Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 122 Han Li asks for help!Net worth skyrockets!The Mo sisters cultivate immortality!

Chapter 122 Han Li asks for help!Net worth skyrockets!The Mo sisters cultivate immortality! (Please subscribe)
"This demonic way of doing things is too unreliable..." someone complained, "Secretly contacting the old department was actually caught, and now the Spiritual Beast Mountain has been uprooted, and it actually affects us..."

"Yes, the Demonic Way is now trapped in the Jiang Kingdom and the Cheqi Kingdom. I heard that the disciples of the Three Kingdoms are quickly gathering to support the two countries. We can't wait until the Demonic Way reaches the Yue Kingdom..."

"It's not clear what the attitude of the righteous path is. What does the demonic path rely on to destroy the thousand-year order of the world of immortality? These neutral countries are in disarray. Anyway, I don't like it..."

"This... although we have a relationship with the ancestors of the Ghost Spirit Sect, can our Yan family develop better if we return to the Ghost Spirit Sect? The Ghost Spirit Sect is only the bottom sect of the six demonic sects..."

Some people have different opinions. After all, in the Yue Kingdom, it was only after their ancestors advanced to the middle stage of the Golden Core, and the family had the false reputation of being the number one cultivating immortal family in the Yue Kingdom that they were secretly suppressed by the seven sects.

After all, the two sides have not broken their skin, and there is still a leeway.If we now abandon the foundation that has been established for hundreds of years and flee the Yue Kingdom and go to the Tianluo Kingdom, the future will be really unpredictable!
Moreover, in the past, the family wanted to develop independently. If they joined any faction, the six factions would be very happy to accept it!

Xuan Ye's brows never relaxed as he listened to everyone's discussion.In fact, the core issue discussed by everyone is interests.

As long as there are enough benefits, the Yan family can choose which side they want.

Clinging to the winner so that the family can rise is the Yan family's family survival strategy.

The problem now is that the six factions of the Yue Kingdom want the Yan family to contribute, but the conditions they can provide are not clear yet.

At this moment, the Ghost Spirit Sect is still attacking the two countries with the other five sects. Even if it wants to conquer the Yan family's support, it has no time and opportunity to negotiate.

There is a huge difference in treatment and conditions between taking the initiative to get closer and being invited back.

The root cause of this is that the six sects suddenly took action to uproot the Spirit Beast Mountain and move it around, causing a chain reaction that completely messed up the layout of the six demon sects for more than ten years and causing the situation to develop in an unknown direction.

At this moment, the news coming from the Jiang Kingdom and the Cheqi Kingdom is that the civil strife in the two countries has been temporarily suppressed. The monks from the two countries heard that there was support from the three countries behind them, and they devoted themselves to resisting the devil. If the devil wants to take over these two countries, they will only have to bite the bullet. .

As a result, no one dares to make any judgments about the life and death of the Yan family.

This is also the main reason for everyone's hesitation.

In the original plot, the Ghost Spirit Sect and the Six Demonic Sects raided and conquered the Jiang Kingdom and the Cheqi Kingdom. They took out the supplementary volume of the "All Souls Manual" and the position of the deputy sect master of the Ghost Spirit Sect, and obtained the Yan family's position. loyalty.

By the way, through the Treasure Hunting Conference, dozens of foundation-building disciples from the Yue Kingdom were tricked!

The Yan family is a super family with a middle-stage golden elixir monk, dozens of foundation-building stage monks, and thousands of Qi-refining stage monks. This power cannot be underestimated.

In fact, the exercises are not the most important. After all, even if I give you the original copy of the All Souls Sutra, you must have the talent to practice it.

The most important thing for the ancestor of the Yan family is the position of deputy sect leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect.

With this position, the Yan family can take advantage of the opportunity of the demonic invasion of neutral countries to develop and grow openly. Coupled with the secret chess pieces, hundreds of years later, the Yan family finally replaced the Ghost Spirit Sect and the Wang family led the Ghost Spirit Sect. possible.

