Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 140 Hong Fu is charming!Yan Ruyan!Harem reunion!

Chapter 140 Hong Fu is charming!Yan Ruyan!Harem reunion!

"It seems that we can't enter this cave of the bird demon cultivator!"

Lu Tiandu slightly retracted his extended palm and said.

Although when they first sensed these restrictions with their spiritual consciousness, they knew that they would definitely not be able to break them with their current strength.

However, Lu Tiandu still tried it out, but in the end, he still couldn't shake the protective restrictions here at all.

In fact, none of the early Yuanying monks from Dongyu Kingdom could break the restriction here. Even after more than a thousand years, it was basically impossible with Lu Tiandu's current strength. They were just lucky.

Glancing at the colorful divine birds painted on two tall stone doors not far away, Lu Tiandu didn't recognize what kind of birds they were, or maybe they were spiritual birds with the bloodline of some ancient spiritual birds.

"Let's go, let's look for anything else here."

After spending a lot of effort to break the big formation here, the most valuable thing turned out to be an ancient treasure. Lu Tiandu naturally wanted to see if there was any harvest elsewhere.

After searching for a long time, the three of them finally found nothing and began to set up hidden formations on the outside again.

The original large formation here has been destroyed by them, and now they can only arrange a few other formations.

After a few days of busy work, the formations were rearranged here, and the three of them returned to Lingkong Tower again.

Xin Ruyin and the two girls went to practice again, and Lu Tiandu also took out the ancient treasure robe and prepared to refine it.

Only then did he discover the name of this ancient treasure on the lining of the cuffs of the cassock - Tianxuan Treasure Clothes.

In addition to refining the magic weapon, he also placed the spiritual eye spring he had obtained previously on the third floor of the Lingkong Tower.There were originally several springs of spiritual eyes here, but there was nothing unusual about them.

As for the spiritual eye stone pier, Lu Tiandu also casually placed it in the main hall where he usually rested.After all, the spiritual energy in the tower is so rich that there is no need to use this thing to speed up the gathering of spiritual energy.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed by.

Lu Tiandu left this barren mountain, took up the escape light, and headed towards the Taiyue Mountains again.

This ruins can only be explored after he has a baby.

At this moment, he was dressed in white clothes and looked the same as before. In fact, he was already wearing the Tianxuan Treasure Clothes.

After more than a month of refining, he discovered that this treasured garment not only had amazing defensive power, but also had the miraculous effect of repelling water, fire, wind and dust, and could automatically change the color of the garment, which surprised him.

In this way, with this ancient treasure for body protection, even if he uses the body refining method to fight others at close range, his safety will be greatly increased.

A few days later, Taiyue Mountains, Hidden Ice Valley.

Lu Tiandu transformed into Xiao Changsheng, threw out a transmission note, and waited quietly.

Within a moment, under the leadership of Senior Sister Zhang, whom Lu Tian was familiar with, Lu Tiandu saw Hong Fu again.

"Sister! I'm here!"

Looking at Hong Fu, Lu Tiandu smiled and stepped forward.

Hong Fu is still the same as before, wearing a dazzling red palace dress, and her beautiful and alluring exquisite body is tightly wrapped in it. Even the little bit of ice skin and jade skin that is exposed makes people involuntarily focus on it.

"Are you out of customs?"

Hong Fu opened her red lips lightly, still looking calm, and her beautiful eyes with a hint of evil fell on Lu Tiandu, with some doubts.

At this time, her jade neck was fair and slender, her oval face looked leisurely and elegant, and her cold words were a little more caring.

"Sister, I miss you!"

Lu Tiandu smiled tenderly, and in a flash, he had Hongfu in his arms.


Hong Fu's delicate body trembled and she didn't dare to move. A bit of shame, anger and panic appeared in her eyes. How many times had she been scorned by her bold junior brother?

Thinking back to a few years ago, this brave little junior brother held her in his arms and kissed her without her consent. What did she do then?

Yes, she instantly knocked away the guy who dared to attack her.

It's a pity that this man was so thick-skinned that he was allowed to get close to him several times...

Thinking of the agreement between the two of them, Hong Fu snorted coldly and was about to send Lu Tiandu flying away again.

But this time it didn't go as he wished. Lu Tiandu still clung to her body and looked at her tenderly...

