Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 115 Suzaku is so popular!Join forces to destroy the enemy!

Chapter 115 Suzaku is so popular!Join forces to destroy the enemy!
"Boy, you are looking for death! Wait until I break this formation and see how I can control you!"

Qin Yunlin had a gloomy face, and the murderous intention in his heart became more and more unstoppable.

He stretched out his hand a little, and the green dragon-headed cane turned into a dragon and bombarded the formation again.

Unexpectedly, this time he really made a mistake. Lu Tiandu not only killed two of his direct disciples who were in the late stage of foundation establishment, but he also accidentally got trapped in the formation.

At this point, he still didn't understand what kind of magic weapon or talisman the shield that could block his full blow was?
At this moment, Careless was trapped. He originally thought that this boy, a foundation-building monk, would not have any powerful formations in his hands, but the result was once again beyond his expectation.

He tried several attacks to break through the formation but made no progress at all, which made him feel frightened.

Moreover, he originally thought that Lu Tiandu would escape with all his strength after trapping him, but instead, this guy was holding a formation flag several hundred feet away from him and looking at him with a sneer on his face, making no move to escape. This made him Is he on guard for no reason?
After several trials, he quickly understood that this formation did not have the ability to attack. At most, it only had the ability to transform and trap enemies. Although it could not cause any harm to him, it was obvious that he would not be able to break through this formation for a while!

Damn it!

At this moment, he vaguely felt that something was wrong. Even if he was trapped, Lu Tiandu, a monk in the foundation-building stage, could not hurt him at all. But at this time, Lu Tiandu did not run for his life. There was only one possibility - he was sure to kill himself. , he must have helpers!
Qin Yunlin was suddenly shocked. Did Hongfu not participate in the last high-level monk trade fair?Or was Hong Fu just cheating on himself when he flew towards the tower?

Thinking of this, his face became even more ugly. Facing Hong Fu who was in the middle stage of the Golden Core, he had no confidence at all to defeat him.

If he wasn't trapped, there was still a slight chance of escaping. With his vitality severely injured, he thought he still had the means to save his life by using some secret technique. But now that he was trapped, he was in big trouble!
Qin Yunlin no longer dared to be vague at this moment, and with a surge of mana, he commanded his green dragon wooden staff to consume the power of the spiritual stones that had been deployed in the formation. As long as the energy source of the formation was consumed, the formation would naturally collapse!
On the other side, Lu Tiandu, who was still silently recovering his true energy, also noticed the changes in Qin Yunlin and instantly understood this man's plan.

"Sure enough, he is also a thoughtful person!"

However, he is not in a hurry. The upside-down Five Elements Formation with [-]% power should be able to trap the early-stage monks for an hour without any problem!

He has enough time to wait for the arrival of Nangong Wan and Hong Fu!

In less than half a stick of incense, a red ray of light shot out from the distance quickly, and a white figure appeared. It was not Nangong Wan.

Lu Tiandu laughed and let go of a corner of the formation to let Nangong Wan in.

"Wan'er, you're here!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Nangong Wan with an anxious look in his eyes and said with a smile, "This person has been trapped in the formation by me, there is no surprise."

"It's good that you're fine!" Nangong Wan smiled slightly.

Although the two of them had prepared many follow-up safeguards for this plan, she was not worried that it would be fake if Lu Tiandu, who was in the foundation-building stage, was left to face the Golden Core cultivator alone.

Nangong Wan has been waiting quietly a hundred miles west of this barren mountain since the auction ended.As soon as Lu Tiandu discovered Qin Yunlin's arrival, he secretly released the second-level White Jade Venomous Bee Queen Bee to find Nangong Wan.

Nangong Wan had previously carried another second-level white jade poisonous bee queen with her.This White Jade Venomous Bee flies extremely fast, let alone its speed after the second level.

There is some mysterious connection between the white jade poisonous bee queen, the queen bee and the ordinary peaks, so there is no fear of them losing contact.

The reason why the transmission notes are not issued is because the transmission notes in the wilderness are easy to be intercepted by others, and the speed is much slower than the White Jade Venomous Bee.

After the two said a few words, they looked at Qin Yunlin who was still blindly breaking the formation.

Nangong Wan observed for a moment and smiled:
"Your inverted five-element formation is really good. It seems that Qin Yunlin will not be able to break the formation in a short time!"

