Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 125 Battle!Secret Talisman!start a feud!

Chapter 125 Battle!Secret Talisman!start a feud!

Seeing that his three silver needle instruments were instantly trapped by the black rings released by Tian Buque, they immediately lost contact.

Although Lu Tiandu's expression changed, he didn't pay much attention to it.Just capture this person later and then take him back.

It would be weird if you could sneak attack this person casually!

These second generation cultivators probably have a lot of magical weapons of various colors on them, not to mention some magical weapons with weird functions.

Just when Lu Tiandu was about to release the intermediate talismans to deal with Tian Buque, his expression suddenly changed.

His consciousness swept away, but the pink peacock released by Tian Buque through the flute in his hand was still flying straight towards him, and the two small magic weapons he released before were actually blocked by two peacock feathers.

"This spirit can actually release something similar to a magic weapon to attack. It's really surprising!"

From the moment the peacock appeared, Lu Tiandu discovered that it was similar to the attack methods of his Yin Demon Banner, Green Dragon Flag and other magic weapons. The only thing that surprised him was that this peacock could split off its peacock feathers to attack. , it’s really rare.

While facing the enemy, Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian were also observing the surrounding situation. They saw that Lu Tiandu had lost his magical weapon, but they were not too worried.Lu Tiandu hasn't even used his trump card yet, so let this person be happy for a while!

At this time, the pink peacock was already quite close to Lu Tiandu. When he opened his mouth and sprayed, a pink light beam as thick as a bucket hit Lu Tiandu directly.

With a faint smile, Lu Tiandu's feet flashed with light, and he was already more than ten feet away.

Purple light flashed in his hand, and a net-shaped magic weapon appeared in his hand. He threw it casually, and the purple electric bag swelled in the wind, turning into a large net to cover the pink peacock.

At the same time, a green talisman appeared in Lu Tiandu's hand, with a green luster flashing, and it looked extraordinary at first glance.

With mana surging, Lu Tiandu instantly activated this mid-level hurricane talisman and threw it in Tian Buque's direction.

The sound of "Woooo..." suddenly entered everyone's ears.

Suddenly, strong winds raged in the sky, wind blades flew randomly, and several hurricane vortexes suddenly rushed towards Tian Buque.

Just as Lu Tiandu took out the hurricane talisman, Nie Ying and Nie Ying heard Lu Tiandu's voice transmission.

Without hesitation, the two of them instantly took out the same two hurricane talismans, excited them wildly, and threw them at the Hehuan Sect monk opposite.

At this moment, hurricane vortexes filled the sky, and wave after wave of wind blades flew all over the sky. Just as the eight people from the Hehuan Sect were resisting three intermediate-level hurricane talismans, the three Lu Tiandu instantly put away their spirit beasts, puppets, and all kinds of weapons. Magical weapon, quickly move back.

"No, they want to escape!" someone exclaimed.

"Huh, run away, can they escape?" Tian Buque's feminine voice came over, "How dare you show off your skills in front of me? Lu Tiandu, he can't escape my grasp! Hurry up! Chase……"

Tian Buque released two more magical weapons to resist the hurricane and shouted in a low voice.

After hearing the words of their young master, everyone did not hesitate. While the three people who were not trapped immediately pursued and killed them, the other four people joined forces to take action. However, the sky returned to calm for a moment, and the three talismans that turned into powder fell without a trace.

Feeling that Tian Buque was the three figures chasing after them, Lu Tiandu and the other three looked at each other, changed direction and flew towards the violent sky wind formation they had set up before.

"Sure enough, these guys are pretty fast!" Looking at the eight figures chasing after him, Lu Tiandu smiled faintly.

He had been hiding and not using all his strength before, just because he was afraid that he would not be able to trap eight people at once and kill them all, so a few of them escaped.

Now when these guys are trapped in the formation, it's time to deal with them.

"What? Aren't you running away?" Tian Buque's body was covered in pink smoke, and his face could not be seen clearly, but his voice was full of ridicule.

"No, you should be the ones thinking about escaping now!" Lu Tiandu glanced at the eight people surrounding the three and chuckled.

While Lu Tiandu was speaking, Chen Qiaoqian turned her palm over, and a small yellow flag about a foot long appeared in her hand.

She cast several spells in an instant, and as Chen Qiaoqian shouted "Get up", the space of hundreds of feet around suddenly changed, and the sky was filled with yellow sand, which was charming to the eyes.

