Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 119 Action!Hongfu’s change!The Mo sisters!

Chapter 119 Action!Hongfu’s change!The Mo sisters!
"I've seen Senior Nangong!"

Seeing Nangong Ping again, Lu Tiandu greeted him politely.

The beautiful woman looked at Lu Tiandu, smiled at him and said:
"Tiandu, you are indeed the one chosen by fate. I didn't expect that just by going out, you would encounter a major event that affects the life and death of our six sects. I will give you a big credit for this!"

"Senior, that's ridiculous. The three of us just happened to meet at the right time!" Lu Tiandu said modestly.

Nangong Ping shook his head, but he didn't think so.

From Lu Tiandu breaking into the secret inheritance place in the forbidden area, to gifting his disciple Nangong Wan with exercises, spiritual wine, weapon refining materials, etc., it is easy to see that Lu Tiandu is a person with deep blessings. .

In addition, this accidental discovery of the secret of the demonic invasion saved the six sects in a sense. Such good luck is really rare.

"Well, you did a good job this time! I'll let you guys remember the credit first." Nangong Ping said with a smile, "Since the demonic path is so ambitious and has the ambition to annex the surrounding countries, the world of immortality is also not peaceful... This matter is very big. , you must not leak it out..."

After Nangong Ping confirmed the information Nangong Wan brought back from Duan Kaiyang through secret methods, he was immediately furious. The most important thing was the betrayal of Spirit Beast Mountain.

The Biyue Sect was also born in the Hehuan Sect of the Six Demonic Sects, but it was only from her master hundreds of years ago that she officially separated from the Hehuan Sect.

It was also from her master that the Hidden Moon Sect became the leader of the seven major sects of cultivating immortals in the Yue Kingdom. Wouldn't it be a huge loss of face if the sect's foundation in the Yue Kingdom was lost in her own hands?

In the Yue Kingdom for thousands of years, only her master and she were monks in the middle stage of Yuanying. This was also the strength of the Hidden Moon Sect to subdue the other six sects.

For now, in addition to her, a middle-stage Yuanying monk, the Hidden Moon Sect also has two early-stage Yuanying monks, while the other six sects only have two early-stage Yuanying monks in Spirit Beast Mountain, and the rest only have one Yuanying. Early monk.

So as soon as she received the news of the demonic invasion in advance, she was filled with murderous intent towards the betrayal of Spirit Beast Mountain.

After a pause, Nangong Ping continued: "I will then secretly contact the Nascent Soul monks of the six sects to discuss countermeasures, and you will convey the secret message to fellow Taoist Linghu..."

"Tiandu will definitely convey the secret message to my master!" Lu Tiandu said solemnly.

After Nangong Ping warned them a few more times, Lu Tiandu and Nangong Wan resigned.

At this time, the two of them did not hesitate and returned to Nangong Wan's cave again.

Fairy Nishang is already waiting here.

The three of them chatted for a few words. Although the two women were reluctant to leave, they also knew that since then, the world of Yue Kingdom's immortal cultivation had not been peaceful.

Lu Tiandu also has the important task of being a secret envoy, so naturally he cannot stay here for a long time.

Before parting, Lu Tiandu looked at Nishang and said with a smile:

"Sister, the things in this storage bag are given to my sister by my younger brother. I remember that I will practice well!"

This storage bag given to Nishang by Lu Tiandu contains several things:

The first three levels of the Dayan Jue, the first two rounds of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu, hundreds of first-level Qi and Blood elixirs, several bottles of extremely dazzling elixirs suitable for the golden elixir period, and a copper coin magic weapon.

Then there was a storm, and there were many battles between Jindan. Since Nishang had fallen in love with him, Lu Tiandu naturally wanted to strengthen her strength as much as possible to let her survive.

As for Nangong Wan, after all, her status in the Hidden Moon Sect is different, so there is no shortage of magic weapons, pills and the like.

With a sweep of his spiritual consciousness, Ni Chang could see these things clearly. Ni Chang had not practiced the skills yet, so he didn't know how precious they were.However, seeing the elixirs and magic weapons suitable for the golden elixir monks, the beautiful eyes and affection flowed, and the heart was extremely sweet.

She didn't expect that the little brother she was attracted to would have such a net worth and be so generous to her, which moved her greatly.

Glancing at Nangong Wan, seeing that she was also smiling and indicating that she would accept it, Ni Chang endured her shyness and leaned into Lu Tiandu's ear and said:
"Bad brother, please pay attention to your safety. Next time you come to my sister's cave, I will give it to you!"

After saying this, Nishang's delicate ears turned red instantly, and she did not dare to look at the two of them again.

