Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 114 Wind Spirit Crystal!Trapped enemy!

Chapter 114 Wind Spirit Crystal!Trapped enemy!


“Now, let’s move on to the next lot!”

As the beautiful host in red opened her lips slightly, the pretty maid held up the new auction item.

"The inner elixir of the fifth-level monster Crouching Tiger Shark has a starting price of 30 spiritual stones. Each increase in price must not be less than [-] spiritual stones..."

"What? Another level five monster inner elixir?"

"Good guy! How come there are so many demonic beast inner elixirs this time? Where did the Hidden Moon Sect get so many fifth-level demonic beast inner elixirs?"

“This auction is really worth it!”

With the appearance of the fourth level five demonic beast inner elixir in this auction, the low-level monks didn't think anything, but the golden elixir and Nascent Soul monks in the box all looked surprised.

Some of the monks who happened to be in need of the inner elixir of the demonic beast even had expressions of surprise on their faces.It is really rare to see level [-] inner elixirs in a small place like Yue. No wonder the publicity for this auction indicated that there would be many surprises!
After being surprised, many monks began to shout out prices.

"Three thousand and five hundred spirit stones..."

"Four thousand and two hundred spirit stones..."

"Four thousand and five hundred spirit stones..."


In the box where Lu Tiandu and others were sitting, his beautiful red eyes also flashed with surprise.Unfortunately, among the four level five monster inner elixirs currently appearing, there was no ice attribute monster inner elixir she wanted.

However, she had also taken pictures of several things that were useful to her before, including an amethyst coral. What she didn't know was that this thing was also one of the items provided by Lu Tiandu.

The five girls, Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian, also watched the lively auction atmosphere with curious faces. This auction was really an eye-opener for them.

Various top-level magic weapons, intermediate talismans, third-level and fourth-level monster materials, monster eggs, pills suitable for the foundation-building period that can enhance cultivation, and other rare things are all present, making everyone who participates in this event The monks at the auction were pleasantly surprised.

Moreover, it is not a worthwhile trip for these high-level monks in the golden elixir stage. Monster inner elixirs, hundreds of years of elixirs, and materials for refining magic weapons are all the cultivation supplies they need, and there are also several magic weapons that appear this time. This magic weapon really surprised everyone.

Lu Tiandu smiled at the corner of his mouth, looking at the heated atmosphere in the venue. At this time, the price of this demon pill had reached [-] spirit stones and was still rising.

"Unfortunately, the level [-] monster inner elixir and some top-level materials purchased last time are still a little short!"

Lu Tiandu thought a little greedily.Tiannan's high-level monk's wealth was beyond his expectation.

Luan Xinghai uses various monster beast inner elixirs as one of the main ingredients for alchemy. The fifth-level inner elixir is not a very precious thing. Buying multiple pieces separately will not cause any abnormalities, but it is a very precious thing when placed in Tiannan. .

The last time he went to Chaotic Star Sea, he was just exploring the road, so he didn't think about buying too many supplies. However, as the various monster materials, marine specialties, monster eggs and monster pills he provided were sold at high prices - Many of the items at the auction had already been left over from the Hidden Moon Sect - making him feel that the supplies he purchased last time were still a bit small.

The main reason is that such a grand event may not be held in the next few years, and it will be inconvenient to sell many things in large quantities.

Fortunately, after the demonic invasion begins, various raw materials will become scarce, and there will be many opportunities to make a fortune.

While Lu Tiandu was thinking wildly, the demon pill was finally bought by a monk in the box for a high price of 200 yuan of spiritual stones.

The hot auction was still going on. When a fist-sized stone was brought out by the host, Lu Tiandu's eyes lit up.

"Wind Spirit Crystal!"

The stone was green in color, and there were dots of dark blue spots on the surface of the stone. When one glanced at it with his spiritual consciousness, it was obvious that it was a wind-attributed material.

When Lu Tiandu and Nangong Wan had a tryst before, they naturally inquired about some high-end materials that appeared in this auction.

After all, he has no shortage of elixirs, elixirs, talisman magic weapons, etc. He already has the snow spirit water and sky fire liquid as auxiliary materials for forming the elixir, so he is the one who needs the materials to refine the natal magic weapon after forming the elixir. Things needed.

In fact, in the next few years, he will purposely acquire some good things in preparation for refining the natal magic weapon after forming the elixir. This is also one of the purposes of his participation in this auction.

