Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 136 The colorful clothes are moist!Storms and clouds gather together to end the pill in 4 ye

Chapter 136 The colorful clothes are moist!Storms and clouds gather together to end the pill in 40 years!
In the small valley, although Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying were mainly in charge of the formation, they still used their spiritual consciousness to observe the battle between Lu Tiandu and Li Dali Er.

After seeing Lu Tiandu kill the fifth-level monster so quickly, he couldn't help but be surprised.

And Li Da's death was not unexpected at all.

Under the attraction of the golden-backed mantis, Lu Tiandu relied on his late-stage foundation-building cultivation to drive the Fortune Wind Boots to reach an instantaneous speed of a hundred feet in one step. Under the chaos of the stick, Li Da died miserably and aggrievedly...

Looking at their majestic husbands at this moment, Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Yingmei's eyes sparkled.

This was the first time that the two of them saw Lu Tiandu take action after three years of fighting side by side on the Liushahe battlefield. He indeed lived up to the name of the invincible Xiao Changsheng!
"Husband, what kind of magic weapon is this?"

Chen Qiaoqian moved lightly and stepped forward to touch the black gold stick curiously. Nie Ying also had a curious look on her face.

The two of them naturally discovered that this strange stick of different thicknesses could absorb blood. The Thunder Beast before and Li Da after that were both skinny and bones at the moment.

Lu Tiandu touched his nose, smiled, and briefly talked about the origin of this thing.

Nie Yingming's eyes lit up and she said with a smile:

"My husband is indeed very lucky! With this weapon that is comparable to a magic weapon, the Golden Core cultivator will never even think of hurting my husband..."

In the past six months, they were not surprised at all to hear that Lu Tiandu, under the pseudonym Xiao Changsheng, was invincible among the foundation-building monks.

Seeing that Lu Tiandu was able to fight against the Golden Elixir monks just by refining his body and using this magical weapon, he was surprised and happy for Lu Tiandu at the same time.

Judging from their encounter with the Jindan monks of the Ghost Spirit Sect this time, whether it was Lu Tiandu or Xiao Changsheng, they would probably encounter sneak attacks by demonic monks in the future.

With Lu Tiandu having such strength, they felt relieved.

"I'm letting you worry about it!"

Lu Tiandu smiled tenderly and looked at the two women he hadn't seen for a while. He looked at the beautiful curves of the two women with fiery eyes. He flicked his figure and put his arms around their waists...


The charming fragrance burst into the nostrils, and a moment later, the two women were kissed until their cheeks were red, and they were charming and full of love...

Although the three of them were a little emotional, there were still descendants of the Xiao family in the cave at the moment, so they could only clean up the battlefield first.

I put away the Li brothers' storage bags and several fallen magic weapons, and checked them out. There were quite a few good things.

The two of them combined have more than 2 spiritual stones.

In addition to several damaged magic weapons, two of the three magic weapons trapped by the blood jade spider's silk on Li Er's side were intact. They were a black bead and a gray round shield.

The remaining magic weapon of Li Er, the black flying knife, has also been damaged by the golden-backed monster mantis.

Apart from magic weapons and spiritual stones, the most valuable items are several bottles of elixirs taken by monks in the golden elixir stage.

The elixirs taken by monks in the foundation-building stage usually cost one or two thousand spirit stones per bottle, while the elixirs taken by the monks in the elixir-formation stage usually cost tens of thousands of spirit stones per bottle, and the elixirs refined from ancient elixirs cost at least [-] spirit stones. A stone bottle, it can be seen that the more you practice, the more precious this elixir becomes.

There were a lot of other things scattered here and there, and the three of them collected them.

Including the storage bag that the two girls obtained before, a total of nearly [-] spiritual stones were collected by Lu Tian.

In the past six months, he had killed dozens of members of the Demonic Team and earned nearly [-] in spiritual stones alone. Naturally, he had no shortage of spiritual stones.

In fact, many Jindan cultivators in the alliance had a rough estimate of what Lu Tiandu or Xiao Changsheng had earned on the battlefield, and they were very envious of them. Unfortunately, they could not kill the opponent's low-level cultivators at will.

And it is really not an easy task to kill a Golden Core cultivator of the same level without a certain level of strength.

As for the fifth-level monster Thunder Frog, the most valuable thunder-attribute inner elixir has been poached by Lu Tiandu. Other materials, especially the Thunder Frog's tongue, which are also materials that can be used to refine magic weapons, have also been collected by him. .

