Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 111 Continue the relationship!A farewell gift!past!

Chapter 111 Continue the relationship!A farewell gift!past! (Big Chapter 7400)

In the silent hall, only Lu Tiandu and Nangong Wan were left at this moment.

Without the other people, the two of them were obviously relaxed. Lu Tiandu looked at Nangong Wan's gorgeous appearance, and remembered all the wonderful things that happened between the two of them on the third floor of Lingkong Tower. His heart suddenly became hot, and he took the initiative to step forward. Holding Nangong Wan’s jade hand, she said affectionately:
"Wan'er, I miss you!"

Nangong Wan was shocked, and the confusion in her eyes disappeared instantly.

When she was still hesitant, Lu Tiandu's affectionate words "Wan'er, I miss you" immediately made her heart soften and her face turn red, remembering that time he also called her "Wan'er, Wan'er".

Nangong Wan's jade hand, which was about to be retracted, also pretended to withdraw a few times and let Lu Tiandu hold it in his big hand and play with it.

Her beautiful eyes swept across Lu Tiandu's burning gaze, and a few red clouds rose up from Nangong Wan's beautiful face under the veil, and she instantly understood the meaning in Lu Tiandu's eyes.

Glancing at this disgusting guy, Nangong Wan was about to scold him a few words when Lu Tiandu came closer and whispered:

"Wan'er, this is another place after all. Why don't you follow me to my cave and let's talk some thoughtful words... I still have something to give you?"

Nangong Wan rolled her beautiful eyes and instantly understood what Lu Tiandu meant. She was about to scold him for "beautiful thinking!" How dare he miss her when he has other beauties?
As a result, before she could open her mouth, her slender and soft waist was wrapped by a pair of strong arms, and her whole body was pushed into a warm embrace!
This breath instantly fascinated her, her thoughts were racing, and she could no longer utter harsh words of rejection!
Lu Tiandu chuckled, hugging the soft Nangong Wan out of the hall, stepped into the spiritual light shuttle, and went straight to his cave.

As soon as he arrived at Xiaoyao Cliff and entered the cave, before Lu Tiandu could activate the protective restrictions, a pair of jade bis wrapped around his neck in an instant...

At this moment, Nangong Wan's eyes could not hide the charming look. She had taken off the veil at some point. Her delicate face was very emotional, her lips opened and closed, and she said coquettishly:
"What are you waiting for..."


Half a day later, in the cave, a stunningly beautiful woman with half-open eyes rested on Lu Tiandu's chest, her cheeks were rosy, and her face looked satisfied and lazy.

"Wan'er, your master's surname is also Nangong? Are we from the same family as you?" Lu Tiandu found a topic and asked about Nangong Wan.

"That's not..."

Nangong Wan's words were slightly hoarse, "I heard from my master that I am not from Yue, but an orphan she met by chance in another country. I didn't expect to have the spiritual roots to cultivate immortality, so I took my master's last name." …”

"No wonder so!"

After a pause, Lu Tiandu suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind and asked, "Could it be that your master's name is Nangong Ping?"

"Hey, how do you know?" Nangong Wan was still lying on Lu Tiandu's chest, but his face became surprised.

Her master's name was known only to her peers and only her two senior sisters.Very few other members of the Hidden Moon Sect knew his full name.

"I heard it from others, after all, we are number one in the world of immortality in Yue Kingdom..."

But a thought flashed through my mind: Nangong Wan, this unfilial disciple, did bad things but left his master’s name behind...

Lu Tiandu stroked the beauty's waist with his palms, stopped discussing the topic, and said softly:
"Wan'er, be my Taoist companion!"

Nangong Wan closed her eyes and said nothing. She knew what Lu Tiandu meant, but although her heart had long been full of Lu Tiandu, she was still unwilling to accept the reality that she could only become one of his Taoist companions.

Seeing Nangong Wan who remained silent, Lu Tiandu smiled, turned over and hugged the beautiful woman in his arms...

Time flies, three days have passed.

These three days went too fast for Nangong Wan. It seemed like only a blink of an eye, but it left her with so many beautiful memories worth recalling.

After all, this time is not as rushed as last time!

When leaving, Lu Tiandu took out several things and handed them to Nangong Wan.

Two bottles of Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk, several Sun Essence Stones, two jade slips, one of which is a two-level Dayan Jue, the other is the first three turns of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu, and a hundred first-level Qi and Blood Pills. , several jars of spirit-gathering wine and a calming elixir.

