Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 129 Wanted!Kill them casually!Feng Xian's backup plan!

Chapter 129 Wanted!Kill them casually!Feng Xian's backup plan!

Liusha City, in the central hall of the Baiyue Sect's residence.

Twenty or so Jindan monks in different costumes are having a heated discussion. Judging from the cultivation level of these people, they are all in the middle stage of Danjie at the lowest level. They are all the leaders of the six sects of the Yue Kingdom on the front line of Liusha City.

At this time, what everyone was discussing was a big news that shocked the world of immortality that came through the six sects’ supreme elders:

The righteous forces of Fengdu Kingdom secretly launched a raid on neighboring countries!
Within a few days, Zhengdao had captured a small country, and within half a month, the war had spread to the borders of two other medium-sized countries.

Judging from the resistance of the monks in the two countries, without external help, it is only a matter of time before these two medium-sized countries will be annexed in a few months.

Righteous Path Choosing Dozens of countries in the south of the world focused their attention on the neutral country's defense war against the demonic path in Liusha City, and suddenly took action, which really made many high-level monks in the country dumbfounded!
The hypocrites of the Righteous Way had previously verbally scolded the Demonic Way not to disturb the tranquility of the world of immortality, with a high-sounding attitude, but they did not expect that they would be so quick and decisive when they took action!
Soon many countries realized that this war might have been premeditated by both good and evil forces.

However, the secret infiltration plan of the devil was suddenly interrupted, and the invasion had to be launched in advance. Two years later, the war situation was in a stalemate.

The performance of the three kingdoms of Jiang, Chaiqi and Yue is obvious to all. While clearing up internal dangers, they united to fight against the enemy externally.

Since the beginning of the war, many countries have been afraid that their own countries will also be infiltrated. It seems that they have not taken any big actions, but in fact they are tightening externally and tightening internally, and they have stepped up their efforts to detect dissident spies.

Under such circumstances, Zhengdao had been secretly planning for two years, and now it suddenly launched, indicating that it was almost ready.

This move was indeed thunderous and turbulent. Within a few days, a small country was destroyed, and two medium-sized countries were in danger.

This caused the four or five countries that bordered the righteous path to quickly communicate while secretly cursing their mothers. After all, the advanced experience of Yue and other countries in fighting against the evil path was right in front of them.

This is a big bad thing for these newly attacked countries, but it is a rare good news for the five-nation coalition that has spent a lot of manpower and material resources fighting against the devil for two years.

At this moment, the proposal of a grand alliance of neutral countries put forward by the five countries is not just a verbal thing. The countries that were hesitant before will probably think about this proposal seriously.

When the army approaches the city, these scattered soldiers will think of joining forces to defend against the enemy.

After a discussion among the six factions, they decided to unite with the other four countries and once again send envoys to the five or six countries south of the Zijin Kingdom and the four countries near the Jiang Kingdom to lobby all countries to resist the devil. At the same time, another special envoy was sent north to make contact. Several countries were affected by the war.

The most important thing is to convince the two Supreme Elders Long Han and Feng Bing of Luanming Zong of Xingyuan Kingdom. The main reason is that these two Taoist couples who are at the peak of the middle stage of Yuanying are good at combining secret techniques. Together, they can defeat the late stage of Yuanying. Great monk.

He is the only leader to form an alliance in the future!

"Sure enough, my husband's prediction was correct. Within a year or two, the righteous way will stretch out its fangs and annex other neighboring countries... But I didn't expect that it would only be half a year before I couldn't bear it anymore..."

Nangong Wan, who was dressed in white palace attire and covered her face with a white gauze, remembered the news she had just received and smiled lightly.

When Lu Tiandu first came to Liusha City, the two discussed the war situation. At that time, she still had some doubts, but she didn't expect that Zhengdao couldn't help it after only half a year.

After flying out of the hall and returning to her temporary residence, Nangong Wan frowned slightly, but then she thought about another thing.

In addition to the recent news about the invasion of the Righteous Path, which shocked the world of immortality, a small and medium-sized incident also happened on the Liusha River battlefield.

Wang Chan, the young master of the Ghost Spirit Sect, one of the six demonic sects, died on the battlefield of Liusha River.

This is the first direct bloodline death of the Nascent Soul cultivator since the war between the two sides.

According to what the Ghost Spirit Sect monks learned from a certain late-stage Jindan monk from the Demon Flame Sect, there were two mid-stage Foundation Establishment monks that day who were extremely suspicious.

When these two people were chased by the late-stage Jindan monks, they actually disappeared without a trace under the consciousness of the late-stage Jindan monks using some mysterious teleportation talisman. This was the biggest flaw.

