Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 138 The Mo sisters belong!Supernatural power!surprise!

Chapter 138 The Mo sisters belong!Supernatural power!surprise!

"Husband, do you think that after the battle between Monk Tiannan and Monk Mulan, will the righteous path and the demonic path start to invade our Tiandao Alliance again?"

After the four of them discussed the battle situation for a while, Xin Ruyin suddenly asked.

As soon as this question came up, Xiaomei and Lu Tianxuan also became curious.

In fact, due to the demonic invasion in the past ten years, not to mention the already destroyed Jiang Kingdom and Chaqi Kingdom, as one of the main battlefields in the Yue Kingdom, all the major cultivating sects and cultivating families have suffered heavy losses.

The Yellow Maple Valley family alone, including the Spirit Beast Mountain disciples who were divided up, had nearly 15 foundations built. After these [-] years, there are only about [-] people left.

This is counting the monks who have successfully built new foundations after nearly a hundred foundation-building pills have been distributed in the valley over the years.

There are currently only more than 3000 disciples in the Qi Refining Stage, and nearly [-] people have been lost.

However, there were no changes in the number of Jindan monks. Counting Lu Daolin, who had newly formed a pill, the number reached ten.

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly. Xin Ruyin was indeed a person with a clear heart and a clear mind. He quickly discovered the hidden conflicts between the three major forces in Tiannan.

After more than ten years of war, the Demonic Way has only occupied two small countries, while the Righteous Way has occupied one medium-sized country and two small countries. In this way, the original goal of carving up neutral countries by both sides has not been achieved at all.

This is also one of the biggest impacts of butterfly wings on Lu Tiandu over the years.

If there are no accidents, it would be natural for the three parties to start a war again after the external threats are resolved.

"If there are no accidents, it is certain that good and evil will invade again, but now that there are threats from the southern grasslands, it is not certain..." Lu Tiandu said with a slight smile.

"Although the strength of the Mulan people is not as good as our overall strength in Tiannan, the Nine Nations Alliance has suffered a lot in the past. After this battle, they are definitely not willing to face the attack of the Mulan people alone and will pull together the other three major forces to form a coalition. It is logical to jointly resist the attack of the mages..."

"In this way, the war between the Yan monks provoked by the good devil has been eliminated..." Lu Tianxuan said with a smile.

"It's very possible..."

After hearing this, the three women felt inexplicably relaxed.

The three of them have not been on the front line in recent years, but Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying have experienced many battles, and they have naturally heard of the cruelty of wars among monks.

It is also the expectation of most low-level monks that the world of immortality has become peaceful again.

In the original plot, after this decisive battle, thousands of monks were killed, and the Nine-Nation Alliance was able to withstand the attack of the Mulan people and regain a firm foothold.

But since then, the Nine-Nation Alliance has also learned to behave.

After that, other forces were required to take turns sending people to jointly resist the attack of the mages.Otherwise, if their family only contributes people and help, leaving the other three families free and easy in the back, they will not do anything.

After some negotiation and wrangling, the four major forces finally reached an agreement, with the Nine Nations Alliance as the main force and the other three as the supplement, to jointly fight against the Mulan people.

Because of the existence of this agreement, in the next hundred years or so, because of the eager eyes of the Mulan people, Tiannan ushered in a period of peace, and the good and the evil did not dare to easily restart the war.

A few days later, Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying, who received the transmission notes, brought the Mo sisters to the Lu family.

Looking at Junior Sister Chen and Junior Sister Nie who looked affectionate and concerned, Lu Tiandu chuckled and hugged the two of them into his arms.

"Do you want to be a husband?" Lu Tiandu smiled softly in the ears of the two women.

The two women snorted and rolled their eyes at Lu Tiandu. With so many sisters looking at them, they were so embarrassed...

Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying will be 40 years old. During the period of seclusion in Lu Tiandu, they have also advanced to the late stage of foundation building. With the suspension of the invasion of the demonic path and the sudden breakthrough to the late stage state, they have rarely left the cave this year.

It is true that the two people with dual spiritual roots practice too fast.

However, with the nameless breath-condensing technique given to them by Lu Tiandu, as long as they did not take the initiative to appear in front of the middle-stage Jindan monks, their true cultivation levels would not be discovered.

After all, the two women have also practiced the Dayan Jue to the second level.

After a moment of tenderness with the two girls, Lu Tiandu looked at Mo Fengwu and Mo Caihuan next to them, who had expressions of anticipation, surprise, and admiration on their faces.

After so many years, all the girls have taken the anti-aging pill, and their appearance has always been at their most youthful and beautiful, but the development of their bodies is naturally not included in this.

