Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 123 Giant Spirit Ark!Liusha River battlefield!Goodbye Nangong Wan!

Chapter 123 Giant Spirit Ark!Liusha River battlefield!Goodbye Nangong Wan!

Yellow Maple Valley, Izumo Peak, Xiaoyao Cliff.

Two graceful figures, one blue and one green, appeared on Xiaoyao Cliff.

After the two of them looked at each other with smiles, the beauty in blue flipped her fingers to create several spells. As she breathed, a burst of clouds and mist stirred in the void, revealing a passage. The two of them entered the cave in an unusually familiar manner.

In the cave, Lu Tiandu was holding a transmission talisman in his hand, which was a dispatch order to support the Jiang Kingdom and the Cheqi Kingdom.

"Finally here!" Lu Tiandu smiled faintly.

Looking up, Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian also entered the hall.

"It seems you have received it too?" Lu Tiandu asked with a smile.

The two women took out the transmission talisman, which was exactly the same as the one in Lu Tiandu's hand. It was self-explanatory.

Chen Qiaoqian smiled and said: "We are probably the last batch of foundation-building monks in the valley who have not yet gone to war or accepted missions... I think we will see a lot of familiar people this time!"

Nie Ying agreed with a smile.

Seeing the eager expressions of the two women, Lu Tiandu said:

"Although your strength cannot be underestimated among foundation-building monks, you still have to be careful on the battlefield!"

"There are senior brothers here, so we're not afraid!" Junior Sister Chen said with a smile.

Lu Tiandu laughed, "Qian'er still has confidence in me!"

He hugged Junior Sister Chen and took a few bites, then looked at Nie Ying who looked expectant, but she didn't favor one over the other.

The three of them have long been very familiar with each other, and they haven't seen each other for a while. After a burst of sizzling sounds, affection flowed in the beautiful eyes of the two women, their faces were rosy, and they were full of affection.

Seeing this situation, Lu Tiandu was already familiar with the abnormality, and he hugged the two women and disappeared instantly...

After double cultivation.

On the jade couch, the three of them were chatting.

Anyway, it was time to gather in three days, so there was enough time for them to get over their lovesickness.

After learning about the two girls' recent cultivation progress during the casual chat, Lu Tiandu pondered for a moment and then took out several things and handed them to the two girls.

"Keep these things in case you need them in case of emergencies!"

The most important of them are hundreds of intermediate and intermediate talismans of various colors, and each of them has fifty pieces.Among them, Nie Ying also has a third-level giant wolf puppet.

Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian are still in the early stages of foundation building, and it will probably take another year or two to break through to the middle stage of foundation building.

It took four years to reach this level of cultivation, which is already very fast. If you tell me, most monks would be envious.

Moreover, the two of them have already mastered the first level of Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skills, and have also mastered the first level of Dayan Jue. Together with the top-grade magical weapons, spiritual beasts, puppets, and formations in their hands, it is easy to kill the mid- to late-stage foundation-building monks. .

Chen Qiaoqian's two ice and fire wolves were upgraded to second-level spiritual beasts a year ago, and Nie Ying's two blood jade spiders were hatched by Lu Tiandu and handed over to her two years ago when they were still in dual cultivation.

However, even if a large number of first-level energy and blood pills are used for cultivation, the two monsters are only the first-level top-level spiritual beasts now, and it is uncertain when they will advance to the second level.

This was also the reason why he gave the only level three puppet in his hand to Nie Ying.

Since he obtained the true solution to puppets four years ago, Lu Tiandu has not practiced much.

After all, refining a puppet is not an easy task.

Practicing the soul-drawing, soul-condensing and soul-refining techniques in the true solution of puppet cultivation is only the prerequisite. Later, you need to find various puppet-refining materials and good weapon-refining skills, so that you can have a steady stream of puppets to drive.

On the one hand, Lu Tiandu didn't think much of first- and second-level puppets, but on the other hand, he had long been interested in Huang Long and other Qianzhu Sect protectors.

These people are always going to cause trouble for Young Master Lin, so they can just kill them when the time comes.

Unfortunately, he had previously sent Lu family disciples to keep an eye on these people in Huangfeng Gufang City and Tianxing Zongfang City. Several years had passed, and for some reason, there was still no trace of these treasure-delivering boys.

