Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 132 Tiandao Alliance!The invincible Xiao Changsheng!Han Li was shocked!

Chapter 132 Tiandao Alliance!The invincible Xiao Changsheng!Han Li was shocked!
After returning to the Lu family, Lu Tiandu did not retreat immediately, but simply packed his storage bag.

Although Hong Fu and Linghu are now helping to collect various materials for refining magic weapons, Linghu has three immortality pills, and Hongfu has left a hundred thousand spiritual stones. According to Lu Tiandu's own calculations, it may be far away. Not nearly enough.

Therefore, it is necessary to take stock of your own wealth.

For more than a year, Lu Tiandu's main gain was from killing demonic monks on the Liusha River battlefield.Including the more than [-] foundation-building monks he killed together with the two women, a total of [-] foundation-building monks died in his hands.

From the spiritual stone alone, Lu Tiandu gained 30.

Among them, the one who contributed the most was naturally Wang Chan, a second-generation cultivator. In his storage bag, there were more than 600 mid-level spiritual stones and more than a thousand other low-level spiritual stones.

Top-level magic weapons are no exception. Except for some ordinary magic weapons, they have been sold to recycling points run by the alliance. He now has more than [-] pieces in stock.

Wang Chan has more than 30 pieces in his storage bag here, the lowest being high-quality top-level magic weapons. This shows that this guy is also a collector.

The harvest of talisman treasures was relatively small, only five pieces, three of which were obtained from Wang Chan's storage bag.

The other auxiliary spiritual substances for forming the elixir include several copies of snow spirit water and heavenly fire liquid, several pieces of gold essence and iron essence for refining the magic weapon, dozens of bottles of elixirs taken by the monks in the foundation-building period, and two foundation-building pills.

Finally, there are various talismans, materials, techniques, low-year elixirs, etc. that are worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones in total.

Among them, the storage bags of the Tianxing Sect disciples killed by Wang Chan and others also obtained several formation equipment, including the "Four Symbols Destroying Elemental Array" killing array and the Qimen Liuhe Solid Defense Array previously deployed by the Tianxing Sect disciples. The Yuan Formation was of the same level, which made Lu Tiandu very excited.

After all, the main function of the most powerful formation at his disposal, the Inversion of the Five Elements Formation, was to trap enemies and transform into others. It was not a killing formation, and its attack power was limited. With this great formation, if he encountered an early-stage golden elixir monk like Qin Yunlin again, , it can be killed by just relying on this formation.

After returning this time, the family also settled the cost of the materials they sold to the family last time. That batch of materials originally cost [-] spirit stones, but now they have received [-] spirit stones, which is not bad.

The Lu family should have made at least tens of thousands of spirit stones after refining this batch of materials into various magical weapons and selling them. Today, Jinyu Pavilion is truly the number one store in Huangfenggufang City.

What must be mentioned here is that after practicing with a large amount of materials, Xiaomei has been able to refine high-quality top-level magic weapons for several years.

Xiaomei thoroughly understood the refining methods of the Spiritual Light Shuttle and Yunling Magic Clothes previously obtained from the Divine Weapon Sect, and refined several top-level magic weapons. Nie Ying, Junior Sister Chen, and others were all given one.

However, the aura shuttle is only a flying magic weapon and has no attack ability.

As a result, in addition to the [-] spirit stones used to purchase materials for Hong Fu, Lu Tiandu now has more than [-] spirit stones in his storage bag. Even ordinary Yuanying monks may not have such a large amount of cash flow.

Lu Tiandu made another trip to the cave of Lu Yongxin, the head of the Lu family. In addition to leaving a dozen or so top-grade magical artifacts, the other [-] temporarily useless top-tier magical artifacts were ready to be sold by Jinyu Pavilion and could be recovered later. A lot of spiritual stones.

