Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 134 Thunder Turtle News!Hengtian 8 styles! 1 stick 1 piece!

Chapter 134 Thunder Turtle news!Eighteen moves across the sky!One stick at a time!
After looking at the deep sea crystal in his hand, Lu Tiandu put it away.

He has no use for this thing, so he can give it to Hong Fu, the Ice Spirit Root cultivator later.

Taking out another gray-white jade slip, Lu Tiandu checked it again before murmuring:
"A mysterious turtle with thunder attributes? This is an uncommon monster. I didn't expect Lu Tianmeng to have news about such a monster..."

After hearing that Xiao Changsheng had a lot of elixirs that could increase his cultivation and could be exchanged for them, Lu Tianmeng, like everyone else, was naturally attracted to them.

After all, in the world of mortals cultivating immortals, magical artifacts, magic weapons, talismans, exercises, etc. can all be traded, but only elixirs. The higher the level of elixirs, the fewer monks trade them.

When you meet a foundation-building monk like Xiao Changsheng who is not short of elixirs and is willing to trade them, the opportunity is naturally very rare.

And most people also guessed that these pills were mostly trophies that Xiao Changsheng had won from the demonic monks. These monks had important responsibilities, and the sect would naturally give them a lot of rewards. Otherwise, there would be very few people taking on such dangerous tasks.

According to their guess, Xiao Changsheng was probably already a fake elixir cultivator and was already preparing for elixir formation. Then he wanted to change to some high-level materials that could be used to refine magic weapons.

What no one knew before was that Lu Tiandu and the Taoist priest surnamed Wang from the Qingxu Sect exchanged the dragon-marked black gold stick for the actual price of elixirs. After all, a head-on transaction of more than a dozen bottles of elixirs could easily make other monks greedy and have other thoughts. Then I went to the small hall to trade.

When Lu Tianmeng approached Lu Tiandu, he did not bring out any high-value materials for trade. After all, he did not have any materials that could be used to refine magic weapons. Instead, he provided a piece of news about monsters.

The fourth-level demon beast Black Turtle, and it also has thunder attributes!

If it was just a fourth-level monster, Lu Tiandu really wouldn't be interested, but when he heard it was a thunder attribute or a turtle, he was moved in his heart.

There were not many level four monsters in Tiannan today, and monsters with wind, thunder, and ice attributes were even rarer. Lu Tianmeng was really lucky to encounter one.

It would be of great use to him if he could catch this level four Thunder Turtle and train it until the demon elixir is generated in his body at level five.

This is mainly because the Fengling Prison Suppressing Technique records a powerful true thunder training method, which can be practiced after the elixir is formed.

Needless to say, it is difficult to practice the thunder method, and it is also extremely dangerous.

If you want to quickly master this lightning technique, there is a kind of elixir recorded in the technique to assist the practice, among which the inner elixir of the thunder attribute monster is one of the main ingredients.

Moreover, Lu Tiandu also discovered several life-extending secrets while reading some of the secrets left by Feng Xian.

One of them is to find a spirit beast below level seven with a long natural lifespan to sacrifice and refine it into a natal spirit beast. As the spirit beast's cultivation level increases, its lifespan will gradually increase, and the owner will also share part of its lifespan.

As we all know, the longevity of tortoise monsters ranks among the top three among monsters.

As for why monsters below level seven are needed, it is because monsters that reach level seven are already demon cultivators and their spiritual intelligence is greatly expanded. If you want to sacrifice your own spirit beast and share the long life of the monster, you will easily suffer resistance. Refining failed.

Once this secret technique is successfully practiced, it is not a problem to live for thousands of years in the human world.

As for the spirit world, the effect is greatly weakened. After all, the rules of heaven and earth are different. The thunder disaster in the spirit world does not distinguish between humans and monsters.

As for why Lu Tianmeng used this news to trade with Lu Tiandu?It's actually very simple.

Although for disciples who practice the Spirit Beast Mountain technique, spirit beasts are one of the most important combat powers and are rarely given up to others.

But at this time, Lu Tianmeng belonged to the monk Huadaowu. Because he was born in Spirit Beast Mountain, he was restricted in his body. Before the end of the war, he was not allowed to leave the sect at will except for related tasks.

He had discovered the traces of this monster several years ago, but before he could recruit helpers to capture the monster, Spirit Beast Mountain was destroyed.

Five years have passed, and it is still unknown when this war will end. He is afraid that the monster will be captured by others when he is free, so he plans to exchange this information for some pills to improve his cultivation.

