Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 121 The spirit beast fell and the six factions were full!The war begins!The Yan family makes

Chapter 121 The spirit beast falls and the six factions are full!The war begins!The Yan family makes a choice! (Please subscribe)
"Thank you, Senior Sister!"

"You're welcome, little junior brother!" Hong Fu still looked calm.

Only when Lu Tiandu arrived at Hongfu Cave Mansion did he know that Hongfu was taking him to Spirit Beast Mountain this time. He was also one of the people in charge and would have a lot of money there.

Naturally, he would not refuse such a good thing.

At present, he only has more than [-] spiritual stones in his body. The subsequent refining of Chaos Xinghai's Foundation Establishment Pill still needs to cultivate a lot of spiritual medicine, which is impossible without spiritual stones.

The sale of monster materials and monster eggs will have to wait until the war starts and the price of materials increases to make more money.

It's definitely a good thing to make extra money this time.

After the two were alone together and discussed the art of brewing spirit wine, Lu Tiandu returned to his cave, waiting for the time to carve up Spirit Beast Mountain.

On a dark night more than ten days later, on a mountain peak in the Yellow Maple Valley.

More than two hundred people gathered here quietly.

In addition to Hong Fu, a late-stage Jindan master, the leader was also here, including Lei Wanhe, Uncle Du, third senior brother Fengchen, and senior brother Huang, whom Lu Tian had met for the first time.

These five people happen to be the top five golden elixir masters in Yellow Maple Valley.

This Senior Brother Huang is one of the Yellow Maple Valley Golden Elixir who led Han Li and other abandoned sons to provide cover for the main force in the original plot.

In this way, Lu Tian, ​​the eight golden elixir masters in Huang Maple Valley, all accepted it.

The others are the two hundred foundation-building period disciples. They are all elite disciples whose cultivation is above the middle-stage foundation-building stage.

After all, there are only more than 500 foundation-building disciples in Huang Maple Valley, and less than half of them were dispatched at once.

Except for a few of the Foundation Establishment disciples, most of them didn't know the purpose of this gathering, and they were all talking in low voices at the moment.

Hongfu frowned, unleashed his coercion, and shouted coldly, and everyone suddenly fell silent.

No one wanted to get into trouble with Hong Fu, the cold-faced master who was newly promoted to the late Jindan stage.

After a brief arrangement, the five golden elixirs each led more than forty people. Everyone released their flying magic weapons and quietly went south.

Ten days later, everyone came to a valley not far from the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range and waited quietly.

There were golden elixir masters covering their tracks, and no trace of them was exposed along the way.

Halfway through, the more than [-] foundation-building disciples realized that their trip was actually to carve up the Spiritual Beast Mountain.

After hearing that Spirit Beast Mountain had betrayed and that the Demonic Way was about to invade the Yue Kingdom, everyone was shocked at first. Then they learned that Spirit Beast Mountain was now a lamb to be slaughtered, and they looked like they were going to work hard together, with faces full of surprise.

Lu Tiandu was very happy when he saw the changes in everyone's expressions. These guys really didn't know the power of the demonic invasion. It seemed that not many people paid attention to it!
However, the surprise did not last long as they were told that unless the disciples of Spirit Beast Mountain refused to surrender, they were not allowed to kill the disciples of Spirit Beast Mountain wantonly. After all, those who surrendered would eventually join the six sects to jointly resist the invasion of the devil.

Of course, many sects also contributed to this mission, so their work was not in vain.

At this time, all the disciples were silently recharging their energy, and Lu Tiandu was no exception.

Hong Fulei and Wanhe went to discuss relevant matters with the leaders of the other five factions.

Lu Tiandu estimated that the most important thing was to discuss how to divide various resources and other matters. After all, all the secrets in Spirit Beast Mountain had been known to the six sects, and the mountain protection formation was ineffective.

