Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 108 Destroy the enemy!Chapter returns!

Chapter 108 Destroy the enemy!return! (Please subscribe)

Within a few breaths, this stream of light stopped in the void a hundred feet away from Lu Tiandu.

It turned out to be a small cyan boat, with three monks in black standing on it. They were also looking at Lu Tiandu with excitement at this moment.

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly. After the middle stage of foundation establishment, the range of his spiritual consciousness was fully doubled from the six miles in the early stage. It was several times more powerful than the nine miles of ordinary monks in the late stage of foundation establishment. He could detect it with just a sweep of his spiritual consciousness before. The cultivation level of these three people.

The fat man with a fair face and a simple and honest look has the highest level of cultivation and is in the late stage of foundation building.The remaining two are a pair of twins, handsome in appearance, one in the middle stage of foundation building and the other in the early stage of foundation building.

If he was unlucky enough to catch a Golden Core Stage monk this time, Lu Tiandu would naturally have used Wind Escape long ago.

There are only three foundation-building monks at the moment, which shows that this fishing operation was very successful.

Yes, Lu Tiandu had the intention of fishing on purpose this time. He had this idea when he bought nearly ten thousand monster materials in Shanhai Pavilion.

"Hey, what do the three fellow Taoists look like in such a hurry?" Lu Tiandu, a tall and proud man, asked with a grin.

At this moment, the three opponents were still a hundred feet away from him. They were still some distance away from his current limit of eighty feet in one step with the help of the Fortune Wind Boots. Lu Tiandu would naturally have to wait for the distance to close before killing them with one strike!

The three of them were standing on the boat at the moment, with light shields placed around them to protect themselves.

The fat, white-faced man with a simple and honest look chuckled, his small eyes narrowed to a slit at the moment, he glanced at the bulging storage bag on Lu Tiandu's waist, rubbed his hands and said:
"Let me tell you the truth, this big brother leaves the storage bag, and we will leave you a complete body!"

"Oh, it turns out you were robbers!" Lu Tiandu changed into a big man, as if he only realized it at this moment.

"Is it the shopkeeper Wang of Shanhai Pavilion?" Lu Tiandu asked calmly.

"Hmph, you don't need to know this, just be a fool!" At this time, the handsome-looking middle-stage foundation-building monk among the twins snorted coldly.

"Oh, you fool..." Lu Tiandu looked like he suddenly realized, "You'd better be the one to do it!"

Before Lu Tiandu could finish speaking, the person had disappeared instantly.

"Bang..." There was a muffled groan. When the protective shield around the body of this handsome man in the middle stage of foundation building was broken, his head also exploded.

"not good!"

Just when Lu Tiandu suddenly disappeared and punched the elder twin brother next to him, the fat man with a white face shook his body and left the flying boat at an incredible speed. He appeared dozens of feet away, surrounded by A round turtle shell shield quickly appeared outside the shield.

Before the white-faced fat man could make any other moves, there was another "bang" sound, and the remaining twin brother also followed his elder brother.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu had two more storage bags in his hands. He was standing near the green boat, looking at the fat man with a white face in the distance with a half-smile.

Just now, he took advantage of the moment when several people were talking and quietly closed the distance with the three of them. With the speed of short-distance teleportation and the physical strength of the second round of body refining, he punched the He is a handsome man in the middle stage of foundation building.

"Sure enough, the shield released by the foundation-building monk is about the same as the defensive power of a top-grade defensive magic weapon..." Lu Tiandu thought to himself, "Although it is convenient to use, it is still not as good as the defensive power of a top-grade defensive magic weapon... "

Although these three people had released the protective shield as soon as they arrived, according to past experience, even if someone used a top-level magic weapon to sneak attack, they would still have time to release the magic weapon to deal with it.

Unfortunately, what I didn't expect was to meet this weirdo Lu Tiandu.

