Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 116 The girls meet!Nangong Ping!Colorful clothes!

Chapter 116 The girls meet!Nangong Ping!Colorful clothes! ([-]-in-[-])

After Lu Tiandu, Hong Fu, and Nangong Wan packed up the storage bag, spirit beast bag, two broken magic weapons, and three spirit beast corpses left by Qin Yunlin, they cleared away the traces of the battle, removed the Inverted Five Elements Formation, and turned around Return to Tianyue City.

In this battle, the three of them seemed very relaxed and comfortable working together in the formation.

As for the two level four spider beasts released by Lu Tiandu, the two women were not surprised. It was true that Lu Tiandu had too many good things.

Lu Tian unceremoniously collected the bodies of the three spirit beasts. In total, Master and Disciple Qin Yunlin brought him a harvest of one fourth-level monster and four third-level monsters.

Monster materials can be used to refine magic weapons, and their flesh and blood can be used to refine Qi and Blood Pills. Moreover, they are all third- and fourth-level monsters, which is really good.

As for Qin Yunlin's other things, the two women simply separated them.

Several items from the auction were also found in Qin Yunlin's storage bag, including a fifth-level demon pill. Lu Tiandu and Nangong Wan looked at each other, feeling a little weird.

This demon pill was probably prepared by this guy for the advancement of his own peak-level fourth-level demon beast, but it was a pity that he ended up making wedding clothes for others.

The return trip this time was still in Lu Tiandu's sapphire boat. The three of them chatted all the way, and Hong Fu and Nangong Wan quickly became familiar with each other.

An hour later, the three of them returned to the small courtyard where they lived before in Miaoyue Building.


"Brother Lu!"


Junior Sister Chen and the fifth daughter looked at Lu Tiandu who had returned after a few hours, smiled happily, and stepped forward to say hello.

Lu Tiandu was not polite and hugged everyone.

At this time, Hong Fu and Nangong Wan entered one after another, which immediately made the five girls feel shy.

Lu Tianxuan's face turned even red with embarrassment, but deep down in her heart she hoped that Lu Tiandu would hug her more!
After leaving Lu Tiandu's arms, the five girls saw another stunning beauty besides Hong Fu behind Lu Tiandu.At this time, Nangong Wan was not wearing a veil, and her gorgeous appearance caught the eyes of all the girls.

Except for Lu Tianxuan who was slightly curious, the four girls suddenly understood that this was the confidante of the Hidden Moon Sect whom Lu Tianxuan had mentioned to them before.

Lu Tiandu was very proactive at this time and introduced the six girls to each other with a smile on his face.

After the introduction, the five girls smiled and said to Nangong Wan:

"Hello, sister Nangong!"

Nangong Wan looked at the five girls, who were as bright as the autumn moon and as bright as the spring flowers, each with their own beauty, and smiled and said:
"Hello, sisters!"

But he thought secretly in his heart: What I saw through the image beads before was just the images of the girls. Apart from the good color, I couldn't see anything else.

At this time, when I took a closer look, I realized that the four girls who had already established their foundations were all very well-founded and extraordinary. It was no wonder that they were loved by Lu Tiandu.

Although she had said before that she would wait until Lu Tiandu surpassed her in cultivation before accepting other girls, this excuse had long been forgotten by her.

After Lu Tiandu came to Yanyue Sect this time, he mentioned the idea of ​​letting a few people meet and get to know each other later, and Nangong Wan did not refuse.

This is the scene where the girls meet each other.

At this time, Junior Sister Chen felt slightly bitter, but it wasn't that she didn't like Nangong Wan.With this powerful Sister Nangong, the safety of my senior brothers when exploring ruins or going out will be improved by several levels.

However, she had secretly united with the other girls and regarded herself as the green plum of Lu Tiandu. At this time, her idea of ​​calling herself a lady was obviously shattered.

However, Chen Qiaoqian quickly came to her senses. She and Lu Tian had a deep relationship. She was willing to die for Lu Tian, ​​so she no longer cared about these small details.

Not to mention the other four girls.All the girls also understood what Lu Tianxuan was thinking, so how could Lu Tiandu not understand and not reject it? It would only be a matter of time before something good happened.

The women who have practiced dual cultivation all know that their husbands have some kind of spiritual fruit that lays the foundation for the great path, as well as the spiritual body obtained after dual cultivation with Lu Tiandu, which is of great benefit to their cultivation, so naturally they will not openly reject other Lu Tiandu. Like women.

As for being openly jealous, this has never happened before, except of course when she and Lu Tiandu were alone in the boudoir and flirting!

