Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 118 Golden-backed Monster Mantis!Goodbye Mo Feng Wu Mo Cai Huan!

Chapter 118 Golden-backed Monster Mantis!Goodbye Mo Feng Wu Mo Cai Huan! ([-]-in-[-])

Upon hearing the news of the demonic invasion, Lu Tiandu, Nangong Wan, and Nishang looked at each other in shock.

Of course, Lu Tiandu's shock was fake.

This news is really unexpected.

Neutral countries such as the Yue Kingdom, the Yuanwu Kingdom, and the Zijin Kingdom are sandwiched between the good and the evil. They have been at peace for thousands of years. Anyone who hears that the evil is trying to break this balance will be surprised and surprised.

Nangong Wan and Nishang's expressions were extremely ugly. It was inevitable that they were suddenly shocked to hear such a demonic conspiracy. What made their hearts tremble even more was the betrayal of Spirit Beast Mountain.

When I think that a few years later, the demonic path will sweep across the Jiang Kingdom and the Cavalry Kingdom, the three nearby neutral countries will definitely support these two small countries. And when the monks from the five countries are fighting against the demonic path, the second most powerful spirit in the Yue Kingdom will... Beast Mountain counterattacked and lured the wolf into the house...

The defeat of the coalition forces is a foregone conclusion!

At that time, even Jindan monks like them will have a problem with surviving. After all, even the weakest of the six demonic sects, the Ghost Spirit Sect, is somewhat stronger than the Hidden Moon Sect!

What's more, the demonic ways are coming out in full force!

The three people looked solemnly and questioned Duan Kaiyang carefully again.

The monk from the Yuling Sect who had seized the soul of She Qu introduced himself as Duan Kaiyang, a monk in the middle stage of alchemy. He claimed that he was in this state because he was harmed by his fellow disciples. Judging from the way he gritted his teeth, it didn't look like he was lying.

And it vaguely mentioned something related to the competition for the qualification to inherit a certain kind of spiritual infant.This suddenly made Lu Tian think of the Five Elements Spirit Infant that the Yuling Sect had been preparing to compete for the leader of the Demonic Path!
After all, according to what he learned, the leader of the demonic path nearly a thousand years ago was the Yuling Sect. However, since Yuling Sect’s Yuanhou Great Monk passed away and Hehuan Old Demon of Hehuan Sect advanced to Yuanhou Great Monk hundreds of years ago, The Hehuan Sect won the first place in the Demonic Way in one fell swoop!
Yuling Sect and Hehuan Sect Yuanying monks are basically equal in number and strength, the only difference is that there is no Yuanhou great monk.

If the Yuling Sect could train five Yuanying monks at once, it would really be possible to regain the position of leader of the demonic path.

However, according to the plot of the original work, Lu Tiandu remembered that the Yuling Sect had not yet refined the Earth Spirit Infant at this time!
For Duan Kaiyang, there is no big problem when he is at the peak of the golden elixir in the middle stage and advances to the late stage. It's just time.

If you don’t have the opportunity to advance to the Nascent Soul in this life, being able to fuse with a Five Elements Spiritual Baby and possess the magical powers of a Nascent Soul monk would be a great blessing!
It's a pity that I didn't expect that after conveying the message to the Spiritual Beast Mountain this time, I would be ambushed by my own sect members near the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain...

As for why Duan Kaiyang, who was in the middle stage of Jindan, was sent as the secret envoy, the three of them quickly figured it out.

The monks in the early stage of Golden Core are still too weak and prone to accidents, so they are not good candidates for secret envoys.

Moreover, his qualifications are relatively low, so being a special envoy can easily make the monks from Spirit Beast Mountain feel dissatisfied.

As for the late-stage Jindan monks, there are naturally many in the Yuling Sect, but every late-stage Jindan monk is extremely eye-catching and can be dispatched at will. If they are defeated by the Yue Kingdom Yuanying old monster, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

An inconspicuous monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core is the most appropriate candidate.

"Let's go find Fellow Daoist Duan's storage bag!"

Nangong Wan placed a soul-sealing restraint on Duan Kaiyang, who looked ugly, and called the three of them to take action.

Naturally, Duan Kaiyang's words cannot be believed at this time. Since there are tokens and secret messages in his storage bag, these important evidences cannot be let go.

As for the other level four spiritual beast, the Golden-backed Mantis, who was guarding Duan Kaiyang's body, this person also made it clear.

After all, he gave the order for him to guard the corpse cave before seizing the body. As for what happened next, this person didn't know.