Well, after more than two years, Nangong Wan has returned to the cultivation level of the late foundation building stage!
Nangong Wan looked at a lot of things in front of her and listened to Lu Tiandu's introduction. Her beautiful eyes were filled with strange colors and her heart was full of love. He cares about me after all...

At this time, her heart became sweeter and sweeter. It would be better if this bad guy only belonged to her.

"Do you still have Dingyan Pill?" Nangong Wan asked again.

"Yes, how many do you want?" Lu Tiandu said directly without asking her for whom.

"Give me another one! As a disciple, I should also show my respect to my master..." Nangong Wan said with a smile.

Everyone was eaten and wiped clean by him, without distinction, and she felt no burden at all at this time.

Nangong Wan took the calming pill, turned her beautiful eyes and asked:
"Five years ago, I heard that someone sold the Dingyan Pill at our Biyue Sect's auction. It couldn't be you, right?"

Lu Tiandu laughed: "Is it possible that someone from your Hidden Moon Sect took a photo of one that time?"

"There was more than one. I heard that in addition to Sister Nishang who took one, there was also an elder who also took one for his fellow Taoist... It's a pity that I was still in retreat at the time..."

Nangong Wan smiled.At this time, she already understood that the three Dingyan Pills that appeared in the auction were made by Lu Tiandu.

"Oh I got it!"

Lu Tiandu understood that the first two of the three Dingyan Pills seemed to have been taken away by the Hidden Moon Sect Golden Pill in the box.

Unexpectedly, one of them was the charming and beautiful young woman Nichang.

After giving away the things that should be given away, Lu Tiandu took out several storage bags and spirit animal bags and explained what happened at the auction.

When Nangong Wan opened the storage bag that contained a dazzling array of monster materials, twelve fifth-level monster pills, and a dozen precious monster eggs, her beautiful eyes were once again filled with shock.

"Your net worth is really unexpected..."

Nangong Wan held back these words for a long time.The value of these things is estimated to be more than 10,000+ spiritual stones.

The combined net worth of two or three Jindan cultivators is probably just this.

"Haha, I also have a chance!" Lu Tiandu smiled, "I will tell you when the right opportunity comes..."

"I am waiting……"

Nangong Wan smiled softly and didn't ask any more questions.

The previous Sun Essence Stone and Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk were much more valuable than these things.

After the two discussed it, Nangong Wan was responsible for handling this batch of things. After all, Nangong Wan also said that there were many things in them that were also very useful to their Hidden Moon Sect, and they would buy them at market prices.

As for other items put up for auction, the [-]% handling fee will not be charged, and it will all be used as compensation for the partial purchase of items by the Hidden Moon Sect in advance.

Lu Tiandu nodded in agreement.

These things are worth 10,000+, and he can only rest assured if they are handed over to Nangong Wan, who has a close relationship and a good background and strength.

Otherwise, it can actually be done directly in Yellow Maple Valley, but the source is difficult to explain!

As for the location of the teleportation array, he probably won't tell others until he reaches Nascent Soul.

The two were tender for a while, and Nangong Wancai reluctantly said goodbye.

After two months, they will naturally meet again in the Hidden Moon Sect.

At this moment, the smell left by the two people in the cave has not dissipated. Thinking of Nangong Wan's passion before leaving, Lu Tian looked forward to the next meeting.

Although Nangong Wan did not explicitly accept others this time, she found a way for herself and promised Lu Tiandu that as long as his cultivation level surpassed hers, she would listen to Lu Tiandu in everything...

This also made Lu Tiandu finally feel relieved.

After cleaning up, Lu Tiandu released Suifeng Sword and went to Taixuan Peak.

Not long after, Lei Wanhe and Hongfu arrived one after another after receiving the letter from Linghu Patriarch's Golden Sword.

These two people had met Lu Tian once. I heard that this was the fourth disciple accepted by his master. Even Hong Fu, who had always had a cold face, showed a faint smile and greeted Lu Tian.

This situation was very different from the scene when the two met a few months ago.

Just a moment later, an extremely handsome middle-aged monk also hurried over. Lu Tian couldn't help but look at it a few more times. The appearance of this third senior brother was really eye-catching. Coupled with the vicissitudes of his eyes, it was really... Make people unforgettable at first sight.

This kind of handsome uncle's appearance is actually very lethal to girls!
This is naturally Fengchen, the third senior brother of Lu Tiandu. He is also the only Golden Elixir cultivator from the Feng family, one of the three major immortal cultivating families in the Yellow Maple Valley. He is currently at the peak of the early Golden Elixir cultivation.

