Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 143 Good Fortune Pill!Yaochi!Star Spirit Shenzhou!

Chapter 143 Good Fortune Pill!Yaochi!Star Spirit Shenzhou!

After hearing Nangong Wan's faint words, Lu Tiandu stared at her with a half-smile but said nothing.

However, for a moment, Nangong Wan was stared at in a panic and said angrily:

"You have nothing to say?"

"what do you want me to say?"

Lu Tiandu looked helpless, "Didn't your master give you a few more considerate instructions after exchanging the elixir? Or do you think I can do anything with such a small amount of time?"

"Humph! This time is not short!" Nangong Wan rolled her eyes.

"Tell me, what were exchanged?"

She felt a little bitter in her heart. She had just persuaded her disciple, and the master and disciple had not yet shared the same husband. Suddenly, she smelled the master's scent on her man again. She was caught in the middle, this...

Lu Tiandu saw Nangong Wan's rare angry look, chuckled, put his arms around Nangong Wan's waist, kissed her earlobe, and said with a smile:
"Isn't it because of you? You left first, why don't I personally hand over the longevity pill to senior? Think about it, your master suddenly got such a life-extending pill, how can he give some guidance to his husband's cultivation?"

"Oh, I forgot to mention that the elixir we exchanged is also very important to her according to your master's wishes. He said that when we come back next time, if she hasn't made a breakthrough yet, she will leave some valuable treasures for us... "

"Hey, Master, she is really..."

Nangong Wan looked confused, but she remembered Nangong Ping's magic hand pinching her buttocks. If it hadn't been for this, she would have been looking at her man.

But when she thought of her master's joy in getting the Immortality Pill, she became happy again.

"Master gave you instructions on how to cultivate, come you smell like her?" Nangong Wan thought for a while and continued to ask.

"No way. When senior taught me how to escape, we were just close to each other. How could you smell such a small amount of smell when it came to me?"

Lu Tiandu looked in disbelief.

But when he left the Taihua Palace, he used magic to eliminate the remaining smell between him and Nangong Ping. If there was any trace left, it was just a trace.

This is why he is so confident.

"This..." Nangong Wan suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

After hearing Lu Tiandu talk about her master's escape method, she knew that it was true that Lu Tiandu said that the two exchanged magical powers and spells. After all, the two of them were different from ordinary people in terms of speed. Seeing Hunter Xinxi communicate for a while, she felt emotional. Original.

Seeing Nangong Wan's deflated appearance, Lu Tiandu did not take advantage of the victory. He stroked Nangong Wan's flexible waist, bit Nangong Wan's tender ears with a smile, and whispered:
"Your master has such a good figure! He also smells good..."

"Bad thing, don't take her idea..."

Nangong Wan's delicate body trembled, and she lowered her head and bit Lu Tiandu's neck.

She thought Lu Tian was just greedy, but in fact Lu Tian almost had a full meal...

"Oh, you are a dog..."

Lu Tiandu chuckled and complained.

Madam, it’s not my intention to attack her, it’s because my husband is of low strength and I can’t beat him again and again, so I can only accept it with tears!

However, Nangong Ping is really delicious...

The two quarreled again, and Nangong Wan also put the matter behind her.

As for Lu Tiandu, he naturally waits until he has Nangong Ping in his mouth. Anyway, he has a good appetite and there will be many ways to deal with Nangong Wan in the future!
The two returned to Lingkong Tower, and Nangong Wan went to do other things.

Lu Tiandu planted the newly exchanged Fengyuan fruit tree. After seeing a few drops of green liquid, the small tree turned green at a speed visible to the naked eye. Lu Tiandu was relieved.

According to his guess, Nangong Ping took two Feng Yuan Fruits, and his physique should have transformed into that of the acquired wind spirit body.

After all, this wind source fruit contains a trace of the original power of the wind attribute of heaven and earth.

However, because one fruit was wasted, and she combined with many elixirs to refine it, without the correct refining method, she was unable to fully absorb the essence of the wind source fruit, which made it appear that the origin of the wind spirit body was very thin.

If she had refined all three Feng Yuan Fruits into Feng Yuan Pills, it would probably be very different after taking them...

And the attraction between the two people is naturally inseparable from the help of her rare wind spirit body.

After all, over the years, Lu Tian had long discovered that the dragon's body was fatally attractive to female cultivators with special physiques.

