Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 133 Han Li is distracted!Dragon pattern black gold stick!Pick up the leak!

Chapter 133 Han Li is distracted!Dragon pattern black gold stick!Pick up the leak!

In the stone room, Lu Tiandu took out a jar of Spirit-Gathering Wine and was drinking with Han Li.

This was the second time Han Li drank this spiritual wine. The last time was three or four years ago when Lu Tiandu asked Lu Tiandu for help before he established his foundation.

"Uncle Master, this spiritual wine is indeed a good thing!" Han Li praised as he felt the increase in mana in his body.

"Since you like it, I'll give you the remaining half of the altar!" Lu Tiandu smiled lightly and didn't care.

The two chatted for a while, and Han Li asked for advice on the second level of Lu Tiandu's Dayan Jue that he still had doubts about.

He had originally learned the castrated version of the first and second levels of the technique through Lingpuppet Pavilion. After gaining a lot of military exploits on the Liusha River battlefield, he naturally redeemed it for the full version.

Lu Tiandu was not surprised by this. Many foundation-building disciples in Huang Maple Valley practiced the Dayan Art, but most of them were castrated versions.

Moreover, after seeing that the disciples of Huang Maple Valley improved a lot with their puppets on the battlefield, the castrated version of the two-level technique has been quietly spread, and some foundation-building disciples of other sects are also practicing quietly.

In order to encourage the meritorious service of the foundation-building disciples, the senior officials in Gu Nei currently provide the full version of the first two levels of Dayan Jue on the reward redemption list given by Gu Nei as long as they have a large number of meritorious deeds.

"Master Nephew Han, do you know that this third level of Dayan Jue has other magical uses for foundation-building monks!"

After answering Han Li's doubts, Lu Tiandu said.

Based on the current market price of the five Foundation Establishment Pills that Han Li paid for before, he could be considered as earning a set of Red Thread Escape Needles, which was just the time to reveal the news to Han Li.

"Please ask Uncle Master to help you clear up your doubts!" ​​Han Li's heart moved and he looked like he was listening carefully.

"You should know that if you want to form an elixir, in addition to some rare elixirs that can increase the chance of forming an elixir, some special techniques also have this effect..."

"For example, this is the case with the three-turn Heavy Yuan Gong we traded before. And if the third level of the Dayan Jue is completed before foundation building, it will also have the effect of increasing the number of pills..."

Although Lu Tiandu's tone was calm, when he heard Han Li's words, it was like thunder from the clear sky.

Yuling Dan!
Three turns of heavy Yuan Gong!
The third level of Dayan Jue!
Han Li's eyes suddenly lit up as he thought of these things instantly.

He had been carefully collecting the three-turn heavy Yuan Kung Fu and the three-layer Jin Dan Kung Fu that Lu Tiandu had previously sold to him for [-] spirit stones.

As for the Jade Spirit Pill that the alliance put on the merit redemption list, although he was very greedy, his previous merits had redeemed a large amount of training resources, and he had not yet redeemed one.

Unexpectedly, I learned this secret from Lu Tiandu again.

"Thank you, Uncle Lu!"

Han Li stood up and bowed, secretly thinking that only true disciples like Lu Tiandu could know such secrets.

He has met many Huang Maple Valley disciples on the battlefield over the years, but no one knows this secret.

Moreover, he vaguely heard what his master Li Huayuan meant, and the third-level Dayan Jue Valley was only passed down to Elder Jindan.

But if the elixir is formed, then wouldn’t the effect of the third level of the Dayan Jue in helping to form the elixir be wasted?
"I wonder how I can obtain this third level of Dayan Art?" Han Li asked humbly, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

Since he started practicing the Dayan Jue, he has found that he can practice this technique faster than the Qingyuan Sword Technique that he majored in. After asking around, many people said that the Dayan Jue was difficult to practice, which made him excited. Incessantly.

Unexpectedly, he had such a rare qualification in spiritual consciousness, which allowed Han Li, who had always been mediocre in qualifications, to find some happiness in practicing.

While improving the Dayan Jue, he has also spent a lot of time and spirit stones on the Puppet True Solution in recent years. After all, this is also related to his combat power and the speed of obtaining resources.

The previous use of the Foundation Establishment Pill to pay for the spiritual stones he owed Lu Tiandu was also a manifestation of his lack of spiritual stones.