This time, more than 400 Jindan masters from the six sects came, including many mid- to late-stage Jindan monks, and about [-] foundation-building disciples. The remaining Spirit Beast Mountain monks were just lambs to be slaughtered.

One day later, in the name of worshiping the mountain, Hong Fu and four other late-stage Jindan masters from the six sects entered the Spiritual Beast Mountain openly.

An hour later, the masters of the six sects lurking around received the signal, and colorful escaping lights flew up, and various flying magic weapons turned into thousands of streams of light, shooting toward the Spirit Beast Mountain sect.

"Enemy attack!"

The Spirit Beast Mountain disciples who sensed the intrusion of outsiders screamed!

When someone saw the densely packed sky with monks at the lowest stage of foundation construction, their scalps went numb, they hid their bodies and ran away...

The mountain-protecting formation was artificially destroyed, and the Spirit Beast Mountain was like a naked lamb, exposed to the eager eyes of the six sects of monks.

Screams, collisions, fighting sounds, shouts... the sounds are heard, endless...

The transmission notes were flying all over the sky, and thousands of magic weapons were shooting out randomly. From time to time, the Spirit Beast Mountain disciples who thought the enemy was attacking and made random attacks were killed by people from the six sects.

Lu Tiandu watched all this with an expressionless face, but he also had no sympathy for the disciples of Spirit Beast Mountain.

If the betrayal in Spirit Beast Mountain had not been revealed in advance, when the disciples of the six sects faced the demonic butcher knife, who would have heard the desperate screams?Who do the thousands of dead souls complain to?

Although he did not kill people wantonly, the team following him made rapid progress, constantly suppressing the fleeing Spirit Beast Mountain disciples...

If there are people who refuse to surrender, Lu Tiandu will send them to reincarnation without mercy, which can be regarded as fulfilling their loyalty to Spirit Beast Mountain!

On the Ten Thousand Beasts Peak, the battle is still going on. The Jindan monks from the Spirit Beast Mountain have already died. While the remaining people released various magic weapons to defend themselves, they screamed and tried to figure out what happened...

After a cup of tea, after the Jindan people in Lingshou Mountain were besieged and four people died, the other five people calmed down. At this time, facing several times the amount of Jindan, fighting was meaningless...

After a moment, the monks in Spirit Beast Mountain, who had understood the whole story and that their Yuan Ying ancestor had been destroyed and the Golden Pill that was connected to the Yuling Sect, had their expressions change, let out a long sigh but became speechless.

If you don't act secretly, you will mislead yourself and others!

Spirit Beast Mountain will disappear from the world of immortality from now on!

How could they resist the six factions' ultimatum to Spirit Beast Mountain?I can only come forward with a bitter look on my face to ask the disciples of Spirit Beast Mountain to give up their resistance and reduce unnecessary deaths.

"Disciples, listen to the order and stay where you are. Don't make random moves!"

"The monks of the six sects obey the order and are not allowed to slaughter the Spirit Beast Mountain disciples who give up resistance at will!"

Several Danjie monks flew away and shouted from time to time, and the scene gradually became orderly.

With the cooperation of the remaining five golden elixir monks from Spirit Beast Mountain and the managers, it will be easier for the six sects to gather the disciples from Spirit Beast Mountain.

Half a day later, the mountain protection formation of Spirit Beast Mountain was activated again.

The transmission notes are still flying back and forth among the peaks of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains. One after another, the foundation-building disciples who have opened caves in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains and are still in retreat have entered the main line of the Spiritual Beasts Mountain Sect!

According to the established strategy, while the monks of the six sects gathered the thousand-year-old foundation of Spirit Beast Mountain, they also conducted separate investigations on the tens of thousands of disciples within the sect and the many monks from the cultivating families affiliated with them...

Although the six sects' raid was very fast, by the time everyone took control of Ling Beast Mountain, the news of the six sect's raid on Ling Beast Mountain still spread.

