Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 144 The girls arrived at Kuixing Island for the first time!undercurrent!Gold-eating bug!

Chapter 144 The girls arrived at Kuixing Island for the first time!undercurrent!Gold-eating bug!

Time flies, and more than ten days pass in the blink of an eye.

Yaochi Tower, in the Danding Pavilion on the third floor.

In a certain weapon-refining room, Cen Jingjun, Chen Qiaoqian and other women were surrounding, looking intently at the four people in the center who were refining weapons.

Lu Tiandu, Hong Fu, Nangong Wan and Ni Shang were sitting in four directions. Each of them was concentrating on each other, playing various complicated techniques in their hands and converging into the liquid with a light purple glow in the middle.

With the continuous efforts of the four people, this large ball of liquid gradually transformed into an exquisite boat about a foot long.

The method of refining a weapon can be summarized in a nutshell as the four major steps of quenching and melting materials, gathering materials to shape, engraving arrays to refine spirits, and fusion to form.

Needless to say, Lu Tianyou had hundreds of years of experience in refining weapons from Guo Yuanjiu of the Divine Weapon Sect. Hong Fu and Nangong Wan were also experienced. The four of them had a tacit understanding after working together in the past few days.

It was also because four masters of pill formation worked together that the step of quenching and melting the material was so fast. Seeing that the step of gathering the material and shaping it was about to be completed at this moment, the girls who were watching carefully became curious at the same time.

Especially Xiaomei, who has 20 years of experience in refining weapons and has good vision. If she hadn't only had the cultivation of foundation building at the moment and lacked real energy, she would have joined in.

She can naturally see that there is a big difference between refining a magic weapon and refining a magic weapon, and the flying boat as a space magic weapon is even more difficult.

What surprised her even more was that her husband's weapon-making skills were far superior to those of her three sisters. It was really unbelievable.

Soon, in the central void, a beautifully shaped and colorful boat gradually took shape.

Looking at the streamlined body of the boat and the tiny attic pavilion on it, the girls looked at each other and were a little excited.

After all, this will be their driving seat from now on.

After the Dharma boat, which was about a foot long, was finally finalized, the four of them in Lu Tiandu let out a long sigh of relief.

The next step of engraving the spirit and refining the spirit was the top priority. The four of them each took out the intermediate spirit stones and began to replenish their true energy.

After half a day, the four people activated the large formation they had arranged earlier and began the complex and subtle step of carving the formation.

The four of Lu Tiandu each stretched out their sword fingers, and shot out four filaments of different colors from their fingertips, which were connected to the boat. Under the control of their spiritual consciousness, they began to carve out many magic circles bit by bit... …

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the four people in the middle took turns to replenish their true energy several times, and then hundreds of magic formations were accurately carved on the magic boat.

Lu Tiandu looked at Feizhou who was about to complete the step of carving the formation, and he felt a little happy in his heart.

This Star Spirit Shenzhou and his natal magic weapon, the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Picture, are both space magic weapons. With the experience of refining this magic weapon, it will be easier for him to refine the natal magic weapon.

After completing the inscription of the magic circle, the four of them looked at each other and were a little excited. After all, the four of them gained a lot from this process.

The four of them did not hesitate, and used eight hands to squeeze the magic formula. The formation of the weapon refining array changed, and several red flames were sprayed out, starting the next step of refining the soul.

If it is refining a natal magic weapon, the master needs to spray blood essence before activating the spirit refining formation, so that the unformed magic weapon can absorb the blood essence and leave its mark.

But this magic weapon saves this step.

A few days later, the four people in Lu Tiandu were shocked, the magic formulas in their hands changed, and the final step of fusion and formation began.

The exquisite boat in the void suddenly shot out dazzling five-color brilliance. As it rose and shrank, the various colors flickered with charming light, spinning continuously in the air...

After a few hours, the four of them stopped working and looked at the exquisite flying boat floating in front of them, all of them smiled.

"Is this the Star Spirit Shenzhou of our Yaochi Palace? It's so beautiful!"

"Hehe, I really look forward to us riding this flying boat together..."

The nine people watching were taking turns playing with this flying boat magic weapon with excited faces.

Finally, everyone discussed it and Nishang was responsible for refining the magic weapon.


