Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 137 Jingjun is greedy! 3 girls!Variety!

Chapter 137 Jingjun is greedy!Three girls!Variety!

"Form the golden elixir and live for five hundred years. This is the beginning of the immortal path..."

Lu Tiandu took a slight step, and he was already suspended in the air.

This kind of standing in the air is naturally not like low-level monks using wind control or wind movement and other spells to float in the air. This is the conventional method for monks after entering the golden elixir.

"Other people's golden elixir is only the size of a thumb, so why is my baby's golden elixir the size of a fist..."

Silently feeling the gold and purple elixir in his body, Lu Tian was a little confused.

Generally, when the golden elixir is condensed, the color of the golden elixir is related to the cultivation technique. Therefore, the original color of the golden elixir in Lu Tiandu should be a mixture of light green and black and purple.

However, when the Wind and Thunder Suppressing Prison Kung Fu was condensing the elixir, in order to better practice the two magical powers and secret techniques attached to the technique, the golden and purple golden elixir was finally formed.

His golden elixir is the size of a baby's fist, more than six or seven times larger than the size of other people's condensed thumbs.

Lu Tiandu naturally knew what happened when Hong Fu, Nangong Wan and others were condensing the golden elixir. After some thought, it finally came down to the technique itself and the environment in which the golden elixir was condensed...

Most of the ancient skills are difficult to practice, but once they are completed, they have strong true energy and great magical powers.The Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique is also a top-notch technique among the ancient techniques that Lu Tiandu has seen. It is reasonable that the condensed elixir is different from the Jinda condensed by ordinary techniques.

The environment in which the elixir is formed will naturally have a certain impact on the condensed elixir. This is why monks must find or rent a blessed land with rich spiritual energy to advance once they reach the threshold of breakthrough.

He knew that when others condensed the golden elixir, they only mobilized the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a hundred miles of the outside world, but what he mobilized was the spiritual energy of heaven and earth hundreds of miles away in the Shizhu world.

The difference between the spiritual energy within a hundred miles of this human world and the spiritual energy within the same hundred miles of the Stone Bead World is dozens of times different. After all, after the ancient demonic tribulation, most of the spiritual energy of this human world was used to suppress the demonic energy...

The thin spiritual energy makes it difficult for monks in the early stages of becoming gods to make progress, which is evident.

In this way, it makes sense that the size of his golden elixir is so strange.

The changes in the golden elixir naturally show that although he has just entered the golden elixir stage, the amount of magic power in his body may not be matched by anyone at the same level.

According to his estimation, even ordinary middle-stage Jindan monks probably don't have as much magic power as him.

"I didn't expect my spiritual consciousness to be so strong..." After Momo released his spiritual consciousness for a moment, Lu Tian even laughed.

He had just broken through the early stage of the golden elixir and the range of his consciousness had reached 36 miles, which was much stronger than the [-] miles range of the ordinary golden elixir in the middle stage.

Normally, the spiritual consciousness range of a monk in the early stage of the golden elixir is twenty miles, in the middle stage, it is about thirty miles, and in the later stage, it reaches more than 40 to fifty miles.

Within the same large realm, the spiritual consciousness and mana of small realms do not change much. This is why many monks can fight with one or two small realms.

The situation is different when crossing large realms. For example, in the early stage of Nascent Soul, the range of spiritual consciousness suddenly soared to a hundred miles.

The powerful late-stage Jindan or False Infant monks may still escape from the monks at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but they rarely escape from the early and middle stages of the Jindan. After all, the strength gap is too big.

Of course, when the Yuanying monks become the Yuanhou great monks, the range of their spiritual consciousness suddenly reaches more than 300 miles, and it will be very simple to kill the early Yuanying monks.

At this moment, the intensity of Lu Tian's spiritual consciousness is much higher than that of a mid-stage Jindan cultivator, and this is before he has reached the third level of the Great Evolution Technique...

In a few years, when he has mastered the third level of Dayan Jue, his spiritual consciousness will be much stronger than that of late-stage Jindan monks...

To build the foundation in seclusion, most monks need to spend about three months to a year to complete the foundation building after refining the foundation-building pill.

The time to break through the alchemy stage generally requires three to five years of retreat, and the specific situation depends on different qualifications.

It took Tianlinggen Nangong Wan three years to break through the core formation stage.

It took more than three years for Hongfulei Wanhe, a foreign spiritual root, to break through in seclusion.

It takes more than four years to break through the true spiritual roots.

Lu Tiandu remembered that it took Han Lizu, who had pseudo-spiritual roots, more than five years to form the golden elixir.