There are three main types of materials for refining magic weapons in the world of immortality:
One category is materials from monsters. Materials from monsters of level five or above can be used to refine magic weapons.

One category is the ore spirit wood type, such as iron essence, five element spirit crystals, and various thousand-year-old spirit trees that can be used to refine magic weapons.

The last category is some rare materials, such as Yin evil energy, pure Yang energy, true water and true fire and other unique materials.

The more unique and rare the object is, the more bizarre and difficult it is to refine the magic weapon. However, this kind of thing requires a unique refining method and is rare. The average person naturally has no chance to refine such a magic weapon.

After re-examining the Inverted Five Elements Formation here, Lu Tiandu transformed into Xiao Changsheng, released the Xiao family's ancestors and grandsons, and the five of them rushed to the Taiyue Mountains.

Naturally, Chen Qiaoqian and her two daughters brought the descendants of the Xiao family back to the Lu family and handed them over to Lu Yongqing.

In this way, when Xiao Cuier forms an elixir a hundred years later, the Lu family will have another golden elixir cultivator.

A few days later, the news that three golden elixir monks from the Ghost Spirit Sect sneaked into the Yue Kingdom and were killed by the Yue Kingdom monks spread throughout the Tiandao Alliance. The Zijin Kingdom and the Yuanwu Kingdom also sent some teams led by the golden elixir monks to hunt down the demons. Team...

The Demonic Dao dared to break the agreement between the two parties, and the Demonic Dao team lurking in the Three Kingdoms ushered in the crazy revenge of the Tiandao Alliance monks. Hundreds of Demonic Dao foundation-building monks died...

This time the demonic monks suffered a dumb loss. Who asked them to break the rules first!
After this battle, a large number of top-level foundation-building disciples were lost, but it did not disrupt the demonic path in the back of the Three Kingdoms. Other sects were very dissatisfied with the Ghost Spirit Sect, and a intrigue and re-division of interests was naturally inevitable...

The war is still going on. Faced with the simultaneous attack of the good and evil factions, the Tiandao Alliance has been integrating and deploying defenses for the past two years. For the time being, the good and evil factions cannot easily occupy a new territory.

It is obvious that this war is developing towards a protracted war and a war of attrition.

This will slowly become the consensus of most monks...

After half a year.

Qiyun Mountain Range, Yanyue Sect, Lingyin Peak.

Lu Tiandu came to Nangong Wan's cave again.

Looking at the beautiful woman who has not seen her for more than three years and is still as beautiful as ever, her four eyes are pairing, and the affection in them is self-evident...

"You came?"

Nangong's eyes were full of eyes, and she looked at Lu Tiandu quietly. She lightly opened her red lips, and heard an ethereal and melodious voice.

"Of course my husband is here to see Wan'er!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, and for some reason he heard a hint of resentment in Nangong Wan's tone.

Is it because of Cen Jingjun?

As soon as he raised his steps, Lu Tiandu's arms instantly wrapped around the plump and delicate body wrapped in white palace clothes. Nangong Wan was shocked all over and glared at him with joy and anger. Just as he was about to say something, the words between his lips were blocked. Go back...

"Oh..." The familiar breath filled my nose again...

A pair of soft jade stones have been tightly wrapped around Lu Tiandu's neck. The snow-white jade neck is straight, and Nangong Wan is as passionate as fire...

After double cultivation.

Nangong Wan nestled in Lu Tiandu's arms, her eyebrows were springy and charming, and her face looked satisfied.

Sure enough, dual cultivation is the best medicine for treating resentment.

It seems that Lu Tian has been accompanying several other beauties in the past few years, but he has neglected this beauty!
"Humph, where did you hide that Miss Cen?" After holding on for a long time, Nangong Wan asked with a gentle snort.

"Hey, let me introduce you sisters to each other later!"

Lu Tiandu stroked Nangong Wan's black hair with his fingers, "Next time before my husband adds a sister to you, I must let my Nangong check it first..."

"Hmph, I don't care about your nonsense..."

Nangong Wan curled her lips, but in her heart, Lu Tiandu hinted that she was extremely satisfied with her position as a lady, "You have so many sisters, why do you still mess with other people's concubines?"

"That's not true..." Lu Tiandu smiled and explained Cen Jingjun's situation.

"So that's it, this sister is really a miserable person!"

