Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 105 The middle stage of foundation building! 5 Cloud lock empty formation!Teleport!

Chapter 105 The middle stage of foundation building!Five clouds locking the sky array!Teleport! (Please subscribe)

Back at Xiaoyao Cliff, what still lingers in Lu Tiandu's mind is Hong Fu's perfect and proud figure, combined with the attractiveness of her cold jade face and Xuanbing body, which makes him think about it for a long time...

What he didn't expect was that this kind of special physique would be more attractive to him than Tianlinggen. Thinking about it this way, maybe the beautiful woman surnamed Cen he met at the beginning also had some kind of physique.

But he didn't have the body of Dragon Roar at that time!

Maybe it would be a good time to go to Stardust Pavilion again, Lu Tiandu had this idea.

Since the Dragon Yin Body's reaction is so great, it also shows that Hong Fu's Yuan Yin has not been lost. Then what is the basis for Li Huayuan's claim in the original work that Hong Fu hates handsome men because of emotional injuries?

Moreover, there are only a few female disciples in the Hidden Ice Valley and no male disciples!

Was it because of emotional injury or... because of Dong Xuan'er?
Dong Xuan'er, the direct bloodline of Old Demon Yunlu, is the descendant of which relative of Hong Fu?This is still a mystery...

After thinking for a long time and having no clue, Lu Tiandu put the matter behind him.

Although he only met Hong Fu once and had some strange feelings towards Hong Fu, unfortunately, with his low strength now, it was naturally not the time to consider this matter.

He took out the storage bag given to him by Hong Fu and checked it. It contained 30 yuan of mid-level spirit stones. It seemed that even the debt for Dong Xuan'er's Dingyan Pill had been paid off.

There were several wind spirit stones among them, which made Lu Tiandu's eyes flash with strange colors.

After putting away these spiritual stones, Lu Tiandu entered the world of stone beads and began to enter a state of seclusion.

At this time, he does not lack the second-level Qi and Blood Pills, so he no longer has to worry about lack of resources.This time, he will practice until the middle stage of foundation building before exiting.

Time flies, and half a year has passed.

On the third floor of Lingkong Tower, next to the Spring of Spiritual Eyes, Lu Tiandu's heart was raised to the sky, the light spiritual energy in his mouth and nose was slowly breathing in, and the skills on the fifth level of the Wind Spirit Gang Book in his body were slowly operating.

Two quarters of an hour later, feeling the much richer true energy in his body, Lu Tiandu with a happy face finally stopped.

"In less than two years, we have reached the middle stage of foundation building. It is really unexpected!"

Lu Tiandu was also greatly surprised when he thought of his rapid progress.

He knew that Nangong Wan, who had Tianlinggen, had practiced for 60 years during the foundation building period before successfully forming the elixir.In the original plot, Yan Ruyan only formed elixirs when she was nearly a hundred years old.

It takes about ten years to build the Tianling Root foundation from the early to the middle stage. If there are enough elixirs to eat as jelly beans, it will take at least five years.

There is no need to say more about foreign spiritual roots or dual spiritual roots, it will only take longer.

"Perhaps I have underestimated the magical power of this dragon's chant body!" Lu Tiandu thought to himself, "Maybe there are really three thousand queens, and they have the skills or physique to ascend in the daytime..."

In the past six months, he went out to practice with the three women every two months. Unfortunately, Nie Ying had been in seclusion to cultivate some kind of magical power, hoping to master it as soon as possible so that he and Lu Tian could achieve good things, so they could not meet each other for the time being.

Moreover, not only him, but also the three women have improved very quickly during this period, which is really unexpected.After all, the Yin-Yang Fruit only works when conceiving babies and transforming into gods, so the focus is still on his Dragon Roar Body.

"It's a pity that this second-level Qi and Blood Pill is really useless!"

Lu Tiandu thought of the less than ten Level [-] Qi and Blood Pills left in his hand, and a wry smile appeared on his lips.

At present, he has taken more than thirty level two Qi and Blood Pills in total. At this time, the second turn of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill is still far away from Xiaocheng.

According to his guess, he would have to take fifty or sixty more pills to achieve success.

"This Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill has already consumed resources in the second round. How many resources will it take to reach the fifth round?"

Thinking of this Lu Tian's scalp feels a little numb.No wonder Feng Xian has only reached the fourth level with his wealth in the cultivation stage. It is really a waste of resources.

However, with the initial success in body refining, he is indeed invincible among the Qi refining and foundation building monks within eighty feet, combined with the Tianyun Wind Boots.

On the contrary, if you use a magic weapon, it will easily be blocked by the shield released by the foundation-building monks, so if you want to maintain this advantage, you cannot relax the progress of body training.

"According to Yin'er's estimate last time, the blueprints for repairing the teleportation array will be completed in the near future, and the large array specially used to conceal the aura is probably also completed. In this case, I will go to the Chaos Star Sea in advance to explore the way. …”

Having made up his mind, Lu Tiandu didn't waste any time. After packing up and leaving the cave, he left a transmission note for Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying and went straight to the Lu family.

When we arrived at the Lu family, it turned out that the repair drawings for the teleportation array had been completed, and two copies of the required materials had been purchased through the Lu family.

Basically, they are not expensive materials, but there are just a lot of them.

The formation flags and formation disks of the "Five Cloud Locking Air Formation" specially used to conceal the aura were also refined by Xiaomei and the Lu family's weapon refining personnel, which added a lot of guarantees for Lu Tianxing's trip.

Just as Lu Tiandu was leaving, Xin Ruyin took his hand and said:

"Husband, you must remember that our sisters have been waiting for you!"

