Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 145 News!Yuan Yao is beautiful!Come to the rescue!

Chapter 145 News!Yuan Yao is beautiful!Come to the rescue!
"Hey, he's really fierce!"

Lu Tian laughed as he looked at the hundreds of gold-eating insects that were tightly wrapped in two white spider webs and made piercing screams from left to right.

This was not the cobweb spewed out by the first-level blood jade spider when Han Li conquered the gold-eating insect, but the natal magical power of the fifth-level spiritual beast.

At this time, the spider silk that can be used to refine the web-like magic weapon is naturally very strong. No matter how many hundreds of newly born gold-eating insects bite, they cannot escape.

After checking, there were no other abnormalities in the medicine garden. Lu Tiandu flashed back to Yaochi Tower.

In a side hall near the Palace of Eternal Life, Lu Tiandu found a secret room that was rarely used. With a flick of his hand, a pile of exquisite sapphires appeared in front of him.

It took Lu Tiandu a while to inlay these beautiful jade pieces into the secret room that was more than ten feet in size, leaving no room for an inch.

Then he took out the spider web wrapped with gold-eating insects and released the gold-eating insects.

After throwing down dozens of spirit-feeding pills and Yunling pills, Lu Tiandu closed the secret room, placed layers of restrictions and left the place.

With this jade secret room, these gold-eating insects can naturally be trapped.After this group of strange insects lays eggs next time, Lu Tiandu is ready to set up the Forbidden God Array to recognize its master.

However, Lu Tiandu had a headache when he thought about the huge amount of resources it would consume to cultivate these hundreds of gold-eating bugs to tens of thousands.

In addition to the Feeding Pills and Yunling Pills that are refined from a large number of old elixirs, Nishang Grass, which promotes the fertility of monsters, is also indispensable.

Although Lu Tiandu already has a large number of corals and neon grass growing on them in a lake on the first floor of the Yaochi Tower.

But he has no intention of cultivating the neon grass at this time. It will not be too late to use the used neon grass to cultivate these gold-eating insects when hunting a large number of monsters in the future. After all, it takes more than a short time to cultivate these gold-eating insects to sufficient combat power. You can do it in half a day.

The fundamental reason is that he doesn't have many spiritual stones on his body at this time.

During the battle of the Demonic Invasion, Lu Tiandu had nearly one million spiritual stones obtained through reselling materials and trophies from Luan Xinghai. At its peak, Lu Tiandu had nearly one million spiritual stones. After constant consumption over the years, only about 50 were left when he came to Luan Xinghai.

In order to refine the Star Spirit Shenzhou, tens of thousands of spiritual stones were spent to generate some precious materials. At this time, there are only four 10,000+ spiritual stones in stock.

Next, he still has many places where spiritual stones are needed, so naturally he has to spend on important places first.

Next, in addition to practicing magical powers on Kuixing Island, the most important thing for Lu Tiandu is to prepare for encounters with the two young girls Yuan Yao and Yanli.

Yuan Yao and Yan Li are a pair of affectionate sisters in the original work, and they are both stunning beauties. He is ready to take the initiative to enter the harem.

Although both of them are apparently ordinary three-spirited monks from a small sect, Yuan Yao also possesses the unusually rare Tianyin body, which is naturally very attractive to Lu Tiandu.

Moreover, in the original plot, after the two of them arrived in the spirit world, they were accepted as disciples by Qing Yuanzi. Yuan Yao entered the Mahayana stage earlier than Nangong Wan and others, which shows the power of Tianyin's body.

As for Yanli, although I don't know if she has some hidden physique, but seeing how quickly the two of them improved after practicing the Yin and Yang Reincarnation Art of the Ghost Way, I guess she has pretty good intellectual aptitudes.

Even if she didn't have a special physique, Lu Tiandu would accept her. After all, being able to sacrifice one's life to block a fatal blow for his sister was such a rare friendship.

Calculating the time, it was less than ten years since Han Li met Yuan Yao and Yanli on Tiandu Street. Ten years later, with their ordinary spiritual root qualifications, ordinary skills, and scarce resources, they could refine Qi. On the eighth or ninth floor, he was estimated to be in his twenties at that time.

He most likely looks like a teenager now.