However, when he saw Junior Brother Feng, Hongfu's face instantly turned cold and he remained silent.Linghu and Lei Wanhe seemed not to notice the change in Hongfu's expression.

Senior Brother Fengchen's handsome face also showed a bit of embarrassment, and he did not dare to look at Hong Fu...

Lu Tian instantly remembered that in the original plot, Hong Fu seemed to hate the Feng family very much. Could it be that there is some relationship between senior siblings?
Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu felt a little uncomfortable for some reason...

Under Linghu's introduction, the four senior brothers and sisters got to know each other. After seeing that Linghu had no other arrangements, Hongfu said goodbye and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

After that, Senior Brother Feng also resigned and left.

The remaining senior brother, Lei Wanhe, started chatting with Lu Tiandu again.

After Linghu left, the two of them left the hall together.

After leaving Taixuan Peak, Lei Wanhe, a fat man, looked at Lu Tiandu with his narrowed eyes. He patted Lu Tiandu on the shoulder and laughed:
"Okay, little junior brother, we haven't seen each other for more than a month, and we have become senior brothers..."

"I want you to take more care of me, senior brother!" Lu Tiandu also laughed.

This generation is naturally in chaos.

Lu Tiandu, Nie Ying, Lei seems they can only deal with each other.

Although Lei Wanhe smiled heartily and didn't show anything on his fat face, he was becoming more and more curious about this young junior brother who was practicing quickly.

He knew his master's temperament. It was so unexpected that Lu Tian could be accepted as the fourth disciple at the foundation-building stage.

The three of them were all registered disciples during the Foundation Establishment stage, and they were officially accepted as direct disciples only after forming the elixir!

The two chatted for a few more words. Seeing that Lei Wanhe was about to return to his cave, Lu Tiandu hurriedly stopped him and said:

"Sir, wait a minute. I have a new jug of good wine here. Why don't you go to my cave to taste it?"

Lei Wanhe's fat face showed something like a smile, and he waved his hands and said:
"You guy, just tell me if you have something to say!"

"It's natural to invite senior brother to taste the spiritual wine. Once senior brother drinks this wine, he will never forget it... Moreover, wasn't Ying'er injured before? Thanks to senior brother, I got a few new elixirs this time, so I thought Thank you Senior Brother for Ying'er..."

"Ying'er... what you call is so kind!"

Lei Wanhe joked. When he heard Lu Tiandu mention the elixir, his interest greatly increased and he hurriedly said:
"In that case, go to your cave and let me see what kind of elixir it is!"

The two of them soon came to Izumo Peak Xiaoyao Cliff and experienced the large formation outside Lu Tiandu Cave. Lei Wanhe said in surprise:
"Junior brother, where did you get this formation? It looks really extraordinary!"

"Haha, not worth mentioning! Senior brother, please come in!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and said nothing more.

This is another set of [-]% power of the inverted five-element formation refined by Xin Ruyin, Xiaomei and the others. It can trap Lei Wanhe in the middle stage of the golden elixir without any problem.

Seeing this grand formation, Lei Wanhe felt more and more mysterious about this junior fellow apprentice.

Entering Lu Tiandu's cave, there was a sudden smell of the sea, which made Fatty Lei frown slightly and said:

"Junior brother, even though you live alone, you still need to pay attention to ventilation..."

Lu Tiandu blushed, and then he remembered that not long ago, he and Nangong Wan were working in various corners of this place. If he hadn't been eager to ask Senior Brother Lei about Hong Fu, he would naturally not invite him into his cave today.

After lighting a few sticks of spirit incense, Lu Tiandu invited Lei Wanhe into another living room. After the two sat down, Lu Tiandu took out a pot of spirit gathering wine and poured two glasses for Lei Wanhe to taste.

Lei Wanhe, who hadn't cared much about it before, smelled the aroma of the wine, and his narrowed eyes suddenly widened. When he drank the spirit wine, he smacked his mouth and said in surprise again:

"Junior brother, where did you get such good wine?"

"How's it going? I didn't lie to you, senior brother?" Lu Tiandu smiled proudly, "Junior brother, this is the spiritual wine I brewed myself according to ancient recipes. I can improve my cultivation so quickly, and it's only because of these spiritual wines..."

"No wonder it is so. One sip of this spiritual wine will at least save you a few days of hard work in the foundation building stage. It is indeed rare..."

