Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 135: Animal Skin Book Opportunity!Chase!Kill the golden elixir!

Chapter 135: Animal Skin Book Opportunity!Chase!Kill the golden elixir!

Yue Jing, inside Xianyun Restaurant.

A green jade slip was tossing and turning in Lu Tiandu's fingers. On the wooden table in front of him was a pot of turbid wine. Lu Tiandu drank a few glasses. The light aroma of the wine had a unique taste.

What is recorded in this jade slip is some tips on how to change the shape of flames that old man Wu, a casual cultivator who seemed to have an immortal spirit, had figured out by himself.

This little trick has been of little value since Lu Tiandu was able to transform elementary fire spells into various animal forms during his Qi refining period (the fire bird spell is an intermediate and lower-level spell).

However, the vague concept of using magic and several practical training methods proposed at the back of the jade slip gave him a lot of inspiration, and it was not in vain that he exchanged several bottles of Qi Refining Period elixirs for this knowledge.

At this moment, the curtain of the private room was lifted, and an old man and a young man walked in with respectful expressions.

"I've seen the inspector, my granddaughter Cui'er has arrived."

It was the old man among them who spoke.

This old man looks to be in his 60s, dressed in a green robe, with gray hair and a ninth-level Qi refining level.

It was Xiao Zhen, the shopkeeper of Xianyun Restaurant, who was born in the Xiao family, a run-down immortal cultivating family in Fenghejian, Yunzhou.

Next to him, the thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl with red lips, white teeth, beautiful appearance, and a curious look on her face was Xiao Zhen's granddaughter Xiao Cuier.

Although she is young at this moment, she is still full of beauty.

No wonder women usually dress up as men.

Lu Tiandu had known the two of them five or six years ago. At this moment, the girl was already at the sixth level of Qi refining, which was one level higher than the fifth level of Qi refining a year later in the original plot.

This is naturally attributed to the bottle of elixir Lu Tiandu left for Xiao Cuier when he took away the Mo sisters in Yuejing.

When we met again, Xiao Zhencang was much older, and Xiao Cuier was already a slim little girl.

Time has left traces on both grandfather and grandson...

At this moment, Xiao Zhen looked at Xiao Changsheng, who was in his 30s and had a delicate face with dignity. Although his face was very respectful, he was very confused in his heart. He didn't know why this adult summoned his grandfather and grandson.

"sit down!"

Lu Tiandu waved his hands. At this moment, the two of them naturally did not recognize that he was the Mr. Lu who they were familiar with before.

However, looking at the confused expression in Xiao Cuier's eyes, Lu Tiandu smiled faintly. Perhaps the little girl also discovered that the man in front of her was similar to the brother of the Lu family whom she had met before and had a friendship with him.

There is a certain aura that makes people unconsciously close to it.

"Is this Miss Cui'er? As Junior Brother Tiandu said, she has good qualifications..."

Lu Tiandu's words made the grandfather and grandson look at each other and understand instantly.

Mr. Lu!
In recent years, Huang Maple Valley has been famous as one of the geniuses of several countries.

The young man in white clothes who was in his twenties and had drank in their restaurant several times.

A few years ago, my grandfather and grandson confirmed through the news and images circulated among the casual cultivators that the Fenglinggen Lu Tiandu, who had great military exploits, was Mr. Lu, who had met them several times before.

It's a pity that Mr. Lu is said to have disappeared for several years.

"I wonder who the inspector is?"

After Lu Tiandu briefly explained his disguised identity, the grandfather and grandson finally relaxed.

After some pleasantries, when the two asked about Lu Tiandu's whereabouts, Lu Tiandu simply said that they were destined to meet that 'Junior Brother Lu' again.

"I came here for two things. One is to exchange for the breath-condensing technique on both of you, and the other is to introduce you to the Lu family to practice on behalf of Junior Brother Tiandu. What do you two think? "


The Xiao family's grandfather and grandson did not expect that Senior Xiao would be so direct, and they were a little hesitant for a moment.

