Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 112 Li Huayuan!Young Master Lin!Red whisk!Please help me, senior sister!

Chapter 112 Li Huayuan!Young Master Lin!Red whisk!Please help me, senior sister! (9000 words)
A few days later, at the foot of a beautiful mountain peak in the eastern part of the Taiyue Mountains.

Lu Tiandu put away his Sui Feng sword.

This is Li Huayuan’s Green Wave Cave.

Lu Tiandu took out a transmission note, whispered a few words, and threw it away, and a ray of fire rushed into the waterfall curtain.

After a moment, a thin Confucian scholar in his thirties came out of the water curtain and saw Lu Tiandu waiting quietly. He stepped forward and said:
"I've met Master Lu! I am Yu Kun, the eldest disciple of Master Li. I would like to ask Master Lu to follow me into the Green Wave Cave..."

"Okay! Please lead the way!"

Lu Tiandu nodded.

Over the past few days, he had become accustomed to being called "Master Uncle" by people of the same age or older and with higher cultivation levels than him.

Lu Tiandu was suddenly accepted as a true disciple by the supreme elder of his sect, Patriarch Linghu. This was naturally a big event.

Not only has the entire sect been passed on, but his status and treatment have also been greatly improved. For example, Izumo Peak now belongs to him, and no one else can move in without his permission.

This kind of thing naturally makes many disciples in the Foundation Establishment period envious. However, when they heard that this uncle had reached the middle stage of Foundation Establishment in two years, many people were not just envious, but more jealous.

Naturally, Yu Kun was also secretly sizing up Uncle Lu, who looked to be 20 years old.

Although Lu Tiandu's real age is already 26, he is still very young. Many disciples in the valley who are in their 20s are still working hard to build foundations. This uncle has already obtained the ticket for forming pills!
Yes, when many people who knew the inside story knew that he was accepted as a direct disciple by Patriarch Linghu, they knew that Lu Tiandu's pill formation was stable.

As Li Huayuan's eldest disciple, Yu Kun has been practicing for 60 years, and he is still only in the middle stage of foundation building, which shows that his heart is complicated.

At this time, he, who was originally talkative, couldn't find anything to talk about.

The two walked through the water curtain and saw a natural valley in front of them. Birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, the trees were green and the water was clear. Some very rare animals were jumping here and there. It felt so uncomfortable!

These small animals are all pets kept by Li Huayuan's Taoist companions.

The two soon came to a cave. An old man aged between 60 and 27 and a beautiful young woman aged [-] were standing at the door waiting for Lu Tiandu with smiles.

It was Li Huayuan and his Taoist companion Liu.

"I've met senior brother Li! I've met my sister-in-law!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, stepped forward and said gently.This time he came to exchange things with Li Huayuan, so he must be polite.

Li Huayuan is now more than 150 years old. With a body of three yangs, he formed an elixir at the age of 20, which is worse than Tianlinggen.However, his Taoist companion is only in the middle stage of foundation building and is not very old.

There are only two female cultivators in the Golden Core stage in the valley, and although there are quite a few in the Foundation Establishment stage, after comparing their qualifications and appearance, there are not many that are particularly outstanding.

Even if a male cultivator in the Golden Core stage wants to find a Taoist companion, he can only find these female cultivators in the Foundation Establishment stage.

"Junior Brother Lu, there is no need to be polite, come in quickly!"

Li Huayuan's eyes showed some affection, and he invited Lu Tiandu to come in.

His Taoist companion, Mrs. Liu, also looked at Lu Tiandu, a legend among the younger generation, with curiosity.

Naturally, Lu Tiandu did not come empty-handed this time. He then took out a jar of Juling Wine as a souvenir. After listening to Lu Tiandu's explanation of the benefits of Juling Wine, both Li Huayuan and Liu were very satisfied and expressed their gratitude to Lu Tiandu. Heaven is getting closer and closer.

Before coming here, Lu Tiandu had heard that Mr. Liu almost died half a year ago because of his cultivation. In the end, he was able to save one by relying on the high-grade elixirs that Li Huayuan received from Han Li's "apprenticeship ceremony". Life, naturally greeted me this time.

