Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 139 The Divine Origin Returns to the Great Method!Use the formation to break the formation!A

Chapter 139 The divine essence returns to one method!Use the formation to break the formation!Ancient treasure!

"Nayuan Void Crystal!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the soybean-sized crystal within the light shield, his eyes bursting with light, and he gently stretched out his right hand. Under the operation of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, a faint red light condensed in his palm.


With a harsh cracking sound, the light shield protecting the Nayuan Void Crystal was crushed to pieces by Lu Tiandu.

After 20 years of physical training, with the strengthening of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, his physical strength alone is not inferior to the top-level magic weapon. When he uses the skill, even the top-level magic weapon can be crushed to pieces, not to mention this light mask. ?

"I didn't expect that it would be so easy to obtain the urgently needed Nayuan Void Crystal material!"

Reaching out to twist the colorful crystal stone, Lu Tiandu smiled.

"It seems that Guo Yuanjiu, a golden elixir monk from the Divine Weapon Sect, doesn't know this precious weapon refining material..."

Lu Tiandu looked at the layout of the materials here again and secretly guessed.

When the demon invaded, Lu Tiandu learned about the identities of many Jindan monks from other sects through Nangong Wan and Hong Fu. More than 100 years ago in the Divine Weapon Sect, an elder named Guo Yuanjiu, a late Jindan monk, went out to look for opportunities to break through the Nascent Soul. Never came back.

This person is very low-key in the Shenbing Sect, and he is not burdened by his disciples, family, etc. He is a lone ranger.

After some speculation, the person from the Divine Weapon Sect here should be Guo Yuanjiu.

Among the dozens of materials here, there are really only a few that are of high value. If this person knew the value of the Nayuan Void Crystal, he would never put it here. Instead, he would keep it in a storage bag with him.

This soybean-sized Na Yuan Void Crystal is naturally far from enough for him, but with this little bit of material, he can transform the original stone beads into more Na Yuan Void Crystals.

Whether it is used to exchange other precious materials with others or used by one's own family, there will never be a shortage.


Within a moment, Lu Tiandu broke through the other light shields and put dozens of materials and alchemy furnaces here into his own storage bag.

After leaving the refining room, Lu Tiandu went to explore other rooms.

This private cave is not big, with a total of more than 20 large and small spaces, but each one has restrictions imposed by the original owner Guo Yuanjiu.

In addition to what was harvested in the refining room, he also harvested hundreds of centuries-old elixirs and a spring of spiritual eyes in the elixir garden, which are considered to be of greatest value.

According to Lu Tiandu's speculation, this Guo Yuanjiu should have been incarnate for about a hundred years. After all, the oldest elixir in the elixir garden is only six or seven hundred years old, and most of them are one or two hundred years old.

As for the Fountain of Spiritual Eyes, there is nothing surprising.Golden elixir monks can dig out the spiritual eye spring through certain secret methods and carry it with them.

When establishing a cave in Xizhou, if there is no spiritual eye spring or spiritual eye object in the body, the late Jindan monks will not be able to practice at all.

When Lu Tiandu once again brought two spiritual beasts to a space and prepared to break the restrictions placed on it.

Suddenly, I discovered that the restrictions here were really different, several times stronger than elsewhere.

"It seems that this is where Guo Yuanjiu of the Divine Weapon Sect is locked up to death!"

This time Lu Tiandu and two spiritual beasts took action together, and within a moment, the restriction was broken.

Gently pushing open the stone door, a faint smell of decay hit my face.

If there is no special body refining method, the monk's body will only decay more than a hundred years slower than ordinary people after each advancement and strengthening.

Lu Tiandu glanced at it and saw everything in the stone room a hundred steps away.

A sapphire stone bed about ten feet in size is extremely conspicuous. Sitting on it is a middle-aged man in a green robe who is about 50 to [-] years old. His eyes are slightly closed, his face is gray, and three strands of long beard hang down on his chest.

As soon as Lu Tiandu came in, he glanced with his spiritual consciousness and knew that this man did not have any spiritual energy around him. It was obvious that this man's life span had expired and he finally passed away.

Apart from the clear jade stone bed and the corpse on it, there was only a stone table and a futon in this large space.

There is also a jade slip, a teapot and a teacup randomly placed on the stone table. These simple furnishings make it seem that Guo Yuanjiu is indeed an ascetic monk.