"Don't worry, if you agree to the deal, I will give you enough resources to cultivate to the perfection of Qi refining."

"As for whether to become a disciple, you decide for yourself. If you want to become a disciple, the second elder of the Lu family who is in the middle stage of foundation building will accept Cui'er as his disciple. The Junior Brother Lu you know was also taught by him..."

Lu Tiandu gave a general introduction to the Lu family's power.

In fact, if he showed up in his true colors, he would be trusted quickly.But now that Lu Tiandu's identity has been dormant, there is no need for the two of them to show up.

In this way, facing this huge opportunity, the two of them naturally had no intention of rejecting it.

But this girl Xiao Cuier came and asked:

"Senior Xiao, we will give you the animal skin book, and we don't want you to trade it. You will escort us to the Taiyue Mountains. When Brother Lu comes back, I hope you can give him a copy of the exercises in the animal skin book, okay? "

"I didn't expect you, a little girl, to be quite clever and know how to remember other people's things!"

Lu Tiandu laughed loudly.

Naturally, the animal skin book contained more than just Qi Condensation Technique. Although the two of them could not understand it, they knew that it was extraordinary to be favored by Xiao Changsheng, a late-stage foundation-building monk.

Moreover, after Xiao Cui'er becomes a disciple, there will naturally be no shortage of training resources during the Qi refining period, which is why she made the above request.

"Okay, I'll give him a share!"

Lu Tiandu touched the little girl's head. The little girl was quite smart and smiled, "As for the things I give you, just keep them. I won't take advantage of you..."

Anyway, Xiao Cuier will know Lu Tiandu's identity sooner or later, which is considered a meeting gift.

The wooden box was opened, revealing a somewhat blackened yellow book. At first glance, it looked like an ancient relic!

The material of this yellow book is indeed some kind of special animal skin. Except for an unnamed breathing formula recorded in human language on the last two pages of the animal skin book, everything else is written in ancient demon language.

This did not trouble Lu Tiandu.

In the jade slip inheritance left by Feng Xian, there are several ancient writings.Lu Tiandu had spent time studying this kind of ancient demon literature before, and now he quickly started reading it with gusto.

The grandfather and grandson have already checked the storage bag that Lu Tiandu handed them. In addition to two top-level magic weapons and a few first- and second-level puppets, there are more than twenty bottles of elixirs suitable for the Qi refining period.

The two of them looked at each other and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts that this senior Xiao is really rich!
But what makes Xiao Cuier a little confused is that the pill bottle inside is exactly the same as the one that Brother Lu left for her before. She wonders if the pill inside is also the same...

After a while, Lu Tiandu took out a jade box, put the animal skin book in it, and put it away.

The demon text in the animal skin book records a demon clan technique called "Nine Transformations of Gale Wind" that is suitable for the cultivation of avian monsters. It includes a set of magic techniques, a set of movement techniques, and two secret techniques.

This saves him the time to find training methods for the Golden Thunder Tiger and the Golden-backed Monster Mantis.

Among the two sets of secret techniques, the Hidden Wind Technique is a breath gathering technique suitable for birds to practice. The nameless breath gathering technique was modified from this and is more suitable for human practice.

After practicing this breath gathering technique, unless the opponent is above a great level, it is basically impossible to discover the true cultivation level of the breath gathering person.

Another secret technique is somewhat similar to Blood Escape, one of the three major escape methods in the world of immortality. It is called "Blood Shadow Escape". Of course, it is much stronger than the Blood Escape that demon monks love to use.

They also use the power of essence and blood to perform escape techniques. This so-called blood shadow escape is a strange escape technique that allows them to escape hundreds of miles away in an instant.

The range of spiritual consciousness of a monk in the early stage of Yuanying is only a hundred miles. As long as he activates blood shadow escape twice, a golden elixir monk can escape the pursuit of the old monster of Yuanying.

It can be seen that this escape method is indeed a good thing to save life.

However, this escape method also has flaws.

For example, it is impossible to control the distance when using this secret technique. As soon as it is used, the person will turn into a blood shadow in an instant and be shot hundreds of miles away.