A few days later, a spaceship dozens of feet long flew through the void like lightning. Occasionally, monks passing by would have their expressions changed greatly after their spiritual consciousness was swept away, and they were filled with envy.

On the Star Spirit Shenzhou, in addition to the huge attic, there are also several sapphire pavilions scattered on the deck.

Lu Tiandu was talking to Yan Ruyan at the moment. If there were monks in Luan Xinghai who heard the conversation between the two, they would not notice anything strange at all.

During this period of time, the girls have all mastered the common language of the Luan Xing Sea, and have a sufficient understanding of the power division, human geography, etc. of the Luan Xing Sea.

It would not be any different if he appeared as a hermit sect in the three remote islands of Kuixing Island, Weixing Island and Sangxing Island in the southwest of the Inner Star Sea.

When the girls came to Luan Xinghai for the first time, they naturally had to experience the differences in this world of cultivation. Lu Tian didn't even think about keeping them in the Yaochi Tower, so Lu Tian would be separated from the girls for a while.

After all, he still has his own things to do.

As for the safety of the girls, there is nothing to worry about.

Usually the island owners with the highest cultivation level of these three big islands are only in the middle stage of pill formation. The deputy island owners are in the early stage of pill formation and pose no threat to the girls.

As for encountering Yuanying old monsters, Hong Fu and Nangong Wan's magical powers and magic weapons have now far surpassed ordinary monks of the same level. With the cooperation of the Xingling Shenzhou, a magic weapon with good defense power, even the old monsters in the early Yuanying stage can war.

What's more, if the moment of danger really comes, as long as the purple light induction bead is crushed, Lu Tiandu can arrive quickly within a thousand miles with his escape skills at this time. If he can't defeat it, he will have to return to Yaochi Tower to practice for a while...

Therefore, just when he was about to approach Kuixing Island, after Lu Tiandu warned the girls, he disappeared without a trace...

Kuixing Island, above the bustling port.

Today, a treasure ship dozens of feet in size slowly approached, causing the mortals and monks near the port to talk about it.

The faint cyan light shield around the treasure ship gradually disappeared, revealing the true appearance of the treasure ship.

In the void, the huge hull and the exquisite jade pavilion more than ten feet high on it seemed to be carved from a single piece of fine sapphire, emitting a faint fluorescence at the moment.

On the hull of the ship, there are carved totem shadows of several wild and strange beasts.On the bow and stern of the ship, there is a huge purple-winged golden tiger and a white dragon, which are majestic and look like they are choosing people to devour.

As the treasure ship got closer, the people below started talking more and more.

"Oh my god, this is the seat of an immortal master. It's so majestic!"

"I haven't heard of any of our Kuixing Islands having such a huge flying magic weapon! Could it be a foreign immortal master?"

"This spaceship is so beautiful! When I go back, I will definitely urge my second son to practice immortality well. In the future, I will also..."

"Hmph, your second son only has four spiritual roots, and he may not even be able to afford a foundation-building pill, but he still wants to fly on this kind of spaceship... You should go back and dream, there is everything in the dream..."

At this moment, there were also low-level monks nearby, looking at the spaceship floating in the sky with envy on their faces, and talking about it.

"This is really the first time I've seen such a big flying boat!" A monk exclaimed.

Flying magic weapons are extremely expensive. Even ordinary foundation-building monks may not be able to afford a small boat magic weapon that can carry several people, let alone Qi refining monks like them?
"This doesn't look like a magic weapon!"

After a foundation-building monk released his spiritual consciousness and swept it, he said with a surprised look on his face. As soon as his spiritual consciousness touched the hull of the ship, it was instantly bounced away. This is enough to show that the restrictions on this large ship are extraordinary.

After hearing what this man said, several companions around him were surprised, "Is this a magic weapon? No way, how much high-end materials does it cost to refine such a big magic weapon?"

At this moment, a late-stage foundation-building monk who was guarding a stone house not far from the port felt the fluctuations coming from the big ship. His expression changed and he instantly withdrew his consciousness.

He reached out and turned over, and a jade bead appeared in his hand. With a pinch, the jade bead shattered instantly.