One of them has been confirmed to be Cen Jingjun, the concubine of Zhao Qingfeng, a late-stage Jindan cultivator of the Tianxing Sect, but no one can recognize the face of the other, a big man in the mid-stage Foundation Establishment stage.

Everyone quickly understood that this person must have practiced some kind of skill that can change his appearance, so they found no such person.

As a result, the powerful mid-level foundation-building monks from the Five Nations Alliance were targeted by the foundation-building monks from the Ghost Spirit Sect. Every afternoon, the two sides fought one after another, resulting in heavy casualties.

"Husband, is it you..." Nangong Wan murmured to herself.

She didn't know why, but she was very sure that the man wanted by the devil was Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tian has not come to see her for a month. If Lu Tian wants to leave Liusha City early or suddenly retreat, he will definitely notify her in advance.

Moreover, the most powerful foundation-building monk in the Five Nations Alliance is Lu Tiandu, and he happens to be in the middle-stage foundation-building level.

Precisely since the day when the young master of the Ghost Spirit Sect died, Lu Tiandu has not appeared again in the past month. The connection between this has long been discovered by those who are interested.

Moreover, it was said that Cen Jingjun, who disappeared with Lu Tiandu, was also a famous beauty in the Tianxing Sect, which deepened Nangong Wan's suspicion.

After all, she knew all about her husband's illness.

Moreover, she heard that Zhao Qingfeng also had a fierce battle with the demonic monks on the night when Cen Jingjun, the concubine, had an accident. She heard that Zhao Qingfeng killed two monks in the early stage of the demonic golden elixir.

In the end, Zhao Qingfeng was besieged by several Jindan monks, but he still evacuated unharmed.

He is indeed one of the monks from Yuanwu Kingdom who is most likely to be promoted to Yuanying, and his combat power is indeed extremely powerful.

Recently, this person has also been secretly inquiring about Lu Tiandu's information, and his unclear attitude made Nangong Wan frown.

Zhao Qingfeng's eagerness went far beyond just investigating the disappearance of his concubine. There must be some secrets hidden in it that others did not know.

Nangong Wan frowned but couldn't think clearly.

Although Mo Dao issued a wanted order for Lu Tiandu and Zhao Qingfeng was still watching him, Nangong Wan was not worried about Lu Tiandu's safety.

As a Taoist monk of Lu Tiandu, Lu Tiandu once hinted to her that he had a life-saving secret treasure, and he could escape with his life even if he encountered the great monk of the Yuan Dynasty.

If he disappears one day, don't worry, he will come back at the right time.

This is why she has been secretly waiting for a response but has made no obvious moves.

She has some kind of magical confidence in her husband!
After the incident, Zhao Qingfeng, as a member of the alliance, naturally came to the Yellow Maple Valley station to inquire about the traces of Lu Tiandu and whether he had preserved the soul card, etc.

Lei Wanhe and others could only shake their heads to express their ignorance. There were basically no personal belongings in Lu Tiandu's residence.

After all, Lu Tiandu's service mission has been completed long ago, and he can move freely.You can leave Liusha City at any time without reporting.

As for the soul card, of course there is no such thing.

Originally, as Linghu's direct disciple, he was supposed to leave the soul tablet in the sect, but Lu Tiandu did not.

Therefore, whether Lu Tian is dead or alive is unknown to most people.But many people believed that he escaped with the monk named Cen Jingjun.

Inside the Tianxing Sect's headquarters, Zhao Qingfeng stared at the west with a cold expression.

On the night of the incident, as soon as he arrived at the Liusha River battlefield, he tried his best to collect traces of Tianxing Sect disciples. Sure enough, he found several corpses and traces of the remnants of the Qimen Liuhe Guoyuan Formation within the sect. After some inspection, he naturally discovered this It is the handiwork of the Ghost Spirit Sect monk.

Moreover, after sensing the restriction left in Cen Jingjun's body, there was no reaction at all. This situation shows that Cen Jingjun has most likely encountered something unexpected!
Cen Jingjun had always been under his nose before, and he never thought of leaving anything like the soul card. Now he can only rely on guessing.

In a mixture of shock and anger, Zhao Qingfeng took action without mercy, killing two early-stage demonic golden elixir monks and seriously injuring several middle-stage golden elixir monks. He let out a bad breath and then left under the siege of the other monks.

After returning to the sect, the disciples who had been sent to conduct a secret investigation reported that they found a disciple who was acting mysteriously. After some interrogation, he naturally discovered that this person was a spy from the Ghost Spirit Sect.