Moreover, speaking of Feng Yuan Fruit, Feng Xian once left a conjecture in the jade slips. If there are enough Tian Yuan Fruits to refine enough Tian Yuan Pills, then there is a high probability that the monks will be able to refine them after taking them. The corresponding spirit body is born.

After all, according to the explorations of some powerful clans in the spiritual world, the essence of physical constitution is just the gathering of a certain source of power within the body of a monk.

The Golden Winged Tiger took one Thunder Source Fruit and mutated into lightning properties, and Nangong Ping took two Wind Source Fruits and gave birth to a thin wind spirit body, which already showed that Feng Xian's guess might be right.

"So, my top priority is to practice the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu to the third level first..."

Lu Tiandu began to think secretly.

The Wind Spirit Pill and Thunder Spirit Pill prescriptions left by Zhenjun Feng Lei can only assist in the cultivation of the two great magical powers of Sanwei Divine Wind and Xuanming True Thunder.

The Tianyuan Pill that Feng Xian obtained through the Kongling Tribe was different. If there were enough of this pill, Lu Tian might soon have the body of the wind spirit and the body of the thunder spirit.

By then, not to mention the two magical powers of wind and thunder such as Sanwei Shenfeng and Xuanming Zhenlei, he can also cultivate other thunder-attribute magical powers such as the evil-dispelling divine thunder through the medium of Tianleizhu.

The most important thing is to take Tianyuan Pill, avoid waste in refining, and cultivate the legal body until it is strong enough.This was also what Feng Xian had warned in the jade slip.

However, Lu Tiandu also shook his head when he thought that the Tianyuan Fruit only produced one fruit every ten thousand years.

Fortunately, he had the help of the Origin of the Stone Bead World, and he could cultivate one by spending five thousand spirit stones. Otherwise, it would be really hard for a clever woman to make a meal without straw!

These things are basically done after going to Chaotic Star Sea.

Before leaving, Lu Tiandu had one more thing he wanted to do some testing on.

The second floor of Lingkong Tower.

Lu Tiandu picked a few Spirit Candle Fruits, took out a dozen elixirs for refining chemical elixirs that he picked on the first floor, and ducked into the Danding Pavilion on the third floor.

Randomly entering a vacant underground fire house, Lu Tiandu closed the restrictions and started refining alchemy.

One day later, Lu Tiandu left the Lingkong Tower again.

A few days passed like this, and Yan Ruyan had also entered the Lingkong Tower in the past few days. When she saw this portable cave residence, she was curious and smacked her lips at the fact that there were so many confidants in Lu Tiandu.

His expression changed, and after letting out a long sigh, he showed no intention of leaving and greeted the girls politely.

Later, under Nangong Wan's arrangement, he found a suitable cave and lived there.

What troubled her was that she hadn't seen Lu Tiandu in the past few days and didn't know what he was up to.

Moreover, among these women, her cultivation was at the bottom of the early stage of foundation building. Although she was the youngest among these women, this still made her a little frustrated...

On this day, Lu Tiandu came to Taihua Hall in Nangongping again with a happy face.

After not seeing each other for five or six days, the two actually had the illusion that they had been separated for a long time.

When they met this time, they were both a little bit unspeakably happy. They hugged each other tightly and kissed...

After a long time, on the jade couch, the disheveled Nangong Ping breathed rapidly, leaned on Lu Tiandu's shoulder, and said coquettishly:
"I really can't help but want to give it to you!"

"No!" Lu Tiandu chuckled, "It won't be too late for us to practice dual cultivation when you break through to the Yuan Empress. Then we will have more time..."

If the Nascent Soul breaks through the middle to the later stages, life span will increase by 200 years.

"You have more confidence in me than myself..."

A sweet smile appeared on Nangong Ping's charming face.

"That's because I know you will definitely break through..." Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

Nangong Ping was actually on the verge of finishing the task now, and the experiments over the past few days had allowed Lu Tian to help her.

"Well, thank you God!"

Nangong Ping caressed Lu Tiandu's handsome face and couldn't get enough of it.

She has lived long enough. In the last stage of her life, she can stay and fly with Lu Tiandu. She will have no regrets in this life!
This time Nangong Wan and the others had already entered the Lingkong Tower, but no one rushed them. After Lu Tiandu stayed all night, they got dressed the next day under Nangong Ping's service.

