Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 131 Fire Spirit Bead!Xuanbing Glazed Wine!Immortality Pill!

Chapter 131 Fire Spirit Bead!Xuanbing Glazed Wine!Immortality Pill!

A loving murmur broke the silence in the room.

The blush on Lu Tianxuan's delicate oval face has not yet faded, and her snow-white jade arms are still tightly wrapped around Lu Tiandu's neck, for fear that when she wakes up, this will all be a sweet dream!
"Hey, Xuan'er, senior brother is here!"

Lu Tiandu stroked Tianxuan's beautiful curves with his fingers, kissed her smooth forehead, and said with a smile.

"Senior Brother, with this Yin-Yang Fruit, can I stay with you forever?"

Sweet and expectant murmurs came from the crook of Lu Tiandu's neck.

"Well, when the time comes, senior brother will take you to the spiritual world together and never be separated..."

Lu Tiandu affirmed.

Tianxuan has confirmed this news several times.

After receiving the affirmative answer from his senior brother again, Lu Tianxuan curled up in Lu Tiandu's arms like a cat with tiny eyes.

Ever since the girl found out a few years ago that Lu Tiandu had a close relationship with Junior Sister Chen, as well as Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei who were brought back to the family, after the initial sourness, she began to hide her feelings and feel a bit inferior.

After all, her qualifications were not good, and foundation building was a problem at that time.

Among the three girls, Xin Ruyin, who had the same spiritual roots as her, had already established her foundation at that time. Only she knew how envious she was.

What's more, Xin Ruyin's assistance to Lu Tiandu in formations was the highest among the girls.

The more suppressed love is, the more it will explode at some point.

Thinking of the auction trip more than three years ago, when she took that opportunity to express her feelings to her senior brother, Lu Tianxuan still felt lucky for her original decision.

People, always take the initiative to strive for the people and things you like!
A year and a half ago, just before Lu Tiandu was about to leave Huang Maple Valley and rush to the battlefield of Liusha River, he secretly wanted to give her three Foundation Establishment Pills so that she could build the Foundation with peace of mind.

She knew that her senior brother would never forget her.

Although her father had prepared two Foundation Establishment Pills for her from somewhere before (Lu Tiandu had sold ten of them to the family).

This still made her incredibly sweet.

From that moment on, she decided that she could not wait for her senior brother to take the initiative. When her senior brother came back, she would take the initiative to make rice and cooked rice.

Now I finally got what I wanted!

In the blink of an eye, the little girl Tianxuan became so charming.

Feeling the fullness and roundness in his arms, Lu Tiandu secretly thought.

At this moment, the scene of practicing together with the little girl under Lu Yongqing's guidance for the first time flashed through Lu Tiandu's mind.

Although it was said that they were cultivating, among the three of them, they were actually just Lu Tiandu and Lu Tianxing. At that time, Tianxuan was still young and had not yet become enlightened.

He was just playing around behind his eldest brother and the fourth brother of the clan, Lu Tiandu.

Over the next ten years, Lu Tianxing began to practice alone because he was older than the two of them.It naturally fell on Lu Tiandu to teach Lu Tianxuan how to practice.

The scenes of the two getting along are still before my eyes...

Time flies, and more than twenty years have passed.

The ignorant affection finally blossomed at this time.

All in all, Lu Tianxuan is more like a childhood sweetheart than Junior Sister Chen.

If she had dual spiritual roots, she would have made a dual cultivation agreement with Lu Tian a long time ago. After all, if Lu Tian's spiritual roots were not so good, the Lu family would not have a suitable female cultivator with dual spiritual roots, and the money would not be transferred to other people's fields. .

Lu Tianxuan's unconfident murmur still lingered in his ears. Lu Tiandu patted the beauty's jade back and said softly:
"Xuan'er, senior brother just happened to get something good outside this time, for you to use for your practice..."

