Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 127 Blood Spirit Son!Destroy the king cicada!Love in action!

Chapter 127 Blood Spirit Son!Destroy the king cicada!Love in action!
"Sir, the formation arranged by the Tianxing Sect monks is really impressive. It is difficult for the subordinates to break the formation for the time being..."

A middle-aged man headed by the Twelve Ghost Guards said with an ugly face to Wang Chan, who was standing on Biyincha, surrounded by black energy.

Wang Chan's face turned cold, he glanced at his subordinates, then glanced at the Tianxing Sect monk who was trapped in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Devouring Soul Formation, and said coldly:
"Use the will-o'-the-wisp trick!"

After hearing Wang Chan's words, the middle-aged man's expression changed, but he did not dare to say anything. He nodded and said:

"Yes, young master!"

When the middle-aged man passed on Wang Chan's order, the expressions of the twelve late-stage foundation-building monks of the Twelve Ghost Spirit Guards all changed.

Their bodies are in contact with the formation, and launching this move will cause great damage to their own foundations.

Unfortunately, they could not refuse the young sect leader's order.

Lu Tiandu looked at the stalemate between the two sides and gained a new understanding of the Tianxing Sect, which was famous for its formations.

The formations arranged by the cultivators of the Tianxing Sect were no worse than the inverted Five Elements Formation in his hand. Looking at it, the Ghost Spirit Sect's people really couldn't break this formation without their special skills.

"Senior Brother Chen, it seems that the Ghost Spirit Sect can't do anything to us this time!" One of the Tianxing Sect monks said to the leader, a middle-aged Confucian scholar, with a happy face.

"Don't be careless!"

Although the middle-aged Confucian scholar agreed with this in his heart, he was very humble in his words, "The devil's people have many methods, and no one knows their trump cards until the end. Everyone must still be prepared to fight if the formation is broken..."

After the man finished speaking, he glanced at the charming young woman who was secretly protected by the three monks, and thought to himself that this time he had the merit of protecting Fairy Cen. When he returned to the sect, Master Zhao would definitely be happy. If I could get a reward from Uncle Zhao...

Senior Brother Chen was thinking happily when suddenly someone next to him exclaimed:

"No, everyone from the Ghost Spirit Sect is using secret techniques!"

Senior Brother Chen was startled and looked over. The green will-o'-the-wisps were floating all over the sky, the sinister wind was raging, and the ghost energy was lingering. It was more than twice as powerful as the previous formation.

"Everyone listens to the order, Liuhe solidifies the Yuan, and the Liuyuan unites into one!"

At this moment, Senior Brother Chen did not hesitate and immediately ordered everyone to change formations.

This Qimen Liuhe Guanyuan Formation is one of the famous formations of Tianxing Sect. It is famous for its defense. Even the monks in the middle stage of Jindan can't even think of breaking through it.

If it weren't for Master Zhao's guarantee, they wouldn't be able to lend this formation from the sect!

The light shield formed by the Qimen Liuhe Solid Element Formation suddenly lit up, and the stream of light overflowed, and six kinds of brilliance flickered, like a beautiful giant egg.

At this time, after the thousands of wisps of will-o'-the-wisps in the ghost-devouring spirit formation underwent layer upon layer of changes, illusory villains surrounded by will-o'-the-wisps formed, all rushing towards the six-color dome in the center.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The collision sounds continued, and thousands of imps attacked fiercely.

After a while, each of the twelve ghost guards turned pale, but they were still helpless towards the dome in the center.

"This ghost spirit sect is indeed good at exorcising ghosts and subjugating demons. Even this formation is full of ghosts..." Lu Tiandu, who was hiding himself, said to himself as he looked at the ghost flames filling the sky.

If he was trapped in this great formation, it would be hard to say whether the Inverted Five Elements Formation could stop him.

In fact, what Lu Tian didn't know was that the three of them had previously defeated Tian Buque of the Hehuan Sect, and Mo Dao quickly guessed that Tian Buque and others must have been trapped in the formation, which caused this situation.

After that, almost all of these second-generation Xiu with background prepared some life-saving means, and this formation was naturally one of them.

Wang Chan's face became increasingly ugly at this time, and the cold aura around him almost made the air freeze.

Looking at the time, he understood that if he could not defeat Cen Jingjun within more than an hour, it would be difficult to find such an opportunity again in the future.

More than an hour later, it was time for the Golden Core cultivator to fight. At that time, if the Golden Core cultivator from the opposing side secretly destroyed him, there would be no room for reasoning.

