Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 146 The twins return home!4 masters and apprentices!

Chapter 146 The twins return home!Four masters and apprentices!

"This senior is really..."

Facing Lu Tiandu's unscrupulous gaze, Gui Nianxin, who had always been a bit cold-tempered, would naturally be secretly annoyed and not give the other person a good look if she encountered such a situation. She would naturally scold him coldly.

But she didn't know whether it was because of the senior Lu Tiandu's strength, or because he was young and handsome, which gave her some inexplicable attraction. She was panicked but did not avoid it.

Wherever she was swept by the other party's burning eyes, she suddenly felt an indescribable burning feeling, which made her feel shy and inexplicable at the same time...

Suddenly she remembered what her sister said more than a month ago, "Sister, it's time for us at Qingshuimen to make some changes..."

She naturally understood what her sister meant. For female monks from a small sect and family with mediocre qualifications, no background, and good looks, if they could not build a foundation, the way to change would naturally be to rely on powerful male cultivators.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are countless female cultivators with this idea of ​​relying on the strong. They just want to see who can sell themselves at a better price.

Although it is difficult to calm down, due to limited qualifications, background and training resources, this is the reality they have to face.

However, even if you have to "sell" yourself, the treatment of female cultivators in the foundation-building stage and those in the Qi-refining stage is naturally very different.

Even if a female cultivator in the foundation-building stage cannot be a Taoist companion for some high-level monks, it is still possible to become a concubine. However, if she is in the Qi-refining stage, the range of choices is much smaller.

Moreover, it is easy to be coaxed by some monks with evil intentions in the name of concubine and forced to use it as a furnace for harvesting.

The two sisters who return home have always been proud and arrogant. Even if they want to find a partner for dual cultivation, they still hope that the other party can help them go further on the road.

This is also the reason why the two sisters have continued to practice hard over the years.As long as they build a foundation, they might be able to become a Taoist companion or concubine of a certain Jindan monk, and then they can realize their wishes.

Although the two sisters have average qualifications, they are still very confident in their own beauty. Not only are they beautiful and beautiful, but they are also a pair of twins.

Naturally, this is also a great attraction to some male cultivators.

But it is a pity that after so many years, neither sister has established a foundation.

The sisters were originally very famous on Baisha Island. There were very few people who had not heard of the name "The Returning Sisters". They had many suitors. Unfortunately, there were no monks who could catch their eye, so they rejected many of their admirers. man of.

In this encounter, when she saw clearly that the other three were members of the Yang family on Baisha Island, she quickly understood that this was because the other party still refused to agree to the sisters and started to force them.


Lu Tiandu secretly savored the beautiful and charming body in front of him. He looked away and was about to ask how to deal with these three people. Suddenly, his heart moved and he asked:
"Guijia? I once heard what Master Nephew Han said. When he was chatting with Liu Chengxi of the Liu family, he heard that there were two beautiful and dignified girls in Guijia. Are you one of them?"

As a result, after he asked, he received no response.

Looking again, Gui Nianxin, whose face was a little red when he looked at him at first, now has a change of expression and is silent, not knowing what he is thinking...

"Wake up! Miss Gui..." Lu Tiandu increased his voice.

Although I know that the body of Dragon Roar is very attractive to female cultivators, and I am also very attractive, there is no need to be confused when they first meet, right?Lu Tiandu complained in his mind.

"Ah! Senior... I am rude..."

Gui Nianxin was suddenly awakened by Lu Tiandu's words. Her cold and beautiful face suddenly felt a bit embarrassed and ashamed, and her pretty face suddenly turned red.

Lu Tiandu chuckled, and after looking at it for a few times, he asked the question again.

Unexpectedly, this beautiful woman suddenly raised her head, stared at Lu Tiandu with a look of surprise on her face, showed a bright smile, and said:
"Senior knows Uncle Liu? Oh, yes, senior just said that senior nephew and Uncle Liu know each other... Senior nephew's surname is Han?"