Stepping forward slightly, Lu Tiandu reached out and grabbed it, and a big golden and purple hand grabbed the storage bag on the middle-aged man's waist.

Without any surprise, a green-brown high-end storage bag appeared in Lu Tiandu's hands.

Lu Tiandu grabbed the jade slip on the stone table again. With this jade slip, his trip was complete.

Just when Lu Tiandu reached out to grab the jade slip, the eyebrows of the middle-aged golden elixir monk from the Divine Weapon Sect suddenly cracked, and a ball of green and dark fist light suddenly flashed and shot towards Lu Tiandu. Come.


Just when there were changes in Guo Yuanjiu's body, Lu Tiandu had already discovered the abnormality. When he looked back, he punched the light ball.

"Chi..." With a sound and a punch, the ball of light split into nine parts silently, and suddenly wrapped around Lu Tiandu again.

It was a little late to release the defensive magic weapon at this time, and Lu Tiandu was not worried.

With a sneer, Lu Tiandu shook his shoulders. His body was filled with golden and purple light, and the wind and thunder robe emerged. In addition, he also wore gold wire inner armor and a jade pendant of Yimu Divine Mask. He couldn't let him use this kind of sneak attack. Not damaged at all.

"Eh? You want to seize the body? You are really looking for death!"

Lu Tiandu suddenly discovered that this ball of light suddenly penetrated the protective shield arranged by the wind and thunder robes and shot towards his head.

He suddenly understood, was Guo Yuanjiu trying to seize the body?
And how did this person get around his various defenses?
In just an instant, the nine light groups suddenly merged and turned into black and green mist, covering Lu Tiandu's head.

Both land and sky are within the sea.

The golden and purple Yuanshen villain has an illusory gray furnace shadow above his head, looking at the intruding light group with a sneer.

The stone furnace shook slightly, and a mysterious wave swept through the green light group. The soul of the monk surnamed Guo, who was just about to use the secret technique, was stagnant and turned into tiny crystal clear particles in the blink of an eye.

These tiny particles were sucked in by Lu Tiandu's golden-purple soul and swallowed instantly.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

In the stone room, Lu Tiandu, who was sitting cross-legged quietly, suddenly opened his eyes.

"The Hunyuan Guiyi God Refining Technique actually has such a secret technique..."

The muttering sound came from Lu Tiandu's mouth, making him look confused.

Originally, he thought that the green and pitch-black light that shot out from Guo Yuanjiu was an attacking technique. Unexpectedly, when he got closer, he discovered that it was the soul of this person who had practiced some kind of magic secret technique.

He was not nervous about seizing a body, after all, he was here to seize a body.A carrier can only be taken away once and cannot be taken away by others again.

Moreover, there is a stone furnace to protect the soul, and there will be no danger of taking over the body.

Unexpectedly, he absorbed the crystal grains formed after the person's spiritual consciousness was dispersed by the stone furnace. Judging from the memories obtained, this person did not seize the body at all this time. After all, his life span has been exhausted, and no one else can seize the body. Good few days.

Instead, he wanted to use a profound magic secret technique - Hunyuan Guiyi to refine the spirit, and assimilate with Lu Tiandu's spirit to become a new individual.

If this new person is guided by Guo Yuanjiu's memory, it can be regarded as a new life to some extent.

This is what surprised Lu Tiandu the most.

He had never heard of such a weird secret technique.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly remembered that Qing Yuanzi in the spiritual world seemed to have occupied the body of someone from the Changyuan tribe through some secret technique. The two were at loggerheads, and finally the souls merged and became a new person.

"If it hadn't been for the help of Stone Hearth, this person would have succeeded this time..."

Lu Tiandu's expression changed and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Once this secret technique is used in the memory, it will be possible to assimilate the opponent's soul within a few months, and within a year or two, the new soul will be able to assimilate with the true essence again, and there will no longer be any gap.

Guo Yuanjiu's Yuan Shen can still be preserved a hundred years after his incarnation, precisely because he practiced this secret technique.

However, after Guo Yuanjiu's soul was shattered by the furnace shadow and his spiritual consciousness was restored into spiritual crystals, Lu Tiandu was a blessing in disguise. Not only did his soul grow a lot, he also gained many of this man's memories.

Especially Guo Yuanjiu’s memory of cultivation and hundreds of years of experience in refining weapons and alchemy.

