Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 149 The body of wind spirit!Treasure rat!My thoughts are ulterior!

Chapter 149 The body of wind spirit!Treasure rat!My thoughts are ulterior! (Please subscribe)

(Chapter 147: Temporarily entered)

(This chapter is an update based on cumulative rewards)

The red candle illuminates the shadow, and a drop of candle tears rolls down silently!
In the inner hall, there were three long and slow breathing sounds...

Just when Mo Fengwu was in a trance, Caihuan, who seemed to be sleeping on the other side of Lu Tiandu, suddenly woke up and suddenly cried uncontrollably:

"Husband, save me!"

This cry instantly interrupted Mo Fengwu who was in a daze. Lu Tiandu's half-closed eyes suddenly opened. He gently stroked Caihuan's somewhat scattered hair and asked warmly:

"What's wrong? Huan'er, my husband is always here!"

At this moment, Feng Wu also stood up and looked at her sister with concern, and asked softly:
"Little sister, what's wrong?"

Hearing the familiar voices of the two people and Lu Tiandu's masculine breath in his nose, Mo Caihuan relaxed his tense body and hugged Lu Tian tightly, refusing to let go.

After a while, under the confused looks in their eyes, Mo Caihuan's face turned a little red. Lu Tiandu wiped the remaining marks on her cheeks and asked warmly:
"Is it a nightmare?"

As for cultivating inner demons and the like, it is naturally impossible for this pair of low-level monks to come into being. They will only encounter them for the first time when the monks condense the Nascent Soul.


"I dreamed about the collapse of the Mo family again... But this time I don't know why there is no figure of my husband in my memory. Second sister, you didn't show your power. Many of us died..."

"We ran away, my mother and I and everyone else were separated... Ahead was a thick night that could not be broken away, like a giant beast that chooses people to eat. I kept crying..."

When Mo Caihuan said this, his eyes turned slightly red, "Husband, you won't abandon Huan'er, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could your husband abandon you?"

Lu Tiandu stretched out his finger and touched Caihuan's smooth forehead, and said warmly:
"It's just that the memory of that incident left a deep impression on you. I'll wait for my husband to give you a calming technique later, and you can practice it for a while."

"Well, it all depends on your husband!"

Mo Caihuan smiled a little and pressed tightly against Lu Tiandu's chest, closing her eyes slightly. The warm chest and familiar smell made her feel safe.

Lu Tiandu patted Caihuan's jade back, looked at each other with Mo Fengwu, and said nothing.

He had heard from Mo Fengwu before that since the collapse of the Mo family, Caihuan would wake up from his sleep after being frightened for a long time. Later, Lu Tiandu of the Lu family in the Taiyue Mountains prepared some elixirs. Caihuan has basically recovered.

This counts as psychological trauma.

After all, the medicine has little effect, the most important thing is that she can get out of it on her own.

Or if Lu Tian had Nascent Soul cultivation, it would be feasible to directly erase this memory.

Unexpectedly, it suddenly relapsed at this moment.

"It seems that we can only wait until senior sister has a baby before helping Caihuan take a look at it." Lu Tiandu thought to himself.


Time flies, and a year and a half has passed.

The world of stone beads.

Between the towering trees, a vague figure suddenly appeared, and "rumbling" explosions continued to sound.

After a moment, a figure in white clothes appeared, it was Lu Tiandu!
"I finally reached the third level of practicing the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu!"

Looking at the destructive traces caused by his third round of body refining, Lu Tian smiled. In the past, these traces could only be achieved with the help of the dragon-marked black gold stick.

He achieved the second level of achievement half a year ago, and spent another half a year refining some Qi and Blood Pills made from the flesh and blood of level [-] monsters, and finally reached the threshold of the third level.

Under internal vision, after entering the third turn, a small number of small light golden particles appeared in his flesh and blood, exuding a gleaming luster. It is basically difficult to detect if you don't pay attention.

And the bones all over his body showed a jade-like luster compared to before.

Feeling the endless power contained in his body, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

"Sure enough, as Feng Xian said, only by practicing the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Technique to the third level can the power of this technique be truly demonstrated..."

"In this way, I can take Tianyuan Pill and practice those two great magical powers!"

Lu Tian was slightly excited when he thought about the possibility of obtaining the Wind Spirit Body through Feng Yuan Pill.

Although he has a five-element spirit body, it is a pity that his spiritual root is the wind and thunder alien spirit root, and he has been practicing the alien spirit root technique whose combat power is three to five times that of the five element spiritual root.

This Five Elements spirit body is a bit useless for the time being. It is only stronger in comprehending the Five Elements spells and releasing the power of the spells.

