Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 110 Apprenticeship!Master and disciple Nangong Wan!Tangled!

Chapter 110 Apprenticeship!Master and disciple Nangong Wan!Tangled! (Please subscribe)

Unconsciously, Ancestor Linghu thought of the past when he had a baby again.

He has Tianlinggen, and it only took him eight or ninety years to form an elixir. However, due to insufficient opportunities, he was unable to conceive a baby several times. He finally succeeded in conceiving a baby when he was nearly five hundred years old. Only he knew the hardships involved.

Now more than 300 years have passed since he had a baby, and he still hasn't found an opportunity to break through the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

This guy has a great opportunity!
Suddenly, you have [-]% more chances of having a baby than others!
If there is another chance to obtain one or two precious medicines that can help conceive a baby, there is a high probability that a baby will be born within three to four hundred years!

And if he had agreed to the proposal of fellow Taoist Nangong before, the Hidden Moon Sect would potentially have two more monks who could conceive babies!
At this time, Patriarch Linghu was glad that he was more thoughtful, but he was also jealous of the good fortune of Lu Tiandu and the female disciple named Nangong Wan.

If he had known that the Yin-Yang Fruit could increase the chance of conceiving a baby by [-]% and the chance of transforming into a god by [-]%, he might not be able to sit still at this moment!
This is also the reason why Lu Tiandu dared to change his appearance and tell the story of the opportunity. After all, the Yin Yang Fruit is so rare that the ancestor Linghu may not know it.

And I don’t think Master and Disciple Nangong Wan would tell Patriarch Linghu the details.

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he stood aside respectfully.

Hearing Ancestor Linghu's sigh, Lu Tiandu pretended to be embarrassed and said:
"This disciple didn't know that strange fruit before. It was also because of Fairy Nangong that I got this opportunity..."

"Hehe, you don't have to belittle yourself. This opportunity is yours if it falls on you. It's useless for anyone to be jealous..." Ancestor Linghu laughed.

Lu Tiandu also smiled, wondering what decision Linghu would make.

Ever since he knew that the summons was because of Nangong Wan, he felt relieved.The worst is to be sent to the Hidden Moon Sect!

This also dispelled his previous speculation that he had missed something somewhere.

At this moment, Ancestor Linghu stood up and took a few steps back and forth, as if he was making a decision. After a moment, he spoke:

"Would you like to become my teacher?"

"Ah?" Lu Tiandu had a look of surprise on his face, but seeing the solemn look on Patriarch Linghu's face, he immediately reacted and saluted:
"Disciple Lu Tiandu pays homage to Master!"

"Okay, you get up first..."


While Lu Tiandu was talking to Ancestor Linghu, in a main hall not far from this side hall, rich spiritual energy filled it, and two beauties, one big and one small, were chatting.

This older, beautiful woman looks to be in her thirties or forties. She is dressed in a white palace dress, with her black hair hanging loosely. She has a white jade tie on her forehead, a drop of jasper hanging between her eyebrows, and a pair of charming and touching eyes.

Under the eyes, a white veil blocks other parts, making people want to explore it, making it look extremely mysterious.

Looking at her figure, she is plump and exquisite, and her every move is full of charm, which is very eye-catching.

Next to him, a young woman of eighteen or nineteen years old was also wearing a white palace dress, covering her graceful figure. Her hair was combed into a crane bun, as if she wanted to fly high. She also wore a white veil on her face, and her bright eyes were full of excitement. Looking forward to it and a bit nervous.

If Lu Tiandu were here, he would definitely recognize the younger one at a glance as Nangong Wan, who has a close relationship with him.

"Master, do you think Senior Linghu will agree?" Nangong Wan asked the beautiful woman next to him with a bit of expectation in his tone.

"What? You can't wait so much?"

The beautiful woman giggled, and ran her snow-white jade hands across Nangong Wan's eyebrows, "It seems that my Wan'er is really in love this time..."


Nangong Wan rarely showed a little daughter-like attitude, and snorted, "Master will tease me!" Still looking at her master expectantly.

"You don't know this as a teacher!"

The beautiful woman shook her head and her charming eyes flashed, "If he were an ordinary person, Taoist Fellow Linghu would probably agree, but if that boy is too good, it would be hard to say..."

What she didn't say was that ancestor Linghu was not much younger than her. Although he was famous for being good at maintaining health, Linghu, who was nearly 200 years old, only had a lifespan of more than [-] years at most.

At this time, Huang Maple Valley didn't even have a single late-stage Jindan cultivator, so Ancestor Linghu would definitely face the dilemma of having no successors after his death.

If Linghu saw that the boy had good potential and wanted to cultivate him, it would probably be difficult for him to agree to the exchange, or even the exchange would have to cost more.

"Yes, that person is very outstanding at the same level, and now he has the Yin Yang Fruit..." Nangong Wan lowered his head and murmured, suddenly feeling a little discouraged for no reason.