Naturally, Nangong Wan heard this and looked at the two of them with a meaningful smile.

"Okay!" Lu Tiandu chuckled.

After saying goodbye to Nangong Wan, he left the Moon Covering Sect.

Taking Mo Fengwu and the others together again, Lu Tiandu flew to Jianzhou Taiyue Mountains without stopping.

A few days later, when they arrived near Yellow Maple Valley, Lu Tian didn't immediately fly to the Lu family.

He plans to arrange the four girls to live in Taiyue City, where the mortals of the Lu family live. After all, if they are arranged to live in the place where the Lu family monks, where the Taiyue branch is located, the girls are mortals after all, and traveling will be a problem.

This Taiyue City is a city where monks and mortals live together in the Taiyue Mountains. It is considered one of the large cities under the jurisdiction of Yellow Maple Valley.

Among them, many mortals from cultivating families in Yellow Maple Valley who have no spiritual roots basically live in this city, and there are also many cultivators in it, which is also very prosperous.

The city clearly stipulates that monks are strictly prohibited from disturbing ordinary people's lives. Violators will be severely punished!The monks and mortals were naturally safe and sound.

When they arrived at the mortal Lu family, they saw Lu Tiandu, the genius of the Lu family, arriving. The patriarch and a group of elders greeted him respectfully.

After some pleasantries, Lu Tiandu asked Lu Danwen to arrange for the girls to live in a separate courtyard, and then handed Lu Danwen ten low-level spiritual stones to cover the living expenses of the girls.

After all, even though it was only a matter of words from him to let the four of them live in the Lu family for free for the rest of their lives, it would be impossible for Lu Tiandu to pay attention to them all the time in the long run. The four of them were outsiders after all, and it was inevitable that there would be oversights.

With these spiritual stones and the presence of Lu Tiandu, the mortals of the Lu family will naturally take more care of them, and they can live a worry-free life.

After entering the quiet courtyard, Lu Tiandu waved his hand. Dozens of spiritual stones and several bottles and jars appeared on the table. He said to the two women:
"You can take these spiritual stones first. If you want to exchange them for gold and silver, you can go directly to the Lu family."

"The elixir is the Bigu Pill and some strengthening and nourishing elixirs. I told you how to take them before... The four of you, mother and daughter, will settle here for the time being. I will come back to you after I have dealt with the matter..."

"Thank you, Big Brother Lu!"

"Thank you Mr. Lu!"

Mrs. Yan and Mr. Wang smiled.With Mr. Lu, the immortal cultivator, taking care of them, they can live a worry-free life for the rest of their lives.

Naturally, they could see that their two daughters were enamored with Mr. Lu. Lu Tiandu took the four of them in because of Mo Fengwu's face. Although they were looking forward to it, they did not dare to see whether their daughters could take a further step with this monk. Say more.

After all, there is a world of difference between mortals and monks.Although they are currently in a low ebb, they are both fine people in their conduct.

After quietly inquiring about Lu Tiandu's information before, I realized that what Lu Tiandu told the four people before was too modest.

The people of the Lu family were full of pride when they talked about Mr. Lu. They even heard that the master Lu Tiandu worshiped was the Supreme Elder of Huang Maple Valley, and that he himself would also be a golden elixir monk who could live for 500 years and possess great supernatural powers that could transform mountains and seas.

This shocked Mrs. Yan and Ms. Wang!Naturally, he became more and more respectful to Lu Tiandu.

Although Mo Fengwu and Mo Caihuan were reluctant to leave, they also knew that Lu Tian had something urgent at this time, so they didn't talk much.

After bidding farewell to Lu Tiandu and returning to their future home, Mo Caihuan was depressed and listless. She looked at her second sister Mo Fengwu and asked:
"Second sister, is it really impossible to cultivate immortality without spiritual roots? I also want to be like Brother Lu..."

Mo Fengwu smiled bitterly, a look of disappointment flashed across his eyes, and said softly:

"Brother Lu has checked the qualifications of our mother and daughter, but it's a pity that we don't have spiritual roots..."

Speaking of this, Mo Fengwu felt sad.

How could she not see Third Sister's affection for Brother Lu, and she herself was no exception.

If the Mo family is still there, and the other party is just a mortal, it is naturally impossible for the two beauties of the Mo family to serve one husband together.

However, for a proud man like Lu Tiandu, they were willing to be small. Unfortunately, Lu Tiandu had always avoided talking about this issue.