Seeing the intermediate-level talisman that Lu Tiandu took out, the two women were surprised again. Their beautiful eyes were shining and they smiled softly:

"My husband always brings surprises to us!"

Their husband’s good things will always keep them guessing!
An intermediate-level talisman can be equivalent to a spell released by a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment. Needless to say, its power is natural.

It goes without saying how popular these mid-level talismans are in the market now.

In fact, before the war broke out, an intermediate-level talisman cost more than 200 to [-] spirit stones, and it was very rare.

After all, there are not many foundation-building monks who can master intermediate and intermediate spells, and they also need to have good talisman making skills and a high success rate.

Otherwise, the cost of the drawn talisman alone would be higher than the market price, and you would have to keep it for yourself.

It can be seen that Lu Tiandu spent a lot of effort to purchase an intermediate-level mid-level talisman before participating in the blood ban trial.

Lu Tiandu has also practiced several intermediate and lower-level spells in the past few years. As his talisman-making skills increase, he can draw intermediate and lower-level talismans.

These intermediate and intermediate talismans are naturally the result of increasing their power through the Divine Furnace of Creation.

Each one consumes 100 yuan of spiritual stones.

He has accumulated a total of two hundred intermediate and low-level talismans, all of which are prepared for the current demonic invasion.

Knowing that this was one of the life-saving measures prepared by their husband for the two of them, the two women felt extremely sweet in their hearts. They looked at each other and climbed into Lu Tiandu's arms again...

"Feng Wu, Caihuan, you guys practice well. When Brother Lu comes back next time, I will check your cultivation progress..."

Three days later, when parting, Lu Tiandu smiled and warned the Mo sisters.

"Brother Lu, don't worry, we will practice well!"

The two women nodded with solemn expressions.

Over the past six months, the two girls have been really hungry for cultivation. Knowing that their own cultivation was late, they did not dare to delay for a moment for fear of not being able to keep up with Lu Tiandu's pace.

Lu Tiandu also nodded secretly.

Mo Fengwu has a calm temperament, so it's no surprise that he can endure boring practice.

Mo Caihuan, who was originally quirky, also put aside his temper and practiced with Feng Wu, which still surprised Lu Tiandu.

The two of them knew in their hearts that it was their great luck to be qualified to practice, so they naturally cherished it very much. In the past six months, they had not taken a step out of Xiaoyao Cliff.

Lu Tiandu has actually been observing the temperament of the two of them in the past six months. If he does not seize this opportunity and relax, he will have to consider whether to continue to train the two of them.

But now it seems that everything is fine.

Lu Tiandu left a large amount of elixirs and two Dingyan pills to the two of them so that they could practice well.

After the four girls chatted again, Lu Tiandu took Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian to the meeting hall.

Naturally, Lu Tiandu didn't hide the matter about Mo Fengwu and Mo Caihuan from Chen Qiaoqian and the others.

The girls also slowly accepted the well-behaved Mo sisters.

The Mo sisters have long been taught about the formation restrictions in the cave. Yesterday, they also informed Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei at the Lu family that they would go to Xiaoyaoya to teach the Mo sisters every month. Lu Tiandu had nothing to worry about.

When we arrived at the meeting hall, many people had already arrived.

It has been a year and a half since the demonic invasion.

Every six months, Huang Maple Valley will dispatch [-] foundation-building disciples and [-] Qi-refining disciples to support the war between Jiang Kingdom and Chaqi Kingdom.

However, each large batch will also be divided into three small batches, which will make the operation faster and facilitate the transportation of personnel.

With the arrival of the three people, the dozens of foundation-building disciples in the empty hall fell silent and all looked over.

"I've seen Uncle Lu!"

Voices of greeting kept ringing out, and Lu Tiandu also responded lightly.

He naturally saw the corners of the mouths of some late-stage foundation-building disciples twitching, but he still stepped forward to greet them.

Who makes him senior?
Lu Tian knew many of them, such as Li Huayuan's fourth disciple Song Meng and seventh disciple Zhong Weiniang, etc.

In the past two years, he has also visited Li Huayuan several times, mainly to exchange some materials.

After all, the collections of the Golden Elixir monks are quite rich. Some things are difficult to collect outside and can be exchanged inadvertently in the hands of these Golden Elixir monks.

But this was really the first time for me to meet Li Huayuan’s third disciple Liu Jing and Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu took a look at Liu Jing, who was in his thirties. He was handsome, elegant, and upright, so he was very attractive.