After returning to their small courtyard, Lu Tiandu prepared to refine another batch of elixirs for the foundation building period. Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian had a large number of elixirs and spiritual wine donated by Lu Tiandu, as well as various resources exchanged for their own military exploits. After cultivating to the late stage of foundation building, there is no shortage of resources.

However, Xin Ruyin, Xiaomei, Lu Tianxuan, Cen Jingjun and Lu Tian all need to consume a lot of elixirs themselves. When coupled with the free Spirit Gathering Wine, it will not be difficult for their cultivation to grow rapidly.

Over the next month or so, Lu Tiandu spent [-] to [-] spirit stones to synthesize the small green liquid, then cultivated the elixir and began to refine the elixir.

This time, on the basis of the Spirit Gathering Pill, Lu Tiandu mainly refined a large number of Qi Lian Powder, Zhenyuan Pill and Gu Yuan Pill that are suitable for use in the middle and late stages of foundation building. With these pills, it is estimated that everyone can practice to the foundation building stage. The later peak, that is, the false elixir period, is not a problem either.

After everything was prepared, Lu Tiandu and the four girls began a year-long practice.

Time flies, and a year has passed.

In the world of stone beads, Lu Tiandu slowly opened his eyes. The sixth level of the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique was slowly circulating in his body. Feeling the blue and purple true energy surging in his Dantian, Lu Tiandu felt a flash of shock in his heart. .

"The true essence created by the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique is actually more than twice as powerful as the Fengling Gang Book. It is indeed a technique that even Feng Xian greatly praised..."

Lu Tiandu slowly stretched out his palm and grabbed it with his five fingers. A huge green-purple hand several feet in size appeared in the void. Small green wind blades and purple electric arcs flickered on and off, and bursts of wind and thunder came from it. It looks amazing.

He pressed down lightly with his palm, and with a loud "bang" sound, a huge crater appeared in front of him after dust flew more than [-] feet away.

"The power of this Fenglei Zhenling Hand is indeed extraordinary!" Lu Tiandu smiled faintly.

The magical power of the first three levels of the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique is the defensive wind and thunder robe. Once it is activated, it can form a body-protecting robe outside the body. According to Lu Tiandu's experiments at this time, it is not possible to withstand several attacks from the top-level magic weapon. question.

As for the foundation building stage, the corresponding magical power is the Wind and Thunder Suppressing Hand.

Over the past year, Lu Tiandu's cultivation has once again returned to the late stage of foundation building.

"It's time to get out!"

At this time, five years have passed since he apparently advanced to the middle stage of foundation building, and the later stage of promotion is not so amazing.

Seeing Lu Tiandu in the late stage of foundation building, the three girls Xin Ruyin were not too surprised. After all, they had long been accustomed to the rapid improvement of Lu Tiandu's cultivation.

Over the past year, with the help of many elixirs, spirit wines and dual cultivation techniques, Xiaomei and Xin Ruyin have also advanced to the middle stage of foundation building, which is also a happy event.

"Husband, Uncle Lei sent a message not long ago, saying that he will wait for you to come out of seclusion to find him!" Xin Ruyin mentioned a piece of news.

"It seems that there may be a mission!" Lu Tiandu said.

Ever since Hong Fu went to the Jinguyuan battlefield, the guards in the valley were Lei Wanhe and Uncle Du.After all, Linghu was away from the valley most of the time.

This year, he has not been in deep retreat. Although he has not left the Lu family, he has been paying attention to the war situation outside.

Since the main battlefield of the war between the Demonic Way and the Ten-Nation Alliance was moved to Jinguyuan, the main forces of both sides were recuperating in the first half of the year, but the small actions of the Demonic monks entering Yuanwu Kingdom, Yue Kingdom, and Zijin Kingdom for sneak attacks, harassment, and destruction have not stopped.

In the second half of the year, the Five-Nation Alliance, the Ten-Nation Alliance, and the last four neutral countries that were fighting against the invasion of evil spirits in Tiannan formally formed a loose alliance-the Tiandao Alliance after negotiation.