Naturally, they heard from Lu Tiandu that there were several Taoist companions, and each of them was excellent.Even their outstanding beauty is not a surprise to Lu Tian!
Thinking that a hundred years later, the beauty would turn into withered bones, and that his affection for Lu Tiandu would only be his short memory, Mo Fengwu felt a pain in his heart and could no longer speak.

Mo Caihuan naturally believed Lu Tiandu's words, but he was unwilling to do so and hoped that others would deceive him, so he asked this question.

At this moment, seeing the uncomfortable look of the second sister Mo Fengwu, she felt the same way. She raised her head and looked at the pale sky, and her bright eyes also dimmed...

Yellow Maple Valley, Taixuan Peak.

Ancestor Linghu was secretly shocked after reading Nangong Ping's secret letter. He did not expect that the devil's ambitions would be so great.

"This world of immortality is going to be in chaos!" Linghu thought to himself.

If it weren't for his little disciple, I'm afraid that the thousands-year-old foundation of Huang Maple Valley would have been ruined. He was not a person who was good at fighting, so he naturally frowned at this kind of demonic invasion.

But now that the matter was coming, and he had discovered the devil's conspiracy several years in advance, he slowly let go of the thought.

With a flick of his hand, three sound-transmitting golden swords flew out. He looked at Lu Tiandu, who was standing respectfully beside him, and said with a smile:

"Disciple, you are really lucky this time!"

"The evil spirit is so ambitious that the conspiracy was discovered, but it was the long luck of our six sects that allowed us to break through this secret!!" Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, "Disciple, I dare not take credit!"

"Hehe..." Linghu smiled and didn't say much.Nangong Ping's secret letter was full of praise for Lu Tiandu, and it was not false.

Lu Tiandu had previously told about his participation in the auction, how he and Hong Fu and others surrounded and killed Qin Yunlin, and then went to Spirit Beast Mountain to avenge his parents. Naturally, Linghu was not surprised.

I am always happy to have Lu Tiandu as a disciple with such long blessings.

Within a moment, Hong Fu, Lei Wanhe and another old man in gray arrived.

This man is none other than Master Du, one of the middle-stage Jindan monks in Huang Maple Valley.

After they met, Lei Wanhe and Master Du were naturally surprised and envious of Hongfu's breakthrough to the late Jindan stage.

Especially Lei Wanhe, whom I haven't seen for more than three months, and the second junior sister has already made a breakthrough, which is really rare!He couldn't help but think of the two bottles of elixirs he had refined this time, and his urge to retreat became more urgent.

Hong Fu glanced at Lu Tiandu lightly. It seemed that his junior brother had returned from Miss Nangong.

Don’t know when you came back?I don’t know how to inform myself...

This thought flashed across her mind, and she was startled, secretly thinking how could she have such an idea, how strange!

Linghu had already known that his second apprentice had broken through to the late stage of Jindan when Hongfu returned to the valley more than a month ago, and he was very happy.

In this case, maybe there will be two Nascent Soul monks in Huang Maple Valley before he is enthroned, which is really the best thing.However, the most urgent task now is to block the invasion of the devil first.

The few people present here are the core of Huang Maple Valley. Linghu did not hide anything and told the three people about the conspiracy of the demonic invasion.

Hong Fu and the other three were all shocked when they heard this shocking news.

"This...hasn't everything been peaceful for thousands of years? Why do you want to provoke a war in the world of immortality this time?" Lei Wanhe frowned.

How could he still have the time to retreat during this big battle?
Moreover, the Demonic Dao has always been powerful, and I am afraid that a war will be inevitable in the future.However, he had few opponents at the same level, and he calmed down after the panic.

"If this demonic path stirs up trouble, aren't we afraid that the Fengdu Kingdom's Righteous Alliance will take action?" Master Du, an old man in gray clothes, asked.

He currently has only a short lifespan, and he devotes all his time to cultivating his disciples. Even though he is an old man, he is not willing to go to the battlefield and fight with others!
Several people discussed it and were still confused.

Lu Tiandu naturally knew that this time there was a tacit understanding between the good and the evil to invade other countries' resources at the same time. It was naturally a waste of time to wait for the good to take action to suppress the evil.

But he couldn't say much.After the war begins, everything will become clear.

Although nothing was discussed, everyone already had a consensus that the strength in the valley must be improved as much as possible before the war breaks out.

When the two armies are fighting, they should not worry about victory but defeat first.Naturally, you have to consider the worst case scenario.

There will definitely still be some time before the conspiracy is truly exposed and the war begins, and the war will not end in three or two years when it breaks out, so it is necessary to prepare now.

Resources such as elixirs and spirit stones that were reluctant to be distributed before need to be secretly distributed to some disciples now. Everyone can imagine that once the war begins, the most easily consumed are the disciples in the Qi refining and foundation building stages.