Feeling the warm fragrance of nephrite in his arms, Lu Tiandu couldn't help but sigh at the magic of creation every time he held Hongfu. With such a plump and proud perfect figure, only Cen Jingjun in his harem was somewhat similar...

Feeling the big hand slipping from her waist, Hong Fu's beautiful eyes started to panic. She wanted to knock Lu Tiandu away quickly, but at the same time, she was afraid that she would be injured if she used too much force. At this time, her tone of voice was urgent and laced with emotion. Somewhat incredibly charming:
"You...have you forgotten our agreement?"

Hearing Hong Fu's rapid breathing on his shoulder, Lu Tiandu chuckled, kissed Hong Fu's flawless white jade neck, and said with a smile:
"How could I forget the agreement made by senior sister?"

Just when Hongfu was being kissed by Lu Tiandu on her jade neck, the blossoming red clouds had already climbed onto that cold and beautiful jade face that people could never tire of seeing. Her long and straight jade legs suddenly tightened, and they fell on Lu Tiandu's body again. Tiandu shoulders...

"Then you still dare to treat me so lightly?"

Hongfu's tone was now a bit angry, and his face was red with embarrassment...

"I am not a frivolous senior sister..."

Lu Tiandu chuckled, and instantly let go of his cultivation that was hidden by the nameless breath-containing technique, "Isn't this just following the agreement of senior sister..."

"What? You...have already formed a pill..."

Feeling the initial aura of Lu Tiandu's golden elixir, Hong Fu had a look of shock on his face, his red lips slightly opened, looking dull and seductive.

At this time, Lu Tiandu was holding Hong Fu who was a little weak. Looking at his Lengyan senior sister's alluring appearance, he couldn't hold back any longer and tilted his head slightly...


After a long time, the two of them fell on the jade couch. Hongfu, who was in messy clothes, leaned in Lu Tiandu's arms and listened to Lu Tiandu talk about his breakthrough experience.

"Formulating elixirs at the age of 42, I'm afraid there is no one who can practice faster than you in thousands of years..."

Hong Fu glanced at Lu Tiandu, who would soon become his Taoist companion, and paid no attention to his troublesome hands. He was still a little shocked while sighing.

She was devoted to pursuing the Taoist path and had never considered being a Taoist couple.More than ten years ago, due to Lu Tiandu's repeated persistence and the mutual attraction of their bodies, they made an agreement to wait for Lu Tiandu to form an elixir and cultivate together. Unexpectedly, it would only be realized in more than ten years.

"If I hadn't been urged by this agreement to cultivate together with my senior sister as soon as possible, I wouldn't have cultivated so quickly..." Lu Tiandu chuckled.

"Humph, full of sweet words..."

Although Hong Fu felt sweet in her heart, she still had a look of disbelief on her face.After all, she knew that this young junior brother in the family had many beauties and was used to saying such sweet words.

Lu Tiandu laughed and whispered into Hongfu's ear again.

"What? There is such a strange fruit?"

After a moment, Hongfu looked at Lu Tiandu with an expression of disbelief.

"How could I lie to Senior Sister..."

Lu Tiandu gently smoothed down Hongfu's stray strands of hair, "Senior sister will know after we practice dual cultivation... I also want senior sister to accompany me to ascend to the spiritual world..."

"The spirit world..."

Hongfu murmured, but there was a bit more yearning in his eyes.

The combination of yin and yang and the fruit...

She then thought of the pieces of deep-sea mysterious crystals and ten thousand-year mysterious jade that Lu Tiandu had given her a few years ago. Those top-quality materials that were rare in Tiannan, Lu Tiandu gave them to her as soon as he said so...

"Sister, it's best to take a bath first, and then read the information in this jade slip..."

Lu Tiandu said as he took out a jade slip and handed it to Hong Fu.

"Huh, you're not such a bad guy..."

Hong Fu put away the jade slip and gave Lu Tiandu a blank look.Twisting her graceful waist, she walked toward the back of the hall...

Looking at Hong Fu who suddenly became lighter in gait, Lu Tian knew that at this moment Hong Fu knew that the road was promising and he could not help but relax.

Smiling slightly, he was looking forward to the cold beauty that had been in his heart for so many years...

On the red bed, there was a sweet cry, and there was another wonderful young woman in the world...

After double cultivation.