This can be regarded as his biggest gain this time besides Naiyuan Xujing.

As for the unused memories, they have been directly erased by him.

With a move of his hand, a golden light flew out of Guo Yuanjiu's body, and a palm-sized golden shuttle appeared in Lu Tiandu's hand. This was Guo Yuanjiu's natal magic weapon, the Golden Light Shuttle.

Reaching out and touching this golden spirit shuttle, Lu Tiandu felt inexplicably familiar.

This is naturally the reason for absorbing part of this person's memory.

This flying shuttle was imitated by Guo Yuanjiu based on the flying sea shuttle, one of the three major spiritual shuttles in the human world. It integrates attack and flight functions.

According to Guo Yuanjiu's memory, the three major spiritual shuttles in the human world, the Sun-Moon Shuttle, the Flying Sea Shuttle, and the Xingyuan Shuttle, are just imitations of a famous flying shuttle-like Tongtian Lingbao in ancient times.

Lu Tiandu knew that the Sun and Moon Shuttle, one of the three spiritual shuttles in the original plot, was acquired by the Huaxian Sect of the Great Jin Dynasty, and a copy appeared in the hands of Mrs. Mu of the Huaxian Sect in Kunwu Mountain.

But I don’t know where the other two Lingbao imitations were left or who collected them.

Lu Tiandu put away the golden spirit shuttle.Just like the several magic weapons he had obtained that were refined by others, even if he had completely refined them, he would only be able to exert at most [-]% of the power of the magic weapon.

This is why most golden elixir cultivators must refine their own natal magic weapon after passing through the initial period.

Only the magic weapon refined through blood essence sacrifice can exert its full power.

Of course, ancient treasures are not included in this list. Although they cannot be stored in the body for warmth and nourishment, as long as they are refined, they can exert [-]% of their power.

Lu Tiandu stretched out his slender palm and pressed it slightly. A huge golden-purple hand roaring with wind and thunder suddenly appeared out of thin air and was imprinted on Guo Yuanjiu's body and the sapphire bed beneath him.


After a burst of cracking sounds, the restrictions placed on the stone bed were eliminated by the wind spirit's grasping hand. The sapphire stone bed cracked, and a three-foot-sized stone pier exuding rich spiritual energy appeared in front of Lu Tiandu.

With a wave of his sleeve, Guo Yuanjiu's bones and stone fragments that had turned into ashes scattered, and Lu Tiandu casually put away the stone pier, which was a spiritual eye object.

Although it is not as good as the spiritual eye jade among spiritual eye objects, it can still be regarded as a rare cultivation treasure.

If it weren't for this person's backup, Lu Tiandu would have taken the storage bag at most, and naturally he would not have discovered that this spiritual eye object was actually hidden in the sapphire bed by Guo Yuanjiu.

Picking up the jade slip on the stone table again, Lu Tiandu already knew the secret technique recorded in it, which was the Hunyuan Guiyi Divine Refining Technique.

Moreover, the secret technique recorded in this jade slip is only a small part of a certain technique. It is exactly a magic technique that Lu Tiandu had obtained before - Tianyin Juesha Technique.

However, the Tianyin Juesha Kung recorded here is more complete than what he had obtained from the foundation-building monk in Spirit Beast Mountain.

Recalling that he had conquered the Golden Thunder Tiger with the help of the secret soul-suppressing seal in this technique, Lu Tiandu took a look at several powerful secret techniques in this technique, and then he put them away and decided to wait until he had more time. Study it.

As for how Guo Yuanjiu obtained this skill, it has something to do with a demonic monk from Yuanwu Kingdom whom he once killed.

Unlike the Yue Kingdom, the Yuanwu Kingdom did not distinguish between good and evil, but was divided into three sects of the righteous way and four sects of the evil way.With this person's memory, he was already very familiar with this cave, and at the same time he also knew that this person really didn't know the treasure Nayuan Xujing.

After putting away a few more valuable treasures that he had neglected before, Lu Tiandu put away the two spiritual beasts, left the cave, changed his appearance, and flew south on the Escape Light.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu once again came to the barren mountain where Xiao Cuier got the animal skin book.

There may be a cave where high-level bird monsters are hidden here.

His spiritual consciousness swept over and there was no trace of anyone else here.

Arriving at the place where part of the formation restrictions had been broken, Xin Ruyin suddenly appeared next to Lu Tiandu.