The consensus in their hearts was that if Lu Tiandu really fell in love with someone, to be honest, this female cultivator would be a great blessing.

After all, they feel that they are all lucky!
If you get a husband like this, what more can a woman ask for!
Hong Fu looked at the six daughters Yingying Yanyan, chatting happily, and then looked at Lu Tiandu. This little junior brother is really a passionate seed. It is really strange that so many beauties can fall in love with each other and live in harmony. man!
Shaking her head slightly, she still felt that Lu Tian was too carefree.

Lu Tiandu stayed here for another three days. The main purpose was of course to let the Seven Girls get acquainted with each other. Since there were not many opportunities to gather like this, he included Hong Fu by default.

Although Hong Fu usually seems cold and taciturn, he is still very easy to get along with after getting to know him.

The girls talked and laughed, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

During this time, Lu Tiandu also took the time to check the storage bags of Qin Yunlin's two apprentices that he had obtained previously.

Among them, there are more than 500 spiritual stones in total, eight top-level magical artifacts, more than a dozen other high-grade magical artifacts, and the others are some talismans, weapon refining materials, martial arts books, etc., which are worth thousands of spiritual stones in total.

The most valuable thing among these two people is naturally the third-level spiritual beast they cultivated. They were killed by a tiger and a dragon from Lu Tiandu before, and the corpse was also used by Lu Tiandu to refine the qi and blood elixir.

In addition, according to Lu Tiandu's guess, the white crystal flying boat that once chased Lu Tiandu probably did not belong to these two people. After all, the best quality of the top-level magic weapons of these two people were only two rare magic weapons.

The white crystal flying boat is a top-notch flying magic weapon. It is extremely precious to the foundation-building monks. Lu Tiandu has never seen anyone with such a magic weapon.

In fact, his guess was correct. The flying boat was indeed temporarily lent to the two of them by Qin Yunlin to hunt him down.

Before leaving, Lu Tiandu took out the jade boat and handed it to Chen Qiaoqian, asking Hongfu to take the five of them back first.

Lu Tiandu has many flying magic weapons on his body, the most commonly used one is naturally the spiritual light shuttle, and now he has the white crystal flying boat as a trophy. This sapphire flying boat, which was obtained from the chaotic star sea in Tiannan and has a legitimate origin, is just for the girls to use. Come and travel.

As for where Lu Tiandu was going, naturally he and Nangong Wan were going to Spirit Beast Mountain to seek revenge from Qin Yunlin's apprentice Zhao Xing.

This time Qin Yunlin is dead. As long as Zhao Xing is lured out, the hatred between this man and his predecessor's parents can be easily settled.

Originally, Lu Tiandu was planning to act alone, but the girls couldn't rest assured, and they still wanted to avenge Lu Tiandu's parents. The girls were very willing to go, and finally Lu Tiandu asked Nangong Wan to go with him.

The strength of other women is still too low.

With Nangong Wan, a monk in the early stage of the golden elixir, and the inverted Five Elements Formation, there is no risk of protecting oneself when encountering one or two elixir-forming monks.

Everyone left Tianyue City and went their separate ways.

However, Lu Tiandu and Nangong Wan did not go south immediately. After all, the information about Qin Yunlin's death was believed to be known within Spirit Beast Mountain. After all, every pill-forming monk usually leaves a soul card in the sect. Once it breaks, it will naturally indicate that the person is dead. Has fallen.

Normally, the sect would send people to investigate. After all, every Jindan monk is very important in the seven sects. One of them died in vain, and after participating in the auction in Yanyue Zongfang City, one of them was investigated. Fan is essential.

Maybe the suspects are also being investigated around Spirit Beast Mountain at this time.

Another reason is that Nangong Wan's master Nangong Ping wants to meet Lu Tiandu.

After seeing each other last time, Lu Tiandu still left a deep impression on Nangong Ping. Now that he has arrived at Yanyue Sect, it is a good time to meet him.

In addition, Lu Tiandu went to the Hidden Moon Sect to receive the spiritual stones obtained from the auction.

Once again, we entered the center of the Qiyun Mountains where the main sect of the Hidden Moon Sect is located. Here there are endless peaks and valleys. On top of the peaks, there are jade pavilions and pavilions. From time to time in the low sky, white-clothed monks fly by with flying instruments.

The two of them returned to Lingyin Peak where Nangongwan Cave Mansion was located, organized themselves for a while, and headed towards the top of the mountain.

Lingyin Peak is not only the location of Nangong Wan's cave, but also the place of practice for the great elder of the Hidden Moon Sect.