After hearing this, Nangong Wan sighed. With his Tianlinggen and his special physique, he was actually raised as a furnace. This naturally made Nangongwan, who also had Tianlinggen, feel pity.

"But even so, you can't put yourself in danger in the future..." Nangong Wan looked at Lu Tiandu gently and warned.

"Wan'er still cares about me the most..."

Lu Tiandu turned his head and kissed Nangong Wan's charming and delicate face, and said with a low smile: "I want to accompany my Wan'er well this time, hehe..."

Nangong Wan grabbed the strange hand that was making trouble at her waist, and a little red glow rose on her face, and she said coquettishly:

"No wonder it feels a little different this time. Your two physiques still have this effect..."

"Haha, in that case, Wan'er, let my husband help you improve your cultivation..."


A few days later, Nangong Wan's cave welcomed another beautiful woman.

Wearing a light green dress, a gem with a faint blush between the exposed collarbones on her chest is extremely conspicuous. Her eyes move downward, and two plump jade peaks stand out from her chest, making people linger...

Looking down, the green jade belt tied up the slender waist, which was not tight... Lu Tiandu was about to take a closer look at Fairy Nishang, whom he had not seen for a long time, when Nangong Wan beside him said with a smile:
"Sister Nishang, you came just in time. My husband is just saying that he wants to find you!"

When he raised his head, he was facing Ni Shang, who was smiling but not smiling. His beautiful eyes were charming and passionate, looking at Lu Tiandu with deep meaning.

"Sister Nishang, please come in!" Lu Tiandu said with a smile, "I just happened to make good wine this time, and I'm going to find my sister to drink with me!"

He originally planned to go to Nishang's cave in a few days, but he didn't expect Nishang to suddenly come to Nangong Wan.

He naturally saw the resentment hidden in Nishang's eyes, hehe...

"Sister Wan'er..."

Nishang smiled slightly, put away her charming and charming look, and looked dignified.But he didn't answer Lu Tiandu's words, and started whispering to Nangong Wan in a gentle voice.

"It seems that I came to Yanyue Sect and didn't go to Nishang immediately. Nishang is quite resentful..." Lu Tiandu thought to himself.

In the past few days, he had been so immersed in Nangong Wan's gentle countryside that he had indeed forgotten about Ni Shang, a charming beauty.

Although Nishang was chatting with Nangong Wan at the moment, her attention was on Lu Tiandu.

She was a little surprised when she saw Lu Tiandu today.

However, despite the surprise, there was actually a bit of resentment in my heart.

This guy took away his first kiss by force a few years ago. Except for the last step, he gave everything to this bad guy.

Her heart was tied to him, and she worried about his safety for several years.As a result, when the Hidden Moon Sect came, they didn't even know they were looking for him.

Fortunately, when I left last time, I promised to give it to him when he comes next time... This heartless person, huh!
Naturally, Nangong Wan also discovered the sourness hidden behind Nishang's pretense of ignoring Lu Tiandu's little mood. She smiled slightly and was about to resolve it, but suddenly, a strong arm wrapped around her waist. .

Nangong Wan leaned in Lu Tiandu's arms, half-smiling but not smiling as she looked at the pretty dress next to her who was also leaning in Lu Tiandu's arms, her face covered with red clouds.

How familiar is this situation?

At this moment, Lu Tiandu said with profound meaning:

"Wan'er, Nishang, after seeing each other for several years, I almost forgot about the fragrance of your lips..."

Nangong Wan rolled her eyes at Lu Tiandu in a vague way, and she also remembered the last time she saw these two people in their cave with disheveled clothes...

Of course, Lu Tiandu's words also hinted to Nishang that he had just arrived...


The familiar feeling comes again...

After a long time, Lu Tiandu let go of the beauty in his arms.

Nangong Wan and Ni Shang both had blushing cheeks, looking charming and full of affection and seductive eyes.

"Sister Nishang, do you still remember what you promised me last time?" Lu Tiandu said with a smile as he looked at Nishang with a charming smile in his watery eyes.

"Humph, I forgot!" Nishang rolled her eyes at Lu Tiandu and said coquettishly.

Looking at it now, it turned out that there was no trace of resentment at all.

"Haha, it's okay for Sister Nishang to forget. As long as I remember, little brother..." Lu Tiandu laughed, "Come on, show your two sisters the delicious wine I brewed specially for you..."