When it came to what happened next, Gui Nianxin looked expectant.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's expression became strange.

That is, seven or eight years ago, when he last came to Luan Xinghai, Liu Chengxi said that he had two pretty nieces that he wanted to introduce to "Han Feiyu" as concubines. Naturally, Lu Tiandu didn't have any thoughts at the time and didn't agree.

After all, the demonic way was still invading at that time. He stayed in Tiannan for a long time and had no intention of taking a concubine in Chaos Xinghai.

But he also roughly knew that the people Liu Chengxi was going to introduce to him were the two daughters of a sworn brother.

This sworn brother's surname is Gui, and he has a pair of twin daughters. Each of them is beautiful and charming. It is said that Guijia's twin girls are quite famous on Baisha Island.

Han Feiyu's cultivation in the later stage of foundation building, coupled with his generous spending, mysterious origins, and long-term relationship, in Liu Chengxi's eyes, he is a senior expert with rare character.

Introducing his two beautiful nieces to Han Feiyu as concubines will not only give the nieces a good home, but also bring them closer to Han Feiyu, a senior, and help the Liu family in disguise. He has a backer and can achieve many good things with one stone. Unfortunately, Han Feiyu didn't agree to anything last time.

That's why Lu Tiandu asked this question before when he heard that the graceful female cultivator in front of him was named Gui. He didn't expect that the two of them had this story.

Now this beautiful woman looks 30 years old. Wasn't she the most beautiful seven or eight years ago?
"Han Feiyu!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and said the name of his disguised identity.

As soon as he heard Han Feiyu's name and looked at Gui Nianxin's expression, Lu Tiandu knew that Liu Chengxi had mentioned Han Feiyu to this beauty.

"It turns out that I am Senior Han's uncle. I hope that Senior will forgive me for being rude before... I wonder if I am lucky enough to know Senior's name?"

Gui Nianxin carefully adjusted her clothes, moved her steps lightly, and took a few steps closer to Lu Tiandu. A bright smile appeared on her cold and beautiful face, and she looked directly at Lu Tiandu and smiled.

"Oh, my surname is Lu, you can just call me Mr. Lu..."

Lu Tiandu chuckled, looking at the beautiful woman who suddenly became bold at this time, and instantly understood what this beautiful woman was thinking.

"Nian Xin, I have met Mr. Lu!"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Gui Nianxin felt happy when she knew that Lu Tiandu didn't mean to refuse, and her voice sounded a bit overjoyed.

"Okay, we're almost done talking." Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, "Looking at it just now, you know these three people. Are they also monks near Kuixing Island?"

The twin sisters knew that they were good just by looking at one of them, but his targets this time were Yuan Yao and Yan Li, so he could only put them aside for now.

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, an angry look flashed across Gui Nianxin's face. He clenched his silver teeth and stared fiercely at the three men in black with earth-colored faces, and explained the reason to Lu Tiandu in a gentle voice.

This beautiful woman spoke concisely and explained the whole story clearly in just a few words.

In fact, it's just the old-fashioned script of coveting other people's beauty, seeing the other person repeatedly disobeying after being rejected, and using conspiracy and tricks to prepare for the overlord's attack.

This was different from the murder and treasure he had guessed before.

"No wonder it's so!" Lu Tiandu nodded.

Although the head of the Yang family is a monk in the early stage of foundation building, there are rules on the island not to fight at will. In addition, the Guiji sisters and Liu Chengxi, a foreign aid from the Liu family, naturally cannot be tyrannical on the island.

We can only wait for the opportunity to wait for the two sisters to leave the island and act alone before taking action.

This makes sense why these people committed crimes on this small hidden desert island near Baisha Island. They are all locals and are naturally very familiar with the environment here.

"What are you going to do with these three people?" Lu Tiandu didn't bother to waste time on such trivial matters and asked directly.

"If you don't mind, senior, I will kill these three people..."

Gui Nianxin's expression changed, and finally she bowed and begged Lu Tiandu.