Combining the two, he instantly realized that Cen Jingjun's peculiarity must have been discovered by the spies of the Ghost Spirit Sect, and then he was ambushed by the Ghost Spirit Sect monks.

This allowed him to give birth to Cen Jingjun who did not die. Perhaps he was kidnapped, which gave him a glimmer of hope in his heart.

As a result, the news of the death of the young master of the Devil's Ghost Spirit Sect spread a lot the next day, and Zhao Qingfeng instantly linked Cen Jingjun's accident to Wang Chan.

Later detailed information showed that the group led by Wang Chan all died, and none of the monks from the Tianxing Sect returned. However, Cen Jingjun finally escaped from the battlefield with a strange monk in the middle stage of foundation building.

This made Zhao Qingfeng overjoyed.

He instantly thought that maybe the teleportation distance between the two of them was too far and he could not detect the traces of the restriction.

Therefore, while secretly guarding against the revenge of the Ghost Spirit Sect monks, he secretly kept an eye on the movements in Yellow Maple Valley.

I just hope that Lu Tian can return safely...

If Cen Jingjun is perfect by then, then forget it. If the Fengming body that he has worked hard to cultivate for 20 years is eaten and wiped clean, he will have the desire to kill.

The eastern part of Jiang State is on the land occupied by the devil.

Within the residence of the Ghost Spirit Sect monks.

In a secret hall, more than a dozen people were listening attentively to the order of the leader.

"...Everyone, the sect master is very dissatisfied with everyone's performance during this period. In order to encourage everyone this time, I have brought good news..."

"As long as you kill Zhao Qingfeng, you will get a chance to go to the sect's secret cave to condense the Nascent Soul..."

"If you find the traces of Lu Tiandu and Cen Jingjun, you can get a skill or secret technique from the main book of the "All Spirits Manual" and several bottles of elixirs suitable for the elixir formation period. If you can capture the two, You can make a condition to the sect leader... everyone can see the richness of the reward. If you are willing, please seize the opportunity..."

After hearing these words from the leader, all the Jindan monks started talking.

"Everyone, this Zhao Qingfeng has been unable to retreat since the last battle. Is there any way to trick this person into coming out..." someone asked.

"And where did the two Lu Tiandu escape to? We have checked tens of thousands of miles of nearby territory during this period, and there is no trace..."

Although many people are very enthusiastic about the rewards of these two tasks, they have no idea how to complete the tasks.

In the Baili battlefield of Liusha River, they can only fight against monks of the same level. As long as Zhao Qingfeng doesn't come out, there is nothing they can do.

As for looking for Lu Tiandu, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, and there's no trace at all.

The world of stone beads.

In a cave halfway up Tongtian Peak.

Lu Tiandu sat quietly in the divine furnace of creation. As the magic formula in his hands changed, wisps of colorful rays of light passed through his body.

Within a moment, Lu Tiandu's heart trembled, and a ball of red insect eggs wrapped in colorful rays of light was suddenly separated from his body.

Looking at the insect eggs floating in front of his eyes, Lu Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past four months, he has been cultivating in Shizhu World with Cen Jingjun, and his cultivation has improved very quickly. This is naturally attributed to the two people's unique physiques and the uninterrupted supply of elixirs.

As for the hidden dangers in the body, after several inspections, it was known that as long as the eggs were not actively stimulated, there would be nothing strange.

He put it aside for the time being.

After all, this area is just a small space that he carved out, and it is not easy for him to suddenly disappear and deal with hidden dangers in his body elsewhere.Until a few days ago, he told Cen Jingjun that the hidden danger in Cen Jingjun's body had been eliminated, and the two of them had been hiding for four months. Even if there was an investigation, they should have passed the peak period.

Then I was ready to go outside to investigate.

After that, he naturally came here to deal with the hidden dangers left by Wang Chan in his body.

Lu Tiandu was not surprised when he saw that the insect eggs had been removed.

I kept the egg for the time being to see if I could figure out the owner of the drop of blood inside the egg in the future.

After tidying up and changing his appearance, Lu Tiandu put on his gauze cloak and left the world of stone beads.

It was mid-morning at this time. Lu Tiandu took a brief look at the surrounding environment and realized that it had not changed much from when he entered a few months ago. The extra traces of battle were normal.

His consciousness swept across the Qi Refining disciples who happened to be passing by, and Lu Tiandu's figure flickered, turning into a breeze and fleeing to the north.

A few days later, when Lu Tiandu went to a market run by a small family in Jiang State as a casual cultivator, he already understood the major events that had happened in the past four months.