The man put away the broken jade beads, breathed a long sigh of relief, and murmured:

"This person is at least a golden elixir cultivator... Our Kuixing Island has not had an outside golden elixir cultivator for many years. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse..."

However, he has already informed the deputy island owner Yuan Jun, and he believes that the island owner will also come forward soon.

But since the Golden elixir cultivator came in an upright manner, he, the person in charge, still needed to receive him.

The face of the middle-aged monk who was responsible for registering foreign monks changed. He left the stone chamber, released a flying sword weapon, and flew towards the port.

"This is Kuixing Island!"

Hong Fu and the other girls stood on the deck, looking at the increasingly larger island below as the Star Spirit Ship slowly floated forward.

They naturally know the strength of the monks on Kuixing Island, and they are only staying for a while, not for a long time, so they have no intention of breaking in...

At this moment, the middle-aged monk who was in the late stage of foundation building was far away from the treasure ship.

"Junior Ming Hongtao, who holds the position of guardian elder of Kuixing Island, has met my senior!"

The middle-aged monk looked at the deck respectfully and said loudly, "Senior, I'm here at Kuixing Island. I wonder if there is anything I can do for you..."

This man glanced at the many beautiful figures on the deck and was immediately surprised...

Unexpectedly, this treasure ship is actually filled with graceful female cultivators with graceful figures. Although all the girls have covered their beautiful faces with gauze scarves, it is not difficult to guess the faces hidden under the veils just by looking at the graceful looks of the girls.

What shocked the middle-aged monk even more was that he could not see the breath of the first three female monks at a glance.

Moreover, a single glance at the female cultivator in white palace attire and a crane bun in the front and the female cultivator in red attire and sultry eyes next to him actually made him feel frightened.

It turned out to be three Jindan monks!
And the two seniors who made him tremble in fear were probably both people with amazing magical powers.

It was actually even more amazing than the feeling the island owner gave him.

After discovering this fact, the middle-aged man became more respectful, bowed and waited quietly.


The leader, Nangong Wan, was about to speak when he suddenly looked into the distance and chuckled: "Just wait a moment, I don't know which of you island masters is coming..."

"Hey, it seems that all three of you island owners are here..."

After a moment, a burst of hearty laughter came over:

"No wonder the magpies are chirping on the branches today. It turns out that fellow Taoists are here to visit this island. My Taoist name is Wood Dragon. I temporarily assume the position of the island master of Kuixing Island. I also invite you fellow Taoists to disembark and talk..." As soon as he finished speaking, A flash of red light fell not far away in the blink of an eye, revealing the figure of a tall man in black.

As soon as the man stopped, two rays of light in the distance quickly fell beside him, revealing a crude-looking male cultivator and a beautiful-looking female cultivator.

"It turns out to be the owner of the Mulong Island. These two are the island owner Yuan Jun and the island owner Kanqin, right?"

On top of the Xingyue Shenzhou, Nangong Wan and the three golden elixir monks Hongfu and Nishang moved and had already exited the Xingyue Shenzhou. Nangong Wan in the middle said with a faint smile.

"I dare not be called such a fellow Taoist... I wonder where these fellow Taoists are from?"

After observing the cultivation of the three of them at close range, Master Mulong felt a chill in his heart, but he still had a faint smile on his rough face.

Yuan Jun and Kan Qin, who were standing next to them, smiled slightly and said, "Yuan Jun and Kan Qin have met three Taoist friends!"

Although there were no other expressions on the three people's faces, they were already muttering in their hearts.

Today, three golden elixir monks suddenly appeared on Kuixing Island, and there was also a late-stage golden elixir monk. It was really unusual.

Moreover, the visitors were all female cultivators, which cheered up the three of them.

"Nangong Wan, I am the deputy palace master of Yaochi Palace. These two are my senior sisters... This time I specially led my disciples to travel and passed by Kuixing Island. I hope not to disturb the three island masters..."

Nangong Wan said calmly in a clear and round voice.

"Nichang has met three fellow Taoists..."

Nishang chuckled and cupped her hands.

"Red whisk!"

Hong Fu still had that cold look and his voice was cold.

"It turns out that I am a member of the Yaochi Palace. I apologize for my short-sightedness, but this is the first time I have heard of your sect. I apologize for any slight!"

