Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 130 The power of wind and thunder to suppress prison!The magic weapon of your life!Take Tian

Chapter 130 The power of wind and thunder to suppress prison!The magic weapon of your life!Take Tianxuan!

It turned out that after Lu Tiandu entered the main hall where the main peak of the third floor of Lingkong Tower is located, he soon discovered that in this hall except for the conspicuous portrait suspended on the white jade platform and several futons made of unknown spiritual grass around it , and nothing else.

Obviously, if Feng Xian left any message, it would naturally be in the portrait.

There was no surprise at all. Lu Tiandu used the Feng Linggang Yuan he produced from practicing the Feng Linggang Book to successfully activate the restrictions placed on the portrait and obtain the photo information.

"Master Feng Xian is also an upright person!" Lu Tiandu smiled lightly.

Feng Xian left a lot of information, but the most important thing is to tell those who have received the true inheritance and entered this place that this acquired Xuantian treasure is currently incomplete. Even if it can be refined, it will at most be about the same power as the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure.

Why is this so?
This involves mentioning two components related to the core of the Ling Kong Tower hidden in a secret hall under the main palace.

Feng Xian bluntly said that he took away one of the key components when he left.

As for the purpose, it is very simple. If the person who obtains this treasure ascends to the spiritual world, as long as he comes to the Feng family, he will naturally have the opportunity to make this acquired Xuantian treasure complete again.

After learning this important news, Lu Tiandu was not surprised at all, but felt relieved.

After all, he had some doubts before. It was unbelievable to give up such a Xuantian treasure.

Although it would take thousands of years for this treasure to slowly grow and advance when Feng Xian's clone left, thousands of years is not a long time for high-level monks.

If you are ultimately unable to collect it from the lower world, you can exchange the information for a lot of practice resources. There is no need to hang on to this treasure all the time.

After all, if it were him, even if it were exchanged for resources, he would not be able to abandon such a valuable treasure or let someone take it away for nothing.

If it will be obtained by others, then it is certain to leave a backhand or backdoor in advance.

According to Feng Xian, if someone gets the information left behind, it means that his plan to collect this treasure from the lower world after returning to the spirit world has failed.

At least thousands of years have passed at this time. After all, according to his estimation, it will be thousands of years later that the Dutian Liuhe Gangfeng Shensha array arranged outside to protect the cave will have loopholes because no one is in charge, and others will be able to enter. possible.

If someone gets this treasure by chance at this time, the resources such as various elixirs and fruits that are thousands of years old at this time can quickly help this nominal disciple to cultivate to the late stage of divine transformation.

When this disciple ascends to the spiritual world, it will be very simple for this acquired Xuantian treasure to become complete again.

This is the back-up plan he prepared in addition to collecting the treasure from the lower realm to bring this treasure back.

But according to Lu Tiandu's secret speculation, I am afraid that after taking this piece of Ling Kong Tower up to the sky, Feng Xian or someone from the Feng family who holds another key component will naturally find traces of the Ling Kong Tower.

This treasure can then be returned to him or his family smoothly.

Moreover, according to Lu Tiandu's guess of the follow-up plan, if these two methods cannot be implemented within a certain period of time, then taking the information about this treasure and trading with Mahayana monks or major forces is naturally another option for Feng Xian. .

As for why the Lingkong Tower has not returned to the spirit world in the end, I am afraid something happened to Feng Xian or the Feng family.

The message left by Feng Xian was that he hoped that the ascended person would take the initiative to go to the Feng family. Even if the disciple failed to obtain this treasure in the end, he would receive many cultivation resources such as Feng Ling Gang's subsequent exercises and elixirs as compensation.

For this lucky "delivery man", it is not a loss. After all, the large amount of resources that can ascend to the spiritual world and the subsequent compensation should be enough for a wind spirit root monk in the human world.

With a faint smile, Lu Tiandu put the matter behind him.

After all, even if he ascends to the spirit world, the Spirit Sky Tower in the Shizhu World has already become his own.

If the Feng family is still there and has the strength, he will repay the people of the Feng family. After all, he has received too many good things from Feng Xian.

Whether or not you can get another part is another matter. It's a good thing if you can, but there's no disappointment if you can't.

Regarding Master Feng Xian, Lu Tiandu judged based on this information and estimated that the probability of his death was very high.

Otherwise, it will take 3 years to either break through the Mahayana or fall into the great catastrophe that occurs once every 3000 years.

If he breaks through to Mahayana, he will naturally have nothing to worry about now.

After using the earth escape technique to go underground, there was a stone room protected by dense restrictions. Lu Tiandu flicked it, and the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant hung above his head and shed a clear light. With the help of the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant, Lu Tiandu successfully passed through the restrictions and entered. Stone chamber.