Previously, she accompanied Lu Tiandu to set up the formation and briefly tested it, but now it seems that the power of this formation to trap enemies exceeds her expectation!

With a large formation of this level, it is really rare for monks to be able to protect themselves a little more when encountering a monk in the middle stage of forming a pill!
There are not many formation masters in Tiannan Xiuxian world, and it is really rare to be able to refine an inverted five-element formation with [-]% power.

"I'll ask Yin'er and Xiaomei to refine a set for you later!"

Lu Tiandu smiled, "As long as there are enough materials, they can now refine an inverted five-element formation with [-]% to [-]% power. In a few years, there should be no problem in refining a large formation with [-]% power!"

Nangong Wan's beautiful eyes turned, she glanced at Lu Tiandu, and said with a smile: "That's fine, I'll thank the two sisters later!"

"it is good!"

Although Nangong Wan still doesn't accept sleeping with her husband at this time, she has already accepted Lu Tiandu's other confidante in her heart.

With the origin of this formation, it will be easier to follow it step by step.

Just as the two were talking, a silver-white escaping light shot out from the east. In the blink of an eye, they were near the barren mountain. A red figure appeared, it was Hong Fu.

Hong Fu also noticed the three people in the formation at this time. When he saw Lu Tiandu next to Lu Tiandu, she was wearing a white palace attire and a stunning beauty, and she immediately understood that this was the friend of the Hidden Moon Sect that Lu Tiandu said.

Judging from the closeness between the two, it's hard to understand that the relationship between the two may not be simple friends.

I sighed secretly in my heart, my junior brother is good at everything, but he is too carefree!
How many are these? ?

After entering the formation, Nangong Wan also looked at Hong Fu carefully.

Wearing a red dress, she looks like a rising flame. She looks like she is in her thirties. At a glance, her plump and proud figure is really unforgettable. It instantly reminds her of her master. Every time she hugs her, she feels soft and soft. of……

The bridge of her nose is high, her eyebrows fall into her temples, her oval face is cold, but the corners of her eyes reveal an evil spirit that is rarely seen in female immortal cultivators, giving people a cold and glamorous feeling at a glance.

A smile appeared on Nangong Wan's delicate face. Before Lu Tiandu could introduce him, he stepped forward and said:
"But Sister Hongfu? I have heard your name many times!"

"Sister Nangong is too praised!"

The ice on Hong Fu's cold oval face melted away, revealing a faint smile, "I can hear that my junior brother is full of praise for you!"

In fact, not long after Nangong Wan formed the Golden elixir more than 20 years ago, the Biyue Sect held a Golden elixir conference to celebrate the addition of a Golden elixir monk to the Biyue Sect. It also allowed Nangong Wan to get to know some fellow Yue people.

Usually, the Golden Elixir Conference will also hold an exchange meeting between Golden Elixir monks, allowing everyone to exchange practice experiences, exchange practice resources, and exchange knowledge.

However, Nangong Wan had been wearing a veil at that time, and Hong Fu had not participated in the exchange meeting because of seclusion, so the two naturally did not know each other.

However, Hongfu naturally knew that the Biyue Sect had Nangong Wan, the new Dan-former.Moreover, Lu Tiandu also gave her a brief message about Nangong Wan before.

The two got to know each other like long-lost friends, and they talked cordially, not taking Qin Yunlin who was still trapped in the formation seriously at all.

Since Da Hongfu arrived, Nangong Wan has been secretly observing Lu Tiandu's reaction.

When Hong Fu arrived, she did not hide her cultivation. Naturally, she noticed her cultivation in the late stage of Jin Dan instantly. She was secretly surprised. After all, when she and her master arrived two months ago, there were no late stage monks in Huang Maple Valley. Woolen cloth!
It is obvious that Hong Fu has also made a breakthrough recently, and Hong Fu's ice spirit root talent is really not bad. He is already in the late stage of Jindan at the age of more than 200 years old. Isn't it possible that he can hit the Nascent Soul at about [-] years old? This cultivation speed is a little faster. Not worse than Tianlinggen.

The most important thing is that Hong Fu is also a great beauty, and she is also a rare ice beauty. This beautiful and concave figure makes her envious in her heart. Thinking of some of his preferences every time she and Lu Tian were practicing together, Nangong Wan couldn't help but Jue Duo looked at Hong Fu several times.

