Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 106: What I saw in the Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars!Be a bad guy!

Chapter 106: What I saw in the Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars!Be a bad guy! (Please subscribe)

Without a chart, flying in this vast sea is really not an easy task.

However, Lu Tiandu carries a training cave and various elixirs with him, so he is naturally not afraid of the expense of traveling long distances.

On the boundless sea, a fleet of ships moved steadily forward through the wind and waves.

The fleet is huge in number, with as many as a dozen ships, large and small, from head to tail.The leading ones are even more gigantic, like ferocious beasts parading on the sea.

This is the scene that Lu Tiandu saw after flying eastward for several days.

The appearance of these huge ships made him feel very excited!

Lu Tiandu had already used the newly learned form-changing technique to change his body and appearance. At this moment, he looked like a tall man with his head high.

He drove the Sui Feng Sword and flew towards the fleet. As he got closer and closer, everything about the fleet became clearer.

The appearance of this giant ship was really weird, and it was very different from what he had seen in his two lifetimes.

The huge hull did not even have a mast or a sail. At the bow of each ship, there were more than a dozen huge fish that had never been heard of on land and sky bound, pulling the ship forward at high speed.

Although these giant fish were huge and covered with sharp fangs, he clearly sensed that they didn't have the slightest aura on them, and they were not monsters in the sea.

As expected of the Chaos Star Sea, the geographical customs and humanistic environment were completely different from those of Tiannan. This was the first time he had seen this way of mortals using fish as power.

Lu Tiandu's approach naturally attracted the attention of the fleet.Soon, a large group of people appeared on the deck.

At a glance, they were all mortals, all looking towards the sky non-stop, with a bit of awe in their expressions, and some of the smart ones even bent down and bowed with great respect.

Lu Tiandu knew that although the cultivators of Chaos Xinghai were still a high-ranking group, they had a very close relationship with mortals. They were not like Tian Nan who didn't bother to interact with each other at all, so naturally he was not surprised by these mortals.

Lu Tiandu let go of his huge spiritual consciousness to investigate, and soon discovered the aura of the monks on this huge ship.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu had no intention of interacting with this group of mortals. He landed on the deck, put away his Sui Feng Sword, and walked straight to the cabin where the aura was emitting.

With a wave of his hand, the restrictions placed outside the cabin began to shake.

Although Lu Tiandu could break the restrictions here with one punch, he did not break in randomly.

Soon with a "clang", the cabin door suddenly opened, and an old man with a gray beard was about to scold him angrily.

After suddenly noticing the fluctuations of spiritual energy around Lu Tiandu, the old man's complexion suddenly changed. He cupped his fists and said respectfully: "~~@#¥%..."

Naturally, Lu Tiandu didn't understand a word, which was why he came to see this person directly.

A monk naturally knows a lot of ancient languages. Lu Tiandu had taken the time to learn several ancient languages ​​before this trip.

At this time, the gray-bearded old man also discovered the problem of being unable to communicate with the tall man in front of him.

The two entered the luxuriously furnished cabin and took turns speaking several ancient languages ​​before finally finding a language that both parties could understand.

"Junior Liu Chengxi, I have met my senior!"

The gray-bearded old man was only at the tenth level of Qi Refining, and he was still a little trembling in front of Lu Tiandu, a monk in the foundation building stage.

"Tell me where this place is?" Lu Tiandu nodded casually and asked.

"This place is located in the Inner Star Sea, only a thousand miles away from Baisha Island. I don't know, senior..."

"This is the southwest corner of Luan Xing Sea, right? I heard that there are three big islands nearby, including Weixing Island, Kuixing Island, and Sangxing Island. Can you tell me about the general situation... How far is it to those three big islands? ?”

Of course, Lu Tiandu didn't know where Baisha Island was, but he had the memory of the original work, so he could do it with ease.

As expected, this is the southwest corner of the Chaos Star Sea. The White Sand Island mentioned by the old man is an affiliated island under Kuixing Island. There are dozens of such islands, large and small, inhabited by immortal masters and mortals.