After all, this is the spiritual eye place where the spiritual energy of the Qiyun Mountains gathers. It is obvious that the spiritual energy is rich. It is a first-class cultivation treasure place in the Yue Kingdom and is very suitable for cultivation.

At the top of Lingyin Peak, there is a large hall called Taihua Hall.

Nangong Wan led Lu Tiandu up the stairs.

This is usually where Nangong Ping receives friends or disciples, not her training cave.

Seeing this beautiful, powerful and charming woman wearing a veil again, Lu Tiandu suppressed the strangeness in his heart and bowed respectfully.

Nangong Ping smiled and asked Lu Tiandu to sit down. His charming eyes swept over Lu Tiandu, raised his jade hand, took a sip of the Juling wine in the wine cup, and said with a smile:
"The Juling wine you brewed is pretty good. When you brew new wine in the future, remember to ask Wan'er to bring me two jars of it!"

"Senior Nangong, as long as you like it. Next time I brew new wine, I will give you a few more jars..." Lu Tiandu said with a slight smile.

This clearly meant that Nangong Wan took the spiritual wine Lu Tiandu gave her to honor her master.

"Since Wan'er has fallen in love with you, I don't mind your association with other female cultivators. As a master, I won't say anything unpleasant. We will support each other in the future. If we can succeed in the path, it will be a good thing!" After a pause, Nangong Ping smiled again, his melodious and charming voice carrying a touch of intimacy.

"Thank you, Senior Nangong!" Lu Tiandu showed gratitude and bowed.

Nangong Ping actually recognized Lu Tiandu in his heart. It didn't matter if a man was too flirtatious. There were many monks with wives and concubines in the world of immortality. The most important thing was to be worthy of the Taoist companion who fell in love with him.

Judging from the various gifts his disciples received from Lu Tiandu, although Lu Tiandu's cultivation level was not that good, he was very generous to his Taoist companions.

Coupled with the fact that the two of them are in love, she also hopes that her little apprentice can have a good ending.

After chatting for a few more words, Nangong Ping finally asked about Lu Tiandu's physique.

It was obvious that after the last change, she must have found out something from Nangong Wan.

Lu Tiandu still said what he always said, without deleting or adding anything.

After listening, Nangong Ping pondered for a moment, not knowing what to think. Finally, he took a deep look at Lu Tiandu and asked the two of them to step back.

The attraction Lu Tiandu calls the "Five Elements Spirit Body" to other female cultivators is naturally considered by both master and disciple as one of the factors behind his many beauties.

What's more important is that this kind of physique can also bring benefits such as accelerating practice, which is really beneficial to these Taoist monks in Lu Tiandu. No wonder his disciple learned that other beauties in Lu Tiandu are also devoted to him. .

After returning to Nangong Wan's cave, Lu Tian didn't even take this matter to heart.

After all, he had expected Nangong Ping's curiosity, and Nangong Wan had told him the purpose of his master's meeting with him before.

Reaching out his arms, Lu Tiandu hugged Nangong Wan in his arms and pecked Nangong Wan's warm red lips. Lu Tiandu asked with a curious look:
"What does your master look like?" "Hey, why do you ask this?"

"Isn't this just curiosity..."

"Hmph, you bastard!"

Nangong Wanyu twisted the soft flesh around Lu Tiandu's waist with her hands, and thought to herself, what a bastard, what are you thinking?
"What are you thinking about? Is your husband like that?!"

When Lu Tiandu saw Nangong Wan's expression, he couldn't guess what the beauty in his arms was thinking, so he bit back, um, bit Nangong Wan's white and tender ear, and whispered:

"Don't think too much and go practice dual cultivation!"

Nangong Wan's weakness had already been discovered by Lu Tiandu. Her ears were red, her delicate body was soft and hot, and her beautiful eyes suddenly filled with affection...

After some double cultivation, during the sage's time, the two of them hugged each other and chatted.

"What a bad guy!"

Nangong Wan was still a little worried about Lu Tiandu, a guy in the foundation building stage, asking for information about his master.

Turning over, Nangong Wan rolled her eyes, lay in Lu Tiandu's arms, and asked softly:

"This Dayan Jue is a rare spiritual consciousness cultivation technique. If I teach it to my master, what do you think?"


Lu Tiandu took a careful look at Nangong Wan, "If she is the only one to practice, that's no problem!"

At this time, Lu Tiandu had already given Nangong Wan the newly obtained third and fourth levels of skills. If Nangong Wan could practice to the third level, it would be of great benefit to the condensation of Nascent Soul.

Nangong Wan took a closer look at Lu Tiandu's expression, and sure enough, his eyes lit up when he heard that his charming master was training him.