Lu Tiandu finished refining the Snow Spirit Water and Heavenly Fire Liquid, and took the Jade Spirit Pill. It only took him three years to successfully break through, and his qualifications were no different from those of the Heavenly Spirit Root.

In fact, with the body of Dragon Roar, even if he didn't take the Jade Spirit Pill, he would only be a few months behind.

As for the unused Dust Falling Pill, you can leave it to other beauties.

After becoming familiar with the changes brought about by mana and spiritual consciousness after forming pills, Lu Tiandu practiced silently for more than a month before he completely controlled the dissipated aura.

In this way, if he wants to conceal his cultivation level, after running the nameless breath gathering technique, I am afraid that no one except the Nascent Soul monk will be able to discover his true cultivation level.

Calculating silently, he is now half a month shy of 42 years old.

As soon as his figure flashed, Lu Tiandu had arrived in the cave halfway up Tongtian Peak.

At this time, the cultivation level has reached the golden elixir stage, and Lu Tiandu refined the stone furnace again, which can be regarded as speeding up the process of refining the stone beads.

After the refining was completed, Lu Tiandu clearly felt that his connection with Shizhu had deepened a lot.

But this time there was no special ability.

It's just that the space that can control Tongtian Peak from a hundred miles in radius has increased to a thousand miles.

After holding up the Yin Yang jade pendant, Lu Tiandu entered the third floor of Lingkong Tower again.

Now that his cultivation has reached the golden elixir stage, he can naturally refine magic weapons.

He planned to refine the Tianyin Spiritual Monument first, and then it would be much easier to enter and exit the Lingkong Tower.

As soon as the figure moved, a purple lightning flashed away, and Lu Tiandu's figure appeared in front of the main hall among the seven or eight spiritual peaks on the third floor of Lingkong Tower.

A few years ago, he learned the Thunder Escape Technique. Now that he is using the Golden Core cultivation, it is indeed faster and weirder. Compared with the Wind Escape Technique, it is even faster than the Wind Escape Technique.

Of course, the invisible, tasteless and breath-hiding effect of the Wind Escape Technique is slightly better than that of the Thunder Escape Technique.

Only after reaching the golden elixir can monks control the light-escape flight.

Usually, they form their own flying escape technique based on the exercises they have learned combined with a certain escape technique from the Five Elements Escape Technique.

There are people with special skills who can combine the two escape techniques, and their escape speed will naturally be even faster.

The secret technique of the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique that combines the two escape techniques of Wind and Thunder requires the Nascent Soul stage to be practiced, so Lu Tiandu was not in a hurry at the moment.

Lu Tian already knew how to speed up his speed during the golden elixir stage, so he was not in a hurry at the moment.

Arriving in the stone chamber under the main hall again, Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, and the Yin-Yang jade pendant above his head instantly shot towards the Tianyin Spiritual Monument that exuded silvery white light.


With a soft sound, the Yin Yang Jade Pendant and the Tianyin Spiritual Stele were instantly combined. After a burst of strong silver light, the jade stele changed several times in an instant before floating quietly in front of Lu Tiandu.

According to the sacrificial refining technique left by Feng Xian in the jade slip, Lu Tiandu opened his mouth and spat out a golden purple glow, made seals with his hands, and began to refine this magic weapon...

More than ten days later, Lu Tiandu had initially refined this magic weapon.

This Tianyin Spiritual Monument is not only one of the core hub components of Lingkong Tower, but also a defensive magic weapon.

With this spiritual tablet, Lu Tiandu has greatly increased his control over the Lingkong Tower.

In this way, some things that the women in the harem don't want to know for the time being can be isolated at will.

The figure flashed, and this time Lu Tian left the Lingkong Tower without using any foreign objects.

Arriving at Cen Jingjun's retreat, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and waited as he looked at the beauty who was still immersed in cultivation.

However, after a moment, Cen Jingjun opened her eyes after finishing her work. She looked at Lu Tiandu tenderly with a pair of bright autumn eyes and said:
"Lu Lang, are you here?"

Just as Lu Tiandu was about to respond, Cen Jingjun suddenly opened her beautiful eyes with a look of surprise on her face:
"Lu Lang, have you formed a golden elixir?"

As he said this, he raised his steps and a fragrant wind arrived in front of Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu laughed and stretched out his arms. There was already a soft and tender body in his arms. Feeling Cen Jingjun's round and round body, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"My husband is one step ahead of you, Jingjun!"

"I congratulate your husband!"

Cen Jingjun circled Lu Tiandu with a pair of jade stones, her watery eyes were smiling, and she said softly:

"My husband is gifted by nature, how can I compare to my husband..."

"I still like Jingjun to call me Lu Lang..."