Looking at the Mo sisters who have not seen each other for several years and are becoming more plump, attractive and delicious, Lu Tiandu's index finger is moved and he has decided to find time to eat them both.



Mo Fengwu's tone was still soft, and the tenderness in her beautiful eyes seemed to melt Lu Tiandu into this greeting.

Mo Caihuan looked cheerful and cheerful, with a pleasant voice. He stepped forward and took Lu Tiandu's arm, unwilling to let go.

Lu Tiandu took the initiative to hold the two beautiful and soft bodies, and kissed them with shy expressions. The red clouds flew over their beautiful faces, and the two women leaned in his arms, becoming more and more alluring.

"Fengwu and Caihuan are quite large now..."

Lu Tiandu looked at the two girls thoughtfully and said with a smile.

"I'll let you sisters sleep with me later..." Lu Tiandu chuckled again.

After hearing this, the Mo sisters were suddenly pleasantly surprised, regardless of the fact that there were other beauties from Lu Tiandu at this time, and their eyes looking at Lu Tiandu became more and more gentle...

The two of them had already established the foundation several years ago, but unfortunately Lu Tian had not yet entered seclusion at that time, and had no intention of using her, so there was always some resentment in their hearts.

At this moment, hearing Lu Tiandu's clear words, his heart was filled with joy, and he lay in Lu Tiandu's arms and refused to get up...

Looking at the shy and expectant Mo sisters, Lu Tiandu smiled tenderly.

Since he had made up his mind to open a large harem, Lu Tiandu finally decided to accept the two girls. After all, it would be a pity if he gave others an advantage.

Over the years, Lu Tiandu has shared the body of the earth wood spirit and the body of the fire spirit. The two have a firm heart towards Tao and have been practicing hard, which makes Lu Tiandu agree with the two women.

After the two built the foundation a few years ago, they unexpectedly produced illusory wood and fire single spiritual roots, which surprised Lu Tiandu.

This also shows that the universal cultivation physique of all heavens and worlds is more suitable for cultivation than the spiritual roots possessed by the human race.

In this way, after a few years, when the spiritual roots turn from virtual to real, the two of them can naturally walk in the world of immortality with integrity.

In fact, the only thing that needs to be guarded against at this time is the Yuanying old monster.

After all, even if a Golden elixir cultivator cannot contact others, it will be difficult to determine someone's spiritual roots. Of course, it can be seen from the breath, but it is not very accurate.

After establishing the foundation, Mo Fengwu still practiced the "Qingyuan Sword Jue", while Mo Caihuan practiced the fire-attribute "Red Sky Sword Jue" obtained from Feng Xian.

Including Xiaomei, there are already three people in Lu Tiandu's harem who are pursuing the path of sword cultivation.

After this reunion and intimacy, two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Tiandu also began to make some arrangements for the next practice.

As the Demonic Dao quelled its invasion of neutral countries, the previous oath made by the Demonic Dao and the Yuanying monks of the Tiandao Alliance that high-level monks would not attack low-level monks has been lifted.

Lu Tiandu and Cen Jingjun have not appeared for more than ten years. Zhao Qingfeng of the Tianxing Sect does not need to worry, but the Wang family of the Ghost Spirit Sect has to be careful.

Now that there is no restraint, the Lu family monks and Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian, who are apparently close to Lu Tian, ​​have naturally become the default targets of the Wang family's revenge.

Therefore, in the past year, in view of this external threat, the Lu family and their two daughters rarely left the Taiyue Mountains.

Both the Lu family and Izumo Peak have been equipped with defensive formations by Xin Ruyin over the years that can block the attacks of late-stage Jindan monks, so to a certain extent, they are safe.

Of course, if the Yuanying monks of the Wang family do not follow martial ethics and come to the door brazenly, then after the Yuanying of Lu Tiandu, they will naturally take action to destroy the Ghost Spirit Sect as revenge.

After putting this matter aside, Lu Tiandu started planning his own practice again.

After advancing to the golden elixir, if you want to improve your cultivation level, naturally it cannot be done overnight.

The fastest and most direct way to improve one's strength is nothing more than magic weapons and one's own magical powers.

In terms of magic weapons, what Lu Tiandu hopes to refine the most is naturally the natal magic weapon Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Picture.

It is a pity that dozens of other materials have been collected over the years, and the insufficient quantities have been made up through the Divine Furnace of Creation and the origin of the stone bead world.

Unfortunately, there is still no news at all about Nayuan Xujing and Huanyishen Mud.

He has several other ordinary magic weapons on his body, including the Tianyin Spirit Tablet, the gray round shield and black beads obtained from Li Da, and the earliest wind and fire fan obtained from the Jixuan storage bag.