Hongfu leaned on Lu Tiandu's chest, his beautiful eyes that always had a bit of evil spirit still showed the slightest evil spirit. His eyes were blurred, and his snow-white bare hands gently touched his dantian, where an illusory fruit was suspended in it.

Thinking of his enhanced body of black ice, and the phantoms of dragons and phoenixes hovering around him during dual cultivation, Hongfu couldn't describe the peculiarities of his Taoist companion.

Now I am committed to my husband, I only hope that the road will be smooth and I will become a fairy!
A few days later, Lu Tiandu broke away from Hong Fu's gentle home. Looking at Hong Fu, whose brow expression had changed a lot from before, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"Sister, I will take you to a place today..."

"Okay, I will listen to my junior brother in everything!"

Under Hong Fu's loving and gentle eyes, Lu Tian felt like he was melting again. In fact, after practicing in the past few days, he had already discovered Hong Fu's charming physique.

Reaching out their hands, Lu Tiandu and Hong Fu disappeared into the hall instantly.

Listening to Lu Tiandu's explanation, Hong Fu's spiritual consciousness swept across this cave that was small but extremely rich in aura, and he could only sigh at the opportunity of his little junior brother.

As for the other beauties in Lu Tiandu, she was naturally discovered instantly.

Hong Fu smiled casually, showing no displeasure at all, which reassured Lu Tian, ​​who was secretly observing.

After all, although Hongfu already knew a few people before, now the number has doubled.

"So, you want me to practice here too?" Hong Fu looked at Lu Tiandu with a half-smile.

"Junior brother naturally hopes to stay with senior sister forever..." Lu Tiandu chuckled. "Moreover, in about a year, junior brother will prepare to go to the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars to look for the missing materials for refining a natal magic weapon. I hope senior sister can accompany me then..."

"Chaotic Star Sea?" Hong Fu was a little confused. She had never heard of this cultivation world.After Lu Tiandu briefly explained the situation of Chaos Xinghai, Hongfu looked surprised and excited:

"I didn't expect that junior brother would have an ancient teleportation array in his hands!"

"So, the fifth-level demon elixirs and other rare demon beast materials that appeared in the previous auction were all purchased by my junior brother from the Chaotic Star Sea?"

"There are so many monsters there? And the foundation-building pill before was actually made by my junior brother using the monster pill?"

Listening to Hong Fu's series of questions, Lu Tiandu answered them one by one.

"Okay! Since there is such a treasured land for cultivation, I naturally want to accompany my junior brother to see it..."

Hongfu nodded and agreed, secretly thinking that it was no wonder that his junior brother was so rich.

In the past ten years, if Lu Tiandu had not given her a lot of Xuanbing Glazed Wine, Bauhinia Wine and Hundred Flowers Honey Wine, her cultivation would not have been able to improve so quickly.

Moreover, in the past few days, she and Lu Tian had been practicing dual cultivation. Needless to say, it was wonderful, and the benefits to cultivation exceeded expectations, making it difficult for her to give up.

What's more, there is this cultivation treasure land, which has a large number of elixirs refined by sixth- and seventh-level demon elixirs. She thinks that she will be able to cultivate a fake baby soon.

And now that she has the [-]% chance of conceiving a baby from the Yin-Yang Fruit, as well as the various elixirs that Lu Tiandu had previously told her to prepare for refining the Infant Transformation Pill, she has never been so confident about advancing to the Nascent Soul...

These are all opportunities brought by the man beside me...

She suddenly remembered that it was because of Lu Tiandu that she advanced to the late stage of Jindan...

"Let's go, junior brother and several beauties senior sisters have not met yet, I will take the senior sisters to get to know them..."

"Well, I want to meet these sisters..." Hong Fu nodded.Naturally, she knew very well the disadvantages of her junior brother.

She had discovered eight foundation-building monks when she scanned them with her consciousness before. Although she felt a little emotional, she was not unhappy at all.

After all, she had thought of this day when she made an agreement with Lu Tian more than ten years ago...

When Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, Lu Tianxuan, Xin Ruyin and other girls saw the cold-hearted Master Hongfu appearing in front of them and looking at them with a smile, they didn't know what was going on. Lu Tiandu looked cheerful.

The girls hurriedly stepped forward and shouted "Sister, Sister" around Hongfu.