As for Yan Ruyan, who has Tianlinggen, to agree to practice the Blood Spirit Dharma with Wang Chan, in the final analysis, the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect took advantage.

In the original plot, with the death of the two Nascent Souls, King Tiansheng and Wang Tiangu of the Ghost Spirit Sect, two Nascent Soul monks emerged from the Yan family, and finally replaced the Wang family's position in the Ghost Spirit Sect.

As far as the Yan family itself is concerned, this kind of development from a family to taking charge of a large sect is a qualitative improvement. It is very successful and legendary.

Now the Jiang Kingdom and the Cheqi Kingdom are still on the front line against the invasion of the Demonic Way, and the support forces of the three countries of Yue and the Three Kingdoms are gathering. It is obvious that the Demonic Way will not be able to swallow up the two countries in a short time.

These changes, coupled with the fact that Zhengdao also had plans to invade other countries and had a tacit understanding with the Demonic Dao, and the asymmetry of information, made it difficult for everyone to make a decision at this time.

Listening to the discussion of these core elders of the Yan family, the ancestor of the Yan family frowned slightly.

Those who want to join the Ghost Spirit Sect naturally choose this Demonic Sect, which is three points more powerful than the Moon Covering Sect. After all, everyone knows that it is easy to enjoy the shade under a big tree.

Those who choose to stay in Yue Kingdom hope to take this opportunity to replace the position of Spirit Beast Mountain and become one of the new seven sects.

Both paths have advantages and disadvantages, but neither path clearly outweighs the other.

As for the consequences of the Yan family after the final defeat of Yue and other countries, there is nothing to discuss.After all, he has a close relationship with the Ghost Spirit Sect, so it is not difficult to pay some price and get the devil's forgiveness in the end.

"Okay, in that case, let's split into two groups. We will secretly go to the Cavalry Kingdom all the way, and find the person in charge of the Ghost Spirit Sect to secretly discuss what conditions they can give if the Yan family returns..."

"The other way is to go to the Hidden Moon Sect first, to test the Hidden Moon Sect's attitude in the name of visiting Ruyan, and to mention our conditions in a vague way... At the same time, we try to find connections to drag the law enforcement team to come... "

After discussing for a long time, the Yan family finally came up with this ambiguous approach.

Sighing secretly, the ancestor of the Yan family warned everyone to keep it secret and waved everyone to leave...

Yellow Maple Valley, Izumo Peak, Xiaoyao Cliff.

Lu Tiandu is still practicing in the cave.

A few days ago, he took the time to go to the Lu family. When he met Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei, he took out the monster materials and monster eggs that he had spent tens of thousands of spirit stones to purchase in Luan Xinghai.

With the outbreak of the war, although the flames of war have not yet reached the Yue Kingdom, the tense atmosphere is not comparable to the past.

The prices of magic weapons, talismans, elixirs, elixirs, materials and other materials have increased by [-]%.

This batch of materials is no longer sold as raw materials to the family through Jinyu Pavilion, but is prepared to be refined into various magical weapons for sale.

To this end, the Lu family also hired several masters of weapon refining, and the family's six underground fire houses were also busy.

As for the source of these materials, no one asked. After all, even Lu Tian could come up with ten foundation-building pills and sell them to the family, so there was no need to ask about the rest.

Just keep silent and make a fortune.

With Lu Tiandu's secret support over the past few years, the Lu family's Jinyu Pavilion has become as famous as Wanbao Pavilion in Huangfenggufang City.

When the various top-level magic weapons refined from this batch of materials are put on the shelves, their momentum will probably surpass Wanbao Tower in one leap.

Lu Tiandu returned to Xiaoyaoya after spending a few days with the two girls Xin Ruyin.

At this time, the first batch of hundreds of Qi refining disciples and dozens of foundation building disciples in Huang Maple Valley, led by the ancestor of the Chen family, had rushed to the gathering place of the six sects to support the war between the two countries.

Among these people, the original disciples of Spirit Beast Mountain accounted for almost a quarter.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu's cave received a guest.

"Husband, there is a disciple in the Qi refining stage who wants to see you!" Nie Ying handed the transmission note to Lu Tiandu with a confused look on her face.