This is actually five years earlier than the Tiandao Alliance, which was formed a year or two after the Yue Kingdom was defeated in Beiliang and Han Li teleported to the Chaos Star Sea in the original plot.

The leaders of the Tiandao Alliance are naturally the pair of Taoist monks Long Han and Feng Bing, Luan Mingzong of the Xingyuan Kingdom.

Because the Yue Kingdom has two middle-stage Nascent Soul monks, Nangong Ping and Chi Huo Laoguai, its status in the alliance is acceptable.

Although the strength of the Tiandao Alliance is much stronger than that of good and evil alone, there are naturally some shortcomings against the combination of the two.

Therefore, just like the original plot, although the Tiandao Alliance has been formed, the war between the Zhengmo Dao and the Tiandao Alliance has still not stopped, and it seems that there is no intention to cease the war in the short term.

According to Lu Tiandu's judgment based on the original plot, if the three major forces want to cease the war, external forces will need to intervene.

This is about the Nine-Nation Alliance.

As one of the four major forces in Tiannan, the Nine Nations Alliance has a detached status. It does not care about Tiannan's internal affairs, and other forces will not take the initiative to provoke the Nine Nations Alliance.

In addition to the three newly joined countries, the Nine Nations Alliance has grown a lot in power. As long as the mages of Mulan Grassland do not launch a large-scale attack, the Nine Nations Alliance will not pay attention to the struggles of other major forces.

And in about ten years, the Mulan tribe, which borders the Nine Nations Alliance, will suddenly receive powerful reinforcements from the second and fourth largest tribes of the Mulan tribe, and the number of magicians will double.

After the Nine Nations Alliance suffered heavy losses, they threatened the other three major forces to cease the war and support the fight against the aliens. In this way, the war between the good and the evil forces invading the Tiandao Alliance was finally eliminated.

Lu Tiandu came to Zidian Peak and met Lei Wanhe, whom he had not seen for several years.

Fatty Lei still looked like that. Seeing Lu Tiandu who was already in the advanced stage of foundation building, his narrowed eyes suddenly widened and he said in surprise:

"I didn't expect that, little junior brother, you are already in the late stage of foundation building?"

"This is also thanks to some of my previous gains on the battlefield. I just broke through and received the teleportation message from the senior brother. I wonder why the senior brother is looking for me this time?"

Lu Tian didn't talk much about his breakthrough.

"Okay, since you have already reached the late stage, this matter is even more important!" Lei Wanhe laughed.

"Is it related to the war?"

"That's right!" Lei Wanhe said bluntly, "Recently, we have held several major battles with the Demonic Path at the Golden Drum Plains battlefield, but they basically ended in a draw..."

"The demons were unable to achieve a breakthrough on the frontal battlefield, but they increased their efforts to sneak into our Three Kingdoms to attack and harass us. Although we have formed multiple demon-killing teams, we are still somewhat stretched. That's why I have to take action, my junior brother..."

"I wonder how strong these sneak attack people are?" Lu Tiandu asked.

Everyone knew about his strength, and he had no intention of refusing.

"These people are basically foundation-building monks, but some magic teams know some combination techniques. Even ordinary golden elixir monks will suffer when they encounter them. You have to be careful about these people..."

"Didn't they send Jindan monks to attack?" Lu Tiandu was a little confused.

"We haven't found any Golden Core cultivators to attack and kill low-level disciples yet. If they dare to do this, we will naturally send Golden Core cultivators into Tianluo Kingdom to kill their disciples..." Lei Wanhe said.

"That's it." Lu Tiandu nodded, which made him feel more at ease.

"Although this task is difficult for others, it is not difficult for you. The rewards are generous, so it is very suitable for you!"

Lei Wanhe naturally heard that Lu Tiandu was also collecting various materials for refining the natal magic weapon.Moreover, he knew before that Lu Tiandu had a level four spiritual beast in his hands, so he didn't need to worry about its safety.