The Tianxing Sect monks who were surrounded by the Liuhe Solid Yuan Formation now had happy faces on their faces.

This defensive formation of ours really deserves its reputation!
At this moment, Cen Jingjun also showed a faint smile, which stunned the few monks who were watching secretly.

However, these people quickly reacted and did not dare to look any further.

This Fairy Cen is Elder Zhao's concubine, and I heard that Elder Zhao loves her very much.

Previously, a Jindan monk from the same sect wanted to beg this person, but finally I heard that he was seriously injured by Elder Zhao.

Although everyone didn't know why the Jindan monks were fighting over a concubine, they could tell that this woman was deeply loved by Elder Zhao.

A quarter of an hour later, the faces of the twelve ghost guards were as golden as paper, and they could no longer hold on.

Naturally, the magic power of ghost fire and extinguishing spirits can no longer be used.

Although Wang Chan felt unhappy at this time, he also understood that his formation was still not as good as the Tianxing Sect's formation, which was famous for its formations. He waved his hand and said:

"You guys are raiding the formation on the side, don't let anyone get away, I'll break the formation!"

Wang Chan tiptoed, and the long Biyin Cha gently held him up into the air. There was a flash of light in his hand, and a small crystal figure with a dark body and a faint black mist appeared in his hand.

This little man has all four limbs, but has a long tail, three tufts of green hair on his head, and a face with no facial features. It looks really weird.

"Although I have to waste this blood spirit child, as long as I can get the body of Fengming, what does it mean?"

Thinking of this, Wang Chan's handsome face under the mask showed a bit of joy again, and he became more and more excited.

With a casual throw, the black crystal monster was thrown into the air. Wang Chan's fingers quickly changed, and while he shot several seals, he opened his mouth and sprayed out, and shot a blood arrow at the crystal monster.

At this moment, a strange scene appeared.

The crystal monster's head, which originally had no facial features, suddenly transformed into a big mouth. With a "squeak", all the blood and essence spewed out by Wang Chan were sucked into his abdomen.

Wang Chan's face suddenly turned pale under the mask, but he still completed the casting.

Wang Chan quickly stretched out his slender fingers and touched the center of the crystal monster's eyebrows. Suddenly, a shrill scream burst out from the big mouth that the crystal monster had just transformed into, penetrating the void.

Whether it was the Twelve Ghost Guards, the Tianxing Sect members in the dome, or Lu Tiandu hiding in the dark, their hearts suddenly panicked, their heads became dizzy, and a feeling of terror arose spontaneously.

"What a trick!" Lu Tiandu stroked his heart with a look of surprise on his face, "It turned out to be a divine soul attack..."

Fortunately, he still has the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness, otherwise this movement of true energy may have exposed his position.

"The methods of these demonic sects are indeed very different from those of the righteous monks..."

At the same time, after hearing the shrill scream and seeing the crystal monster cracking with a "click" in front of their young master, the expressions of the Twelve Ghost Guards changed drastically.

Ignoring the hidden wounds caused by the previous use of secret techniques, they each sat cross-legged and used methods to seal off the five senses.

Seeing the black figure in front of him that had grown several feet tall, Wang Chan chanted the magic formula, raised his hand and pressed it, and the giant turned into a black ghost mist and rushed toward the six-color dome.

"Ah, what the hell is this?"

The Tianxing Sect monk who had been caught off guard by Xue Lingzi's shrill scream looked at the black clouds outside the six-color light barrier with a horrified look on his face.

The huge figure in the dark cloud raised its fist as big as a millstone and slammed into the light film.


A loud noise came and the six-color light film shook.

"No, hurry up, everyone returns to their positions, the sixth transformation of Qimen, the third transformation!" Senior Brother Chen's roar came over.

Just when the six people setting up the formation wanted to calm down and preside over the formation again, a shrill sound wave attack came through the formation again.

Everyone suddenly became dizzy and flustered.

"not good!"

Sensing this change, Senior Brother Chen was horrified as he watched the people guarding their gods against the sonic attack.

If the Qimen Liuhe Formation were not hosted by six people, its power would be greatly reduced.

Wang Chan looked at Xue Lingzi's performance and felt very satisfied.

It is a pity that it is difficult to ban the production of this thing, otherwise if we prepare a few more, I am afraid that even the Nascent Soul monks will give in.

However, this thing also has flaws. Once it is activated, it will be indistinguishable from the enemy. Otherwise, if the twelve ghost guards are allowed to work together at this moment, it will be faster to take down the members of the Tianxing Sect.