"As you wish!" Lu Tiandu chuckled.He had actually discovered that Gui Nianxin's hatred for the three people was probably not just about being blocked and robbed. As for the underlying reasons, Lu Tiandu didn't ask.

At this moment, the three people were still captured by Lu Tiandu's magic power, looking at Gui Nianxin with murderous intent and struggling to release the flying sword with horrified expressions on their faces.

Especially the middle-aged man in brocade clothes in the middle, his face was gloomy, he seemed to want to say something, but unfortunately he couldn't open his mouth...

Under Lu Tiandu's cold gaze, three heads were chopped off by flying swords.

"Okay, let's pack up the useful things. I have some important things to do on Baisha Island..."

Looking at Gui Nianxin who was looking blankly at the headless body, Lu Tiandu shook his head secretly and reminded him.

"Oh, thank you so much, Master!"

Gui Nianxin immediately came to his senses, stepped forward and took off the storage bags of the three of them, and put away the magic weapons that the three of them had dropped. Then he looked at Lu Tiandu, smiled shyly, and said coyly:

"I'm a little weak in spiritual power. I hope you can escort me for a while. When we get to Baisha Island, we sisters will be rewarded!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the beautiful woman's expression with a half-smile, and thought to himself:
"I'm afraid the repayment you sisters can give to me, my senior, is to give you your life!"

In fact, based on the information before and after, he had already guessed that the beautiful woman Gui Nianxin knew about his identity and strength, as well as her life-saving grace. At this moment, she probably wanted to be his concubine, as long as he didn't refuse. , you will soon get the best of both worlds.

"Miss Gui, let's go change clothes first!"

Lu Tiandu casually popped up several fireballs and said with a faint smile.

"So, I really need to trouble Mr. Lu to wait a moment!"

Gui Nianxin felt happy in her heart and her tone became gentler.

She didn't expect Mr. Lu to be so considerate, which made her even more determined.

Gui Nianxin didn't think much about it after seeing Lu Tiandu's corpse destroyed and all traces destroyed. After all, as soon as she returned to Baisha Island, the Yang family would naturally know that the plan of the three people sent to block the road and rob people had failed.

After a moment, Gui Nian Xin Lian, who had changed into a new black dress in the leeward place in the distance, moved lightly towards Lu Tiandu.

"You are really thoughtful!"

With just a glance, Lu Tiandu noticed that Gui Nianxin was becoming more and more beautiful at this moment.

The tight black dress perfectly accentuates her beautiful curves, and the flawless white skin reflected in her body is eye-catching.

The black hair like a waterfall is spread on the jade back, the eyebrows are like the moon, a pair of dark crystal eyes are shining, and there is a smile at the corner of the mouth. Combined with the cold and arrogant oval face, there is an indescribable feeling of coolness.

"Not bad!"

Lu Tiandu laughed loudly, and jumped into the sky surrounded by the stunning beauty in Gui Nianxin's astonishment.

The sea breeze roared, but it was difficult to break through the shields released by the land and sky.

Although there was no impact from the strong wind, Gui Nianxin still stretched out his snow-white jade and tightly hugged the young and handsome Lu Tiandu. He buried his head in Lu Tiandu's arms and smelled the delicious smell all over Lu Tiandu. Cheeks are rosy, eyes are beautiful...

However, she did not forget about the business. While Lu Tiandu was escaping, she carefully revealed the identity of the monk in the middle of the three people who died just now. It turned out to be the only son of the foundation-building monk of the Yang family.

"This is nothing to worry about. If the Yang family dares to cause trouble for you again, I might as well have the Yang family removed from Baisha Island..."

Lu Tiandu held the beautiful woman's round buttocks in his arms with his big hands and said with a smile.

From the moment Gui Nianxin took the initiative to go back with Lu Tiandu and carefully changed into such a tight dress that highlighted her proud figure, Lu Tiandu understood her intentions.

He is not a stoic person. He is pretending to be a gentleman when others throw him into his arms?
After some measurements, it turns out that this one of the two sisters who returned home is indeed worthy of the previous evaluation of "beautiful thing". I wonder what kind of charm her sister is...