After all, the mind-controlling array is mainly guided by essence and blood. Although there is some connection between the spirit and the soul, he has already taken over his body again and abandoned his original body. At this moment, he can only feel a faint connection with the golden-backed monster mantis.

Duan Kaiyang originally cultivated a fifth-level spiritual beast, but unfortunately it was killed in the previous battle. However, the potential of that spiritual beast was naturally not as good as that of this golden-backed monster mantis, which ranked in the top dozens of spiritual beasts!
According to the location mentioned by Duan Kaiyang, the three of them found the cave accurately.The entrance of the cave didn't seem too big, but when I looked into it with my spiritual sense, I could see clearly what was going on inside the cave.

"Okay, I'm going to lure this guy out. Don't kill him then. Capture this golden-backed monster mantis alive. It's rare to see monsters ranked in the top dozens on the strange insect list!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, raised his gauze cloak and disappeared instantly.

Nangong Wan and Ni Shang on the side laughed and got ready.

As for Duan Kaiyang next to him, his face was expressionless. He had already surrendered to the Hidden Moon Sect at this moment, and with his low strength, he naturally did not dare to say anything.

He is confident that he will be able to recover in three to fifty years, and he will definitely take back his spiritual beast if he has the chance.

The strength of this golden-backed mantis is really good, and it will become a rare assistant when it reaches the fifth level. If his spiritual beast had reached the fifth level before, it might not have fallen to this level.

Lu Tiandu entered the cave. It was dark inside, but he soon smelled the smell of blood. There were tigers, leopards, pythons, and all kinds of animals, but it was this golden-backed mantis that was eating.

Taking a closer look, it was a huge mantis that was gray and black, exuding a strange gray aura.

This golden-backed monster mantis was not that big, with four legs and two wings. It was only about ten feet tall. It had a small neck with a small triangular head on it, and two green lights the size of fists shone coldly.

Sure enough, what is different from ordinary mantises is that this mantis has many mysterious golden lines on its back.

What concerned Lu Tian the most was its thin gray transparent wings and the two mantis knives in front of it that looked like black machete-like blades.

The rapid flight and sharp attack of this golden-backed mantis lie in its wings and mantis sword.

These two mantis knives are good things. Lu Tian still remembers that in the original plot, Han Li was killed by the golden-backed monster mantis in the middle stage of foundation building. This mantis knife can split a high-quality top-level magic weapon with one blow after charging. , it is really sharp.

Lu Tiandu released a magic weapon at will to attract the golden-backed monster mantis. At the same time, his figure flashed and rushed outside. After all, this golden-backed monster mantis was very fast!
Sure enough, as soon as he noticed something strange, the golden-backed monster mantis flashed its wings, stared coldly at the direction where Lu Tiandu disappeared with its green eyes, and followed him out in the blink of an eye.

"Sure enough, it's fast!"

Lu Tiandu was overjoyed.No wonder even Han Li's divine wind boat couldn't escape pursuit. Its speed was no worse than that of the aura shuttle, but it was much slower than his lucky wind boots.


Seeing the golden-backed mantis flying out, Nangong Wan and Nishang immediately attacked the mantis one by one without saying a word.

Needless to say, Nangong Wan's Suzaku Ring took the initiative to face the two mantis knives.

Nishang's natal magic weapon, the Langhuan Jade Belt, is a rare belt-shaped magic weapon that attacks and traps enemies in one unit.With bare hands, the pink jade belt grew larger and quickly wrapped around the golden-backed monster mantis.


The two girls were surprised.I thought that it would be easy for the two monks who were in the early stages of the Golden Core to attack at the same time and take down this level four monster.

As a result, the monster also sensed that something was not good. With a "poof" sound, a pair of gray wings several feet long flashed out, and then a buzzing sound was heard. The monster actually hid quickly under the rapid instigation of the wings. open.

It flapped its wings again and again, trying to escape.

Lu Tiandu was already standing by, so how could he let him escape?There was a flash of light under the feet, and at the same time the figure disappeared, silver light flashed on the fist, and a punch hit the body of the monster mantis.

By this time, the two women had also arrived. After all, how could the speed of the Jindan cultivator be comparable to that of the fourth-level monster?

Within a moment, the three of them subdued the monster.

Lu Tiandu took out the spirit beast card and scratched the forehead of the golden-backed mantis. After absorbing the essence and blood, he cast a spell to absorb a trace of the mantis' soul. Suddenly Kaiyang felt that the last connection between himself and his spirit beast was severed.