In fact, just when Chen Qiaoqian took out the small flag, the leader Tian Buque's expression changed, and he suddenly thought of the formation instead of the magic weapon.

"not good!"

At this moment, he didn't have time to notify his subordinates, and suddenly activated the pink smoke around him, and retreated to escape.

In the end, it was still half a beat too slow, unable to escape the coverage of the formation, and was still trapped in the violent sky wind formation.

Lu Tiandu couldn't care less about Tian Buque's gloomy expression at this moment.

There was a flash of light from the soles of his feet, and his figure appeared eighty feet away. Not far away, a member of the Hehuan Sect was shocked and was about to release his defensive weapon, when a huge fist grew bigger and bigger in his eyes, but in his ears Lu Tiandu's sarcastic voice came:
"It seems you have no chance to control me!"

After a "bang", a headless body fell onto the grass.

However, this person was one of the people who had previously said in front of Tian Buque that he wanted to conspire against him.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and disappeared again.

"No, there's a sneak attack. Pay attention to defense!"

There were exclamations everywhere, and what they couldn't believe was that a late-stage foundation-building monk died like this?
As one of the Eight Tigers of Tian Buque, they had fought for many years and killed many enemies, but they died like this?
This scene was so impactful that it shocked the remaining few people! !

Lu Tiandu's speed was so fast that he could cover a distance of eighty feet in one step. Coupled with the huge body refining power of the second level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill at this moment, he could punch at least five thousand kilograms with one punch. The power is really unparalleled.

After another loud bang, the defensive shield of an Hehuan Sect monk was smashed away by Lu Tiandu with a few punches. When the protective true essence shield was broken, a hole appeared between his eyebrows. He was already dead and could no longer survive. die……

Just as Lu Tiandu took action, Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian used the cover of the main formation flag to surround a Hehuan Sect monk.

The two people, two spirit beasts and one puppet, with all kinds of brilliance flashing, all greeted this person...

"Quick, everyone gather together as much as possible, don't fight the enemy alone!"

Tian Buque was shocked by this momentary change, and he quickly used the soul-eating magic sound to scream.

Two of his men were killed in the blink of an eye, which really made him tremble.

"Well, you, Lu Tiandu, have actually followed the path of ancient monks, fellow cultivators of the Dharma Body. So this is your trump card, okay, okay..."

Tian Buque's handsome face twisted, his eyes looked gloomy, and there was a bit of jealousy in his heart.

Lu Tiandu naturally knows all about the magic of intelligence. He is only 28 years old, and it is really terrifying that fellow Fa Ti practitioners can achieve such a level of cultivation!
This person must have a big secret. At this moment, Tian Buque is no longer thinking about taking down the trio of demon slayers to spread their fame in the demon world. He wants to know the secret of Lu Tiandu...

He had just tested this formation. It was not a very clever formation, and it could not stop the transmission of his soul-devouring demonic sound. Once his men gathered together, it would not be difficult to break the formation.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu killed another person.Listening to Tian Buque's voice transmission, Lu Tian laughed when he saw the remaining four people using secret techniques to sense each other.

He casually released two level three spirit beasts, a tiger and a dragon, to surround one of them, preventing them from gathering, and at the same time, he instantly pounced on the other person.

There was another "bang bang" roar. With the help of Tianyun's wind boots and gauze cloak, Lu Tiandu appeared and disappeared. Coupled with the power of the silver gloves, Lu Tiandu was fully fired this time. After a dozen punches, he was The monk's jade bowl defensive weapon was smashed.

The man's expression changed drastically and he took out a large number of talismans, instantly activating dozens of primary talismans. Unfortunately, he still could not escape death.


Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

But at this moment, in addition to the two people surrounded by two women and a tiger and a dragon, the last late-stage foundation-building monk had already joined Tian Buque.

While the two of them were defending with all their strength, they were frantically attacking the formation.

Lu Tiandu hid on one side, flipping over casually, and two golden talismans appeared in his hands.

While this talisman exudes a faint golden light, a colorful flying needle in the middle is lifelike and emits rays of light.

It is the invisible needle talisman!
In the blink of an eye, two invisible needle talisman treasures were activated by Lu Tiandu, and two filaments that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye were looming and flying around Lu Tiandu.

"So fast!"

After feeling the flying speed of these two invisible needles, Lu Tiandu felt happy.

Suddenly, Lu Tiandu disappeared and punched the person next to Tian Buque.

"Hey, it's you who's waiting!"

Tian Buque smiled coldly, and several talismans appeared in the hands of the two men. They were instantly activated and attacked Lu Tiandu. At the same time, several offensive magic weapons also came to greet him.

