Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 128 Dual Cultivation!Late stage of foundation building!Dragon and Phoenix!

Chapter 128 Dual Cultivation!Late stage of foundation building!Dragon and Phoenix!

"not good!"

Facing the strange thing that suddenly entered his body, Lu Tiandu's expression changed drastically.

He didn't expect that Wang Chan, even though he was dead, would leave him such a hidden danger.

Lu Tiandu didn't say anything. He sat cross-legged and inspected his body inch by inch.

After a cup of tea, Lu Tiandu opened his eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief.

After checking the Dantian and various meridians and finding no abnormalities, Lu Tiandu carefully examined the internal organs. Sure enough, as soon as he checked the heart, he discovered something strange.

In the internal vision, a red insect egg the size of a mung bean appeared in the flesh and blood of his heart.

When he tried to wrap the tiny insect egg with his true essence and pull it out of his body, his heart suddenly hurt, and a few strands of essence and blood in his heart were inexplicably missing.

Lu Tiandu's face turned pale and instantly became gloomy. This time he really miscalculated.

And just now, when the essence and blood were absorbed by the insect egg, he discovered that the blood mass that was originally the size of a thumb inside the egg had grown slightly larger.

It seems that there is another space inside the egg, and the blood mass may be the mark left by the original owner.When he thought of this, Lu Tiandu didn't know that this must be a back-up left by the Wang family.

Perhaps as soon as Wang Tiansheng finds out that his son is dead, he will immediately use secret techniques to sense the location of his son's murderer through this mass of blood.

And when the egg absorbs the essence and blood in his heart, one day it will grow stronger and break out of the cocoon, or it will be directly stimulated by the owner of the blood group to be born early, I am afraid it will be a big trouble!
Lu Tiandu's face turned a little darker.

It seems that if you want to deal with this hidden danger, you must find a place to enter the world of stone beads as soon as possible and use the Divine Furnace of Fortune to resolve it.

Lu Tiandu opened his five fingers, and a big hand condensed with mana grabbed the storage bag at Wang Chan's waist and several dropped magic weapons. With a "puff", a fireball fell on Wang Chan, but he was only a few breaths away on the grass. There is an extra ball of ashes.

As for Wang Chan's six men, he had used the Inverted Five Elements Formation to divide them and kill them one by one. He also collected the storage bags of the Tianxing Sect monks that these guards had snatched.

Returning to Cen Mei Fu again, looking at the beauty who was still looking a little sluggish but unable to hide her beauty, Lu Tian remembered the scene of the two of them being entangled in love not long ago, his heart was burning, and he secretly sighed, what a rare beauty!
Seeing Lu Tiandu's arrival, Cen Jingjun's beautiful eyes flashed with shyness. She instantly remembered that she had almost been succeeded by this man in the grass before, and the scene where she warmly welcomed him. She panicked and did not dare to look directly at Lu Tiandu.

I don't know why, but I feel very fond of Lu Tiandu in my heart, and I miss the feeling of being held tightly in Lu Tiandu's arms.

Very warm and safe.

"Fellow Daoist Cen, we need to leave this place as soon as possible..."

Lu Tiandu stated the seriousness of the matter in just a few words. Hearing that Lu Tiandu had also been plotted against, Cen Jingjun was shocked. The shyness in her eyes was quickly replaced by worry. She nodded and said softly:

"Everything must be obeyed by Fellow Daoist Lu! The first thing we should do is to leave here as soon as possible and find a place to heal Fellow Daoist Lu..."

Seeing the meek look of this beautiful woman, Lu Tiandu felt relieved.

He originally saved this man because of the attraction of his physiques.Nothing about her character background or anything like that.

If this person chooses to say goodbye and leave at this time, he really doesn't know how to deal with it. After all, it involves the death of the young master of the Ghost Spirit Sect. If one thing goes wrong, it will be a big trouble!

The two of them had just dismantled half of the array plate and array flag, when several clusters of glowing lights on the horizon in the distance suddenly collided together, and a rumble of collisions spread out.

"Oh no, it's time for the Jindan monks to fight!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the situation and thought to himself that it was terrible, and then he remembered that it was already past Xu Shi, and they were probably the only two foundation-building monks left on the Liusha River battlefield.