My senior brother also knows a lot of people in the valley, but at least they are all disciples in the foundation building stage. This monk in the Qi Refining stage is the first one to visit.

She already knows the cultivation level of the visitor through the formation.

Chen Qiaoqian also looked over with confusion. Could it be that her senior brother caused a romantic debt outside?
Lu Tiandu was also a little confused. After listening to the transmission notes, he realized that it was Han Li who was visiting. He smiled and said:
"This man is an old friend of mine. I haven't seen him for several years, but I don't know what's going on?"

When Nie Ying asked Han Li to come in, Lu Tiandu was also a little confused about Han Li's purpose.

During this period, Han Li should be busy cultivating elixirs, refining foundation-building pills, and preparing to build foundations. I wonder what he wants to do with him.

Moreover, they had not seen each other for more than two years since they had traded Cloud-Stepping Boots and other items when they first came out of the Scarlet Forbidden Land.

"I have met Master Lu and my two uncles. Disciple Han Li has taken the liberty of visiting me. Please forgive me!"

After Han Li entered the hall, he saluted respectfully.

Originally, he thought that there should only be Lu Tiandu here, the former Senior Brother Lu, later Senior Uncle Lu, and now Master Lu.

Unexpectedly, the person who invited him in was a foundation-building monk with a gorgeous face who looked like an immortal. He was shocked and did not dare to look further.

I thought it was a Taoist monk from Lu Tiandu, but I didn't expect to see a beautiful and refined female foundation-building cultivator chatting with Lu Tiandu as soon as I came in. Looking at the close look of the two, I knew they had a close relationship.

He already knew that Lu Tiandu was well-known in the valley and had many admirers, but when he saw the close relationship between the two master uncles with extraordinary appearance and good cultivation and Lu Tiandu, the young disciple No. 1, he felt great in his heart. For envy.

Master Lu, this is called cultivating immortality!
He is extremely talented, his master is also a master of Nascent Soul, he is accompanied by a beauty, and everyone in the valley greets him with a smile, I am envious!
Thinking of how hard I have been cultivating all these years, I have made great progress, but I don’t know many people in the valley, let alone beautiful female cultivators, and I suddenly feel depressed!

"It turns out it's Master Nephew Han. I've known him for many years, so there's no need to be polite!" Lu Tiandu smiled lightly, invited Han Li to sit down, and introduced the two girls.

At this time, Lu Tiandu was the same generation as Master Han Li and Li Huayuan, so it would be inappropriate to call Han Li Junior Brother Han when he was just establishing his foundation.

When he heard that it was Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian, two of the three beauties of Huang Maple Valley, Han Li was envious and a little jealous.

He had naturally heard of the names of these two women. Needless to say, they were beautiful. They were talented and had family care behind them. They had many admirers. Unexpectedly, they all fell in love with Master Lu.

These two women serving the same husband are really the envy of others!
"Thank you, Master Lu!" Han Li thanked him and refused to look at the two girls.

After exchanging a few words, Han Li revealed the purpose of his trip.

"Are you saying that you are on the second batch of lists to support the two countries in their fight against demons and that they will gather in three days?"

Lu Tiandu looked at Han Li with a strange expression.

"That's right. So I asked Master to help me!" Han Li said with a wry smile.

Seeing that the foundation-building elixir is almost ready, it will be sent to the battlefield. I am afraid there will be no return!
Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian didn't have any expressions. Listening to their conversation, it was clear that their husbands had quite a friendship with this black-faced qi-refining disciple.

Lu Tiandu understood Han Li's situation after thinking for a moment.

Han Li is a monk at the thirteenth level of Qi Refining at this time, and the sect records also show the pseudo-spiritual roots of the Four Spiritual Roots. Isn’t this the most typical candidate for cannon fodder?

The first batch of disciples who went east to support the two countries were basically disciples with poor qualifications and no hope of advancement.Well, older too.