After some pleasantries, Lu Tiandu finally explained the purpose of his visit:

"I heard that Senior Brother Li always likes to collect various Kung Fu books. I have a friend who needs a suitable Kung Fu technique, so I came here to bother me... If I can find a suitable Kung Fu technique here, I would like to get one. In exchange for a Dingyan Pill..."

Lu Tiandu said and took out a small emerald jade bottle.

After hearing this, Li Huayuan secretly wondered why Lu Tiandu asked him to exchange skills?Even if the Lu family doesn't have the appropriate skills, which of Linghu's other three true disciples is not a wealthy person?Isn't there a suitable one?

In fact, he had long hoped to become friends with Hong Fu or Lei Wanhe. After all, he had only been in the alchemy world for three to forty years and his strength was still very low.It's a pity that there has never been any opportunity.

Otherwise, in the original work, he would not have used his apprentices Han Li and Dong Xuan'er to form a pair of monks to bring him closer to Hong Fu.

The fact that he seemed affectionate to Lu Tiandu this time also had this meaning.

Although Li Huayuan had no reaction, his Taoist companion, the beautiful young woman Liu, was instantly attracted to her.

"You actually still have this kind of elixir?"

Mrs. Liu picked up the emerald jade bottle and said with surprise and curiosity, then glanced at Lu Tiandu, "No wonder you are still so young, Tiandu. You must have taken the Dingyan Pill?"

"Sister-in-law guessed it right," Lu Tiandu said with a smile, "I also got a few occasionally, and this is the only one left!"

In fact, Lu Tian had already planned to take out the Dingyan Pill.

After all, he remembered that Li Huayuan had a deep relationship with his Taoist companion, and Li Huayuan would be more impressed by the Liu family. Otherwise, why would it be both Juling Wine and Dingyan Pill? This is called following one's preferences.

And he guessed that if he exchanged it for other items of comparable value such as spiritual stones or inner elixirs, it might arouse Li Huayuan's suspicion.

As for the fact that he came to Li Huayuan in exchange for the hidden "Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword" not long after he was accepted as a disciple by Linghu, it was naturally because of his own variables, and he was worried that Han Li would beat him to it.

Now that I have collected the Qing Yuan Sword Jue, I cannot miss the Qing Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword.

Sure enough, although Li Huayuan had doubts in his heart, seeing the hope in his Taoist companion's eyes, the Iron Man finally softened his heart and took Lu Tiandu into his secret room.

In one of the forbidden libraries, Lu Tiandu did not choose the top-level techniques collected by Li Huayuan, which made Li Huayuan breathe a sigh of relief.

When Lu Tiandu finally chose the "Condensing Yuan Gong" technique recorded on a golden page, Li Huayuan felt relieved.

He had seen this technique several times and there should be nothing wrong with it.It's really worth it to get a Dingyan Pill.

Now that the method of refining the top-level flying sword, the green bamboo flying sword, a wooden flying sword magic weapon, has been obtained, Lu Tiandu will naturally not stay any longer.

After exchanging a few words with Li Huayuan and his wife, he said goodbye and left.

After leaving Green Wave Cave, Lu Tiandu went to Qingyun Peak where the sect distributed equipment to novices.

There is another person he is looking for here, and it is naturally the "Young Master Lin".

After entering the stone house, Lu Tiandu threw a jade slip towards Junior Nephew Lin, who was wearing gray clothes, disheveled hair and an old look on his face, who was carving a puppet.

The first two levels of Dayan Jue are recorded in the jade slips.

His original plan was to use the Shape Changing Technique to coax Young Master Lin out of Yellow Maple Valley after returning from the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars, transforming into the appearance of the Qianzhu Sect protector whom he killed.

Then he relied on the Mystic Incense he got from someone's storage bag and several secret techniques in the Tianyin Juesha Technique to win over Senior Brother Lin, and secretly copied a complete version of the first four levels of the Dayan Technique.

By the way, he left a message to tell Young Master Lin that he had been exposed, that Jin Nantian had murderous intentions towards him, and that he would send people to hunt him down next time, which was considered as compensation for secretly copying the skills.

