Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 109 Something happened to Nie Ying!Flying sword to pass the book!Ancestor Linghu!

Chapter 109 Something happened to Nie Ying!Flying sword to pass the book!Ancestor Linghu! (Please subscribe)
Three months went by in the blink of an eye.

Lu Tiandu said goodbye to his thirteenth uncle and returned to the Lu family to report that Xin Ruyin and his two daughters were safe.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked in, he heard news that shocked him - Nie Ying had an accident some time ago!


When he heard the news about Nie Ying from Xin Ruyin, Lu Tian sat up in shock.

"Don't worry, husband, the dangerous period has passed..."

After Xin Ruyin comforted Lu Tiandu, she told Nie Ying's current situation one by one.

Nie Ying's accident happened to be the time when Lu Tiandu left the Lu family and went to the Mingzhou Great Rift Valley. It was not an injury caused by fighting with others, but the backlash of the practice caused by the eagerness for quick success and instant benefits.

Seeing Xin Ruyin trying to say goodbye, Lu Tiandu immediately reacted:

"Is it the skill she mentioned before?"

When Xin Ruyin saw that Lu Tiandu had reacted, she looked at him reproachfully and nodded.

Lu Tiandu naturally understood the meaning of Xin Ruyin's expression, smiled bitterly, and said nothing more.

Although he and Nie Ying had expressed their intentions before, because Nie Ying happens to practice a secret technique that requires the body of Yuan Yin, the two have not started dual cultivation for the time being.

Nie Ying once said that she would be able to practice that skill in a few months at most, and then they would be able to accomplish good things together.

Now it seems that she is really eager for quick success.

Of course, Lu Tiandu's factor was not small. Although he did not put any pressure on Nie Ying, he still affected Nie Ying's behavior invisibly.

"So it's all thanks to Uncle Lei. I'll have to thank him later!" Lu Tiandu said.

Just now Xin Ruyin mentioned that thanks to Nie Ying's master Lei Wanhe who collected a lot of elixirs and refined a pot of elixirs to restore injuries, Nie Ying was able to survive the dangerous period.

"And Uncle Hongfu, if it hadn't been for the aged old medicine provided by Uncle Hongfu, there would have been serious consequences!"

Xin Ruyin considered herself to be a Taoist monk of Lu Tiandu, and when people chatted with each other, she basically called those uncles and uncles the same as Lu Tiandu.

"Uncle Hongfu? Who begged her?"

The unforgettable graceful figure of the cold and charming uncle suddenly appeared in Lu Tiandu's mind.

"Of course it's Uncle Lei!"

Xiaomei said from the side, "Although Sister Qiaoqian is here, the Chen family does not have this medicine in their collection. In the end, it was Master Lei who inquired about it and found out that Master Hongfu had one leftover from the previous elixir refinement..."

"So, I really have to thank Uncle Iban Hongfu!" Lu Tiandu nodded.

After chatting with Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei for a while, Lu Tiandu hurriedly left the Lu family and rushed to Chuyun Peak.The two girls had visited several times before, so there was no need to go there together this time.

Arriving outside Nie Ying's cave, Lu Tiandu took out a transmission talisman and whispered a few words, then threw it away. The transmission talisman turned into fire and flew in through the protective formation.

Nie Ying's formation was also made and presented to Nie Ying by Xiaomei and Xin Ruyin before. There is no problem in stopping the foundation-building monks.

But after a moment, a surprised voice came out, it was Junior Sister Chen.

"Brother, are you back?"

Junior Sister Chen gently hugged Lu Tian and quickly let go, then whispered: "Sister Ying has not recovered yet and is temporarily unable to move... Senior Uncle Lei is here today..."

"Well, I see."

Lu Tiandu nodded to indicate that he understood, and then entered the formation with Junior Sister Chen.

Entering the cave, the layout was indeed the same as the last time I came here.

But there was a fat figure in the living room, drinking tea.

This man's body was covered in fat, his eyes were squeezed until there were only two slits left, and the skin hanging from his chin was layered on top of one another, and he didn't know how thick it was.

Coupled with his waist as thick as a giant barrel, this guy was definitely one of the fattest guys Lu Tian had ever seen.

"Lu Tiandu pays homage to Master Lei!"

Lu Tiandu recognized this golden elixir master in Yellow Maple Valley at a glance and stepped forward to salute.

"Are you Lu Tiandu?"

Lei Wanhe raised his narrowed eyes and looked at Lu Tiandu. They both had supernatural spiritual roots, but this was the first time they met.

"I didn't expect that it's only been more than two years and we're already in the middle stage of foundation building?"

"Disciple happened to have some opportunities outside, and this time he just made a breakthrough!" Facing Lei Wanhe's probing eyes, Lu Tiandu responded with a faint smile.

"You have a good chance!" Lei Wanhe sighed.

He had naturally heard the news that Lu Tiandu had established his foundation within a few days during the blood ban trial. He did not expect that in just over two years, this little guy would already be in the middle stage of foundation building.