The main responsibility for this matter lies with Lei Wanhe, who needs to communicate with Zhong Lingdao.

Although Uncle Du is the oldest, he doesn't take care of things very much.Hongfu has a cold temperament and is not willing to worry about this. As Linghu's eldest disciple, Lei Wanhe is very powerful and does his duty.

After everyone brainstormed and perfected the countermeasures, they took action individually.

Linghu also went out secretly and rushed to Nangong Ping's appointment.

This time Nangong Ping invited Nascent Souls from the other five sects. In fact, the target of the conspiracy was obvious, the two Nascent Soul monks from Spirit Beast Mountain...

After leaving the main hall, Lu Tiandu and Hong Fu walked together.

After getting along several times, the two naturally got a lot closer.Smelling the faint cold fragrance on Hong Fu's body, Lu Tian felt the familiar feeling coming back again.

How could Hong Fu not know about Lu Tiandu's little moves?

But since he knew that his junior brother was a playboy, he snorted coldly and said nothing else.

Lu Tiandu smiled with pride in his heart. It seems that Senior Sister Hongfu is also slowly changing!
"Senior sister, this time I went out I got a prescription that is helpful for conceiving a baby, and I am about to give it to senior sister!" Before parting, Lu Tiandu said to Hongfu with a smile.


When Hong Fu heard Yu Ying, a look of surprise flashed in his beautiful eyes.

After the last time, she knew that her junior brother had a lot of good things!

Lu Tiandu handed the jade slip he got from Nangong Wan, which recorded the recipe for the Infant Transformation Pill, to Hong Fu. Hong Fu looked at it with a surprised look on his face:
"I didn't expect my junior brother to have such a good thing!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and said nothing more.This thing is one of the treasures of the Hidden Moon Sect.

Only Nangong Ping knew that Lu Tian wanted to copy it and allowed Nangong Wan to give it to him. Otherwise, it goes without saying how precious the elixir that helps conceive a baby is.

"This time, I owe my junior brother another favor!" Hong Fu's cold beautiful eyes softened and he smiled lightly.

Although there are three elixirs here that are not easy to find regardless of their age or rarity, but with the elixir recipe, you have a direction, and the rest is just how to find them.

Moreover, she had obtained an elixir recipe from her master Linghu before. If she could gather these two elixirs, she would be more sure of conceiving a baby.

"Senior Sister, what are you talking about?" Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, looked straight into Hong Fu's beautiful eyes, and said in a gentle voice, "I am willing to give this pill recipe to Senior Sister... I know that Senior Sister's heart is towards the road, and the main medicine in it is rare after all. See you, I will also look for senior sister, I just hope that senior sister can have a baby soon..."

Lu Tiandu's words made Hong Fu's heart tremble. Lu Tiandu's words were straightforward enough. Why didn't Hong Fu understand?

When she thought of the group of warblers and swallows around Lu Tiandu, Hongfu's mood became complicated. At this moment, she could no longer stand Lu Tiandu's burning eyes.

He snorted softly and hurriedly disappeared.

Seeing Hong Fufei's slightly embarrassed figure as he escaped, Lu Tiandu chuckled. A good girl is afraid of being entangled by a man, and even the coldest beauty can melt away his confidence.

At this time, Lu Tiandu did not return to his cave, but flew to the Lu family.

This time Lu Daolin, the eldest elder of the Lu family, also came out of seclusion. Unfortunately, he was still in the false elixir stage and still had not broken through to the golden elixir stage.

Naturally, he greatly praised Lu Tiandu's performance in the past few years.

Lu Tiandu was accepted as a disciple by Linghu a few months ago. The Lu family has become the fourth largest family in Yellow Maple Valley, and the family's power has gradually increased a lot.

Lu Tiandu talked secretly with the First Elder Lu Daolin, the Second Elder Lu Yongqing, and the Third Elder Lu Yongxin in the secret room for an hour before leaving the family secret room to visit Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei.

At this time, there were ten less Foundation Establishment Pills in Lu Tiandu's storage bag, but there were thirty thousand more spiritual stones.

Although he did not explicitly mention the invasion of demons, Lu Tiandu only said that within a year or two there would be great changes in the world of immortal cultivation in the Yue Kingdom. This time he obtained ten foundation-building pills from outside, which just strengthened his family's strength.He also asked the Lu family to make some preparations in advance.

The three of them naturally didn't dare to ask more questions after hearing this. It was obvious that they got the information from Ancestor Linghu.

These ten foundation-building pills can suddenly add several more foundation-building monks to the Lu family, which also makes the three of them extremely excited.