Within eighty feet, I am invincible!
If there is a top-level defensive magic weapon, Lu Tiandu really can't break it with one punch!
"This fellow Taoist, we..."

At this moment, the fat man's eyes, which were already small, shrank to the size of a pinhead, his heart was beating fast, his face was pale, and he had a look of pleading.

"Oh, this big brother left the storage bag, and I'll leave you a whole body!"

Lu Tiandu laughed and repeated what this person said just now, his tone full of joking, "I keep my word!"

Looking at the fat man with a white face whose expression was constantly changing, Lu Tiandu didn't give him a chance to think. The light on his feet lit up and the man disappeared in an instant.


A loud noise came from the round turtle shell shield protected by the white-faced fat man.

The white-faced fat man was about to look for Lu Tiandu when the round turtle shell around him instantly appeared on the right, blocking the mysterious white-silver fist that appeared.

"What? You can actually become invisible?"

The white-faced fat man who was already frightened before this moment was even more frightened.

If it weren't for the shield he got that can automatically protect the whole body as soon as it is lifted up, he might have turned into a corpse.

"Bang~ bang..."

Several more sounds of fists and shields hitting each other reached the white-faced fat man's ears, like a demonic sound urging death.

At this moment, he had taken out three Golden Wheel Sacrifice in the air and was ready to counterattack at any time. Unfortunately, every time the silver-white fist and the shield collided, Lu Tiandu's figure disappeared, making the white-faced fat man's face become densely covered with sweat beads.

After several more "bang bang" collisions, the pale-faced fat man hurriedly patted the storage bag, and a green talisman appeared in his hand.

The face of the fat man with a white face changed. He gritted his teeth and patted the talisman on himself. He quickly put away his buckler and ignored the flying boat in the distance. He turned into a green light and fled into the distance.

"Wooden Escape Talisman?"

At this moment, Lu Tiandu, who was hidden in the void, smiled coldly and showed his figure. The figure flickered, turned into a breeze, and disappeared in an instant.In less than two breaths, Lu Tiandu once again caught up with the white-faced fat man who used the wooden escape talisman to escape. Just when the opponent was hurriedly preparing to sacrifice the magic weapon, Lu Tiandu disappeared again.

After a muffled groan, a fat figure with a hole in the heart floated in the air. Lu Tiandu put away the fat man's storage bag, and a fireball fell on the fat man. After a breath, there were several more clusters of ashes flying in the wind. …

"It seems that the monk named Wang from Shanhai Pavilion is not a good bird either?" Lu Tiandu looked into the distance, murderous intent flashing out of the corners of his eyes.

When he was buying monster materials, the man asked roundabout questions. Although Lu Tiandu dealt with it, he still kept an eye on it.

In fact, he had several ways to leave Kuixing City quietly, but in the end he decided to test it out, which is why he carried out the previous fishing operation.

As expected, these people had ulterior motives for the unfamiliar monk who had a large sum of spiritual stones.

In this way, Lu Tiandu must be extremely careful if he plans to become a traitor.

At this moment, he also discovered that it was very inconvenient not to have his own commercial base here.

Recalling the previous battle, Lu Tiandu was quite satisfied with this battle.

Within eighty feet, any monk who does not release the top-level magic weapon to protect himself, but only uses an ordinary shield, is just an enemy to him who is refining his body.

One punch, nothing more.

If the magical weapon duel really takes half a day to complete!
Moreover, since the foundation was established, he who had mastered the first level of Dayan Jue and could distract his mind for thirty ways no longer had to worry about being able to sacrifice only two magic weapons during the previous Qi refining period.

Just like just now, he used the three magic weapons of Fortune Wind Boots, Invisibility Cloak and Silver Gloves at the same time. He was so invisible that the enemy had no way to attack.

Returning to the original place, the sapphire flying boat was still suspended in the air. Lu Tiandu put it away for inspection and found that not only could the flying boat be injected with spiritual power, it could fly, but it also had a place to install spiritual stones. No wonder it could do it without anyone commanding it. Stop in the air.