Lei Wanhe later gave him the new identity prepared for Lu Tiandu. After all, Lu Tiandu was still wanted by the Ghost Spirit Sect and could not be careless.

After Lu Tiandu received the tokens from the seven sects of inspectors, the information about his new identity, and the marked map of the recent demonic haunts, he exchanged five pieces of Thunder Spirit Crystal with Lei Wanhe before leaving.

This identity is Xiao Changsheng. He is in his thirties and has a handsome appearance. He is one of Linghu's registered disciples. He has been in seclusion all year round and is not afraid of others exposing him.

After leaving Zidian Peak, Lu Tiandu suddenly transformed into Xiao Changsheng.

As soon as the figure flashed, the person had turned into a breeze and headed towards Xiaoyao Cliff.

After not seeing each other for two and a half years, Mo Fengwu and Mo Caihuan were naturally surprised to see Lu Tiandu arrive.

After spending three days with the two girls, leaving some cultivation resources and telling them to practice well, Lu Tiandu returned to the Lu family to say goodbye to Xin Ruyin and the other girls, and made another trip to Tianxing Zongfang City before officially starting the demon hunting mission. Stardust Pavilion.

After spending two thousand and five hundred yuan of spiritual stones, after coming out of Xingchen Pavilion, Lu Tiandu had a set of flying needle instruments in his storage bag, which was a set of thirteen red thread light-escape needles.

Since the three silver needles were taken away by Tian Buque's strange magic weapon, Lu Tiandu returned to the Lu family and asked the Lu family to pay attention to the flying needle magic weapon. Although he also collected a few pieces, their power was only the same as the three before. Almost like a silver needle.

Moreover, they are all separate, which shows the scarcity of set instruments.

At this moment, he who had already cultivated to the second level of Dayan Jue naturally looked down on it.This time I went to Stardust Pavilion, and it was really good to get this set of magic weapons.

At this moment, Mrs. Lan was already in the late stage of foundation building. Unfortunately, she could not sacrifice thirteen flying needles at once. She could only watch with a wry smile as her favorite magical weapon was purchased by "Xiao Changsheng".

Half a month later, after gathering relevant intelligence as an inspector, Lu Tiandu found a group of demon monks who were just about to attack a certain elixir garden.

He casually released the fifth-level spiritual beast, the golden-backed mantis, and combined it with the newly purchased red thread light-escape needle. While the monks guarding the garden of the seven sects were dumbfounded, the inspector named Xiao Changsheng wiped out this group of demons in three strikes, five by five, and two. Monk.

After putting away ten storage bags and throwing several fireballs to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces, Lu Tiandu patted his butt and rushed to the next inspection point.

Three months later, the name of Xiao Changsheng among the seven sects of Yue Kingdom has been widely spread.

This Lord Inspector is good at using five golden flying swords and several strange Yin weapons to protect himself. He once killed several demonic monks who were also in the late stage of foundation building head-on.

What makes many foundation-building monks even more envious is that Xiao Changsheng owns a level five mantis monster.

This is comparable to the combat power of early Golden Core monks.

Relying on this fifth-level spiritual beast, Xiao Changsheng once destroyed a demon team with one person and one beast, which was a great achievement!

Many people began to compare this registered disciple of ancestor Linghu who suddenly emerged from the barrier with Lu Tian, ​​the direct disciple of Linghu who had disappeared for nearly three years.

If there were no level five spiritual beasts, many people would not know who was stronger and who was weaker.

However, Linghu's reputation for being good at cultivating disciples has become more and more popular. Not to mention Hong Fu and Lei Wanhe in the Golden Core Stage, two invincible disciples of the same level have appeared in the Foundation Establishment Stage, which is really admirable.

Stepping on the white crystal flying boat, Lu Tiandu flew south leisurely.