After Lu Tiandu explained how to obtain it, Han Li smiled bitterly and said:

"If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that you have no chance with me!"

"That's not necessarily true!" Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

"Can it be exchanged for military exploits?" Han Li asked again after a pause.

"If it's not on the exchange list, naturally it can't be exchanged!" Lu Tiandu shook his head, neither denying nor affirming.

"The Dayan Technique is currently one of the Zhenpai techniques in the valley. The third level has the benefit of assisting in elixir formation, and the fourth level has the effect of assisting in the formation of infants. Only those who have practiced in the late stage of the golden elixir will be taught... "

"I see!"

Han Li understood instantly.This Dayan Jue, combined with the Puppet True Understanding, has a great effect among low-level disciples, so it is appropriate to cherish it in the valley.

The third and fourth level techniques have such effects, no matter which sect they are, they will not be easily passed on to low-level disciples. This is the case with the Qianzhu Sect, and the same is true with the Yellow Maple Valley.

Previously, the golden elixir monks in Yellow Maple Valley had also heard that cultivating the third level would help to form elixirs recorded in the Dayan Jue, but no real cases had emerged.

Many foundation building disciples in Yellow Maple Valley have only been practicing for a few years. There are quite a few people who have completed the first level, but no one has completed the second level yet.

After all, the cultivation of spiritual consciousness is very slow for most people, and it is still unknown whether it will take decades to achieve a breakthrough.

But Young Master Lin, who came out of seclusion a few months ago and has advanced to the late stage of foundation building, suddenly became the best case study.

This person has spent decades cultivating the third level of Dayan Jue. As long as there are a lot of resources to help him, he can cultivate the fake elixir within 30 to [-] years and then he can try to form the elixir.

Lu Tiandu heard Gu Nei's plan when chatting with Lei Wanhe before. If he really waits for Young Master Lin to successfully form the elixir and confirms that the third level of Dayan Jue does have this effect, he will give some fake elixirs with extraordinary qualifications in the valley. The disciple secretly gave the third level of Dayan Jue.

In this way, maybe someone in this group of people can cultivate the third level of Dayan Jue before the deadline, and with the corresponding auxiliary elixir, he can form an elixir in one fell swoop.

There may be many golden elixir monks appearing in the Yellow Maple Valley in a hundred years, and by then the strength in the valley will naturally increase greatly in the Yue Kingdom!
Of course, the premise is that all the disciples in the middle and late stages of foundation building are allowed to minor in the first two levels of the full version of Dayan Jue, and after a few decades, the disciples who have advanced to the false elixir will be given the third level. This is safer.

These are some of the plans of the senior officials in the valley, including Lei Wanhe, after they obtained the Dayan Jue.

This is also a way to obtain the third level of Dayan Jue skills in addition to advancing to the Golden Core stage.

But there is a prerequisite that these disciples have acceptable qualifications.

However, Han Li naturally knew that he had the qualifications for a pseudo-spiritual root, so he shook his head and sighed. Even if he had mastered the fake elixir, he probably wouldn't have the chance to be given the technique.

Of course, it is also possible to apply on your own initiative if you have made a great contribution to the world.

Han Li glanced at Lu Tiandu's expression a few more times, then suddenly thought about it and asked:

"Does Uncle Lu also have a third-level skill?"

"Master Nephew Han is really clever!" Lu Tiandu laughed, looking like a teachable child.

Seeing Han Li's hesitant expression, Lu Tiandu instantly understood and said with a smile:

"It is natural that disciples of this kind of high-level skills are not allowed to exchange privately in the valley. Once discovered, their cultivation level will be revoked. Golden elixir monks will not break the rules because of their inner demons. However, this skill has no restrictions on me..."

"So, considering that you and I have a good relationship, as long as my nephew pays a suitable price, there is no problem in trading it to you!"

"Thank you so much, Uncle Lu!" Han Li looked grateful.

"It's just a transaction, I didn't suffer any loss, no need to be polite!"

Lu Tiandu waved his hand and said:

"Actually, I once got an object in an ancient cave. It's of little use to me, but it's of great use to Senior Nephew Han. I wonder if Senior Nephew Han is interested?"

"Uncle, please make it clear." Han Li was shocked. Uncle Lu has so many good things.

Now that he had decided to collect more spiritual stones from Han Li, Lu Tiandu simply traded the Sky-Building Pills that he and his Taoist companions could not use.