However, people from these six sects have already made plans, and patrolling disciples have been deployed within thousands of miles. During this half month, no one is allowed in or out!

Lu Tiandu looked at a small shop in Lingshou Shanfang City. At this time, this small shop was managed by another shop owner.

"It seems that the Han brothers and sisters should have gone to Yuling Sect!"

When Lu Tiandu, Nangong Wan, and Ni Chang came to Spirit Beast Mountain a few months ago, they happened to encounter Han Yunzhi who was also selling various low-level supplies in a small shop in Fang City.

After meeting and chatting with old friends, they found out that Han Yunzhi was now practicing in his brother Han Yunfeng's cave. This shop was opened by Han Yunfeng in partnership with others.

Hanyun Peak also successfully built its foundation a few months ago.

The brother and sister thanked Lu Tiandu, especially for the magical artifacts and talismans that Lu Tiandu had presented to them before, which had saved Han Yunfeng's life.

During the chat, Han Yunfeng was at a loss about his little sister's foundation building. Lu Tiandu took this opportunity to mention that there was a Yuanying monk named Han in the Yuling Sect. I heard that he was from the Yue country before. I wonder if he is related to their brother and sister's family?
After all, the surname Han is relatively rare in Yue.

When Lu Tiandu told the general situation of Yuanying with the surname Han, the brother and sister looked surprised. After taking out the family tree and looking through it, they looked in disbelief!

The Nascent Soul cultivator that Lu Tiandu was talking about was their ancestor!

This moment made the two of them overjoyed.

Although the journey was long, at least one of the two brothers and sisters had already built a foundation, which should protect them all the way, so they had the idea of ​​​​going to Qiling Mountain in Tianluo Kingdom.

After all, it is too difficult for Han Yunzhi to build a foundation in Spirit Beast Mountain!
"That's fine too!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, turned and left.

After all, they had met once before. If the two of them had not left Spirit Beast Mountain this time, he would have brought them to Yellow Maple Valley and could also protect them.

Otherwise, once the war begins, a large number of these disciples from Spirit Beast Mountain will definitely die to clear away the suspicion.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and Lu Tiandu became busy. After all, he was also one of the people in charge of Yellow Maple Valley.

Every day, he leads everyone to count various supplies, investigate the identities of some disciples, etc. It is extremely busy.

Everyone in the six sects knows that the news that Spirit Beast Mountain has been removed from the list cannot be hidden for long. They need to speed up and lead the harvested and divided Spirit Beast Mountain disciples back to the sect to prepare for the war!

On this day, a late-stage Jindan monk from the Hidden Moon Sect came to the station in Huang Maple Valley with a smile, but he wanted to see Lu Tiandu by name.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, the man took out a storage bag and said with a smile:

"Friend Daoist Lu, the things in the storage bag are the materials rewarded to you by the ancestors of the Six Sects of Yuanying. Please accept them!"

Lu Tiandu took the storage bag and glanced at it. He understood instantly and did not refuse. He smiled and said:

"Thank you, Senior Nangong, for me!"

The two chatted for a few more words before the man said goodbye and left!
It turns out that there is 5 yuan of spiritual stones in the storage bag!
This should be the reward for him and Nangong Wan Nishang to discover the news of the demonic invasion!

However, not many people knew about the three people breaking through the demonic invasion. After all, the safety of the three people had to be considered.

If the devil learns that after several years of planning and failing, it is because of the three of them, he will inevitably become obsessed with them!
Through Hongfu, Lu Tiandu also knew that there was a lot of material looted from Spirit Beast Mountain this time. The spirit stones alone were about 300 million, but six families had one share, and one family only had more than 50.

In addition, 15 yuan for three people must be excluded.It's a pity that Nangong Wan and Nishang didn't come to Spirit Beast Mountain this time, so they couldn't meet.

At night, after receiving Hong Fu's transmission note, Lu Tiandu met the five golden elixirs from Huang Maple Valley. Hong Fu also smiled and handed him a storage bag with [-] spiritual stones in it.