In this kind of large-scale auction, many of the precious things are sent by others, and the Hidden Moon Sect provides less than [-]% of them. This piece of Wind Spirit Crystal is one of the items sent for auction, and Lu Tiandu is bound to get it. thing.

The Feng Ling Gang book records the refining methods of several natal magic weapons. This kind of Feng Ling crystal is indispensable whether it is used as the main material or as an auxiliary material. Moreover, the quality of this Feng Ling crystal is very high, which is really rare. thing.

Following the host's introduction, the Wind Spirit Crystal, which can be used to refine magic weapons, instantly made everyone's eyes shine.

"A piece of high-quality wind spirit crystal...the starting price is four thousand spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than two hundred spirit stones..."

After hearing the host's introduction, all the girls looked at Lu Tiandu, and Hong Fu was no exception. Naturally, they understood that this top-notch wind attribute material was very useful to Lu Tiandu with Fenglinggen.

"Don't worry, I'm bound to get this thing!" Lu Tiandu said with a faint smile.

In the past, he didn't take much action except to take pictures of a few uncommon elixir seeds, but this time he wanted to take action.

Soon the price of this piece of wind spirit crystal reached eight thousand spirit stones, but at this time there were only three people competing for it, and Lu Tiandu still didn't bid.

When the price reached nine thousand spirit stones, Lu Tiandu said calmly:
"Nine thousand, five hundred yuan spiritual stones!"

This sudden increase of 500 yuan in spirit stones instantly made one of the two people competing in the final choice to quit.

After another person and Lu Tiandu competed twice, Lu Tiandu finally won the Wind Spirit Crystal for [-].

The auction was still going on. When the waiter appeared in the box holding the wind spirit crystal, Lu Tiandu paid for the spirit stone. After everyone looked at it carefully, Lu Tiandu put away the material.

After all, materials with attributes such as wind, thunder, ice, yin and yang are not as easy to find as materials of the five elements. Most of the time, it depends on chance. It is obvious that Lu Tian's trip to this auction is worthwhile.

Next, among the auction items, several balls of silk from the third-level fire attribute monster Tianyang Spirit Silkworm appeared. Lu Tiandu's eyes lit up, and he naturally took pictures of them without hesitation.

The last time he went to Chaotic Star Sea, he specially purchased a lot of spider silk with various properties. Together with the blood jade spider silk and these clumps of Tianyang silkworm silk, he made several pieces of inner armor. The material is more than enough.

The auction is still going on, and several treasures appear every once in a while, constantly stimulating the monks' desire to buy, pushing the auction to a climax...

Especially the several thousand-year-old elixirs that appeared later, and a 3000-year-old elixir opened everyone's eyes. After all, many monks may not have seen thousands of years of elixirs once in their lives.

The auction that lasted for two days finally ended. After leaving Tianyue Tower, Lu Tiandu and his party returned to the small courtyard in Miaoyue Tower.

After settling the five girls and letting them wait quietly in the small courtyard, a few hours later, Lu Tiandu simply disguised himself and followed the crowd out of Tianyue City.

Not long after Lu Tiandu left the Tianyue Tower, two similarly disguised figures hung far behind Lu Tiandu and left the Tianyue Tower.

At the same time, the rough-looking man named Qin from Spirit Beast Mountain paid close attention to Hong Fu's movements.

An hour later, when Hong Fu's figure flew to a space on the top floor of Tianyue Tower again, the man finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Although he was also very interested in the exchange meeting at the top, he was blocked by the threshold of at least mid-level cultivation of Dan Formation.Moreover, what he is most interested in now is naturally avenging the original humiliation and seizing the secrets hidden in Lu Tiandu.

Since Hong Fu was not traveling with Lu Tiandu at this time, it was naturally for the best.

However, after a moment, the Jindan monk surnamed Qin, who was originally dressed in brocade clothes, also changed his appearance, hurriedly left Tianyue City, took up the escape light and chased in a certain direction.

Time went forward, and after Lu Tiandu left Tianyue City, he released the Sui Feng Sword and headed west without speed or speed.

As for the two figures behind him, he was naturally discovered quickly. After all, the auras of these two people had long been captured by the little golden monkey, so all disguises were naturally useless to him.

These two people should have obtained some kind of tracking secret technique from Jin Dan named Qin, and they were hanging behind him neither far nor near.

After all, the auction had just ended, and there were still many disciples of the Hidden Moon Sect patrolling near Tianyue City, and many people did not dare to mess around.

Three hundred miles out of Tianyue City, as expected, many monks with ulterior motives began to attack the lone monks, and Lu Tiandu tried his best to avoid these people.