Hongfu faced so many Yingying Yanyan, and although she had done a lot of psychological construction, the sister opposite her was smiling on the outside, but she was still a little embarrassed in her heart...

After all, their former master-uncle would join them in serving the cheerful husband beside them, Lu Tiandu.

Thinking of this, Hong Fu also glared at Lu Tiandu, making Lu Tiandu secretly puzzled...

A few days later, Hongfu also moved a spiritual eye spring and other important cultivation resources from his Hidden Ice Valley into the Lingkong Tower.

Lu Tiandu was planning to wait until Nangong Wan and Nishang also entered the Lingkong Tower, and then tell everyone the location of the thousands of spiritual fruit trees and the four major mines on the second floor. After all, Lu Tiandu had been constantly coming up with various kinds of things over the years. Lingjiu, all beauties also know that he certainly has other secrets.

As long as Lu Tian didn't take the initiative to say anything, they wouldn't ask any more questions.When Lu Tian wants to tell them, he will naturally let them know.

Moreover, the two mines of ice and fire containing ten thousand years of black jade and sun essence stone are of great benefit to Hong Fu and Nangong Wan who practice the two techniques of ice and fire. Practicing in this holy land of practice, the two of them can improve their cultivation faster. To or practice magical powers.

As for the place to plant various elixirs on the first floor, Lu Tiandu has not yet decided.

His plan is to wait until he has enough spiritual stones to plant and multiply tens of thousands of various elixirs, and then use the small green liquid to cultivate most of the elixirs for about ten thousand years. Then he will tell the girls. His most core golden finger secret will not be exposed.

With tens of thousands of ten thousand-year elixirs and a large number of spiritual fruits, it is enough for more than ten or 20 people to practice to the late stage of divine transformation.

Before that, there was no need to tell the girls.

As for the elixirs they planted on the second and third floors, let them plant them themselves.

As for the elixir issue in the future, just cultivate it in the world of stone beads and then move it into the Lingkong Tower in the name of exploring the ruins.

After half a year.

When leaving the Lu family, Lu Tiandu left two fifth-level spiritual beasts, the golden-backed monster mantis and the thunder turtle, at the Lu family.

After leaving the Chaotic Star Sea, I guess the next time I come back will be decades later. With these two fifth-level spiritual beasts to protect me, I think there will be no big changes in the Lu family.

On his side are Hong Fu, Nangong Wan, Ni Shang and Cen Jingjun who is quick to form a pill. Two level five blood jade spiders are not afraid of encountering Nascent Soul cultivators.

And decades later, Linghu might be in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and no one would bother the Lu family, one of the four major families in Yellow Maple Valley.

More than ten years ago, he sold six Foundation Establishment Pills to Gu Nei in the name of trophies. At that time, he still had ten pills left with him, so this time he simply left them all to the Lu family.

Of course, a lot of spirit-gathering wine was also left for Lu Yongqing, a close person in the middle stage of foundation building.It was enough for him and his son Lu Tianxing to practice.

After making arrangements, Lu Tiandu headed south and headed straight for the Qiyun Mountains.

Nangong Wan looked surprised when she saw Lu Tiandu again. The last time Lu Tiandu came to Lingyin Peak was nearly six years ago.

However, when Lu Tiandu released the aura of his own golden elixir cultivation, Ni Chang and Nangong Wan, who had already rushed to Nangong Wan's cave, were still shocked and in disbelief.

After all, although Nangong Wan knew that Lu Tiandu's cultivation was extremely fast, she also estimated that her husband would not be able to form an elixir until he was about 60 years old. Unexpectedly, he would form an elixir at the age of 42.

Yes, it has been more than two years since Lu Tiandu formed a pill.

"This... husband's cultivation talent is really shameful..." A rare wry smile appeared on Nangong Wan's beautiful face.

Her master, senior sister, herself, and her apprentice (Yan Ruyan) are all Tianlinggen. No one understands better than her the speed of cultivation of Tianlinggen, which is said to have no bottleneck before forming a pill.

She herself was born at the age of 82.

According to the records of their Hidden Moon Sect, it took the senior Tianlinggen who was the fastest to cultivate elixir formation for more than sixty years, which was even worse than his husband.

As for Nishang, let alone her 120-year-old double spiritual root.This is why she stood out among hundreds of late-stage foundation-building monks and successfully formed an elixir.