Mu Long and the other three looked at each other. Although they had never heard of the Yaochi Sect, since this sect could suddenly have three Golden Core cultivators, they must be quite powerful.

The most important thing was to hear what Nangong Wan and others said. They were just passing by Kuixing Island, which made the three of them feel relieved.

In fact, Mu Long, a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core, glanced at Hong Fu, an unfamiliar monk in the late Golden Core stage, with his spiritual consciousness. I don't know why, but he always felt frightened.

Let him secretly guess that this fellow Taoist Hong Fu was either rich in treasures or had amazing magical powers.

Mu Long smiled heartily and said:

"Since the three Taoist friends have come to our Kuixing Island, we naturally have to entertain them well, and also ask the three Taoist friends to lead the disciples to Tianzhu Peak with us, so that we can fulfill our friendship as landlords..."

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist Mulong. We heard that there is a Tiandu Street in Kuixing Island, which brings together the essence of several nearby islands. We came here to take a look and buy some spiritual necessities. We won't be staying for long. We hope that fellow Taoist people will do well. convenient……"

"That's it!" Mu Long nodded, "Please come to the island, fellow Taoists. If you have time, please come to our Qingyun Mountain to enjoy it..."

"That's it, sorry for bothering you!" Nangong Wan smiled and nodded.

At this time, the nine women who had been listening to the conversation for a long time also flashed and flew off the Star Spirit Divine Ark.

Nishang also casually pinched a few spells, and the huge Star Spirit Shenzhou in the sky instantly shrunk in size, and was finally rolled up by Nishang's sleeves and put into a storage bag.

The eyes of the three people in Mulong also left the magic boat for an instant, secretly guessing that the magic weapon of the flying boat that could transform to such a huge size might be an ancient treasure...

Sighing slightly, what a pity...

Seeing the beauties wearing veils, with red and green hair, and graceful curves flying behind Nangong Wan and the others, Master Mu Long felt the aura around the girls and was shocked again.

In fact, although these nine people are all foundation-building monks, their foundations are extremely strong, and their auras are restrained and their auras are calm. At a glance, they are all good seedlings for cultivating the Tao.

"I didn't expect that my fellow Taoist sects are all women, and it's really rare to see these juniors look so calm!"

Kanqin, a beautiful woman standing on the right side of Mulong, saw the girls appearing, her eyes lit up and she smiled.

In fact, there are far fewer women with advanced cultivation in the world of immortality than there are male cultivators, and there are even fewer sects dominated by women in the Sea of ​​Stars.

This surprised Kanqin, who was also a female cultivator.

"Fellow Taoist Kan is so flattering!" Nangong Wan said modestly, "Our Yaochi Palace is indeed dominated by female cultivators. During this trip, we also wanted to see if we could have the opportunity to recruit some disciples..."

This was a temporary excuse she made up that seemed believable.

"I hope fellow Taoist can gain something this time!" Mu Long laughed, "Please!"


Tianzhu Peak, the training ground of Mu Long.

At this moment, the three island owners, Mu Long, Yuan Jun and Kan Qin, gathered together to discuss Nangong Wan and others.

"What do you two fellow Taoists think?" Mu Long asked.

"I heard from fellow Taoist Nangong and others that they are a monastic sect. Is it true?" Kanqin said with some confusion, "Looking at what they mean, there is indeed no sign of trouble. Maybe they are just passing by... "

After she actually met these mysterious female nuns, she was curious and had a lot of favorable impressions at the same time.After all, Fellow Daoist Hongfu and Fellow Daoist Nangong were much higher than her in cultivation. She wanted to exchange some cultivation experiences, but unfortunately she had not found the opportunity yet.

"That fellow Taoist Hongfu and fellow Taoist Nangong are terrible..."

Yuan Jun, who was somewhat silent, said, "I once practiced a secret technique, and I have an abnormal sense of danger. These two people have extraordinary magical powers..."

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Yuan to feel this way..."

Master Mulong frowned at this moment, "That Daoist Fellow Hongfu's consciousness is definitely far superior to that of ordinary late-stage Jindan monks, and it actually gave me the illusion that I was facing Senior Yuanying..."

After saying this, Mu Long smiled bitterly, "I have privately informed everyone below not to collide with these Yaochi palace female cultivators. I hope they really have no other purpose..."