As for the fate of Young Master Lin, Lu Tiandu didn't take it to heart.This person is a man of average intelligence and scheming. If he really thinks that he can take revenge by cultivating the third level of Dayan Jue, then let him go!
However, since being accepted as a disciple by Linghu, Lu Tiandu's status has been completely different, and some things are no longer so complicated.

So this time he came directly to the door.

Master Lin's consciousness swept across the skills in the jade slip, and his expression suddenly changed. He suppressed the shock in his heart and said in a hoarse voice:
"It turns out to be Master Lu. I wonder what Master Lu means by showing me this technique?"

Lu Tiandu glanced at Young Master Lin with a half-smile, then threw out several things, all of which were the relics of the Dharma Protector, and then said with a faint smile:

"Okay, Young Master Lin of the Qianzhu Sect, let's not talk in secret. Let me tell you straight away. I killed this protector of the Qianzhu Sect, but he came to kill you. And I also got the complete version of the first two levels of Dayan Jue, which is very different from the two levels of exercises you originally dedicated to Gu Nei..."

A few days ago, Lu Tiandu asked his senior brother Lei Wanhe, who had become familiar with him, to inquire. As expected, several golden elixirs in Yellow Maple Valley knew that there was this nephew Lin who came to Yellow Maple Valley to avoid trouble, and these golden elixirs also had There are the first two levels of Dayan Jue.

But they are all simplified versions. No wonder I haven't heard of anyone whose spiritual consciousness is much higher than the same level.

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Young Master Lin could no longer pretend. He stood up suddenly, stared at Lu Tiandu, and said hoarsely:
"Are you here to deal with me now?" In the emergency, Young Master Lin stopped calling Master Lu.

"You are thinking too much!" Lu Tiandu said calmly.

"When I took you in in the valley, I was naturally interested in your Qianzhu sect's Dayan Jue and Puppet True Solution. There is nothing wrong with admitting this. Of course, you also contributed the first two incomplete skills. Gu Nei also gave you shelter..."

"There are people in the valley who have practiced these two levels of skills, but you also know the effects... Several Jindan elders and Linghu ancestors have been waiting for your actions. I didn't expect that Young Master Lin would still be secretive after so many years. Yes, this makes them very disappointed..."

Seeing Young Master Lin's expression changing, Lu Tiandu said again:

"Imagine that Young Master Lin has also broken through to the third level of Dayan Jue? His spiritual consciousness is at least one or two times that of the same level. No wonder he is thinking about revenge... If you hadn't taken the initiative to contact the old department, this dead Dharma King wouldn't have I will come to Vietnam to ask for information about you..."

"I have already dealt with this person for you. You have also seen Jin Nantian's secret message. Please let Master Lin express your opinion on what to do next..."

At this time, Young Master Lin looked older and older, all his plans had come to nothing, and he became more and more discouraged.

"I wonder how I'm going to be punished in Gunei?"

"Young Master Lin has thought too much. Gu Nei will naturally reward useful talents. Now no one has the patience to wait for you to surrender... But Gu Nei can still cooperate with you..."

"how do I say this?"

There was a hint of hope in the old man's tone.

He is now facing a second wave of attacks from Jin Nantian that may come at any time. If Huang Maple Valley gives up on him, he will have no choice but to run for his life.

"You offer the complete version of the Dayan Jue and the Puppet True Solution, and Gu Nei will let you be the leader of the newly established Spirit Puppet Hall. You have the final say in everything... In addition, as long as you can form elixirs, Gu Nei will send golden elixir masters to support you in regaining it. Qianzhu Sect..."

This condition sounds very good. Young Master Lin's expression changed and he said:
"In that case, I agreed. Please wait a moment, Uncle Lu. I will copy the technique now..."

In just a moment, Young Master Lin copied the technique, but Lu Tiandu did not take the jade slip he copied and smiled meaningfully:
"Master Nephew Lin, please give me the original jade slips!"

Young Master Lin's expression changed again. He knew that he was no longer trusted for the incomplete technique he presented before, so he threw the original jade slip over without saying much.

Lu Tiandu checked it and found that there was no problem before putting away the jade slips.

