Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 107 Procurement! 6 consecutive palaces!fishing!

Chapter 107 Procurement!Six consecutive halls!fishing! (Please subscribe)

More than two hours later, after Lu Tiandu went in and out of several shops, he left Fangshi on Baisha Island and found an inn in the city to rest a little.

In just a few hours, he purchased more than 6000 kilograms of second-level monster flesh and blood, and occasionally encountered discounts from generous bosses. In the end, he spent less than 6000 yuan of spiritual stones in total, which made him very satisfied.

If this was done in Tiannan, it would cost at least [-] spirit stones, and it would take at least several years of purchasing to satisfy his needs.

After placing the ban, Lu Tiandu returned to the world of stone beads. While refining the Great Qi and Blood Pill, he thought about his own net worth and the target of his next purchase.

At present, the flesh and blood of monsters is not only related to the progress of his body refining, but also related to the amount of the five elements. Therefore, in theory, there is no limit to the amount of flesh and blood of monsters he needs.

However, due to the limitations of his own spirit stones, he currently only purchased enough monster flesh and blood to roughly complete the second level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill.

Don't worry about the others for now.

Lu Tiandu began to calculate his inventory of spiritual stones again.

Counting the 3000 yuan of spiritual stones given by Hongfu for purchasing the Dingyan Pill, his total amount of spiritual stones is more than 8000 yuan.

Before leaving, he sold all the first-level monster materials that he had brought out from the forbidden area to the Lu family, making a profit of more than 1 spiritual stones.

This was the total value of the materials after he left some of them for Xiaomei for practice.

After deducting the nearly 6000 yuan spent on purchasing the flesh and blood of a second-level monster, he still has about 4000 yuan of spiritual stones at his disposal!

The other three high-level spiritual stones are naturally not included in the consumption.

However, these more than 3 spirit stones have to exclude some intermediate wind spirit stones and thunder spirit stones.

After this understanding, Lu Tiandu decided to use the remaining spirit stones to purchase a batch of high-value monster materials, monster eggs, and some special products from the ocean.

Of course, he is also planning to buy a few more fifth-level demon pills. The price of the fifth-level demon pills in Luan Xinghai is less than half of Tiannan’s. Putting it on the auction will definitely make a high-level monk break his head!
Moreover, he will also use some of the demon pills he got from Ji Xuan. In this way, his spiritual stone dilemma will be greatly alleviated, and he will not be so stretched to buy the flesh and blood of third-level and fourth-level demon beasts!

The Qi and Blood Pill and the Yin and Yang Fruit are currently the two largest consumers of spiritual stones!But don’t skimp on flowers yet!
After making up his mind, Lu Tiandu left the inn, found a deserted place and simply opened a cave. He used his spiritual consciousness to check that no one was there before disappearing into thin air.

A moment later, when Lu Tiandu appeared again, he had transformed into a frail scholar.

After covering up his aura, he walked into the market of Baisha City again.

A few hours later, Lu Tiandu left Fangshi.Quietly, he once again appeared in the image of "Han Feiyu" as a tall and powerful man.

After all, Baisha Island is not a big island, and there are only a limited number of foundation-building monks arriving every day. Lu Tiandu only stopped shopping here after buying less than [-] spirit stones of monster materials and monster eggs in batches.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu came to a huge island.

At a glance, this giant island looks like a wild beast lying in the blue ocean.It is more than ten times larger than Baisha Island where Lu Tiandu lived before.

This is Kuixing Island.

Like Wei Xing Island and Sang Xing Island, it is one of three of the 36 large islands controlled by the Star Palace in the southwest of the Inner Star Sea.

This large island is the most spiritual island in the nearby sea. More than a dozen cities have been built on it, with nearly [-] million people living on it.

In the middle of Kuixing Island, there is a huge blue mountain as tall as a cloud, which is called Qingyun Mountain by the locals.

The three towering peaks on Qingyun Mountain reach into the sky, looking majestic and majestic.These are the three giant peaks of Tianzhu Peak, Tianxiao Peak and Tianmen Peak.

The small peaks under the giant peak are even more densely packed, with about 360 peaks.

Most parts of Qingyun Mountain are on a large spiritual vein, but the thickness of the spiritual energy is definitely different.

The tallest one, Tianzhu Peak, is the spiritual eye place of Kuixing Island. It is occupied by the island owner Mu Long Zhenren and other monks are not allowed to enter.It is said that the master of Mu Island is in the middle stage of pill formation and has extremely powerful magical powers.

Tianmen Peak and Tianxiao Peak are the caves of the two deputy island masters, Master Yuan Jun and Master Kan Qin. Although they are a little worse than Tianzhu Peak, their aura is several times better than other places.

The two deputy island masters are not only monks in the early stages of elixir formation, but also a pair of monks.

There are three Jindan monks on Kuixing Island, which shows how powerful this star palace is!
There are countless caves and valleys of various sizes on the hundreds of other small peaks surrounding the three main peaks. These are the caves of other monks, and the auras on them are naturally different.

This is the information related to Kuixing Island that Lu Tiandu had learned before.

As a foundation-building monk, if he settles on Kuixing Island, he can automatically obtain one of the peaks as a training place.

If you want to occupy the other 36 peaks with the best spiritual energy in addition to the three main peaks, you must participate in the Spiritual Land Challenge once every ten years, and the winner will stay.

