Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 148 Yan'er and Yao'er also want to practice sword techniques!A special day for the

Chapter 148 Yan'er and Yao'er also want to practice sword techniques!A special day for the Mo sisters! (Please subscribe)
"What? Have you figured out how to deal with this person?"

Lu Tiandu asked as he looked at the two returning girls who were looking excited and playing with a jade slip in each hand.

Gui Nianwei and Gui Nianxin put away their excitement, looked at Lu Tiandu lovingly, smiled slightly and said:

"It's all up to the son to decide!"

At this moment, it had been half a day since the old man of the Yang family was kneeling outside, and Lu Tiandu naturally had no time to pay attention to him during this period.

He had already seen that the two women had already reached the Great Perfection of Qi Refining, and after asking, he found out that both of them had the qualifications of the Three Spiritual Roots.

Gui Nianwei has the three spiritual roots of metal, water, and fire, and Gui Nianxin has the three spiritual roots of fire, earth, and wood. They each took a foundation-building pill a few years ago, but unfortunately they both failed to build the foundation.

After giving them some pointers on the problems they encountered in their practice, Lu Tiandu gave them the top-level technique "Red Sky Sword Art".

The two of them also practiced fire-attribute skills before, but compared to the ancient top-level skills of Chixiao Sword Art, the gap was huge.

Moreover, Lu Tiandu also told the sisters that he would prepare foundation-building pills for them in the near future, so that they could build foundations as soon as possible.

The two women were extremely moved when they heard that Lu Tian would not take away their Yuan Yin before building the foundation.After all, according to common sense in the world of immortality, the less qualified a disciple is, the more he must maintain his body of Yuan Yang and Yuan Yin, especially before establishing a foundation.

Therefore, seeing that Lu Tian, ​​who they had not known for long, had plans for their future, the two women naturally felt extremely grateful and wished they could immediately build a foundation to fulfill their duties as concubines.

"Since you are already my people, and I have encountered this person's despicable behavior, naturally there is only one way to die! However, as a senior, I am not willing to bully the small, so I will let this person go for the time being, and wait for you to build a I will take revenge myself from now on!"

Lu Tiandu smiled lightly and had already made a decision.

"Yes, everything is subject to Master's orders!"

The two women looked at each other, feeling grateful in their hearts.

After all, if their sisters fell into the hands of the Yang family father and son, they would probably be even more miserable.

They wanted to kill Old Man Yang right now, but they were afraid of causing trouble to their young master. After all, there were at least three Golden Core cultivators on Kuixing Island.

Hearing Lu Tiandu's arrangements at this moment, he was naturally very relieved.


Suddenly, old man Yang, who was kneeling at the foot of the stairs outside the hall, heard a sound of thunder in his ears, and a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out with a pop, and waves of dizziness hit his heart.

"Thank you, senior, for sparing your life! Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your forgiveness!"

Old Man Yang bit the tip of his tongue fiercely and started to use his skills to stop his mind from wandering, looking grateful.

He quickly wiped away the blood splattered on the wooden box, gently placed the wooden box on the steps, bowed respectfully, and slowly exited the small courtyard.

Quietness returned to the small courtyard again.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu smiled faintly and said loudly:
"Since fellow Taoist disciples are here, why don't you come in and have a glass of sake?"

"I have met Yuan Jun, the deputy island master of Kuixing Island!"

A gentle voice came into the small courtyard. The normally crowded entrance of Qingshui Gate was much more prosperous today.

"I don't know how to call you my friend? Since my fellow Taoist has come to our Kuixing Island waters today, please forgive me for any slightness!"

Suddenly, a middle-aged monk wearing a green robe and an ancient face appeared in the small courtyard.

"Lu is just passing by here. I didn't expect to meet two close friends. If there is any trouble, fellow Taoist, don't blame me!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, and the person appeared under the steps instantly.

"Taoist's quick movements!"

Yuan Jun was slightly surprised, but there was no expression on his face, and he praised in his mouth.

When he saw clearly that Lu Tiandu was in his twenties, he secretly wondered that this man was so young. Could it be that he had practiced some kind of beauty-preserving technique?
"Fellow Taoist, that's ridiculous!" Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "Please!"

More than an hour later, a gray escaping light flew out of the small courtyard in the blink of an eye.

Lu Tiandu looked at the remaining wine in front of him, smiled lightly, and asked the returning sisters to clean it up.

Deputy Island Master Yuan had actually been here for a while. Although he passed through the restrictions of this small courtyard without leaving a trace, he was naturally isolated from the restrictions placed by Lu Tiandu in the living room.

This person thought that his method of trying to break through was very secretive, but in fact, Lu Tiandu had already discovered it.

As for the small punishment Lu Tiandu used on Old Man Yang, this person naturally pretended not to see that a monk from a small family with no background provoked the Golden Core monk. If he was not killed directly, it was considered that Lu Tiandu was a newcomer. The golden elixir monk gave me face.

Moreover, after finding out that Lu Tiandu was just passing through Baisha Island and would leave in the next few years, Yuan Jun was naturally relieved.

