Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 142 Nangong Ping’s thoughts!Ruyan is happy!Nangong Wan is suspicious!

Chapter 142 Nangong Ping’s thoughts!Ruyan is happy!Nangong Wan is suspicious!

In the quiet Taihua Hall, there is suddenly a sense of spring!

After a long time, the two people who were leaning on the jade couch and immersed in a passionate kiss separated slightly...

Nangong Ping's clothes were a little messy at the moment, and Lu Tiandu was hugging the water snake's waist tightly. His head was lying on Lu Tiandu's shoulder, his breathing was rapid, and his cheeks were red...

"It turns out it tastes so good..."

Nangong Ping murmured, as if savoring the wonderful kiss between the two just now.

"its not bad, right!"

Lu Tiandu's voice was buzzing, as if it was squeezed out from somewhere.

Feeling Lu Tiandu's mischievous movements, a few more red clouds rose on Nangong Ping's beautiful jade face.

"Okay, that's enough!" Nangong Ping snorted coldly.

If she didn't stop it, she felt like she would be eaten by a bad boy like Lu Tiandu.

After all, facing a veteran like Lu Tiandu, she was really immersed in it just now, and she almost agreed...

"Hey... you only dig holes, not bury them..."

Lu Tiandu looked helpless, then reluctantly raised his head and left the plump place, and looked at Nangong Ping, who had seen his true appearance for the first time.

The black hair that is scattered freely is now covered with fine beads of sweat. The smooth forehead has a white jade border, a drop of jasper between the eyebrows, a high and straight nose, plump red lips, and the corners of the mouth seem to be angry but not angry, matching the charming eyes at the moment. With his silky eyes, Lu Tiandu's heart became hot again...

Amidst Nangong Ping's exclamation, Lu Tiandu held up the head of the beautiful woman whose breath had not yet calmed down, and pressed their four lips together again...

After a long time, just when Lu Tian was about to take a step further, Nangong Ping stretched out his hand to block him, panting slightly:
"Not now...wait...wait until next time..."


Lu Tiandu sighed deeply. He was planning to take advantage of Nangong Ping's initiative to win over this beautiful woman in one fell swoop, but the result was the same twice, which made him so disappointed!

Nangong Ping seemed to see the disappointment in his eyes. He glanced at him with a pair of watery eyes and said coquettishly:
"I've taken so many advantages for you, aren't you satisfied?"

"Hey, these are just some snacks. Who do you think is full after eating snacks?"

Lu Tiandu said dissatisfiedly while fiddling with it.

Looking at this charming and charming woman, if his strength hadn't allowed him to do so, he would have really prepared to have a king's meal!


Nangong Ping snorted coldly. She was actually aroused by Lu Tiandu. Unfortunately, as a powerful monk, the most important thing is to be able to grasp the situation at critical moments!

"You said next time? When is the next time?"

Lu Tiandu asked.

This time he was sneak attacked by Nangong Ping. Although he enjoyed it very much, he was still a little unhappy.

Moreover, he didn't think Nangong Ping was just trying to play with him, right?If this is the case, I have to take advantage today...


Nangong Ping turned over and lay beside him, and his slender green fingers traced across his chest, moving up, stopping briefly at Lu Tiandu's lips, and finally landed on his eyebrows.

"Do you think I'm cheating on you?"

Gently crossing Lu Tiandu's eyebrows, Nangong Ping stared at Lu Tiandu, rubbed Lu Tiandu's handsome face with a jade hand and said.

This voice seemed to contain a bit of nostalgia, a bit of resentment, a bit of joy, and a bit of dissatisfaction. Coupled with Nangong Ping's enchanting look at the moment, with spring in his eyebrows and eyes, it really made Lu Tian unable to say anything. Harsh words.

"What you said, we are both so honest, how can I not believe you?"

Lu Tiandu smiled softly, tightened something in his hand, and said with a smile.

He didn't appreciate this beautiful woman's charm at all.


Nangong Ping naturally saw the insincerity of Lu Tiandu's words. Although she didn't let Lu Tiandu get close to him for a long time, for some reason, she could see through some of the little man's thoughts at a glance.

I love and hate it at the same time!
"Let me tell you, my skills are somewhat special. If I don't achieve great success and lose my virginity, it will be difficult to make any progress in this life..."

"...If I don't get the three precious elixirs you gave me before, I will give them to you this time. I will give up the thought of advancing to the Yuan Empress..."