And he also knew the reason why Gui Nianxin hated the three people before.

The Yang family's foundation-building monk was apparently planning to return home to his two sisters to be Taoist companions for his son, but in fact he was also plotting against their sisters. After all, I heard that this old guy had a hobby of picking up ashes...

Had it not been for Lu Tiandu this time, had Gui Nianxin been captured, had he not committed suicide to keep his innocence, I am afraid that he would have been humiliated after being controlled by others. Moreover, if he was captured and his sister was thrown into a trap, I am afraid that her sister would not be able to escape the clutches of the devil in the end...

Therefore, once it was judged that Lu Tiandu was extremely powerful and had inextricable connections with Liu Chengxi, and the information was reliable, and the sisters had decided to sell themselves at a good price, they naturally did not hesitate any longer and broke their past. The bottom line is that even Lu Tian will take advantage of it...

"Since you sisters usually stay on the island, why did you go out alone this time?" Lu Tiandu asked again.

According to his guess, it was possible that the Yang family was planning to separate the two of them and catch them all in one go.
If this is the case, it is natural to rescue Gui Nianxin's sister Gui Nianwei as soon as possible. Wouldn't it be a pity if one of the twins is missing?
However, after hearing Gui Nianxin’s explanation, Lu Tiandu was a little surprised and said:
"You, who have perfected your Qi refining skills, can you imitate others and form a sect?"

It turned out that this time Gui Nianxin was entrusted by his sister Gui Nianwei to secretly go to Kuixing Island to sell the two top-level magic weapons that Gui's father left behind in exchange for some cultivation resources.

And his sister Gui Nianwei is actually the head of a small sect!

If the leader has this level of cultivation, will there be any disciples joining him?Lu Tiandu was really in disbelief.

"It's not that we formed this, but my sister Nian Wei inherited it from her master. Unfortunately, since my sister's master passed away, their sect has become more and more dilapidated..."

The rosy-faced Gui Nianxin explained softly with a wry smile.

"This time I exchanged the treasured magical instruments for some practice resources not for our sisters, but for my sister's two disciples..."

Cen Nianxin also smiled when talking about these two nephews. It seemed like they must have a good relationship!
"Okay, if that's the case, let's go to your Qingshui Gate first..."


Within a moment, Lu Tiandu's escaping light descended on Baisha Island.

Feeling the huge and alluring aura around Lu Tiandu, the foundation-building monks guarding the port dare to ask this golden elixir monk to come down and apply for an identity token?
Gui Nianwei looked at the respect and humbleness of the former high-ranking Foundation Establishment monks, and a hint of excitement flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Under Gui Nianxin's guidance, Lu Tiandu found the location of Qingshui Gate in just a moment.

Dun Guang stayed in a relatively clean Sanjin courtyard. There was a yellowed plaque hanging at the door, with three large mottled characters "Qingshui Gate" written on it...

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, Lu Tiandu could clearly see several people in the courtyard through the restrictions.

When Lu Tiandu and Gui Nianxin walked into the small courtyard and looked at the girls who were greeted by Gui Nianwei's shouts, a pretty girl in a green dress with bright eyes and white teeth suddenly attracted their attention. Attention...

At this moment, the dragon shadow in the dantian became more and more restless, and a desire emerged from the bottom of Lu Tiandu's heart...

"When I return home, Nianwei meets Mr. Lu..."

Looking at the graceful, handsome and majestic Lu Tiandu, this plump, plump and attractive beauty in her thirties had a look of surprise in her bright eyes and smiled slightly.

Except for his clothes and the look in his eyes, this man looks exactly like Gui Nianxin, who came all the way from Lu Tiandu...

"These are my two apprentices, Yanli and Yuan Yao..."

The beautiful woman's plump lips opened and closed, her bright eyes looking at Lu Tiandu, and her melodious voice introduced the two girls who stood up...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 250 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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