Lu Tiandu reached out and turned over, and a jade box appeared in his hand. With a flick of his hand, several talismans attached to it fell down, and eight five-color beads emerged from the box.

"What kind of elixir is this?" Han Li glanced at it with his spiritual consciousness and asked a little doubtfully.

Could it be the elixir that breaks through the bottleneck?

"Heaven-Building Pill!" Lu Tiandu smiled and mentioned the benefits of this ancient pill.

"What? This Heaven-Building Pill can actually make up for the impurity of spiritual roots and refine the innate spiritual roots?"

At this moment, Han Li could no longer sit still and stood up suddenly with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Actually, this thing is of little use to monks with two spiritual roots or above, but it is indeed a heaven-defying thing for monks with three or four spiritual roots!" Lu Tiandu said slowly while looking at the shocked Han Li.

"If you spend decades refining it, you should be able to raise your spiritual root qualifications to between three spiritual roots and double spiritual roots..."

In the original plot, Han Li used two pills to test with spirit beasts and took the remaining six pills. In the end, his qualifications were equivalent to those of a three-spirit-root monk.

Han Li held the jade box in both hands, his heart was agitated, and he couldn't control himself...

No wonder this uncle Lu would sell him such a heaven-defying thing. Neither this uncle nor his Taoist companions have any use for this thing!
Although they are not useful to others, they are a once-in-a-lifetime thing for him!

"There are probably only eight of these in the entire Tiannan!" Lu Tiandu added with a smile.

In the original plot, a fist-sized Heaven-Building Pill will contain eight small five-color beads after being taken. Whether it is the painting Han Li obtained or the eight beads left by Ji Xuan, this problem is illustrated. .

Lu Tian didn't know why this was the case, but there should be no trouble if Manhu took a whole pill and Han Li took someone else's precipitated pill.

Han Li smiled bitterly and knew that Uncle Lu was raising the price. However, this thing was useless to others, but it was of great benefit to him. Even if the price was sky-high, he could only accept it.

The two discussed it and finally decided on the value of 20 spirit stones.

Lu Tiandu has already left, Han Li caressed the eight five-color beads in his hand, still a little distracted.

My damn pseudo-spiritual roots finally have a chance to improve to a higher level! !
It's not easy!
As for the huge debt he was carrying, Lu Tiandu promised him to pay it back anytime.

When he thought about switching to the third level of Dayan Jue next time from Uncle Lu, which would increase the chance of forming a pill, Han Li was shaken again.

The 500-year-old elixir-forming monk is truly the starting point for cultivating immortality!

For Han Li, who was determined to pursue the great road, the road to forming pills seemed increasingly clear.

The next day, inside a large stone house in the Lingshi Mine.

Lu Tiandu, who appeared in the form of Xiao Changsheng, saw the ten foundation-building monks from the seven sects and said calmly: "Since all the fellow Taoists are here, let's start the transaction!"

After saying that, he ignored others and waved his hand. Dozens of top-level magic weapons and various talismans appeared on the table in front of him.

"If you have anything you like, you can tell me! Spirit stones or other rare elixir seeds and materials can be exchanged." Lu Tiandu smiled faintly.

"Of course, if you have things that are not convenient for trading in public, you can also go to the small room next door..."

Everyone looked at the pile of top-level magic weapons in front of Lu Tiandu and gulped, secretly thinking that he was indeed an unscrupulous person. With so many top-level magic weapons, how many monks of the same level had to be killed to gain such a harvest?

With a strong person like Xiao Changsheng presiding over the exchange meeting, everyone relaxed and exchanged things they had no use for.

In fact, Lu Tiandu has hosted this kind of trade fair several times in the past, and of course it was the first time he was invited to participate.

After getting a lot of useful things that time, Lu Tiandu arrived at the new place and actively invited everyone to participate.

With the fame he has built up in the past few months, everyone is naturally very willing to support him.

Lu Tiandu was also looking at the things that everyone brought out, and occasionally he would take the initiative to make a deal if he liked something.

When he saw the strange long stick item in the pile of items in front of a monk in the middle stage of Qingxu Sect's foundation building, his eyes suddenly showed curiosity.