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he looked at the expectant eyes of the two women. With a wave of his hand, two exquisite wine jars and three wine glasses appeared on the jade table.

"Is this your new spiritual wine? Or two types!" After the three of them took their seats, Nangong Wan looked curious, "Tell me about it..."

He knew that the Juling wine brewed by Lu Tiandu was very good...

"Well, this redbud wine is specially brewed for you..." Lu Tiandu pointed to one of the wine jars and said, "Drink this kind of spiritual wine often, and it can save a lot of hard work for the Golden Core monks... "

Juling wine is suitable for Foundation Establishment monks to drink, but this Bauhinia wine is just right for Golden Elixir monks to drink.

"This other jar is a hundred-flower honey wine that I brewed using the honey produced by White Jade Venomous Bees and several kinds of spiritual fruits and spiritual flowers. It has miraculous effects on improving eyesight, nourishing the mind, and detoxifying..."

There are hundreds of white jade poisonous bees raised in Lutiandu, and there are many spiritual grass flowers and spiritual fruit tree flowers collected in Lingkong Tower. While advancing quickly, they naturally produce a lot of honey.

He brewed a lot of Baihua honey wine based on a recipe in the "Zui Xian Brewing Collection" left by Feng Xian, which was brewed in the same batch as the Xuan Bing Glazed Wine that he gave to Hong Fu before.

"Hey, then we both have to have a try!" After hearing Lu Tiandu's introduction, Nangong Wan and Ni Chang's beautiful eyes lit up and they couldn't wait to pour the wine.

Soon, the strong aroma of wine spread in the cave, and three glasses of spiritual wine on the jade table attracted the attention of the three of them.

Two of the cups were amethyst in color, and the other was green in color.


Lu Tiandu picked up the green Baihua honey wine, and the two women picked up the redbud wine. After clinking the glasses, the three of them tasted it carefully.

After several rounds of wine tasting, the two women's faces were flushed, their cheeks were smiling, and their eyes were watery, adding to their beauty...

The next day.

The colorful cave, Zizhi Pavilion.

Lu Tiandu came here for the first time.

It can be seen that after returning yesterday, Nishang decorated the cave again.

On top of the elegance and tranquility of the past, there are a few more bright colors.

You can see Nishang’s intentions.

When she arrived at her cave, Fairy Nishang became even less shy. She was leaning on the bed, her pretty eyes full of charm, and she couldn't stop staring at Lu Tian.

At this moment, Nishang was only wearing a thin gauze, with a pair of long, moist and well-proportioned legs exposed, and the beautiful lotus feet also revealed some inexplicable attraction, as if sending out a seductive invitation.

Seeing Ni Chang's posture, Lu Tiandu leaned over and kissed the corner of the beauty's mouth, and muttered a few words, causing Ni Chang to exclaim:
"Is there such a strange fruit in the world?"

She was originally curious about Lu Tiandu because of the attractiveness of Lu Tiandu's physique, which was somewhat interesting. Last time, Lu Tiandu forcefully took away her first kiss and settled in her heart. Later, she received many gifts from Lu Tiandu. Something that ultimately fell in love with.

I didn't expect to hear such a happy news when I was about to hand myself over to Lu Tiandu this time. I was so surprised that I couldn't bear it any longer and said:
"I am in the shape of a willow tree, I hope your husband will take pity on me..."


After double cultivation.

On the jade couch, Ni Chang leaned quietly next to Lu Tiandu with a satisfied look on her face, as if thinking about something.

At this moment, it is obvious that there have been some changes between Nishang's eyebrows. If she was just dressing up as a young woman before, she is now a real young woman!

Feeling the illusory fruit in her dantian, Nishang still felt like she had hit a big opportunity.

There is a [-]% chance of advancing to Nascent Soul, and a [-]% chance of advancing to become a god. It's that simple.

This man always brings surprises to her.

No wonder all the women around Lu Tiandu can tolerate his philandering...

Moreover, there is also the water spirit body that Lu Tiandu shared with her.

Her husband's physique is really strange, but she remembered the strange scene of the two of them surrounded by dragons and phoenixes when they were practicing together...

As for Cen Jingjun, Lu Tiandu did not hide it from her. He only said that he would introduce them to Cen Jingjun after she was safe...

"Sister Nishang, have you rested?" Lu Tiandu tightened his palms and looked at Sister Nishang, whose red lips were slightly open and moist, as if she wanted to attract a kiss.