"I didn't expect Zhengdao to take action so quickly!" Lu Tiandu sighed, but there was no surprise.

As for Wang Chan's death and the Ghost Spirit Sect's wanted arrest for him and Cen Jingjun, Lu Tiandu had already guessed it.

As long as someone is interested, they will find out that although he temporarily changed his appearance, it is normal to suspect him.In fact, his disappearance is the biggest flaw.

After all, for a capable monk, as long as there is suspicion, he would rather kill the wrong person than let go.

"In this case, I'm afraid Zhao Qingfeng is also looking for me secretly..." Lu Tiandu thought of the other party again.

Lu Tiandu chuckled when he thought that Cen Jingjun had slept with him, and he had formed a grudge with this person, but he didn't take it to heart.

Don’t worry if you have too much debt.

"Jingjun, I'm afraid I'll have to force you to practice here during this period of time..."

After returning to Shizhu World, Lu Tiandu told Cen Jingjun about the news in recent months.

"What are you talking about, Lu Lang!" Cen Jingjun looked at Lu Tiandu with her beautiful eyes and smiled gently, "The aura of heaven and earth here is rich, so it is perfect for practicing!"

In the past twenty years of practice, Cen Jingjun knew that she would eventually be unable to escape the fate of taking supplements. In fact, Cen Jingjun was very disgusted with practice.

Now that there is no external pressure, I just don’t have freedom of movement for the time being, but I am actually extremely happy inside.

Moreover, over the past few months, I and Lu Tiandu have been practicing together for a long time, playing the piano and the harp in harmony, the dragon and the phoenix singing, and I feel like they are connected.

She had already fallen in love with this feeling, and naturally hoped that such days would last forever.

Although Lu Tiandu also revealed that he had several Taoist companions, Cen Jingjun didn't pay much attention to them.

She was born as a mortal, and it was perfectly normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

After leaving the Shizhu World, Lu Tiandu hid his traces and quietly headed west.

Naturally, Jiang Guo couldn't stay any longer, and he couldn't return to Yellow Maple Valley if he was in Yue State. After all, advancing from the middle stage of Foundation Establishment to the late stage of Foundation Establishment in four or five years was more shocking than killing a descendant of Nascent Soul.

However, there is a family and his own beauty there in Yellow Maple Valley. If he gets closer, if there is a demonic monk who sneaks in to look for him, he can respond in time.

Half a month later, Lu Tiandu returned to the vicinity of Yellow Maple Valley.

After a trip to Huangfenggufang City to learn the latest news, Lu Tiandu planned to find a secret place nearby to start retreating, except that there were no demonic monks around in recent months.

According to his guess, since the devil is going to hunt him down, Izuyun Peak must be under the constant attention of Hongfu or other Jindan monks who stay in the valley at this moment. There is no need to worry about the safety of Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian.

Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei, who are staying at the Lu family, don't have to worry.

Over the past few years, the Lu family's family formation has been built like an iron barrel by Xin Ruyin, which even late-stage Jindan monks cannot break.

Just when Lu Tiandu was looking for an inconspicuous place to open a cave, he was surprised by the appearance of triplets in his consciousness. It was not that triplets were rare, but that these three were all monks in the early stages of foundation building.

After being surprised, Lu Tiandu didn't care. He had other important things to do.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly reacted.

"Aren't these three people from the Qianzhu Sect?"

But he suddenly remembered that in the original plot, among the seven members of Huang Long's group, there were quadruplets.

After all, it is uncommon for twins to have spiritual roots at the same time, let alone triplets or even quadruplets.

There are several pairs of twin qi-refining disciples in the Immortal Cultivation Clan near Yellow Maple Valley, but there are no pairs in the foundation-building stage.

Unexpectedly, he found traces of Huang Long and his gang at this time, and Lu Tian felt that his luck was back.

Lu Tiandu followed the three of them, and within a moment, the three of them came to a hidden valley.

After observing that there were no surprises, one of the three people made a seal, and a portal appeared between the trees in front of them.

"These people found a secret place!" Lu Tiandu nodded secretly after observing the surrounding environment. This place was just used as a temporary cave for him.

Stealth followed the three people into the cave, and sure enough, the sound of three people talking was heard not far away, two men and one woman, one had a majestic voice, one had a rough voice, and the last woman had a delicate tone.

After entering the hall, Lu Tiandu discovered that besides these three people there was a thin man, who was another one of the quadruplets.

After all, he was within a large formation, and Lu Tiandu had not let go of his consciousness before, fearing that he would be discovered if he touched something.