Just when they thought Lu Tiandu was going to suffer a loss this time, Lu Tiandu disappeared again.

At the same time, the defensive magic weapon offered by the remaining monk in the late stage of foundation building of Hehuan Sect suddenly became dim.

Several pinhole-sized pores are extremely obvious during spiritual observation.

The man's expression changed, and the word "yin organ" flashed through his mind again, but he was not too worried.

After all, in order to deal with the elusive Lu Tiandu, the two of them had just placed two intermediate-level defensive talismans around them, and it was impossible for Lu Tiandu to break them all at once.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu appeared again to attract the two of them, and at the same time, two invisible needle talisman flashed suddenly, instantly piercing the layers of protective shields, and shot through the head of this late-stage foundation builder.


Tian Buque felt cold all over.What kind of magic weapon is this?So powerful?

At this moment, he has not thought that this is a talisman that is more powerful than the top-level magic weapon!
At this moment, Lu Tiandu appeared in the distance, and he was not in a hurry. He waved his hand and activated the platinum halo talisman and the last invisible needle talisman to attack Tian Buque.

After all, this person has a black ring in his hand that can take away other people's magical weapons. It is not a good choice to attack with the magical weapons.

"Flying Needle Talisman!"

Tian Buque reacted instantly at this moment. While surprised, he reached out and took out two talismans, and hurriedly activated them.

Only the Flying Needle Talisman could kill his subordinate so quickly and strangely.

"Pfft... puff..."

The sound of flying needles constantly passing through the magic weapon continued to reach Tian Buque's ears, making his expression become more solemn.

However, he has many top-level magic weapons, so even if a few are damaged, he can just replace them immediately, so he doesn't have to worry.

Lu Tiandu chuckled and directed three invisible needles and platinum halo to attack continuously. While avoiding Tian Buque's sneak attack, he continuously bombarded Tian Buque's defensive shield.

If this talisman hadn't consumed too much real energy, Lu Tiandu planned to activate his remaining yellow strange knives and other talismans to kill this person with all his strength.

At this moment, a scream came from the distance, but it was another late-stage foundation-building monk who was killed by two women.

At this time, Tian Buque's expression changed again, he no longer hesitated, and fired several mysterious seals. After a strange wave, a golden battle armor appeared around him.

Against the background of the armor that exudes a faint golden glow, Tian Buque looks like a golden-armored god general, majestic and mighty. "Is this a magic weapon or something?"

Lu Tiandu was at a loss.This thing is definitely not a magic weapon, but after a brief inspection, it turns out to be much stronger than a talisman.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu was afraid that something would change, so he used all his strength to activate the Heavenly Wind Boots and Silver Fist Gloves, constantly bombarding Tian Buque.

After a while, Lu Tiandu appeared again, his face a little ugly.

"Huh, boy, you've wasted your efforts!" Tian Buque smiled proudly, "Just because you want to break my defense, huh, in the next life!"

"Hmph, I have already informed the monks of this sect through the secret method. It will only take a few moments to make you look good!" Tian Buque was secretly proud.

It turned out that just before Lu Tiandu rushed over, he had already sent out a signal unique to the Hehuan Sect. As long as the nearby Hehuan Sect monks received the signal, they would rush over to support.

This is naturally because the formation that Lu Tiandu set up in a hurry was not effective. If the formation was replaced by the inverted five elements formation, all communication signals would be blocked.

The corner of Lu Tiandu's mouth twitched. He understood at this moment that the golden armor this guy released just now was a bit like the Yimu Divine Mask Jade Pendant that Linghu had given him to save his life.

This thing is the existence of the Yuanying monk who has cultivated his profound magical powers and sealed them into some kind of carrier through some secret methods. This is a good thing that can even block the attack of the Golden Core monk!

Tian Buque, I am a Nascent Soul cultivator, so it’s not surprising to have such a thing!
Needless to say, the power of this thing is natural, but it can only be released passively.

For example, Lu Tiandu wears the Yimu Divine Mask Jade Pendant on his body. This golden armor is probably refined into Tian Buque's body by the Yuanying monks using secret methods!

This kind of life-saving thing has many defensive properties, but not many offensive ones.After all, if you attack, unless you trap the opponent, there is a high probability that the enemy will avoid it.

After all, after the magical power of the attack is released, the foundation-building monk cannot control it.