As for the proposal to invite Lu Tiandu to join Kuixing Island, he naturally declined it without any trace.

"Young master, drink tea!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu sitting idle, the smart Yanli quickly made a cup of tea and walked towards Lu Tiandu with a smile, her voice was extremely sweet.

"Yes, Yan'er, you are very good at serving others!"

Lu Tiandu praised it.

At this moment, Yuan Yao also appeared in front of Lu Tiandu, holding a plate of fresh fruit in her small hands, smiling shyly, and speaking in an ethereal and gentle voice:

"Sir, this is fresh fruit that I washed with my own hands!"

"Well, Yao'er is not bad either!" Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

Looking at the cute and charming Yuan Yao right in front of him, Lu Tiandu motioned Yuan Yao to come forward, stretched out his hand and pinched the girl's smooth and smooth face. It really felt good.

This action naturally made Yuan Yao's face turn red, but he didn't show any sign of rejection. He even raised his small head and rubbed Lu Tiandu's hand, looking obedient.
Seeing Lu Tiandu getting close to her, she was naturally very happy!
From the first moment she saw Lu Tiandu, she felt that the two of them were always attracted to each other!

At this moment, Yanli had already run behind Lu Tiandu, stretched out her slender fingers, and took the initiative to squeeze Lu Tiandu's shoulders. She found that the young master seemed to have a special regard for her junior sister. A trace of envy flashed in Yanli's clear eyes, and she rolled her eyes. , much closer.

Feeling the beautiful little movements on his back, Lu Tiandu smiled secretly in his heart!
"Yan'er, Yao'er, are you two looking for the young master?"

Lu Tiandu felt Yanli's jerky shoulder squeezing action, then looked at Yuan Yao who had a meek look on his face and hesitated to speak, and asked with a smile.

According to the current relationship between Lu Tiandu and Master Yanli Yuanyao, it stands to reason that these two people should call him master, master, or master.

However, the two little girls, like the returning sisters, all called him Young Master.

The returning sisters didn't say anything about it.

After all, after Gui Nianwei took over as the head of the Qingshui Sect a few years ago, many disciples have switched to his sect, and now only the four of them and the former housekeeper are left.

However, this man's head had been sent over in a wooden box by Old Man Yang, and there were hundreds of spiritual stones in another storage bag.

"Sir, Yan'er and junior sister also want to practice sword techniques."

Yanli exhaled like a blue, and her tone became sweeter and gentler.

At this time, Yuan Yao also held Lu Tiandu's big hand with two small and slender hands, scratched Lu Tiandu's palm, and looked at Lu Tiandu expectantly.

"Hey, what a pity, Yan'er, you don't have fire roots!"

Lu Tiandu enjoyed the tenderness of the two of them, with a look of regret, but secretly thought in his heart that these two little foxes, who were only at the third or fourth level of Qi refining, couldn't look down on their original skills?

I asked before that Yanli has the root of gold, water, and wood, and does not have the root of fire.

"Ah!" Yanli's charming tone was full of regret, and her round face suddenly fell down again.

When she thought of her master's and uncle's excited expression when he obtained the Scarlet Sky Sword Technique, compared to how much she looked forward to it then, she felt so disappointed now.

"Then young master - can I practice?"

Yuan Yao asked quietly at this moment.But although she herself also has three spiritual roots, she happens to have fire spiritual roots.

"Yes, junior sister was practicing fire-attribute skills before."

Yanli, who quickly came to her senses, was pleasantly surprised again.

Although she can't practice by herself, it's not bad for her junior sister to be able to practice!

"Oh, Yao'er can naturally practice!"

Lu Tiandu nodded, paused and smiled again: "However, this depends on your performance, Yao'er!"

"Sir, I will definitely perform well!"

Yuan Yao jumped up excitedly, her red phoenix eyes rolled around, and she smiled and said:

"Young master is a man with great magical powers. Since there is a fire attribute sword technique, maybe there are also sword techniques with other attributes?"

After hearing this, Yanli's eyes that were originally a little disappointed suddenly lit up, secretly saying that her junior sister was still clever.


The sweet and greasy voice sounded in Lu Tiandu's ears, and in conjunction with the movement of his back, Lu Tiandu secretly thought, "Little goblin, let's see when I accept you!"

"Young Master still has a few of these top-notch sword techniques. There is a wood-type sword technique that may be suitable for you, Yan'er."

"However, Master, this precious skill cannot be given to you at will, it also depends on your performance!" Lu Tiandu laughed.

"Okay, stop pressing your shoulders!"

Lu Tiandu turned around and grabbed Yanli's little hand, looked at the two girls and said with a smile: "Go back and practice hard. As long as you practice hard, the young master will satisfy you with everything you need for practice."

These two girls can just tease each other occasionally. At the moment, their temperament is undecided, so they need to be cultivated carefully.

The leisurely days passed in a flash for more than a month.

On this day, Lu Tiandu opened his eyes slightly, looked at the two returning girls who were still sleeping, and smiled lightly.

Looking at the two beautiful women half-dressed at this moment, if you don't look carefully, you really don't know which one is the elder sister and which one is the younger sister.