Hidden dangers in the body may break out at any time. If you encounter a demonic golden elixir monk again at this time, it will definitely make things worse.

Moreover, even if he met his own golden elixir, Lu Tiandu was unwilling to recognize it. In fact, the matter of killing Wang Chan today could not be exposed.

Cen Jingjun's expression also changed at this time, and a look of panic flashed across her face. If Zhao Qingfeng knew that she was alone in contact with other male cultivators, she might not be able to reap the benefits!
Moreover, if Lu Tiandu, her savior, was murdered because of her, she would be guilty of a grave sin.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, let's leave here quickly!" Cen Jingjun hurriedly sent a message to Lu Tiandu.

"Quickly, take out the last two formation disks and we will evacuate..." Lu Tiandu said calmly.

If the formation here does not come out today, the Ten Thousand Ghosts Devouring Spirits Formation left by the monks of the Ghost Spirit Sect and the remaining formations of the Qimen Liuhe Guoyuan Formation of the Tianxing Sect will both be flawed. As long as the Ghost Spirit Sect sends people to search, the formation here will be destroyed. The remaining inverted five-element formation flags are easily detectable.

Although I don’t know whether it will be traced to myself, it is best to nip this possibility in the bud.

At this time, Cen Jingjun went to dismantle the formation disk, and Lu Tiandu accelerated the removal of the remaining formation flags.

At this time, he didn't care anymore and just violently demolished it. Although the battle flag was damaged, it was still better than leaving it here.

In just a moment, the two of them finished all their work and felt relieved.


At this time, Cen Jingjun's Yangliu slender waist was held in Lu Tiandu's arms, and her head was buried in Lu Tiandu's arms. Her face was hot and she did not dare to look at him.Lu Tiandu chuckled, hugged the plump beauty in his arms, and used the wind escape technique to escape to the north.

The distance of several miles passed by in a flash. Lu Tiandu had placed the Inverted Five Elements Formation on the north side of the Liusha River. Just when the two of them thought they were about to escape from the battlefield, Lu Tiandu's expression changed, and he secretly thought something was wrong.

A ray of light behind him suddenly entered the range of his consciousness, twelve miles away...eleven miles away...

"No, Lord Jing, someone is chasing me. It's a late-stage Jindan cultivator!"

Lu Tiandu said to Cen Jingjun in his arms, before he asked Cen Meifu's name.

The man behind him has an aura that is not weaker than Hong Fu's, and his escape speed is extremely fast. It is really difficult to get rid of him.

"What?" Cen Jingjun was shocked, her eyes filled with fear, "Is it the elder of our Tianxing Sect?"

"No, it should be a demonic monk..." Lu Tiandu said.This man was surrounded by demonic flames, and at first glance he was not a righteous person.

What he found a little strange was Cen Jingjun's reaction...but now was not the time to pursue the matter.

"Don't resist, I'll take you somewhere!" Lu Tiandu tightened his arms around Cen Jingjun. In just a few words, the person came within five miles of him.

With his current wind escape technique, it is still possible to escape from the pursuit of the monks in the early stage of the Golden Core, but there is no need to think about it in the later stage of the Golden Core.

Just when Cen Jingjun was confused, the two figures suddenly disappeared in the grass.

"Boom..." There was a loud noise, and just near where the two people disappeared, a giant black spear struck, and a huge crater dozens of feet tall appeared out of thin air.

When one of them couldn't breathe, a demonic monk wearing a black robe with golden flames embroidered on it appeared, with a puzzled look on his face. While he released his consciousness to search, he murmured:
"It's weird, what kind of escape technique is this? It can actually escape my senses instantly..."

He had just entered the battlefield and was about to find an opponent when he suddenly discovered these two fish that had slipped through the net during the foundation building period and was about to kill them, but unexpectedly they escaped.

The man searched for a moment longer, then walked away with a look of resentment on his face...

Looking at the towering giant tree and a nearby cabin, Cen Jingjun looked surprised. She raised her head and blinked her beautiful eyes and asked Lu Tiandu:
"What is this place? Have we escaped tracking?"