"Hehe, I have carefully collected the good things that my senior brother has given me since I was a kid!"

Lu Tianxuan turned over and said with a smile.

"You..." Lu Tiandu rubbed Tianxuan's head lovingly, and with a casual move, his storage bag on the jade table in the distance appeared in his hand.

The light flashed in his hand, and a jade box filled with several forbidden talismans appeared in his hand.

Lu Tianxuan also looked at the jade box curiously.

Lu Tiandu flicked his hand, and with a flash of purple light, the forbidden talisman outside the jade box fell down, revealing a round red bead about the size of a thumb inside.

"What is this?" Lu Tianxuan asked curiously as he stretched out his green jade fingers to twist the bead.

"Fire Spirit Orb!"

Lu Tiandu then explained the function of this bead to Tianxuan.

This bead was the first time he participated in the auction of the Hidden Moon Sect seven or eight years ago. After encountering the three foundation-building monks of the Spirit Beast Mountain and the Black Spirit Eye of the Hidden Moon Sect, he took it from the storage of the monk surnamed Wang in the Spirit Beast Mountain. Proceeds in the bag.

It is the treasure that can speed up cultivation that is coveted by everyone.

He had never been able to figure out what this thing was before, and he had only used it once as a "light" during the blood ban trial.

When I was free, I checked some ancient knowledge that Feng Xian left in the jade slips and leaves, and I found out that this thing was called the Fire Spirit Bead in ancient times, and it was one of the Five Elements Gathering Spirit Beads.

This reminded him of the Wood Spirit Pearl that the Old Devil Hehuan presented to Han Li through the Ghost Spirit Sect in the original plot.

The Spirit Gathering Pearl is a rare treasure refined by ancient monks that is specially used to absorb a certain attribute of spiritual energy in the five elements of heaven and earth, while rejecting other spiritual energy.

Compared with the spiritual eye object, as long as the cultivation method has the same properties as the spirit gathering beads, it will be of great help to the monks, and ordinary spiritual eye objects are even more difficult to match.

Ancient monks or spiritual monks specially used spirit gathering beads to train disciples with low qualifications.

However, this thing has so many benefits, and naturally it also has quite a few drawbacks.

Monks who use Spirit Gathering Beads to practice can improve their energy very quickly in the early stage. However, after breaking through the Nascent Soul, the disadvantages will be extremely obvious. After that, breaking through the bottleneck will be twice as difficult as other monks.

And after reaching Nascent Soul, if you want to advance to become a god, you need to sense all kinds of heaven and earth energy to break through. This kind of treasure can only sense one kind of spiritual energy before. If you continue to use it, you will never be able to break through to become a god in this life.

This was also the plan of the old devil Hehuan to use this object to plot against Han Li, who was already the Yuan Dynasty at that time. Naturally, the three major monks did not want a god-transforming monk to appear in Tiannan.

With the help of the Yin-Yang Fruit, Lu Tianxuan had an extra [-]% chance of conceiving a fetus, and with treasures like the Fire Spirit Pearl, the time to conceive a fetus would be greatly reduced.

"Ah..." After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Lu Tianxuan's beautiful eyes widened and she exclaimed.

After exclaiming, he became excited again.

With this kind of treasure, she will definitely not lag behind the other women in Lu Tiandu.

"Brother, you are so kind to me!"

Tianxuan's charming eyes became more and more emotional, and the two of them slowly fell on the couch again...




When Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying received the news and came to the Lu family and saw Lu Tiandu intact as before, the worries hidden in their hearts disappeared instantly.

Holding the two beauties in his arms, Lu Tiandu briefly told them what he had experienced since the two left.

When they heard Lu Tiandu mention Cen Jingjun, who was now famous among monks from several countries, the two women rolled their eyes at Lu Tiandu and said:
"So, we have another sister?"

Lu Tiandu sneered, "Let's go and introduce you sisters to each other later... Since you have another mission, let me first give you two some cultivation..."