Lu Tiandu was shocked when he saw this turn of events.

Secretly sighing, it was a good thing that he didn't meet Wang Chan in advance, otherwise there would have been a big battle!
After a cup of tea, the transformed light egg arranged by the monks of the Star Sect became increasingly dimmer.

The ten Tianxing Sect monks in the formation looked extremely ugly at this moment. Everyone already knew that it was only a matter of time before the formation was broken.

"Brother, what should we do?" someone asked in panic.

Once the formation was broken, they didn't think they could escape the pursuit of the giant shadow in the sky.

At this moment, looking at the huge black figure in the void, Senior Brother Zhao gritted his teeth and said:

"Junior brothers and sisters, the situation is very dangerous. The top priority is either to arrange another offensive formation as a back-up, or to find a way to separate six people and then preside over the Qimen Liuhe Guanyuan formation..."

Everyone understands what Senior Brother Chen means, but the problem now is that every time when the giant black shadow roars, everyone becomes dizzy and cannot concentrate on presiding over the formation, let alone rearrange a large formation.

At this moment, an old man in the crowd came forward after hesitating for a while and said:
"I have an elixir that can protect against this kind of soul attack for a short period of time..."

The old man said as he turned over his hand and took out a black jade bottle, "This thing is a trophy that I captured from a certain demonic monk's storage bag before. Although it can be effective in the short term, the side effects are not small... I have never taken it before... …”

Everyone's eyes lit up. At this point, who cares about the sequelae?As long as we can get through this difficulty, it will be something to consider later!
Among the ten people, except Cen Jingjun, each one received one pill. The six people in the formation took it on the spot, while the other three who were guarding Cen Jingjun did not take it yet and served as backup personnel.

Senior Brother Chen casually threw the black elixir into his mouth. A pungent and unbearable smell of the medicine instantly filled his mouth. An inexplicable medicinal power seemed to permeate the sea of ​​consciousness. The chaotic feeling suddenly cleared, and everyone Looking at each other, they felt extremely happy.

"The formation is united!"

Senior Brother Chen shouted coldly.At this moment, everyone is still preparing to focus on defense. It seems that they are still very confident in this formation.

Looking at the eggshell that had become ribbed again, not to mention Lu Tiandu was surprised, even Wang Chan had a tendency to run away at this moment.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Wang Chan laughed in anger.

He glanced at the Twelve Ghost Guards and cursed "trash" secretly. At the same time, he released five or six magic weapons and launched an attack.

A quarter of an hour later, the eggshell began to shake again.But at this moment, in Lu Tiandu's eyes, the black light around the black giant released by Wang Chan was getting darker and darker.

"It seems like this thing is about to die!" Lu Tiandu felt relieved.

If this giant shadow is still as powerful as before, he really doesn't know how to benefit from it.

At this moment, both sides also understand the other's situation. What everyone is fighting for now is to see who can persist to the end.

Wang Chan's eyes flashed with blood, and after his expression changed, his figure moved and flew towards the giant black shadow again.

After another spurt of blood essence and blood arrows was shot at the giant shadow, Wang Chan used the magic formula and clenched his hands violently. The giant shadow shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just when everyone was confused, Wang Chan raised his hands above his head and slashed at the six-color eggshell.

With Wang Chan's chop, the black shadow that had shrunk to about ten feet became more solid. The black shadow suddenly swayed in the air and turned into a huge black ink droplet. The ink droplet rotated, It actually hit the eggshell in the blink of an eye.


After a huge earthquake, the six-colored eggshell turned into a glowing light in the eyes of everyone, who were either in disbelief, joy, or surprise. Within a moment, ten people from the Tianxing Sect were exposed to the Ghost Spirit Sect's Ten Thousand Ghosts Devouring Soul Formation.

As early as when Wang Chan spurted out blood essence for the second time, the twelve ghost guards who heard the message had already returned to their respective positions in accordance with Wang Chan's order. At this moment, seeing their young master showing off his power, they were already sharpening their swords and preparing to take it. Everyone is gone.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu naturally noticed something strange, his expression changed, and he immediately moved towards a ghost guard who was approaching him.

"Be careful, everyone, get ready for battle!"

The formation has been broken. The faces of the six main formation monks of Tianxing Sect turned pale and their auras were disordered.However, Senior Brother Chen still called on everyone to make the final fight.

At this moment, Cen Jingjun was sitting cross-legged, looking sluggish, but he had not recovered from the previous attack by the spirit.The three people protecting Cen Jingjun couldn't bear it anymore and had already swallowed the black pill.