This old man is one of the monks from the Liu family on Baisha Island, escorting the family business back to Kuixing Island.

"Okay! You said it in detail, I'm very satisfied!"

Lu Tiandu nodded, and with a touch, a bottle of Qi Condensing Pill appeared in his hand, "This is a pill refined by our master and suitable for monks in the late stage of Qi refining period. It is very different from ordinary pills. I’ve given it to you…”

The old man took it with a look of surprise, opened it and smelled it, and immediately knew it was a rare elixir. After thanking him, Lu Tiandu spoke again:

"The master's sect has been closed for a long time. The language spoken in this chaotic sea of ​​stars is now very different. Please explain it to me in detail..."

The old man with a gray beard looked like he suddenly understood, and he earnestly taught Lu Tiandu the two most widely spoken languages ​​in Luan Xinghai.

In the next few days, apart from learning the language and exchanging anecdotes about the Chaos Star Sea with the old man, Lu Tiandu stayed in the luxurious cabin arranged by the old man for daily practice.

Along the way, the fleet took a familiar route with no risks and arrived at the port of Baisha Island in a few days.

In the past few days, with his powerful spiritual consciousness, Lu Tiandu learned languages ​​quickly and quickly mastered two languages ​​commonly used by monks in Luan Xinghai.

After several days of communication, the old man naturally asked Lu Tiandu, a mysterious monk in the foundation building stage, several times in a roundabout way, but Lu Tiandu was vague about him.

As for the invitation to Lu Tiandu to make offerings to the Liu family, Lu Tiandu also refused.

He is only here to buy some supplies, and he won't stay here for a long time, and he has no intention of making any offerings.Soon, the fleet entered the waters of Kuixing Island and dispersed. The ship that Lu Tiandu was on headed for Baisha Island.

Although this Baisha Island is only an affiliated island under Kuixing Island, it is still huge.

The coconut-shaped island is hundreds of miles across. It has two huge ports and several small docks. The maritime trade is prosperous. There are hundreds of thousands of people living on the island, and it looks like a prosperous population.

Moreover, on this small island, there are actually several small sects of cultivating immortals, and the cultivating families are naturally indispensable.

After arriving at the port, Old Man Liu knew that Lu Tiandu did not have an identity token, and was about to lead Lu Tiandu to go through the relevant procedures. An old voice came to Lu Tiandu's ears:

"Since this fellow Taoist has arrived on the island, please come and talk about it!"

Lu Tiandu swept his consciousness and instantly discovered the source of the sound transmission. He asked Old Liu to wait for a while and went to the stone house on his own.

After entering the stone house, what came into view was an old man in black robes. His face was thin and his eyes were cloudy. If he hadn't actively exuded the aura of an immortal cultivator, he would have been regarded as an ordinary mortal.

This old man was just a monk in the early stages of foundation building. His aura swept across Lu Tian without concealing it. The originally careless expression on his face changed, and he stood up quickly:

"I don't know where my friend is from. What's the point of coming to Baisha Island?"

"Han passed by here and heard that Kuixingdaofang City is huge and plans to purchase some cultivation materials for the master..."

"That's it!" The old man in black nodded, "I wonder how long you plan to stay here?"


After talking for a while, the old man in black took out a green jade token, and a green light flashed from his hand, completely covering the jade token.

After a while, the light dissipated, and a strange symbol representing the three characters "Han Feiyu" appeared on the jade plate.

Lu Tiandu took the jade token and handed over the corresponding spirit stone before saying goodbye and leaving the stone house.

The old man in black breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Tiandu leaving.

This big man named Han Feiyu gave him a very dangerous sense of oppression. I hope this man will not cause trouble here, otherwise the island owner in the middle stage of foundation building may not be able to suppress this man!
With this identity jade tag, Lu Tiandu can enter and exit Kuixing Island and its affiliated islands at will, and will not be treated as a malicious intruder by the island's law enforcement team.