Two defensive magic weapons and two offensive magic weapons are enough.

In terms of supernatural powers, in addition to the Wind and Thunder True Gang that can be practiced at the seventh level of the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Skill, which is a method of fighting enemies, what Lu Tiandu wants to practice most is naturally the "Three Flavors of Divine Wind" and "Xuanming True Thunder" recorded in the skills. These two powerful magical powers and secret arts.

The magical power of the three-flavored divine wind, according to the records of the practice, once it is practiced to a small extent, it can blow the sky and the earth into darkness, crack rocks and collapse cliffs, and destroy the body of evil spirits. It can be said to be extremely powerful and weird.

The magical power of Xuanming True Thunder is a water-type thunder method. Although water has the effect of moisturizing all things, water-type thunder methods, like other thunder methods, have the ability to destroy.

The Xuanming True Thunder, in addition to being soft and destructive, has many damaging and corrosive abilities.

Once the magic weapon or legal body is contaminated, the spiritual light will be damaged or disabled at the least, and the treasure will be destroyed and people will be killed at the worst.

Moreover, this Xuanming True Thunder has been cultivated to the extreme, and it can breed the ultimate water divine thunder among the five elements of divine thunder-Taiyin Divine Thunder.

The Five Elements Ultimate Divine Thunder is famous throughout the spiritual world.

Needless to say, its power goes without saying.For example, because the Evil Dragon Clan suppressed them with the Evil-Resisting Divine Thunder, they took a forceful action, searched out all the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo from all tribes, and destroyed them completely, causing the Evil-Resisting Divine Thunder to almost disappear in the spiritual world.

In addition to the Zhimu Divine Thunder in the Golden Thunder Bamboo to ward off evil spirits, Lu Tiandu knew this as the second type of Five Elements Divine Thunder that he knew.

These two magical powers are so powerful that it is not easy to practice them.

However, this is not a problem for the True Lord Fenglei who created the Fengling Prison Suppressing Skill.

Wind Spirit Pill and Thunder Spirit Pill are the auxiliary cultivation methods created by him.The main ingredients required for elixir refining are demon elixirs with at least five levels of wind and thunder attributes and several elixirs with wind and thunder attributes.

With the help of these two magical medicines, the difficulty of practicing these two magical powers will naturally be reduced a lot.

But even so, it still takes a long time.

Since Feng Xian obtained this technique, he got the most precious Ling Kong Pagoda left behind by the Mahayana monks of the Sky Spirit Clan by chance, and at the same time, he also received many inheritances from the Sky Spirit Clan.

Among them, he discovered some kind of secret elixir from the Kongling Tribe - Tianyuan Dan.Compared with the Wind Spirit Pill and the Thunder Spirit Pill, the Tianyuan Pill is naturally easier to assist monks in practicing these two magical powers.

Once a monk takes this Tianyuan Pill, he can generate a trace of the original power of heaven and earth in his body, which has all kinds of incredible uses for the monks.

The main ingredients of Tianyuan Dan are a kind of wonder fruit called Tianyuan Guo and several rare and old elixirs.

As the name suggests, the Tianyuan Fruit is a strange fruit that contains the original power of heaven and earth.

Moreover, this Tianyuan Fruit is also divided into metal, water, wood, fire, earth, wind and thunder according to its various attributes. It is not a spiritual fruit.

This is naturally the first time Lu Tiandu has heard of the strange fruit that contains the origin of heaven and earth.

After all, his Divine Furnace of Creation can be regarded as extracting the original power from the flesh and blood of monsters, although it only has the source of the five elements for the time being.

The powerful magical power of the three-flavored divine wind, the wind and thunder prison-suppressing skill, is also recorded in the Feng Linggang book, which shows that Feng Xian must have cultivated this powerful magical power.

Sure enough, according to the information left in Feng Xian's jade slip, he finally obtained a high-aged Feng Yuan fruit through various channels, collected many elixirs, and successfully refined a furnace of Feng Yuan Dan. After taking it, his body was greatly accelerated. The speed of practicing the powerful magical power of Sanwei Kamikaze has increased.

In the subsequent battles, he relied on this magical power to severely injure his enemies many times.

This Tianyuan Pill had such a miraculous effect, which naturally surprised Feng Xian.

With this kind of fruit, wouldn't it be easy to refine the Tianyuan Pill and practice other powerful magical powers, saving hundreds or even thousands of years of hard work? Who wouldn't be surprised?
For example, the Xuanming True Thunder and even the Taiyin Divine Thunder made him envious.