Although he has not finally accepted the two girls, he has enjoyed a lot of tenderness from the twin sisters during this period.

After a moment, the two sisters, who felt Lu Tiandu's movement, opened their hazy beautiful eyes, looked at each other shyly, let out a sigh, and their breathing became rapid again.


After a long time, Lu Tiandu got dressed under the service of the two women.

Lu Tiandu looked at the twin sisters who were extremely charming, with pink cheeks and rosy eyes, and he smiled and said:

"Let's move to Lingxiu Peak today. Then you two will start to retreat and build your foundation."

Lu Tiandu said as he flicked his hand, several medicine bottles and jars appeared in front of him.

"There are two Firming Pills here. Each of you takes one, and each of you takes three of the other Foundation-Building Pills. It must be enough to build the Foundation."

"Thank you sir!"

The two women were extremely moved when they heard Lu Tiandu's words. Their beautiful eyes were full of emotion, and they stared at Lu Tiandu's handsome face. After a moment, they kissed each other passionately.


Yaochi Tower.

Ever since they moved to the newly built cave in Lingxiu Peak, which has a relatively strong aura, for the convenience of the Cen family's twin sisters, Lu Tiandu has basically stayed in the tower at other times, except for occasionally teaching Yuan Yao and Yanli how to practice.

More than a month passed in a flash.

On this day, Lu Tiandu appeared in the palace where the Mo sisters lived.

As soon as he stepped here, Lu Tiandu instantly noticed that this place was different from the past. Everywhere was filled with a festive atmosphere, with hanging red lanterns, well-cut red flowers, window grilles, large 囍 characters, and arm-thick red candles——

Looking at the palace, which was decorated like a new house in the ordinary world, Lu Tian smiled.

"So this is what Feng Wu and Cai Huan want!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and entered the inner hall.


Mo Fengwu and Mo Caihuan were both dressed up at the moment, with exquisite red makeup embroidered with colorful phoenixes, which made the two of them even more gorgeous and charming.

"You've troubled yourself twice!"

Lu Tiandu kissed the two women and said with a smile, "If I guess correctly, today is the day when we have known each other for 20 years, right?"

"It turns out that my husband still remembers this day!"

Feng Wu and Caihuan looked at each other, surprise flashed in their eyes. Although there were more and more outstanding women around her husband, they still had a place in his heart!
"Let's change my husband's clothes, shall we?"

The two women stepped forward and stared at the clear waves in their hearts, gentle and moving.

"Okay! Now we have Mrs. Lao!"

Looking at the bright wedding clothes sewn by the two of them on the hanger, Lu Tiandu smiled.

In this way, it can be regarded as leaving some beautiful memories for the two girls!
Joining hands in the curtains, the red candles illuminate the happy faces of the sisters!

After training.

Feng Wu and Cai Huan's beautiful oval faces have a lot of luster.

There was a slight change between the two people's eyebrows. They remembered the strange scene surrounded by dragons and phoenixes just now, and now they were leaning next to Lu Tiandu with a satisfied look on their faces.

Feeling the illusive strange fruit in their Dantian, their hearts did not fall until this moment.

Mo Fengwu stretched out her green jade fingers and gently touched Lu Tiandu's eyebrows, looking at the handsome face that had been indelibly imprinted in her heart, she couldn't help but be fascinated.

In a trance, she returned to Jiayuan City 20 years ago!

That day, Brother Lu, dressed in white, came to the house to ask for an audience with the pretext of discussing medical skills. He almost broke the relationship between the two because of the concierge's misbehavior.
The picture of her humbly asking for advice on how to refine medicine suddenly became clear, and her loss when Brother Lu suddenly said goodbye was so clear and profound.
Every day and night after that, she was only accompanied by the two treasures left by Brother Lu. She looked forward to the day when the two would meet again, and she couldn't sleep at night because of the gap between immortals and mortals.
Suddenly one day, the peaceful life was broken.

The helplessness when the Mo Mansion was destroyed, the surprise when Brother Lu left the rare treasure to destroy the enemy, the embarrassment after escaping to Yue Jing, the excited crying when seeing Brother Lu again, and the arrival of the Lu family in Taiyue Mountains with full expectations, where finally Getting closer to Brother Lu.
Unfortunately, in the end, the cruelty of mortals being unable to cultivate immortality left her heartbroken.
Finally, things turned out differently, and Brother Lu still had both of them in his heart.
That day, within the cyan round tripod, the fate of their sisters was completely changed.
In a blink of an eye, 20 years passed by.

Although the years have not left any traces on her skin, her heart is already full of Brother Lu.
Over the past few years, seeing the outstanding people of the same sex appearing around Brother Lu, she could only watch him silently, hoping that Brother Lu would leave a little space for her in his heart.

Now that she has finally become a Taoist companion in Lu Tiandu, and has the mysterious fruit that leads to the great road, she can stay with Brother Lu forever!
Thinking of this, Mo Fengwu smiled, and a tear of happiness slowly slipped down, wetting the red pillowcase!

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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