Although Nishang is not naturally charming, she exudes a certain charm and enchantment from her bones, attracting men all the time. "Get some rest, let's practice quickly, hehe..."


Half a year later, Lu Tiandu left the Qiyun Mountains and released the flying boat weapon to go north.

In the past six months, with the help of the two women and Cen Jingjun in the Shizhu space, Lu Tiandu's cultivation has increased significantly.

Unfortunately, the two women have to rush to the front line battlefield again.

On the occasion of parting, Lu Tiandu not only left a large amount of redbud wine and hundred-flower honey wine to the two women, but also gave some of the newly obtained sun stones to Nangong Wan, asking her to strengthen the magic weapon and temper the Suzaku True Fire.

Unexpectedly, the thunder beast tongue obtained from the Li brothers was also of great use to Ni Shang's magic weapon Langhuan Jade Belt. It happened that several bottles of golden elixir obtained from the two brothers in the early stage were also left to Ni Shang.

The next time we meet, it will be when the two of them take turns to take a break.

Time flies like water, and years fly by. Seven years have passed in a flash.

In the world of Shizhu, Lu Tiandu felt his heart rising, feeling the abundant real energy in his body. The light flashed in his eyes and he murmured:
"I already faked the elixir half a year ago, it's time to form the elixir!"

At this moment, he felt stronger than ever before. He had reached the limit of true energy increase in half a year, and he knew that he would not be able to increase his true energy even if he continued to practice.

This is the right time to try forming pills.

With a casual move, two jade boxes flew to his eyes from a distance and were opened one by one.

I saw a mass of transparent water-like liquid in one of the boxes, and a strangely cold Yin Qi rushed towards my face.

In the other box, there was a ball of scarlet liquid that was as bright as fire and looked extremely hot.

It is the snow spirit water and sky fire liquid that are the auxiliary substances for forming the pill.

Lu Tian had never bought one copy of this thing, but he had about ten copies in his possession, and they were basically trophies.

With a gentle suction, the snow spirit water in the box turned into a water arrow and entered the abdomen.

Suddenly, a chill ran through his body, as if his true energy was being frozen.

Lu Tiandu did not panic, and with another suction, the bright red fire liquid entered his abdomen, and a burning sensation quickly suppressed the strange cold of Xue Ling Shui...

As time goes by, the two spiritual fluids of ice and fire in the Lu Tiandu meridians are gradually refined and integrated into the Dantian. All the true energy in the Dantian gradually has a tendency to change from liquid to solid.

Lu Tiandu closed his eyes tightly and tried to activate the seventh level of the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique...

Time was passing, and Lu Tiandu remained motionless. Suddenly one day, he opened his eyes suddenly, stretched out his hand to take a shot, and the Jade Spirit Pill that assisted pill formation in a small bottle in the distance was swallowed into his belly...

Time passed like this day by day, spring passed and autumn came, the years passed, and the inland sky of Shizhu World remained motionless.

In this way, three years passed by.

On this day, the originally clear blue sky in the Shizhu World was suddenly covered with black clouds, silver snakes danced wildly, and the sky suddenly changed.

There were bursts of thunder, silver snakes dancing wildly, and an astonishing celestial phenomenon that no one could see appeared in the world of stone beads.

At the same time, hundreds of miles of rich spiritual energy from heaven and earth nearby gathered crazily towards the place where Lu Tiandu was sitting cross-legged, and soon formed a huge whirlpool of spiritual energy visible to the naked eye.

I don’t know how long it took, but Lu Tian felt with his own eyes that with the operation of the technique, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth that turned into liquid was crazily poured into his body. After the whole body’s true energy was desperately flipped in the Dantian, a baby suddenly condensed. Fist-sized gold and purple beads.

"Dan became..."

A sigh without sadness or joy slowly came out of Lu Tiandu's mouth.

A few days later, after the golden elixir in his dantian stabilized, Lu Tiandu slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's eyes were gleaming, and the huge spiritual pressure that could not be concealed came out of his body. However, he had just formed the elixir not long ago, and he still could not control his aura.

"Sure enough, only after forming the golden elixir can one truly step into the path of immortality..."

Feeling the immense power within his body, Lu Tiandu sighed.

Only by condensing the golden elixir can one step into the ranks of high-level monks in the human world.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's whole body's aura had changed. Compared with the past, it seemed more unpredictable and elusive...

(End of this chapter)

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