With a wave of his hand, several jade bottles appeared on the stone table:

"These bottles of elixirs taken during the foundation building period are the compensation given to you by the ancestor. I hope that my nephew will form the golden elixir as soon as possible, avenge himself, and regain his position as the leader!"

"Thank you so much, Supreme Elder!"

Until this moment, Young Master Lin's face looked good.

After all, didn’t the previous master of the Spiritual Puppet Hall make a contribution to Yellow Maple Valley?As for forming pills, Young Master Lin has no hope of doing so.

He has spent too much time on the Dayan Art, and he is still in the middle stage of foundation building. If he wants to form a pill in this life, it will be difficult without a great opportunity...

Only these elixirs that he urgently needs to increase his cultivation are the most real things!
After bidding farewell to Young Master Lin, Lu Tiandu returned directly to Taixuan Peak, presented two techniques to Linghu, and briefly reported the experience of his trip.

In fact, the previous two levels of incomplete Dayan Jue Lei Wanhe and other golden elixirs were not reported to Linghu. After all, after finding someone to practice them, they turned out to be very rubbish. They were similar to ordinary mystic techniques and were not as powerful as the legends say!
Ever since Lei Wanhe learned from Lu Tiandu that there was a complete version, he had already thought about seizing the technique.

However, Lu Tiandu didn't want to kill people to seize the treasure after all. It was more in line with his style to be able to achieve his goals by overpowering others in exchange for benefits.

After Linghu read the fourth-level Dayan Jue, his dim eyes burst into light, he stood up and laughed:
"Sure enough, my disciple, you are a person with deep blessings! This technique should be one of the techniques of our Huang Maple Valley Town Sect..."

This skill is naturally much stronger than the secret skill he practiced to enhance his spiritual consciousness. It was only a rumor before, but now it is known that this skill was really created by the founder of Qianzhu Sect, a genius. It is really Absolutely stunning!

Divine Lord Dayan should be one of the outstanding figures who will never be born in ten thousand years!

Unfortunately, what Linghu didn't know was that there were three more levels of this technique.

However, if Linghu in the early stage of Yuanying can reach the fourth level, his spiritual consciousness will be much stronger than that of ordinary monks in the middle stage of Yuanying, which is also very good.

Lu Tiandu smiled and said nothing more.

Since he has accepted Linghu as his master, he will definitely condense the Nascent Soul within 200 years, and this Yellow Maple Valley will naturally be his.

In this way, the stronger Linghu's strength is, the better. After all, with the subsequent invasion of the demonic path and the invasion of Master Mulan, Linghu cannot fall casually. He still needs to use his remaining energy to protect the Yellow Maple Valley.

Moreover, it is estimated that Linghu will also advance to the middle stage of Yuanying in about a hundred years. With the Dayan Jue, he will not be too weak among the monks in the middle stage of Yuanying.

After Linghu sent out the golden sword message, within a moment, five of the eight golden elixirs from Huang Maple Valley arrived one after another.

In addition to Lei Wanhe, Hongfu, and Fengchen, the other two are Li Huayuan and Chen Qiaoqian's master Huiming Fairy.

After everyone listened to the Dayan Jue, a technique that enhances spiritual consciousness, Judu showed a look of surprise on his face.

As long as this skill reaches two levels, their combat power will increase significantly. It is really important to them.

At this time, there were no monks in the late stage of pill formation among the people, and Patriarch Linghu had only passed down the first three levels of the Dayan Art and the true understanding of the puppet.

"This technique has a total of four levels. The third level can only be practiced by yourself and cannot be taught to others... When any of you reaches the late stage of Jindan, I will teach you the fourth level. It is said that if you complete the fourth level, It also helps in conceiving babies..."

The cultivation of the fourth level of Dayan Jue has a state of mind that must be experienced in the world. If the state of mind is not perfect, it will be difficult to survive the backlash of inner demons during the fourth level of cultivation. This is actually for the good of everyone.

After hearing what Linghu said, the five of them were naturally overjoyed.

Lu Tiandu looked at everyone with excited faces and shook his head secretly. Among the eight alchemy monks in Huang Maple Valley, only Lei Wanhe and Hong Fu could really reach the late stage of the golden elixir. Li Huayuan, who has a body of three yangs, had enough opportunities. It is possible not to perish.

