Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 124 The battle situation!Destroy three demons!There is no shortage of ambush fields!

Chapter 124 The battle situation!Destroy the three evil spirits!There is no shortage of ambush fields!
In the quiet room, the spiritual fragrance is faint, exuding a light and soothing fragrance.

Lu Tiandu hugged Nangong Wan and was listening to her tell the details of the war between the Demonic Way and the Five Nations Allied Forces for more than a year.

A year ago, that is, after the Jiang Kingdom and the Cheqi Kingdom retreated to the middle of the border for the first time, the Nascent Soul monks of the Yue Kingdom and the Three Kingdoms could no longer sit still.

While supporting the middle and low-level monks, the Nascent Soul monks from the Three Kingdoms also went off to fight.

More than 30 coalition Nascent Soul monks and demonic Nascent Soul monks experienced several battles, each with its own victory or defeat, with few casualties, but in the end the coalition was defeated.

Lu Tiandu was not surprised when he heard the news.

After all, in addition to the six sects of the Demonic Way, there are other sects, all of which have Yuanying monks in charge.It is estimated that there are fifty or sixty demonic souls in the entire Tianluo Kingdom.

Even if not all of them are dispatched, it is not something that the Five Nations Nascent Soul can contend with.

Every Yuanying monk is very precious, and as the true pillar of the sect, Yuanying monks naturally enjoy the most benefits and conveniences.

Unless they were forced into a corner, these Nascent Soul cultivators were naturally not willing to risk their lives.

Several Nascent Souls were lost in this war. Finally, under the pressure of the demonic Nascent Soul monks, the Nascent Souls of the Five Kingdoms swore an oath. From then on, the Nascent Souls of both sides would not take action.

In the same way, the top warriors in this war became Golden Core monks.

After several confrontations and sneak attacks, the Allied Forces of the Five Nations and the monks of the Six Demonic Sects have formed a corresponding tacit understanding on the battlefield in order to prevent high-level monks from hiding their cultivation and killing middle- and low-level monks wantonly.

Golden elixir monks can only fight against golden elixir monks, and the same is true for foundation-building and qi-refining monks.

Moreover, in order to reduce the attrition of low-level disciples from the aftermath of the high-level monks' battle, the two sides also set a corresponding fighting time.

Surrounding the battlefield hundreds of miles east and west of the Liusha River, the whole night was the battle time for the Golden elixir monks, and in the early morning, a large number of Qi refining disciples fought against each other.

After noon, scattered foundation-building disciples entered the battlefield to fight.Until the evening, the Jindan monks met again to fight.

"This is a good arrangement!" Lu Tiandu smiled faintly.

After he and Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian went to the battlefield, the three of them teamed up and absolutely swept everything.

However, as for the fifth-level monsters, they have to be used secretly. After all, if they are discovered and found to have the strength of the golden elixir, they may be assigned to the golden elixir group.

This is not what he wants at the moment.

At this moment, Jiang State and Chaqi State, the two battlefields against the invasion of demons, have attracted the attention of dozens of countries in southern China.

It is a pity that the five or six countries south of Zijin Kingdom that have not joined the Nine-Nation Alliance, as well as several countries such as Tianlu Kingdom near Jiang Kingdom, are still waiting and watching at this moment.

"These short-sighted people have good plans. They hope that after the devil annexes our five countries, they will stop the pace of invasion..."

Nangong Wan sneered and said.

"Don't you know that when the territory of the Demonic Way becomes larger and larger, and the six Demonic Way sects are full, the other Demonic Way sects will not be greedy?"

"Everyone understands the truth. It's a pity that as long as there is no moment of danger, people always have a sense of luck..." Lu Tiandu chuckled.

If there had not been the invasion of the Mulan people, the Tiannan monks would have to work together to fight against the enemy in the south. These countries would indeed not be able to get along in the end, but it is a pity that many things were not possible.

"What's puzzling is that it's been a year and a half since the war started. Seeing that the Demonic Path will take over the two countries at some point, the Righteous Path Alliance is still indifferent. What exactly are they thinking?" Nangong Wan asked doubtfully.

"Actually, everyone should have some guesses in their minds, but they still don't believe it..." Lu Tiandu said with a bitter smile.

"You mean..." Nangong Wan's eyes narrowed.

"If Zhengdao also has wild ambitions, neutral countries like Tiannan may not have a good life today..." Nangong Wan shook his head.

"That's not necessarily the case." Lu Tiandu affirmed.

"The devil's conspiracy to secretly subvert all countries has been discovered by us. Presumably the righteous path is still plotting secretly. There will always be a time when it is revealed. Only then will these neutral countries really panic..."