Looking at the jade tablet floating in the void and emitting silver-white light, Lu Tiandu immediately saw a hollow space in the center of it, which was exactly the same size as the Yin-Yang jade pendant in his hand.

"This is one of the core components that Feng Xian talks about, the Tianyin Spiritual Monument..."

Looking at the Yin-Yang jade pendant hanging above his head, Lu Tian knew that after he formed the elixir, he could merge the two into one and then refine this spiritual tablet. Then he could freely take people in and out of the Lingkong Tower without having to sacrifice it every time. Jade pendant.

As for accessing the things in the Lingkong Tower across the Stone Bead World, there is no problem.

Well, the core component Feng Xian took away was the Tianyang Spirit Tablet.

Returning to the main hall, Lu Tiandu entered a palace on the side.

Here are some things that Feng Xian left to Lu Tiandu, the successor Jin Dan, who will use them.

Looking at the hundreds of jade slips and jade leaves scattered sparsely on the white jade bookshelves that clung to the three walls, as well as dozens of various spiritual materials shrouded in colorful light masks, Lu Tian smiled with joy.

Most of the good things here have been taken away by Feng Xian, but the things left behind are rare and good things in the current world of immortality.

When he found the jade slip marked with Fenglinggang's book, Lu Tiandu picked up the jade slip and put it between his eyebrows, and it took him a moment to understand.

Everything is consistent with Feng Xian's previous message. This jade slip records the fifteen levels of Feng Ling Gang Shu practice to the late stage of divine transformation, as well as the refining method of the wind magic weapon "Nine Heavenly God Fan", and there are many of them.

I scanned the other jade slips and jade leaves one by one. They basically recorded various secret codes of exercises, true explanations of formations, refining weapons, alchemy, beast control, puppets, brewing, elixir cultivation, etc., which are rare and profound in the world of immortality. The knowledge greatly excited Lu Tiandu.

This is simply much deeper than the foundation of a sect.

It seems that Feng Xian really didn't treat his apprentice whom he has never met badly!

When Lu Tiandu glanced at a jade slip called "Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique", he suddenly stopped.

His eyes narrowed and his heart beat involuntarily.

Ever since he obtained the Lingkong Tower, he has never forgotten the knowledge inheritance left by Feng Xian, a high-level monk in the upper world. The main reason is that since he discovered that he has two different spiritual roots, the Wind Spiritual Root and the Hidden Thunder Spiritual Root. There is a plan to find or create a wind and thunder dual attribute technique.

After all, only in this way can his spiritual root advantages be maximized.

Needless to say, the combat effectiveness of the alien spirit root is natural. With the dual attribute skills of wind and thunder, his combat effectiveness will be doubled.

Lu Tian felt inexplicably nervous as he reached out to pick up the white jade slip and put it between his eyebrows.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Tiandu's laughter could be heard in this small palace.

"This Feng Xian is indeed my noble one!" Lu Tiandu murmured to himself, "I didn't expect that it would take no effort at all..."

What is recorded in this jade slip is indeed a technique with dual attributes of wind and thunder, and according to the introduction in the jade slip, this "Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique" was created by a highly talented monk who once appeared in the human race in the spiritual world.

This monk has similar spiritual root qualifications to Lu Tiandu, but he has complete wind and thunder spiritual roots.

In order to give full play to the advantages of his own spiritual roots, the monk referred to many magical scriptures and finally created this powerful technique that shocked both the human and demon tribes.

As for Feng Xian, he accidentally bought this skill at an auction. Although monks with wind and thunder spiritual roots are rare, it is also of reference value for Feng Xian who has wind and thunder roots.

After obtaining this technique, Feng Xian himself asked the clone in the lower realm to cultivate Lingkong Pagoda, which gave him plenty of time to refer to and improve the Feng Linggang Book he had practiced.

This technique can be regarded as one of the few techniques among the many techniques books left by Feng Xian that can be practiced to the late stage of cultivation.

According to what Feng Xian said, the master of the "Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique", Master Feng Lei, was invincible during the Void Refining Stage. In the end, he broke through the Fusion Stage and entered the vast wilderness alone to look for opportunities. In the end, he was nowhere to be found. end.

Feng Xian also realized several powerful magical powers and secret techniques from this technique, which can be seen from Feng Xian's comments on it.

Holding this jade slip in his hand, Lu Tian was so happy that he couldn't contain himself.

This technique records two methods for refining natal magic weapons, namely the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Picture and the Wind and Thunder Scissors.