Bah, this bad boy!
Feeling her husband's enthusiasm, Nangong Wan's beautiful eyes became watery again. She didn't know what to think and never mentioned her master again.

After some practice, the two started chatting again.

"Now that Senior Qiong has gone into seclusion, do you have the confidence to condense the Nascent Soul again?" Lu Tiandu asked.

After arriving at the Hidden Moon Sect, Lu Tiandu received the one hundred thousand spirit stones left to him by the old monster Qiong, which was regarded as the remaining reward from the last time the Infant Transformation Grass.

This was obviously about [-]% more than Lu Tiandu expected, which shows that Old Monster Qiong is also a generous person.

However, the old monster Qiong was alone. He had advanced to the golden elixir stage for hundreds of years, had a lot of money, and had no disciples, grandchildren, or family. It was reasonable to be generous to Lu Tiandu, a person who was kind to him.

"This time there is the Infant Transformation Grass that you helped him find before. It is likely that Senior Brother Qiong has refined the Infant Transformation Pill, plus the various other elixirs he has prepared over the years, he should be quite confident..."

Nangong Wan's face was rosy and her voice was lazy and extremely charming.

"Well, maybe Senior Qiong can really conceive a baby this time!"

If the old monster Qiong succeeds in condensing the Nascent Soul, it will naturally be a great thing for the Hidden Moon Sect.

Even if Master Nangong Wan cannot break through to the late Nascent Soul state a hundred years later, the Hidden Moon Sect will still be the largest sect in the Yue Kingdom.

Well, the premise is to block the invasion of demons.

"Do you have the recipe for the Infant Transformation Pill?" Lu Tiandu asked.

"If you want it, I'll ask Master to make a copy for you later..."

This was the first prescription that Lu Tiandu had come across that was helpful in conceiving a baby, so he was naturally very interested in it.Although fully refining the Ten Thousand Yin Yang Fruit has a [-]% chance of conceiving a baby, if it can increase the chance by a few points or even [-]%, naturally it cannot be let go.

The most important thing is that he still has a lot of Huayingcao, the main ingredient of the Infant Transformation Pill. Refining this elixir shouldn't be too easy.

In the next few days, Lu Tiandu still stayed in Nangong Wan's cave every day, exploring the Yin-Yang Avenue in depth...

"Hey, I didn't expect Fairy Colorful Clothes to be here!"

On this day, Lu Tiandu finished practicing. When Nangong Wan came back, there was a charming woman dressed as a young woman beside him.

This young woman has a graceful figure. She is dressed in plain White House attire. She has a thin layer of makeup on her face. Her eyes are charming. Every move she makes is full of amorous feelings, which is very touching.

Walking with grace and elegance, tenderness and charm, there is a unique flavor.

His posture is a bit like Nangong Ping!
If Lu Tiandu didn't know that this girl Yuanyin was around, he might have thought that she had already formed a spiritual couple with someone else.

This is somewhat similar to Dong Xuan'er. Perhaps this woman has also practiced similar exercises. After all, the Hidden Moon Sect was separated from the Hehuan Sect. It is quite normal to have similar exercises.

"Long time no see, Fairy Nishang!" Lu Tiandu greeted with a smile.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Lu is really a very human being!"

Fairy Nishang's beautiful eyes were flowing, and she smiled and said, "Sister Wan'er is the proud daughter of our Yanyue Sect. She has many suitors. It's unexpected that you can win this beauty!"

Although it was unexpected, Nishang noticed the two people flirting with each other as early as the end of the blood ban trial.

In the next two years, Nangong Wan occasionally showed signs of longing and nostalgia. As Nangong Wan's good sister, how could she not know about it?

Fairy Nishang was also very curious about the person Nangong Wan fell in love with.

Another important reason was that there was something about Lu Tiandu that fascinated her, making her panic and have an inexplicable urge to get closer.

This was one of the reasons why she learned that Lu Tiandu came to Nangong Wandong Mansion.

"Fairy Nishang is so ridiculous!" Lu Tiandu chuckled, "It's my luck to win Wan'er's heart!"

After a pause, Lu Tiandu said again: "I would also like to thank Fairy Nishang for her help before!"

According to the discussion between Lu Tiandu and Nangong Wan, he would invite a golden elixir from Huang Maple Valley, and Nangong Wan would invite another person. With three monks at the elixir formation stage, killing Qin Yunlin would not be a problem.

In the end, Lu Tiandu invited Hong Fu and had the Inverted Five Elements Formation in hand, so naturally he didn't need too many people.

Although Nishang didn't have the chance to contribute in the end, she still wanted to thank her.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about it now!"