Duan Kaiyang twitched the corners of his mouth and remained speechless.He was originally a demonic person. He had killed people and snatched treasures countless times. He also had the consciousness of having his treasures taken away by others one day!

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly and put away the golden-backed mantis.It is also a level four monster, but this spiritual beast is much more powerful than the blood jade spider he got before.

Once you reach level five, you will definitely be an incredible helper.

Moreover, according to the plot of the original work, it is speculated that this golden-backed mantis is already pregnant, and maybe there will be a few more golden-backed mantis cubs in a few years. It is really good luck.

Entering the cave again, the four of them quickly discovered a corpse covered in gray robes. It was Duan Kaiyang's corpse. It had only been a few months, but it had not yet completely decomposed.

After getting the storage bag and the spirit beast bag, Duan Kaiyang took the initiative to open the storage bag and took out everything inside.

After all, Jindan monks all use high-end storage bags. As long as the person is not dead, the power of the soul attached to it cannot be opened unless it is worn away.

After seeing the secret letter on the jade slip and Duan Kaiyang's identity token, the three of them were now convinced.

The three of them copied a jade slip in Duan Kaiyang's storage bag in front of him.

This jade slip contained some experiences of Yuling Sect monks in cultivating strange insects. It not only introduced thousands of strange insects that the three of them had never heard of, but also had some secret methods for cultivating and controlling insects.

Afterwards, there is a ranking list of strange insects, which should be something circulated within the Yuling Sect. It ranks the various strange insects in the practice world according to their power.

The golden-backed mantis is ranked No. 70 on the strange insect list.

The rest of the other things, including the storage bag and the spirit beast bag, were returned to Duan Kaiyang.

Since he encountered this big event on the way, Lu Tiandu no longer asked the two women to accompany him to Jiayuan City, he could just go alone.

After Nangong Wan and Ni Shang warned them, they hurried back with Duan Kaiyang to report.

Lu Tiandu came to Jiayuan City again and made a brief investigation. Sure enough, the Mo Mansion had changed hands.And what was unexpected was that it was not occupied by the five-color sect master, but by someone else.

After asking again, I found out that half a year ago, the Five Color Sect and the Jingjiao Society fought a battle. At the same time that the Jingjiao Society was destroyed, the leader of the Five Color Sect was said to have been killed by immortal cultivators. It was widely spread at that time, and it was said that other immortal cultivators later searched the city. So and so.

Lu Tiandu once again came to a small courtyard he rented before, where Mo Fengwu had been here several times.If Mo Feng Dan left a secret message, it would have to be here.

After checking, I found some small words and signs in an inconspicuous place.

"It seems that Mo Fengwu has gone to the capital this time!" Looking at the message left by Mo Fengwu, Lu Tiandu smiled lightly.

It seemed that she had also thought that if Lu Tiandu came to Jiayuan City again, knew that something happened in Mo Mansion, and wanted to find her, the information she left in the small courtyard where Lu Tiandu stayed before would most likely be discovered by Lu Tiandu. .

When things happened here, Lu Tiandu left Jiayuan City, released the spiritual light shuttle and headed north to Yuejing.

In fact, the distance between Kyoto of the Yue Kingdom and the Qiyun Mountains where the Hidden Moon Sect is located from east to west is just over a thousand miles.If she were closer, Lu Tian would probably be able to sense her presence through the induction beads when she was in the Hidden Moon Sect.

Three days later, Lu Tiandu arrived in Yuejing.

This is the Kyoto of the Yue Kingdom, and there are regulations within the seven sects of monks not to act recklessly here. Basically, few foundation-building monks stay for a long time.

This allowed the Black Evil Sect, which was secretly supported by the Emperor of Yue, to secretly develop.

Of course, there are probably many casual cultivators who do not comply with the regulations and stay there. Otherwise, how could the Black Evil Sect slowly develop?
Lu Tiandu didn't care, he let go of his huge spiritual consciousness and quickly searched for traces of Mo Fengwu.

In the palace, in a deep hall.A middle-aged man dressed in brocade is meditating.Suddenly his expression changed, and he quickly restrained his aura.

"What? Golden elixir monk?"

The Yue Emperor was shocked.The range of his own spiritual consciousness was only nine miles, but the range of this person's spiritual consciousness was far stronger than his, so he immediately recognized that this person was a golden elixir monk.

I secretly thought about the recent actions of the Black Evil Cult, and wanted to check if there was anything missing...

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, and he who was already invisible turned into a breeze and flew towards a certain house in the east of the city.