As a result, I naturally started to look for other Tianyuan Fruits.

However, after many years, except for the core of the Thunder Source Fruit from the Mahayana of the Void Spirit Clan, nothing was gained.

Why is Lu Tiandu so confident that he can cultivate these two magical powers?The main reason was that he happened to know where the Feng Yuan Fruit Core and the Thunder Source Fruit Core in Feng Xian's hands were planted.

Yes, these two fruit cores and the seeds of Qixialian were planted in the ring mountain range where Feng Xian stayed during the blood ban trial.

When Feng Xian returned to the spirit world, he left three small white jade pavilions near the three elixirs. The golden treasure boxes in the pavilions contained information leading to the three small medicine gardens he left behind.

The mysterious thunder fruit tree with dry iron and frost skin that Lu Tiandu discovered after conquering the golden thunder tiger was the thunder source fruit tree.

There are two fruits on it, and the other one was eaten by the Golden Winged Tiger and mutated into the Golden Thunder Tiger.

As for the Fengyuan fruit tree near the other white jade pavilion, it was naturally acquired by the disciples of the Hiding Moon Sect.

The remaining half of the Fengyuan fruit tree is in Nangong Ping's hands.

More than ten years ago, Lu Tiandu had agreed with Nangong Ping that he would give something of equal value in exchange for this strange fruit rhizome. This was also the meaning of the name of the elixir that Nangong Ping had given Lu Tiandu to collect.

In this way, whether it is the Wind Spirit Pill and Thunder Spirit Pill left by Zhenjun Feng Lei, or the Wind Source Fruit and Thunder Source Fruit left by Feng Xian, once they are successfully refined, it will definitely speed up Lu Tiandu's practice of these two skills. The progress of supernatural powers.

Come to think of it, once he has mastered these two magical powers, he will no longer be afraid of anything in the human world.

While practicing his magical powers, investigating the Nayuan Void Crystal and the Yi Shen Mud, Lu Tiandu naturally couldn't relax the foundation of his own practice.

After the elixir is formed, refining the elixir to improve cultivation basically requires six to seven hundred years of elixir. Of course, a higher age is better.

Therefore, his first task is to refine a large amount of elixirs to be taken during the elixir formation period.

Coupled with Bauhinia wine, dual cultivation, etc., the practice will naturally be extremely fast.

As for the third level of Dayan Jue, naturally we cannot relax. According to Lu Tiandu's estimation, it will take another seven or eight years to complete it.

In terms of body refining, the second round of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill is about to be completed. He has enough energy and blood elixirs at the fourth level at this time. He believes that he can complete it before the Dayan Jue breaks through the third level.

While making these preparations, Lu Tiandu was ready to explore some of the opportunities he had obtained before, such as the information about the caves of the late monks of the Divine Weapon Sect's Golden Core that he obtained during the Qi Refining Period.

The cave where Xiao Cuier got the yellow book may hide high-level bird monsters.

As for exploring the stone tower where Feng Xian stayed for the Blood Forbidden Trial, there is no rush now.

After all, Xin Ruyin has not yet fully understood the ten ancient formations.

I thought that in addition to the Tianfu Sect inheritance, there should be many treasures and other things in the stone tower. After all, Feng Xian had left some skills, techniques, materials and other things in Lingkong Tower.

Once you have made up your mind, all you have to do is execute.

Time flies, and a year has passed.

On the third floor of Lingkong Tower, there is a palace called "Danding Pavilion".

Lu Tiandu looked at the cyan alchemy furnace opposite, and instantly typed out several complicated spells. After a moment, as a soft "buzzing" sound came out, Lu Tiandu held it with one hand, and the alchemy furnace flew out instantly. Several round blue pills.

"This furnace thunder elixir is finally finished!"

Lu Tiandu showed a bit of joy on his face, took out several jade bottles, and gently put away the elixirs.

Since he received Feng Xian's inheritance, he naturally has no shortage of all kinds of elixirs from refining Qi to transforming into gods.

Over the past year, he has spent 10,000+ spiritual stones to synthesize a large amount of green liquid to ripen various elixirs used to refine golden elixirs. In addition to Yuan Dan, many ancient elixirs have also been refined, such as Fen Yuan Dan, Hao Yuan Dan, etc.

After refining so many elixirs, it was naturally enough for him and other elixir-forming beauties to take them for a period of time.

After practicing with a large number of elixirs, his alchemy skills have been greatly improved. According to his estimation, even if he is not a master of alchemy, he can still be considered a master of alchemy.

After all, he has not only made elixirs for himself in the past few decades, but also made the elixirs for seven or eight people from his own hands. The total of these zeros and zeros naturally adds up to a lot.