He smiled and rejected several ancient treasures presented by Nangong Ping. After all, it would be easy for Nangong Wan to detect abnormalities as soon as these things were taken out.

"Since Ping'er you are already mine, my husband will naturally find a way to help break through..."

Lu Tiandu looked at Nangong Ping and smiled slightly. He held her chin in Nangong Ping's surprised eyes and kissed her deeply...

Suddenly, Nangong Ping felt a foreign object go down her throat and into her stomach.

Just when she was a little confused, Lu Tiandu looked at her gently and said:

"Don't talk, listen to me..."

Lu Tiandu told Nangong Ping all the wonders of the Creation Pill in just a few words, and then kissed Nangong Ping's forehead with her excited eyes and said with a smile:
"Okay, let's go to seclusion now! I'll tell you all this when I come back next time..."

"Tiandu, wait for me!"

Nangong Ping knew that the effect of the elixir was about to take effect, so he could only hug Lu Tiandu tightly, and in a flash, he had already entered the retreat!

After Lu Tiandu left the main hall and opened the restriction here, he left the Hidden Moon Sect and flew to the northeast.

The Creation Pill can only be kept for three days, but six days ago Lu Tiandu suddenly thought about whether he could place the refined Fortune Pill in the Divine Furnace of Creation for long-term preservation.

There is really good news in the end.

The good fortune pill that he had refined four days ago did not dissipate when he took it out again, which surprised Lu Tiandu.

Counting the three newly refined ones, there are still three creation pills in the Divine Furnace of Creation at this moment.

Mingzhou, wilderness rift valley.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu's escape light stopped here.

With a sweep of his spiritual consciousness, he could see clearly the cultivation levels of the disciples of the seven sects guarding the spiritual mines. The highest level was only in the middle stage of foundation building.

With a slight flicker, Lu Tiandu disappeared without a trace.

Using earth escape technique, he once again came to the place not far from the Five Elements Inversion Formation and the Five Clouds Locking Space Formation. After checking and finding that no one else had broken in, Lu Tiandu made a thought and informed the girls in the Lingkong Tower.

With one step forward, Lu Tiandu had already entered the Inverted Five Elements Formation.

This formation was a [-]% complete version that was later refined by Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei. He had replaced the original formation a few years ago.The Wuyun Locking Space Formation remained unchanged.

With a faint smile, twelve charming beauties suddenly appeared around Lu Tiandu.

It was Twelve Shu who was going to the Chaos Star Sea with him.

"This is the ancient teleportation array we are going to in the Chaotic Star Sea!"

Looking at the hexagonal teleportation array emitting gleaming white light, Lu Tiandu introduced it to the girls.

Hongfu, Nangong Wan, Nishang, Cen Jingjun, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, Xin Ruyin, Xiaomei, Lu Tianxuan, Mo Fengwu, Mo Caihuan, Yan Ruyan, and the twelve Shu looked at the teleportation array with curious expressions on their faces. , they will soon come to a new world of immortal cultivation through this teleportation array! "Okay, there is only one large teleportation order, and it cannot transport so many people at once. I will collect you first, and then let you out when we arrive!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and put away the four weakest people. The remaining eight women and nine of him just teleported.

In fact, the inheritance left by Feng Xian also contains the refining method of the Great Teleportation Token, but Lu Tiandu does not want to refine too much for the time being, so it is better to keep this only pass token in his hands.


The nine people did not hesitate and stepped into the teleportation array. As Lu Tiandu's mana was injected into the Great Teleportation Order, they shouted "Teleport". Under the protection of the faint blue light emitted by the Great Movement Order, the yellow light of the teleportation array flashed, and everyone disappeared without a trace...

When everyone appeared again, they had reached the other side of the teleportation array.

In the stone room, moonstones had been arranged by Lu Tiandu for a long time, making it full of light.

Now that everyone has practiced the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill to at least the second level, there will naturally be no such thing as dizziness.

Lu Tiandu casually released the four Tianxuan girls again.

The girls looked at this place with curious expressions.

"Is this the Chaos Star Sea?"

"Hehe, we must have traveled at least tens of millions of miles now!"

The girls were chattering, looking excited.

Lu Tiandu had previously deployed the Inverted Five Elements Formation and the Four Symbols Element-Destroying Formation here, which were obtained from the monks of the Tianxing Sect, so they were naturally very safe.