"Yes. By then, if we can form an alliance like the Nine Nations Alliance, we will have enough strength to fight against the devil!" Nangong Wan Yingying said with a smile.

"Yes. But the premise is that we must block the invasion of the devil..."

Over the past year, envoys from the five countries have traveled to more than [-] neutral countries, stating the pros and cons, hoping that these countries will support the invasion of the devil as soon as possible. Unfortunately, they only received verbal support.

Therefore, we still have to wait until Zhengdao also participates in this war before there will be any big changes.

After this topic was settled, Lu Tiandu asked about the details on the battlefield.

For more than a year, tens of thousands of monks in the Jiang and Cheqi Kingdoms have suffered heavy losses.

The mortality rate of [-]% cannot be underestimated.

This is still a case of support from the three countries.

Without foreign aid, the two small countries would have been destroyed long ago.

"Yes, although it has not reached the point of breaking the bones, but if no new monks join in the follow-up, and if the consumption continues, it will only be a matter of time before the monks from the two countries evacuate..." Nangong Wan sighed again.

"So the three countries have also made preparations at the border?" Lu Tiandu asked.

"Of course. At the moment, our Three Kingdoms are relatively stable. Members of each sect are trying their best to recruit new disciples, and the various resources accumulated are also being distributed in an orderly manner. The defense forces at various resource points have long been strengthened. Otherwise, by the time the demonic path really hits, In the Yue Kingdom, I’m afraid it’s too late for many things…”

"So, the Red Fire Sect, Lingfa Sect and other sects have lost a lot of resources before?"

"There must be quite a few. After all, despite our advance notice, their top priority was to eliminate internal troubles. By the time they reacted and gathered resources, the demonic path had fully invaded..."

No wonder this is the case. Lu Tiandu sighed secretly. If the two countries had not been infiltrated long ago, they would not have reached this point in just over a year.

"I heard that the Six Sects designated part of the area in the Spirit Beast Mountain boundary for Yan Ling Castle. How did they perform on the battlefield?" Lu Tiandu remembered something and asked.

"Although the people of the Yan family are from the Demon Dao Ghost Spirit Sect, the ancestors of the Yan family are willing to support our war against the Demon Dao. After the agreement between the six factions, they were finally allowed to leave Lanzhou... After all, in the border area, even if they expressed their loyalty , still can’t be careless..."

"However, the performance of the Yan family disciples on the front line is acceptable, and there seems to be no change so far... As for letting them share part of the territory of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, it is also to win them over. After all, the war is ahead, and such a force cannot be underestimated... …”

Nangong Wan smiled lightly and said again:

"Do you know that the Yan family has other thoughts for a long time. According to our spy monitoring, there is a lot of power hidden behind it. Dozens of foundation-building monks really think that we don't know, haha..."

"So putting the Yan family in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range is not just about wooing them, right? Do the six factions also have the intention to add sand to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range?" Lu Tiandu asked.

It seems that although the six sects have discovered that the Yan family has hidden dozens of foundation-building monks, it seems that the Yan family who is hiding in the dark at the middle or late stage of Jindan has still not discovered it.

In the end, this person was a Nascent Soul cultivator of the Yan family just like Yan Ruyan.

After the Spirit Beast Mountain was cleared, the six sects of the Yue Kingdom had no intention of carving up the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range for the time being, and the demonic invasion was about to break out, so they just used this territory as a retreat for some sects of the two countries.

Now that the Yan family is being pushed in, he obviously has other thoughts.

"Hehe, according to the agreement, if the two countries fall, the three countries will try their best to provide recuperative territory for the two sects. The six sects of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range have already taken the benefits. It just so happens that the Yan family is very ambitious, so let them go and let them fight... ..." Nangong Wan said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, in order to show their loyalty, the Yan family also left their Tianling roots as protons in our Moon Covering Sect..."

"Didn't that Yan Ruyan join your Moon Covering Sect a few years ago?" Lu Tiandu was a little confused.

Just about a year after he entered Huang Maple Valley, Huang Maple Valley accepted many high-quality disciples at its ten-year apprenticeship conference.

For example, Nie Ying's two Lei Linggen twin brothers and junior fellow apprentices are the group of registered disciples accepted by Lei Wanhe. It is said that they are about to establish their foundation recently.

Yan Ruyan was also one of the first to join the Hidden Moon Sect, and she was roughly estimated to be around thirteen or fourteen years old now.