This is the extra money the six people will get this time!
Twenty thousand spiritual stones per person is not a small number.

Lu Tiandu laughed and accepted it as a matter of course.

This trip was not in vain, he got 8 spiritual stones at once, which increased his spiritual stone inventory to more than [-].

A few days later, the six factions finished plundering, and everyone returned to their respective clans.

Since then, there has been no immortal cultivation sect like Spirit Beast Mountain in the Yue Kingdom.

This time Huang Maple Valley alone received nearly 200 million yuan in various materials.The other mineral veins and elixir garden shares that originally belonged to Spirit Beast Mountain are not included in the calculation!
As for the most valuable thing besides the martial arts books, they are the monks' resources.

Except for a few disciples in the foundation-building stage who were traveling abroad and those who felt bad after hearing the news and hid, the rest were basically divided among the six sects. Huang Maple Valley was also assigned more than a hundred foundation-building monks.

Except for a few of the Qi Refining disciples who were really old and were allowed to leave on their own, the rest were not allowed to leave. After all, they were also reserve forces for the upcoming battle.

However, for most Qi refining disciples who are eager to seek the truth, it doesn’t matter which sect they join. After all, for them, how to build the foundation is the most important?
If you don't join the six sects and become a casual cultivator, you will basically miss the path of this life.

Think about how cruel the Immortal Ascension Conference is once every ten years. Isn’t it just to join the seven sects and obtain the foundation building quota?
Therefore, there are really not many Qi Refining disciples who have left the Six Sects.Moreover, with the subsequent demonic invasion, there will be no major sects to rely on, let alone obtaining various resources to increase their cultivation. I am afraid that not many casual cultivators will survive in the end!
There were more than [-] people when they came, and when they returned, there were more than [-] foundation-building disciples and two thousand qi-refining disciples, making the team much larger.

This time, Lu Tiandu still took out the white crystal flying boat he had stolen from Qin Yunlin, and it also carried several Qi-refining stage disciples.

He glanced at the additional early-stage Jindan cultivator in the team. He had a frown on his old face. Although he was chatting with Lei Wanhe and others, he was obviously absent-minded.

I don't know whether he didn't recognize Qin Yunlin's flying magic weapon or whether he recognized it and pretended not to see it. When Jin Dan, surnamed Wang, saw Lu Tiandu looking over, he nodded with a smile and then turned his head automatically.

After Qin Yunlin's death more than eight months ago, there were only nine golden elixirs left in Spirit Beast Mountain. This time, four more were killed. The remaining five golden elixir monks, except for the Hidden Moon Sect, were recruited from each of the five sects.

After all, there are nearly twenty golden elixirs in the Hidden Moon Sect, and there are also one or two golden elixir monks!


While the six sects were carving up the Spirit Beast Mountain, several sects from Jiang State and Cheqi State in the east of Yue State, under the secret auspices of the Yuanying old monsters from each family, quickly took action to arrest and search for suspected disciples. soul!
The old monster named Jiang Yuanying of the Chihuo Sect of the Jiang Kingdom looked at the news reported with an ugly face.

"The Hehuan Sect discovered it so quickly?"

"Yes, uncle!" The Jindan monk who reported the report turned red, "I didn't expect that this person was too vigilant. Although he was killed in the end, the news was spread by them..."

"Forget it, now that we've reached this point, we can't hide it for much longer, so just follow the plan!"

Old Man Jiang waved his hand and spoke indifferently.

Judging from the results of the soul search, he did not expect that in more than ten years, the Red Fire Sect would be riddled with infiltration, and many disciples had secretly rebelled, making his face look ugly.

If he didn't know the methods of the devil, even if an outsider joined, he wouldn't be able to be truly taken in. He might already be thinking of surrendering directly...

"With the removal of the Spiritual Beast Mountain, the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range is also a way out..."