With a sweep of his consciousness, everything in the house was clear.

At this moment, Mo Fengwu is bending down to dry herbs in the courtyard. She is dressed in yellow clothes, has a graceful figure, and her black hair is hanging down. Her serious look has a unique charm.

"Miss Feng Wu, I haven't seen you in more than a year. How are you doing lately?"

Suddenly a warm voice came from behind. Mo Fengwu's delicate body trembled, and she suddenly raised her head and turned around. Her elegant oval face was full of shock.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu, dressed in white, was standing not far away from her and looking at her with a smile.

"Brother Lu!"

As soon as Mo Fengwu saw Lu Tiandu, whom he missed day and night, after blurting out the words, his eyes turned red and he flew towards Lu Tiandu.

Feeling the delicate beauty in his arms, Lu Tian burst into laughter.He patted Mo Fengwu's back gently, but unexpectedly, Mo Fengwu suddenly started sobbing.

Lu Tiandu thought for a moment and understood.

The Mo Mansion where Mo Fengwu had been living for more than ten years was suddenly destroyed, her peaceful life was interrupted, and she was forced to flee her home. This was a huge blow to her.

She didn't know anything about martial arts, so she was inevitably panicked when she encountered a sudden change, but fortunately, she had a treasure given by Lu Tiandu, which saved her life at the critical moment.

It's a pity that another treasure was crushed at that time, but Lu Tiandu was never seen, so disappointment was inevitable.

In the end, he could only leave behind the secret message sadly and escape from Jiayuan City.

Time flies, and half a year has passed.

The person you miss so much suddenly appears in front of you, and surprises are inevitable.

"Okay, stop crying!"

Lu Tiandu gently hugged Mo Fengwu and comforted him, "Fengwu won't look good if she cries again!"

After a moment, the beauty in his arms became quiet and stopped crying, but she lay in Lu Tiandu's arms and hugged him tightly, refusing to get up.

"Huh? Who are you? Second sister, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a clear and sweet voice broke the warmth between the two.


As soon as Mo Fengwu heard the voice of her third sister, Mo Caihuan, she felt ashamed and hurriedly jumped out of Lu Tiandu's arms. She blushed and lowered her head. She held a corner tightly with her bare hands, her eyes were red and she did not dare to look up.

"Why, little girl Caihuan, you don't recognize me?"

Lu Tiandu turned around and looked at Mo Caihuan who had just come out of the house and joked.

Although Mo Caihuan is 19 years old now, he still looks seventeen or eighteen.

The girl, dressed in green, looked at the two of them in surprise.

"Ah! You are Brother Lu!"

As soon as Mo Caihuan saw Lu Tiandu's handsome face, after being surprised, his face turned red and he replied shyly, "I have grown up, Brother Lu, you still call me little girl!" After saying this, he stamped his feet and said A look of resentment on his face.

"Yes, Caihuan is a big girl now!" Lu Tiandu laughed.

Mo Caihuan looked up at Lu Tiandu again and said to himself: I didn't expect that Brother Lu has not changed at all after not seeing him for more than a year.

Recalling the strange changes in the body of the second sister Mo Fengwu during the Mo family incident, there was a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

This girl was originally an innocent girl, and she acted a bit coquettishly, but for some reason, ever since she saw Lu Tiandu in Jiayuan City, she always looked shy.

Lu Tiandu laughed and looked at Mo Fengwu a few more times.I saw this girl again after almost a year and a half, and she looked even more energetic.

Wearing green clothes, she has an extremely beautiful appearance, with slim shoulders, a plain waist, and beautiful curves.A pretty face with fat-like skin and beautiful eyes is as eye-catching as a shining pearl.

Looking at Mo Fengwu next to him, his stature has also increased a lot.

At this moment, her face is gentle and shy, her cheeks are smiling, her aura is like orchid, there is a faint air of book between her eyebrows, the jade is shining, and she is indescribably gentle and pleasant.

"Brother Lu, let's go in and have a cup of tea!" Mo Fengwu recovered at this time, her beautiful eyes were looking forward to it, and she said with a smile.

"Yes, Brother Lu is going to stay for a long time when he comes to our house this time!"

Mo Caihuan also took three steps and two steps to come over and tightly held Lu Tiandu's arm towards the living room.

After entering the living room and serving tea to Lu Tiandu, the three of them sat down. This time the two women talked about the incident in the Mo family.

Although the Mo family had expected the Five Color Sect's plot against the Jingjiao Society, it was a pity that the foreign affairs disciples of the Spiritual Beast Mountain were also involved, so it was naturally beyond their expectations.