Of course this is only a temporary identity token, only valid for one year.

After the time limit has passed, you will have to renew again.

Of course, if you settle here in the future, you won't need this jade token.Moreover, they will receive spiritual stones distributed by the island owner every year for them to practice, but from now on, they must obey the island owner's instructions and protect the island.

When he went out, he saw old man Liu still waiting respectfully outside the door. Seeing that the old man was enthusiastic about running errands and giving him a detailed map of Baisha Island, Lu Tiandu reciprocated the favor and gave the old man a bottle of Qi Nourishing Pill. With good karma, there may be times when this person will be useful in the future.

After declining the old man's invitation, Lu Tiandu checked the map of Baisha Island and went straight to Fangshi in the center of Baisha City.

Along the way, it turned out that even the scenery in the city was very different from the human city in Tiannan, which made Lu Tiandu gain a lot of knowledge.

Soon Lu Tiandu arrived at the center of the city. There were clusters of palaces scattered here. The tall palaces were more than ten feet high, while the short ones were three to five feet high. They were scattered in an orderly manner, and monks and mortals were constantly passing in and out.

The size of this market is actually similar to that of the Biyue Zongfang Market that Lu Tiandu participated in before. But the Biyue Zong's market is ranked first in the Yue Kingdom, which shows how prosperous this Baisha Island is.

Lu Tiandu chose a medium-sized shop that sold monster materials and went in. After talking to the waiter and asking about the price of monster flesh and blood, Lu Tiandu said in his heart that it was too cheap.

It's the price of cabbage!
Here, ten kilograms of first-level monster flesh and blood would cost one spiritual stone, while two kilograms of Tiannan's flesh would cost one spiritual stone.

As for the flesh and blood of the second-level demonic beast, it only costs one pound of spirit stone, which is nothing compared to Tiannan's five spirit stones per pound.

The third-level ones are only four spiritual stones per pound. Compared with Tiannan’s eight spiritual stones per pound, there is no place to buy them. It is so refreshing.

However, at the fourth level, even in the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars, the flesh and blood of demon beasts suddenly became not cheap, costing as much as ten spirit stones per kilogram.

Level [-] is even more expensive, and this store doesn’t have it in stock yet!

After inquiring about the price of monster flesh and blood, Lu Tian had the urge to buy, but in the end he restrained himself and asked about the prices of other monster materials without changing his expression.

What surprised him again was that the second-level, third-level and fourth-level materials for refining top-level magic weapons were less than half the price of Tiannan!
At this time, Lu Tiandu's first thought was to become a traitor!

He really has mastered the only transportation link between Tiannan and Luanxinghai, and he can develop quickly by relying on this road of wealth made of white spiritual stones.

The profit from this round trip is much greater than the spiritual stones he earned from making talismans or refining elixirs.

Moreover, Lu Tiandu instantly remembered a grand trading event that he had not planned to attend - the large-scale auction held by the Yue Kingdom once every 20 years held by the Hidden Moon Sect.

If we purchase a large amount of cheap materials from Luan Xinghai and put them at this auction a few months later, we will definitely make a lot of profits!

Moreover, with Nangong Wan's relationship, he can cooperate with the Hidden Moon Sect without being coveted!

Later, with the invasion of demons, the consumption of various materials increased. With this way of making money, the strength of Yue monks could be enhanced in disguise, and at the same time, a war fortune could be made!

Moreover, as his strength has increased step by step over the past few years, Lu Tiandu has long made up his mind that this time he must change the outcome of the six factions' defeat in Beiliang!

In fact, the operation is very simple. Get rid of the second and fifth son of Spirit Beast Mountain in advance, unite Yuanwu Kingdom and Zijin Kingdom to support Jiang Kingdom and Chaqi Kingdom early, promote the establishment of Tiandao Alliance in advance, and the three countries join Tiandao Alliance, and everything will be solved!

(End of this chapter)

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