Looking at the vast sky to the west, Old Monster Jiang murmured in a low voice.

Realistically speaking, he doesn't want to go to any country, whether it's Tianluo Kingdom, Yue Kingdom, or other countries. After all, who doesn't want to claim ancestral status in his own territory, but go to another country to start over?
"I wonder how the other two Taoist friends are preparing?" Old Man Jiang thought about the other two Taoist friends from the three major sects of Jiang Guo, and his thoughts were racing.

The demonic path is coming with force and infiltrates more than ten years in advance. It is basically impossible for the six major sects of Jiang State and Chaqi State to protect the two countries.

Now we can only try our best to resist, and wait until the support from the three countries arrives, we will see the final situation!
In the Cheqi Kingdom, there are three major sects of cultivating immortals. Some disciples look hasty and serious...

After Lu Tiandu and his party returned to Yellow Maple Valley, facing the sudden increase of more than 2000 disciples, the news that Spirit Beast Mountain was removed from the list could no longer be concealed. Soon all the disciples knew that something big was about to happen...

To the north of the Yue Kingdom is the Fangshi of the Tianxing Sect of the Yuanwu Kingdom. Disciples from the two Fangshis come and go frequently, and if there is any slight disturbance, the news will spread quickly.

On the surface, six sects of the Yue Kingdom destroyed Spirit Beast Mountain, but secretly, news of the demonic invasion quickly spread in all directions...

As for the Zijin Kingdom in the south of Vietnam, it received a notification from the Six Factions shortly after Spirit Beast Mountain was delisted, and the news spread automatically. After all, it would have to support the Jiang Kingdom and the Cavalry Kingdom later, and this news was not kept secret. necessary!

"got windy……"

Lu Tiandu stood on the edge of Xiaoyao Cliff, looking in the direction of Huang Maple Valley. The transmission notes flew by one after another, and the monks who controlled the flying magic weapon also looked hurriedly.

Beside him are two daughters, Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying.

Just a few days after Lu Tiandu came back, the two women came to his cave.

During this period of time, he mainly practiced the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu, but he did not return to the Shizhu World. He practiced with the two of them every day. While his relationship became deeper and deeper, his cultivation level also increased rapidly.

"After the war, it is impossible to practice as steadily as before!" Nie Ying also said with a faint smile.

"Hehe, we have senior brother to take care of us, so we don't have to worry about these things!" Chen Qiaoqian smiled softly and leaned against Lu Tiandu, unwilling to leave.

"What junior sister said is true!" Lu Tiandu laughed.

In just a few days, Jiang State and Chaqi State were attacked by the devil at the same time.

The demonic invasion has officially begun!
As the news of the demonic invasion spreads, the prices of materials, magical weapons, spiritual herbs, etc. in various cities have also increased. This is not good news for many low-level disciples.

In the future, if you want to obtain something that improves your cultivation and increases your strength, you will have to pay more.

Compared with the original plot where the two countries, the Jiang Kingdom and the Chariot Kingdom, collapsed, most of the monks were wiped out, and a small number surrendered, things are much better now.

The combined strength of the two countries is almost the same as that of the original seven factions of the Yue Kingdom. Now many of the chess pieces placed by the Demonic Way have been eliminated in advance, and internal troubles have been reduced. In addition, this time the factions have learned the news in advance and are prepared, so the Demonic Way will not pay any effort. At a certain cost, it is impossible to easily win over the two countries.

Of course, preparations for support from Vietnam and the Three Kingdoms are already in full swing.With the plunder from Spirit Beast Mountain and the six sects' own wealth, there is no problem in a protracted war lasting 20 to [-] years.

"Senior brother, do we want to participate in cleaning up some families in the country that are connected to the devil?" Nie Ying asked again.

"We don't need to go. There aren't many rewards, so we might as well practice well at home!" Lu Tiandu said.

The current strategy of the seven factions is still to fight against foreigners and secure internal affairs at the same time.