Only then did Lei Wanhe understand the reason why Lu Tiandu had cultivated so quickly.If you drink a lot of this fine wine every day, you will never be able to slow down your practice!

The two drank several drinks in a row, and Lu Tian's face was already a little red. After all, some of them hadn't had time to be refined yet!
But Fatty Lei didn't change his expression, he quickly refined it as soon as he got into his stomach, and even urged him to drink, which made Lu Tian smile bitterly...

After a while, Lu Tian stopped raising his glass and watched Fatty Lei drinking heavily. "Your wine is really good!"

Fatty Lei let out a wine belch, "It's just worse than the wine made by your second senior sister. I could still drink the good wine made by your second senior sister before, but it's a pity... I haven't drank like this in many years..."

"Oh, does Second Senior Sister also like brewing?" Lu Tiandu looked curious.

"No, your second senior sister's Hidden Ice Valley has planted many spiritual fruit trees, some of which I brought back. It's a pity..."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity... Hey, these are all old things. Why do you ask this?" Lei Wanhe suddenly reacted.

Although Lu Tiandu had just recognized him as his junior brother, he still subconsciously considered Lu Tiandu to be the same generation as Nie Ying.

"Senior brother, aren't you talking about this? I heard that someone can also make wine, so I'm naturally curious!" Lu Tiandu said.

Fatty Lei nodded and didn't mention it again.

Without saying a word, as if remembering the past, he drank a few more drinks.

Lu Tian was not afraid at all that he would drink too much and kept pouring wine for him.He was also trying to see if Lei Wanhe could get out some useful information when he was drunk.

As a result, Lei Wanhe changed the subject at this time and asked Lu Tian what kind of magic medicine he had obtained.

Lu Tiandu naturally took out the two elixirs he had prepared and handed them to Lei Wanhe.

Lei Wanhe took the wooden box and swept away the elixirs. As someone who has been dealing with elixirs for 300 years, he instantly determined the age of the two elixirs - 500 years.

"Junior brother, you are really lucky!"

Looking at these two elixirs, Lei Wanhe's eyes lit up.

In the past few years, he had been preparing to refine a batch of elixirs to improve his cultivation. The several 300-year-old elixirs he had previously used for Nie Ying were one of his options.

There are still a few missing ingredients in this batch of elixirs, especially those of high vintage.

At this time, the ones that are useful for him in the middle stage of forming the elixir must be more than 500 years old, and it would be better if there are ones that are 700 years old.

Recently, he was preparing to participate in the auction held every 20 years in Vietnam in two months to see if he could try his luck.

Unexpectedly, I encountered two plants.

It's quite a surprise.

"Junior brother, can you transfer these two elixirs to your senior brother? The price is easy to say!" Lei Wanhe looked at Lu Tiandu and said directly.

"What did you say, senior brother?"

Lu Tiandu looked displeased, "As I said before, these two elixirs were specially given to me by my junior brother to thank him for his love and care for Ying'er. How can I accept my spiritual stone from my senior brother!"

The two declined again, and Lei Wanhe finally accepted it.

Deep down in his heart, he agreed with Lu Tiandu. Although he was very carefree, he seemed to treat Ying Yatou well. In this way, Ying Yatou was not too unkind.

After that, Lu Tiandu asked round and round about Hong Fu's past, but Lei Wanhe talked about him indifferently, until Lu Tiandu became annoyed. Lei Wanhe raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Junior brother, you don't have any other ideas, do you?" After saying that, he looked Lu Tiandu up and down.

Lu Tiandu's expression remained unchanged and he smiled bitterly and said:

"Senior brother, what are you talking about? I also have my own reasons..."

After that, Lu Tiandu told the truth about Dong Xuan'er and what happened when he was scolded by Hong Fu, and then said:
"Aren't we all senior sisters now? We will have to deal with each other in the future. Naturally, I want to know more about the senior sisters..."

"Oh, then you are overthinking it. Your senior sister is devoted to pursuing the great road and will not take these little things to heart. Just relax..."

Lei Wanhe smiled, paused, and then said:

"As for the little girl Dong Xuan'er, you don't need to pay attention to her. Although she is a bloodline of the Dong family, she has other... well, some other inside stories..."

"Oh, please tell me, senior brother..."

"After all, this matter is related to other people's privacy, and it is also related to your second senior sister and third senior brother. We'd better not discuss it..."

Lei Wanhe frowned, but finally remained silent.