Lu Tiandu naturally needs to make preparations in advance to capture the two of them, otherwise it would be a shame if someone else succeeds in the process.

In the next few days, while Lu Tiandu was practicing the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu, he also began to refine some Tianyuan Pills.

Because he started practicing wind-attributed exercises at the earliest, Lu Tiandu naturally understood a lot more about wind-attributed exercises, so he planned to practice the three-flavored divine wind first among the two magical powers of the three-flavored divine wind and Xuanming Zhenlei.

Naturally, it is necessary to refine a batch of Feng Yuan Dan in advance, and you can start taking it after you have reached the third level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill.

While Lu Tiandu was refining alchemy, Kuixing Island also became noisy due to the arrival of Nangong Wan and others.

Overnight, the name of Yaochi Palace spread throughout the three large islands of Kuixing Island, Weixing Island, and Sangxing Island and dozens of small islands in the southwest corner of the Inner Star Sea.

Moreover, I don’t know who spread the news. It is said that Yaochi Palace, a monastic sect with Yuanying monks in charge, will accept a group of female disciples with good qualifications this time, which has offended many female disciples from small sects and small families. Also flock to it.


The large-scale shop in the center of Tiandu Street is naturally the Liulian Palace.

At this moment, in front of a shop with a green Ganoderma lucidum plant embroidered on the flag banner, a bearded man wearing a light green robe hurriedly entered the shop, ignoring the greetings of the attendants in the shop, and went straight to a secret room underground.

After opening the restriction and entering the secret room, the man respectfully reported the news he had learned to a tall man with messy hair and a shawl.

"... So you really found out the news about the monster this time?" The tall man with messy hair and shawl said with a surprised look on his face.

"The ancient elder is aware of this." Ouyang Lian, the tall and purple-faced shopkeeper of Yuhuanju, nodded solemnly, "This time it must be the infant carp beast, and it is also a level six monster..."

"Good! Good!"

The sturdy man with messy hair and shawl fists and palms exchanged blows, and his face was filled with joy.

"After the visitor follows me and personally confirms the news about the monster beast, I will report it to the palace master as soon as possible. With the help of the palace master's Qian Tiange, it will not be difficult to capture this monster beast..."

"When the time comes when the palace master rewards you, your benefits will be indispensable..."

As one of the patrolling elders in the southwest area of ​​the Inner Star Sea of ​​the Sixth Company, Gu Tongyuan was naturally a thoughtful person. He could see through Ouyang Lian's thoughts at a glance, and looked at Ouyang Lian with a hopeful look on his face and added.

"Thank you, Elder Gu!" Ouyang Lian looked grateful.

"But have you found out the origins of these people from Yaochi Palace?" After a while, Gu Tongyuan asked another question.


Ouyang Lian, the shopkeeper of Yuhuanju, looked a bit troubled, "Although people from Yaochi Palace have also come to our Sixth Company Hall, they are very advanced in cultivation, and our responsible waiters don't dare to test them randomly..."

"Is there anything special about the materials purchased by these people?" Gu Tongyuan thought for a while and asked.

"The rest are just normal cultivation resources. The only exception is that the Yaochi Palace people need to purchase a large amount of blood and flesh of level [-] and [-] monsters. The quantity is so large that it is beyond our expectation..."

"Is this strange? Their purpose has not been discovered?"

"I heard it's for raising spiritual beasts..."

"Forget it, try your best to meet their needs, and don't cause trouble in the near future..." Gu Tongyuan frowned and thought for a while, "These people shouldn't stay long, okay, you can go down!"

After Ouyang Lian left, Gu Tongyuan recalled the previous tests by Master Mulong and sneered.

After thinking for a while, the man took out a sound-transmitting golden sword, whispered a few times, and let it go.

"When Elder Miao comes to guard this place, I want to find out the news about the infant carp beast as soon as possible. This infant carp beast's inner elixir is of great use to the palace master, so we can't be careless..."

The man murmured a few times, and then pulled out a token with a ferocious ghost head carved on one side and exuding a faint black aura. His expression was incomprehensible.

"Now that the Sixth Company Palace has secretly joined the 'Reverse Star Alliance', it is a great thing for me. I will definitely kill a few more thieves from the Star Palace in the future to repay the hatred of the past..."