"Oops!" Lu Tiandu slapped his forehead, looking very regretful.

Seeing Lu Tiandu's annoyed expression, Nangong Ping pinched Lu Tiandu hard and said angrily: "What? You don't want to leave some thoughts for me to advance to the Yuan Empress?"

"Hee hee, how could it be?"

Lu Tiandu happily held Nangong Ping in his arms and kissed her, "If you had said this earlier, I would know your thoughts and my heart would not be so anxious..."

"It's rare that you still have me in your heart..." Nangong Ping said with a smile.

"That's what I said..." Lu Tiandu chuckled and whispered in Nangong Ping's ear...

"What a stinky boy. He had dirty thoughts the first time he met me..."

Nangong Ping looked red-faced, stood up and scolded.

But this scolding looked more like flirting to Lu Tiandu, but for a moment, the two of them were fighting and rolling together.

"Tell me, when did you have evil thoughts towards me?"

After the fuss, Lu Tiandu looked at the turbulent and panting Nangong Ping and asked.


Nangong Ping's face heated up and he glared at Lu Tiandu fiercely.


Lu Tiandu smiled meaningfully.

He would never forget Nangong Ping's sneak attack before, which he had beaten to death. It was actually the first time that someone approached him so quickly and his chin was pinched before he could react...

If Nangong Ping's fragrant lips hadn't come up to him right away, he might have broken out in a cold sweat and fled into the world of stone beads, right?
Speaking of which, the women of the Biyue Sect are quite bold. Nishang is like this, and Nangong Ping is also like this. They directly take the initiative to approach men who are interested!
Moreover, why was Nangong Wan not bold at the beginning?Inside the stone tower, next to the yin-yang fruit tree, she was the first to invite both Lu and Tiandu to practice...

Thinking again of the female disciples of the Biyue Sect that Duobao Nu and others knew, they were all bold and enthusiastic...

"Huh, are you still missing someone else when you're with me?"

With a cold snort, Nangong Ping looked over dissatisfied.

I thought to myself, if this bastard doesn't let him succeed for the time being, he won't get tired of her so quickly, right?
"how is this possible?"

Lu Tiandu smiled and said, "My heart is full of you right now. If you don't believe me, just touch it..." As he said this, he took Nangong Ping's jade hand and pressed it on his chest.

"..." Nangong Ping rolled her eyes at him charmingly.

Do you really think I didn’t notice that you were distracted just now...

With this interruption, the two of them tacitly let go of the topic of who had feelings for whom first...

"...So, this time I have the three elixirs I exchanged with you. I want to make some last attempts. If I still fail to advance... I will give it to you next time..."

Nangong Ping returned to his charming and charming posture at this time, staring at Lu Tiandu with a pair of beautiful eyes and saying softly.

In fact, since the first time she met Lu Tiandu, she felt something strange in her heart. This was the first time in her 900-year monastic life.

Not to mention that Lu Tiandu's mysterious physique attracted her all the time.

It was a pity that her disciple had already fallen in love with Lu Tiandu at that time, so she didn't show anything. In order to dispel this idea, she left Nangong Wan and left in a hurry when they first met. This was also an escape. thoughts.

After all, if it weren't for Nangong Wan, she might have kidnapped Lu Tiandu!
However, after this meeting, when I remembered that my life span was short and the chance of breaking through to the Empress of Yuan Dynasty was very slim, I decided to use a little trick to lure Nangong Wan away.

Next, of course, I will do whatever I want...

I just didn't expect that the bold Lu Tiandu would have other thoughts about her early on, hum!
In this case, it can be considered that both of them are up to something evil, right?
"You don't have much life left, right?" Lu Tiandu kissed the beautiful woman in his arms again and asked quietly.

"Well, it's been a while, but it's a pity that I couldn't get to know you earlier..." Nangong Ping said with a bit of regret in his tone, revealing his true feelings.

"No, we still have enough time..."

Lu Tiandu said in an affirmative tone. With a casual move, a storage bag flew out of the clothes under the bed. With a tap, a small white jade bottle appeared in his hand.

"Take a look!" Lu Tiandu handed it over with a smile.

"This is... Immortality Pill?"

The beautiful woman took it smoothly, opened it gently, sniffed it with her nose, and with a thought in her heart, she poured out the white pill, twisted it between her fingers and looked at it for a moment, then said in surprise.Naturally, there are records in the classics of the Hidden Moon Sect about the Immortality Pill, a strange elixir that can increase longevity.