After flying for hundreds of miles, when the two people from Lingshou Mountain behind them began to speed up and prepare to catch up with Lu Tiandu, Lu Tiandu chuckled and released the spiritual light shuttle and quickly distanced themselves.Although he could easily kill these two people at this time, it was not the time yet.

After flying for several hundred miles, it was only a few hundred miles away from where Lu Tiandu and Nangong Wan had previously deployed the Inverted Five Elements Formation, before Lu Tiandu landed on a hilltop and quietly waited for the two who were following behind.

After a moment, two black figures stopped near the top of the mountain, put away a white flying boat, and looked at Lu Tiandu with malicious expressions.

"It turns out to be a flying boat magic weapon. No wonder these two can catch up with me after testing it with the spiritual light shuttle!"

Lu Tiandu murmured a few words in his heart, and he was not surprised to get a flying magic weapon again soon.

Without saying a word, Lu Tiandu waved his sleeves, and four streams of light instantly shot towards the two people.

"Damn it, you dare to attack us first, you are seeking death!"

The two monks who were in the late stage of foundation establishment were immediately furious. They thought that Lu Tian would only obey when they released the auras of the late stage of foundation establishment. Unexpectedly, they dared to take action first.

The two of them didn't say much, and made up their minds to take care of Lu Tiandu early. They didn't need to wait for their master's arrival, they could just meet up directly.

A silver stream of light and three golden streams of light arrived not far from the two of them in an instant, and a silver shuttle and three golden wheels appeared.

The two of them were both experienced in fighting. They slapped their storage bags and released several magic weapons, which started to attack Lu Tian.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's body was filled with cyan light, revealing a cyan battle armor. It was the magical Fengling Gang Armor that appeared after practicing the Feng Ling Gang Book to the fourth level.

Under this battle armor composed of wind spirit power, a layer of faint golden light flows. It is the golden silk armor that Lu Tiandu uses in every battle.

With these two layers of defense, he could confidently block several flying needle-like sneak attack weapons without any problem.

At this time, it was less than an hour before he left Tianyue City. I think that Jiedan named Qin must still be observing Hong Fu's movements, so there is no need to rush to kill these two people.

After all, what this person left on him before was just a mana mark, which he had discovered a long time ago. This thing also has a distance limit. It will definitely not be able to sense the location if it exceeds the Golden Core Stage of Thousand Miles. Since this time, he has already prepared to let the Qin Jiedan have it. There is no return, so naturally we can't let him get lost.

After fighting for several rounds, the two late-stage foundation-building monks from Spirit Beast Mountain looked grim.

The several magic weapons released by Lu Tiandu were all rare magic weapons at the very least. After fighting for a quarter of an hour, not only did the aura not change at all, but Lu Tiandu still had a perfect aura, and there was no sign of emptiness in his magic power. This allowed them to Take it seriously.

And no matter how many magical weapons the two of them added to attack Lu Tiandu, they were all blocked by the same number of magical weapons released by Lu Tiandu, without any chance.

At this time, the twelve magic weapons in the sky were coming and going, with constant roars. It was obvious that the grade of their magic weapons was much worse than the various rare magic weapons released by Lu Tiandu. Only then was there a cup of tea, and the spiritual light It became darker, making the two people's faces even more ugly.

Of course, while their expressions were ugly, the two of them coveted Lu Tiandu's net worth more and more.

The two looked at each other, no longer hiding their clumsiness. They patted the spirit beast bag on their waists, and a green-black-spotted giant python and a four-eyed mouse with strangely long hair appeared.

These two spirit beasts are both third-level spirit beasts and can be regarded as rare assistants. As soon as they appeared, they pounced on Lu Tiandu under the command of the two.

With a faint smile, Lu Tiandu glanced at the two of them jokingly, and with a wave of his hand, two second-level mutant monsters, the Golden Thunder Tiger and the White Jade Poisonous Dragon, appeared.

"Go and play with those two guys!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and commanded a tiger and a dragon to come forward.

"What? Two level two monsters?"

The expressions of the two people changed. They didn't expect that there were spiritual beasts in Lu Tiandu.But when I thought about my third-level spiritual beast, I felt relieved again.

The roar of magic weapons and the fighting sounds of monster beasts intertwined into a picture of a big battle.

In less than a stick of incense, the two third-level monsters were covered with bruises. A tiger and a dragon were also injured, but they were not serious.

After estimating the flight speed of the Golden Core cultivator and feeling that the time was almost up, Lu Tiandu chuckled and had no intention of playing with these two people any longer.

