Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 104 What a stunning ice beauty!

Chapter 104 What a cold ice beauty! (Please subscribe)

There was no sound at all in the empty hall.

A stick of incense has passed since Lu Tiandu was recruited.

Unexpectedly, I was greeted coldly as soon as I walked in!

It really made Lu Tiandu feel baffled and confused!
He secretly glanced at the red figure above him again. The figure stood quietly with his back to him, silently admiring a mural on the wall, motionless.

Lu Tiandu naturally had no way of knowing Hong Fu's appearance, but as soon as he glanced at the amazing and graceful curves wrapped in the red clothes, an inexplicable sense of impulse steamed up from the bottom of his heart!

Looking down from above, the temples look like dark clouds, with the phoenix hairpin flying sideways and tassels hanging upward. This simple scene makes people feel noble for no reason.

A waterfall of long hair that reaches the waist and thighs is spread down, covering the slender and soft waist, falling on the round and upright hips, making people have endless reveries...

Just the sight of his back made Lu Tiandu's heart beat wildly.

He had not felt this wonderful feeling for a long time.

He remembered that the last time he felt this kind of heart pounding was when he met the beautiful woman surnamed Cen, the shopkeeper on the fourth floor, in Stardust Pavilion more than five years ago!
Lu Tiandu had raised his head several times and secretly stared at that quiet figure, which seemed to linger on him.

This also caused his throat to feel slightly dry, and he wanted to swallow some saliva...

"Who asked you to make a private decision for life?"

Following a cold snort, an indifferent question broke the silence.

Lu Tiandu suddenly woke up, collected his thoughts, raised his head and glanced at Hong Fu, frowning slightly, not understanding what she meant by asking this.

Just when Lu Tiandu was still confused, Hong Fu's cold voice sounded again: "What? You have nothing to say now?"


"Disciple does not understand the meaning of Uncle Hongfu's words, please clarify!"

Lu Tian, ​​who was confused, raised his hands and frowned slightly.

After hearing this, Hong Fu turned around suddenly, looked down at Lu Tiandu with a pair of cold beautiful eyes, and was about to scold him.

Suddenly, Hong Fu's body, which was originally cold, trembled, and her cold eyes were instantly replaced by shock. She hurriedly tried her best to suppress the unreasonable panic and exciting impulse in her heart, and stared at Lu Tiandu.

There was a weird silence again, and Lu Tiandu was about to raise his head to observe, when suddenly Hong Fu sounded coldly and with a hint of panic:
"Lu Tiandu, what kind of skills are you practicing?"

"This disciple is practicing an ancient wind attribute technique!" Lu Tiandu responded, raising his head and looking up respectfully.

With the heartbeat of "Boom! Boom! Boom!", the dragon shadow in the dantian seemed to become more and more impatient, and a stronger attraction than before struck... At this moment, the shadow of the furnace in the land and sky shook, Finally, Lu Tiandu's strangeness was suppressed.

At this time, Lu Tiandu finally saw Hong Fu's face clearly.

He was in his thirties, with an oval face, a high nose, and eyebrows that fell into his temples. At first glance, he gave people a stunning impression, but there was an evil aura rarely seen in female immortal cultivators in the corners of his eyes.

The snow-white jade neck looks even more slender against the red clothes. Further down, a pair of proud, round and tall jade peaks stand out from the chest!

The slender and graceful waist curve extends up and down, but swells thrillingly at both ends, separately outlining the full chest and perky buttocks. It turns out to be a perfect gourd-shaped figure!
What a cold ice beauty!
At this time, Hong Fu's eyes were filled with a certain coldness that was dispersed by panic, and he stared at Lu Tiandu closely, his lips pressed tightly, and he said nothing.

After a moment of silence, Hongfu waved his sleeves, moved his steps lightly, and slowly walked down the steps towards Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu stood quietly at this moment, without thinking.

As Hong Fu walked slowly around him, a quiet cold fragrance from Lu Tiandu's nose instantly penetrated his heart.

Hong Fu had already turned around several times, frowning slightly, lost in thought.

Lu Tiandu naturally knew the reason for Hong Fu's change, so he took the initiative to break the silence and said:

"Uncle, but..."

Hongfu interrupted him and glanced at Lu Tiandu's eyebrows, which were slightly similar to hers. She didn't know why she couldn't arouse her original dislike for the handsome man, and asked lightly:
"Do you have any special qualities?"

Lu Tiandu looked very surprised and said, "How could uncle know?"

"Please tell me carefully..." Hong Fu said with a strange color flashing between his brows.

At this time, her originally cold face softened a little.

"This..." Lu Tiandu looked hesitant.

"Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you!"

Seeing Hong Fu staring at him closely, Lu Tiandu could only briefly talk about the Five Elements Spirit Body.

"Of course I've heard of a single five-element spirit body, and it's not very rare, but being able to have all five elements in one body, this... and it actually makes people..."

Uncle Hongfu's murmur was naturally heard clearly by Lu Tiandu.

"What happened inside your body just now?" Hongfu stared at him again and asked.

A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Lu Tiandu's face. The dragon's roar was causing chaos just now. Although his panicked expression disappeared in a flash, Hong Fu must have noticed it.

And Hong Fu's question was naturally directed at the strange thing inside her body.

"Disciple... just now..." Lu Tiandu hesitated a few words, but Hong Fu also understood.