It's a pity that it is difficult to gather a furnace of elixir to refine the elixir of immortality in Tiannan today.

Even if someone occasionally gets a pill of longevity, they keep it secret and secretly keep it for themselves.

"It's the Immortality Pill. With this pill, we will naturally have an extra few decades, hehe..."

Lu Tiandu couldn't help but hold Nangong Ping's charming face and kiss her...

The more you don’t get it, the more it makes you itch!

This time Nangong Ping naturally became more emotional...

After a long time, the two separated. Nangong Ping blushed, chuckled, and said charmingly:
"If you already have a reason to deal with Wan'er, then why not stay here for a while longer..."

"Okay, shall I stay at your place tonight?" Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

"do not……"

Nangong Ping gave Lu Tiandu a charming look. She was really about to lose her bottom line at this moment.

The reminder just now was to make this guy with a bad attitude leave quickly, but unexpectedly, it made Lu Tiandu want to go further.

"Speaking of which, have you ever taken the fruit from the Fengyuan fruit tree?"

The two of them were chatting together this time, and Lu Tiandu suddenly remembered a question and asked.

In fact, Nangong Ping's sneak attack on him before was so fast that he didn't react at all. It didn't feel like a normal escape method.

"Fengyuan Fruit Tree, Fengyuan Fruit, this name is quite appropriate..."

Nangong Ping smiled coquettishly and glanced at the little man. She had already guessed that the spiritual fruit tree was called Fengyuan Fruit Tree from Lu Tiandu, and now she understood what he meant.

"Do you think my speed is special?"

"It seems that you have indeed taken Feng Yuan Guo!" Lu Tiandu chuckled, already knowing the answer.

"You know that the mysterious fruit is called Fengyuan Fruit. What a great chance!" Nangong Ping sighed, "I checked many ancient books and found no trace of this spiritual fruit..."

"But my intuition told me that the spirit fruit should be of great benefit. In the end, I found several secret methods and successfully refined two of them..." Nangong Ping smiled faintly, "This mysterious escape method is naturally just One of the benefits…”

"It's a pity that I have already taken the fruit, otherwise it would be of great benefit to wind spirit roots like you..."

"Senior Qiong's invisible escape method?" Lu Tiandu asked with a thought.

"Of course this idiot was inspired by my Wind and Fire Escape and created the Invisible Escape Technique..." Nangong Ping, the beautiful woman, said with a smile.

She was extremely satisfied with the few apprentices she had accepted.

Before, only Leng Qingqiu had a baby. Two years ago, Old Monster Qiong successfully gave birth to a baby. After holding the Nascent Soul Ceremony, the Hidden Moon Sect became famous in the Tiandao Alliance.

One sect of four Yuan Yings, one middle school and three early stages, is really amazing!

With this immortality pill, even if she died after more than a hundred years, Wan'er would still be condensing her Nascent Soul at that time, and the Hidden Moon Sect would still be as powerful as ever!

Lu Tiandu smiled lightly when he thought of the old monster Qiong who had changed his temperament this time when he came to Yanyue Sect.

It was thanks to him that Old Monster Qiong was able to conceive a baby. Old Monster Qiong, who had returned to his elegant and handsome appearance this time, even said that he owed him a favor and would ask him if anything happened in the future...

This naturally refers to the fact that he is wanted by the Ghost Spirit Sect!

"Haha, I'm leaving!"

After chatting for a while, Lu Tiandu turned over and lay down, but after a while, his clothes were neat again.

"Well, I'll wait for you!"

Nangong Ping was relieved but also slightly disappointed.

Looking at Nangong Ping who was looking at him tenderly, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:
"I'll see you again before I leave!"

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

Nangong Ping gently landed on the jade paved ground, swayed slightly, and was covered with a light gauze.

Her loving eyes stared motionlessly at the departing Lu Tiandu, like a beautiful wife watching her husband go out...

They are also on Lingyin Peak. Nangong Wan's cave is not far from Taihua Palace, but Lu Tiandu arrived at Nangong Wan's cave in a short time.

After opening the bar, as soon as he entered, a burst of clear laughter reached Lu Tiandu's ears, making his eyes light up.

"Ruyan is here!"

Thinking that this beautiful girl would be acquired by him in the near future, the regret left by Nangong Ping in my heart became much lighter.