When it came to the second batch, it was the turn of Han Li, a person with poor qualifications and acceptable cultivation. After all, if they all sent the old, weak, sick and disabled, they would basically just be sending food and would not be able to provide support.

"Didn't you tell the visitor that you were Senior Brother Li's registered disciple?" Lu Tiandu asked after a moment of silence.

"Huh?" Han Li suddenly woke up, "Thank you, Master Lu, for your advice!" However, his expression was a little awkward.

Ever since he was accepted as a registered disciple by Li Huayuan on his way back to Yellow Maple Valley after the blood ban trial, he had rarely left the Hundred Medicine Garden in the past three years, let alone visited Li Huayuan.

Of course, he never received a summons from Li Huayuan.

Han Li was shocked when he received the call from Gu Nei three days ago.

A few days ago, he also heard from Old Man Ma about the great changes in the world of immortality and the news of the invasion of demons.

But at that time, he felt that he had not yet reached the Yue Kingdom, and when he came, there would be someone tall to support him, so he would not be next to a Qi Refining disciple like himself. He did not expect that trouble would suddenly come...

Originally, I wanted Master Ma to find someone to accommodate him and see if the transfer order could be postponed.

He wants to immediately refine the foundation-building pill and go into seclusion to build the foundation.Master Ma was naturally reluctant to bear the thought that he, a hard-working and master of elixirs, would go to the battlefield and die in vain. However, after asking around, he came back and shook his head with pity on his face.

Supporting the two countries and jointly resisting demons is the current top priority of the six sects. Whether it is a cultivating family or a disciple of a sect, when receiving an order, they must obey unconditionally, otherwise their cultivation will be abolished at best, or killed with iron blood at worst!

This made Han Li's heart sink and he began to think about countermeasures.

It is impossible to go to the battlefield. He is basically ready now and is waiting to build the foundation. No one will be willing to be cannon fodder now!
He already knew a limited number of people, so after thinking about it, only Lu Tian could help, and the two of them seemed to have a good relationship.

For insurance, he also prepared a centuries-old elixir as a gift.

At this moment, hearing Lu Tiandu's advice, my heart suddenly became clear.

After finding out about his master Li Huayuan's cave, Han Li left the elixir and left Xiaoyao Cliff, then hurriedly flew towards Dong Yuqi.

Lu Tiandu smiled lightly at Han Li's visit and didn't take it to heart.

As a disciple of the Golden Core cultivator in the valley, even if you are a registered disciple, as long as you give your name, you will naturally not be used as cannon fodder and sent to the battlefield.

Although Han Li became Li Huayuan's disciple, he had a big secret and his cultivation level was still low at this time. He was afraid that others would covet the vial, let alone the Master who was a master of the golden elixir. Naturally, he was wary in his heart.

Naturally, he would not take the initiative to contact Li Huayuan.

Just like in the original work, the Spirit Beast Mountain defected and was pursued by demons. The six sects were anxious to evacuate and sacrificed some of their disciples to attract the enemy. As long as Han Li revealed the name of Li Huayuan's disciple, no one would regard him as an abandoned son!
However, at that time, Han Li had the Great Relocation Order and had a way out. He wanted to find a place to practice hard. Naturally, he was not willing to accompany Huang Maple Valley to escape to other countries and open up a new place for survival.

In the next month, Lu Tiandu spent his time practicing, combining the remaining 24 level five demon pills with a large number of auxiliary elixirs to refine a batch of Chaos Xinghai's foundation-building pills, a total of 52 pills.

According to Lu Tiandu's experience, if one is skilled in alchemy, a fifth-level demon pill combined with more than a dozen auxiliary medicines can probably produce three foundation-building pills.

Overall, the cost is similar to that of Tiannan.

His 52 Foundation Establishment Pills alone cost [-] spirit stones. The synthesis of the small green liquid also consumed nearly [-] spirit stones, and the total cost was about [-].

According to three thousand spirit stones and one foundation building pill, the total is 15 spirit stones.It is a large sum of spiritual stones for the monks in the alchemy stage.

After thinking over and over again, Lu Tiandu decided to sell these foundation-building pills to the sect. This was a one-time deal, and he would definitely not be able to do this later.