Among the others, Master Du is already at the peak of the middle stage of Jindan. It would be good if the other four can reach the middle stage.

After everyone resigned, they each returned to the cave to prepare for practicing the newly acquired god-refining technique.

As for Lu Tiandu, Linghu naturally knew that he had the fourth-level Dayan Jue in his hand, so he didn't say anything more and only told him to improve his cultivation first.After leaving the main hall, Hong Fu and Lu Tiandu's caves were very close, so they walked together.

Hong Fu didn't talk much along the way, and Lu Tiandu was almost alone in talking. He was indeed a cold-tempered person.

However, with such a beautiful woman accompanying him, and having some special attraction for Lu Tiandu, Lu Tiandu felt very comfortable talking to himself.

When they were about to reach Izumo Peak, Lu Tiandu looked at Hong Fu beside him with a smile and actively invited:

"Senior sister, you haven't been to my Xiaoyaoya yet? Why don't you come and visit my little brother's cave as a favor?"

Hong Fu glanced at him lightly, without any fluctuation in her beautiful eyes:

"Not interested in!"

"Uh... I heard that Senior Sister likes to make wine. I am also a lover of wine. I would like to ask Senior Sister for some advice..."

Lu Tiandu continued.

After Hongfu heard this, he looked at Lu Tiandu carefully and seemed to be interested in making a move, but he still didn't agree.

Lu Tiandu quickly understood that after all, Hong Fu's attraction to him and his strange feeling towards Hong Fu were the same. This was probably the reason why Hong Fu was unwilling to go to his cave alone.

Lu Tiandu rolled his eyes and said:

"Nie Ying and I have a close relationship. I heard before that my senior sister gave her a 600-year-old elixir to treat her illness. I'm afraid Nie Ying doesn't have enough spiritual stones to repay this kindness... This time I went out and got a few. Ice attribute spirit fruit, I don’t know, senior sister..."

When Lu Tiandu talked about the ice attribute fruit, Hongfu's beautiful eyes lit up, and there was a little more color in his eyes. He showed a faint smile and asked with an interested look:

"Tell me what kind of fruits they are?"

"Sister, have you ever heard of Ice Spirit Fruit and Ice Crystal Pear?" Lu Tiandu said with a smile.


Hong Fu was really surprised this time. The cold and beautiful jade face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years melted instantly. He took a step forward and brought a fragrant wind to Lu Tiandu. "It's really these two legendary fruits with ice properties." ?”

Seeing Hong Fu's eager look, Lu Tiandu smiled with pride in his heart, finally impressing you!

This trick of his can be regarded as being used smoothly. Lei Wanhe is in urgent need of six or seven hundred years of elixir to refine elixirs. Li Huayuan's Taoist companion is interested in Dingyan Dan. Hong Fu of Binglinggen is definitely interested in things with ice attributes!
"Of course it's true, how could I lie to my senior sister!"

"Okay, then I'm going to try the spiritual wine you brewed, little junior brother!"

Hong Fusu gently held up a strand of hair that had been scattered due to eagerness, and a faint smile appeared on her cold face, which immediately stunned Lu Tian on the side!
The smile of Fairy Hongfu, who had always been cold and noble, really had a smile that could captivate an entire city.


A cold snort instantly woke up Lu Tian.

With a smile, Lu Tiandu scratched his head and said shyly:
"Senior sister, your smile is so beautiful!"

"If you do this again, I'll leave!" Hong Fu glanced at Lu Tiandu indifferently, and then resumed his cold tone.

"Senior sister, please forgive me!" Lu Tiandu quickly apologized.

This made Lu Tiandu secretly wonder, doesn't Hongfu like others praising her?
According to Lu Tiandu's experience, no beautiful woman doesn't like others to praise her. If it's someone she values, even though she doesn't care on her face, she's still happy in her heart!
Didn't your expression look right when you were pretending to be shy just now?

Just as Lu Tiandu was leading the way, Hong Fu behind him took a deep look at Lu Tiandu's back, not knowing what he was thinking...