To perform this secret technique, the amount of essence and blood required is large and fixed.During the process of performing the technique, if there is not enough essence and blood, the performer's body will explode in the middle and turn into a ball of blood mist and die, which is extremely dangerous.

Finally, to perform this technique, you must have a pair of wings.

Because the speed of Blood Shadow Escape is much higher than the three major escape methods of Wind, Thunder and Blood. If there are no wings to maintain the balance of the body and a special light body technique is applied, the person who performs the technique will not be able to fly very far and will stumble.

It may fall to the ground, or it may spin in circles.In short, the operation will fail.

Since Lu Tian has golden fingers, there is no need to practice this method of consuming blood and essence to escape.Moreover, he had gained several blood escape training methods by killing demonic monks before. Although it was gentler than blood shadow escape, he didn't practice much.

He has Wind Escape and Thunder Escape, which are completely sufficient, and there is also a secret technique in the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique that can combine the two escape techniques without using wings or other external objects. Although the speed is not as fast as the Blood Shadow Escape, But it's fast enough.

But even though he doesn't have any use for it, the girls in the harem still need to practice a bit.As for the wing magic weapon, just find the materials to refine a few more pieces when the time comes.

The information left by Feng Xian contains many methods for refining magic weapons, including many flying wing magic weapons.The only thing that is difficult to find is the bones, flesh, wings and other materials of high-level birds and monsters.

Moreover, he still remembered that Master Cang Kun once created a secret escape technique called "Ten Thousand Feet of Thread", which was an escape technique that could make people go far away in an instant at the cost of a lot of energy and even blood essence.

When escaping from afar, the escaping light can be transformed into silk threads, and the aura is completely restrained, making it impossible to trace.

This seems to be an escape technique that is improved on the basis of blood escape. You can also look for it and learn it when the time comes.

After all, there are not many secret techniques that can save lives.

"Senior Xiao, do you recognize the words on this?" After enduring for a long time, the little girl Xiao Cuier finally couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, this is an ancient demon text, which records a kind of bird-like demon cultivation technique..." Lu Tiandu said a few words briefly.

Suddenly his expression changed and he asked: "Tui'er, do you still remember the cave where you picked up this wooden box?"

This Taoist book, Xiao Zhen said before, was found by Xiao Cuier in a cave when she was visiting an uninhabited mountain a few years ago.

"Ah, senior, are you going there to check if there is anything else?"

Xiao Cuier's dark eyes turned and she understood what this senior was thinking.


One day later, Lu Tiandu took his grandfather and grandson to find the barren mountain according to Xiao Cuier's memory.

Fortunately, Xiao Cuier is an immortal cultivator and has an extraordinary memory, otherwise an ordinary little girl would not be able to remember it.

After twisting and turning into the underground cave, Lu Tiandu quickly found a different place with his extraordinary consciousness.

Although he broke the outermost illusory formation here, it was a pity that Lu Tiandu could only stare blankly when faced with this formation, which was a bit like an ancient formation.

The cultivation level is still too low.

And although he has learned a lot about formations over the years, it's a pity that he still doesn't understand this formation.

I can only bring Xin Ruyin over to have a look next time, or wait until the elixir is formed.

He now has several sets of the Inverted Five Elements Formation on hand, and when he left, he casually set up another set on the outside. After destroying the entrance of the cave, he took the two of them back to Yuejing.

This time I came across this ruins of a cave that was most likely a demon cultivator.Lu Tiandu gave his grandfather and grandson several more top-level magic weapons, and also gave them two foundation-building pills as rewards.

This suddenly made Old Xiao extremely excited.

When Tweety becomes a disciple of Mr. Lu, with Tweety's qualifications of dual spiritual roots, he will naturally get the Foundation Establishment Pill when it comes time to build the foundation.

And these two Foundation Establishment Pills were obviously opportunities given to him by Senior Xiao.

He is already in the late stage of Qi refining and can take the Foundation Building Pill to build the foundation at any time...