This figure must be very popular with Lu Tiandu, she still knows him very well!

However, after secretly observing the two of them, she didn't notice anything strange. While she was relieved, she didn't believe that Lu Tiandu would be indifferent to her senior sister?

This was one of the reasons why she came to interact intimately with Hong Fu.

He glanced at Lu Tiandu with a half-smile, and sure enough, the guy quickly noticed the strangeness in his eyes and showed a bit of a wry smile...

When Lu Tiandu saw Nangong Wan's expression, he didn't know what his fellow Taoist was thinking. At this time, he hadn't even touched Hong Fu's little hand, so naturally he didn't want to admit some of his thoughts.He took a step forward and said with a smile: "Senior sister, Wan'er, we'd better settle this matter quickly to avoid future troubles!"

"That's right!" Hong Fu nodded.

Nangong Wan also nodded in agreement.

The three of them briefly divided their work, and Hong Fu and Nangong Wan flew towards the place where Qin Yunlin was in a flash.

Qin Yunlin had been blocked by Lu Tiandu with the power of a large formation before. After suppressing his spiritual consciousness, he naturally did not notice that there were two more monks in the alchemy stage in the formation at this time.

At this moment, he suddenly saw two extra people, one of whom was Hong Fu, and his cultivation level revealed at this moment was in the late stage of Jindan. Qin Yunlin felt cold all over, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Sure enough, my guess was correct, the helper invited by the bastard Lu Tiandu has arrived!

"Wait a minute, fellow Taoists, this is just a misunderstanding!"

Seeing the two Hongfu girls looking at him with cold eyes, Qin Yunlin still had the same murderous aura as before. He commanded the dragon-headed walking stick magic weapon to hover above his head in warning, and he was already thinking of surrendering.

"Fairy Hongfu, and this fellow Taoist, everything is a misunderstanding. Our seven sects have always been in the same spirit. Since we know that fellow Taoist Hongfu is here, please show your respect to me... We have no life-or-death enmity, no What misunderstanding cannot be resolved? I am willing to give this little friend adequate compensation. What do you two fellow Taoists think?"

Qin Yunlin, who had returned to his original appearance before, now had a gentle smile on his rough face, and his tone was pleading, "What do you think, Fellow Daoist Lu?"

Although he didn't see Lu Tiandu, he knew that Lu Tiandu was nearby, so he called Lu Tiandu loudly.

However, his words were naturally in vain. The two women looked at each other, no longer hesitated, waved their hands, and a ring and a seal appeared above their heads.

The magic formula was pinched, and the Vermilion Bird Ring instantly turned into a size of about ten feet. Red flames were swirling, and several illusory firebirds were flying around the red ring. Under the hot red flames, even the void became distorted.

The speed of Hongfu is not slow either. He flips his fingers and shoots out several spells in an instant. The silvery white seal that was originally the size of a fist is able to catch the wind and instantly becomes the size of a house. The biting cold air overflows, making people feel biting and cold even before they get close. !

This is Hong Fu's natal magic weapon, the Han Jade Seal.

"Sister Nangong has actually condensed the magic weapon to this point!"

Hong Fu glanced at the illusory firebird flying on Nangong Wan's red bird ring, and her heart moved.

She heard that the Suzaku ring refined by Nangong Wan was some kind of rare treasure lost in ancient times. If it could condense the Suzaku True Fire, its power would naturally be doubled. Looking at the fire bird that the magic weapon turned into, could it be that the Suzaku True Fire had already been refined?

The two of them didn't hesitate, and struck Qin Yunlin instantly with one seal and one ring after another.

Lu Tiandu also took a second look when Nangong Wan released the Vermillion Bird Ring.

When the two had a tryst in Nangong Wan's cave two days ago, Nangong Wan told him excitedly that all the sun stones that Lu Tiandu had given her had been refined into her with the help of her master Nangong Ping. Nangong Wan's natal magic weapon, and had already condensed a trace of Suzaku's true fire, which made Nangong Wan very excited.

These Sun Essence Stones not only greatly increased the power of her Suzaku Ring, but also allowed her to master the huge potential magical power of Suzaku True Fire. However, currently there is only a trace of Suzaku True Fire, so naturally she cannot exert the power of this magical power. .