Stepping into the hall, one immediately saw Yan Ruyan sitting quietly next to Nangong Wan, wearing a specially matched white dress and smiling brightly, like a lotus in the water.

"Hey, my uncle almost doesn't recognize Ruyan today!"

Lu Tiandu smiled at the corners of his mouth, looking up and down at that graceful and graceful figure. His unscrupulous gaze made this stunningly beautiful girl blush, and she shyly lowered her head and buried her head into her upright jade peaks...

However, neither Lu Tiandu nor Nangong Wan noticed that Yan Ruyan's beautiful lowered eyes were extremely bright and intoxicating, and the corners of her mouth also curved beautifully...

When she thought of what her master said not long ago, she happily wanted to throw herself into Lu Tiandu's arms and express her love!
"Humph, I'll make fun of Yan'er as soon as I get back!"

Nangong Wanjiao smiled.She had just escaped from her demon master and returned to her cave a short time later when she saw Yan Ruyan dressed up.

After several words of probing, the little Jiujiu hidden in this little girl's heart was naturally clearly revealed by her.

She loves and hates her husband. Wherever she goes, if she doesn't pay attention, these proud women throw themselves into their arms. It's really annoying!

"Hehe, Wan'er, you and Yan'er stand together. They are such a matchless pair that my husband can't even take his eyes off..."

Lu Tiandu glanced left and right at the two charming and colorful people and said cheerfully.

"Glib tongue!" Nangong Wan rolled her eyes at Lu Tiandu and said coquettishly.

This guy knew that he had already talked to Ruyan, so he acted so unscrupulously?
Hey, this bad man is really cheap!
Yan Ruyan quickly raised her head and glanced at her master's expression, and then met Lu Tiandu's smiling eyes. Her delicate body suddenly became weak, and she remembered that she had been quietly played with by Lu Tiandu...

During this period, she sent many transmission notes to her master, obviously because she encountered doubts in her practice, but secretly she wanted to spend more time with "Uncle Lu" whom she missed so much...

She didn't expect that this time her master would take the initiative to call her and take her on an outing with Uncle Lu. It really surprised her...

She actually doesn't like to call Lu Tiandu Lu Shishu. After all, the age difference between the two is very small. Unfortunately, for some reason, every time Lu Tiandu wants her to call him "Uncle Shi" in a gentle and soft voice. It's weird...

"Yan'er has agreed to go with us..." Nangong Wan stepped forward and said with a smile.

"In this case, with Yan'er by your side to serve you, Wan'er, your husband will naturally feel at ease..." Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

Nangong Wan secretly glared at Lu Tiandu, this guy was so obedient even though he got an advantage, who would Ru Yan take the initiative to serve?Is it me, the master?
Although she also wanted to repay Lu Tiandu for his previous kindness, this was mainly because Ru Yan, a little girl, was happy, so she just went along with it.

But seeing her husband's cheerful look, she felt a little sad...

As if aware of Nangong Wan's dissatisfaction, Lu Tiandu smiled, hugged Nangong Wan into his arms in front of Yan Ruyan, and kissed her several times...

"This bastard..."

But for a moment, Nangong Wanyu's face was covered with red clouds, and she glared at Lu Tiandu angrily.

I was wiped out by this bastard again, hey, I am too talkative!
However, suddenly, Nangong Wan's nose fluttered, and a look of suspicion flashed across her face...

"Okay, Yan'er, since we are going on a long trip together, you should go back and pack up. We will leave in the next few days..."

Nangong Wan smiled and said to Yan Ruyan.

She is very satisfied with her disciple. She can't find any faults. If there is any problem, it must be her philandering husband!
"Thank you, Master!" Yan Ruyan bowed respectfully, "Thank you, Master Lu!"

"Hey, it's not troublesome. If your nephew, Master Yan, has any problems with his practice in the future, you can come and ask your teacher. He will give you good guidance!"

Lu Tiandu laughed and said.

Yan Ruyan's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she naturally understood what Lu Tiandu meant...

After Yan Ruyan left, Nangong Wan said angrily:

"This will satisfy you!"

"What Wan'er said, you are my heart and soul. If you are satisfied, I will be satisfied!" Lu Tiandu chuckled and hugged Nangong Wan into his arms again.

"Why did you come back?" Nangong Wan asked lightly, "It won't take so long to exchange for the elixir, right?"


 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 900-point reward!Thanks to the book friend for the 500-point reward!Thanks to book friend Canglanke for the 100-point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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