The two of them entered Lu Tiandu's cave. The look of surprise in Hong Fu's eyes was naturally not hidden from Lu Tiandu. It seemed that anyone with some knowledge of Jin Dan could spot this Gao Ming who had reversed the Five Elements Formation.

Hongfu didn't ask Lu Tiandu and didn't explain. After the two sat across from each other, Lu Tiandu didn't rush to take out the spiritual fruit. Instead, he took out a gourd and poured a glass of spiritual wine for each of them.

"Sister, please give it a try!"

Lu Tiandu knelt down opposite Hong Fu and gestured with a smile.

At this time, Hong Fu was doing the same thing. She was dressed in a red palace dress and had beautiful and exquisite curves. Her neck was fair and slender, and her oval face had a leisurely look and an elegant demeanor, just like a fairy concubine.

Of course, what made Lu Tian unable to take his eyes away was the pair of proud jade peaks on Hong Fu's chest, which were round and tall, making people forget to leave.

Naturally, Lu Tiandu didn't dare to look at this pair of gifts. He lowered his eyes and glanced at Hongfu's slender and soft waist. A pair of round and strong jade legs caught his eye again.

He doesn't know why, but he can always find something that attracts him in Hong Fu. No wonder he has to try his best to create opportunities to be alone with Hong Fu!
"Hey, your spiritual wine is pretty good!"

At this time, Hong Fu raised his head slightly. The light cyan spirit wine in the jade cup had bottomed out. He closed his eyes and tasted it carefully. He opened his beautiful eyes again and looked at Lu Tiandu before commenting.

Although Lu Tiandu felt proud of himself, he spoke modestly and offered Hongfu two more glasses of wine before talking about the brewing process of the spirit-gathering wine.

With their common interests, the two started talking.

Hong Fu listened and commented, but after Lu Tiandu finished speaking, Hong Fu looked at Lu Tiandu with a half-smile.

"Junior brother, you are not honest. You must have added something like aged pure distiller's yeast to your Juling wine, so it has this centuries-old mellow aroma. Do you think I can't taste it? ?”

Hong Fu finished speaking softly, but his tone was very sure, and his beautiful eyes stared at Lu Tiandu, as if he wanted to explore his secret.

At this time, Hong Fu, under Lu Tiandu's persuasion, had drank more than a dozen drinks in a row, and his originally cold and snow-white face gradually softened, as if coated with a layer of light and soft light, giving it a unique flavor.

Seeing that Hong Fu looked very different from usual at this moment, his eyes were full of curiosity, and even the evil spirit between his eyebrows had dissipated a little. Lu Tiandu secretly thought that beauty is indeed diverse and has its own flavor.

After hearing Hong Fu's words, Lu Tiandu looked surprised and admired, and said with a smile:
"Sure enough, senior sister has a deep understanding of the art of brewing. She can detect even the smallest details. I admire you!"

In his heart, he nodded secretly. Hongfu was quite accomplished in brewing wine, and he was not just a person with false reputation.There were nearly ten other people who drank this spiritual wine, but no one noticed the difference in this wine.

Hongfu nodded. Although there was no special expression on his face, he felt quite relieved.

She had heard Lu Tiandu's intention to take the exam from his words about the method of brewing spiritual wine. This kid, who got some ancient brewing techniques from some unknown source, actually showed off in front of her, hum!
After Lu Tiandu said that he had obtained some ancient monks' secret wine yeast, Hongfu's eyes became more curious, and the faint desire in his eyes was naturally noticed by Lu Tiandu.

Seeing Hong Fu's hesitant expression, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, touched the storage bag casually, and a slender jade bottle appeared in his hand:
"There is a saying among mortals that swords are given to heroes, and pink powder is given to beauties. Today I will give this bottle of wine to my senior sister. If senior sister brews good wine in the future, I must invite my younger brother to taste it..."

After hearing this, there was nothing strange on Hong Fu's face, but deep down he secretly thought that this junior brother was a good person. While he felt extremely comfortable, he also felt more pleased with Lu Tiandu's handsome face.