Lu Tiandu bit Cen Jingjun's jade-white earlobe and said with a smile.

"Oh... Lu Lang likes it, and I naturally like it too..."

Cen Jingjun's aura is like an orchid, her eyes are as charming as silk, her lips are slightly parted, and her charming appearance is even more alluring.

After so many years, she naturally knows the physical attraction of the two to each other. It's like not seeing each other for a day...

"For forming a golden elixir for your husband, do you have anything to say to Mr. Jing to congratulate you?" Lu Tiandu said meaningfully, hugging the plump beauty.

"I... today... I will listen to Lu Lang in everything..."

Cen Jingjun's pink cheeks were rosy, her teeth were biting her red lips, and her beautiful watery eyes were looking straight at her Lu Lang, with a seductive look that was ready for him to pick...

Within a moment, the dragon shadow transformed from the dragon's roaring body around Lu Tiandu and the phoenix shadow transformed from Cen Jingjun's phoenix-crying body circled and danced in the world...

After double cultivation.

Cen Jingjun, with loose black hair and rosy face, leaned lazily beside Lu Tiandu, and the two chatted...

We haven’t seen each other for more than three years since the last time we saw each other. Cen Jingjun’s cultivation has also improved a lot. Maybe in a few years, he can try forming pills...

"Jingjun, let me see if I can clear the restrictions left by Zhao Qingfeng at this time..."

After taking a short rest, Lu Tiandu remembered the restraint Zhao Qingfeng placed in Cen Jingjun's body.


The golden purple light in Lu Tiandu's palm flickered, and a trace of true energy entered Cen Jingjun's dantian.

"It doesn't seem to work..."

After a while, Lu Tiandu frowned slightly.

Although his total mana is somewhat stronger than that of the monks in the middle stage of the Golden Core, the effect is still weak when facing the mana restriction left by the monks in the late stage of the Golden Core.

"Don't worry, Lu Lang. This restriction will not affect your practice. It will wear off one day..."

Cen Jingjun stretched out her hand to smooth Lu Tiandu's eyebrows and smiled softly.

"In this case, I have to wrong Jingjun to continue to stay here..." Lu Tiandu nibbled at the corner of Cen Jingjun's lips and said with a smile.

The restriction left by Zhao Qingfeng has not been removed, so Cen Jingjun naturally cannot leave now.

"What did Lu Lang say? No one else could ask for such a precious land for cultivation!" Cen Jingjun's cheeks were flushed, she stretched out her green jade pointer and touched Lu Tiandu's heart, and chuckled, "If Lu Lang comes to see me every day, I will You will never be bored if you stay here for the rest of your life..."

"...You are really greedy!" Lu Tiandu laughed teasingly.



"Lu Lang, where is this?"

Cen Jingjun was embraced by Lu Tiandu, and his spiritual consciousness swept across the seven or eight spiritual peaks and scattered pavilions and pavilions below. The scenery of lakes and mountains, small bridges and flowing water made people fall in love with this place at once.

"This is the place where the space spiritual treasure that my husband got was newly discovered!"

Lu Tiandu said softly, "This place is rich in aura, with beautiful mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, and clusters of palaces, but it is a natural cave for cultivation. It will be our new home from now on..."

Over the years, the spiritual energy intensity in Lingkong Tower has been basically the same as that in the Stone Bead World, and the Tianyin Spiritual Monument has been refined and can be entered and exited at will, so it is natural to make use of it.

Although the area marked out for Cen Jingjun in the stone bead was full of spiritual energy, it was indeed extremely lonely without Lu Tiandu.

This is the cave that Feng Xian built for himself. Although it is only five miles in radius, the various buildings are ingenious and the scenery is picturesque and beautiful. It is a wonderful cave paradise.

"Hehe, Lu Lang wants to hide his beauty in the golden house..."

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Cen Jingjun smiled sweetly, broke away from Lu Tiandu's arms, and flew downwards.

Lu Tiandu had checked here before and found that except for the main hall where the Yin-Yang Heguo grew before, there were no other places to hide.

Even the library where he collects various skills and secrets will be open to the beauties who enter this place...

After Cen Jingjun chose the cave he liked, the two of them hung out here for half a month before Lu Tiandu left the world of stone beads.

This is still the hidden valley where the Lee brothers died.

Lu Tiandu's apparent identity is still Xiao Changsheng. In recent years, it is natural that he has not been able to return to Yunfeng or the Lu family at will. He usually cultivates here quietly.

He has not seen Junior Sister Chen Xin Ruyin and other beauties for more than three years. Now that he has formed a pill, he naturally wants to share the good news with the other girls.

