that each person brought back several gourds of Juling wine.

Lu Tiandu had made some calculations. With the sufficient supply of dual cultivation, elixirs and spiritual wine, he and his dual cultivation companions would improve very quickly by simply refining qi and cultivating immortality.

However, because there are still physical training and divine training methods, even if the strength increases rapidly, it will not be very eye-catching.

Of course, each of them must be very powerful at the same level, needless to say!

At this time, each of the girls has their own place to practice, and Lu Tiandu is in his own cave and can safely return to the Shizhu World to practice.

Just when he was about to enter seclusion again, Master Hongfu actually sent a female disciple under his sect to invite him to the Hidden Ice Valley.

Although Lu Tiandu was full of doubts, there was no reason not to go when Master Hongfu summoned him.

Looking at the senior sister who was in the Foundation Establishment stage who peeked at him from time to time, Lu Tiandu suppressed the restless Dragon Roar Qi and did not show anything strange.

Since Nangong Wan started, he has practiced dual cultivation with four Taoists over the past year or so.

After absorbing such a huge amount of Yuan Yin energy, the dragon shadow transformed from the dragon's roar energy in his body grew at an astonishing rate. Needless to say, it was attractive to other female cultivators.

Of course, needless to say, the gain when practicing dual cultivation with a Taoist companion is several times stronger than before!
It's okay to have a few confidants who are familiar with each other, but when meeting a female cultivator for the first time, it is inevitable that there will be some changes between the two parties.

The Hidden Ice Valley is not very far from Izumo Peak, and the two of them arrived at the entrance of the valley in just a moment.

This place was obviously covered by a large formation. The senior sister asked Lu Tiandu to wait, took out a red token from the storage bag, flipped it with her fingers, and after casting several spells, a tall figure appeared in the mist. corridor.

The two stepped forward again and exited the corridor. A quiet valley appeared in front of Lu Tiandu.

All kinds of exotic flowers and trees were everywhere. In the distance, Lu Tiandu also found several old fruit trees, which made him feel surprised.

The senior sister who led the way seemed to notice Lu Tiandu's surprise, and explained with a smile:

"These are several kinds of spiritual fruit trees that my master collected in Tiannan... The spiritual fruits produced by the spiritual trees are also very rare. Maybe you can try them this time!"

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for your advice!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, but he didn't take it seriously. Is there anyone in Tiannan who has more spiritual fruit trees than him?Is there anyone who has more types of spiritual fruits than you?
Along the way, Lu Tiandu discovered several anomalies. One was that a building similar to a frozen cave appeared on the side of the valley.

Next to this place, another cave actually exudes a hint of cold air. If Lu Tiandu had not had strong spiritual consciousness, he would not have been able to detect it.

But he didn't ask too much, after all, it was probably related to Uncle Hongfu from Binglinggen!

Chen Qiaoqian had told him the news about Hong Fu Bing's spiritual root. After Junior Sister Chen established her foundation, in order to become a disciple, she naturally got to know several golden elixir monks in Huang Maple Valley through Patriarch Chen.

Of course, this also explains the reason for Hong Fu's extraordinary strength.

The foreign spirits are simply more powerful than ordinary Five Elements Spiritual Root cultivators.

Lei Wanhe, whose Hong Fu limelight can overshadow the thunder spirit root, can only be justified by the alien spirit root.

After all, the only Heavenly Spiritual Root in Huang Maple Valley in the past thousand years is Ancestor Linghu!
Soon the two came to the most majestic hall in the building complex. After the senior sister finished her report, she only heard a cold voice saying:

"come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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