Naturally, resisting foreign forces means keeping the enemy outside the country and placing the battlefield within the Jiang Kingdom or the Chariot Kingdom. This means constantly supporting the two small countries in their battles and dragging the devil's path to the two countries.

According to An Nei, the largest Erwuzi Spirit Beast Mountain has been cleared away, but there are still many families with secret connections to the devil, and naturally they are also being investigated.

At this time, the six factions established an information sharing channel. Once the thousands-year-old secret network was activated, the details of the families, large and small, were quickly revealed.

The war is about to begin, and no one wants anything to happen behind them.

At this time, the list of suspected families had come out. When Lu Tiandu saw that Yanjiabao in Linzhou was also on it, he nodded secretly.

The six factions are cooperating, which is just like the state machinery in the secular world. There is basically no way to hide any family or personal information.

Moreover, although Lanzhou, where the Yan family is located, is inconspicuous, it is right on the northeastern border and is one of the key targets for investigation.

The six-sect joint law enforcement team is led by several Jindan monks. Under the thunderous method, while small and medium-sized families are under strict supervision, the disciples of the clan are also on the first batch of support lists.

Only in this way can they be cleared of suspicion.

While the three of Lu Tiandu were talking, Lanzhou was tens of thousands of miles away.

In a small mountain range called Yanliang Mountain near Qingliang City, Yanling Castle, the important place of the Yan family, is located here.

Feiyun Pavilion is a prominent attic in the center of Yanling Castle.

In a secret room, several people were discussing in low voices.

"Ancestor, the situation is changing too fast. How will our Yan family get along?" A middle-aged man looked at the red-haired old man with a calm expression and asked.

"Xuan Ye, what do you think?" The ancestor of the Yan family did not answer, but asked a middle-aged scribe next to him.

This man is known as the Yan family's think tank.

"Ancestor, the situation is still unclear at this time, but my grandson dare not make any judgments. However, the six factions are coming fiercely, and the law enforcement disciples are on the way. The first thing we face is this problem."

"The meaning of the Ghost Spirit Sect is still unclear... It is still unclear whether these neutral countries can block the invasion of the devil. The six demon sects are stalemate on the battlefield between the two countries. The position of the Righteous Alliance is unknown. The situation is so chaotic that it is difficult to see clearly. , I'm afraid we don't have much time to wait and see, our ancestors need to make a choice as soon as possible..."

The middle-aged scribe frowned.

If it were in the past, he believed that he could provide suggestions for the development of the Yan family, but he had not yet digested the news that he suddenly learned, and he did not dare to speak casually.

It turned out that the ancestor of the Yan family learned from secret channels that the six sects were starting to clean up the families related to the devil. He immediately realized that the secret of the Yan family's origins from the Ghost Spirit Sect might have been known to the six sects.

After all, the Hidden Moon Sect comes from the Hehuan Sect, and its understanding of the Demon Sect must be much better than other sects.

And after going through many channels, the result of the investigation was that the Yan family, the first family in the country of Yue, was the first to be investigated.

Therefore, after thinking about it, the ancestor of the Yan family revealed the secret that the Yan family came from the Ghost Spirit Sect to these core elders, so that everyone could brainstorm the way out for the Yan family.

This suddenly shocked everyone.

Originally, they were the number one cultivating immortal family in the Yue Kingdom. In the past, seven factions secretly suppressed the development of the Yan family.

Nowadays, when encountering foreign enemies, the six sects have their uses, and their situation will change a lot.

Then put forward some conditions, and maybe with the help of this war, they will have an opportunity to rise secretly. After all, there are only six of the seven factions of the Yue Kingdom left.

After all, they have no secret connection with the devil, and they are confident that the opportunity for their family to take off is right in front of them.

Who knows, the ancestor suddenly told me that my family is really related to the devil, and now everyone feels like they are eating the melon...

(End of this chapter)

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