With a distance of hundreds of miles, Lu Tian was now near the Taiyue Mountains in less than a quarter of an hour.

Using the nameless breathing technique, he regained his fake elixir cultivation.

Except for his beauties, he doesn't want others to know that he has successfully formed the elixir for the time being.

After all, if someone knew about this speed of cultivation, they would still be shocked!
Putting on his gauze cloak, Lu Tiandu quietly entered the Lu family.

He instantly felt a ray of spiritual consciousness sweeping over him. Lu Tian didn't care, nodded, and went to his small courtyard in a flash.

The consciousness just now was naturally that of Lu Daolin, the great elder of the Lu family who had successfully condensed the Five Elements Pill with his blood a few years ago.

The invisibility effect of this gauze cloak can deceive the foundation-building monks, but it cannot hide the consciousness of the alchemy monks.

Speaking of which, Lu Tiandu had previously discovered a secret Buddhist technique for controlling evil spirits in the jade slip left by Feng Xian, and had also given it to him when he presented the elixir last time.

In this way, Lu Tiandu no longer has to worry about the remaining problems of Lu Daolin forming the evil pill.

Since then, Lu Daolin has been no different from ordinary Jindan monks, except that his cultivation has stayed in the early stage of Jindan throughout his life.

Lu Daolin condensed the golden elixir, which was naturally a great event in Huang Maple Valley. Although he was still in the war against the devil, the golden elixir ceremony was still held.

The Lu family has a golden elixir cultivator, and it is logical that it has once again become a large-scale immortal cultivating family, ranking among the four major immortal cultivating families in the Yellow Maple Valley.

In this way, to a certain extent, Lu Tiandu can be regarded as repaying the great cause and effect of taking away his original body.

When the time comes to advance to Nascent Soul, these inner demons will naturally disappear.

After entering the small courtyard, his consciousness swept away and he could see everything at a glance. The restrictions here had no effect on him.

This is the benefit of a strong spiritual consciousness.

"My husband is back!"

Xin Ruyin was leaning on the edge of the cave, holding an ancient book in her hand, contemplating it carefully. Suddenly she looked up and saw Lu Tiandu standing at the door, looking at her with a smile.

Looking at Xin Ruyin who quickly threw down the book and jumped off the bed with a happy face, Lu Tiandu opened his arms, and instantly there was a beauty in his arms.

"Husband, I miss you..."

Xin Ruyin closed her eyes and hugged Lu Tiandu tightly, smelling the familiar scent, and murmured with a look of fascination on her face.

Seeing Xin Ruyin, who had always been quiet, dignified, elegant and calm, acting like a little girl, Lu Tiandu smelled the fragrance of Xin Ruyin's hair, patted the beauty's jade back, and said softly:
"Yin'er, I miss you too..."

This retreat was a bit sudden, and the girls had not been notified yet. No wonder they were worried.

After all, Lu Tiandu still carries a grudge.

With a sweep of his consciousness, Lu Tiandu already knew the locations of Xiaomei and Lu Tianxuan.

The lips moved slightly, but within a moment, the two women who received the message gathered in Xin Ruyin's room, and the three women gathered together. Naturally, the four of them expressed their lovesickness.

"Sir!" Xiaomei is dressed in a green dress, as delicate as a flower and extremely pretty...

"Brother!" Lu Tianxuan was still dressed in fiery red palace clothes, with a dashing and heroic appearance, like an elf in the fire...

In addition, Xin Ruyin is charming, elegant and intellectual... The three ladies are of different colors...


Just like Cen Jingjun when he was practicing dual cultivation, now Lu Tiandu and other beauties also have faint shadows of dragons and phoenixes when they are dual cultivating. This is naturally the change after many years of cultivation in the dragon chanting body and the phoenix singing body...

As early as a few years ago, the three women were already in the middle stage of foundation building. Now that they see each other, they are not far from the peak of the middle stage.

Among them, Lu Tianxuan is naturally the fastest in cultivation. With the Fire Spirit Pearl in hand, her cultivation speed is leaping forward.

In recent years, Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei have been distracted by studying formations and refining weapons, so their cultivation has naturally slowed down a lot.

This was mainly because in the seven years before Lu Tiandu went into seclusion, he went to Chaos Xinghai twice as "Han Feiyu" and purchased a large amount of supplies.

The most common ones are the flesh and blood of second-, third-, and fourth-level demon beasts, various demon beast materials, fifth-level demon elixirs, and so on.

Naturally, most of the materials were sold to the Lu family. After being refined into various magical weapons, they were sold to other monks. They supported the war and also earned a large amount of spiritual stones.