After watching it for a while, Lu Tiandu fell in love with the method of refining the magic weapon called the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Picture.

If this magic weapon can be successfully refined, it will be a rare magic weapon that integrates attack, defense, and trapping enemies.

However, Lu Tian smiled bitterly when he saw the various refining materials needed.

Compared with the Jiutian Shen Fan and the Wind and Thunder Scissors, the materials cost are a bit insufficient.

The basic concept of refining the Fenglei Prison Map is to build a basic framework with the five elements as the base and the wind and thunder as the pillars, and then use rare space materials such as Fusion Void Stone, Nayuan Void Crystal, and Sky Cloud Crystal to form a space while letting the wind and thunder The two spiritual materials were combined into one to refine a prison of wind and thunder.

Many powerful wind and thunder spells need to be engraved in this prison of wind and thunder, so that this magic weapon can slowly give birth to the true power of wind and thunder.At the same time, with the help of the principle of mutual generation of the five elements, it continuously provides real power to the prison of wind and thunder and strengthens the real power of wind and thunder.

As far as attacks are concerned, once the Prison of Wind and Thunder is completed, once the enemy is trapped in the Prison of Wind and Thunder, they will only be suppressed and refined.

As far as the internal and external defense of the wind and thunder map is concerned, as a map-type magic weapon, the spider silk and silk spewed by various high-level monsters and the jade glue produced by thousands and thousands of years of jade oak are only basic materials. Properties such as sky fire, purple gold and copper are soft. Materials with amazing defensive capabilities are the main materials.

There are also divine objects like Huayishen Mud that can not only have deformation and repair effects after being refined, but can also absorb the magic attacks of monks. Naturally, the more the merrier.

In this way, the more precious Five Elements Spirit Crystals, Wind and Thunder Spirit Crystals, etc. are only basic materials for ordinary Jindan monks to refine the natal magic weapon. It can be seen that it is definitely not an easy task to successfully refine this natal magic weapon.

And in order to make this magic weapon stronger step by step, we will continue to look for various wind and thunder attribute spiritual objects and spiritual materials in the future to enhance the power of the Wind and Thunder Prison.

It can be seen that this is also a long-term process.

Lu Tiandu's eyes brightened as he thought about the various refining methods and power of this magic weapon.

During the previous battlefield at Liusha River, he and Nie Ying had exchanged a large amount of their military exploits for not only three Jade Spirit Pills that were helpful in forming elixirs, but also a large part of them were exchanged for several materials that could be used to refine magic weapons.

Looking at it now, it is really pitiful.

Lu Tiandu looked at the various spiritual materials that were prohibited and protected on another white jade bookshelf.

In addition to many spiritual materials with four attributes of ice, fire, gold and yin produced in the underground mine on the second floor of Lingkong Tower (ten thousand year black jade, sun essence stone, purple gold copper and nine Yin spiritual jade).

The others are basically all kinds of wind-attributed ores and spiritual wood, which are the materials that Feng Xian left behind specifically for the heirs to refine the Nine Heavens God Fan.

Of course, there is also a small bottle of Yinling water, which can be used to mine the ten thousand year mysterious jade.

This naturally greatly eased Lu Tiandu's dilemma of searching for various wind-attribute materials. It has to be said that having a luxurious master would really save him decades of hard work!

It seems that his focus next is to collect various materials for refining the natal magic weapon.

At this moment, he was also idle. Lu Tiandu also kept a copy of the various magic formulas, jade slips and other things he had collected in this hall. This will be his library from now on.

After that, he selected a top metallic exercise "Golden Spirit Returning to the Origin" from many exercises. This one was prepared for Cen Jingjun.

Although Cen Jingjun also practiced a metal-based skill, the grade could only be said to be average, not as good as the other skill that Zhao Qingshan asked her to minor in that could enhance her Yuan Yin.

Previously, Lu Tiandu was planning to let her modify the Golden Spirit Pointing Star Technique that he had previously practiced for Xin Ruyin, but now that she has better techniques, there is no need to practice poorly.

After all, Tianlinggen’s qualifications cannot be wasted.

As for Lu Tiandu, it is natural that he also needs to modify the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique.

Lu Tian didn't bother to check the various other palaces here at the moment. There wasn't anything good anyway, so he would talk about it when he had time.

After leaving Lingkong Tower, Cen Jingjun looked over as soon as he appeared in the isolated small area, smiled slightly, and said with affection between his eyebrows:
"Lu Lang is back?"

"Well, it seems you are out of seclusion too."

Lu Tiandu smiled and took out several jade slips and some bottles and jars, "I just found a suitable skill for you this time! You will practice this skill from now on!"