As for why Cen Jingjun is famous for her beauty, it is naturally because there is a gossip among low-level monks that Lu Tiandu and Wang Chan are jealous and fight over Cen Jingjun, a great beauty...

After double repair.

The two women's faces were rosy and satisfied, and their slight jealousy disappeared.

From Chen Nie's mouth, Lu Tiandu learned a lot of information about the battle with the devil.

Since Zhengdao invaded neighboring countries, major immortal cultivating sects in more than a dozen neutral countries in Tiannan that have not been affected by the war have begun to make changes.

A few months ago, among the six small and medium-sized countries south of the Zijin Kingdom, except for the three countries close to the Nine-Nation Alliance, which were attracted by the Nine-Nation Alliance to join the Nine-Nation Alliance, the other three countries joined the Five-Nation Alliance.

After all, not all monks from all countries are willing to fight against Master Mulan all year round.

Tianlu Kingdom and Tianliu Kingdom, which are close to Jiang Kingdom, also joined the Five Kingdoms Alliance.

So far, the alliance against the evil invasion has reached ten countries.

As for the confrontation with the righteous way, in addition to the small country that was annexed early, the other two medium-sized countries that were invaded have also fallen.

Fortunately, another country temporarily persisted with the support of the alliance of the four surrounding countries.

So far, only four or five countries in the north and south of the world, including the Xi Kingdom and the Xingyuan Kingdom, have not yet joined the alliance against the good and evil ways.

As for why Junior Sister Chen and Junior Sister Nie have been busy on the expedition recently, it was half a month ago that seeing the righteous fight in full swing and progressing smoothly, the Six Demonic Sects secretly contacted the remaining Demonic Sects in Tianluo Kingdom and launched a great battle.

Naturally, the result was that the newly formed Ten-Nation Alliance lost the Jiang Kingdom and the Cheqi Kingdom.

After all, the monks from the Five Nations had already suffered a lot of losses after three years of fighting against the demons.In addition, the five newly joined countries have not fully mobilized manpower and material resources, and failure is inevitable due to mental calculations but not intention.

After withdrawing from Jiang State and Cheqi State, the Ten-Nation Alliance and Mo Dao opened a main battlefield in Jinguyuan, which borders Yue State and Cheqi State.

At this time, this demonic invasion has entered the second stage.

The six major immortal cultivating sects that had withdrawn from the Jiang Kingdom and the Cheqi Kingdom, as well as some cultivating families and some casual cultivators who were unwilling to obey the management of the devil, have been successively resettled in six medium-sized countries.

The vacated Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range on the Yue side is naturally very popular.

In the end, it was captured by Jiang Guo’s Red Fire Sect.After all, the old monster of Scarlet Fire is a middle-stage Yuanying monk, and there is also an early-stage Yuanying monk in the sect. The strength of the Red Fire Sect should not be underestimated.

Lu Tiandu has basically stayed behind closed doors for the past ten days, mainly staying with Xin Ruyin, Xiaomei and Lu Tianxuan.

Hearing that Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying also had missions this time, Lu Tiandu was confused and said:
"You and I have a close relationship. The devil is looking for me. Who would send you to the battlefield?"

"It's not like going to the battlefield. I'm just going to protect some resource points such as spiritual stone veins, spiritual medicine gardens, and markets..."

Nie Ying explained, "At this time, the Demonic Way has taken over both countries. The border between us and the Demonic Way is too long. I am afraid that outside the main battlefield, those Demonic Way thieves will enter our three countries and harass our logistics, so each faction will send manpower." Strengthen the protection of these resource points..."

"That's it!" Lu Tiandu nodded.

At this moment, the Demonic Dao has just annexed two small countries, and will definitely rest for a while and then launch a large-scale attack after dividing up the spoils.

However, there will be no major battles, but small-scale sneak attacks, sabotage, and harassment may not stop.

After all, this is also the art of tiring the enemy.