If he has the wind and thunder spirit body, coupled with his wind and thunder prison-suppressing skills and the two great magical powers that he is about to cultivate, there will be many surprises.

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu had to be grateful for his golden finger.

According to the memory of the original plot, the Sky Palm bottle in Han Li's hand absorbs the essence of the sun, moon and stars and produces a drop of green liquid in the human world in seven days, which can increase the age of the medicine for a hundred years, and the limit of ripening the elixir is ten thousand years.

When the laws of heaven and earth in the spiritual world change, two drops are produced approximately every seven days. One drop increases the medicine's age by 200 years, and there is no limit to the medicine's age.

This kind of performance is most likely due to the influence of the external laws of heaven and earth.

Lu Tiandu didn't pay much attention to it at first. After all, for Nascent Soul cultivators, they have basically used thousands of years of elixirs or elixirs of thousands of years, and the magic weapon refined from ten thousand years of spiritual wood is also perfect.

But I suddenly remembered this after getting the Yin-Yang fruit tree that takes 3 years to bear a pair of Yin-Yang fruits.

However, it is most likely due to the huge potential of the stone bead world. There is no such restriction in cultivating elixirs in stone beads using the human world version of small green liquid synthesized from the origin of the stone bead world.

And if Lu Tiandu uses the synthesized small green liquid to cultivate the elixir outside, he will only be able to make the elixir reach the age of ten thousand years at most.

Therefore, there are indeed limits to plundering the elixir of creation and ripening in a small world like the human world.

However, there are no restrictions on elixirs that grow naturally in the human world. Whether it is the elixir that Lu Tiandu discovered and the elixir that Feng Xian left behind in the Blood Forbidden Trial Cave with a maximum age of 3 years, or the number of elixirs in Lingmiao Garden in the original plot. This is true for elixirs that have been used for thousands of years.

According to Lu Tiandu's previous guess, the Fengyuan Fruit Tree and the Leiyuan Fruit Tree would be roughly the same size every 1 years. Unexpectedly, after some testing before, he discovered that this was not the case.

The Fengyuan fruit tree he had previously ripened did not bear three fruits at once until it was 3 years old. Continuing to drip small green liquid would be of little use.

And as long as the last fruit on the tree is picked, the wind source fruit tree will soon wither.

After trying this twice, Lu Tiandu understood.It's a pity that Feng Xian didn't even record these secrets in the jade slips, so he probably didn't know about them.

On the eve of the retreat, Lu Tiandu spent some time with the girls who were not in retreat in the Yaochi Tower, and took out Shizhu to visit Gui Nianwei, Gui Nianxin, Yuan Yao and Yanli.

Just six or seven months ago, sisters Gui Nianwei and Gui Nianxin reached the foundation-building stage after spending nearly a year in retreat.

Moreover, both of them broke through after refining only two Foundation Establishment Pills.

This is the plight of casual cultivators and many small cultivating families and small sects of monks.

It is extremely difficult to save a foundation-building pill worth three thousand spiritual stones, and without dual spiritual roots or deep blessings, it is difficult for many people to build a foundation in one go.

And it is even more difficult to save a spiritual stone required for the Foundation Building Pill.

What's more, judging from the foundation-building experience of Chen Qiaoming, Thirteenth Uncle, Lu Tianxuan, Gui Nianwei, Gui Nianxin and others that Lu Tiandu has come into contact with, if they cannot prepare at least two foundation-building pills at once, they with three spiritual roots will It is basically difficult to successfully build the foundation in the follow-up.

"Master? Do you want us?"

In the cave, Gui Nianwei and Gui Nianxin leaned in Lu Tiandu's arms, with shy and smiling expressions full of expectation.

Looking at the charming twin sisters in his arms, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and said:

"There's no rush for now. You guys should practice hard. We still have a long time ahead..."

"Well, everything depends on Master!"

Having said that, the two women were still slightly disappointed. They had already established a foundation. Why did their young master just make people upset every time he flirted with her, but didn't really do it?

Aren't they charming?

After all, there is no way to know good or bad without comparison. Since they met for more than a year, the four masters and apprentices have changed a lot. Lu Tiandu's attitude towards the four masters and apprentices has been secretly remembered in their hearts.

As the saying goes, the grace of a drop of water is reciprocated by the spring!
Not to mention this kind of great grace that changes the path of a life!
They naturally hope to accomplish good things as soon as possible, and if they meet Lu Tiandu, a considerate and powerful monk, they will naturally want to hold on tightly.

Lu Tiandu seemed to see the hidden worries in their hearts and comforted them a few more words.

Only then did they start to give guidance on their practice.