This person is famous in Yellow Maple Valley for hating evil as much as he hates evil. Because of his own experience, he will be merciless to evil cultivators and those who do evil things.

However, because of its great reputation, it is naturally burdened by its reputation.In the original plot, the Heisha Cult copy made wedding clothes for Han Li...

The beautiful lady beside Liu Jing was none other than Zhong Weiniang, and she looked at Liu Jing with eyes full of love.

At this moment, he saw Chen Qiaoqian who was not far away from Lu Tian. He smiled teasingly, stepped forward and poked Chen Qiaoqian's arm, and whispered:

"I heard that you are very close to Dame Nie now? What is your relationship?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Lu Tiandu, who was walking towards the corner, with a look of gossip on his face.

"Go, you girl..." Chen Qiaoqian's face turned slightly red and she didn't know how to respond.

"Hehe... Are you going to stage a drama of two women fighting for a husband?" Zhong Weiniang rolled her eyes and said with an exaggerated expression.

She had known for a long time that Chen Qiaoqian and Lu Tian had a double cultivation agreement, but it turned out that the two of them had been building foundations for several years, and there was no movement at all.

On the contrary, Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying, who were originally close to her, are now very close, and their caves are both located at Izumo Peak in Lu Tiandu, which makes her very confused.

"Nonsense..." Chen Qiaoqian said angrily, "Why don't you go see your Senior Brother Liu..."

"Hehe, are you really right?" Zhong Weiniang was delighted, "Uncle Lu is still too carefree and didn't even choose our lovely and beautiful Qianqian..."

"Fuck off..."

While Chen Qiaoqian and Zhong Weiniang were having a fight, Lu Tiandu saw a 25-year-old disciple in the corner, with a medium build and wearing a yellow shirt.

That inconspicuous black face is not Han Li.With a faint smile, Lu Tiandu walked over.

"Is Senior Nephew Han also in this group?" Lu Tiandu asked.

"I've met Master Lu!" Han Li saluted respectfully, "This is the same group of disciples who went to the front line to support us!"

He is still very satisfied with the fact that he is no longer called Master Lu Tiandu.As a result, the gap between the two seems to be getting smaller and smaller.

He felt that with his own small bottle, he would always be able to catch up with Uncle Lu!
Since Han Li encountered the embarrassment of being drafted last time, he successfully delayed the draft through Li Huayuan. After returning to the Hundred Medicine Garden, he did not dare to continue preparing the elixir.

At that time, he had prepared seventy or eighty ingredients for the Foundation Establishment Pill.

He immediately rented the Dihuo House in Yuelu Hall and started alchemy retreat.

Successfully advanced to foundation building a few months ago.

Moreover, I also visited Lu Tiandu’s cave after the foundation building. While thanking Lu Tiandu for his previous guidance, I also wanted to buy a few pill recipes for the foundation building period.

He had known before that Lu Tiandu had various prescriptions that were rarely seen in the outside world, so naturally he was not willing to waste time elsewhere.

Lu Tiandu didn't refuse, since he would make some money from this deal anyway.

Moreover, when Han Li goes to the battlefield, it will be easy to obtain various elixir recipes. After all, whether it is a reward given by the six factions or exchanging it from others, it is very convenient.

In the end, Han Li picked two modern prescriptions and two ancient prescriptions. Although the modern prescriptions were a little weaker than the ancient prescriptions, they were five hundred spirit stones more expensive. After all, it was easier for most people to collect various elixirs.

Four pill prescriptions, totaling five thousand spiritual stones.

At the same time, Lu Tiandu took this opportunity to recommend Qingyuan Sword Jue to Han Li.

Han Li was naturally overjoyed when he heard that this rubbish technique that he had accidentally cultivated to the fourth level actually had a complete version here in Lu Tiandu, and that there was also a three-turn heavy energy technique that could increase the chance of forming a pill. .

I instantly threw away my previous idea of ​​switching to practicing Kung Fu.

Lu Tiandu didn't ask for much, and quoted [-] spirit stones.

Although Han Li didn't have many spiritual stones on him, he still promised to gather them as soon as possible or something of the same value.

Since then, Lu Tiandu has easily earned fifteen thousand spirit stones from Han Li.