Lu Tiandu used his skills and returned to his original appearance. When he knew that it was time for the Jindan monks to fight, he was afraid of being recognized by others, so he transformed into his previous appearance of a big man. Now it seems that, fortunately, he careful.

The appearance of the two people must have been remembered by the late Jindan monks who were following them.

When the Ghost Spirit Sect starts to investigate, the big man he transformed into and Cen Jingjun will definitely be one of the suspects.

"Hehe, this is a good place, my territory, no one can find us..." Lu Tiandu laughed, and he finally felt relieved when he arrived here.

"Stop talking and get down to business!" Lu Tiandu looked at the seductive look of the beauty in his arms. He had endured a lot of hard work all the way, but now he didn't have to endure it anymore.

He gently lowered his head and opened his mouth to wrap his lips around Cen Jingjun's...


Cen Jingjun let out a slight hum from her nose and responded enthusiastically...

The roar of dragons and phoenixes echoed in the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the two of them, and the two of them instantly seemed to be dominated by some kind of desire...

Lu Tiandu's figure flashed, and he took Cen Meifu into the wooden house with one step...

There were already a pile of clothes scattered on the floor of the wooden house. A moment later, just as Lu Tiandu was preparing to unify the scabbard, Cen Jingjun suddenly woke up and said loudly:
"do not……"


Lu Tiandu was interrupted, and he woke up instantly and said dullly.

It's already reached this time, is it possible that Cen Meifu is unwilling again?
"I have a rare physique...and the exercises I practice are of great benefit to you and can help you break through bottlenecks..." Cen Jingjun's chest rose and fell, breathing heavily, and hurriedly explained.

"Oh, that's okay. I don't rely on your physical fitness to break through the bottleneck..."

So it turned out that at this time, Cen Meifu was still thinking about him, which made him feel warm. He suddenly remembered that he still had the good thing Yin Yang Fruit at home, and she whispered in Cen Jingjun's ear...

The more Cen Jingjun listened, the brighter her eyes became. She was happy that Lu Tian was willing to share such good things with her not long after they met, and she was also happy that Lu Tian was not treating her just because his own physique was useful...

When the symphony was playing in the wooden house, the world outside was also turbulent.

Tianluo Kingdom, the seat of the Ghost Spirit Sect.

"What? Cicada died?"

Wang Tiansheng looked at the disciple kneeling on the ground with a look of disbelief. The violent aura in his body made the disciples at the foot of the stairs tremble.

The cracked lines on the soul card in his hand looked dazzling, "Get out..." As Wang Tiansheng shouted violently, the foundation-building disciple vomited blood and was swept away by Wang Tiansheng like a rag. "This unlucky guy is considered useless for the rest of his life..."

A late-stage foundation-building monk guarding the door shrank his eyes, secretly glad that he was not the one to report the bad news...

"If you dare to kill my son, I will extract your soul and refine it..."

Wang Tiansheng's gloomy eyes were filled with murderous intent. He closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he had regained his composure.

He stretched out his hand and turned over, and a strange-shaped animal-shaped lamp appeared in his hand. Wang Tiansheng blew gently, and the flame of the lamp flickered, instantly emitting green flames.

He flicked his finger slightly, and a drop of blood seeped out of his finger and flicked it toward the lamp flame.

"Good thief, let me give you a taste of the Heart-Eating Demon Ant first..." A cruel look flashed in Wang Tiansheng's eyes.

He has made up his mind that after catching this murderer, he will refine his soul and torture him in all kinds of ways, and at the same time, he will refine the man's body into a demon puppet, and serve the Ghost Spirit Sect for the rest of his life, in order to relieve the hatred in his heart... …

"What? You can't sense the Heart-Eating Demon Ant eggs I planted?"

Wang Tiansheng was finally surprised, "Even the Nascent Soul cultivator cannot destroy the secret techniques in my All Souls Manual so easily..."

At this moment, Wang Tiansheng was no longer surprised, but shocked.

His secret technique requires many conditions to be successful. He cherishes it very much and only planted it once for his precious son, just in case.