If you want the Suzaku True Fire to be fully developed, you must either cultivate the magic weapon slowly and use the power of the magic weapon to increase the flames, or refine other true fires to promote the growth of the Suzaku True Fire.

After the Suzaku True Fire is fully realized, it will definitely be one of the great supernatural powers that dominates the human world.

Lu Tiandu, who was hiding in the darkness, had a small flag hanging in front of his eyes, which was the main flag of the Five Elements Inversion Formation.

Several spells were hit on the small flag. Lu Tiandu held the small flag and pointed in the direction of Qin Yunlin, and an inexplicable force instantly restrained Qin Yunlin.

Just when Hong Fu and Nangong Wan took action together, Qin Yunlin's heart sank to the bottom. There might be no return this time.

Even if the chance of survival is low, he has always been a ruthless person, but he is not willing to sit back and wait for death.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at the dragon-headed crutch, and something suddenly changed. The several-foot-long cyan dragon swung its tail and instantly faced the giant white seal.

Patting the storage bag, a black bead shrouded in black mist instantly enlarged and faced Nangong Wan's Suzaku ring.

Without hesitation, the man patted the spirit beast bag around his waist several times, and three monster beasts appeared around him instantly.

One of them seems to have reached the peak level of a fourth-level monster, and the other two are both third-level monsters.

Naturally, Qin Yunlin didn't expect these three monsters to be of much use, but letting them show off at this time could be regarded as a strategy against the enemy.

The two women were about to release other magic weapons to deal with it, when Lu Tiandu's faint voice came to their ears:

"Leave these three spiritual beasts to me, you two just need to kill this person as soon as possible!"

The two nodded and once again directed their magic weapons to attack Qin Yunlin.

Lu Tiandu waved his hand, and two blood jade spiders appeared in the formation. The white figures flashed and instantly pounced on the level four monster.

He reached out and turned over, and three silver needles appeared in his hand. With a flick of his finger, three silver threads flashed, and they were instantly engulfed by a level three monster attacking in the direction of Nangong Wan.

With a click of his finger, a stream of silver light also stopped the monster that was rushing toward Hong Fu.

Normally, Lu Tian would have the confidence to kill this kind of third-level monster at will with his physical strength, but at this time he would not show up, leaving no loopholes for Qin Yunlin...

The sound of "rumbling" collisions continued, and Qin Yunlin was already in a desperate state. However, as time passed, Qin Yunlin's three monsters were the first to be killed by Lu Tiandu.

After a few more breaths, Hong Fu commanded the Han Jade Seal to break the dragon-headed crutch. At the same time, the seal flashed and quickly blasted towards Qin Yunlin.

With a loud "boom" sound, the big seal crushed several top-level defensive magic weapons, sweeping all the way. Qin Yunlin had already become completely unrecognizable...

Hong Fu and Nangong Wan put away their magic weapons and looked at each other, both looking relaxed.

After all, it was two against one, and Hongfu was still a late-stage Jindan cultivator, so there was really nothing difficult about it.

"I didn't expect that Sister Nangong's magic weapon would actually condense the Suzaku into a real fire?" Hong Fu asked about the doubts in his heart.

This Suzaku True Fire is also one of the incredible flames. It is said to be extremely powerful. However, the secret method of condensation is not widely circulated. Unexpectedly, it was condensed by Nangong Wan. It is really rare.

She has ice spiritual roots, and she is also a body of black ice. Naturally, she also knows that ancient monks have created several methods of condensing cold flames. Unfortunately, she has not been able to obtain this secret method, so she is naturally curious about this magical power of fire.

"Thanks to Tiandu, he gave me several Sun Essence Stones, which were condensed into my Suzaku Ring by my master using secret techniques. Fortunately, this trace of Suzaku True Fire was born..."

Nangong Wan didn't hide it and smiled slightly.

She did not say that Lu Tian was a Taoist companion. After all, the two of them had not held a double cultivation ceremony, and it was difficult to say it clearly at the moment.

"No wonder so!"

Hong Fu glanced at Lu Tiandu, who was showing his figure at this moment, and thought to himself, her junior brother really has a lot of good things, and the Ice Spirit Fruit and Ice Crystal Pear that he gave her before were also very good things!
 There has been something going on recently, so there have been few updates. I will add more updates in the future, and I guarantee that there will be no less than 20 words of updates this month.Please give me some monthly passes and recommendation votes, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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