This rapid improvement is really scary!
Lei Wanhe glanced at Lu Tiandu and Chen Qiaoqian again, frowned slightly and said: "Since you are here to see girl Ying, let's go in and have a look!"

After another pause, Lei Wanhe said: "It is estimated that in about a month, he will be fully recovered. You guys tell Ying Yatou to get well and recuperate. I have to leave beforehand..."

"Congratulations to Master!"

Lei Wanhe naturally saw that Lu Tiandu had a close relationship with the two girls in the cave. Although Nie Ying was his disciple, he was too lazy to care about the love between young men and women, and he didn't want to care about it.

Simply leave directly.

After sending Lei Wanhe away, Lu Tiandu and Chen Qiaoqian looked at each other and let out a long sigh.

"Hey, Uncle Lei puts a lot of pressure on people..."

Chen Qiaoqian stuck out her tongue and then called Lu Tiandu into the training room where Nie Ying practiced.

This training room is not big, about three feet long and wide, and the layout is simple, with only a couch, a table and a chair.

At this moment, on the bed, Nie Ying's heart was raised to the sky, and she was slowly finishing her work.

At this moment, Nie Ying's originally bright and beautiful face looked a little more haggard, and her breath was a little weaker. She was dressed in a clean white house outfit, which made people feel even more pity for her.


Seeing that Nie Ying had finally succeeded, Lu Tiandu stepped forward and took Nie Ying's beautiful hand to greet her.

"Worrying my husband!"

Nie Ying's pretty face looked a little redder, and her tone sounded a bit remorseful.

"What are you talking about?" Lu Tiandu said displeased, "You and I are one, and your things are mine... Never do such stupid things again in the future... What a stupid girl!"

Hearing Lu Tiandu's reproach and the presence of Junior Sister Chen, Nie Ying's pale face turned shy.

"Well... everything depends on your husband!"

Junior Sister Chen was also sitting on the other side of Nie Ying, looking at the two of them with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Lu Tiandu finally felt relieved when he realized that with the elixir refined by Lei Wanhe, Nie Ying would be fine as long as she rested for a while.

Knowing the role Lei Wanhe and Hong Fu played in this, Lu Tiandu made up his mind to find a suitable opportunity to repay each other.

Whether it's elixirs or demon pills, he has a lot of things that are useful to monks in the elixir formation stage, and it's more than enough to return favors.

In the next few days, Lu Tiandu did not return to his cave, but stayed with the beautiful woman in Nie Ying's cave.This made Nie Ying feel even more warm in her heart.

Naturally, Junior Sister Chen wouldn't say anything more and went back to her cave to give the two of them some alone time.

It seems that the four of them, Junior Sister Chen and Nie Ying, get along very well!
Time flew by, and one month passed by in a blink of an eye. It was not until Nie Ying was completely recovered that Lu Tiandu and Nie Ying had a warm relationship and returned to his cave.

At this time, there were less than two months before the auction held every 20 years in Yue State. Lu Tiandu was planning to find an opportunity to contact Nangong Wan in a while and use Nangong Wan's connections to put his items in the auction.

If there are just a few pieces, there is no need. However, these items of his are large in quantity and valuable. There is also the issue of auction fees.

A few days later, when the Qi and Blood Pills were sufficient, Lu Tiandu was practicing body-training techniques in the cave.

A golden flying sword flew into his cave.

When Lu Tiandu held the flying sword in his hand and listened to the content of the golden sword's sound transmission, his face was at a loss.

"What does it mean that Ancestor Linghu sent me a flying sword message?"

This really puzzled him.

This supreme elder who never sees the dragon rarely stays in the valley. He always looks for opportunities to break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul outside.

The several masters and uncles who usually linked to the Dan Stage could not see his figure. Now he was not only in the valley, but also summoned him, which made him really unbelievable.

At this time, Ancestor Linghu might return to the valley to participate in the auction held every 20 years in the Yue Kingdom, Lu Tiandu thought to himself.

But after summoning him, he still had no clue after thinking over and over again.

There was not much time at this moment, Lu Tiandu came out of the cave, threw Sui Feng Sword casually, and followed the golden flying sword to Linghu's cave.

Soon, Lu Tiandu came to a mountain peak called Taixuan Peak.

This Taixuan Peak is the best place among the Spiritual Eyes in the Taiyue Mountains. This is the place where Ancestor Linghu practices his practice in the Yellow Maple Valley. Disciples are strictly prohibited from setting foot in it. This is all recorded in the sect rules.

It was also the first time for Lu Tiandu to set foot on this mountain peak.

As expected, the spiritual energy was much thicker than other places along the way up the mountain. When we reached the top of the mountain, a few large halls were sparsely visible.

Lu Tiandu lowered his flying sword, and at this moment a young foundation-building monk came up to him.

This man looked to be less than 30 years old. He was dressed in Yellow Maple Valley clothes and had a handsome face. He was also a monk in the middle stage of foundation building.

"I've met senior brother. What do you call him?" Lu Tiandu stepped forward and asked.