"It's different. Although it is said that he joined the Hidden Moon Sect, it is just to avoid the limelight. Every Tianlinggen, if nothing else, has a high probability of advancing to Nascent Soul. If the Yan family keeps the secret secret, once the secret is leaked, , I’m afraid all six factions have other ideas..."

"When you join the Hidden Moon Sect, outsiders naturally don't know whether the Yan family is sincere, but with the care of our Hidden Moon Sect, there will naturally be fewer people making up their minds..."

"That's it." Lu Tiandu nodded.

Families within the Six Sects naturally do not have to worry about the monks' choices within their families and sects, but it is normal for the Yan family, who have traveled outside the Six Sects and always wanted to become bigger and stronger, to worry more.

"Moreover, I have accepted this little girl as my registered disciple!" Nangong Wan added.

"Is this also part of the exchange of interests and gaining mutual trust?" Lu Tiandu thought about it for a while and understood.

"Yes. Originally, the Yan family hoped that my senior sister could accept the little girl as a disciple this time, but the senior sister has stopped accepting apprentices for a long time. Senior brother Liu also finds it troublesome and is unwilling to accept people from the Yan family. Senior brother Qiong has also been sealed to death. , in the end I had no choice but to accept it!”

"She is lucky to have Wan'er as her teacher!" Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

The senior brother Liu mentioned by Nangong Wan was the other early Yuanying monk in the Biyue Sect besides Nangong Ping and Leng Qingqiu.

At this time, Nangong Wan was already in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir and was not yet 110 years old. She was one of the Nascent Soul reserves.

It took less than 30 years to go from the early stage of Jindan to the middle stage of Jindan. This speed is enviable to others.

According to the speed of Tianlinggen, it will take more than 100 years at most from the middle stage to the late stage to create a baby.

Cultivation genius is nothing more than this!
After lingering with Nangong Wan for several days, Lu Tiandu joined Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian to start the demon hunting mission.

When they parted, Lu Tiandu left Nangong Wan a set of upside-down five-element formations with [-]% power, but it was one of the previous masterpieces of Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei.

This time it happened to be handed over to Nangong Wan. In this way, even if he met a late-stage Jindan monk, Nangong Wan would have the strength to compete.


On the huge grassland, at a glance, it is vast and vast.

The sparse roars of seven or eight magical weapons continued to come over, and a small yellow seal several feet in size in the void emitted a dazzling light.

Nie Ying made a seal with her hand and pointed suddenly.

Xiao Yin shuddered and pressed hard against the middle-aged man opposite, whose clothes were embroidered with pink peach blossoms.

The man's expression changed, he waved his sleeves, and once again released an alms bowl.

This man was startled, and looked at the two women across from him. They were indeed the second evil among the three evils of the coalition. No wonder they had such a reputation among the foundation-building monks, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Unexpectedly, two monks in the early stage of foundation establishment actually fought with him, a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment.

With a cold smile in his heart, the man looked at the beautiful figures of the two women with a greedy look, and thought to himself:

This time, our Hehuan Sect has specially targeted the three of you. When we kill that Feng Linggen, we will definitely let you two maidservants enjoy the secret techniques of our Hehuan Sect...

Just when this man was having lust, a faint white thread flashed away somewhere he didn't notice.

Chen Qiaoqian felt happy when she saw the sneak attack weapon being released approaching the man.

With a finger of his bare hand, the rope that bound the immortal tightened suddenly, and the brilliance flowed.It happened to trap the man opposite him.

The man's expression changed drastically.

He closed his lips and was about to use a secret method to escape when two magic weapons, one sword and one blade, were fired at him. "What? You can actually release magic weapons?"

The last thought flashed in this man's mind, and his vision went dark, and he fell into deep darkness...

Chen Qiaoqian grabbed it casually, and her big hand with concentrated mana grabbed the man's storage bag.Nie Ying also put away several fallen magic weapons.

The two looked at each other, both a little unhappy.

Junior Sister Chen smiled and said to the void:

"Husband, come out quickly! We have killed another late-stage foundation-building monk!"

Lu Tiandu, who had hidden his figure and watched the battle for a long time, removed his gauze cloak and revealed his figure.

"That's right, your cooperation is getting better and better!" Lu Tiandu said with a smile, "We've almost finished killing today, let's go back, shall we?"

This time, the two of them were able to join forces to kill a late-stage foundation-building monk without even using spirit beasts, puppets and intermediate talismans. They indeed had rich combat experience.

"Hehe, they are the only ones who will be unlucky when they meet our three demon-slayers!" Chen Qiaoqian smiled lightly.

"You, you take this title seriously!" Nie Ying shook her head.