Therefore, after his alchemy skills had fully improved, he began to take out the inner elixir of the Thunder Frog and combined it with many precious elixirs to refine the Thunder Elixir, but in the end he refined it into a batch of elixirs.

After cleaning up, Lu Tiandu stepped out of the Danding Pavilion, which Fengxian specially arranged for refining alchemy and weapons.

Since Lu Tiandu came back a year ago, he also told the Seventh Girl about his possession of the Space Spiritual Treasure.

After learning such secrets, the girls naturally became more devoted to Lu Tian, ​​and a love affair was inevitable.

Therefore, all the girls have now moved to the third floor of Lingkong Tower to practice. After all, this is a rare holy land for practice in the human world.

Of course, on the other hand, Lu Tiandu took everyone with him, so he didn't have to worry about safety and other issues.

The charming Cen Jingjun in the golden house is naturally known to all the girls.

In addition to cryptic compliments to Lu Tiandu, the sisters also looked happy among themselves.

In this way, Lu Tiandu got an advantage. If he wanted to practice dual cultivation with that beauty, he could just come to her home and sleep with her...

After quietly leaving the Lu family, Lu Tiandu released the white crystal flying boat and transformed into Xiao Changsheng and rushed west to Xizhou.

Xizhou is the smallest state and county in the Yue Kingdom, and the only state and county where no one from the Seven Great Sects is stationed. It is adjacent to Jianzhou, where the Taiyue Mountains are located, and to the north is adjacent to the Yuanwu Kingdom.

In addition to the high loess slopes in this state, there is an endless desert, accounting for more than three-quarters of the entire Xizhou.

The total population of the entire state is only about [-], so there are no resources or manpower available.

The cave of the Golden Pill monk from the Divine Weapon Sect was built here.

Following the jade slip records of the elder who was in the late stage of foundation building of the Divine Weapon Sect, Lu Tiandu quickly found the location of the cave in a desert.

After using the Earth Escape Technique to escape down two hundred feet, Lu Tiandu fell gently and stopped in this empty underground cave.

As soon as his figure flashed, Lu Tiandu returned to his original appearance.He let go of his vast spiritual consciousness and observed the cave.

"Sure enough, some of the restricted areas outside the formation have been destroyed, and it looks like they only lasted a few decades..."

Lu Tiandu took a quick look and knew that this was exactly what was recorded in the jade slip. It should not be a trap or some other deceptive cave.

This is the secret cave of the elder Jindan of the Divine Weapon Sect who went out to look for opportunities to have a baby. He is also the uncle of the owner of the jade slip.

After a moment of sensing, Lu Tiandu smiled faintly and chose to use his strength to break the formation.

This formation is just a simple defensive formation, so there is nothing else to worry about.

The Divine Weapon Sect foundation-building monk still needs to slowly figure out how to break the formation with force, but for Lu Tiandu, it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

After a brief observation, Lu Tiandu raised his hand, and a golden-purple light blade about ten feet long whizzed with a trace of electric light and hit the weak point of the formation.

"Crackling!" After a roar and groan, although a small amount of restrictions were destroyed, it was still not enough to break the formation.

"The power of this Wind and Thunder True Gang is pretty good!"

Lu Tiandu nodded, but this formation was obviously not weak, and it would definitely not work to break it using this method.

Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand and grasped it, and a strange three-foot-long black gold stick appeared in his hand.

Lu Tiandu chose his current strongest attack method.


After a series of loud noises, the formation outside the cave was completely destroyed by Lu Tiandu.The cave of this Jindan monk was displayed in front of Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu did not put away the dragon-marked black gold stick, but also released the fifth-level spiritual beasts Golden-backed Mantis and Thunder Turtle. One has amazing attack power, and the other has amazing defensive power. If there is any surprise, let the two spiritual beasts attack first. That's it.

An hour later, after Lu Tiandu successively broke the restrictions on several spaces in this cave, he once again came to an exquisitely laid out weapon refining room.

This looks like the owner's daily weapon refining place.

He has entered several areas and still has not found the body and storage bag of the sitting person.

There were several small shelves on the surrounding walls, and dozens of refining materials were placed on them, protected by colorful light films. When Lu Tiandu scanned these materials one by one, there were not many surprises.

After all, he has a lot of weapon-refining materials on hand, and some of the collections of this late-stage Jindan monk from the famous weapon-refining sect are not as good as his own collection.

However, when he spotted one of the randomly placed colorful crystals the size of a soybean, Lu Tiandu suddenly opened his eyes wide and exclaimed:

"Nayuan Xujing?"

(End of this chapter)

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