As long as they are within ten feet of Wang Chan's death, all flesh and blood will be instantly planted with Heart-Eating Demon Ant Eggs. No one can escape. This...?
After trying it again and still unable to sense it, Wang Tiansheng's face became colder:

"The Feng Ming body of Tianxing Sect... Huh, since there are no other clues, let's start with you..."



In Liusha City, the Tianxing Sect is stationed.

In a luxurious hall, an elegant middle-aged man was discussing the recent war situation with three other men and women. At this moment, a hurried-looking Foundation Establishment monk broke in with a look of panic.

The man glared at the disciple displeasedly and said calmly to the three of them:

"Junior brother and sister, please be safe. I'm going to see why my incompetent disciple is so panicked!"

"Senior Brother Zhao, please!"

Although the three of them were Golden Core monks, they looked respectful to this elegant Senior Brother Zhao.

The man waved his sleeves and entered a small hall in the palace.

"What? Jingjun hasn't come back yet? What happened to Chen Sixu and the others? How did they protect Wang Duan and the others? No information was sent back?"

After hearing the report from his disciples, Zhao Qingfeng's expression turned cold, he stared at the person who reported the report fiercely and asked, without any trace of elegance on his face.

" news has ever come...It's already time for the Golden Core Monk War..."

The young disciple said with a panic look on his face.

"There are ten of them, and there are several large formations nearby. It is impossible for any foundation-building disciples to trap them...unless the golden elixir monks..."

Zhao Qingfeng's expression changed, his eyes darkened, suppressing the anger in his heart, but he didn't know what he thought of, "Go and find out for me whether there are other reasons for Jingjun's sudden action..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man's figure flashed and fled towards the Liusha River...

Cen Jingjun's body is restrained by his unique secret method, and she cannot escape from his grasp...

In the Shizhu World, under Tongtian Peak, inside the cabin.

One night has passed.

After the early morning double cultivation, Cen Jingjun, who was now rosy and satisfied, was leaning in Lu Tiandu's arms and quietly talking about his past.

"I didn't expect that your physique is called Fengming Physique. This is the first time I've heard of it..." Lu Tiandu gently brushed Cen Jingjun's waterfall-like hair and said with a smile, "A treasure like you, no wonder people want to You are imprisoned..."

After saying this, Lu Tiandu burst into laughter, which made Cen Jingjun in his arms get angry. He raised his bare hands and pinched the soft flesh of Lu Tiandu's waist fiercely...

"You're a bad guy, you get an advantage and still behave..."

It is really rare to have a physique that can help the late Jindan break through to the Nascent Soul stage. Not to mention that it is just with the help of the Yuan Yin Qi of Fengming's body. Even without the Yuan Yin Qi, he and the man will be very powerful to each other later. There are benefits.

In fact, Cen Jingjun said that his phoenix body is said to be the "best in the furnace". Even any monk who is aspiring to break through the high-level bottleneck has to lock up a female cultivator with this kind of physique, for fear that others will know. …

Unfortunately, Zhao Qingfeng, a late-stage Jindan cultivator from the Tianxing Sect, originally planned to wait for Cen Jingjun to form an elixir before using Fengming's body to conceive a baby, but was defeated by Lu Tiandu.

As for breaking through the bottleneck, Lu Tiandu had a wry smile on his face. He was about to break through the late stage of foundation building, but he had slowed down his practice recently, for fear that his practice would attract others' attention too quickly.

As a result, due to the influence of the body of dragon chant in the body and their own greed for beauty, they couldn't help but double cultivate last night and both of them broke through to the late stage of foundation building in one fell swoop.

If Zhao Qingfeng knew that the Fengming body he had cultivated for more than twenty years was consumed like this, he would be absolutely furious and vomit blood!

Moreover, Lu Tiandu also knew Cen Jingjun's identity.

Cen Jingjun was born in a mortal family, and had been hired as a matchmaker by her family. However, on the eve of her wedding, Zhao Qingfeng, who happened to be passing by, discovered that her physical condition was abnormal, and after checking her spiritual roots, it turned out to be a rare heavenly spiritual root.

Faced with such a high-quality furnace, Zhao Qingfeng was devoted to the birth of the baby, how could he let it go.