Everyone walked out of the cliff where the teleportation array was set up, smelled the fresh and salty air, and looked at the endless blue sea. Except for the calm Lu Tiandu, even Hong Fu, who had never had any unnecessary expressions, was surprised.

"The sea, this is the real sea!"

"I didn't expect that the sea recorded in ancient books would be seen by us one day!"

"It's really different from our endless sea in the south!"

"Chaotic Star Sea, here we come!"


Lu Tiandu looked at the girls who were in high spirits and felt excited in his heart. It was mainly because of the happy atmosphere of the girls that he was excited.

Without waiting for greetings from Lu Tian, ​​​​everyone controlled the escaping light or used flying magic weapons to fly around the island.

"Yan'er, how is it here?"

Lu Tiandu ducked and came to Yan Ruyan, who had a happy face floating on the sea. He put his arms around Yan Ruyan's waist from behind and asked with a smile.

"Uncle's very nice here..."

Yan Ruyan felt Lu Tiandu's warm breath gently blowing into her ear, her face felt hot, her whole body felt a little weak, and she suddenly leaned against Lu Tiandu's chest.

My shy look must have been seen by everyone else... Yan Ruyan thought to herself.

"Well, as long as Yan'er likes it!"

Lu Tiandu gently smelled the faint fragrance in Ruyan's hair, caressed Yan Ruyan's slender waist, kissed Yan Ruyan's snow-white and slender swan neck, and said softly:

"You also know about Uncle Master's feelings for Yan'er, right?"

"Yan'er knows that everything...everything is decided by my uncle..." Yan Ruyan said shyly with a red face and a charming and alluring look.

This expression made Lu Tiandu twitch his index finger, he smiled, bit Yan Ruyan's hot earlobe, and said with a chuckle:

"Uncle Master will never betray Yan'er..."

"Oh... Yan'er will always be my uncle's..." Yan Ruyan also said emotionally.

After a long while, Lu Tiandu let go of Yan Ruyan, who looked shy.

He was so close to Ruyan not far away from the girls, so he naturally hoped that Yan Ruyan could blend in as soon as possible.

"Husband, come and see, I caught a small fish..."

Chen Qiaoqian suddenly exclaimed, causing Xin Ruyin and Cen Jingjun to look over with smiles.


After a few hours, everyone's excitement subsided. After hearing that it was still about ten days away from the nearest Kuixing Island, everyone was ready to set off again the next day.

After a while, the girls gathered around again and started discussing.

Lu Tian listened for a long time and shook his head repeatedly.

It turns out that when the girls arrived in this new place, they were not willing to stay in the Lingkong Tower for the time being. In order to make it easier to travel in the world of practice, they even planned to form a hermit sect with their own families.

"Husband, what do you think?"

Cen Jingjun, who just noticed Lu Tiandu shaking his head, asked with a smile.

"That's right. Twelve of my proud daughters have formed a sect, and I am the first one to join..."

Lu Tiandu smiled and did not dampen their enthusiasm.

"But after your sect becomes famous in the Star Sea, I'm afraid the male cultivators who want to join will have to cross the threshold!"

"Hehe, we don't accept male disciples!" Nishang smiled sweetly, "Husband, just reluctantly become the leader of our sect, hehe..."

"I agree, let senior brother be our sect leader!" Lu Tianxuan clapped his little hands in agreement.

Within a moment, Lu Tiandu was recommended as the leader of the sect whose name he still didn't know.

Before Lu Tian could say anything, the girls started discussing the name of the sect again...

Now the girls were arguing again, about "Jade Girl Gate", "Hundred Flowers Palace", "Xiaoyao Gate", "Eternal Life Palace" and the like. They all sounded good, but they couldn't decide.

After a moment, everyone looked at Lu Tiandu and said with a smile:

"How about we let our sect leader decide the name of the sect?"

Looking at everyone's expectant looks, Lu Tian was speechless for a while. Now that he has chosen one of them, will the rest be jealous?

"It all sounds good, I listen to you..."

Lu Tian shook his head like a rattle. After all, the position of sect leader was imposed on him without asking for his consent.
"Hmph! My husband is such a cunning fool!"

All the girls seemed to be offended now, and they all laughed and denounced Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu chuckled and said:
"If you really want to recognize me as the sect leader, I will naturally take the name of the sect..."