The ferocious look on this man's square face lasted for a moment before dissipating, and the expression of Gujing Wubo returned to his original state.


On the blue sea, a medium-sized merchant ship cut through the wind and waves and moved forward steadily. Looking at the direction it was leaving, it was the port of Kuixing Island.

On the stern deck, a beautiful woman in her thirties who still retains her charm is holding the railing and gazing at the port from a distance. The eyes on her delicate face are bright and calm, and occasionally reveal a bit of vicissitudes of life, which makes people feel sad. Want to find out.

Beside him, two beautiful girls looked disappointed and silent.

"Okay, Yao'er, Yan'er, don't be disappointed if you didn't get selected this time. You are still young, there will be opportunities in the future..."

The beautiful woman looked back at her two apprentices who had not yet recovered, took their little white jade hands, and gently comforted them.

These two girls have not yet reached the age of hair, but they have already become quite beautiful. Their skin is as good as snow, their hair is like a pile of crows, their bright eyes and white teeth make people fall in love with them at first sight.

"Hey, Master, we are not young anymore!"

One of them, a round-faced little girl in pink clothes, puffed out her well-developed breasts, smiled, and said with a voice like an oriole, with a look of pride on her face.

After finishing speaking, his face fell, and he added: "It's a pity that no matter how old we grow, our spiritual root qualifications can't be changed..."

"Senior sister, you are talking nonsense again..."

But a girl in a green dress standing next to her said softly, "However, I really envy the sisters in Yaochi Palace. They have mysterious origins, high cultivation levels, and gorgeous looks. It's really impressive. It’s unforgettable…”

This girl looks about the same age as the round-faced girl next to her, but her voice is soft and crisp, and extremely beautiful.

And judging from its color, although it has not yet bloomed, it is already a bit more beautiful than the little girl next to it.

When it really blooms, she will definitely be a beauty that will captivate the whole country.

"Hey, it's a pity that our senior sisters' blessings are so shallow..."

The round-faced girl nodded and seemed to agree very much with the words of the girl in the green skirt next to her, "But if they don't accept us, it must be their loss..."

Speaking of the latter part, this pretty round-faced girl showed a bit of naivety and mischief.

After hearing this, the beautiful woman and the girl in the green dress both covered their mouths and chuckled.

The beautiful woman stretched out her slender fingers, tapped the girl's chest in the pink skirt, and teased:

"It's such a pity that my Qiaoyan'er is so cute and attractive, but no one appreciates it..." After saying that, he threw up his head and laughed.

This smile immediately made the two plump breasts tremble and sway, which was really thrilling and made people fear that the bright embroidered lapel would burst.

With such a charming and alluring gesture, not to mention the two girls who were dumbfounded, even several mortals in the distance secretly swallowed their saliva.However, the beautiful woman quickly put away her smile, and after snorting coldly, everyone in the distance immediately dispersed.

As for the Immortal Master, even a female Immortal Master, mortals like them cannot afford to offend him.

"Hey, Master, you're still making fun of me!"

The round-faced girl came back to her senses at this time, glanced enviously at her master's ample chest, secretly compared it with her own, and immediately stamped her little feet with a sad look on her face.

"Okay, idiot, some people are born like the scorching sun in the sky, you can't envy them..." The beautiful woman caressed the heads of the two girls, smiled faintly, and a look of vicissitudes of life flashed in her eyes.

"When we return to Baisha Island, I will sell some of the treasures in the door for my master, buy some elixirs for you two, and also let you improve your cultivation level early and go to other places to make a living..."

"Master, we don't want to leave you and uncle!"

After hearing what the beautiful woman said, the two pretty girls suddenly became anxious and blurted out.

She was taken in by her master since she was a child and has lived with another master uncle for decades. She has long been in love with her family.

Although he kept saying that he hoped to join Yaochi Palace, he still felt gloomy when he heard that he was actually going to leave his master, even though it was still a few years later...

"Good boy, you are still young and still have a chance. Master, I hope you will not be like Master in this life, unable to even build a foundation..."

The beautiful woman hugged the two sad-looking girls and said calmly.

"It's time for us at Qingshuimen to make some changes..."

"Clear water, clear water, it's really as poor as water..." A faint sigh echoed at the stern of the boat, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye...