Just as Lu Tiandu was about to ask again, Lei Wanhe stood up and said:

"Thank you so much for your fine wine and elixir today, Junior Brother. Senior Brother still has a few ingredients left to refine the elixir. He will go out to look for medicine in the next few days. When I come back, I will invite Junior Brother to my cave as a guest..."

"Hey...Senior brother, wait a minute!"

Lu Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Senior Brother, today's gossip is too tempting to stop here. If you finish talking, I have something good to tell Senior Brother..."

"What good thing?" Lei Wanhe asked.

"Senior brother, sit down first! Junior brother, come as soon as you go."

After Lu Tiandu returned to another secret room, he appeared in front of Lei Wanhe again within a moment.

Lei Wanhe has been habitually scanning Lu Tiandu's cave with his spiritual consciousness since he entered the door. When he found that his spiritual consciousness could only be separated from the body by two or three feet, he knew that this young junior brother's cave was not simple, and he stopped exploring at will.

There is a prohibition on reversing the Five Elements Formation to suppress spiritual consciousness, which is one of the reasons why Lu Tiandu invited Lei Wanhe to his cave.

"How about if Senior Brother finishes telling the previous story today, I will transfer this 700-year-old elixir that I finally obtained to Senior Brother?"

Lu Tiandu smiled and handed the wooden box in his hand to Lei Wanhe.

"What? 700 years?"

Lei Wanhe was taken aback and immediately opened the wooden box and observed it carefully.

After turning over and over to check, Lei Wanhe's fat face was filled with joy and he sighed:

"Junior brother is really a person with profound blessings. I have been searching for several years but I haven't found a single elixir that is over 500 years old. Junior brother actually has a collection of elixirs that are over 700 years old..."

"What did you say, senior brother? I just accidentally obtained the legacy of a certain senior... Didn't senior brother Li also obtain several [-]-year-old elixirs through the blood ban trial more than two years ago..."

Lu Tiandu laughed.

"Hey, Junior Brother Li also has good luck!"

Lei Wanhe naturally heard about the fact that Li Huayuan led the team in the blood ban trial and finally accepted a named disciple and obtained several 500-year-old elixirs, and he could only feel that he was lucky.

A flash of light flashed through Lei Wanhe's narrowed eyes, and his thoughts became vivid. He put down the elixir in his hand and said with a smile:
"One of my elixirs is not enough. If I can transfer two 700-year-old elixirs to my senior brother, I will have to risk offending my second junior sister and third junior brother today by telling these secrets to my younger junior brother. You look……"

Lu Tiandu's expression changed several times, and finally he smiled bitterly and said:

"Hey, junior brother only got a few plants originally, and I'm going to save them for use after the elixir is formed... Since senior brother is in urgent need, as a junior brother, I am naturally in a hurry, so I will transfer two plants to senior brother!"

At the end, Lu Tian looked like he was in pain...

"Okay! Okay! I will remember this kindness from my junior brother. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask your senior brother..." Fatty Lei let out a hearty laugh.

In fact, at this time Lei Wanhe vaguely guessed that this junior brother was too concerned about the second junior sister Hong Fu's affairs, but when he thought of Hong Fu's cold temperament, Lei Wanhe secretly shook his head.

This junior brother's strength is still too low. Even if he has thoughts about Hong Fu, he must have the cultivation level of the late Golden Core to be qualified!
However, he was very fond of Lu Tiandu, which really gave him a lot of surprises.

After confirming that Lu Tiandu indeed had another 700-year-old elixir in his hands, Fatty Lei told some secrets about Hong Fu, Feng Chen and others.

It turns out that Lei Wanhe is dozens of years older than Hongfu and Fengchen. Lei Wanhe was already a monk in the foundation-building stage when the two started cultivating immortals.

Although Lei Wanhe was not a family monk, he was familiar with the Dong family and the Feng family, which were among the three major immortal cultivating families in the Yellow Maple Valley at that time. The Lu family was still one of the three major families at that time!
At that time, the younger generation of the Dong family had Hong Fu and his younger sister, one with ice spiritual roots and the other with double spiritual roots, and they were called the "Dong family's twin sisters".

The Feng family also produced an outstanding direct disciple. His qualifications were only dual spiritual roots and were not very conspicuous, but his outstanding appearance made him very famous.

He is unique among the younger generation and has attracted the attention of many young female disciples.