Along the way, Lu Tiandu also recalled that when Lu Tianmeng faced the blood jade spider in the original plot, he indeed had an extremely hard black turtle shell!

However, this person was not brought out in the previous battle with the Demon Flame Sect, presumably because he had not yet killed the turtle to retrieve its shell.

This turtle shell magic weapon once helped Lu Tianmeng resist the attack of the blood jade spider, and the blood jade spider's sharp claws only left a shallow scratch on the turtle shell!

This turtle shell was later acquired by Han Li.When facing the Black Evil Cult in Yuejing, I left it to the four friends of Mengshan to defend themselves...

An even more outstanding performance was when Han Li faced the mantis sword of the golden-backed monster mantis. The white scale shield, a top-quality magical weapon refined with the white phosphorus of the black dragon, was chopped into pieces by the mantis sword, but the turtle shell was unharmed. !
This shows how powerful the defense of this level four black turtle is!

Therefore, after Lu Tiandu was busy with the next thing, he was ready to conquer this level four black turtle.

Putting away the jade slips, Lu Tiandu turned over and took out a three-foot-long dragon-patterned black gold stick. He turned it over and looked at it several times, and the smile on his face could no longer stop.

"Okay! Okay! With this stick, I can finally practice the "Eighteen Stances of Hengtian"!"

Ever since he started cultivating the legal body, especially when he was promoted to the second level, the enemies he encountered were all foundation-building monks. Before starting the fight, they were separated by dozens or even hundreds of feet before releasing magic weapons to attack him. The more he discovered that the opponent of his physical training was The enemy's tactics are too simple.

With just a pair of fists and gloves, if you don't have the speed blessing of the Fortune Wind Boots, you can get close quickly, and this body-building power is simply wasted.

And since he had received the inheritance of the secrets of the techniques from the Sutra Pavilion on the third floor of Lingkong Tower, he naturally started to look for some ways to fight against the body refiners.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed.

Among the inheritance left by Feng Xian, there are several ways to create protective gear or what are called divine weapons for body refiners, as well as several methods of fighting.

This "Eighteen Styles of Hengtian" is one of the methods for fighting the enemy.

This is a method for using magic weapons such as spears, halberds or clubs.In addition to the general outline, there are eighteen offensive and defensive moves.

Therefore, if you want to cooperate with this technique, you will naturally need corresponding weapons.

The method of refining the magic weapon was also recorded in the jade slips, but Lu Tiandu let Xiaomei and others try to refine it before giving up.

It is true that this method of refining magical weapons consumes too many materials, and trying to collect them is a bit useless for Lu Tiandu, who now considers gathering the materials for refining his natal magic weapon as his first option.

If the materials are just makeshift, the refined instrument will probably be destroyed in just a few strokes. After all, the original version of this thing can compete with ancient treasures.

In this case, it is better to use these materials to refine magic weapons to earn spiritual stones.

This is actually easy to understand. After all, in ancient times, there were many materials and the cost of refining large instruments was relatively small.

Today's mainstream methods of refining magical weapons and magic weapons have changed due to material issues, and the materials are not cheap and scarce.For example, you can see the difference between today's magic weapons and the ancient treasures used by monks in ancient times.

Obviously, ancient treasures use more materials and are more powerful!
Although he has temporarily given up on the idea of ​​refining magic weapons, Lu Tiandu is still very concerned about this matter.Along the way, I have traded various precious materials with many people, with the idea of ​​collecting some of them as part of my collection, and then collecting them when I have a lot of time after the elixir is formed.

As a result, he didn't expect that this time he would encounter such a good thing like a magic weapon.

Although he could not recognize the material of this black gold stick, its hardness that could not be damaged even by magic weapons made it the perfect choice for a magic weapon.

Therefore, after testing the Wujin Stick, he immediately fell in love with this long stick that resembled a mallet.

And it only cost the price of an ordinary magic weapon to buy this thing. It can only be said that people who were optimistic about this thing in the past were thinking of picking up a bargain.

One month passed in the blink of an eye.

In the world of stone beads.

Lu Tiandu, who was floating in the air, was silently running the Eighteen Movements of Hengtian in his body, and streaks of white jade-like light slowly flowed through his body.

Lu Tiandu opened his hands, and suddenly a three-foot-long dragon-patterned black gold stick appeared in his hands.


After a loud shout, Lu Tiandu's figure was like a shooting star. He rushed down and suddenly raised the black gold stick with both hands.

"Cleave mountains and seas!"