More than ten days passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Lu Tiandu communicated with Hong Fu and others once. After knowing that there was nothing unexpected about them, he entered into practice again.

As for the matter of finding Yuan Yao and Yan Li, he planned to wait until the turmoil caused by Yaochi Palace passed, and then use his previous identity as "Han Feiyu" to show up to investigate.

The identity of Han Feiyu had been managed by him for more than ten years, and it was very credible. Lu Tiandu used his true face to play the disguised uncle, which was naturally more credible.

When the time comes, he will appear with an upright and upright golden elixir cultivation base, and his actions will naturally be more convenient.

Three months passed in a flash.

On this day, above the void on a remote island, a huge and gorgeous spaceship was hidden in the void.

Suddenly, a golden-purple escaping light shot out from the distance. At this moment, a huge hole spread out in the void like water waves. This escaping light did not stop and disappeared in a flash.

Returning to the Star Spirit Shenzhou again, Lu Tiandu smiled as he looked at the beauties he had not seen for several months.

"How's it going? Isn't the scenery of the Inner Star Sea pretty good?"

Lu Tiandu said with a smile after kissing all the beautiful Taoists in his family one by one.

At this moment, the girls will naturally not be wearing veils. Looking at so many beauties of different colors, Lu Tiandu is full of a sense of struggle!

In the past three months, the girls have driven the Star Spirit Shenzhou and roughly traveled through the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the three big islands, Kuixing Island, Weixing Island and Sangxing Island. It can be regarded as a short vacation from the boring cultivation life. .

After the girls chatted and shared what they had seen, Nangong Wan said in confusion:

"Husband, this time we were invited by fellow Taoist Kanqin to stop briefly at Tianxiao Peak. Listening to fellow Taoist Kan, it seems that he wants us to stay on Kuixing Island forever..."

"Moreover, when I went to some other islands, even though I couldn't see anything, it always gave me the feeling of an undercurrent lurking under the calm sea..."

"I wonder what Mr. Tao Dao thinks about this?"

When Lu Tiandu heard this, he looked at the solemn expressions of the women and nodded secretly at their acumen.

They were new to Luan Xinghai. Although they didn't show anything on their faces, they still had the vigilance they should have.

This kind of undercurrent would be difficult to detect if it were a local monk in Luan Xinghai, but it was felt by them who were new here.

Lu Tiandu naturally knew all about this, smiled lightly, and explained the reason to everyone.

"In this way, it is because the two saints of the Star Palace, the official organization's palace master, have not shown up for hundreds of years that the good and the evil spirits in the Chaotic Star Sea have other thoughts?" Nie Ying was still a little confused. Confuse.

"According to what my husband said, these two palace masters are also great monks of the Yuan Dynasty. They have a life span of [-] years. They are also powerful forces passed down from ancient times. I guess they have no shortage of means to extend their lifespan. How come they haven't shown up for so long?"

Lu Tiandu shook his head and said with a smile:

"Of course it can't be said that they don't show up, but that they show up less often... It is said that the two saints are practicing a powerful magical power, so they have been in seclusion for a long time... There are no other Yuanhou monks sitting in the Star Palace, so that people can have some My thoughts are normal..."

He naturally knew that Ling Xiaofeng and Wen Qing were forced to leave the Yuanci Mountain Peak only occasionally because of their cultivation of the great magical power of Yuanci Divine Light, which made both good and evil forces ready to move.

And because they were greedy for this powerful magical power, the two missed the opportunity to advance to become gods. It can be said that heroes sometimes make mistakes!

And now it is estimated that the Anti-Star Alliance has been established. In the next few decades to a hundred years, it will be the peak period for the Anti-Star Alliance to secretly infiltrate, subvert some small and medium-sized sects, and continue to recruit people.

When Xutian Temple appears again a hundred years later, it will be time for the Counter Star Alliance to officially launch a war...

However, these secrets cannot be explained in detail, and can only be briefly mentioned.

After all, everyone is concerned about this because the war in Tiannan has just ended, and they have just arrived in a new world of immortal cultivation. It is really unlucky to encounter such a war that affects the entire Inner Star Sea.

But they don't have anything to worry about. If that doesn't work, they can go to the outer star sea. They usually either stay in the Yaochi Tower to practice or go out to hunt monsters, and they can live a very comfortable life.