This long stick object is about three feet long, with a black gold color all over it, with mysterious black patterns all over it, and it looks like a dragon. The long stick is thick at one end and thin at the other. The thick end is as thick as a bucket, and the thin end is as thick as a baby's arm. , seamlessly integrated, as if made in nature.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, can you introduce this stick magic weapon of yours?" Lu Tiandu asked curiously.

He used his spiritual consciousness to observe for a long time, but he didn't find out what kind of magic weapon this thing was, and he didn't even see the material.

This is strange.

When he has free time, he usually takes out the various jade slips of knowledge about the world of immortality left by Feng Xian to observe and study. In terms of self-confidence and knowledge, I am afraid that ordinary Nascent Soul monks cannot compare to him, but in the end he was stunned and did not see this thing. origin.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the monk surnamed Wang's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand and said:

"Fellow Taoist, you can pick it up and give it a try. You might be surprised!"

Lu Tiandu was not polite and stretched out his hand to hold the thin end of the black gold stick. A warm feeling came over his tentacles. When Lu Tiandu was about to hold the black gold stick and was about to pick it up, the stick did not move at all when he mentioned it. .


Lu Tiandu was shocked, this thing is so weird!With a sudden force, the power of gold and jade in the second round of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill was activated, and the stick was lifted up by him in an instant.

"Good guy, isn't this a magic weapon?" Lu Tiandu sighed, "This thing weighs several thousand kilograms!"

In fact, just when Lu Tiandu picked up this strange stick purely by physical strength, the Taoist priest surnamed Wang had already opened his mouth in surprise.

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Xiao to be born with divine power!"

The middle-aged Taoist priest surnamed Wang sighed, "Every time I take this thing out or take it in, I use magic power to absorb it, but I have never been able to pick it up with just physical strength like my Taoist friends. Taoist friends are really extraordinary!" "

"Fellow Taoist, that's ridiculous!" Lu Tiandu smiled and said nothing more.

Tian Buque was the only one who knew that the enemies of fellow cultivators in Lu Tiandu had escaped unharmed, but this guy had never appeared again since he returned to the Hehuan Sect.

The information that Lu Tiandu was successful in body training did not spread for some reason, so no one doubted his identity at this moment.

Seeing this strange stick at this moment, some curious people also looked at it and tried to pick it up with physical strength, but they all failed.

Among them, Lu Tianmeng and Han Li were pretty good. They both lifted the stick three inches off the ground in an instant, but no one else could lift it at all.

Lu Tiandu naturally saw that Lu Tianmeng, a rugged man, was extremely powerful, and Han Li must have succeeded in practicing the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill.

In this way, Xiao Changsheng's natural talent of divine power once again impressed everyone.

Han Li guessed that Master Lu had probably practiced the Wuming body-training technique to the second level.

It's a pity that he only achieved the first level of perfection not long ago and has no clue about the second breakthrough.

"Since everyone is very interested, I will introduce it to you fellow Taoists..." Taoist priest surnamed Wang said with a faint smile.

After everyone listened to the introduction by Taoist priest surnamed Wang, everyone admired him.

It turned out that this thing was a treasure that Taoist priest surnamed Wang accidentally obtained after killing a monster deep in a lake in a deep mountain.

I originally thought it was a rare magic weapon. After all, it looks a bit like a giant mallet driven by the magic of object control. Very few magic weapons can withstand the collision.

Even the golden elixir monk's magic weapon attack failed to leave any trace.

As a result, after checking with the Jindan elder inside the door, I discovered that this thing couldn't be refined at all. No matter how much mana was injected into it, there was no change at all. Naturally, it couldn't be an ancient treasure.

This thing can actually be used as a magic weapon by Jindan monks, but it can only be used as a heavy weapon. It lacks the magical power of transformation and the speed of the messenger is slow. It is difficult to say whether it can hit the opponent.

Some people speculated that this thing should be a natural weapon refining material, but unfortunately there was no change whether it was burned by the earth fire or the golden elixir monk's elixir fire for several days and nights.

This made everyone more and more curious, but unfortunately no one could recognize the origin of this thing.

This naturally disappointed the Taoist surnamed Wang, but he did not trade it to others according to ordinary materials. He always wanted to see if he could find someone who knew the goods. Maybe it would be something extraordinary.

But after so many years, it seems like it's been dealt a blow.

"It's a pity that this thing takes too much mana to drive and is a bit bulky, otherwise it would be a rare and heavy magic weapon!" someone sighed.