This time, he still went to chat with Hong Fu first, and his words hinted that he had obtained dozens of ancient foundation-building pills before, together with the ice crystal pear that he had given her before.

Now the sect is trying its best to resist the demonic invasion. If you are willing to sell it to the sect, it can be considered as a contribution to the demonic invasion.

After hearing this, Hong Fu was surprised.

After checking the Foundation Establishment Pill in Lu Tiandu's hand, it turned out that it was indeed very different from the Foundation Establishment Pill that is currently popular in the world of immortal cultivation. According to Lu Tiandu, he had already found someone to test it, and the Foundation Establishment Function was exactly the same.

The testers were naturally talking about Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei, which could also explain the origin of the foundation-building pills used by the two girls when they successfully built the foundation.

While Hong Fu praised him for his contribution to the sect, he also looked at him with admiration.

After all, according to the behavior of ordinary people, these good things can be passed down as family treasures and ensure the prosperity of the family for hundreds of years. It is really not easy for Lu Tian to come up with them.

After discussion with Lei Wanhe and others, Hong Fu finally purchased these foundation-building pills at the price of three thousand and two hundred spiritual stones each.

After all, the prices of various commodities in the world of immortality are rising now, and this price is very reasonable.

Lu Tiandu suddenly obtained more than 16 spirit stones, and even Hong Fu was envious.

After all, in terms of spiritual stone inventory, the golden elixir monks in Huang Maple Valley are really not as good as Lu Tiandu.

After this calculation, Lu Tiandu's total amount of spiritual stones reached an astonishing 24, not counting other monster materials and other pending payments.

As a result, Huang Maple Valley's inventory of Foundation Establishment Pills exceeded a hundred, and it suddenly became more abundant.Naturally, there are more foundation-building pills that can be used to reward military achievements.

Moreover, the last blood ban trial will be launched in two years, so that the foundation-building pills of the six sects can follow up.

For a large number of disciples in the Qi refining stage, the biggest goal when going out to fight is whether they can exchange their military exploits for foundation-building pills.

For the six sects, the new batches of foundation-building monks are naturally the backbone that supports the sects in resisting the devil.

Although the disciples of the Sixth Party could not refuse the call, the things they offered that could be exchanged for military merit were also real good things.

Foundation-building pills, pills for increasing cultivation during the foundation-building period, various rare elixirs, junior and intermediate talismans, top-level magic weapons, etc...

The reason is also very simple. Only by applying power and grace can you last long.

Time flies, and nine months fly by.

The first three batches of support forces sent by Huang Maple Valley had returned for repairs half a year ago.

In half a year, nearly a quarter of the monks were lost.

However, relatively speaking, the monks from Jiang and Qiu Kingdom suffered more heavy losses.

Needless to say, the demonic monk naturally suffered a lot of losses.

Even so, the eastern territories of the two countries have been completely lost, and the remaining monks have gathered in the central and western regions to continue fighting against the devil.

Faced with such a powerful enemy, subsequent batches of support forces from the three countries continued to be dispatched, and the dispatch intensity continued to increase.

However, after the first six months of intense fighting, the two sides recently faced off.

The intensity of the war has decreased a lot.

Over the past year, from the initial close attention of everyone to now facing it calmly, the news of the demonic invasion is no longer big news.

At this moment, both those who have not yet gone to the battlefield and those who have come back for a rest are seizing the time to improve their cultivation, because everyone knows that the war will not be over in a short time.

In a protracted war, the battle is all about consumption, especially monks and resources. Whoever can persist to the end will be the winner!
If you want to survive this war, only your own cultivation and the magic weapon in the storage bag are the most reliable.

"Are you two ready?"

In the other courtyard of the mortal Lu family, Lu Tiandu looked at the Mo sisters who were refreshed and more delicate and asked.

In the past year, the two of them have taken many elixirs refined by Lu Tiandu to cleanse the muscles, cut down the marrow, and strengthen the body. Their bodies are now very different from their previous mortal bodies.