"Yin'er, I want you to come and see how to break the formation this time!" Lu Tiandu said, looking at Xin Ruyin who had just come out of Lingkong Tower.

He didn't realize much about it when he was in the late stage of foundation building, but now he sees that this protective formation is probably extraordinary.

He made some estimates and found that it would be difficult to break this formation with his current combat power against the mid-stage Golden Core.

This made him even more curious about the cave inside.

"Ruyin will definitely break this formation as soon as possible for her husband!" After hearing Lu Tiandu's introduction, Xin Ruyin nodded with a smile.

She is naturally very happy when her husband is useful to her.

After releasing his spiritual consciousness and observing for a moment, Xin Ruyin took out several jade plates and began to think hard.

Lu Tiandu didn't bother, he took out the storage bag of the monk surnamed Guo that he had obtained before, wiped off the mark of his consciousness and started to investigate.

As expected of a high-level monk from the Divine Weapon Sect who is famous for his weapon refining, there are quite a lot of high-value weapon refining materials.

In addition to these most valuable weapon refining materials, there are four ordinary magic weapons and dozens of top-level magic weapons.

The elixirs in the previous medicine garden had been swept away by Lu Tiandu, and now there were only a few centuries-old elixirs in the jade boxes that could not be cultivated.

There are not many spiritual stones, only a few hundred mid-level spiritual stones and more than a thousand low-level spiritual stones.

The remaining miscellaneous exercises, talismans and other things were also put away by Lu Tiandu.

Counting it all together, this late-stage Jindan cultivator left quite a lot of legacy.

This suddenly greatly enriched his newly established treasure house.

A few days later, after several tests, Xin Ruyin told Lu Tiandu with excitement that he had found a way to crack the formation.

The two returned to Lingkong Tower again.

Xin Ruyin's method was to use formations to break the formations, but the tools for breaking the formations still needed to be refined.

This time, Xiaomei was invited to help with the refining.

Although it was Lu Tiandu's first time refining an array, he had the experience of refining weapons from the divine weapon sect Guo Yuanjiu, so he was naturally extremely fast and his skill in refining weapons greatly surprised Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei on the side.

After all, Lu Tiandu had never refined a magic weapon in front of them before!

"My husband is indeed very human!" Xin Ruyin thought to herself as she saw Lu Tiandu's smooth and flowing skills.

A few days later, the three of them appeared outside the formation and began to set up the formation.

After the Nine-Star Spirit Suppressing Formation was set up, Xin Ruyin set up a large formation outside to isolate the movement, and then the three of them activated the formation and began to use the formation to break the formation.

Watching the nine light pillars transformed from the Nine Star Spirit Suppressing Formation slam into the protective formation, accompanied by several kinds of glowing lights, the sound of "rumbling" impacts continued to be heard.

Fortunately, a large formation was arranged to isolate the movement, otherwise any movement would inevitably attract monks hundreds of miles away.

After changing the spirit stones twice, the protective formation was finally broken.

All three breathed a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for Xin Ruyin beside him, it would have been difficult for Lu Tiandu to break through this formation with his current strength.

"Come on, let's go in and see!"

Seeing the curious looks on the two women's faces, Lu Tiandu released two level five spirit beasts to explore the way ahead, asking Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei to follow him.

Xiao Cuier originally discovered the exit of this cave in a natural cave in a barren mountain, but when she found the formation, she had already reached the bottom of the barren mountain. The formation was naturally built underground.

At this moment, the three people and two beasts passed through the tall and wide man-made cave and continued to go deeper.

The cave walls along the way are covered with various rough murals.

From the vast land at the beginning, where a bird stood proudly on a branch, to the high sky behind, where the tall figure stood alone above the auspicious clouds turned into flames, the three of them gradually understood that what was recorded on so many murals was The path of growth of a bird demon cultivator with the magical power of fire.

"Is he at least an eighth-level demon cultivator?" Lu Tiandu sighed in his heart, wondering what this demon cultivator would leave behind?
"Huh? There are traces of monks!"

The message from the spirit beast was almost at the same time as what Lu Tiandu’s consciousness observed.

"You two, wait a moment, I'll go to the front and take a look..."

After his previous encounter with Guo Yuanjiu, Lu Tiandu became more cautious about exploring these caves.