"I think it sounds pretty good!" Junior Sister Chen said with a smile.

It has been three months since the three of them came to the Liusha River battlefield. Every time they travel, the three of them are together.

In this way, the foundation-building monks from the Six Demonic Sects they encountered would be unlucky.

In just three months, sixty or seventy foundation-building monks were killed by three people, which was a great achievement.

The name of the demon-slayer trio is naturally well-known among the coalition forces.

The Demonic Dao also organized several ambushes. The most recent one involved four late-stage foundation-building monks, but they never came back.

In the end, even the demonic monks were secretly shocked by this famous name, and it was spread that the three evil stars were famous.

Now the demonic foundation-building monks ran away as soon as they saw the traces of the three people from a distance.The harvest of the three people these days has been much less.

"Hey, that's not right! A large number of demonic monks are coming!"

Lu Tiandu released his spiritual consciousness and said. "It seems they are here to ambush the three of us again!"

He figured it out quickly.

"There are eight people this time, let's not be careless. Let's set up the formation!" Lu Tiandu waved his hand, and several formation flags appeared in his hand.

The three of them had no intention of escaping.

The two women nodded, took the formation flags and set up the formation with great skill.

It was naturally too late to set up the inverted Five Elements Formation at this time.The two of them arranged the Earth-Heaven Wind Crazy Formation that Lu Tiandu was very familiar with.

Moreover, except for one of the visitors, all of them were monks in the late stage of foundation building, so this formation was just right.

Lu Tiandu's spiritual consciousness at this time far exceeded that of the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, and he had early discovered this group of disciples whose clothes belonged to the Hehuan Sect.

After a moment, the light flickered, and eight figures appeared not far from Lu Tiandu and the three of them, stepping on various magical weapons.

"Destroy the three evil spirits, what a great power!" The leader said with a bit of a sneer on his handsome face, "You actually didn't even run away. This time I want you to never come back!"

"Oh, it turns out it's Tian Buque from the Hehuan Sect!" Lu Tiandu smiled lightly, "Your Excellency, you have such a strong tone. In this case, you can stay here this time!"

Looking at the handsome or, more to say, gorgeous-looking man, Lu Tiandu immediately recognized the identity of this man, the second son of the head of the Hehuan Sect.

This person also has a great reputation on the Liushahe battlefield.One of the top predators among the foundation-building monks.


Tian Buque's smile trembled. If this man had changed into women's clothes, no one would have thought he was a man. "Lu Tiandu, you have such a rude tone. You will die this time. I will accept these two beauties." !”

"Hmph, if you are wise, please send these two beauties to our young master. I will give you a good time then. Otherwise, we will see how we deal with you later..."

"Young monk, you really don't know how to live or die!"

Some of the seven late-stage foundation-building monks behind Tian Buque showed their power in front of Tian Buque.

After hearing these words, Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian blushed, their eyes filled with murderous intent.

There has been no major danger in the past three months. Lu Tiandu basically just skimmed the formation and rarely took action. The two of them had killed dozens of monks of the same level and had already experienced it.

This look full of murderous intent at this moment has a different kind of charm.

"Good, good, really good!"

Tian Buque's eyes lit up. He originally planned to catch the two of them and give them to his subordinates to play with, but now it seemed that these two beauties were really good, so it would be better to keep them in his room.

As soon as his mind changed, several secret techniques for making the two girls surrender to become cauldrons flashed through his mind. He smiled lewdly and said, "The little beauty is really good. I reluctantly accept her as a cauldron, hahaha..."

Lu Tiandu felt murderous in his heart, but did not show it. He asked the last question:
"Did you kidnap our Junior Sister Dong Xuan'er from Huang Maple Valley?"

"Oh, sister Xuan'er, you don't need to worry about it. She can stay well in our Hehuan Sect now!"

Tian Buque didn't hide it when he collapsed, he said.

He also has some thoughts about Dong Xuan'er. After all, this is the direct bloodline of the old demon Yun Lu. As long as he can subdue Dong Xuan'er, he may be able to borrow Yun Lu's influence, but he will also have a big advantage in competing for the position of the head of the Hehuan Sect in the future.

"That being the case, let's fight!"

Dong Xuan'er also came to the battlefield a month before Lu Tiandu. Unexpectedly, she did not come back after going to battle more than a month ago.

Lu Tiandu had promised to take care of Hong Fu if he encountered her on the battlefield.Therefore, after Dong Xuan'er disappeared, she made several investigations on her own.

Finally I heard that he was captured by people wearing Hehuan Sect costumes.

That’s why I’m asking this question today.