"Okay, you and your grandson will wait in Yuejing for a few days. I will send you to the Lu family after I finish the work..."

After giving some instructions to the excited two, Lu Tiandu turned around and headed southwest to the location of the thunder beast recorded in Lu Tianmeng's jade slip.

Three days later, Lu Tiandu returned to Yuejing again with a happy face.

Inside the sleeve was a palm-sized turtle with a black back and purple stripes, with its head and tail protruding. It was the fourth-level thunder-attribute monster black turtle recorded in the jade slip.

At this moment, this thunder turtle has been adopted as a spiritual beast by him.

Picking up the Xiao family's ancestors and grandsons who were full of expectations, Lu Tiandu flew a thousand miles east to the boundary of Yanyue Sect to inquire about the news that Nangong Wan and Ni Chang had not returned, and then continued north towards the Taiyue Mountains.The sky is clear and blue.

On the white crystal flying boat, Xiao Zhen and Xiao Cuier still enjoyed the refreshing feeling of galloping high in the sky after two days.

This is actually the first time the two of them have ridden on such a fast flying magic weapon.

Xiao Cuier was chirping and yelling at her grandfather, pointing at the stream of light in the distance.

Lu Tiandu was sitting aside.

After the two of them got used to the speed of the flying boat, Lu Tiandu let them take the helm. Anyway, there were intermediate spiritual stones on the flying boat as a source of spiritual power, so they didn't need to consume spiritual power.

Let them have the addiction of controlling flying magic weapons.

Well, Lu Tiandu certainly wouldn't say that he was just trying to be lazy.

"Hey, that flying magic weapon looks familiar!"

Although the control of the magic weapon was left to the two of them, Lu Tiandu's consciousness would occasionally be released for observation.

At this moment, he noticed that the flying magic weapon in the stream of light in front seemed familiar.

With a gentle tap on the boat body with his palm, the flying boat suddenly rushed out, like lightning, and quickly caught up with the cyan flying magic weapon in front.

Lu Tiandu's consciousness has clearly seen the figure on the flying boat ahead.

His lips moved, and after the sound transmission, the figure flickered, and Lu Tiandu had arrived on the sapphire flying boat ahead.

The two beautiful figures on the flying boat are Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying.

At this moment, they met Xiao Changsheng, who Lu Tiandu was pretending to be, and the two women were naturally very happy. However, seeing that there were other people on the flying boat in the distance, they didn't get too close.

Seeing the two women in a hurry, Lu Tiandu frowned and was about to ask, when Nie Ying said quickly:

"Brother, let's go first. There are soldiers chasing us. We'll talk about it on the way!"

"it is good!"

Lu Tiandu quickly put away the white crystal flying boat, and the five people flew together in the sapphire flying boat. The two women talked about their experiences.

"What? Did you encounter a demonic Jindan monk before?" Lu Tiandu frowned slightly, "Could he be from the Ghost Spirit Sect?"

"Senior brother, please look!"

Junior Sister Chen said as she handed over a gray storage bag embroidered with the head of an evil spirit and a skull magic weapon with dim light.

This should be the relic of the golden elixir monk that the two women killed with their formation and two level five blood jade spiders.

This storage bag is obviously a high-end storage bag. Even if the owner has died, the mark of spiritual consciousness left on it cannot be erased by the two women's current spiritual consciousness.

But this is naturally not difficult for Lu Tiandu.

Under the impact of the tyrannical consciousness, the original mark was shattered into pieces in a few seconds.

After looking through the items in this man's storage bag, Lu Tiandu felt murderous intent in his heart.

He suddenly released his spiritual consciousness and swept through the void behind him, and instantly found two monks with the aura of the late stage of foundation building.

"It turns out it's these two people!" Lu Tiandu sneered, already knowing who the pursuers were.

"Looking at Wang Tiansheng still not giving up!"