After this trip, everyone was naturally ready to have a good retreat. The next time they came out of the tower, they should be in the free city that everyone yearned for - Tianxing City.

After putting away the Star Spirit Shenzhou, Lu Tiandu waved his hand, and the colorful clothes disappeared before his eyes.

Lu Tiandu found the correct direction and flew towards the boundary of Kuixing Island again.

Two days later, Lu Tiandu had already seen the location of Baisha Island from a distance. This time he planned to find the old man Liu Chengxi from the Liu family on Baisha Island whom he met first.

The Liu family has promoted a new foundation-building monk in recent years, and its status on Baisha Island has been greatly improved. With them secretly coming forward, it is not difficult to find someone among the many small islands under the jurisdiction of Kuixing Island.

At this moment, above the sea, a burst of fighting and screaming attracted Lu Tiandu's attention.

At a casual glance, Lu Tiandu knew that it was just an ordinary murder and treasure grabbing activity.

There are a total of four disciples in the Qi refining stage, including three masked male cultivators who are besieging a female cultivator.

Among the three people who were besieged, the one with the highest cultivation level was an old man who had perfected Qi refining. The other two middle-aged people, one had a cultivation level of [-] levels, and the other only had an [-]th level. The one who screamed just now was the one with the highest cultivation level. This guy is weak.

Lu Tiandu frowned slightly, he would not stand idly by if he encountered this behavior.

After all, as soon as his consciousness swept over that female cultivator, he found that she was a rare beauty.

It was unreasonable to let such a beautiful woman die in front of him.

Lu Tiandu was about to calm down the fight. At this moment, the female cultivator who was besieged and unable to resist saw Dun Guang approaching quickly and suddenly shouted:

"Senior, help me, I am a monk returning home from Baisha Island... Please help me, senior..."

"No...stop now, don't do it..."

Seeing the rushing light, the dark yellow eyes of the old man in black suddenly shrank into needlepoints. His heart felt cold and he hurriedly scolded the twelfth-level middle-aged monk who was still attacking desperately.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu's figure had arrived in front of the four of them.

Looking at the handsome young man in his twenties, the three monks in black looked a little panicked at the moment, and their bodies were stiff. In their perception, the air around them was tightly restraining them...

This made their hearts sink to the bottom...

"It's really interesting to dare to block the monks of Baisha Island to kill and seize treasures near Baisha Island..."

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, and with a flick of his hand, the black scarves on the faces of the three people instantly shattered into powder from a distance of several feet.

With such a smooth movement, not to mention the three people who were already lifeless, even the glamorous female cultivator who was seriously injured at the moment opened her mouth wide in surprise, with a look of disbelief and excitement on her face!

"Hey, it turns out you are from the Yang family!"

After this beautiful woman in her thirties had just finished being surprised, when she saw the faces of these three people clearly, she immediately gritted her teeth and looked like she was hating them.

However, this beautiful woman also knew etiquette. Just after saying this, she took a closer look at Lu Tiandu, and her face turned red for some reason. Her cold jade face was instantly stained with a few rays of red. In addition, the original injury caused by The pain seems more and more touching...

"Thank you for saving my life, senior. I am returning to Nianxin, and the monks from Baisha Island are returning home..."

The cold and beautiful woman named Gui Nianxin slowly approached Lu Tiandu, bowed her hands, and her beautiful voice came over.

"Not bad!"

Lu Tiandu looked at this cold and beautiful woman with unscrupulous eyes. This was naturally a reward for saving his life!
A slim-fitting black robe wrapped around her curvaceous jade body, but due to the fight, it had been torn in several places. The alluring skin like gelatin was exposed through the broken places, making Lu Tian look twice more without realizing it. Eye.

The wind-up hair and misty temples, also because of the looseness of the fight, still cannot cover up the gorgeous face...

The delicate oval face looks a bit cold and arrogant when he is not talking at the moment, but it is not easy for people to feel close to him.

Looking further down, you can't take your eyes away from the plump figure. Chu has a slender waist and round buttocks. She is really a rare beauty!

Lu Tiandu looked at it carefully, and unconsciously gave the evaluation of beauty...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 350 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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