He has had many Taoist companions over the years, and the concubines he has accepted for profit are currently the two sisters of the Gui family plus two apprentices. Naturally, he is not willing to take their Yuan Yin for pleasure.Over the past year or so, while he was cultivating the four girls, he was also observing their character.

Especially the Guiji sisters who have already been shaped by their three views. After all, Yuan Yao and Yanli are not very old. Over time, their relationship will naturally become deeper under his influence.

It seems to be very good so far. After observing for a few years, if the character is acceptable, the relationship remains the same for several years, and the relationship is in place, then he will naturally not hesitate to use the Yin Yang Fruit to let the two of them lay the foundation for immortality.

After all, if Yuan Yin is lost in advance, he has no other way to help the two girls cultivate to become gods.

Half a year ago, he had arranged for Yuan Yao and Yanli to practice the "Qing Yuan Sword Art", the Qi refining chapter of the wood attribute sword art.

However, after the two of them established the foundation, Lu Tianhui asked Yuan Yao to start practicing the ancient technique "Tian Yin Jue Sha Kung".

This skill is considered to be the top-level Yin attribute skill, and the many secret techniques recorded in it are mysterious and unpredictable. At a glance, there are many shadows of demonic skills.

And although he collected two parts before and after, he still felt that this technique was not complete.

Over the years, he has seen more and more, and his vision has naturally improved a lot.

According to his guess, this top-level Yin-type skill must have been used as a reference by the later generations of extremely talented people, and it took on a lot of magical secrets, which led to its current appearance.

After all, there are many secret techniques that even he is very envious of now.

If Yuan Yao's Tianyin body practices the "Tianyin Jue Sha Gong" with the Yin attribute, it will definitely surprise everyone.

After giving some guidance on Yuan Yao and Yan Li's practice, Lu Tiandu entered seclusion again.

Time flies, and two years have passed.

On this day, Lu Tiandu woke up from his practice and slowly spread out his slender palms. On the palms of his left and right hands, several light blue wind marks appeared on his palms without knowing when.

"This mark is becoming more and more obvious..." Lu Tiandu thought to himself.

In the past two years, he has been refining the Wind Source Pill, and based on Feng Xian's guess, he will see if it will slowly strengthen the source in his body and become a wind spirit body.

After refining the nine Fengyuan Pills made from the first three Fengyuan Fruits, he ripened the Fengyuan Fruits twice more, and now he has taken 27 Fengyuan Pills.

This is just the consumption of Fengyuan Fruit, plus a dozen other cherished elixirs that have been around for thousands of years, the cost of this Fengyuan Pill is really not a small amount.

A rough calculation shows that nearly [-] spirit stones have been lost.

Retracting his palm, Lu Tiandu didn't have many other emotions. This mark only appeared after refining the last two Feng Yuan Dan. It seemed to be natural and could not be hidden.

But these are little things.

Lu Tiandu was still sitting cross-legged, and with a thought, the person disappeared in an instant.

In the empty hall, a faint breeze occasionally blew, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

A moment later, where Lu Tiandu was sitting cross-legged, his figure suddenly appeared again.

"The speed has actually increased by more than twice what it was before!"

Lu Tiandu had a look of surprise on his face.He has always been known for his speed, but now his speed has more than doubled compared to before, which surprises him.

"My speed now is probably not much different from that of ordinary Yuanying early stage monks, right?" Lu Tiandu thought to himself.

The speed of monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul is generally twice that of the late stage of Golden Core. If compared with the speed of early stage of Golden Core, it is about four to five times.

Lu Tiandu once tested his speed with Hong Fu, who was in the late Jindan stage. The two were almost the same, but now he was more than twice faster than before. In theory, his speed was almost the same as that of a Nascent Soul monk.

However, these are all normal speeds. In battle, fast speed does not mean victory. There are many factors to consider.

But there is an advantage to being fast. You are much more sure of escaping.

This is also the reason why the magic weapons, magic weapons, and secret techniques that can accelerate the world of immortality are extremely precious.

"It's enough to increase my speed by so much!" Lu Tiandu smiled heartily.

"But I estimate that there will also be many benefits in terms of sensing wind aura and practicing wind attribute magic powers..."

Thinking of the magical power of the three-flavored Kamikaze that he was going to practice next, Lu Tiandu became excited again.

At this moment, a golden transmission note flew in from outside the secret room. Lu Tiandu took it and frowned as he listened.

According to his usual instructions, if there is no serious matter, the returning sisters will not send him transmission notes. After all, he does not stay in this cave every day, and is still in the Yaochi Tower most of the time.

And this golden transmission talisman means that this matter is very important, or it is something that they cannot decide.