In the past three months, he has killed several teams of magicians. Although he also encountered some teams that combined attack techniques, with the cooperation of the golden-backed monster mantis, the red thread light-escape needle and the invisible needle talisman, no one was able to defeat them. One person fled.

And only part of the results were spread.

On a whim a few days ago, he wanted to go to Mingzhou to see the ancient teleportation array in the Great Rift Valley of the Wasteland.

After all, the spirit stone mine there is also a large vein, and sneak attacks by demonic monks are indispensable.

Entering the wasteland again, the sound of fighting became more obvious as we flew towards the Great Rift Valley.

"It's not like the demonic monks are attacking right now!" Lu Tiandu was surprised.

This time, he did not stealth again for sneak attacks. After all, it has been widely spread that there are invisible magic weapons in Lutian. Naturally, this identity cannot be equipped with the same magic weapon at this moment.

"The demon thieves from the Demon Flame Sect and the Tiansha Sect are looking for death!"

A sudden thunderous roar not only startled everyone in the Demon Dao, but even the monks from the seven sects in the Four Evil Formation looked over in surprise.

On the white crystal flying boat, Xiao Changsheng, who was dressed in black and had a handsome face, used the newly acquired Thunder Lion Roar. At the same time, with a flick of his sleeve, he used a five-foot-long giant sword and thirteen red filaments to attack more than a dozen people. A foundation-building monk in yellow from the Tiansha Sect.

"Be careful, this person is Xiao Changsheng!"

"Quick, set up a defensive formation!"

"Use Qingyang Demonic Fire to defend!"

The old man in yellow, headed by Tiansha Sect, and the ordinary-looking girl in red, headed by Demon Flame Sect, were shocked and exclaimed repeatedly.

"It's Xiao Changsheng!"

"The inspector is here!"

A dozen foundation-building monks from the seven sects had seen Xiao Changsheng's appearance clearly, and everyone's expressions were filled with joy. With strong hands like Xiao Changsheng, their confidence in guarding the Lingshi Mine had greatly increased.

In fact, the strange flame Qingyang Demonic Fire released by the demonic monks just now caused them to suffer a lot. At this moment, everyone already had plans to escape.

The three late-stage foundation-building monks headed by the seven sects are Xuanye from the Hidden Moon Sect, Lu Tianmeng who currently belongs to Huadaowu, and a middle-aged monk named Yang from the Red Fire Sect.

"It's safe, we are saved!"

Dozens of Qi Refining disciples from the Seven Sects suddenly became excited when they heard that the person coming was the recently famous Xiao Changsheng.

"I am Xiao Changsheng, the patrol envoy of the seven sects. The foundation-building monks of the seven sects obey the orders and follow me to kill the enemy!"

Xiao Changsheng casually patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the golden-backed mantis to fight. At the same time, the majestic voice reached the ears of the seven sects of foundation-building monks in the Four Evil Formation.

At this moment, the ten foundation-building monks from the seven sects looked at each other. Although they were still extremely afraid of the magic fire released by the crazy flame monks of the Demon Flame Sect, they had to obey the order and release their magic weapons to fly towards the demon monks outside the formation.

A quarter of an hour later, the battle ended.

Looking at the three late-stage foundation-building monks of the Demon Flame Sect who were guarding the ordinary early-stage foundation-building girl who released the high-level escape talisman and fled, Xiao Changsheng, played by Lu Tiandu, said calmly:
"I didn't expect the thieves of the Demon Flame Sect to have such a high-level escape talisman, but this time they were allowed to escape..."

Looking at the Inspector, who was still murderous, the three late-stage foundation-building monks headed by the Seven Factions looked at each other, fear flashing in their eyes.

In fact, Xiao Changsheng's invincible fighting posture was like a wolf among sheep. Not to mention the demonic monks who faced him directly, even the monks from the seven sects were too shocked to come close to Xiao Changsheng's attack range.

When did the foundation-building monks become so weak?
This inspector is still too strong.

A magic handprint actually killed a foundation-building monk? !