A hint of embarrassment flashed across Hong Fu's cold oval face.When she thought that this disciple had a strange impulse toward her just now, she suddenly had the urge to slap Lu Tiandu to death.

Seeing the change in Hong Fu's face, Lu Tiandu quietly approached and asked in a low voice:

"Uncle, does he have any special physique?"


Seeing the man so close to him, Hongfu suddenly panicked and snorted coldly: "Why do you ask?"

After hearing Hong Fu's cold words, Lu Tiandu showed a bit of disappointment, but he was thinking about how to get the ice beauty to reveal the details.

It's really incredible that Hong Fu's attraction to him is much stronger than that of Nangong Wan from Tianlinggen.

Of course, it goes without saying that Hong Fu is stronger and Yuanyin is more powerful, but Lu Tian knows that there must be more than these reasons.

Feeling that the masculinity of the man next to her seemed to melt her, Hongfu was fascinated and wanted to reject him, and her heart was very complicated.

After looking at Lu Tiandu who looked disappointed, he finally opened his soft lips and slowly uttered four words:
"Body of Profound Ice!"

"It's actually a body of black ice?" Lu Tiandu said in surprise.

Hong Fu nodded and finally moved a little further away from Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu finally understood why Hong Fu from the Ice Spirit Root and Lei Wanhe from the Thunder Spirit Root were both middle stage Foreign Spirit Root cultivators in the Yellow Maple Valley Golden Core, but Hong Fu was stronger.

It turns out that Hongfu actually has a body of black ice!
This is a very rare physique, even rarer than the Five Elements Spirit Body. I heard that practicing ice attribute magical powers is extremely powerful.

For another moment, the two fell into an eerie silence.

In the end, Lu Tiandu broke the silence and asked, "What did my uncle say before about a private life-long commitment?"

"You don't know?" Hongfu's mouth was full of surprise.

Seeing that Lu Tiandu really didn't understand and was full of doubts, Hongfu immediately realized something was wrong and asked:

"You and Xuan'er... did you give the Ding Yan Dan that Xuan'er took?"

Dong Xuan'er!Dingyan Dan!
Upon hearing these two names, Lu Tian immediately understood.

He turned over his hands and took out the two magical artifacts, a hairpin and a bead that Dong Xuan'er had given him. He smiled bitterly and told the story of the relationship between the two of them.

A hint of anger flashed across Hong Fu's cold face, and he shouted coldly:
"Xuan'er, come in!"

After a moment, Dong Xuan'er, who was also dressed in red but looked delicate and charming, entered the hall. Looking at Lu Tiandu, who had a strange look on his face, his happy face suddenly turned pale.

"Master..." Dong Xuan'er forced a smile and hurriedly stepped forward to pay homage to Hong Fu.

Seeing Dong Xuan'er's appearance, Hong Fu still didn't understand.She had never allowed Dong Xuan'er to find a handsome man as a Taoist companion before, but she dared to make her own decision and even hid it from her...

After scolding Dong Xuan'er a few times, and then looking at Lu Tiandu aside, Hong Fu said, "You go down first, and I will punish you later!"

Dong Xuan'er trembled, glanced at Lu Tiandu reluctantly, and then slowly exited the hall.

Looking at the main hall which was quiet again, Lu Tian knew that nothing would happen to him here. As for He Hongfu, although he had some thoughts, his current strength was still low, so he was not in a hurry.

"Master, if nothing happens, disciple, please leave!" Lu Tiandu glanced at the cold figure again and said.

A long time passed, and Hongfu was still silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I heard from Xuan'er that you have a double cultivation agreement with Chen Qiaoqian of the Chen family?" Hongfu suddenly asked.

"Uncle Master, it is clear that this is indeed the case!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Hongfu's face changed, an inexplicable color flashed in his eyes, and finally he asked a question that was beyond Lu Tiandu's expectations:

"Do you still have the Dingyan Pill in your hand?"

After hearing this, Lu Tiandu felt happy. It would be a wonderful thing if he could use this thing to get closer to this cold and charming uncle!

"This disciple still has a Dingyan Pill!"

Lu Tiandu casually took out a jade bottle and smiled lightly.

Hearing that Lu Tiandu also had this rare beauty-preserving elixir, Hong Fu felt a bit of joy in his heart!

Is there any woman in this world who doesn’t cherish her appearance? The more beautiful she is, the more so!
With a wave of his hand, Hongfu had a sapphire vial in his hand. When he tilted his plain hand, a pink pill with a strange fragrance was found in his white palm.

"Sure enough, it's the Ding Yan Pill!" He sniffed the aroma of the pill, and Hong Fu's cold eyes flashed with joy.

"What resources do you lack for cultivation?" Hong Fu put away the jade bottle and asked lightly.

"This disciple has no shortage of cultivation resources for the time being, so I will give this Dingyan Pill to my uncle!" Lu Tiandu said with a slight smile.

"no need!"

Hongfu still said in a cold tone, "Since you are not short of pills, I will use the spirit stone to buy your calming pill!"

Seeing Hong Fu's firm tone, Lu Tiandu didn't insist and quoted a price of one thousand and five thousand. Soon Hong Fu gave him a storage bag.

Just when Lu Tiandu left Dong Xuan'er's two magic weapons and said goodbye, Hongfu opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he remained silent and watched Lu Tiandu's figure slowly disappear...

(End of this chapter)

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