Hongfu leaned forward slightly, took the jade bottle with his bare hands, unscrewed the lid, Qiongbi sniffed, and suddenly a feeling of intoxication came to his heart, he quickly closed the lid, added another sealing talisman, and then looked at Lu Tian Du, with a hint of blame in his tone, said:

"Junior brother got this kind of spiritual thing, but he didn't know how to add a few more seals. It's really a waste of nature..."

"Senior sister is the one to blame!"

Lu Tiandu looked back at Hong Fu's plump and upturned jade-edge eyes and smiled slightly, "After all, I don't have as much experience as my senior sister. I hope I can go to my senior sister's Hidden Ice Valley to learn more when I'm free next time. Senior sister, don't be dissatisfied." Excuse me, little brother..."

Hong Fu was short-handed at this time and could not say no words of rejection, so he nodded slightly, which was regarded as agreement.

Seeing Hong Fu agree, Lu Tian was secretly happy.

After going back and forth, you will gradually become familiar with it!
The more times you wait in front of Hong Fu's eyes, the prejudice of Hong Fu will slowly dissipate. When you have the opportunity to achieve good things in the future, it is still very possible. Take it step by step, and you will not be able to eat hot tofu in a hurry!
The two of them drank a few more glasses of spiritual wine. At this time, Lu Tian already felt that he was not very drunk. After all, his digestion ability in the middle stage of foundation building was definitely not as good as that of a Golden Core cultivator.

At this time, Hongfu's cold and charming face became more and more charming, which made Lu Tian on the opposite side look at her frequently. The more times, Hongfu naturally noticed it.

At this time, she also felt that she had been chatting a lot with this junior brother without knowing it, and she was surprised that she had stayed in someone else's cave for such a long time.

After a moment, she realized that it was probably the attraction of the 'Five Elements Spiritual Body' from Lu Tiandu across the way to her that prevented her from being disgusted. In addition, drinking a lot of spiritual wine made her relax, and even more The common hobby of making wine was the topic of conversation, and it was then that we unconsciously felt like close friends.

Although both of them were polite, it still made her feel weird and inexplicable.

However, Lu Tiandu had not yet seen the spiritual fruit that originally attracted her to the cave, so there was no reason to let it go.

"It's getting late, little junior brother, please quickly take out the Ice Spirit Fruit and Ice Crystal Pear!"

After Hong Fu discovered this, he was unwilling to stay here for a long time and urged him.But at this time, Hong Fu's tone of voice was much less cold, and revealed a bit of intimacy.

"Oh, look at my memory!"

Lu Tiandu patted his head as if he suddenly understood, "I got so close to chatting with my senior sister that I even forgot about this important matter!"

After speaking, without waiting for Hong Fu to reply, he apologized and went to his secret room.

Hong Fu glanced at Lu Tiandu's back and didn't know what he was thinking.

Within a moment, Lu Tiandu came back with two jade boxes, one large and one small.

Under Hong Fu's expectant gaze, Lu Tiandu slowly opened the small box, and six crystal berries the size of his thumb appeared in the jade box.

"Is this the legendary Ice Spirit Fruit?"

Hong Fusu gently picked up an ice spirit fruit that looked like a pearl in her hand, her eyes filled with surprise.

"Exactly! These fruits are all spiritual fruits that have grown for hundreds of years and were picked not long ago. They should be of great benefit to Senior Sister in practicing ice attribute magic!"

Lu Tiandu nodded and nodded.These ice spirit fruit seeds contain extremely pure ice cold spiritual power, and it goes without saying that they are beneficial to Hong Fu.

Among the spiritual fruits left behind by Feng Xian, some are still growing on the trees tens of thousands of years ago, while some have automatically fallen off and re-fruited after thousands of years, each with different characteristics.

This Ice Spirit Fruit Tree will naturally continue to grow if it is not picked, but it is difficult for Lu Tian to take it out if it is too old. This is the fruit of a 500-year-old Ice Spirit Fruit Tree that he re-cultivated using small green liquid.

"I remember my junior brother's wishes!" Hongfu said sincerely.

Hong Fu was accustomed to a cold tone. Although he wanted to sincerely thank him, he couldn't change his tone for a while.

Lu Tiandu was very happy, it was good to have this ice beauty say this.

