Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 150 Wen Yingli, Wu Chou’s plan!Destroy the Miao ancients and show their divine power!

Chapter 150 Wen Yingli, Wu Chou’s plan!Destroy the Miao ancients and show their divine power! (Please subscribe)

"Such a treasure actually appears in the body of an early stage Golden Core monk? I wonder what the origin of this person is?"

The burly ancient elder of Han Dynasty turned an iron ring on his left index finger, looked at the old man Miao beside him with a deep expression and said.

The two of them looked at each other, and both of them had discovered the idea of ​​killing people and seizing treasures in each other's mind.

However, although the treasure is good, it is still necessary to find out the details of Lu Tiandu first, otherwise if he offends someone with a strong background, trouble may be imminent.

"I don't know about this Miao. Our Taoist friends on Kuixing Island only heard that Island Master Yuan had met this man once before and did not accept Mu Long's solicitation. I heard that this man was just a casual cultivator. This time, I saw that he was still a casual cultivator. Ascetic monk..."

It was Elder Miao who suggested that Gu Tongyuan come to Lu Tiandu to join forces to kill the infant carp beast, so Gu Tongyuan had this question.

It was precisely because Lu Tiandu seemed to be a casual cultivator with no background that the two men from Sixian Palace decided to invite him to work together.

After all, compared with the price of inviting other Jindan cultivators in the Three Islands, a casual cultivator with no background is naturally much cheaper.

"It seems like we should send someone to monitor us when we go back this time..." Gu Tongyuan said calmly.

The two looked at each other with regret.

If Lu Tiandu agrees to take action this time, and the two of them work together, it will definitely be easy to trap and kill Lu Tiandu with the help of the infant carp beast.

Wouldn’t that be an ancient treasure for nothing?
Thinking of this, Gu Changhu's eyes narrowed slightly. Since a casual cultivator could die, it wouldn't be a big surprise if an elder of his own party died by the way, right?

After all, they have confirmed this baby carp beast several times, but it is a sixth-level monster, and because of its natal magical power, Shuigang Divine Thunder, it can fight even against a seventh-level monster...

"However, our top priority is to invite a comrade as soon as possible. The top priority is to complete the tasks assigned by the palace master!"

The burly man laughed loudly and said.

"What the ancient fellow Taoist said is true. This man has been in seclusion for who knows how many years. We must not forget the important matter of the palace master. I know a fellow Taoist Zhang from Weixing Island, and we have a good relationship with him. Why don't we invite him this time?"

Elder Miao nodded, with a slight smile on his pale golden face.

Although Elder Miao had a gentle smile on his face, he felt a chill in his heart.

The ancient elder learned the news about such a valuable treasure from him, but he didn't say anything about how the two of them would divide the spoils after they captured Lu Tiandu?
In terms of strength, Gu Tongyuan is a bit stronger than him, but he has the advantage of providing information, so it is very reasonable for one person to get half the information.

At that time, Gu Tongyuan chose this treasure first. If there were other treasures, he should choose them first, and it would be reasonable to compensate him for the shortcomings. But this person didn't even mention it at this moment!

Thinking of this, Old Miao's heart sank.

Perhaps Gu Tongyuan never thought of sharing this treasure with him!
In this case, we need to make more preparations...

The two people who had their own thoughts discussed a few more words, then turned around and flew towards Tail Star Island.


After Gu and Miao left, Lu Tiandu didn't think much and prepared to enter seclusion again.

The only thing that made him a little confused was that the siege and killing of the baby carp beast was more than five years earlier. Moreover, instead of the six fake alchemy monks forming a large formation to siege the baby carp beast in the original plot, the two golden elixir elders killed it with the help of ancient treasures. .

But these changes naturally have nothing to do with him.

If it wasn't for cultivating magical powers, he would also be interested in the sixth-level inner elixir with thunder attributes.

But when he thought of Wu Chou, he was watching from the side. At this moment, he used his identity to kill Wu Chou for a sixth-level inner elixir and four treasures on the monster's body. It was not worth the loss to offend Ji Yin, who was about to achieve his magical power.

After all, Hong Fu has not yet given birth to a baby at this moment, so if he offends such a powerful enemy, he will only be trapped in Tianxing City temporarily.Even if you go to the outer star sea, it is not a good thing if you are stared at by an old Nascent Soul monster.