If everyone hadn't known about the side effects of this pill, were afraid that something might happen to Cen Jingjun after taking it, or that Uncle Zhao would cause trouble for them, they would probably have given her a pill.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu had already approached a guard of the Ghost Spirit Sect. Just as the man was about to activate the formation again, an invisible thin thread instantly passed through his head.

Invisible Needle Talisman Treasure!
Lu Tiandu instantly took off the man's storage bag and reached out to hold it. He had already put away the array flag.

"Fellow Taoists of the Tianxing Sect, I am a fellow member of the Divine Weapon Sect. I have killed one person, and everyone is ready to break out..."

The rough voice of Lu Tiandu's changed man instantly gave everyone in the Tianxing Sect hope.

Wang Chan looked at this guy who suddenly appeared with a frosty face, and the murderous intent in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

"court death!"

Wang Chan raised his foot and trembled, and a giant fork several feet long under his feet shot out in the direction of Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu's feet flashed with light, and he was already somewhere else. He suddenly raised his fist and punched the ground, and a small green flag was instantly shaken out of the ground.

While holding the small flag, Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and disappeared again.

Wang Chan, who was chasing after the giant fork, was filled with murderous intent and shouted: "Damn it!"

But Lu Tian didn't know when he discovered the flag of the Ten Thousand Ghosts and Spirits Devouring Formation. While killing a guard and grabbing one of the main formation flags, he actually destroyed the formation.

Now that the formation is incomplete, how can we still trap everyone in the Tianxing Sect?
As soon as the figure flashed, Lu Tiandu took off another guard's storage bag, put away the formation flag in his hand, and shouted:

"Fellow Taoists of Tianxing Sect, the formation has been broken, why don't you break out?"

At this moment, Lu Tiandu didn't need to remind him that except for Cen Jingjun, who was temporarily incompetent, the ten members of the Tianxing Sect each released their magical weapons and violently attacked the surrounding Ghost Spirit Sect guards.

At this moment, two of the twelve ghost guards were killed by Lu Tiandu in an instant. The other ten people were already frightened, and while releasing various magical weapons for defense, they were already ready for battle.

Within a moment, a melee involving more than 20 people began.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu released four or five magical weapons to respond to the enemy, but they were not the magical weapons he was used to using before, so no one would notice the difference.

Although he was also dealing with the two people in front of him at the moment, his attention was still on Cen Jingjun. This person's special physique naturally made him very envious.

Moreover, it would be a pity to see such a great beauty die.

Little did he know that Wang Chan only wanted to capture Cen Meifu alive...


The sound of fighting continued, but Wang Chan, who was extremely angry at this moment, did not confront Lu Tiandu immediately. After all, Lu Tiandu's sudden attack on the two guards just now was naturally seen by him.

Although he hated Lu Tiandu for this big man who suddenly appeared, he also knew his most important purpose this time, how could he delay the important event!
At this moment, Wang Chan acted mercilessly, and soon a Tianxing Sect disciple died.

While Lu Tiandu was dragging the two people in front of him, he was also looking for an opportunity to get close to Cen Jingjun to see if he could kidnap this person.

As for the life and death of other people, he didn't care.

Of course it would be better if Wang Chan could be killed.

Suddenly, Lu Tiandu saw an opportunity, stretched out his hand, and the invisible needle that had not been withdrawn instantly penetrated the head of a Ghost Spirit Sect guard.

"court death!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Chan was furious and fiercely shot towards Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu moved his lips slightly, and while transmitting a message to everyone in the Tianxing Sect, he swayed and flew towards the north.

After flying a few miles, Lu Tiandu stopped, and his spiritual consciousness observed that two more Tianxing Sect disciples died behind him, but Wang Chan saw him leaving the exit and did not pursue him.

"No, Wang Chan's target is this group of monks from the Tianxing Sect!"

With a change of expression, Lu Tian understood.

According to Lu Tiandu's understanding of Wang Chan's character, he is definitely a person who must seek revenge. He killed three of Wang Chan's guards. The two sides had already formed a huge feud. How could they not pursue him?

There is only one reason, this group of Tianxing Sect monks is more important.

"Is it also for Cen Meifu?" Lu Tiandu's mind was spinning.

With a flash of his figure, Lu Tiandu disappeared without a trace.

Within a few breaths, he arrived near the battlefield again.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu, who was hiding in the dark, did not take action again, but observed the battlefield. Sure enough, every time Wang Chan glanced at Cen Meifu's figure, the possessiveness in his eyes was clear.