This is the fourth time Lu Daolin has attacked the core formation, and it seems that he still missed the opportunity this time.

However, Lu Tiandu had already planned, and this matter should still be blamed on the Black Evil Sect.

The Blood-Coagulated Five Elements Pill can create an early-stage Golden Pill monk who will never be able to improve his cultivation, so Lu Tiandu will naturally not let it go.

After all, most monks who can form elixirs will only be in the early stage of elixir formation in their lifetime.

As for some hidden dangers of evil spirits that arise when longevity is approaching, it should not be too easy for Lu Tiandu, who will have greatly improved his cultivation in one or two hundred years.

His previous plan was that even if Lu Daolin used a lot of the Blood-Coagulated Five Elements Pill, he could still leave it to the rest of the Lu family. After all, every additional Golden Pill cultivator would greatly increase the family's reputation and strength.

After the demonic invasion comes to fruition, Lu Tian will have to travel around Tiannan, Chaotic Star Sea, and even Dajin. The Lu family must have a Golden Core cultivator to reassure him.

Of course, as long as he is alive, no one will care about the Lu family even if he is not here, but with the Golden Core cultivator in the family, only the family can truly be promoted to a big family.

Counting now, he has more than 21 spiritual stones, including seven high-level spiritual stones.In terms of the number of spiritual stones alone, there are probably not a few golden elixir monks who can match him.

The two girls were naturally very happy to see Lu Tiandu's arrival.

Especially Xiaomei, her weapon refining skills have improved a lot now, and she is now able to refine high-level magic weapons.

Naturally, thanks to the large amount of monster materials provided by Lu Tiandu for training, he was able to achieve this kind of performance in just two years.

Xin Ruyin has also thoroughly studied the formation that inverts [-]% to [-]% of the Five Elements Formation, and has also studied other formations by the way.

Previously, they gave Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying a set of formation flags to protect the cave.I heard that Lu Tian was very good at using the Inverted Five Elements Formation before. This time, he planned to wait until the materials were ready and then refine two sets of [-]% power of the Inverted Five Elements Formation for Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying to use for self-defense.

Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded in agreement. It would be best if the beauties could live in harmony.

For this purpose, he left another [-] spirit stones for the two women to purchase materials later.

Of course, all the various spider silk, silk, Void Essence Stone and other materials he had collected before for refining the spirit-containing robe and aura shuttle were also left to Xiaomei, allowing her to have more time to study the refining of these two magic weapons. .

When the skill is achieved, each of the four sisters will be given one to refine and keep as a trump card.

In contrast, the two women spent a lot of time on formations and weapon refining, but fell far behind in practice.

But it doesn't matter. After this period of time, as long as there are enough elixirs, you can catch up soon.

Half a month later, Lu Tiandu left ten bottles of Heqi pills for the two girls, left the Lu family, and returned to Izumo Peak.

Junior Sister Chen with a rosy face and a satisfied look was lying on her chest. Lu Tiandu ran his fingers over Chen Qiaoqian's smooth skin. It seemed that the two of them had endless love stories...

It has been nearly half a month since he returned to Izumo Peak.

Regarding the major changes in the Vietnam National Congress within a year or two, Lu Tiandu also vaguely mentioned it to Junior Sister Chen and Nie Ying, asking them to first master the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill.

Thirty first- and second-level puppets were given to each of them so that they could get familiar with them in advance. After all, they would have to go to the battlefield once the demonic invasion really came.

Both women have already reached the first level of Dayan Jue, and their ability to command more than a dozen puppets at the same time has increased a lot.

Lu Tiandu now meets the monks in the early stage of the Golden Core. Even if they don't use the Inverted Five Elements Formation, they can fight with a third-level puppet and three fourth-level monsters on their own, but they still look down on these little ones. stuff.

A few days later, the mortal Lu family in Taiyue City.

Arriving at the Mo sisters' small courtyard, the four of them looked happy at Lu Tiandu's arrival.

Although they haven't seen each other for only a month, after all, the four of them are new here and have no acquaintances, so they inevitably feel unsure.

Three days had passed in the blink of an eye. After knowing that the four of them were safe, Lu Tiandu was ready to leave and go back to retreat.

The war is not far away. Although core disciples like him still have a big background and will not be the first to go to the battlefield, improving their strength is still the top priority.

"Brother Lu, is it really impossible to cultivate as an immortal without spiritual roots?"

Before leaving, Mo Caihuan pulled Lu Tiandu's sleeves and looked at him with hope and pity.

Mo Fengwu on the side also looked at him nervously...

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(End of this chapter)

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