Originally, he thought that Lu Tiandu had not shown up for several years, and since the two women who were apparently close to him never appeared on the front line of the Jinguyuan battlefield where the Tiandao Alliance and the Demonic Dao were fighting, the Ghost Spirit Sect would not send Jindan monks. It's not good for the two girls to come, but they didn't expect that they would actually come.

"It seems that Wang Tiansheng is still brooding over his son's death!" Lu Tiandu said to himself.

According to the information he collected, the Ghost Spirit Sect's alchemy ambushed Zhao Qingfeng of the Tianxing Sect when the Jiang Kingdom was destroyed. In the end, although Zhao Qingfeng was seriously injured, he still killed several Ghost Spirit Sect golden elixir monks and escaped. Returned to Tianxing Sect.

This means that so far, none of the murderers who caused Wang Chan's death have been retaliated against. No wonder the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect can't help it.

"Now that you're here, leave your life behind!"

Lu Tiandu sneered and piloted the flying boat in another direction.

It turned out that during Lu Tiandu's spiritual exploration, the two people who were hiding their cultivation were the two early-stage Jindan monks from the Ghost Spirit Sect - the Li brothers.

When these two brothers appeared in Yanjiabao in the original plot, they were the two golden elixir guards of Wang Chan's twelve ghost-killing guards.

Unfortunately, at the Liusha River battlefield, the Golden Core cultivators did not dare to participate in the battle between the Foundation Establishment cultivators.

As a result, Wang Chan, the proud man of heaven, finally died.

At this moment, deep into the rear of Yue Kingdom, these two people naturally did not dare to control the light-escape flight with a large stab. They also released a flying magic weapon and pretended to be monks in the late stage of foundation building to pursue the two women.

If the two women had the cultivation level of the late stage of foundation building, they would be able to escape by riding a flying boat even if they encountered a monk in the early stage of the golden elixir.However, the speed of the two people in the middle stage of foundation building at this moment naturally cannot escape the pursuit of the golden elixir monks.

Therefore, it is obvious that the Li brothers have other conspiracies behind them.

At this moment, there are two men in green robes standing on the flying magic weapon. One of them has wrinkles on his face and a head full of white hair. He looks extremely old.

The other one is a boy with white teeth and red lips, wearing pigtails and looking like a child.

"Hey, boss, those two little girls seem to have joined together with a Huang Maple Valley disciple who is in the late stage of foundation building..." The young Li Er opened his rough voice like a broken gong and hummed.

As for the Xiao family's ancestors and grandchildren, they were naturally ignored.

"You are blind!" The old man Li Da raised his eyes, and although his voice was soft, he was not polite at all, "That person is Xiao Changsheng who is in the limelight..."

"Then doesn't this person have a fifth-level spiritual beast? Those two little girls also have two. Can we defeat them?" Li Er buzzed.

"You are stupid. Didn't the sect master give us a level five spiritual beast? Can't we beat them three to three?" Li Day slapped Li Er on the head, looking like he hated iron.

"Oh, boss, you are still smart..."


Overhearing the conversation between the two, Lu Tiandu had a strange look on his face. These two brothers were so weird.

His consciousness is stronger than the two of them, so he is not afraid of being discovered.

Soon, everyone came to a hidden valley, which was only a few hundred miles away from the Taiyue Mountains.

"Okay, let's ambush these two people from the Ghost Spirit Sect here!"

After Lu Tiandu let Xiao Zhen and Xiao Cuier enter the cave, he arranged an ambush plan with Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian.

This valley was naturally the place where he met the Huanglong Quadruplets and others from the Qianzhu Sect hiding out more than a year ago.

This place was originally one of his strongholds outside. Later, for the sake of safety, a set of Inverted Five Elements Formation was deployed in the valley. However, he did not expect that it would be used so quickly.

"Hey, these people actually hid in this valley. This place looks really secretive..." The young boy Li Er hummed again.

"You idiot!" Li Da laughed and stroked his beard, "Think about it, what is this confidante of Lu Tiandu doing with other men in such a hidden valley?"

"Hey, could it be..." Li Er had a vulgar expression...