The bucket-thick round head of the dragon-patterned black gold stick was like an ax blade, and it suddenly struck a branch of the giant tree.

A "click" sound of cracking gold and stone came from the tall and strong giant branches in the Shizhu World.

Floating in the air, Lu Tian's wrists were numb, but his eyes were unusually bright.

"This method is indeed good. It is more than twice as powerful as using the divine power alone before!"

Looking at the broken giant branch, Lu Tiandu was greatly surprised.

This is some kind of giant tree. Before, he couldn't do anything with the intermediate spells. Unexpectedly, he used the power of gold and jade with the Eighteen Moves of Hengtian to break a treetop.

Although it only took him more than a month to briefly learn the general outline of Hengtian's Eighteen Movements and one of them, "Splitting Mountains and Seas," it still made Lu Tiandu very excited.

With this move, even Jindan monks can fight.

He casually put away the chopped treetops. This thing looked like a rare wood-attribute material, which could probably be used to refine magic weapons.

After leaving the world of Shizhu, Lu Tiandu went south again.

There were no surprises when checking the ancient teleportation array guarded by the Inverted Five Elements Array. Lu Tiandu was already preparing to harvest the Black Evil Sect this time.

After so many years, I think the Blood Coagulation Five Elements Pill has been cultivated.

A few days later, Yue Jing was in the city.

Lu Tiandu was invisible and floating above the imperial city, letting go of his spiritual consciousness to scan below.

Five familiar scents were quickly found.

"I didn't find Yue Huang's aura. Is this person practicing in a secret room somewhere?" Lu Tiandu was a little confused.

But he doesn't care, he won't be afraid that he won't come out when he gets the Blood Coagulation Five Elements Pill.

"Thieves of the Black Evil Cult, why don't you come out and die!"

A loud shout caused the quiet imperial city to boil instantly.

"Who is it? How dare you break into the imperial city!"

"Seeking death! How dare you break into my Black Demon Sect's main altar!"

"Haha, where did this reckless thing come from? This is fresh flesh and blood delivered to your door!"

Accompanied by several curses and sarcastic voices, four figures appeared in the void not far from Lu Tian.

The leader is in his 30s, with good facial features, fair face and no beard, and is wearing a green Taoist robe.

The person on the left is in his 20s, a young man in a yellow shirt with a lazy look on his face.

The person on the right is a tall, bald man.

The last person was slightly separated from the three others. He was dressed in white and had a cold look on his face that meant that strangers should not approach him.

It is Qing Wen, Ye Snake (Wu Jiuzhi), Tie Luo and Ice Demon, the four great blood warriors.Except for Qing Wen, who was already in the middle stage of foundation building, the other three were in the early stage of foundation building.

Among them, Leaf Snake has reached the peak of the early stage of foundation building, and it seems that it is not far from a breakthrough.The cultivation level of the four people in the original plot more than a year later is exactly the same.

"What? This person is Xiao Changsheng!"

"No, this evil star has arrived!"

"It's over!"

When the four of them saw Lu Tiandu's appearance, their eyes shrank and they suddenly felt frightened. The arrogance they had just now completely turned cold.

Who among the middle and low-level monks in the Yue Kingdom knows the news that Xiao Changsheng has swept through many demonic teams in the past six months?
Although they can fight against even late-stage foundation-building monks after being demonized, they are still not strong enough in front of a ruthless person like Xiao Changsheng!

Sure enough, the name of a person is the shadow of a tree!
The four of them looked at each other and saw the fear and withdrawal in each other's eyes!
After finally using the demonic blood sacrifice method to reach the foundation-building stage, they naturally do not want to turn into withered bones at the feet of others.

Just when the four of them were about to disperse and flee, the sound in their ears stopped them from escaping!
"Damn it! Damn it!"

The expressions of the four people changed, and they cursed in their hearts.But he knew that if he ran away at this time, he would be dead if the secret door left by the leader on the technique was activated.

"Let's do it together!"

The four of them no longer concealed their cultivation at this moment, and a shocking evil spirit rose into the sky.At this moment, even some Qi Refining cultivators hiding in Yuejing City noticed something strange.

Qi Qi used his celestial eye skills to observe the changes in the imperial city.

The seven Qi Refining Period stewards stationed in the inner city were also awakened by this strangeness.

Looking at the center of the imperial city in amazement...


Accompanied by bursts of low roars, eight pairs of eyes emitted black-red light, and intense blood-red light emitted from four people at the same time!

In the blink of an eye, four huge blood-light groups two to three feet high floated motionless in the air.