Lu Tiandu thought for a moment and then said:

"Although there shouldn't be many people paying attention to you, you still have to be careful and don't be careless. You two can't be separated when traveling in the future..."

After giving instructions, Lu Tiandu took out two spirit beast bags, two spirit beast cards and a storage bag.

"There are two level five monster blood jade spiders here. Each of you should take one with you to protect yourselves..." "Yes, you all obey your husband!" The two women nodded and did not refuse.

After all, the demonic monks were eyeing them, and with their safety guaranteed, Lu Tiandu would have less to worry about.

Both of them had advanced to the middle stage of Foundation Establishment a few months ago, and had the Inversion of the Five Elements Formation for protection. Now that they had two fifth-level spiritual beasts, the shortcoming of insufficient attacks against the Golden Core cultivators was solved.

As for the storage bag, there is a third-level puppet for Nie Ying, dozens of first-level and second-level puppets for the two of them, as well as a large amount of spirit-gathering wine, spirit-gathering pills and other things to enhance their cultivation.

Hearing that Mo Fengwu and Mo Caihuan are still practicing with peace of mind, Lu Tiandu has no intention of returning to Yunfeng to visit, just let them practice well.

After being reunited for several more days, the two girls reluctantly left the Lu family to carry out their mission.

The two girls often come to the Lu family to visit Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei, but no one would think that Lu Tiandu has returned to the Lu family at this moment.

Lu Tiandu's top priority is naturally to complete the transformation work as soon as possible. Another important thing is to collect materials for the natal magic weapon after forming the pill.

Although he will not leave the Lu family for the next year, he does not necessarily have to collect materials by himself.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu used the shape-changing technique to transform into a handsome-faced man and then left the Lu family openly and came to the Hidden Ice Valley not far from Izumo Peak.

This is naturally Hongfu's cave.

He took out the transmission talisman, whispered a few words, and threw it into the valley. Within a moment, the senior sister who had led Lu Tiandu to the Hidden Ice Valley for the first time stepped on the magic weapon and came out to greet him.

"You are……"

The senior sister looked at this handsome man she had never seen before with a shocked look on her face, as if she was hesitant to speak.

"Senior Sister Zhang, go in!"

As soon as Lu Tiandu saw Senior Sister Zhang's expression, he immediately understood that he had been exposed.

Well, it is still the characteristic of the Dragon Roar Body.

It is estimated that this senior sister only reacts like that when she is close to Lu Tiandu.

"Junior Brother, please!"

Senior Sister Zhang said with a smile, at this moment he already knew that this handsome man was Lu Tiandu. It was said before that Lu Tiandu had a skill to change his appearance, and it was true.

"Junior brother is safe and sound, what a celebration!"

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for your concern, and please keep it confidential!"

"Junior, don't worry!"

Soon they arrived at the main hall where Hongfu was entertaining guests. Senior Sister Zhang informed Lu Tiandu and let Lu Tiandu go in by himself.

Looking at Lu Tiandu's back, Senior Sister Zhang recalled the joy on Hong Fu's brow after receiving the telegraph not long ago. It was really difficult to relate to the usually cold Master.

Secretly guessing whether Lu Tiandu has any friendship with his master?
But she remembered that when she led Lu Tiandu to Hidden Ice Valley for the first time more than five years ago, her master was very unfavorable to Lu Tiandu. It was really strange...

"came back?"

Hong Fu asked lightly as he looked at Lu Tiandu who had returned to his original appearance after entering the hall.

Although the concern in Hong Fu's eyes was well hidden, he was still noticed.

After all, if Hong Fu, who is always cold and cold, has other emotions in his eyes, it will be too easy for others to notice.

"Well, senior sister, junior brother is here to see you!"

Looking at the graceful curves wrapped in red clothes not far away, Lu Tiandu's heart became hot again, and he stared at Hong Fu's indifferent Danfeng eyes and said with a smile.