However, he has no intention of settling down at this time. If he wants to settle down in the future, he will naturally choose Xiaohuan Island.The gold-eating bug there is a must-have for him!
The largest city on Kuixing Island, "Quixing City", is located in the west of Kuixing Island.

Lu Tiandu's goal for this trip is Tiandu Street in Kuixing City.

This street with the same name as him is a place where immortal masters buy and sell items in Kuixing City. It is several times larger than the market on Baisha Island!
An hour later, Lu Tiandu came to a huge city surrounded by tall walls. Several miles away from the city wall, he felt the large-scale air restriction set by Kuixing City. Lu Tiandu put away his Suifeng sword and raised his feet. Forward.This city is seven or eight times larger than Baisha City. After showing his identity token, Lu Tiandu entered the city smoothly.

Walking casually on the street that was large enough for several beast carts to move side by side, Lu Tiandu walked towards Tiandu Street to the north.

Although he had known before that this so-called "Tiandu Street" was the North District of the entire Kuixing City, Lu Tiandu was still surprised when he saw the North District covered by the huge white shield!
This so-called Tiandu Street is naturally not a single street, but consists of hundreds of streets.

The most surprising thing is that in the middle of this city, there is a huge pavilion floating in the sky more than thirty feet above the ground.

The whole body of the pavilion is emerald green, exuding a faint fluorescence, like a piece of super-large emerald, which is really eye-catching.

This is Yunmeng Pavilion!
Lu Tiandu kept going in and out of many shops, occasionally buying some things, and soon arrived at the center of Tiandu Street. The purpose of his trip was the Sixth Link Hall here.

In front of you is a small square several acres in size.

This square is covered with long strips of pure white jade, which looks extremely exquisite and gorgeous.

There was nothing in the middle of the square, except for the Yunmeng Pavilion floating in mid-air. However, the door of the pavilion in the air was closed from a distance, and there was no intention of entertaining guests.

It is said that Yunmeng Pavilion will only be opened when a large-scale auction is held once every few decades.

Around this small square, there are six small pavilions of different styles. The distance between each pavilion is even, and there is a faint confrontation.

Except for these six shops, no other shops dare to set foot in this square.

"Shanhai Pavilion, Baishui Tower, Yuhuan Residence..."

Seeing this, Lu Tiandu stared at the castles in the sky carefully for a while, and then his eyes fell on the six palaces and pavilions on the ground.

A blue monster is embroidered on the banner of Shanhaige, a small golden sword is embroidered in Baishuilou, and a blue Ganoderma lucidum is embroidered in Yuhuanju...

Soon Lu Tiandu walked into Shanhai Pavilion, which mainly sold various monster materials.

Seeing the arrival of Lu Tiandu, the foundation-building monk, the waiter quickly led him to the side hall, where the person who received him was a shopkeeper in the middle stage of foundation-building.

"This Taoist friend is familiar to me, but is this your first time coming to our Shanhai Pavilion?" the fair-skinned middle-aged scribe named Wang asked with a smile.

"Han came to Kuixing Island for the first time. I heard that your pavilion has a rich variety of materials for various monsters, so I came here to buy some training materials for the master..."

Lu Tiandu smiled lightly.

"I see. If fellow Taoist needs anything, just ask... and serve tea to this fellow Taoist..."

When the middle-aged man named Wang heard that there was a big deal, his eyes lit up and he called the maid to serve tea.

After receiving the Jasper Needle Tea from the maid, Lu Tiandu chatted with the middle-aged shopkeeper named Wang.

More than an hour later, Lu Tiandu walked into the Baishui Building next door with a satisfied look on his face. It was not that he wanted to buy a magic weapon, but he wanted to see if there was anything special about the magic weapon here...

A few hours later, Lu Tiandu finally visited the remaining four shops selling elixirs, talismans, formations, and kung fu pills, and then Shi Shiran left Tiandu Street.

The shopkeepers of each of the shops set up by the Sixth Lian Palace on Kuixing Island are actually monks in the middle stage of foundation building, and there are really a lot of good things in them.

For example, Yuhuanju, which sells spiritual grass elixirs, in addition to the Snow Spirit Water and Sky Fire Liquid that assist in elixir formation, also has a Dust Falling elixir that can increase the chance of elixir formation by [-]%.

This kind of elixir not only requires the inner elixirs of several rare monsters, but also many other rare elixirs to refine it. It is absolutely extremely precious.

The same type of elixir that can increase the chance of forming elixirs may not be available in Tiannan even if it requires at least tens of thousands of spirit stones.

However, only [-] spirit stones are sold in Chaotic Star Sea, which is not much higher than a portion of snow spirit water and sky fire liquid worth [-] spirit stones.

However, Lu Tiandu did not purchase this thing in the end. After all, purchasing nearly ten thousand spirit stones at one time was already a big deal.

Of course, this also has his intention...

In the next two days, Lu Tiandu stayed in Kuixing City, changed his identity, and purchased many materials for the remaining more than 1 spirit stones, including two level five demon pills.

A fifth-level demon elixir in Luan Xinghai only sells for 5000 spirit stones, but in Tiannan, it is worth more than [-] to [-], and it is worth more than this price.

The Bloodline Jiao Neidan that Li Huayuan got from Fuyunzi last time was worth about [-] spirit stones.

Another day passed before Lu Tiandu left Kuixing City like a strong man.

After releasing the Suifeng Sword and flying thousands of miles to the west, Lu Tiandu looked at the sky behind him with a half-smile.

At this moment, a green stream of light shot towards Lu Tiandu...

(End of this chapter)

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