"Stupid! It's so stupid!" Li Da still spoke softly, "This means Lu Tiandu is hiding here, my stupid brother..."

"Brother, you are too smart!" Li Er tugged at his pigtails, "It's just because you are too smart that I look stupid..."

Seeing that his eldest brother was about to troll someone again, Li Er's harsh laughter came out:

"This time, once we win Lu Tiandu, our brothers will definitely be the most popular..."

Many tasks that the late Jindan monks were unable to complete were completed by the two brothers. When they thought of this, the two brothers became excited...

"Younger of the Lu family, how dare you disrespect me, the Ghost Spirit Sect, and why don't you come out and be ambushed?" Li Er, one of the Li brothers who was parked above the valley, looked arrogant.

"Hey, you little dwarf has such a loud voice!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and appeared, with four talismans flying in front of him, namely a yellow strange knife, a black patterned flying sword, a white jade ruler, and a red ring.

At this moment, in order to deal with the two of them with all his strength, he has returned to his original appearance. After all, he can only use up to [-]% of his mana when performing the transformation technique.After exceeding it, the changing appearance will naturally become ineffective.

"court death!"

After Li Er heard this, he was furious. He opened his mouth and sprayed out, and a flying knife shrouded in black mist shot towards Lu Tiandu in an instant.

"Boy, where is your helper? Let's call him out together!" Li Da also said at this time.

He is still looking for Xiao Changsheng!
At this moment, the entire valley trembled suddenly, and an invisible wave instantly enveloped everyone.

But the two women had already taken the opportunity to activate the Inverted Five Elements Formation.

"No, there is a formation! I know this kid is not easy to deal with..."

Li Dagang was about to greet his younger brother, but when he looked back, he saw that his younger brother had been separated in the distance.

At this moment, Li Er's face was pale and slightly depressed. He looked at the flying knife magic weapon that was suddenly knocked away by Lu Tiandu with a stick, and his face was filled with pain.

"Brother, be careful, the stick in this guy's hand is difficult to deal with!"

Unexpectedly, just now, his magic weapon was about to hit Lu Tiandu. As a result, Lu Tiandu swayed slightly and at the same time, a long stick appeared in his hand and hit his flying knife hard... …

At this moment, in the distance, Lu Tiandu was holding a weird three-foot-long stick in his hand, looking at the flying knife that he had just knocked away with a smile.

Although it is impossible to destroy the magic weapon at once, the spiritual light will be damaged for sure.

"Okay, die!"

Lu Tiandu waved his sleeves, and three level five monsters had already surrounded the boy Li Er.


Li Dayi patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released a level five monster to attack Lu Tiandu.

"Quack! Quack!" The sound instantly reached everyone's ears.

"Level [-] Thunder Frog!"

Lu Tiandu's eyes lit up. He had just collected a level [-] thunder turtle, and now a level [-] lightning attribute frog appeared. What good luck!

At this moment, two women were in charge of the formation, and they separated Li Da and Thunder Frog in an instant.

Lu Tiandu was like a dragon entering the sea, carrying a dragon-patterned black gold stick, the four talismans around him flashing, and the soles of his feet flashed, rushing towards the Thunder Frog...

"Bang bang bang..."

The violent roar accompanied by the screams of the Thunder Frog finally made the Li brothers frightened...

After a while, Lu Tiandu took out a fist-sized demon elixir from the skinny and dry flesh of the Thunder Frog and put it away.

Oh, the blood of this fifth-level monster has also been sucked dry by the dragon-marked black gold stick...

"Brother, save me!"

Facing three level five monsters, Li Er finally became frightened when the three magic weapons had been wrapped layer by layer in cobwebs. At this moment, the golden-backed monster mantis suddenly shook its wings and turned into a stream of light. A head with pigtails soars into the sky...

Seeing Li Er chopped into pieces by the golden-backed mantis mantis knife, Lu Tiandu chuckled, showing a cruel smile, and looked at Li Da:

"Okay, I'll send your brothers to the reunion immediately..."

(End of this chapter)

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