"What do Gu and Miao want from me?"

After listening to the transmission notes, Lu Tian was a little puzzled. He was anxious to practice his magical powers at the moment, but he had no intention of entertaining guests.

In the more than three years since he came to Baisha Island, he has taken his four girls to the Sixth Continent Palace on Kuixing Island once. He has also made arrangements to purchase the flesh and blood of third- and fourth-level demon beasts and a small number of demon pills used by the girls in the tower for their cultivation. To the returning sisters.

With him, a golden elixir monk, showing up once and killing old man Yang after the Guijia sisters built the foundation, no one would take the initiative to cause trouble.

However, although he went to the Sixth Company Hall that time, he did not see the two responsible elders of the Sixth Company Hall in the Southwest Sea.

After a while, Lu Tiandu put away several other transmission notes within the restriction. One of the transmission notes from three months ago was actually about the visit of the two Jindan elders.

After leaving the cave and seeing the returning sisters, a moment later, Lu Tiandu released his restraints and walked in facing the two of them.

One of them, a tall man with Chinese characters and a face with wild hair and a shawl, had a slightly stronger aura than the other old man in a blue robe with a golden-paper face next to him, but both of them were early-stage Golden Elixir monks.

It was the two elders Gu and Miao of the Sixth Lian Hall.

However, half an hour later, the two Gu Miao turned into two rays of light and left Lingxiu Peak.

On the way to Kuixing Island, Gu Tongyuan looked regretful:
"It's a pity that this fellow Taoist is busy in retreat. Otherwise, if we could invite this person and the Gantian Ge we borrowed from the palace master, we would have a much better chance of capturing the baby carp beast this time..."

As a result, the burly man waited for a long time and did not hear the response from his companion. Then he looked at Miao Chenghai who looked unfamiliar next to him and said doubtfully:
"What are you thinking, fellow Taoist? You don't even care about the important matters of the palace master?"

"No...nothing..." Miao Chenghai laughed.

"No, is this old guy hiding something from me?"

The burly man's expression changed, "Could it be related to the Lu Tiandu just now? It seems like this is the first time I've met this old guy..."

Now that he was interested, the burly man discovered something was wrong after some testing. Under pressure, Old Man Miao's expression changed and he hesitated:
"It's not that I intentionally concealed it from fellow Taoist, after all, it's someone else's business..."

Seeing Gu Changhu stared at him, the man continued:
"I just met that fellow Daoist Lu, and I found out that he is carrying a very valuable treasure! And...according to my estimation, it is probably a very powerful ancient treasure..."


After hearing this, Gu Tongyuan stopped hiding, with a look of shock on his face.

"How did fellow Taoist discover it?"

Old Man Miao had a sleeve on his robe, and when he turned his hand, there was a palm-sized golden mouse. This golden mouse looked ordinary, except for its huge nose, which made it look a little weird.

"Treasure hunting rat?" The burly ancient Han elder exclaimed, "I have known Taoist friends for decades, and this is the first time I know that you have such a treasure..."

Old Man Miao smiled coquettishly and said nothing more. This was a treasure he discovered accidentally more than 20 years ago. How could he tell others?

"So that person really has a valuable treasure on him?"

The expression of the ancient elder of the burly Han Dynasty changed and he asked again.

"It's much stronger than the Gantian Ge that the palace master lent us..."

Old Man Miao affirmed.

After all the golden elixir cultivators have finished refining the magic weapon, there will always be a faint layer of precious light on their bodies, but most of them will use techniques to hide it.

Only a few people who practice special skills or spiritual beasts with special talents can feel the various auras of others in subtle ways, including evil aura, murderous aura, treasure aura, death aura, etc...

The treasure energy emanating from Lu Tiandu was so strong that it was much thicker than the ancient Gantian Ge treasures borrowed from the palace master in his hands. Thinking that a monk in the early stage of Jindan had such a valuable treasure in his hands, no wonder he The look doesn't belong.

After all, most ancient treasures are basically collected and refined by Yuanying old monsters when they are born. Occasionally, a late-stage Golden Core monk can get one, but they keep it secret. Unexpectedly, they found an ancient treasure in an early-stage Golden Core monk. !

The two of them looked at each other and noticed the greed in each other's eyes!
 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coin reward!
  This chapter is a cumulative reward plus update, which should exceed [-] book coins.

  I took a day off last month and looked at the total word count. I saw that it was still a few thousand words short of 20 words. I will take the time to add another chapter later.

  The latest chapters are estimated to be around 4000 words, and there will be more updates this month based on the 20 updates.

  The number of subscriptions has been very high recently, thank you to the book friends who still insist on subscribing!
(End of this chapter)

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