At this time, Nie Ying, Junior Sister Chen and all the spirit beasts also rushed over. The last monk of the Hehuan Sect in the late stage of foundation building had died!
Counting the first person who was seduced, nine people came. The Eight Tigers were dead, and now only Tian Buqian was left!
"Senior brother, what should we do now?" Junior Sister Chen asked.

At this moment, the two of them also saw that this man's tortoise shell was really amazing. Even Lu Tiandu's second level of body refining, Xiaocheng's strength, would be difficult to break through the defense for a while.

"Hmph, as long as you give me enough time, it shouldn't be a problem to break his defense."

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, "This formation won't work. After setting up this inverted Five Elements formation and trapping this person, it will be his death..."

At this moment, Lu Tiandu also discovered the limitations of the violent sky wind formation. For fear of another accident, he had better set up a large formation to trap it first.

When the time comes, this person will definitely not be able to escape. At that time, the golden-backed monster mantis will be released, and everyone will work together to kill Tian Buque.

The conversation between Lu Tiandu and the three of them was not a sound transmission, so Tian Buque naturally heard it.

However, he sneered in his heart. He had certainly heard of the name of the Small Forbidden Formation, but he did not believe that the three of them had such a large formation.

At this moment, he was very much looking forward to the support from the Hehuan Sect monks.It was true that Lu Tiandu and the others kept playing tricks, and he still felt a little guilty.

When Lu Tiandu took out the eighteen formation flags and three formation disks, Tian Buque's eyes became panicked.

He had heard of the original upside-down five-element formation, which included 36 formation flags and six formation disks. If this was not a [-]% powerful formation, it should still be several percent powerful.

At this moment, the two women took over the formation flags and formation disks to set up the formation. Lu Tiandu was still commanding the four talismans and Tian Buque was entangled.

A moment later, the two women were still busy setting up the formation.

The formation of two people is naturally much faster than that of one person. Unfortunately, this formation cannot be completed in a short time.

After successive battles, Lu Tiandu's true energy was still extremely strong, and he could still sustain the consumption of the four talismans, the golden inner armor, and the Wind Spirit Gang Armor.

It is worth mentioning that as early as a year ago, he had found masters of weapon refining through the Lu family, mixed with various precious spider silk, silk and other spiritual materials collected over the years, and transformed the original treasure-level top-level items into A has been upgraded to the level of a top-grade magic weapon, and its defense power has naturally increased greatly.

As time passed, Tian Buque became more and more panicked. After all, it had been half an hour and no help had arrived. It was really unusual.

How did he know that the demonic monks had heard that the trio of demon exterminators were hunting nearby today. Except for their team, which was also here to hunt, the others had spread the word by word of mouth and had already run away.

"Lu Tiandu, do you really want to kill me? Do you know that my parents are both Nascent Soul cultivators, do you think Ancestor Linghu can protect you?" Tian Buque sounded stern at this time.

The corner of Lu Tiandu's mouth twitched. In such a long time, most of his true energy has been consumed, and it is only [-]% at most at the moment. Tian Buque must be the same or even worse.

But at this point, it is natural to win this person to be able to afford the consumption.

Moreover, the Inverted Five Elements Formation is almost ready at this time, how could it be abandoned halfway?

"I don't know if others can protect me, but I know your parents can't protect you today..." Lu Tiandu sneered.

"Do you think you can really keep me?" Tian Buque gritted his teeth.

"Hmph, if you only rely on this turtle shell, then you will give up on this idea!"

After hearing this, Tian Buque's expression changed, as if he was undecided for a moment.

"Does this guy still have a trump card?" Lu Tiandu looked at Tian Buque's appearance and thought to himself.

Although dozens of foundation-building cultivators have been killed recently, I am afraid that none of them has a field that is not short of this second-generation cultivator's wealth. Moreover, this man is responsible for the inheritance of the Hehuan Sect's skills, so Lu Tiandu is naturally very interested.

"Senior brother, the formation is almost ready!"

At this time, Chen Qiaoqian flew over and said with a smile on her face.

"it is good!"

Lu Tiandu was overjoyed.Deep down in his heart, he was still a little afraid of what kind of trump card Tian Buque would reveal.

If it was something like the magical power condensed by the Yuanying monks, he would not be afraid. After all, it was the power of the golden elixir. He was confident that inverting the Five Elements Formation could trap these things.

But the magic monks have always had many cards, so it might as well not work.

"Lu Tiandu, I remember you! I will definitely avenge today's hatred on you someday!" Tian Buque said with resentment in his eyes as he looked at Lu Tiandu in the distance and gritted his teeth.