This shows how difficult the road of condensing golden elixir is!

"Haha, if my husband is not outstanding enough, how can you, the proud daughter of heaven who so many outside monks need to look up to, stay with me!"

Lu Tiandu laughed and held the two beauties in his arms.

The three of them had a little intimacy, and just when Lu Tiandu was about to take a step further, the two women with messy clothes suddenly shook their delicate bodies and pushed them away violently. Lu Tiandu stood aside with a blushing face and hurriedly straightened his clothes.

Lu Tiandu also looked at the newly appeared 20-year-old beauty with a flowing skirt, bright eyes, and peach plum blossoms with a speechless expression, and said with a faint smile:

"I didn't expect that Senior Nephew Ruyan would be here..."

But Nangong Wan was shocked that Lu Tiandu had already formed a pill, and Lu Tiandu was so anxious that he forgot to tell him that there was someone else in the cave.

"Uncle Lu!"

Yan Ruyan, who is now in her thirties, is becoming more and more graceful and stunning. She is even more eye-catching than when Lu Tiandu saw her a few years ago.

With a blushing face, Yan Ruyan bowed quietly, and she did not dare to raise her head to look at her master and Uncle Nishang.

Unexpectedly, she had just come out of her master's temporary retreat this time and saw the master's Taoist companion and Uncle Nishang's sexy scene. It was really a huge shock to her.

As for Lu Tiandu's identity, she naturally knew it a few years ago, and the generous Uncle Lu also gave her a Dingyan Pill as a congratulatory gift after she established the foundation.

She was surprised and a little curious when she saw such a ridiculous scene from Uncle Lu today.

Lifting her head and taking a secret look at Lu Tiandu, Yan Ruyan blushed and turned her head away hastily, but it was Senior Uncle Lu who was also looking at her with a half-smiling look.

This little girl...

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

In fact, at first Lu Tian didn't have any obvious likes or dislikes towards this stunning tool man who sacrificed for his family in the early stage of the original work and was bound to Wang Chan in the later stage.

It wasn't until I came to Nangong Wan a lot that I realized that it would be biased to judge the changed personnel based on their inherent influence.

For example, Yan Ruyan, who was not married as a pawn by her family in this life, nor was she hindered by Wang Chan. Since becoming a disciple of Nangong Wan, she has rarely contacted the Yan family who joined the Red Fire Sect more than ten years ago. build.

Only after this was Nangong Wan recognized, he would often be called into his cave to give guidance on practice.

That's what happened today.

Nangong Wan gave Lu Tiandu a hard look. Today's scene naturally made her lose a lot of face in front of her disciples.

Nishang looked calm and generous, and smiled charmingly, seeming to resolve the embarrassing scene, and said with a smile:

"It's rare that Tiandu is here today, and Ruyan is also here. How about we have a few drinks?"

After hearing this, Yan Ruyan felt a little strange. Naturally, she also liked Master Lu's Juling Wine and Baihua Honey Wine very much.

She had received several jars from her master before, but she had never been willing to drink them!

Yan Ruyan looked at Nangong Wan expectantly, and when Nangong Wan nodded, she respectfully said with excitement:
"Thank you Master, Uncle Nishang!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and joked: "Ruyan, why don't you thank me? I bought this wine..."

Before Yan Ruyan could respond, Nangong Wan snorted coldly and said coquettishly: "You are not allowed to drink alcohol as a punishment today..."


After half a day, this drinking discussion ended.

After Yan Ruyan left, the three of them naturally had to practice together.


Looking at the two girls who were as pretty as flowers in his arms and with satisfied faces on their faces, Lu Tian told them his plan to go to the Chaos Star Sea and the secret of his Lingkong Tower.

This naturally surprised and moved the two women.

As for the two of them, they were the last to know the secret of their husbands, and the two of them worked together to clean up Lu Tiandu on the jade couch. However, it seems that the two women were defeated in the end, and it is not known who dealt with whom...

Since Lu Tian is leaving Tiannan, the two girls will naturally go together. Otherwise, how will the decades of lovesickness be resolved?
Therefore, after the three of them had packed up, Lu Tiandu took the two of them into the Lingkong Tower for the first time.

This is also the first reunion of the eleven girls in Lu Tiandu's harem, including the Mo sisters who have not yet been confiscated...

(End of this chapter)

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