Lu Tiandu introduced several techniques in it respectively. In addition to the "Golden Spirit Returning to the Origin Kung Fu", they are the first two levels of the Dayan Jue and the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu.

Listening to Lu Tiandu's introduction, Cen Jingjun's heart became sweeter.

Recently, with the Golden Spirit Body, a large amount of elixirs, spiritual wine, and the rich spiritual energy in this space, and with the help of dual cultivation, her cultivation has improved faster and faster.

At this time, seeing the skills that Lu Tiandu had used, he knew that Lu Tiandu's feelings for her had changed over the past few months. His eyes were as charming as silk, and he opened his mouth slightly and said shyly:
"Lu Lang, it's been a long time since we practiced together!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, not understanding that the beauty was inviting him, so he reached out and touched the beauty's waist like a water snake: "Let's go!"


Four months passed in a flash, and Lu Tiandu woke up from seclusion again.

Feeling the true energy in his body that was twice as rich as before when he practiced the Wind Spirit Gang Book, Lu Tiandu grinned, and with a wave of his hand, he used the previous technique of the Wind Spirit Gang Blade.

A green-purple blade flashed away.

Although the giant tree growing in the Shizhu World not far away was still motionless, Lu Tiandu knew that this method was much more powerful than before.

"It's a pity that your cultivation has reached the early stage of foundation building now!"

Lu Tiandu murmured.

If it is a technique with the same attribute, it will naturally return to the original cultivation level within a few months after the transfer. However, Lu Tiandu has changed from a single wind attribute to a technique with two attributes of wind and thunder, so it is inevitable that the cultivation level will decline.

Although his Hidden Thunder Spiritual Root only appears at six hours at night, this does not affect his cultivation speed.

After all, when he was practicing Feng Ling Gang Shu, he spent basically half of his time refining Qi every day. The rest was practicing Dayan Jue, Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu, practicing spells, etc.

According to his estimation, it would take about one or two years for him to regain his cultivation level in the late stage of foundation building.

This is actually good news for him at this moment.

If four to five years from the mid-term to the late stage makes sense, after all, his numerous cultivation resources are obvious to everyone in the Yellow Maple Valley.

In this way, there is no need to stand out.

Since his cultivation is no longer at the late stage of foundation building at this moment, he naturally has no intention of hiding.

However, there are still Ghost Spirit Sect and Zhao Qingfeng watching him outside, so he won't show up with a big fanfare.

After looking at Cen Jingjun who was still practicing quietly in the cabin, Lu Tiandu stepped out of the stone bead space.

After leaving the hidden valley that Huang Long and others were looking for, Lu Tiandu hid his figure and flew towards the Lu family.

As soon as he entered the family through the Lu family's formation, Lu Tiandu heard a loud shout:
"Who dares to break into my Lu family..."

Before Lu Tian could react, he was teleported away from the place in an instant.

Seeing the people staring eagerly in front of him, Lu Tiandu took off his gauze cloak and said with a smile:

"It seems that our Lu family's mountain protection formation is really good!"




Seeing Lu Tiandu with a smile on his face, everyone looked happy and stepped forward to say hello.

"Okay, I'm back."

Lu Tiandu looked at Xin Ruyin, Xiaomei, Lu Tianxuan and the five foundation-building monks, First Elder Lu Daolin and Third Elder Lu Yongxin, and said with a smile, "It's enough for the five of you to know about my return. Don't tell anyone else..."

Everyone looked at Lu Tian, ​​who was in the early stages of foundation building, with a solemn look on his face and nodded.

After briefly talking about his experiences, Lu Tiandu and the three girls returned to their small courtyard.

Lu Tiandu also understood that the formation just now must be because the family had fully activated the power of Xin Ruyin's rearranged mountain-protecting formation since he had no news.

So he was noticed and transferred as soon as he came in invisible.

"Yin'er, Xiaomei, thank you for your hard work!" Lu Tiandu kissed the two girls who looked concerned and said, "Don't worry about my cultivation. It will take at most half a year to recover..."

Well, Lu Tiandu is naturally talking about returning to the middle stage of foundation building.

"Tianxuan has also broken through to foundation building. What good news!" Looking at Lu Tianxuan who looked expectant, Lu Tiandu also kissed her, which made Lu Tianxuan look happy and a little shy at the same time.

Xin Ruyin and the two girls had known about Lu Tianxuan's intentions for a long time, so they didn't have any objections.

A few days later, outside the living room where Lu Tiandu practiced, Lu Tianxuan, who looked like a bride in new clothes, opened her long legs and walked shyly into Lu Tiandu's living room...

(End of this chapter)

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