Originally, Lu Tian thought that Han Li would rush to the two countries in the previous two batches, but now it seems that this guy may have found a reason to be busy cultivating elixirs and refining elixirs.

After all, people like Chen Qiaoming, Lu Tianxing, Senior Brother Han Li Yu Kun, Sixth Senior Brother Wu Xuan and others who Lu Tiandu knew all rushed to the battlefield in the previous batch.

Lu Danwen and Lu Yongqing from the Lu family had also left for the battlefield before.

Speaking of which, eight months ago, the Thirteenth Uncle of Lu Tiandu finally advanced to foundation building after being in seclusion for more than a year, and he only succeeded in building the foundation by consuming three foundation building pills at once.

At this moment, he is once again in charge of the Lu family's Jinyu Pavilion.

Two months ago, he sent Lu Tiandu the three thousand spiritual stones he owed.

"So, Master Nephew Han must behave well and don't let our Yellow Maple Valley's majesty fall!" Lu Tiandu patted Han Li on the shoulder with an encouraging look on his face.

Han Li's mouth twitched. Is Master Lu worried that he would not be able to repay the [-] spirit stones he owed him if he died?

But when he thought that Uncle Lu had given him so many spiritual stones on credit at once, a feeling of trust arose spontaneously!

In fact, he could easily exchange tens of thousands of spiritual stones for the rest of his Foundation Establishment Pill and the newly refined Dingyan Pill, but he couldn't explain the origin of these things, so naturally he didn't dare to take them out.

When we get to the battlefield and have the corresponding seizures, we can naturally take the opportunity to take out these things.

Moreover, it is said that the rewards for the Sixth Party's military exploits are extremely generous. Then it will be easier for him to obtain some seeds of rare elixirs. In this way, it is natural to increase his cultivation level.

This made Han Li much less reluctant to passively participate in the war.

While everyone was chatting, the door suddenly became quiet, and an old man in his 60s or [-]s walked into the hall.

"Quiet, Uncle Li is here!"

The person who came was none other than Li Huayuan, one of the nine golden elixirs of Huang Maple Valley who was leading the team this time.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. The stewards will quickly count the people reporting...I won't say anything more. Please don't cause trouble along the way and follow the arrangements..."

"After arriving in the Jiang Kingdom, we must fight hard to kill the enemy while trying to save our lives... Our relationship with the Jiang Kingdom and the Cavalry Kingdom is very bad. I guess I don't need to say more..."

"Although this demonic invasion is quite dangerous for everyone involved in the war, there are dangers as well as opportunities. Whether it is the numerous seizures or the various rewards provided by the six factions, as long as you have the ability, it is not impossible to advance and break through in the war. possible……"

The rich voice rang in everyone's ears, and Li Huayuan made pre-war mobilization with a few simple words.

The nearly seventy foundation-building monks had different expressions. Some were eager to try, some were worried, and some were confused...

"Okay, now that everyone has arrived this time, let's go!"

After hearing the manager's report, Li Huayuan waved his hand.

Everyone started to set off.

This time, in addition to the nearly 600 foundation-building monks, there were more than [-] Qi-refining disciples, all of whom were in the later stages of Qi-refining or above.

Arriving at the square.

Five huge Dharma boats were moored quietly on the square. Each one was a hundred feet long and thirty feet wide. There was an exquisite attic full of restrictions on the deck.

The entire Dharma Ark shone with light and looked extraordinary.

"Is this the giant spirit ark in the valley?" someone murmured in a low voice.

"This is what we have at the bottom of the box in Huang Maple Valley. I heard that there are only ten ships in total..."

"I heard that it can carry up to 200 people. If each ship has [-] foundation-building monks, wouldn't it be possible to go deep into Tianluo Kingdom to sneak attack on the devil?"

"Do you think we are the only ones who have this kind of magical weapon, and others don't?" Someone sneered, "This thing is so big, what do you think of its defensive power? Can it be compared to small boat-like magical weapons?"

"Yes, I guess the flexibility can't keep up. This thing is probably just a transportation tool, and the speed is probably not very fast..."

"How many spiritual stones does this kind of tool consume to fly a long distance?"

"Okay, according to the previous grouping, everyone gets on the Dharma boat and sets off!"

Li Huayuan's calm and intimidating appearance was still very intimidating, but after a moment, everyone flew onto the Dharma boat in an orderly manner.