Now even if they don't practice immortality, the two girls can live to be a hundred years old without any disease or disaster.

Over the past year, Lu Tiandu also took a lot of time to teach the two some knowledge about cultivation, which was regarded as enlightenment for them.

"Everything depends on Brother Lu!"

The two sisters looked at each other, feeling shy at the same time, looking forward to Lu Tiandu's next move to transfer his spirit body.

Lu Tiandu also informed the two of them the steps for changing their physiques.

Over the past year, the two girls have fulfilled their filial piety in front of Yan and Wang.From now on, they will start their new lives.

With a wave of his hand, Lu Tiandu released the spiritual light shuttle and took the two girls back to his cave.

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, and the round tripod with three legs and two ears appeared in the cave again.

In order to give the two girls the opportunity to take the Yin-Yang Fruit, this time the physical sharing was the same as when Xin Ruyin's Dragon Roar Body was transferred to Lu Tiandu, still relying on the function of the Divine Furnace of Creation.

Lu Tiandu's Tianyun Gale boots were quietly placed on the ground, and his clothes were on the bed. Mo Fengwu and Mo Caihuan looked at each other, their beautiful eyes were shy and full of expectation...

Rustling, there are a lot more clothes on the bed...

After the two women were ready, a green light suddenly flew out of the huge cauldron, and the two women flew into the cauldron.

The lid of the cauldron was placed on top of the cauldron. Suddenly, the cauldron disappeared into the cave...

More than two hours later, the three-legged and two-eared cauldron appeared again in the cave residence. Lu Tiandu flew out of the cauldron with the two girls, who were blushing and shy.

After gently patting the buttocks of the two beauties, Lu Tiandu chuckled: "After cleaning up, let's see the final result..."

"Yes, Brother Lu!" At this time, the eyes of the two women were a little more affectionate, and their tone was soft.

After all, except for the last step, the three of them have done everything they should do!

What he shared with Mo Fengwu was the body of the wood spirit, and what he shared with Mo Caihuan was the body of the fire spirit.

As for practicing the techniques, both of them will practice the Qingyuan Sword Technique.This type of sword technique does not distinguish between attributes, and all spiritual roots can be practiced.

As for the Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword, a wooden flying sword, it consumes a lot of materials and is difficult to cultivate to perfection. Even if Mo Fengwu could refine it, Lu Tiandu would not let her refine it after forming a pill.

It's not necessary, just think about how much resources Old Mo Han spent on cultivating those 72 flying swords.

After all, the two women started more than ten years later than others. Spending more time on such a place is really not worth the gain.

Moreover, there is a senior like Xiaomei who is practicing Qingyuan Sword Technique, and the training experience just helps the two women avoid many detours.

Yes, if the two women can practice, they will definitely be taught by Xiaomei. After all, he doesn't have much time.

Moreover, Mo Fengwu is interested in alchemy and will let her assist in alchemy.Mo Caihuan can also learn to make weapons or talismans.

After all, as long as they are willing to learn, Lu Tian has a lot of resources to train them.

One day later, when Lu Tiandu entered the room again, the two women threw themselves into his arms and said happily:
"Brother Lu, we can practice! We can sense spiritual energy!"

Seeing the two women laughing and crying at the same time, although Lu Tiandu had no such experience, he might as well understand this feeling. He hugged the excited two women tightly and said with a smile:
"You have broken the more than [-]-year-old rules in the world of immortality. This kind of luck is truly unprecedented... You must practice hard in the future and don't waste this opportunity..."

"Well, Brother Lu, we all listen to you!"

A month later, Lu Tiandu was a little surprised after observing the two women's cultivation progress again.

This cultivation speed is almost the same as the alien spirit root.

With the physical blessing he shared, people like Nie Ying, Chen Qiaoqian, Xin Ruyin, etc. can now practice at a speed no less than Tianlinggen. Although Mo Fengwu and Mo Caihuan do not have spiritual roots, with the help of spiritual bodies, they are not far behind. A little bit!

"Sure enough, this cultivation physique is the most universal in all the worlds..."

(End of this chapter)

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