The Mo Mansion was besieged on all sides, and when everyone separated to escape, they did not expect that the jade pendant left by Lu Tiandu to Mo Fengwu would automatically protect the master in an emergency.

The wind spirit armor transformed into a blue armor wrapped around Mo Fengwu, like a female war goddess.As long as he is attacked, a thin wind blade will pierce through the opponent before he notices it.

Naturally, the father and son of the five-color sect were killed by the Feng Linggang Blade. With the help of the armor, Mo Fengwu swept Wuji all the way, thinking of saving a few more people.

Although they saved Mo Caihuan's mother and daughter and the fifth wife Wang along the way, they were discovered and hunted by the monks from Spirit Beast Mountain.

I thought that there would be no way out for me when I encountered a cultivator.As a result, I did not expect that the two immortal cultivators who were stationed at the Five Color Sect's Destruction Jingjiao Society would also be vulnerable to a single blow.

They were instantly killed by the light blade emitted by the armor, and the four of them were surprised.Mo Fengwu didn't know that Lu Tian had left such Pokémon for her.

On the eve of the overnight escape, he hurriedly went to the small courtyard where Lu Tiandu lived at the time, left a message, and then embarked on the road to escape.

"Why don't we see the Fourth Madam and the Fifth Madam?" Lu Tiandu asked.He asked as his consciousness scanned the small courtyard where they were the only two people.

"We were in a hurry to escape that night and didn't bring many yellow and white things with us. During the escape and the daily consumption, we didn't have much left. My mother and fifth aunt also went out to work during this time..."

Mo Caihuan added.

Lu Tiandu nodded, indicating that he understood.It seems that Mo Fengwu used to take care of medicinal materials as a way of making a living.

At this time, Mo Fengwu took out two more leather bags and two small swords, handed them to Lu Tiandu with a smile:

"Since Brother Lu is also a cultivator of immortality, please accept this item!"

Lu Tiandu picked up these two low-level storage bags, scanned them with his consciousness, and said:
"It's not a valuable thing! It seems that what you encountered was just two Qi Refining Stage disciples..."

There are not many spirit stones and magic weapons in the storage bag, and the two flying swords are only high-grade magic weapons.

If it were two foundation-building monks, they probably wouldn't be able to escape.After all, it was possible for Fengling Gangjia to kill someone by surprise, but with precautions, they would be captured sooner or later.

Of course, mortal gang fights and foundation-building stages would not involve themselves in such things.

After all, disciples in the Qi refining stage can defeat all so-called martial arts masters with their magic weapons and talismans.

By the way, Lu Tiandu gave his children a brief introduction to the common sense of the world of immortality and his own origins.Then he asked:
"I have urgent matters to return to Yellow Maple Valley during this trip. Will you follow me to Jianzhou or continue to live here?"

"Brother Lu, I'll go with you!"

Mo Caihuan hurriedly jumped to Lu Tiandu's side again, holding his arm and saying.

This girl doesn't have any of the defenses between men and women in the mortal world.

"Feng Wu is also willing to follow Brother Lu, and I hope Brother Lu will take him in!" Mo Fengwu responded while looking at Lu Tiandu expectantly.

"Then I will take you away!"

The two women then told the whereabouts of Yan and Wang. Within a moment, Lu Tiandu found the two of them. The five of them found a secluded place. Lu Tiandu released the white crystal flying boat and soared into the sky instantly.

All the way east.

High in the sky, Yan and Wang secretly looked at Lu Tiandu chatting with the two girls in front of the boat with awe and expectancy.

For their two daughters to meet immortal cultivators, they had been mentally prepared before, but to their surprise, it was still a bit unreal at this time.

Through the white light curtain, they looked at the mountains and rivers passing by below, surrounded by floating clouds. Maybe the sky and the sky were just like this, the two people thought to themselves.

In less than an hour, as they approached the Hidden Moon Sect, flying boats descended from land and sky.

I found a secret place and opened a cave at random. After setting it up, I left a bottle of Bigu Pill.

"I have important things to do when I go to the Hidden Moon Sect. You guys have a short rest and we will set off again when I come back!"

The four of them were still in a daze at this time, and Lu Tiandu gave some instructions before leaving.

Not long after the transmission talisman was issued, Nangong Wan took Lu Tiandu into the Moon Covering Sect.Arriving at the Lingyin Peak Taihua Hall again, the two of them went inside to pay homage to Nangong Ping...

 Thanks to book friend Tushan Rongrong for the 655 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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