In his hand, he was stroking a palm-sized jade talisman.


Lu Tiandu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart and said calmly:

"I'm not interested in men, so you don't need to remember me... It seems like this thing in your hand is your trump card?"

At this moment, Lu Tiandu sent a message to Nie Ying, asking her to quietly activate the formation, but she couldn't let this guy escape!
"Did you know that in the world of immortality, in addition to the elementary, intermediate and advanced talismans, there is another kind of powerful talisman?" Tian Buque was not in a hurry to run away at this time, put away the magic weapon talisman, and said indifferently while playing with the jade talisman in his hand.

"Secret talisman?" Lu Tiandu thought for a moment and said.

Seeing that the man was not attacking, he stopped and let the talismans hover above his head. .

"It seems you really know this stuff!"

Tian Buque looked at Lu Tiandu a few more times. It seemed that since this guy dared to practice Falun Dafa and follow the path of ancient monks, he really had some knowledge.

Naturally, he didn't know that Lu Tiandu had already planned to break into the storage bag of the Yuanhou monk from the Great Jin Heavenly Talisman Sect that Feng Xian had left in the Bloody Forbidden Land. Of course there is understanding.

"I wonder what your secret talisman is called?" Lu Tiandu asked.

Since Tian Buque dares to take out this thing, maybe he really has a good chance of escaping?

"Ten thousand miles teleportation talisman!"

Tian Buque had a look of indifference mixed with a bit of pride.But my heart ached endlessly.

This is his biggest trump card. He was forced by Lu Tiandu to use it today. How could he not feel heartbroken?

Naturally, he has a lot of hatred for Lu Tiandu. After escaping with his life this time, he made up his mind not to leave the seclusion until he formed an elixir!
Of course, when you get out of seclusion, you will also want to look for Lu Tiandu to take revenge!

"What? It's this kind of secret talisman!"

Lu Tiandu was really surprised at this. This was something of the same level as the Incarnation Talisman and other secret talismans. It was famous in ancient times, and the refining method had been lost long ago.

Unexpectedly, Tian Buque could get a piece. He was really lucky.

Once this secret talisman is activated, let alone the formation arranged by Lu Tiandu, which is only [-]% powerful, it is estimated that the full version of the inverted five elements formation will also not work.

After all, this kind of secret talisman is something that even Nascent Soul cultivators can't stop.

One breath, transported thousands of miles!
This is really good stuff!Like the Liuding Tianjia Talisman, it is one of the absolute life-saving trump cards.

Even Lu Tian was envious at this moment.

"Senior brother, the formation has been activated!"

Nie Ying flew over at this time and said.

Lu Tiandu nodded, and both sides noticed the fluctuations caused by the formation just now.

Tian Buque's expression did not change, it seemed that the talisman was genuine.

"Hey, why haven't you activated the teleportation talisman?" After a moment, Lu Tiandu said strangely.

"Lu Tiandu, what do you want to do to let me go?" Tian Buque said calmly after another period of silence.

"Forget about spiritual stone magic weapons and the like, I don't lack these things! I hope to see this famous secret talisman today!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

This man had been rude to the two girls before and had long been on his must-kill list.How could he let him go because of a little profit?

In the future, when this person's cultivation level greatly improves and he has a life-saving thing like a teleportation talisman, this is not a situation he wants to see!
The difficulty of killing will inevitably increase!And he didn't believe that Tian Buque could have a few of these secret talismans?

Therefore, it is better for him to use up this kind of trump card as soon as possible!

And according to Lu Tiandu's guess about Tian Buque's character, he may have been on this person's must-kill list at this time. Both sides have hidden murderous intentions, how could they leave such a trump card to the enemy!
Tian Buque's expression became more and more gloomy, and he understood instantly. He took a deep look at Lu Tiandu, grabbed it with five fingers, and the jade talisman in his hand shattered instantly!
There were no earth-shattering changes. Tian Buque was wrapped in bright green light and disappeared instantly. The Inverted Five Elements Formation showed no reaction at all.

After Lu Tiandu released his spiritual consciousness and scanned it inch by inch, he confirmed again that this person should have teleported away.

Then he said to the two women: "Pack up the loot and withdraw the formation. Let's go back too!"

Hehuan Sect, Tian Buque, I hope you still dare to appear on the battlefield!
Lu Tiandu looked at the sky and understood the methods of these second-generation cultivators. Next time they meet such people, they should prepare more methods!

(End of this chapter)

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