Lu Tiandu moved his lips slightly and began to transmit messages to Cen Meifu alone again.

In fact, when Lu Tiandu was close to Cen Meifu, the physical connection between the two had already made Cen Jingjun discover that he was not a monk from the Divine Weapon Sect, but Lu Tian, ​​who they had met a month ago. Tiandu.

As for the technique of changing appearance, it is not unusual.

After listening to Lu Tiandu's message, she didn't reveal the mystery behind it.

After all, although Lu Tiandu seemed to be only a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, he was able to kill three late stage foundation establishment monks in a short period of time. He was truly worthy of his great reputation on the Liusha River battlefield!
At this moment, she had pinned her hopes of escaping this pursuit on Lu Tiandu, and she felt relieved.

At this moment, I heard that Lu Tiandu was nearby, and I felt more and more at ease.

Within a moment, two more monks from the Tianxing Sect died. Although some people from the Ghost Spirit Sect were also in trouble, none of them were fatal.

Lu Tiandu remained motionless. When including the two people from the Tianxing Sect who were guarding Cen Meifu, Lu Tiandu looked at the Ghost Spirit Sect monks who were relaxing and cleaning the battlefield at this moment, and smiled faintly.

Suddenly, three thin threads silently passed through the heads of the three Ghost Spirit Sect guards, and then shot towards the others in an instant. Only then did Wang Chan and others realize that the previous Divine Weapon Sect monk was still hiding among them. side.

In the blink of an eye, while grabbing several storage bags, Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and disappeared again.

When everyone was on guard again, Cen Jingjun and the last guard beside him suddenly took out a talisman, patted it on themselves, turned into a breeze, and headed north.


Wang Chan shouted loudly and led the six people in pursuit north.

The escape technique in Wang Chan's blood spirit method was extremely fast. In just a moment, he caught up with the Tianxing Sect monk who was slightly behind. The ghost thread on the Biyin cross flashed and instantly sank into the body of the person in front. With a pop, The man fell down instantly and became silent.

Lu Tiandu observed this scene with his spiritual consciousness, but there was no surprise. Bi Yin Cha, a magic weapon, and the Yin Demon Banner that Lu Tiandu had obtained before could both emit Yin evil energy against the enemy and those who had no means of defense. Speaking of which, it is really impossible to guard against it.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu, who had already appeared, stretched out his hand, and a formation flag appeared in his hand. He quickly fired several spells, and the Inverted Five Elements Formation was activated instantly.

Seeing that Cen Meifu was about to be caught up, Lu Tiandu's figure flickered and disappeared in an instant.

Lu Tiandu, who punched away the small red net magic weapon offered by Wang Chan, hugged Cen Jingjun in Wang Chan's disbelieving eyes, and disappeared again with a flash of light under his feet.

"I want you to die!"

Wang Chan looked at the direction where Lu Tiandu disappeared with murderous eyes.

With a wave of his hand, seven people pursued him with all their strength.

When he entered the formation again, Lu Tiandu felt relieved.

At this moment, his nostrils were filled with an alluring fragrance, and the warm fragrance/nephrite in his arms aroused people's imagination.

Cen Meifu's beautiful face was covered with red clouds, her whole body was trembling, and she was trying to suppress the abnormal movement in her body.

Seeing such a beautiful woman, Lu Tian couldn't bear it anymore. He lowered his head and kissed the beautiful woman's plump red lips...

Feeling Lu Tiandu's strong masculinity and seeing that Lu Tiandu had returned to his original handsome appearance, Cen Jingjun chose to follow his instinct at this moment. A pair of soft arms instantly wrapped around Lu Tiandu's neck, and he responded awkwardly...

After a while, the two of them woke up when they heard the roar coming from the formation.

At this moment, the two of them were half-dressed...

If they hadn't been interrupted by this strange noise, the two of them would have followed their physical attraction instincts and accomplished good things...

Lu Tiandu kissed the shy Cen Meifu in his arms again. He didn't know her name until now. He straightened her clothes and said softly:
"You meditate and rest for a while first. I'll be back when I go..."

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Tiandu looked at the dying Wang Chan, stretched out his hand, and a thread instantly penetrated Wang Chan's head.

At this moment, when Lu Tiandu was about to breathe a long sigh of relief, a red light shot out from Wang Chan's body, and in a flash, it shot into his body...

"What?" Feeling the strangeness inside his body, Lu Tiandu's expression changed...

(End of this chapter)

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