In the future, there will be opportunities to encounter sea infant carp beasts in alien planets, so there is no rush.

Time flies, and a year has passed in a flash.

On this day, a mid-stage foundation-building monk who was secretly monitoring Lingxiu Peak flew to the Sixth Continent Hall of Kuixing Island to report the information during this period to the ancient elder.

In the secret room, after listening to the monk's report, Elder Gu showed no expression, nodded, and gave a few more instructions before letting the disciple continue to monitor him.

If Lu Tiandu saw this person at this time, he would easily find that the ancient elder's aura was disordered and he was much weaker than before.

The man once again touched the iron ring on his finger out of habit, his brows furrowed slightly and his eyes were cold and hard.

"The strength of this level six infant carp beast is unexpected!"

Thinking of the battle more than a month ago, Gu Tongyuan was still a little frightened.

After that battle, not only was Taoist Zhang from Weixing Island injured, but he was also seriously injured, and Elder Miao was naturally injured as well.

Although the tracking mark was finally left on the baby carp beast, it is still confirmed that the monster returned to its cave to recover from its injuries. However, the Jindan monks in the three nearby islands all know that one person died because of this monster before. I'm afraid it will be difficult to invite another comrade.

Unless it costs more!

"It seems that for the sake of safety, after recovering from the injury, it is best to apply for the activation of the Six-Escape Water Wave Formation this time..."

"Supposedly, it is not a problem for this large formation to trap late-stage Golden Core monks. However, in the sea, this baby carp beast's magical power is really powerful. It is best to invite six late-stage foundation-building monks to lead the formation just in case... "

"After the infant carp beast is destroyed this time, we will postpone the return of the formation and secretly set up the formation. Then we will first destroy Lu Tiandu, and then blame this person for the death of old man Miao..."

This man's tough Chinese character face looked cruel at the moment, and he was thinking secretly.

Over the past year, he had already figured out the origin of Lu Tiandu. He heard that he was a monk from a hermit sect. There was also a nephew Han Feiyu who was in the late stage of foundation building and was also a frequent visitor to the Sixth Company Hall. It was nothing. Monk on the background.

Killing people and seizing treasures has no consequences!

In a dark space, a certain hall inside is extremely luxuriously decorated.

In the hall, the lights were bright, and a dozen plump and enchanting women covered in thin gauze were dancing, flirting and ogling a short, skinny young man with a dark face who was looking up...

On the large chair, Wu Chou was lying in the arms of a plump and beautiful female cultivator. While observing the charming dance of many concubines below, he casually bit the spiritual fruit fed by the maid next to him. .

With a "pop" sound, while spitting out the core, Wu Chou seemed to be interested and grabbed a young and charming female cultivator. He smiled, turned over and leaned over...

In the hall, there was still endless singing and dancing. Naturally, the girls would not feel any strange about their young master's ridiculous behavior. After all, this matter was too ordinary!

After a long time, Wu Chou, who looked bored, was about to change his tricks. At this moment, a gust of fragrant wind came, and the "gurgling" laughter caught Wu Chou's attention.

"Sang'er? How fun is this outing? Please tell me, young master..."

Wu Chou's eyes lit up when he saw the person coming. He threw away the concubine under him and pinned the person on the seat.

He was extremely fond of this concubine, and the second thing was her curvy and exquisite body. The most important thing was that Sonny had practiced a lot of secret techniques for his pleasure, so naturally he couldn't treat her normally.

After Son'er, who was slumped on the large seat, recounted what he had witnessed intermittently, Wu Chou's gloomy little eyes burst into light.

"I didn't expect that the Sixth Company Palace would actually find a rare sixth-level infant carp beast in the Inner Star Sea. It's really rare!"

"What I didn't expect is that the monster's lair is so close to the nameless island where we are staying. Haha... It seems that God wants to use my hand to offer a gift to my grandfather!"

Thinking of this, Wu Chou became excited.

He has been staying with his grandfather in this inhospitable place for decades. He will be able to return after a few more years of waiting for his grandfather, who is in retreat at the bottom of the sea, to master the powerful magical power of the Xuanyin Sutra called "Tiandu Corpse Fire". Jiyin Island is free.

It's just that Ji Yin still has several years to come out of the sea. He hasn't thought of any gifts yet, and the demon elixir of this baby carp beast is naturally a good gift!

"Haha, this time I not only want to get this inner elixir, but also let the guys from the Sixth Company Hall make wedding clothes for us..."