After these three people entered the valley, Lei Wanhe naturally knew more about them.Moreover, after Hongfu and Fengchen entered the foundation building stage, they were also accepted as registered disciples by Linghu, who had just advanced to Yuanying for a hundred years.

What happened after that was naturally very simple. After getting along with each other, Fengchen fell in love with Hong Fu.

After all, Hong Fu was also a rare beauty with good qualifications and many suitors. At that time, she was called the most beautiful woman in the Yellow Maple Valley.

However, Hongfu has always had a cold temperament, and he also practices ice-type skills. It is difficult for him to smile to others except for his senior brothers and sisters.Since he only pursues the great road, he naturally stays away from love affairs and has repeatedly rejected other people's proposals for dual cultivation.

What Lei Wanhe didn't know was that Hong Fu still had the body of Xuan Bing, and he was also arrogant, and he only wanted to advance to the Nascent Soul and achieve the great road!

As a result, the biological sister who was similar to Hong Fu somehow ended up falling in love with Feng Chen, and there was a strong tendency for the two to form a Taoist couple.

As a result, when the two of them went out on an adventure, Hong Fu's biological sister was kidnapped by a late-stage foundation-building monk from the Hehuan Sect.

What is puzzling is that Fengchen returned to Yellow Maple Valley safe and sound.

Hongfu was naturally furious when he heard that his sister had been kidnapped by demonic people to make a furnace.He even had a bad look on Fengchen who returned alone.

At this time, Hongfu was considered a newborn calf and was not afraid of tigers. He entangled Lei Wanhe and several other brothers, and together they passed through the Jiang Kingdom and entered the Tianluo Kingdom to find out the news.

But this time, for some reason, Fengchen didn’t come with him...

As a result, several people spent a lot of time inquiring and found out that the person who kidnapped Hongfu's sister was actually the third son of Yunlu Laomo from the Hehuan Sect. This made things even more difficult for them.

In the end, although they saw Hong Fu's sister from a distance, several people did not dare to take action.In fact, the only way to kill someone is to attack someone else's lair, and no one wants to be stupid enough to die here.

Moreover, they also discovered that Hong Fu's sister had not been harvested wantonly by the furnace cauldron, and her cultivation level was still increasing.

In the end, everyone could only return without success.

Decades passed, Lei Wanhe and Hongfu formed pills one after another.Hongfu once again invited Lei Wanhe and others to investigate. This time they not only met Hongfu's sister, but also got some information about the original incident.

It turned out that Fengchen was almost killed by Yunlu's third son. Finally, he saw that the man was interested in his Taoist companion, so he shamelessly gave his Taoist companion to him, praying for a way out.

Only then did he finally survive.

This is also the place that disappoints Hong Fu’s sister the most and leads her to give up.I haven't given any information to the Dong family for decades, which is really heartbreaking.

Moreover, sister Hongfu was also a beautiful woman with outstanding beauty. She was very popular with Yunlu's third son and passed on many profound secret techniques. The origin of Dong Xuan'er was now understood, and she belonged to the direct bloodline of the old demon Yunlu.

As for Hongfu calling her his brother's daughter, it was just a cover-up. Only people close to her like Lei Wanhe knew the truth.

After Hong Fu went back, he was naturally furious.He almost killed Fengchen, but Linghu finally stopped him.

Hongfu's dislike for Fengchen naturally started from this.

Then he disliked the Feng family because of this incident. As for the rumors that Hong Fu didn't like handsome men, it was later. After all, Hong Fu didn't want his niece Dong Xuan'er to follow in his mother's footsteps.

After all, her sister's experience made it difficult for her to let go.

As for why Hong Fu's sister finally sent Dong Xuan'er back to the Dong family and died in the Dong family, Lei Wanhe didn't know the reason...


Lei Wanhe left behind 400 yuan of spiritual stones and left with two elixirs. At this moment, Lu Tiandu was the only one in the small living room.

Lu Tiandu tasted it and finally understood the causes and consequences based on his own memory.

The final conclusion is: Sure enough, no matter whether a man is handsome or ordinary, he still needs to be strong and responsible, otherwise he will not even be able to keep his own Taoist companions.

There are many cases where high-level monks fall in love with beautiful lower-level women and rob them.

This also made Lu Tiandu more determined to seek the truth.

If you dare to open a harem, you can't do it without strength.

I didn’t realize that even Nangong Wan hadn’t come in yet!
 That’s it for today.Later, at the request of book friends, I spent some time summarizing the character cards of the protagonists.

(End of this chapter)

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