This is the unique magical power of the Xuanyin Sutra - the art of demonization!
"Good! Good! Good!"

Lu Tian, ​​who was floating in the air, laughed wildly, "Let me see what you demons can do!"

At this moment, he didn't care about Li Poyun who was still hiding in the palace. Anyway, he had been locked by his consciousness and there was no way he could escape!

Spreading his palms, a dragon-patterned black gold stick appeared out of thin air in his palms.

"Cleave mountains and seas!"

With one step forward, Lu Tiandu appeared above a bloody cocoon of light. He picked up the black gold stick and smashed it down.

"Puff - puff -"

Four consecutive sounds of the skin being deflated were almost connected together. When Lu Tian stopped, there was no bloody cocoon of light in the sky.

A pile of pale minced meat floated to the ground, and his clothes had long since turned into powder.


Feeling that the four blood warriors who had been trained for many years almost disappeared in a breath, the man in blue robe hiding in the hall suddenly grasped his right hand, and a jade pendant had been crushed, "Xiao Changsheng, damn it!"

"One stick per stick, it's so refreshing!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the blood cocoon that disappeared without a trace, fully understanding the power of Hengtian's Eighteen Styles, and felt secretly happy in his heart.

In the original book, this blood cocoon is very tough. Facing the attacks of two talismans, intermediate spells, several magic weapons, and more than a dozen first-level puppets, it took a long time to break through one!
Unexpectedly, in his hands, he was beaten to death with random sticks in the blink of an eye!

With a casual move, he put away the storage bags of the four people and the four thumb-sized beads of blue, green, white and red left behind.

I have obtained four Blood-coagulating Five Elements Pills.

The remaining one is on the eunuch Li Poyun, who is the incarnation of the Yue Emperor.

This is something that the Emperor of Yue has been preparing for decades. With this Blood-Coagulated Five Elements Pill, forming a pill is no longer a dream!
At this moment, Lu Tian was shocked and realized that after the four people died, not a trace of blood was left!

"How weird? Can this stick absorb blood?" Lu Tiandu looked confused and puzzled.

I didn’t hear what the Taoist surnamed Wang from Xumen was talking about!

Or that person doesn’t know either?

He casually put away the heads of the four people, waved his hand, and a flash of fire flashed, and the place became clean again.

"Poverty Taoist Li Poyun has met Inspector Xiao!"

A soft voice suddenly came from the hall.

A man in blue robes, about forty years old, with a fair face and no beard, and some crow's feet at the corners of his eyes, walked out of the hall slowly and looked at Lu Tiandu with a gloomy face.

In front of him, there was a middle-aged man holding a purple gold crown, a brocade robe, a fair face, and a look of fear. This man was the Emperor of Yue.

"Are you Li Poyun, the leader of the Black Evil Sect?"

Lu Tiandu frowned and asked as if he didn't understand the plot.

"It's down."

Li Poyun's soft voice sounded, "As long as Inspector Xiao returns the four beads in his hand to me, I can return the Emperor of Yue to the Inspector, stay away from Yue Kingdom from now on, and never set foot in Yue Kingdom again..."

"What if I don't pay it back?"

Lu Tiandu, who was carrying the dragon-patterned black gold stick on his shoulders, said with a half-smile, and inadvertently took a few steps forward.


Seeing Xiao Changsheng's movements, Li Poyun shouted hurriedly.

Suddenly, the four blood warriors died at the same time. He didn't know that Xiao Changsheng was incredibly fast, so how could he dare to let him get close to him.

"If you come forward again, I will kill the emperor..."

"Oh, let's kill him!"

Lu Tiandu looked indifferent.

Li Poyun and Yue Huang froze, looking confused as if they didn't understand!

Are you still a disciple of the Seven Sects?

Don't you care about the emperor's life or death? ?

Is this His Majesty the Emperor jointly established by the seven factions of you? !
"Since I won't kill you, then you two can go die!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and Lu Tiandu's figure had disappeared.

"not good!"

The Emperor of Yue was shocked, he still dared to pretend.

A bloody long sword instantly appeared in his hand, and a bronze mirror appeared in front of him.

The incarnation of Li Poyun also released several magical weapons to protect himself.

The strange thing is that at this moment, the two monks in the late stage of foundation building have not found any trace of Xiao Changsheng.

"Bang! Bang!"

After the two overlapping sounds, there were several more lumps of minced meat and several broken magic weapons in front of the hall.

Sure enough, both of them were drained of blood this time.

"This thing is so evil!"

Lu Tiandu touched the black gold stick again, a little confused.