"Sang'er, you have accomplished such a great feat, how can I reward you?" Wu Chou said with a smile, staring at the jade body beneath him with his narrowed eyes.

"How dare Sonny take credit? The main reason why we were able to discover such things this time was because of the invisibility charm that the young master gave Sonny..."

This charming woman named Sang'er had already figured out Wu Chou's temperament. She smiled coquettishly and put all the credit on Wu Chou's foresight, which made Wu Chou's face glow red, her heart felt comfortable, and she began to dote on her...



In the Yaochi Tower and the Hall of Eternal Life, a burst of hearty laughter suddenly sounded.

Lu Tiandu's figure flashed, and the person had appeared in the void outside the hall.

I released my spiritual consciousness and felt the majestic spiritual consciousness. I was quite excited about this chance to cultivate to the third level of Dayan Jue.

Three and a half years have passed since his last retreat. Half a year ago, he had already mastered the magical power of Sanwei Kamikaze to a small degree.

To be able to cultivate this magical power so quickly, in addition to the physical constitution he named "Wind Spirit Body" caused by taking a large amount of Feng Yuan Pill before, he also refined a new furnace of Feng Yuan Pill. Among these nine pills With his help, he successfully cultivated this magical power.

Originally, he was planning to leave Baisha Island half a year ago, but he felt that there were faint traces of breakthroughs in the third level of Dayan Jue during the process. After another half-year of seclusion, he finally completed the third level of Dayan Jue this time.

Although he is still a cultivator in the early stage of Golden Core at this moment, his spiritual consciousness is a bit stronger than that in the late stage of ordinary Golden Core. Roughly speaking, it took him more than ten years to cultivate the third level of Dayan Jue.

He is also the first person among the people to practice the Dayan Jue to the third level.

Now that I'm out of seclusion this time, I naturally want to have some intimacy with the girls in the harem.

Fortunately, Hong Fu, Nangong Wan and other women are not in seclusion and can go out to meet at any time.

When they met this time, the girls' practice changed a lot.

Lu Tiandu also felt hot in his heart when he looked at the affectionate, charming and graceful young woman in front of him.A year ago, Nishang finally broke through to the middle stage of pill formation. It has been more than 40 years since she formed the pill. This is almost the same as Hongfu who has ice spiritual roots and black ice body, while Nishang only has two spiritual roots. Qualifications.

If you look at the outside world, it would take a huge opportunity to break through from the early stage of Jindan to the middle stage in a few decades.It can be seen that Nishang has also benefited a lot since becoming one of the Taoist companions in Lu Tiandu.

In addition, Yan Ruyan, Mo Fengwu and Mo Caihuan have broken through to the middle stage of foundation building, and the other women's cultivation has changed a lot.

More than a month later, Lu Tiandu left the Wenwen Township. After spending a few days with the two sisters Gui Nianwei and Gui Nianxin, he set off for Tianxing City with Yuan Yao and Yanli, who had both completed their Qi refining.

The Chaos Star Sea is very big, but the Chaos Star Sea that everyone usually refers to is the Inner Star Sea.

Since ancient times, this area has been controlled by many human monks after tens of thousands of years of exploration and development, and after killing countless sea monsters. The core of this area is the Star City in the center, and the Star Palace, the power passed down from ancient times, dominates.

In addition to the majestic city of Tianxing City, Xing Palace also established twelve inner star islands on three large islands in each of the four regions of Tianxing City, east, west, south and north.

Like the four areas in the middle, the Star Palace has also established direct-administered sub-islands in eight directions on the periphery of the Inner Star Sea, known as the 24 Outer Star Islands. In this way, from the outside to the inside, it forms an arch to the "Star City".

Kuixing Island, Weixing Island and Sangxing Island are the three large islands in the southwest of the Inner Star Sea. To go to Tianxing City, you naturally need to go northeast.

Lu Tiandu had purchased the sea area map of the Inner Star Sea early, so he was not afraid of getting lost.

Under the clear blue sky and the endless horizon, on a white crystal flying boat, Lu Tiandu and the four masters and apprentices of Yuan Yao were talking and laughing.

The four girls were naturally very excited when they heard that they were going to the legendary free city, Tianxing City.

Moreover, over the past eight years, Lu Tian has long been very satisfied with the performance of the four of them. Although they are still concubines, they treat him no differently from the other girls. Naturally, there is no shortage of utensils.