After flying to the ground and flicking his fingers, two small fireballs landed on the confused twin brothers, Lu Tiandu set off again.

This time, he took out the sapphire flying boat he had just obtained as a transportation tool. After trying it out, he found that it flew at about the same speed as his own spiritual light shuttle.

However, this flying boat is just a flying magic weapon, unlike the aura shuttle, which also has the ability to attack.

Of course, this flying boat can carry more people at one time. Lu Tiandu estimates that carrying seven or eight people will not affect the flying speed, but the Spiritual Light Shuttle cannot travel faster than three people.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu returned to the isolated island where the ancient teleportation array was located. He had previously purchased the sea area map of the southwest corner of the Chaotic Star Sea on Baisha Island, so he naturally knew the location here very clearly.

After still borrowing the earth escape talisman to enter the stone mountain where the teleportation array was located, he returned to the cave again. A burst of light flashed, and Lu Tiandu's figure holding the Great Teleportation Order disappeared again.

Mingzhou, wasteland, Great Rift Valley.

On the ancient underground teleportation formation guarded by the formation, a yellow light flashed, and a tall man with a strong hide appeared.

After releasing his spiritual consciousness for a moment and observing that there was nothing unusual, Lu Tiandu did not leave the formation and slipped into the world of stone beads.

After a period of transformation, Lu Tiandu returned to his original appearance.We have to see if this identity can be used next time!

Lu Tiandu opened the storage bags of the three of them and sorted out the harvest.

As expected, the fat man who was in the late stage of foundation building had the richest net worth.

The spiritual stones alone include ten mid-level spiritual stones and hundreds of low-level spiritual stones.

In terms of magic weapons, in addition to the precious flying magic weapon, the sapphire boat, the set of three golden wheels are also rare and exquisite. Unfortunately, Lu Tiandu can't do anything about them.

That turtle shell shield was originally a good thing, but unfortunately it was punched dozens of times by Lu Tiandu. Its aura was dimmed and its defense was greatly reduced.The others are several ordinary top-level magic weapons and a dozen or so high-level magic weapons.

What surprised Lu Tiandu the most was that he found a Dust Falling Pill and a portion of Snow Spirit Water and Heavenly Fire Liquid in this guy's storage bag. It seemed that this person was also preparing to form pills.

The others are a few bottles of elixirs for improving cultivation, a few intermediate talismans, a few elixir recipes, some monster materials, etc.

The twin brothers' net worth is much lower than that of the fat man with a white face, but the two of them have a combined net worth of six to seven thousand spiritual stones.

After sorting these things into categories, Lu Tiandu came out of the formation and used the earth escape talisman to get out of the underground mine.

After leaving the Lingshi Mine invisibly and observing the people mining, Lu Tiandu used his Wind Escape and disappeared instantly.

After leaving the Great Rift Valley, Lu Tiandu released the spiritual light shuttle and headed towards the Taiyue Mountains at high speed.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu came to Jinyu Pavilion. At this time, apart from the few mid-level wind spirit stones and thunder spirit stones he had reserved before, the only spiritual stones he had obtained from the three people this time were the three thousand. He is very insecure.

Therefore, I took out a lot of unused magic weapons and materials that I got this time, as well as several high-quality top-level magic weapons that I had left behind that seemed pretty good before, and asked Uncle Thirteen to help with them.

There are indeed a lot of good things this time, which surprised Uncle Thirteen, a veteran who is used to seeing top-level magic weapons.

Although there are not many things, the value is not low. It is estimated to be around [-] spirit stones.

With this spiritual stone, Lu Tiandu no longer has to worry about spiritual stones.

As for the large amount of monster materials, monster eggs and other things he obtained this time, in addition to selling some of them to the Lu family, he was planning to sell the rest with the help of the Hidden Moon Sect auction in three months.

(End of this chapter)

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