In this way, when he saw Hong Fu, he also had an explanation.

Without saying a word, both sides released various magical weapons, and the war was about to break out.

On Lu Tiandu's side, Nie Ying also released the giant wolf puppet, and Junior Sister Chen also patted the spirit beast bag, and two five- to six-foot-long second-level spirit beasts with two heads of ice and fire wolves appeared.

Lu Tiandu also casually released the golden thunder tiger and the white jade poisonous dragon. With the help of a large number of second-level qi and blood pills, these two spiritual beasts are now third-level spiritual beasts.

Fighting against late-stage foundation-building monks is not a problem.

"It turns out that with these few spiritual beasts and puppets, I thought you had such great abilities!" Seeing the actions of the three of them, Tian Buque sneered again.

I originally thought that the three of them had some great trump cards, and they had specially prepared a set of formations, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.

"Kill! End it as soon as possible and go back to enjoy these two beauties!" Tian Buque waved his hand, without any intention of taking action himself.


More than twenty magic weapons clashed in the sky, and one tiger and one dragon also faced off against two late-stage foundation-building monks under the command of Lu Tiandu.

Two ice and fire wolves and giant wolf puppets besieged a late-stage foundation-building monk.

Lu Tiandu and three others faced off against a late-stage foundation-building monk.

In addition to Tian Buque, another remaining late-stage foundation-building monk also joined the one attacking Lu Tiandu.

The roaring in the sky continued. After a cup of tea, the two sides were still fighting against each other, and there was no sign of any reduction in strength on either side.

Seeing the intermediate-level talismans that were constantly being stimulated in the hands of the two women and the two subordinates who were being suppressed, Tian Buque had already put away his contempt.

"I didn't expect these two little beauties to have extraordinary skills. They can fight against the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment in the early stage of foundation establishment, but it is rare."

It's true that the intermediate and intermediate talismans were a boost, but when the two of them released four offensive magic weapons at the same time to attack, the defensive magic weapons around them were well guarded, and their combat experience was also first-rate, which made many sneak attacks by their own subordinates on the opposite side end in failure.

Although Lu Tiandu was facing two late-stage foundation-building monks, it was extremely easy for him.

The aura shuttle, three golden wheel instruments, platinum light wheel talismans, and three silver needles were constantly slashing back and forth and making sneak attacks, leaving the two people on the opposite side in a hurry.

The three silver needles are really too weird and hard to guard against.

"Good boy, there are quite a few good magic weapons here!"

After watching the battle for a moment, Tian Buque realized that if he didn't take action, the battle would not be over in a short time. Especially after seeing Lu Tiandu's performance with ease, he was afraid that something might change.

Tian Buque sneered, turned his hand and stretched out, a pink crystal ball appeared in his hand, still in the air, he fired several spells, and a pink smoke instantly enveloped him.

After patting the storage bag, a jade flute suddenly appeared in his hand. After waving it for a while, a clear sound came out, and then the glow on his body echoed the clear sound, and he unexpectedly transformed into a pink peacock.

The huge peacock flew straight towards Lu Tiandu, and he himself was not to be outdone, carrying a large amount of smoke and flying directly after the peacock to Lu Tiandu.

Seeing Tian Buque joining the battle, Lu Tiandu smiled in his heart, he is waiting for you.

With a slight movement of his fingers, three silver laser beams were fired at Tian Buque, and at the same time, two more small spears appeared in his hands, which were slashed at the flying pink peacock.

"Hey, that's not right!"

After feeling it for a moment, Lu Tian was secretly shocked.As soon as his three silver needle instruments pierced the pink smoke, they became sluggish.

Originally, he thought that the pink smoke should be a defensive weapon, but he didn't expect that it had other functions.

At this moment, the other two people saw that their young master had joined, and they were very happy.

At this moment, there is no silver needle behind that needs to be guarded at all times, commanding the magical weapon, and the attack becomes more and more fierce.

Just when Lu Tiandu was distracted in fighting the two men and wanted to take back the silver needle, Tian Buque sneered and a black ring appeared in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, traces of black gas emerged from the center of the ring, forming a black vortex, which looked extremely strange.

Tian Buque threw it casually, and the black ring chased three silver needles in a flash.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's expression changed.

"It seems that we really underestimate these second-generation Xiu Xiu with profound backgrounds!"

It turned out that just when Tian Buque took out the black vortex ring, he felt something bad. He hurriedly tried to take back the silver needle, but in the end he was still a step late.

"Haha, I reluctantly accepted this vaginal instrument first!" Tian Buque's arrogant voice reached everyone's ears...

(End of this chapter)

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