As for the flesh and blood of monsters, it is naturally for everyone to practice the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skills and cultivate spiritual beasts.

Over the years, Lu Tian has already reached the second level of Dacheng, but there is still some distance between him and Dacheng.

And all the girls have basically achieved the second level of minor success.

All in all, the flesh and blood of these monster beasts alone cost 10,000+ spiritual stones.

While everyone is succeeding in their physical training, the strength of the spiritual beasts they have cultivated has also been greatly improved.

This is also due to the large amount of spirit feeding pills and Yunling pills refined by Lu Tiandu. These two ancient pills for cultivating spirit beasts, plus the second and third level qi and blood pills, can be said to be effective in the evolution of monsters below level five. The effect is huge.

Over the years, both the Golden Thunder Tiger and the White Jade Poisonous Dragon have advanced to the fourth level.

Spirit beasts such as the little golden monkey, several ice and fire wolves, and the second-generation blood jade spider have all advanced to the third level.

The ones with the lowest cultivation level are the several offspring of the Golden-backed Monster Mantis decades ago. Only two of the second-generation Golden-backed Monster Mantis survived, and they are only at the second level at this moment.

As for the black-backed purple-striped thunder turtle that Lu Tiandu finally subdued, with the help of the fifth-level demon elixir refined to break through the realm, it has become a fifth-level spiritual beast.

However, after reaching the fifth level, like the golden-backed monster mantis and a pair of blood jade spiders, the advancement speed of these spiritual beasts has slowed down, and there is no way around it.

The effects of Feeding Spirit Pill and Yunling Pill are still effective, but without long-term use for tens or hundreds of years, it is difficult to advance.

And without these elixirs, the promotion of ordinary monsters from level [-] to level [-] would have to take at least a thousand years.

As for the fifth-level Qi and Blood Pill, Lu Tiandu has not considered these spirit beasts yet. After all, if he takes the fourth-level Qi and Blood Pill by himself, it will cost one hundred thousand spiritual stones to reach the second round of perfection, let alone five. The super monster beast has become flesh and blood.

If you and Hongyan don't have enough to take it, how can you feed it to the spiritual beasts?

Looking at the three women surrounding him, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, released his aura, and told the women that he had formed a pill.

Sure enough, the news really shocked the three of them.

However, when the three of them thought about their rapid progress over the years, they felt happy that their husbands were getting stronger.


Lu Tian smiled as he looked at the colorful and more emotional three girls. Naturally, he wanted the three girls to congratulate him this time...

After a long time...

"Husband, you have been in seclusion for these years, and you still don't know the current situation, right?"

Xin Ruyin rolled up her hair that was wet with sweat and did not use magic to dry it. Suddenly she remembered something and said to Lu Tiandu.

"The war has stopped?" Lu Tiandu thought for a moment and said with a smile.

"Ah, husband, do you know?" Xin Ruyin was a little surprised.

"No, I guess..."

Of course, Lu Tiandu didn't say that according to his estimate before seclusion, the war might stop in a few years...

After listening to Xin Ruyin's story, Lu Tiandu became more aware of the changes over the past three years.

More than a year ago, when the righteous path, the demonic path, and the Tiandao Alliance were at war, the Nine Nations Alliance in the south also faced Master Mulan's attack again.

The Nine-Nation Alliance initially absorbed three neutral countries, and its strength has also grown significantly.

However, they did not expect that the Mulan tribe, which was fighting with them this time, suddenly received powerful reinforcements from the second and fourth largest tribes of the Mulan tribe, and the number of magicians increased several times.

The battle between the two sides suddenly became fierce. After several battles, a large number of people on both sides were killed. The Nine-Nation Alliance was at a disadvantage and even lost some land.

In desperation, the Nine Nations Alliance was forced to send a request for help to the Zheng, Demon and Tiandao Alliance, and threatened that if the three parties were unwilling to send people to participate in the war, they would simply gather their people and let in all the Mulan people's magicians. .

As soon as this news spreads back, the war between the good and the evil paths and the Tiandao Alliance will naturally not go on.After all, if the Nine Nations Alliance were to open their mouths, life would not be easy for them with the ferocity of Master Mu Lan.

So the three parties had no choice but to call a truce and agreed to send some men for reinforcements.

This is naturally a great relief for the Tiandao Alliance, a loose alliance that is besieged by both good and evil forces.

Over the past year or so, the countries that have endured many years of invasion by evil spirits are recovering. Countries in the Tiandao Alliance that have suffered less damage have sent some manpower to support the Nine Nations Alliance in the war against the mages.

I heard that the four major forces are going to have a big battle with the Mulan people in the near future...

(End of this chapter)

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