The colorful dress bloomed and smiled softly, the flower branches trembled, seducing people's hearts, "Wan'er and I are like sisters, how could I stand by and watch her affairs!"

Nangong Wan also took Nishang's arm and laughed.

Lu Tiandu swallowed secretly, this fairy in colorful clothes was really charming, she looked so moisturized!

And he looks at himself frequently and doesn’t hide it!
He naturally understood that this was due to the body of Dragon Roar.

Now that he and the women are practicing together, the body of Dragon Roar has become more and more powerful.The attraction is naturally more extraordinary.

During this period of time, Lu Tiandu naturally became familiar with the basic situation of the Hidden Moon Sect. This Nishang was only a few decades older than Nangong Wan, but he was a disciple of Senior Sister Nangong Wan, Leng Qingqiu.

In front of the elders, Nishang still has to call Nangong Wan Master Uncle.

The relationship between the two is very good, which can be seen from the fact that Nangong Wan invites him to help whenever something happens.

Although Fairy Nishang is older, her elixir formation was still a few years later than Nangong Wan's. This is naturally attributed to Nangong Wan's Tianlinggen qualification.

When a guest came, Lu Tiandu was not polite. He took out a jar of Gathering Spirit Wine and the three of them drank while chatting.

In the next few days, Nishang came to Nangong Wan's cave from time to time, and the relationship between the three of them seemed extremely close.

Nangong Wan and Lu Tian were busy practicing dual cultivation in the past few days and had not yet had time to collect the previous auction settlement.

About ten days later, Ni Chang arrived again. The three of them exchanged their cultivation experiences and were busy practicing without being in a hurry.The two of them were going south in the next few days, so Nangong Wan took the time to go to the sect to settle the spiritual stones.

Moreover, Lu Tiandu also told Nangong Wan to see if there was a surplus of high-level spiritual stones in the Hidden Moon Sect, and whether through her connections, some of the spiritual stones could be withdrawn as high-level spiritual stones.

This is naturally what Lu Tiandu is thinking about for the teleportation array between Tiannan and Chaotic Star Sea.

Six high-level spiritual stones were newly installed in the teleportation array on Tiannan's side, which can be used multiple times. However, after he checked the ones on the Chaotic Star Sea side before, he found that the spiritual power of several high-level spiritual stones was running low, so I came up with the idea of ​​collecting high-level spiritual stones in advance.

According to the information about the teleportation array transmitted by Xin Ruyin, Lu Tiandu naturally understood that for short-distance teleportation within a hundred miles and medium-distance teleportation within thousands of miles, a few mid-level spiritual stones could provide teleportation energy.

However, when it comes to long-distance teleportation of millions of miles, it is no longer possible to use mid-level spiritual stones alone to complete the transmission. Either high-level spiritual stones are used or a spiritual gathering array is used to replace the high-level spiritual stones with a large number of intermediate spiritual stones.

As for ultra-long distances of hundreds of millions of miles or cross-continental transmission, it requires even more energy, which is nothing more than high-level spiritual stones or a spiritual gathering array composed of a large number of mid-level spiritual stones.

The teleportation array in the Great Rift Valley of the Wasteland is built on the spirit stone mine. If there is no mining by the seven sects, even the intermediate spirit stone can be activated. After all, the energy of the big head is provided by the underground spirit stone mine.

However, after hundreds of years of mining, the shallow spiritual stones have long been mined by the seven sects. Although the deep spiritual power can be restrained by the magic circle around the teleportation array to provide teleportation, it is best to use high-level spiritual stones to activate it. .

The teleportation array on the other side of the Chaotic Star Sea was originally built on a deserted island. It had very little spiritual power and no mineral veins underneath it. I guess the ancient monks naturally had no shortage of high-level spiritual stones to activate.

It is a pity that in the current world of immortal cultivation, high-level spiritual stones are usually collected by high-level monks for cultivation and the like. Ordinary Nascent Soul monks trade only mid-level spiritual stones, which are basically not used for trading, thus leaving high-level spiritual stones. It seems priceless.

Therefore, preparing as many high-level spiritual stones as possible is one of his current important tasks.

In the future, Xin Ruyin can only make other plans after finding the ultra-long-distance teleportation array information and thoroughly understanding it.

Moreover, when he returns this time, Lu Tiandu is also planning to ask Linghu that there must be high-level spiritual stones in Huang Maple Valley, but he doesn't know how many there are.

"Sister Nishang is here again?"

Lu Tiandu muttered while holding the pink transmission talisman.He didn't care, he waved the token in his hand casually, opened the restriction, and welcomed Nishang into the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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