This is true. Just now, Lu Tiandu used a top-level flying sword to slash dozens of times. In the end, the flying sword was useless, and this thing was safe and sound. Its hardness is indeed stronger than many materials for refining magic weapons.

However, the more Lu Tiandu tested, the more joy he felt in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

Seeing that a few of them were interested in picking up the slack, Lu Tiandu looked at the Taoist surnamed Wang and said:

"This stick does seem to be rare. Since Fellow Daoist Wang took it out, he must be exchanging something. I wonder what Fellow Daoist wants?"

When everyone saw this thing, they felt that it was indeed extraordinary. However, since even the golden elixir monks could not handle it, some people wanted to pick it up, but they were still a little hesitant.

"Fellow Taoist, have you recognized the origin of this thing?" the Taoist surnamed Wang asked with his eyes lit up.

"I won't lie to fellow Taoists. Xiao doesn't know what the material of this thing is!" Lu Tiandu shook his head, "The only thing I like is the hardness of this material. Maybe it will be useful in the future..."

"I see!"

The Taoist priest surnamed Wang had a look of regret on his face. Seeing that Lu Tiandu's expression didn't seem to be fake, he thought for a while and said:

"I wonder what price you are willing to pay?"

He had obtained this object when he first established the foundation, and it had been decades since then, but he still had not found the use of this object.

With the arrival of the demonic invasion, he already has the intention to take action. After all, it is important to exchange for some cultivation resources to improve his cultivation and save his life.

However, after participating in several trade fairs, interested people always acted like they were picking up the pieces, and he was always dissatisfied with the bids.

Seeing the wealthy Xiao Changsheng, he became hopeful.

Seeing that this man was a little moved, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"These top-level magic weapons and mid-level talismans that Xiao brought out, fellow Taoist can choose anything worth [-] spirit stones. What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's bid, the others immediately gave up their thoughts of picking up the slack.

Taoist priest surnamed Wang looked happy and said:
"As soon as I heard your price, I knew that you were a real person, but..." The man turned to voice transmission after he finished speaking.

This made others curious as well.

After Lu Tiandu listened, he nodded, and the two of them went to the small hall next door without caring about others.

After a while, the two of them returned. Lu Tiandu walked towards the black gold stick, and put it away as soon as he used his magic power.

Looking at the Taoist priest surnamed Wang who looked happy, everyone knew that the two had reached a deal.

These [-] spiritual stones can basically buy an ordinary magic weapon. In exchange for this weird magic weapon-like stick, who will take advantage and who will suffer.

But asking them to spend [-] spirit stones to buy such an item whose use they don't know yet, regardless of whether they have spirit stones or not, they are naturally unwilling to do so.

Half an hour later, seeing that everyone was almost done trading, Lu Tiandu spoke again:

"Xiao knows that everyone still has good things to offer. If you are interested, you can deal with Xiao alone..."

"Xiao will also give out elixirs useful to mid- to late-stage foundation-building monks in exchange. Those who are interested will come to Xiao's residence... Xiao has done transactions with dozens of fellow Taoists before, so everyone can rest assured about his reputation... "

"Okay, this trade fair is over. Xiao will leave tomorrow. I hope everyone will do a good job guarding the spirit stone mine..."

After finishing speaking, Lu Tiandu returned to his temporary workhouse with a wave of his sleeves.

The next day, Lu Tiandu released the magic weapon and left the Great Rift Valley all the way south.

After flying hundreds of miles, Lu Tiandu landed on a mountaintop. He let go of his huge spiritual consciousness to observe for a moment, and then his figure flickered and disappeared without a trace.

The world of stone beads.

Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, blue light flowed, and a blue crystal stone appeared in his hand.

"Deep Sea Xuan Crystal!"

This was exchanged from the late-stage foundation-building monk named Yang from the Crimson Fire Sect. It can also be regarded as a rare piece of ice attribute magic weapon refining material.

However, this person did not recognize this thing as the Deep Sea Xuan Crystal. He only thought it was a piece of aquamarine crystal that he got by chance, but Lu Tiandu took advantage of it.

As for other things that were later exchanged privately, none of them were worth as much as this one.

This Deep Sea Xuan Jing and the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade are the two top-level materials with ice attributes!
Apart from the unknown black gold stick, this was Lu Tiandu's biggest mistake this time.

 Thanks to the book friend for the tip!
(End of this chapter)

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