"Junior brother Lu, are you here? I am Chai Meng. My ancestor has called me. I will take you in!" Chai Meng said with a gentle smile.

But I was really surprised. I didn't expect that Lu Tiandu would be in the middle stage of foundation construction in just over two years. It's really unbelievable!

Even the supernatural root is too fast, right?
"Brother Chai, do you know why the ancestor summoned me?" Lu Tiandu saw that this man was not difficult to get along with, so he asked proactively.

After all, he had a lot of doubts in his mind.

"This is really embarrassing for me, senior brother!" Chai Meng said with a bitter smile, "Although I am nominally an ancestor's registered disciple, in fact I just do odd jobs at Taixuan Peak..."

"Senior brother is too humble!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head. After all, being able to do odd jobs in Taixuan Peak was probably not something that ordinary people could get.

Either they can handle things, or they have good qualifications, good background, etc.

What's more, this man is still Linghu's registered disciple, so everyone who knows Gu Nei probably has to give him a bit of a thumbs-down.

The two chatted for a few words and soon arrived at the entrance of the hall.

After Chai Meng reported, he motioned to Lu Tiandu to go in by himself, but he had no intention of going in together.

"Senior Brother Lao is here!"

Lu Tiandu thanked him and entered the quaint hall.

This main hall is not the main hall, but a side hall, which is not big inside.

As soon as Shi entered, Lu Tiandu saw at a glance an old man in brocade clothes with white hair and beard sitting on the main seat. He was none other than Ancestor Linghu.

The old man's face was sallow, his small eyes were dim and lifeless, and he was really ugly.At this moment, he was playing with the sound-transmitting flying sword from before.

"Disciple Lu Tian has even met the Supreme Elder!"

Lu Tiandu only glanced at it and was shocked, and quickly bowed and paid homage.

"Okay, don't be too polite!"

At this moment, Ancestor Linghu also looked at Lu Tiandu below.

Lu Tiandu stood respectfully and became more and more cautious. Ancestor Linghu just glanced at him, which made him feel like he had been seen through.This feeling is really not good.

This is the monk with the highest cultivation level he has seen so far. As expected, the greater the gap in cultivation level, the more powerless one feels.

"Hey! The primordial spirit is well cultivated, what kind of exercises have you practiced to exercise the primordial spirit!"

Ancestor Linghu flashed a look of surprise in his eyes, and said lightly, "And the body is also full of energy and blood, which is really rare!"

After hearing Ancestor Linghu's judgment, Lu Tiandu became more respectful:
"This disciple has indeed practiced some skills related to soul and body training. The ancestor has such a bright eye!"

"Refining Qi, refining God, and refining body together, you really look like an ancient monk..."

Ancestor Linghu smiled faintly and said in a surprised tone, "And I didn't expect that you have already reached the middle stage of foundation building in just over two years. Your cultivation is so fast that it is no exaggeration to say that you are one among a thousand!"

"Disciple, it's just that I had some opportunities before!" Lu Tiandu said quickly, but his heart was trembling.

Ancestor Linghu looked at Lu Tiandu again and then said:
"With such outstanding qualifications and deep blessings, it's no wonder that even someone from the Moon-Sealing Sect has taken a fancy to you and begged me for you..."

Speaking of this, a look of curiosity flashed across Patriarch Linghu's originally old and ugly face.

After all, the eldest sister was willing to give out a bottle of elixir that was useful to all Nascent Soul monks in exchange for this disciple.

This is what makes him very curious.

To them, a foundation-building monk with supernatural spiritual roots is really not worth a bottle of elixir that can improve their cultivation.

After hearing what Ancestor Linghu said, Lu Tiandu understood instantly.

Nangong Wan is here!
"I don't know... the senior is talking about a certain disciple of the Hidden Moon Sect?" At this moment, Lu Tiandu did not dare to be careless and asked directly.

"It seems you understand it too!" Ancestor Linghu smiled faintly, "Tell me about the dispute between you and Nangong Taoist Fellow's beloved disciple?"

In an instant, Lu Tiandu understood that the fellow Taoist Nangong mentioned by Linghu should be Nangong Wan's master, the most powerful middle-stage Nascent Soul monk in the Yue Kingdom.

Facing the old monster Linghu in the early stage of Nascent Soul, Lu Tiandu cheered up and briefly explained the opportunities in the Blood Forbidden Trial with slight modifications.

"So that's it! There is such a miraculous fruit that can increase the chance of having a baby by [-]%. You two really have a great chance!"

Ancestor Linghu looked sad, and his originally dull eyes shone brightly.

At this moment, he finally understood why fellow Taoist Nangong came to exchange for this disciple a pill that could increase the cultivation of the Nascent Soul.

It wasn’t just Lu Tian who had taken away her disciple’s innocence!What's more important is that the disciple Lu Tiandu has a high chance of giving birth to a baby if he doesn't die on the way!

The [-]% chance of having a baby is really not low!

(End of this chapter)

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