But a thought flashed through my mind: I wonder what it would be like to put Cen Jingjun and Hong Fu together.
"Glib tongue!" Hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Hongfu snorted coldly. Looking at Lu Tiandu's fiery eyes, his heart trembled, and he waved his hands and said, "Sit down!"

"Thank you, senior sister, for the seat!" Lu Tiandu chuckled.

Before Hong Fu could speak, Lu Tiandu took the initiative to talk about his experience. When he mentioned Cen Jingjun, Lu Tiandu blinked and said:
"Fairy Cen is in a secret place at the moment. When the time is right, I will tell senior sister..."

"Oh, that's not necessary. I'm not interested in her at all..." Hong Fu still looked indifferent.

"I knew that senior sister cares about me the most!" Lu Tiandu chuckled.

"You..." Hong Fu glanced at Lu Tiandu, feeling that his mood was about to become chaotic again, and said quickly:

"There have been several spiritual consciousnesses of golden elixir monks outside the valley. I have sensed the auras, not just the demonic monks. Although you won't show your face for the time being, you still have to be careful..."

"I will remember Senior Sister's words..."

Later, Lu Tiandu mentioned asking Hong Fu to help collect some materials for refining the natal magic weapon, and Hong Fu also nodded and agreed.

It just so happened that Hongfu was going to the Jinguyuan battlefield in a few days, where monks from the ten countries gathered, and they should be able to exchange a lot of things.

After chatting for a few more words, Hong Fu looked at Lu Tiandu who still had no intention of getting up and leaving, and had no choice but to remind him:

"Aren't you still going to find Master?"

"I haven't seen senior sister for a long time. Naturally, I hope to spend more time with senior sister..." Lu Tiandu said with a smile.


"Okay, it's getting late. You should go back and improve your cultivation as soon as possible!" Finally, Hong Fumu started to chase people away with a cold and beautiful face.

Lu Tiandu laughed heartily when he saw Hong Fu's appearance.

Before parting, Lu Tiandu patted his forehead and said with a smile:

"I just received a gift of wine from Senior Sister, but I forgot to give it back to Senior Sister!"

As he spoke, he patted the storage bag on his waist, and several jade altars appeared in front of Hong Fu:
"This is a new spiritual wine brewed by junior brother specifically for senior sister. It's called Xuanbing Glazed Wine. I hope senior sister likes it..."

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, before Hong Fu could react, he said goodbye and left.

"Xuanbing Glazed Wine..."

Hong Fu muttered something, secretly guessing whether it had something to do with his body of black ice.

He stretched out his hand, and a white jade wine jar appeared in his hand. He opened the sealing talisman and the jar stopper, and instantly a pure ice spirit power flowed out along with the aroma of the wine...

Hongfu looked at the glass-colored spirit wine, and took a slight sniff with Qiongbi. A refreshing feeling came out of his body, and his magic power also increased slightly. His beautiful eyes were instantly replaced by shock and surprise.

"This is……"

But with a slight sniff, she knew that the wine contained at least two precious spiritual fruits, the Ice Crystal Pear and the Ice Spirit Fruit, as well as several other spiritual fruits.

As for the other spiritual fruits, she didn't know them.


For a long time, Hongfu put away several wine jars, was in a daze, and sighed quietly. Unconsciously, scenes of getting along with Lu Tiandu flashed through his mind...

Although Lu Tiandu didn't know Hong Fu's expression, he could roughly guess it.

This Xuanbing Glazed Wine is a high-level spiritual wine specifically for ice-attribute monks among the wine recipes left by Feng Xian. It not only increases mana but also has the magical effect of improving physical fitness. The red wine on the Xuanbing body is better than ordinary ice-attribute Monks are even rarer.

This is naturally something Lu Tiandu specially brewed to please Hong Fu.

Thinking of Hong Fu's cold beauty and perfect figure, Lu Tian couldn't wait to form a pill quickly so that he could capture this cold beauty...