This time, it would take more than a month to drive the flying boat magic weapon all the way to Tianxing City. It was considered that he took time to accompany the four girls. After all, there was nothing urgent for the time being, so there was no need to rush.

After flying for several days, Lu Tiandu frowned and felt something was wrong.

After a brief observation with his spiritual consciousness, Lu Tiandu said a few words to the four girls through a message, and then took the four of them into the Yaochi Tower with a wave of his hand.

A message from the spiritual mind asked the Mo sisters to welcome the next four girls.

Naturally, Lu Tian could not see the surprise of the four masters and disciples when they saw the girls from Yaochi Palace who had rejected them.

At this moment, he was staring at the void somewhere in front of him with an inexplicable expression, and put away the white crystal flying boat with a wave of his hand.

Instead of flying forward, he put his hands behind his back and said calmly:

"Since the two fellow Taoists have been waiting for Lu for a long time, why don't they show up to meet..."

Secretly looking at Gu Miao and the two who were still pretending to be dead, Lu Tiandu sneered:
"What? The two elders Gu Tongyuan and Miao Chenghai of the Sixth Company Palace don't know Lu anymore!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Tiandu raised his hand to grab it, and a huge golden-purple hand suddenly flashed into the void in front of him.

Thousands of feet away, the void fluctuated, and the expressionless faces of Gu and Miao appeared.

Elder Miao, whose face was as golden as paper, put a smile on his old and thin face and said:
"I didn't expect to meet fellow Taoist here? I was planning a monster here, but I didn't expect that fellow Taoist would bump into me?"


Lu Tiandu looked at the two people who were quickly leaning on the sutra, and said with a cold expression, "In that case, Lu won't bother you..."

As soon as Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he was about to set up the escape light and fly in another direction.

At this moment, the two Miao and Gu people on the opposite side accelerated suddenly, and each of them took out a bronze Changge with ancient stains in their hands and was about to sacrifice it.

"It's really self-defeating!"

Lu Tiandu sighed inwardly. Ever since he discovered the two people who were acting mysteriously, he had become suspicious. Moreover, his consciousness was so vast that he had already discovered the secret formation not far ahead.

There were only the two of them here, and it was not like the situation in the original plot where everyone worked together to kill the baby carp beast, so Lu Tian was naturally alert.

The only thing that puzzled him was that he had no grudge against the Sixth Company. Why were these two plotting against him?
However, after these thoughts flashed through his mind, Lu Tiandu became murderous towards the two of them. If he dared to plot against him, he would naturally be prepared to be killed by him!
Seeing the two people flying towards him, Lu Tian didn't retreat but moved forward, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Huh? This person escapes so fast..."

The two Gu Miao thought that Lu Tian had escaped, and were about to launch a huge search with their spiritual consciousness. At this moment, Old Miao suddenly realized that something was wrong, and an aura of death instantly enveloped him.

With a look of shock on his face, Old Man Miao commanded the Bronze Changge to intercept. At the same time, the protective shield around him flashed with golden light. Just as he was about to release his defensive magic weapon, a black gold stick shadow cut through the void with a flash of light, and Old Man Miao's protective shield burst... …

With a "pop" sound, a pile of minced meat floated into the void, and at the same time, the sharp sound of breaking through the air caused by the dragon-marked black gold stick came out.

"What? Impossible!"

The burly man Gu Tongyuan was dodging with a look of disbelief on his face. As he waved his hand, an ancient turtle shell magic weapon emitting jet-black light appeared around him. It instantly swelled and shone brightly.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu, who had already put away Elder Miao's storage bag, spirit beast bag, and the ancient bronze Changge treasure, finally showed his figure.

"There is something unclear about Mr. Lu, please ask Elder Gu to clarify his doubts!"

Lu Tiandu held the dragon-patterned black gold stick and looked expressionlessly at Gu Tongyuan Dao, who was offering his magic weapon for defense.

Just now, when he relied on his own speed to approach instantly, he thought he would be able to kill Elder Miao with one blow. Unexpectedly, this man also had rich combat experience and found his position in an instant, commanding Chang Ge to kill him.

Lu Tiandu inspired Tianxuan Baoyi to take a hard blow from Gu Ge, and at the same time, he also killed Elder Miao with a stick.