At this moment, listening to the triplets reporting the latest information on Young Master Lin to the three protective Dharma Kings of Huanglong, Lu Tiandu no longer held back after knowing that the Qianzhu Cult group had arrived.


None of them could breathe. As the figures shook, there were seven more corpses on the ground. There were blood holes between the eyebrows of the seven Huang Long people.

They were killed without even seeing the face of the person coming. The Huanglong Seven really refused to die in peace.

"What a gift boy!"

Lu Tiandu took off the seven people's storage bags, glanced at them, and smiled.

There are more than 500 first- and second-level puppets in total, and three third-level puppets.The total amount of spiritual stones is more than 2000, and other things are not very valuable.

After all, the wealth of Qianzhu Sect's followers is basically concentrated in the many puppets they have.

"I unintentionally saved Young Master Lin another trouble!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

Ever since the Lingpuppet Pavilion was established in Yellow Maple Valley, Young Master Lin took office.

At first, it wasn't that great. Only a few people were interested in puppetry. After all, they couldn't study it in depth without a certain amount of money.

However, since the invasion of the demonic way, Lingpuppet Pavilion suddenly became popular, and the senior officials in the valley also gave great support. They joined forces with the weapon refining masters in the valley to refine many first- and second-level puppets for all disciples.

This move naturally greatly improved the survival rate and combat power of the low-level disciples in Yellow Maple Valley during the demonic invasion, making other sects jealous.

Young Master Lin has made such a contribution, so there are naturally many rewards in the valley.Moreover, by virtue of the many puppets in his hands and the Dayan Jue that he had practiced to the third level, this man also achieved great fame on the Liusha River battlefield.

Not long after Lu Tiandu met this nephew Lin last time, he heard that this person had returned to Yellow Maple Valley for retreat. Based on the information provided by Huang Long and others, this person should still be in retreat.

Maybe the next time I meet this Senior Nephew Lin, I'm afraid he will already be in the advanced stage of foundation building.

After cleaning up the corpses of Huang Long and others, Lu Tiandu inspected the cave, and then tried the guardian formation according to the magic formula recorded in the jade slip, and then entered the world of stone beads and started a fight with Cen Jingjun. Retreat.

Time flies, and three months fly by.

Lu Tiandu, who was meditating, opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed through his eyes.

"I finally reached the second level of practicing Dayan Jue!"

He suddenly let go of his consciousness, and the scene of the 24 miles around him was vividly visible. Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with excitement. His consciousness at this time was several miles farther than the twenty miles in the early stage of the golden elixir.

"It's time to go to the third floor of Lingkong Tower to take a look..."

Lu Tiandu glanced at Cen Jingjun, who was still in retreat, and disappeared into this space.

When he left here occasionally, Cen Jingjun thought he had gone outside, but he was used to it.

Arriving at the third floor of Lingkong Tower through the Yin Yang Jade Pendant, Lu Tiandu released his spiritual consciousness and searched the hundred feet of space inch by inch.

Ever since he discovered the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant hidden here when he first established his foundation, Lu Tiandu would come here to investigate every time he advanced. After all, according to speculation, there must be a method to open the surrounding white light film hidden here.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with joy.

"It seems that it really takes the strength of the Jindan stage's spiritual consciousness to find the hidden things..."

After receiving the newly obtained magic formula, Lu Tiandu flipped his fingers and played several magic formulas. The faint light film around him cracked a hole, and Lu Tiandu ducked into it.

This is a huge palace, unusually empty, with white jade walls all around covered with all kinds of beautiful patterns. The aura is naturally a bit worse than the one hundred feet space that just came out.

In the middle of the main hall, the eggshell-like white light film area occupies about one-half. It is the place where Lu Tiandu just came out with the three springs of spiritual eyes and the Yin and Yang Fruit.

"It turns out that this is a place specially used to plant the yin and yang fruits..."

Seeing that there was nothing else in the hall, Lu Tiandu took a step forward, opened the door and walked out.

At this moment, he was halfway up a certain mountain peak. Lu Tiandu flew into the air and let go of his consciousness. In an instant, everything within the five-mile radius was clear.

"This is indeed where Feng Xian's cave was..."

Seven or eight spiritual peaks are scattered throughout this small space, with countless exotic flowers and plants, and more than a hundred large and small buildings and pavilions in total...

Lu Tiandu quickly found the largest palace on the main peak. After a while, when he came to the palace, Lu Tiandu opened the door and walked in.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Tiandu stood in front of a portrait. The message left by Feng Xian flashed in his mind. He glanced at the suave middle-aged man in the portrait and said with a faint smile:
"Sure enough, no one would leave such a treasure to others..."

(End of this chapter)

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