Moreover, he was afraid that someone in the sect would find out that Cen Jingjun had a heavenly spiritual root and ruin his career. He used secret techniques to prevent others from exploring Cen Jingjun's spiritual root and at the same time, he also accepted her as a concubine.

Even so, there were some Jindan monks from Tianxing Sect who took a fancy to this girl's appearance and figure, and wanted to exchange concubines with Zhao Qingfeng. However, the angry Zhao Qingfeng beat her seriously with excuses. Finally, it was said that she went on an expedition and never came back.

As a result, no one dared to attract Cen Jingjun's attention.

As for Lu Tian, ​​it was really lucky that he could meet Cen Jingjun in Stardust Pavilion.

Cen Jingjun started cultivating immortality at the age of 19, and reached the thirteenth level of Qi refining before she was 30 years old.

Knowing that it would be difficult for him to leave the Tianxing Sect after building his foundation, he got a job at the Stardust Pavilion through Zhao Qingfeng's relationship, which was considered his last free time.

When Lu Tiandu told her and Madam Lan about the Dingyan Pill, Cen Jingjun opened her seductive mouth. After being surprised, her beautiful eyes were filled with color and she said softly:

"I didn't expect Lu Lang and I to be destined so early!"

The two of them had the ability to cultivate together. Lu Tiandu still had a life-saving grace for her. She still had the strange fruit in her Dantian. Lu Tiandu did not covet her physique and did not take supplements wantonly. At this moment, she became more and more interested in Lu Tian. They all fell in love with him.

I just feel that all this is fate given by God.

"We are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away..." Lu Tiandu said with a smile. Without the invasion of the devil, it would be difficult for the two of them to meet again. "What's the matter with the restriction in your body?" Lu Tiandu asked again.

"This is one of Zhao Qingfeng's back-ups..." Cen Jingjun explained.

She also talked about the three Wang Duan people who had been protecting her before. They were called guards, but they actually monitored her actions.

"It's okay. This thing won't affect your practice for the time being, so don't worry about it..." Lu Tiandu smiled, "And no one here can even think of stimulating the restrictions in your body..."

Lu Tiandu said and briefly explained that the space the two of them were currently in was a space spiritual treasure he obtained by chance, and it would be extremely difficult for outsiders to discover that the two of them were hiding in it.

In fact, this location is just a small space that he temporarily carved out using the functions given by the Shizhu World.

"I didn't expect that Lu Lang would have such an opportunity..." Cen Jingjun leaned into Lu Tiandu's arms and said reassuringly, "In this case, we might as well practice here for a while. After the external events subside, Lu Lang, you can change your appearance and go out to inquire. Ichiban…”

"This is exactly the reason..." Lu Tiandu nodded.

Now I am afraid that Wang Tiansheng, the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect, and Zhao Qingfeng of the Tianxing Sect are looking for them all over the world. How can they dare to go out.

Cen Jingjun didn't dare to go out because the restraint in her body was not resolved.And he is still a suspected murderer. He has not been in the limelight, and he dare not go out.

Lu Tian didn't have such worries.

But when Lu Tian can go out, he will not go to Liusha City again.

It is true that his cultivation has advanced too quickly, and there is obviously a big problem.

If you are in the late stage of foundation building before you are 29 years old, if this is okay, who will believe it?

Lu Tiandu established his foundation at the age of 24. On the surface, he was in the middle of his foundation building at the age of 26. In fact, he was over 25 years old (he first went to the Sea of ​​Stars for three months before his breakthrough was discovered), and he still has two or three months to go. At the age of 29, he was already in the late stage of foundation building, and the speed of his cultivation was really shocking.

Nangong Wan, who has Tianlinggen, is in the late stage of foundation building when she is in her 40s and 50s. With such a comparison, Tianlinggen, which is said to have no bottlenecks before forming a pill, is hard to look at...

One month passed in the blink of an eye. Lu Tiandu worked hard day by day to practice with Cen Jingjun and gained a lot.

For example, every time the two of them practice dual cultivation, they are surrounded by dragons and phoenixes, which is really mysterious.Moreover, during this period of time, the shadows of dragons and phoenixes have magically appeared in their bodies. The two of them still don’t know what their purpose is...

At this moment, another major event happened in the world of immortality...

(End of this chapter)

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