"That boy wouldn't be stupid enough to tell Patriarch Linghu such a secret, would he?" the beautiful woman asked with a faint smile.

"……of course not!"

Gong Wan spoke firmly, she was deeply touched by Lu Tiandu's cunning.

"Just wait quietly like this..."

On the other side, Ancestor Linghu waited for Lu Tiandu to finish his salute, then smiled and said:

"I have had three disciples in my life. In addition to your senior brother Lei Wanhe, second senior sister Hongfu, and third senior brother Fengchen, you are the No. 4 true disciple..."

"I will let you brothers and sisters get to know each other later. If I am not here in the future, you can ask them for advice if you have any questions about practice..."

Lu Tiandu nodded in agreement.

This Linghu's vision is quite high. He still doesn't know what kind of spiritual roots his third senior brother Fengchen has, but the other three have different spiritual roots!
The guarantee is that they are all golden elixir monks.Of course, this is also reasonable for Linghu of Tianlinggen.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu also understood the intention of Patriarch Linghu to accept him as his disciple.Linghu must have made plans for Huang Maple Valley after his death.

At present, the Jindan monks with the highest cultivation level in Huang Maple Valley, apart from Lei Wanhe and Hong Fu, are the oldest Master Du. These three are all at the peak of the middle stage of Jindan, but it is still unknown when they will enter the late stage of Jindan. Not to mention having a baby.

The other five are all in the early stages of the Golden Core, so it’s okay not to mention them.

In this way, Lu Tiandu, a disciple who has the opportunity to conceive a baby within three to four hundred years, is particularly valuable.

As for Linghu's fleeting thought of training him as a body-snatcher, Lu Tian didn't think much about it.

After all, although Lu Tiandu has the opportunity to advance to the level of Yuanying, Linghu, who has advanced to the level of Yuanying hundreds of years ago, will not consider taking another person's body unless his body is destroyed immediately. Otherwise, the Yuanying monk will still It’s really rare to take possession of one’s body.

After all, monks who can conceive babies either have good qualifications or have a great opportunity. After taking away the body, their cultivation level will definitely decline, and it is not known how long it will take for them to return to their original cultivation level.

Moreover, after Nascent Soul takes away its body, it will take several years to slowly adapt to the new body. The old monster of Nascent Soul has few enemies, and if it is known, it will only lead to death.

Besides, after seizing the body, the longevity is still the original longevity. After all, the longevity of the Yuanying monk can be related to his soul Yuanying.

It is not that after taking the body, you can have the life span of the original owner.

Otherwise, the first thing every Yuanying old monster would do after having a baby is to look for heavenly spiritual roots or otherworldly spiritual roots to cultivate them all over the world in preparation for living an extra life!After Patriarch Linghu asked Lu Tiandu what exercises he majored in and whether he lacked training resources, he said:

"Since you are not short of martial arts tools and other things, I don't have anything better to give you as a master. These bottles of elixirs are suitable for you to take to improve your cultivation. There is also this jade pendant, which contains the condensed energy of the master. The Yimu divine shield I made can withstand several attacks from the monks in the middle stage of the golden elixir and save your life... I will reward you with the rest after you form the elixir and become your master!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Lu Tiandu took the seven or eight jade bottles and emerald jade pendants and put them away with a grateful look.

From this point of view, Linghu should have a wood-attribute heavenly spirit root, and it makes sense that wood-attribute exercises are good at maintaining health.

In fact, the main reason why he did not become a disciple before was that he had many cultivation resources and there was no need to get involved with others.

But this time when facing Linghu, a Yuanying monk, he had no reason to refuse.

With the identity of Linghu's true disciple, not only did he have Linghu's protection, but he also suddenly became closer to the previous alchemy masters and uncles, and had several more security guarantees and communication channels.

Of course, it will also be of great benefit to the Lu family and several of their Taoist companions, needless to say.

Ancestor Linghu once again explained the purpose of the trip to the Nangong Taoist Brother of the Hidden Moon Sect, and then led Lu Tiandu towards the main hall.

Entering the main hall, Lu Tiandu immediately recognized Nangong Wan, whose face was covered by a white gauze. When their eyes met, the two of them naturally understood the meaning.

However, when he saw the beautiful woman next to Nangong Wan, Lu Tiandu was shocked and hurriedly suppressed the strange movement in his dantian.

A look of surprise flashed across the charming eyes of the beautiful woman. She also suppressed the strange movement of her body, pretended not to care and glanced at the young Lu Tiandu, looked at the ancestor Linghu, and said with a smile:
"It seems that Fellow Daoist Linghu has made his choice?"

Ancestor Linghu chuckled and motioned for Lu Tiandu to step forward:
"These are my new fourth disciples. What do you think, fellow Taoist Nangong?"

Lu Tiandu had regained his composure at this moment, stepped forward to greet him and said:
"I've seen Senior Nangong!"