"What does Brother Tao mean?" Yuan Jun's expression changed.

"Over the years, I have heard some rumors from other places. There is an undercurrent..." Mu Long sighed, "Our Kuixing Island is located in a remote location, but who knows if it will affect us..."

After listening to Master Mu Long's hint, the Taoist couple Yuan Jun and Kan Qin looked at each other, and their hearts trembled.

"We are the only business power here in Liulian Palace that is relatively well-informed. I wonder what fellow Taoists have found out?" Yuan Jun asked.

The two of them and Mu Long knew each other. After Mu Long won the position of the island owner of Kuixing Island through the "Star Reaching Conference", he took advantage of the situation and became the deputy island owner, guarding this pretty good training place together. Naturally, we don’t want the peaceful cultivation environment to be destroyed.

And if you really can't do what you see, you have to make follow-up plans.

"Humph, Na Gu and Miao claimed to be brothers to me, but who knew that when they wanted to find out, these two people would just talk about each other. Over the years, I really found nothing..."

Mu Long shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"However, Gu Tongyuan happened to be inspecting the shops on Kuixing Island recently, and we just took the opportunity of the arrival of these strange monks from Yaochi Palace to test it out again..."

"So good!"


While Nangong Wan Hongfu and others were visiting Kuixing Island, Lu Tiandu had already arrived at Xiaohuan Island, not far from Kuixing Island.

It has been more than ten years since he last came to Xiaohuan Island. He must have caught gold-eating insects with his last arrangement, right?

Lu Tiandu, who was hidden in the void, had already passed through the simple island protection formation on Xiaohuan Island.

In just a moment, he had arrived at the small mountain range more than twenty miles away in the west of Xiaohuan Island.

There are only two small peaks on this mountain range, one is about two to three hundred feet high, and the other is only more than a hundred feet high.

And at the bottom of this mountain range, there sleep some strange insects that have long been extinct in the world of immortality - gold-eating insects.

After Lu Tiandu came here last time, he planned to conquer these gold-eating insects and cultivate them in advance. Unfortunately, he used the earth escape technique to escape hundreds of feet under the mountains and searched for several days, but still found no trace of the gold-eating insects.

We can only follow Han Li's old method of opening a cave and placing many useless strange insects obtained by killing Yuling Sect monks to catch gold-eating insects.

Now more than ten years have passed, and according to Lu Tiandu's estimation, it should be effective.

This is why he planned to come to Xiaohuan Island first as soon as he came to Luan Xinghai.

After slipping into this secret cave, Lu Tiandu went straight to the insect room that was originally set up.

Sure enough, the restrictions placed on the secret room where those strange insects were fed were in ruins, and even the few second-level puppets he left behind were only left in ruins.

Lu Tiandu took a look at the large silver insect shells of soybeans that occasionally appeared, smiled happily, and went straight to the medicine garden he had set up before.

Sure enough, he saw at a glance a shining silver ball hanging under a certain thick flower tree.

I saw that these silver lights were all flying insects the size of soybeans. Except for a pair of fangs visible to the naked eye, their appearance was the same as that of ordinary beetles. There was really nothing special about them.

"Haha, I finally found you!" Lu Tiandu laughed.

"Gold-eating insects, swarming ferocious insects, ranked [-]th on the list of strange insects. They love to eat strange insects. They are good at swallowing hardware and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. They are extremely ferocious. They are not immersed in water and fire. They like to gather in spheres and live under spiritual trees. Yumu Things can trap each other, and spiders and strange insects attack each other..."

"Gold-eating insects" eat almost everything except jade and wood, making them very difficult to catch.

But Lu Tiandu had already planned. With a wave of his hand, two level five blood jade spiders appeared...

Under Lu Tiandu's order, two white liquids spurted out from the mouths of the two white spiders, and turned into two spider webs with a diameter of over ten feet in mid-air, covering all the silver beetles. …

 Thanks to book friend Haibing666 for the 500 book coins reward, and book friend Chenwang for the 400 book coins reward.

  There is a problem with the system these days. It seems that everyone's replies or comments can only be seen by myself, and others' replies cannot be seen. I heard that it will be fine after a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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