"Is this the Immortality Pill?"

Linghu held a sapphire vial in his hand, and his small, dull eyes suddenly widened and shone brightly, and anyone could hear the surprise in his tone.

"It's the Immortality Pill that can increase your lifespan by a thousand years!" Lu Tiandu said with a smile, "I didn't expect to get such a treasure this time as a blessing in disguise. I naturally want to dedicate it to the master..."

Naturally, Lu Tiandu went to the second floor of Lingkong Tower a few days ago to pick several Longevity Fruits and refine them together with some other elixirs.

The alchemy recipe was also recorded in the jade slips of alchemy in the main hall on the third floor of Lingkong Tower.

A total of ten were refined, and there are three in this vial.

"You are indeed as Taoist fellow Nangong said, you are a person with deep blessings..." Linghu sighed, "This thing is of great use to me, so I accepted it as my teacher. If you need anything, you can tell me." explain……"

Linghu rubbed the jade bottle in his hand, feeling excited.

Although each person can only take one longevity pill, it will have no effect after that.But he could exchange the other two precious elixirs for a few elixirs or elixirs that he urgently needed to advance to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, which really surprised him.

Lu Tiandu's trip was naturally purposeful, and he was not polite. He recorded the various information about the missing materials for refining his natal magic weapon into a jade slip and handed it to Linghu, looking at Linghu expectantly.

Linghu's mouth twitched after reading it.

He noticed the change in Lu Tiandu's aura when he came in. According to Lu Tiandu's explanation, he happened to have acquired a new ancient skill in this secret realm, and now he has converted to this skill.

But Linghu was still shocked when he saw that Lu Tiandu needed so many types of high-end materials to refine his natal magic weapon.

"...When can you collect all these materials?"

Linghu asked, "There are some things here that I have never heard of. For example, the Nayuan Void Crystal and the Yi Shen Mud are probably only found in ancient times. I'm afraid it's hard to find them in the world of immortality now..."

Lu Tiandu smiled bitterly and said:

"Of course my disciple knows that there aren't many of these things left in the world of immortality, but I have to give it a try, otherwise I won't be willing to give in..."

In addition to these two main materials for refining the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Diagram, the other Void Fusion Stones and Sky Cloud Crystals are also rare, but they can still be found if you look for them. He has the Purple Gold and Copper Veins of Sky Fire, and he should find them. It's not difficult either.

It is not difficult to find a small green liquid in the jade glue produced by ten thousand years of jade oak.

As for the main materials such as spider silk, silk, Five Elements Spiritual Crystal, and Wind and Thunder Spiritual Crystal, they are only in large quantities, so it is not difficult to assemble them.

Not to mention other auxiliary materials.

Only the Nayuan Void Crystal and Yi Shen Mud mentioned by Linghu are also materials that embarrass Lu Tian. They can only depend on luck.

If it doesn't work, we can only find alternatives. Naturally, there are several alternatives mentioned in the Jade Slips of the Cultivation Technique, but the power of the refined magic weapon is naturally much inferior.

"In this case, it is reasonable to collect materials early!"

Linghu nodded. Although he knew that the materials were hard to find, his disciple had always been lucky, so he might be able to get them together. As he waved his hand, a small pile of colorful crystals floated in front of his eyes.

"These are the Five Elements Spirit Crystals and a few Wind Spirit Crystals that I have on hand. These Wind Spirit Crystals were originally intended to be given to you after you form a pill. Now I just give them to you..."

"Thank you, Master!" Lu Tiandu accepted the pile of crystal stones with a happy face.

Although Hong Fu and Linghu were asked to help collect materials, it was really a good start to get so many materials at once.

Sure enough, these Nascent Soul cultivators who have lived for hundreds of years are still very rich.

"I will help you ask the old guys for other materials. Maybe they also have collections..."

"Thank you, Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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