Then he smiled slightly at Nangong Wan: "Long time no see, Fairy Nangong!"

Although Nangong Wan was prepared at this moment, she was still a little gloomy.

The beautiful woman named Nangong smiled softly, and her beautiful eyes moved around Lu Tiandu, making Lu Tiandu's heart tremble.

Senior Nangong's eyes gave people the illusion of being seen through even more than Linghu. Sure enough, after reaching Nascent Soul, the gap between each lower level of consciousness was huge.

"You are indeed a good apprentice!"

The beautiful woman smiled faintly. Now that she understood that Linghu had no intention of letting anyone else, she stopped pestering him.

However, the curiosity in her eyes has not stopped. She has never heard her disciple say that this little guy seems to have other special physiques.

After all, she knew that what Lu Tiandu was practicing was the Feng Ling Gang Book he got from the Hidden Moon Sect, and if it could cause strange movements in her body, she must have some kind of special physique. What kind of physique it was really made her extremely curious... …

"I didn't expect that we would already be in the middle stage of foundation building in just two years. It's rare..."

Naturally, the beautiful woman also discovered that Lu Tiandu was full of energy and blood and had abnormal consciousness. Moreover, it was only two years after the blood ban trial ended that he was already in the middle stage of foundation building, which surprised her!

Low-level monks have absolutely no secrets at all in front of these Nascent Soul monsters!

After listening to his master's words, Nangong Wan discovered something unusual. Unexpectedly, Lu Tian was already in the middle stage of foundation building!A pair of beautiful eyes also flashed with shock!

"My apprentice is also a person with a great opportunity!" Linghu laughed, looking very happy.

However, when he remembered that one of this Taoist disciples was a monk in the early stage of Yuanying like him, and the other one also had the opportunity to advance to Yuanying, Linghu suddenly stopped laughing again.

"Senior, that's ridiculous!" Lu Tiandu didn't show any complacency.

"No, you're fine!"

The beautiful woman's voice was extremely pleasant, with some inexplicable temptation, "No wonder my arrogant disciple fell in love with you and begged me to find fellow Taoist Linghu... If you are willing, you can go to the Hidden Moon Sect with us... …”

Following the seductive voice of the beautiful woman, Lu Tiandu's heart trembled, and the stone furnace in his consciousness shook. He woke up instantly, his heart trembled, and he secretly said:

"Could it be that this beautiful woman used a charm technique on me or something?"

Lu Tiandu calmed down and said: "Senior is joking, how can I, a disciple of Huang Maple Valley, go to the Hidden Moon Sect?"

He glanced back at Old Ancestor Linghu again, and saw that there was no surprise on Old Ancestor Linghu's face. Could it be that it wasn't some charm technique or that even Linghu didn't notice it?
"Sister Nangong, please stop poaching me..." At this moment, Ancestor Linghu laughed.

"In that case, it would be better for the two of them to become Taoist couples, what do you think, fellow Taoist Linghu?" The beautiful woman still looked smiling.

But she was surprised again. When she and Lu Tian were talking just now, she had used some unique secret technique, which even Linghu had hidden. Even the normal pill formation period would go according to her wishes. The result was useless to Lu Tiandu...

"Of course I have no objection!" Linghu said with bright eyes, "But we still have to see what my disciple and your disciple mean. He is more than just a confidante..."

Having said this, Linghu asked Lu Tiandu the question.

Lu Tian had not concealed the fact that he had several confidantes before. Linghu had just accepted a disciple and naturally had no interest in beating the two of them. Whether they succeed or not depends entirely on the two of them.

After hearing Linghu's words, the beautiful woman frowned slightly, glanced at Lu Tiandu with her beautiful eyes, looked at Nangong Wan who had been silent beside her, took Nangong Wan's little hand, and said with a smile:
"Sure enough, this man has a little bit of ability, but he is just a playboy and a bad guy. Disciple, I can't help you as a teacher now..."

These words made Lu Tiandu's face suddenly heat up.

Nangong Wan heard that Lu Tiandu had more than one confidante, which was obviously different from what Lu Tiandu had said before that he had a double cultivation agreement with others, which immediately made her even more angry.

This philandering villain!
She originally wanted to refuse directly, but the yearning for Lu Tian over the past two years has made it deeply engraved in her heart.

When they met this time, just standing like this, the two seemed to have some mysterious connection. Nangong Wan's expression changed, and he suddenly felt hesitant in his heart.

The beautiful woman seemed to see Nangong Wan's hesitation, and said with a faint smile:

"In that case, I'll give you three days to get along with each other. I will respect you no matter what decision I make...just do whatever you want!"

After the beautiful woman finished speaking, the figure disappeared, and a few words came from the air: "I will pick you up in three days..."

Linghu saw that the beautiful woman had left, looked at the two juniors, smiled and said to Lu Tiandu:

"Disciple, I will let you senior brothers get to know each other here in three days..."

The figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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