Under Hong Fu's eager eyes, Lu Tiandu opened another larger jade box.

A small, gourd-shaped fruit appeared in the box. Its crystal clear peel was covered with mysterious snowflake-like patterns. A cold air instantly filled the small hall, making Lu Tiandu shiver.

Hongfu stood up suddenly, with a look of emotion and surprise on his face.Unable to help himself, the exercises he practiced started to work automatically.


Hong Fu was holding the jade box. At this time, there was only shock on the cold jade face, and her lips were slightly opened with a look of disbelief.

"This is the ice crystal pear! This pear should be the fruit of an ice crystal pear tree that has been growing for 3000 years..."

Lu Tiandu smiled.

There may still be a lot of Ice Spirit Fruit in Xiaoji Palace, but after being eaten from generation to generation, it is estimated that not many will last long.There are probably only a few of these ice crystal pears in this human world, and they are still so old.

"This ice crystal pear should be of great benefit to your mysterious ice body, senior sister!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Hong Fu and said with a smile.

The automatic operation of the Hongfu technique just now was naturally seen by him, and he instantly thought that this spiritual fruit would be of great benefit to the Xuanbing body, which was indeed beyond his expectation.

Reluctantly looking away from the ice crystal pear, Hong Fu solemnly said:

"Junior brother, this spiritual fruit is too precious, but it is indeed of great benefit to me, senior sister. I won't refuse it hypocritically. If junior brother has any conditions, senior sister will try her best to satisfy them..."

After saying that, Hongfu looked at Lu Tiandu expectantly. This ice crystal pear might be related to whether she could advance to the late stage of Jindan.

Seeing the expectant look on the beautiful Hong Fu's face, Lu Tiandu felt very comfortable. He suppressed the joy in his heart and smiled faintly:
"Senior Sister, what are you talking about? These spiritual fruits are useful to Senior Sister, and I am very happy in my heart. Senior Sister, just take them..."

"How does this work?"

Hong Fu shook his head, "I know that my junior brother also has a great opportunity, but I won't take advantage of it. If you are short of spiritual stones or elixirs, just say so..."

Seeing that Hong Fu wanted to use spiritual stones and other things to repay this kindness, how could Lu Tiandu agree? He didn't lack those things.

This spiritual fruit is not as valuable as the elixir. Although the value is astonishing, these spiritual fruits are only a few thousand spiritual stones at most. They are ordinary to others, but they are very different to Hongfu. He hopes Hongfu will remember this. What a favor!
After the two declined, Lu Tiandu said:

"Since Senior Sister is determined to repay me, I have a formidable enemy. Please help me, Senior Sister..."

Lu Tiandu recounted what happened after he came out of the blood ban trial and encountered difficulties from the Qin Jie Dan in Spirit Beast Mountain. He also mentioned that this person might also participate in the Hidden Moon Sect auction, which was rare in 20 years. , if I meet this person then, I hope Hongfu will take action to kill him!

"What a thief, how dare you be so rude to my true disciple of Huang Maple Valley!"

When Hongfu heard about Qin Jiedan's behavior, he was naturally furious. He raised his eyebrows and said with a murderous look in his eyes, "Okay, I will accompany you to this auction. If you find this person then, you must kill him." Kill this person!"

"Thank you, Sister!"

Lu Tiandu said with a grateful expression.

In his heart, he secretly thought that Hong Fu had such a murderous aura that he felt a chill on his back. No wonder it ranked among the top among all the pill-forming powers in the Yue Kingdom. I am afraid that many monks died in its hands!

But with the help of Hong Fu, if he meets Jin Dan named Qin this time, he will definitely avenge himself!

After this promise, the relationship between the two improved a lot.

Lu Tiandu had previously invited Lei Wanhe to attend the Auction of the Hidden Moon Sect, just to give him more protection for his trip.

As a result, Lei Wanhe had the elixir he bought from Lu Tiandu. He was so anxious to refine the elixir that he had no time to attend the auction.

It's also a good thing that Hong Fu was invited this time. It's really rare to have a great beauty expert as a bodyguard!
Of course, what's more important is that the relationship with Hong Fu is obviously off to a good start!
(End of this chapter)

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