For such a long time, after sacrificing seven magic weapons at once, more than half of his mana has been consumed. It's time to end it.

Seeing that their third-level monster was dying after being killed by a second-level monster, the two of them looked at each other with chills in their hearts.

This Lu Tiandu in the middle stage of foundation building is indeed a freak, but even so, he cannot escape death!
At this time, these two people also understood that they could not defeat Lu Tiandu with their own strength, so they had changed their thinking and focused on defending and holding back Lu Tiandu. After all, they had left special traces along the way. Master Qin Yunlin was already at this time. On the way to catch up.

Just when the two of them were secretly looking forward to the arrival of their master, suddenly, three silver threads flashed away, instantly penetrated a protective shield, and shot through the eyebrows of the older person among them.


This sudden scene shocked the young man next to him. Before he could release the defensive weapon, three silver threads flashed and shot through his head instantly.

"You're so arrogant, you didn't even release a defensive weapon!"

With a cold smile, Lu Tiandu put away several fallen magic weapons, their storage bags, two monster beast corpses and his own tiger and dragon. With a click of his finger, the spiritual light shuttle shot through the heads of the two people in a flash. , and after leaving several scars on the two corpses, the magic power was removed, and the two corpses were allowed to fall into the dust on the mountain.

This is naturally one of the clues left for Jin Dan named Qin.

Released the spiritual light shuttle, Lu Tiandu flew towards the real ambush place this time.

Two hundred miles later, Lu Tiandu stayed on a barren mountain again, entered a simple but secret cave that had been opened before, and waited quietly while recovering his true energy.

In less than two quarters of an hour, a ray of green light descended near the barren mountain, and the same black figure appeared, but its appearance was different from that of Qin Jiedan.

The man's face was ashen, and he used his spiritual consciousness to scan the barren mountain for twenty miles. After finding no trace of other monks, he sneered, turned his right hand, and suddenly a green light flashed, and a green cane with a dragon head appeared. .

Without saying a word, the Jindan named Qin from Spirit Beast Mountain pointed his finger, and the green dragon-headed walking stick flashed and instantly turned into a green dragon several feet long and crashed into the corner of the barren mountain.

With a "boom", the protective formation flags outside Lu Tiandu's cave shattered instantly. The green dragon's offensive continued unabated and crashed into Lu Tiandu inside the cave.

In this collision, even the top-grade magic weapon used by ordinary foundation-building monks would not be able to hit it, but Lu Tiandu was unharmed.

An emerald-green shield of about ten feet firmly protected him. It was the Yimu Divine Shield Jade Pendant that Linghu gave him as a disciple.

Lu Tian, ​​who was inside the emerald green shield, sneered. He noticed this person when he was several miles away. Before the person could get close, he activated the Yimu Divine Shield Jade Pendant.

This jade pendant can be blocked by monks in the middle stage of pill formation, so naturally they are not afraid of this person in the early stage of pill formation.

Jie Dan, surnamed Qin, was shocked to see that Lu Tiandu could block the attack of monk Jie Dan.Even after Lu Tiandu killed his two disciples, he also understood that these people must not be treated like ordinary foundation-building monks.

Seeing that Lu Tiandu took out a yellow talisman and was about to activate it, the man smiled coldly, his figure flashed, and he came closer instantly. At the same time, he made a seal with his fingers, and the ground under Lu Tiandu's feet suddenly flashed with blue light and became solid.

This is naturally an intermediate spell, in order to stop the earth escape talisman in Lu Tiandu's hand.

But what surprised him was that Lu Tiandu did not activate this intermediate-level talisman. He turned his palm and a small flag about a foot long appeared.

At this time, Lu Tiandu smiled strangely, and while instantly activating the small flag in his hand, the figure moved away from its original position.

"Not good, formation!"

Jin Dan, surnamed Qin, felt a change in his surroundings and his expression changed.With a finger, the green dragon-headed crutch struck at Lu Tiandu's location again.

At this moment, there was a sudden force out of thin air, and his position changed instantly. Where was Lu Tiandu's figure?
Lu Tiandu also felt relieved after finally activating the upside-down Five Elements Formation that he had set up before.

Although the power of the Inverted Five Elements Formation was good, its only drawback was its limited coverage, which was why he lured this person closer.

Now that this person has been trapped, Lu Tian is relieved. Hong Fu and Nangong Wan will arrive in a stick of incense at most, and this person will only die.

(End of this chapter)

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