This thing is not a magic weapon, so why does it absorb blood?
After looking at it for a long time and finding no problem, Lu Tiandu didn't bother to care. He would just use it as a weapon anyway, and wouldn't do any sacrifices or anything, so there was no need to worry too much.

He randomly picked up four things, one yellow, three red, and so on from the ground.

The yellow one is naturally the last Blood-Coagulating Five Elements Pill. With all the Blood-Coagulating Five Elements Pills collected, the mission of this trip has been completed.

After returning, the elder of the Lu family can use the Blood-Coagulating Five Elements Pill to condense the Evil Pill.

At that time, in addition to the evil elixir technique, the seemingly normal techniques in the Xuanyin Sutra such as the Blood Spirit Diamond can also be taught to Lu Daolin.

Three to five years later, another golden elixir monk will be born in the Lu family.

Among the three red things, two inch-long red cone-shaped things are the "Blood Spirit Diamond" condensed by the Yue Emperor.

According to the records of the Xuanyin Sutra, to condense the Blood Spirit Diamond, you need to follow a special method to slowly condense some of the true energy in the body and compress it dozens of times, spending a lot of time.

After it is condensed, it can be hidden in the body like a magic weapon and used to kill people by surprise. It is a completely one-time attack object.

It's a pity that this time, even one of them didn't come out, and Lu Tiandu was killed!

"This thing is also a good thing for sneak attacks on Jindan monks!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and put it away.

The Yue Emperor's plan was the same as in the original plot. He was probably planning to wait for Lu and Tian to accept the hostages, then get close and suddenly attack with the Blood Spirit Diamond.

Unfortunately, according to Lu Tiandu's own estimation, he had wind and thunder robes and gold wire inner armor to protect him, plus a strong physical body with the second level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill. Standing in front of the Yue Emperor and allowing him to sneak attack would probably not be able to hurt him.

Of course, even if the Yue Emperor absorbs the cultivation of his own incarnation and reaches a fake elixir, as in the original plot, he will not escape death in the end.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu was too lazy to waste time. After turning invisible, he picked up all the sticks one by one.

The last red item is the bloody long knife with a black handle, which is the incomplete magic weapon Black Blood Knife.

Lu Tiandu got several damaged magic weapons from Jixuan storage bags a few years ago, so he put them away without any curiosity.

After opening the Yue Huang's storage bag, he found several things within a moment.

A silk handkerchief that looked extremely old and slightly yellowed.

This silk handkerchief was made of an unknown material, but its entire body exuded a faint fluorescent light.There is a vague map embroidered on it, which is the remnant map of Xutian.

There was an alms bowl that was as black as ink, and a jade slip that exuded a grayish white air.

The alms bowl is naturally a soul-gathering bowl, exuding a cold and cold air.

This thing is specially made by demonic monks to accommodate the souls and souls of monks. As long as it enters this magic weapon, all souls and souls will gradually lose their spirituality and become ordinary lonely ghosts, dedicated to evil spirits. Cultivators are driven to perform sacrifices.

Not many demonic people have successfully condensed this kind of magic weapon, which can be judged from the fact that it is rarely seen in the storage bags of the demonic monks killed by Lu Tiandu.

This magical weapon can also assist in the practice of puppetry.

It's a pity that Lu Tiandu never thought of spending time practicing puppetry, but he didn't have any use for it.

The gray-white jade slips recorded the incomplete Xuanyin Sutra, and there was nothing interesting about it.

After plundering the imperial city, Lu Tiandu took action to kill the Heisha Cult members who were practicing demonic techniques in the city. Naturally, these people could not hide under his huge spiritual sense.

After he was done, he left the capital.

Before leaving, as an inspector, he notified the seven disciples stationed in Yue Jing, asking these Qi Refining disciples to maintain order in the city and elect a new emperor as usual.

Therefore, the truth about the previous changes in this city has finally been revealed!
The story of Xiao Changsheng, the inspector who single-handedly destroyed the Black Evil Cult, was widely spread in an instant...

After spending a day's work, destroying several branches of the Black Evil Sect, and harvesting a lot of loot, Lu Tiandu returned to the east of Yuejing City again.

The Black Evil Sect has been completely eliminated by him as the patrol envoy!

All in all, the spiritual stones and other things he obtained from the Black Evil Cult this time were only tens of thousands. After all, these Black Evil Cult members did not rely on pills for their cultivation. The blood sacrifices were all casual cultivators. It is normal for their meager wealth...

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(End of this chapter)

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