With the ancient treasure of Tianxuan Treasure Clothes, the Wind and Thunder Magic Clothes, and the triple defense of Golden Muscle, Jade and Bone Skills that he had practiced to the third level, he was not injured at all.

At this moment, looking at the remains of Elder Miao who was killed in an instant, Gu Tongyuan shrank his tiger eyes and suppressed the panic in his heart. How dare he respond to Lu Tiandu's question, he turned around and fled towards the Six Escape Water Wave Formation that he had previously arranged. go.

If Lu Tiandu had not sent someone to monitor him early this time, no one would have noticed when he left Baisha Island.

However, after chasing after them, they found that Lu Tiandu was only controlling a flying magic weapon. The two of them accelerated and flew around to the front, setting up a large formation.

Originally planning to wait for Lu Tiandu to pass by, he met by chance and once again used the pretext of inviting the demon-slayer beast to get into the formation, but somehow Lu Tiandu discovered his whereabouts in advance.

Thinking of this man killing a terrifying combat power of the same level with one move, he couldn't help but tremble all over!
This man's magical power was extremely powerful. At this moment, he knew that he had to escape into the formation as soon as possible in order to have a chance of survival.

"If you don't say it, then go to hell!"

Seeing Gu Tongyuan who was about to flee to the front formation, Lu Tiandu sneered, turned into the breeze and disappeared without a trace.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two rays of light, one gold and one black, suddenly struck the turtle shell that was emitting black light.

A sharp sound broke through the air, followed by a sharp scream and several rays of light.

Bursts of crashing sounds interrupted Gu Tongyuan's escape, forcing him to stop and deal with Lu Tiandu's attack.

Looking at the golden shuttle and black beads attacking fiercely, Gu Tongyuan commanded the bronze Chang Ge to intercept, and at the same time he opened his mouth and touched it, a Cunxu Feijian that emitted yellow light instantly grew in size and joined the battle group in a flash.


Seeing the four magic weapons colliding fiercely in the sky, Lu Tiandu snorted and disappeared instantly.

"No, it's coming again!"

Gu Tongyuan was frightened by Lu Tiandu's speed and was already on guard.

Moreover, the black gold stick in Lu Tiandu's hand, which was unknown as a magic weapon or something else, frightened him even more.

While mana was pouring into the black rock shield crazily, Gu Tongyuan stretched out his hand, and the iron ring on his finger disappeared instantly, suddenly appearing above his head as a dark light curtain.

"Bang! Bang!"

The huge black rock shield was smashed by Lu Tiandu. The aura flickered and the loud noise continued. Gu Tongyuan's face changed drastically and he gritted his teeth and threw out several intermediate talismans. Unfortunately, none of the spells hit Lu Tiandu who was at an alarming speed.

While this man looked ugly, he was filled with regret.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine at this moment.

At this moment, with a sudden explosion, Gu Tongyuan's black rock shield was knocked away by Lu Tiandu who took the opportunity to hit it with a stick.

While this man was frantically activating the black iron ring for defense, he suddenly uttered a spell and pointed his bronze spear, preparing to intercept Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly and acted casually. The golden spirit shuttle burst out with golden light. It came first and stopped Chang Ge who was about to escape from the battlefield.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu suddenly opened his mouth, and a small golden arrow was sprayed out.

This small arrow was only about a foot long and looked a bit illusory. It was filled with dense golden particles and was fluorescent. In a flash, it appeared near Gu Tongyuan very quickly and pierced the light curtain under the black iron ring.

With a "Pfft" sound, the small golden arrow pierced the black light curtain under the iron ring in Gu Tongyuan's incredible eyes, then quietly penetrated his yellow shield, and exploded with a "whoosh"...

In just one breath, in Lu Tiandu's eyes, Gu Tongyuan disappeared without even a scream, leaving not even the hard golden elixir behind.

"Sure enough, this three-flavored kamikaze is powerful and weird!"

Looking at the broken iron rings and storage bags falling in the air, Lu Tiandu smiled.

If the three-flavored divine wind is successfully practiced, it will darken the sky and earth, crack rocks and collapse cliffs, and destroy the human body!

He had already mastered this magical power in seclusion for three years before. Although he could not wave his sleeves and the overwhelming golden wind destroyed the sky and the earth, after compressing and solidifying the golden wind that he had successfully cultivated, it transformed into a magical power. The power of the arrows to kill the enemy was quite satisfying to him!
 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 300 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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