Within a moment, Lu Tiandu arrived in front of a wide square. There were several stone platforms of different heights scattered here, which gave people a quaint feeling at first glance.

On one of the stone platforms, a headless figure in gray robes sat quietly cross-legged.

The head had already turned into withered bones and fell aside, but the whole body still looked like it was sitting cross-legged before death.

"Where did this person come from?"

Lu Tian was a little confused.

The transformed monster will return to its original shape even after it has transformed, and it is impossible to maintain its human form.

This person is obviously a human monk.

Could it be the monk who broke into this cave before?

The aura on this man's body had long since dissipated, and Lu Tiandu casually blasted him with a blast of wind and thunder.

With a bang, the headless corpse was knocked off the stone platform by Lu Tiandu.

But what surprised Lu Tiandu was that although a large amount of ashes fell out of the robe, the robe did not change at all.

"This robe is a treasure!"

Lu Tiandu grabbed it with five fingers, and the gray robe was taken into the air by him. With his hands waving, thick wind and thunder zhengang bombarded it, but the robe still did not change at all.

"Not bad. This defense is good!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, stretched out his hand, and the robe was already in his hands.

After feeling it for a while, he was pleasantly surprised. He originally thought it was a magic weapon, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a rare ancient treasure of clothing.

After his spiritual consciousness scanned and found that there were no other abnormalities, Lu Tiandu sent a message to the two girls to come over.

At this time, in addition to the ancient treasure of the robe, the monk's storage bag that fell on the ground was also captured by Lu Tiandu.

"Congratulations to my husband for harvesting the treasure!"

Looking at Lu Tiandu who looked happy, Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei said with smiles.

"Haha, thanks to Yin'er and Xiaomei this time, we haven't found the real cave yet, but we have already gained something in advance..."

Lu Tiandu smiled and handed the ancient treasure in his hand to the two women for inspection.

With this defensive treasure, after he practices it, his own defense will naturally increase greatly.

At this time, Lu Tiandu also checked the storage bag in his hand.

Unexpectedly, there was no mark left in this storage bag, or it may have dissipated over time.

Lu Tiandu dug out several broken magic weapons and smiled bitterly. After checking the items in the storage bag, he was greatly disappointed.

In total, except for this ancient treasure, all the other items combined are not as valuable as the items obtained from Guo Yuanjiu.

Only when Lu Tiandu found out a jade slip and read this person's message did he finally understand.

"No wonder this man doesn't have much money left!"

Lu Tiandu sighed and handed the jade slip to the two girls.

This person turned out to be a monk in the early stage of Yuanying in Dongyu Kingdom more than a thousand years ago. He accidentally obtained the information about the cave of this ancient bird demon cultivator. He was supposed to gain a lot, but ended up being trapped here. Hundreds of people were trapped here. Years later, his longevity expired and he finally passed away.

Thinking of the regret in this man's words, Lu Tiandu could only shake his head.

No wonder there are basically no spiritual stones, elixirs or other things in this man's storage bag, and they are all used for cultivation.

In addition to using several magic weapons to break the core restrictions inside to no avail, trying to break out of this formation still failed.

This is why its storage bag is full of broken magic weapons.

In this person's message, he once blasted open the formation and sent out a brocade box containing an animal skin book and a jade slip. He wanted to see if he could attract a destined person and work together inside and outside to break the formation.

The result is naturally that there is no one who is destined.

Thousands of years later, Xiao Cui'er, a destined person, got the yellowed wooden box, but Xiao Cui'er didn't mention the jade slip, so she probably didn't notice it.

It's a pity that the destined ancestors of the Xiao family came a little late and were weak in strength. The location of this cave was only found with the cooperation of Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu had heard Xin Ruyin say before that this formation integrated defense and trapped enemies. He didn't expect that it could even trap monks in the early stages of Nascent Soul.

Lu Tiandu could only smile bitterly when he recalled his boldness when he broke through the illusory formation outside this place.

Fortunately, he felt that he was not strong enough before and didn't rush in. Otherwise, it would be terrible to be trapped for hundreds of years.

After passing this square, the three men and two beasts continued to move forward.

This time the distance was much shorter.

Soon after the three of them walked through a jade-paved avenue, a huge and majestic palace appeared in front of them.

Feeling the dense and flickering restrictions in front of the palace, the three of them looked at each other and smiled bitterly...

(End of this chapter)

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