The five huge Dharma boats were shaken, and the stream of light overflowed, and they slowly lifted into the sky.

With the support of many spiritual stones and the magical power of more than a dozen monks, each magic boat cuts through the sky, becomes smaller and smaller, and heads east...

There is a Dharma boat in the middle, in the attic.

Lu Tiandu was chatting with Li Huayuan.

"I wonder if Senior Brother Li's Silver-armored Horned Python has advanced?" Lu Tiandu asked.

"Haha, this is a big mistake for you, junior brother!" Li Huayuan laughed loudly, his face beaming with joy, "According to my estimation, we can advance to level five in about a year at most..."

"So, junior brother, congratulations to senior brother for adding such help..."

Li Huayuan smiled and said a few words of modesty.

But before, when Lu Tianyou was exchanging things with Li Huayuan, he heard that Li Huayuan was also worried about the advancement of his spiritual beast because of the invasion of demons.

It would be great for him if his spirit beast could be upgraded to level five as soon as possible.After all, there are many trump cards to save one's life.

Lu Tiandu's heart moved, and he happened to mention what Linghu and others had previously captured from the Yuanying monk in Spirit Beast Mountain.

By the way, I made a copy for Li Huayuan.

Li Huayuan was naturally overjoyed.And he even mentioned that he had previously auctioned a fifth-level demon elixir at the Moon Covering Sect's auction, which was just in time to refine a batch of realm-breaking elixirs.

After all, the Silver-armored Horned Python had already taken the Blood Thread Jiao Neidan from Fuyunzi!

This kind of realm-breaking pill is a good thing. After Lu Tiandu refined it and gave it to his three spiritual beasts, the golden-backed monster mantis successfully advanced to the fifth level a few months ago.

Moreover, the two blood jade spiders are probably about to advance.

By then, he will have three level five spiritual beasts nearby, and he can attack and kill even the golden elixir cultivators.

Half a month later, on a huge grassland, five giant spirit boats landed steadily.

Lu Tiandu and other foundation-building monks flew out of the magic boat early, stepped on the magic weapon, stood high in the sky and looked at a small city in the distance.

This small town is the fortress for the confrontation between the monks and demons who gathered in Jiang State at this time.

Surrounding the small town, stone houses and wooden houses of different sizes are scattered randomly as far as the eye can see. These are temporary residences established by the monks who gathered here.

From time to time, people flew in and out after passing the inspection of patrol guards, and it was extremely busy.

"This is the Liusha River battlefield of Jiang State. This small city, Liusha City, is already in the west of Jiang State... It seems that the situation is not good!"

Just as Li Huayuan was handing over to the visitor, Lu Tiandu let go of his consciousness and looked at the surrounding environment.

The Liusha River can only be seen dozens of miles east of Liusha City. It is the battlefield between the coalition forces and the demonic monks at this time, but it cannot be seen at this time.

However, this battlefield was established only after the coalition forces retreated again half a year ago. In one and a half years, they retreated twice, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the pattern.

After Li Huayuan handed over to the visitor, Lu Tiandu, Nie Ying, Chen Qiaoqian and several of Li Huayuan's disciples went into the city to apply for identity tokens.

This token is not only one of the identity certificates of one's own personnel, but also has the function of recording meritorious service.

As long as the monks from the Three Kingdoms who come here complete the corresponding task of killing enemies, they can freely return to the sect, or they can continue to practice here or earn merit.

After finishing, everyone entered the area where Yellow Maple Valley was located and settled down.

Lu Tiandu made some inquiries and came to the residence of the Jindan monks of the Hidden Moon Sect.

This is a fairly majestic building complex, with monks in white clothes constantly coming in and out.

After the baptism of war, each of these monks carries a certain dignity and iron-blooded murderous aura.


Looking at Nangong Wan, whom he had not seen for nearly two years, Lu Tiandu felt happy.

"Husband!" At this time, there was no one else in the hall except Lu Tiandu.Nangong Wan's beautiful eyes were filled with joy and she said softly.

Holding Nangong Wan's slender waist, smelling the familiar scent and tasting the delicate lips, Lu Tiandu suddenly became familiar...

After practicing, Nangong Wan's face was radiant and unique.

Gently stroking with his five fingers, Lu Tiandu hugged Nangong Wan and asked her to talk about the recent battle.

(End of this chapter)

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