"I didn't expect that Brother Xiao turned out to be a Leilinggen monk!"

The big man Lu Tianmeng of Huadaowu said in a respectful tone, "The Thousand Thunder Technique just now is really amazingly powerful! It makes us very envious..."

"Fellow Daoist Lu, it's just an intermediate spell!"

Lu Tiandu waved his hand, but did not confirm his identity as Lei Linggen.

After several years of fighting against demons, the monks who had been divided up in Spirit Beast Mountain before now are the ones who are able to survive with outstanding combat prowess.

But Lu Tianmeng still felt a sense of fear when facing this Xiao Changsheng.

When the surrounding Foundation Establishment cultivators remembered the invincible appearance of Xiao Changsheng who instantly killed several Foundation Establishment cultivators with the lightning that filled the sky with his wave of his hand, they quickly started to flatter him.

"I'll take [-]% of the spoils. Does anyone have any objections?"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the familiar monks Han Li, Song Meng and the old man Yu Xing of Tianque Castle, looked at the group of foundation-building monks and said calmly.

"As it should be! Without patrols, we might even lose our lives!"

Although everyone was covetous of these dozen storage bags, they did not dare to have other thoughts.

Lu Tianmeng and the others glanced at Xiao Changsheng's figure, and for no reason they thought of Fenglinggen Lu Tiandu, who had once been famous on the battlefield of Liusha River. This Yellow Maple Valley has really produced a lot of talents in recent years!

Here comes another invincible alien spirit root!
At night, when Han Li reached out to put away the teleportation talisman in his hand, he had a look of shock on his face.

"It turns out that Xiao Changsheng is played by Uncle Lu!"

"It has only been a few years, but Master Lu is already in the advanced stage of foundation building?"

Han Li still couldn't believe it when he thought of their very different personalities, magical weapons, spells, etc.

When could Fenglinggen be able to make thunder magic so satisfactory?

Perhaps this was the reason why Uncle Lu dared to kill the demonic monk again in an upright manner!

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Han Li had already welcomed Lu Tiandu in.

"Nephew Han, long time no see!" Lu Tiandu, whose face had returned to its original shape, smiled.

When he saw Han Li still appearing in the Great Rift Valley Spirit Stone Mine outside, Lu Tiandu could only sigh at the corrective power of the plot.

However, without his arrival, apart from those killed by the devil, it is hard to say whether the remaining people would have encountered the inverted Five Elements Formation arranged by Lu Tiandu.

"Han Li has met Master Lu!" Han Li smiled wryly and bowed, "Only Master Lu has such an invincible demeanor, which is really enviable."

For a genius like Lu Tiandu, whose upgrade was as easy as drinking water, Han Li was shocked and only envious.

"You're not bad either," Lu Tiandu smiled, "I think you're pretty good at practicing Dayan Jue and Puppet True Solution..."

After chatting for a while, Han Licai said: "Now that Master Lu is back, the fifteen thousand spirit stone disciples who owed him last time can just be returned to Master."

"That's just right!" Lu Tiandu nodded.

This was the reason why he approached Han Li this time.

Originally, Han Li planned to serve in Liusha River for half a year to save enough spiritual stones to pay off his debts, but then Lu Tiandu disappeared, and it has been delayed until now.

When Lu Tiandu took the five Foundation Establishment Pills handed over by Han Li, he smiled and said:

"In this case, I took advantage!"

One Foundation Establishment Pill now costs [-] spirit stones, which is an increase of [-] from the previous [-] spirit stones.

However, Lu Tiandu did not ask whether the Foundation Establishment Pill was Han Li's trophy or where he got it.

Of course, there is a high probability that Han Li used the leftover ones before. After all, Lu Tiandu had only obtained two Foundation Establishment Pills after killing hundreds of Foundation Establishment monks. After all, once the monks got these, they would take them very quickly.

 Thanks to book friends 20230112114517713 and Tushan Rongrong for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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