"Yin'er, Xiaomei, don't worry, nothing will happen. I will be back in half a year at most!" Lu Tiandu nodded, understanding what the two women meant, and reassured them.After leaving the Taiyue Mountains, we headed straight to the vast wilderness in Mingzhou.

Since Xin Ruyin can repair the ancient teleportation array, she naturally understands the purpose of Lu Tiandu's trip. Although she is worried, she will not stop Lu Tiandu and only hopes that he will be careful.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu came to the Great Rift Valley in the Wasteland. He still passed through the mine veins invisibly and entered the spirit stone mine.

Arriving again at the place he had destroyed before, Lu Tiandu took out the mid-level earth escape talisman from before and came to the outside of the upside-down five-element formation guarding the teleportation formation.

As soon as he entered the formation, Lu Tiandu was instantly transferred to other places by the five-color brilliance. After briefly testing the power of the formation, Lu Tiandu used the magic formula to enter the formation safely.

After entering the formation, he checked the teleportation array and found nothing out of the ordinary. Lu Tiandu also set up the Five Cloud Locking Formation in the Inverted Five Elements Formation. This formation was specially used to block energy leakage.

According to his guess, in the original plot, energy was leaked and exposed as soon as Han Li activated the teleportation array. The main reason was that the inverted five-element array that was simply arranged at that time was not powerful and was not specifically used to block energy; on the other hand, it was mainly used for teleportation. The grade of the spirit stone is too low.

Lu Tiandu was prepared in both aspects this time and was confident that there would be no problems.

After setting up the Wuyun Air Locking Formation, Lu Tiandu began to repair the teleportation formation.

The repair of the teleportation array is not complicated, but it is an extremely delicate job.With Xin Ruyin's detailed drawings, Lu Tiandu only used one piece of material and spent several days repairing the damaged parts.

After completing this work, Lu Tiandu also breathed a sigh of relief.

After checking again and finding no problems, Lu Tiandu turned his right hand over, and six spiritual stones emitting astonishing spiritual energy appeared.

These are six of the nine high-level spiritual stones in the last extremely cool storage bag.

After installing the six spiritual stones in the corresponding positions of the hexagonal teleportation array in turn, Lu Tiandu stepped back and observed the changes in the teleportation array.

Soon this ancient teleportation array, which had been silent for an unknown number of years, reacted, and a buzzing sound began to sound. At the same time, a huge wave of spiritual power erupted from the teleportation array, and with a "boom", it shot out from the center of the array. A dazzling yellow light shot straight into the sky...

The penetrating power of this yellow light was extremely strong, and it instantly collided with the Wuyun Locking Sky Formation. The light that shot up to the sky instantly broke through the three blocks of the Wuyun Locking Sky Formation. It was not until the fourth one came into contact that the yellow light was already much weaker. After being intercepted, the teleportation array returned to calm after a few breaths.

"Fortunately, I prepared this Five Cloud Locking Sky Formation in advance!"

Lu Tiandu felt relieved at this moment, and his tone was obviously surprised.

Without the Five Clouds Locking Sky Formation, the [-]% power of the Inverted Five Elements Formation alone might not be able to stop the changes caused by the teleportation formation!

Lu Tiandu went out to investigate again, and after finding nothing out of the ordinary, he took out the Great Movement Order and stepped forward to stand on the teleportation array.

With a happy face, Lu Tiandu muttered words, and the true energy in his body continued to pour into the blue Great Teleportation Order in his hand. As he uttered the word "teleport" in his mouth, a yellow light flashed on the teleportation array, and Lu Tiandu's figure disappeared. Shadowless...

When he woke up again, Lu Tiandu didn't feel much discomfort, just a hint of dizziness.

During the teleportation process, he was protected by the faint blue light emitted by the Great Teleportation Order, and coupled with his physical strength, these space squeezes were insignificant to him.

Putting away the Great Movement Order, Lu Tiandu observed the surrounding environment.

This place seemed to be an abandoned house. Not only was it extremely dark, but there was also a strong smell of decay in the air.

The surrounding space is also very small, and staying in it feels depressing.

There is no danger here. Lu Tiandu casually took out a piece of moonstone to illuminate this time. A thick layer of dust on the ground came into view. After a moment's observation, Lu Tiandu stepped out of the teleportation array, and then approached the stone door ahead.

With a gentle push, the stone door opened, and a slowly upward bluestone step came into view.The steps were covered with dust, and it was obvious that no one had left for a long time!
Lu Tiandu looked back at the house he came out of, and found that the so-called stone house was actually just a small cave.

Follow the steps up slowly until you turn a corner at the end and instantly see the exit.At this moment, the circular exit is blocked by a huge rock.

Lu Tiandu did not destroy it, but used the earth escape talisman to get out of here.

The humid air mixed with a touch of salty smell hits your face, a scorching sun hangs in the sky, the sky is clear and cloudless, and at a glance, the water and sky are the same color, and the endless blue sea is as far as the eye can see, which makes people feel broad-minded.

This is the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars!
He glanced around and immediately took in the entire surrounding area.

He was now on a quite high cliff, and not far from the bottom of the cliff was the seaside. Wave after wave of huge waves kept hitting the rocks on the shore.

This is an unknown isolated island, with boundless blue sea in all four directions, with no end in sight.Being in it, you can clearly feel your own insignificance.

The area of ​​the isolated island is not small, it is dozens of miles wide, and the cliff he flew out of before is just a small protruding rocky mountain on the isolated island.

At this time, looking at the endless sea water in all directions, Lu Tian was wondering how to find a living person.

Although this is the southwest direction of the Chaos Star Sea, the Chaos Star Sea is too vast. If we just fly around like this, we may not be able to find an area where humans live for a long time.

 I just found out that it is during the double monthly pass period, thank you all for your monthly pass support!
(End of this chapter)

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