When the girls heard this, they looked at each other and said in unison:
"Okay, then I'll listen to the sect master! But the name is not pleasant, and we won't follow it..."

"Okay, it's just a name!" Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "Just call it 'Yaochi Palace'. What do you think?"

"Yaochi? That's a good name!" Lu Tianxuan first agreed.

"What's the origin of the word husband?" Nangong Wan asked after seeing everyone's approval.

"I have heard such a poem and got it from here..." Lu Tiandu looked at the girls, "The jade pool is falling into the world, and the fairies are coming in groups..."

When the girls heard this poem, their eyes suddenly lit up.They looked at each other, they were just fairies...

As expected, husbands understand them best!

The name was quickly approved unanimously.

"How about we change the name of Lingkong Tower to Yaochi Tower? Is this the headquarters of our hermit sect?"

Lu Tiandu saw that it was not a joke for everyone to establish a sect, so he took the initiative to propose.

Anyway, this Lingkong Tower was named after Feng Xian got it from the Kongling tribe, reversing two words, and he changed it accordingly.

"Okay, we have a sect station!"


A mysterious monastic sect "Yaochi Palace" was born on this day...

"Our sect has been established, shouldn't we celebrate?" Nie Ying suggested with a smile.

"Hehe, how about a big banquet for three days!" Mo Caihuan said immediately.

Within a moment, everyone decided to return to Yaochi Tower to celebrate.

In the past few days, after Hongfu received the "Collection of Drunken Immortal Brewing" given by Lu Tiandu, he led a group of sisters and tried brewing many spiritual wines with different flavors. Naturally, he had to drink a lot of them. !
This proposal naturally won Lu Tiandu's heart. Hehe, everything is easy to talk about when you are drunk...

In a blink of an eye, everyone has been staying in Yaochi Tower for seven or eight days.

This is also the happiest day for Lu Tiandu, but thinking of the three beauties who have yet to be eaten, he plans to find a suitable time to give them a wonderful memory...

Just when they were about to leave the tower that day, everyone realized that they didn't seem to have a flying magic weapon that could carry 13 people at the same time.

Lu Tiandu chuckled, took out some jade slips left by Feng Xian for refining various magic weapons and said with a smile:

"There is a magic weapon called the Star Spirit Shenzhou inside. It is very good. How about we refine it and use it as a means of transportation for our Yaochi Palace to travel to the world of immortality?"

"My husband is still thoughtful!" Nangong Wan said with a gentle smile, "This magical flying boat is somewhat similar to our Moon Covering Sect's Tianyue Shenzhou?" Nangong Wan looked at the jade slip and said in surprise.

The Heavenly Moon Divine Boat of their Hidden Moon Sect was obtained from an ancient ruins, and there was only one piece of it in the entire sect.

Many sects now do not have the strength to refine magic flying boats that can carry hundreds of people.

Just like the magic weapon giant spirit boat that once appeared on the battlefield of the demonic invasion and could carry hundreds of people, each sect did not have many.

"Isn't it similar?" Lu Tiandu laughed.

In fact, since he saw the flying boat magic weapon of the Hidden Moon Sect, he usually likes to use flying boats to travel. He has the intention to build one in the future when he has the financial resources, so he started collecting materials very early.

Among the various magic weapon refining methods left by Feng Xian, there are many styles of flying boats.

Among them, this Star Spirit Divine Ark made him very satisfied. If it was successfully refined, it would have an amazing flying speed and first-rate defense, which would be very good.

The only downside is that it requires a lot of materials.

Especially in this Star Spirit Shenzhou, in addition to the Star Yuan Crystal, there are many high-end materials such as purple gold and copper, and other materials such as Void Fusion Stone, Sky Cloud Crystal, Ten Thousand Years Jade Spirit Wood and other materials. Through the origin of stone beads, you can get as many as you want.

A small piece of Xingyuan Crystal was also found in the collection of Guo Yuanjiu of the Divine Weapon Sect, and a lot of it had been generated long ago.

Therefore, the flying boat that was originally planned to be refined after he had finished refining the natal magic weapon can now be refined in advance.

When Lu Tiandu waved his hand and revealed a large area of ​​various precious materials for refining the Star Spirit Shenzhou, the girls were suddenly surprised and delighted!
My husband is so considerate!

(End of this chapter)

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