Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 151: Obtain a spiritual beast and divide the treasure among the girls!Nishang’s expectations

Chapter 151: Obtain a spiritual beast and divide the treasure among the girls!Nishang’s expectations! (Please subscribe)
(Chapter 147 is back to normal.)
At the moment when Lu Tiandu killed the two Miao Gu.

On a large island hundreds of thousands of miles north of Tianxing City, somewhere in a gorgeously decorated hall, a kind-faced old man with a mustache suddenly changed his expression, stretched out his hand, and two broken soul tablets appeared. in hand.

"Gu Tongyuan, Miao Chenghai? It's actually these two people!"

The old man murmured, and his expression suddenly changed, "Trash! My Gan Tian Ge..."

"Who is it? A level six infant carp beast and a large formation are cooperating. It's impossible for both of them to die one after another. Damn it!"

The originally kind-hearted face of the old man with a mustache suddenly turned gloomy. Thinking of his pair of golden treasures being lost like this, he really wanted to kill the two of them.

It's a pity that these two losers are dead!
"Hmph, don't let me know who took my Gantian Ge!"

Thinking of his pair of rare attack ancient treasures, the old man looked very pained. Not only did he not harvest the Infant Carp Beast inner elixir this time, but he also lost a pair of ancient treasures.

"Come on!"

A roar instantly spread out of the hall...


"Although I took action to kill these two people with malicious intentions, I still don't know why these two people plotted to kill me?"

Lu Tiandu frowned slightly, put away the treasures still suspended in the air with his hand, and thought to himself.

After dealing with the traces of the surrounding battles, Lu Tiandu found the jade slips in the two people's storage bags while controlling the light-escape flight.

There was a large formation prepared for him in front of him, so he naturally wanted to collect it by the way.

Sure enough, he found a seashell jade slip in Gu Tongyuan's storage bag, which recorded a "Six Escape Water Wave Formation". It was exactly what he remembered that these two people led a group of late-stage foundation-building monks to ambush them. The infant carp beasts formed a unified formation.

With the guidance of the jade slip, Lu Tiandu quickly landed on a deserted island in front of him. After spending some time to dismantle the array disk and array flag, Lu Tiandu turned to fly eastward for a day before finally landing. I found a deserted island and disappeared instantly.

Inside the Yaochi Tower.



Seeing Lu Tiandu come in with a smile on his face, the girls stepped forward and looked over with concern.

From the sudden arrival of the four girls from their husband and the subsequent message transmission, they roughly knew that Lu Tiandu had encountered an enemy.

Since Lu Tian didn't notify them to help, they probably weren't a big enemy.

Seeing the concerned eyes of the girls, Lu Tiandu roughly explained what had just happened.

The girls also looked incomprehensible. They really couldn't figure out why the two golden elixir elders from the southwestern region of Liuliandian wanted to deal with their husbands.

Lu Tiandu took out several storage bags and spirit animal bags belonging to the two of them. Two of the spirit animal bags belonged to Elder Miao. Maybe there would be clues found in the storage bags of these two people.

Lu Tiandu casually picked up two bronze golden geols about a foot long and looked at them. The biggest gain this time should be these pair of ancient golden gantiange treasures.

An ordinary magic weapon is roughly worth [-] to [-] spiritual stones.

The price of an ordinary ancient treasure is more than 50 spiritual stones, and the price of high-quality ancient treasures is more than [-] spiritual stones. There are also very rare top-grade ancient treasures with millions of spiritual stones that rarely appear on the market. .

After all, these things are basically in the possession of some old Nascent Soul monsters. Apart from bartering, they are rarely exchanged for spiritual stones.

After forming the elixir, the net worth of a Golden elixir cultivator may range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, but the most valuable thing is naturally the magic weapon on his body.

According to Lu Tiandu's judgment, this pair of Jin Ge is not as good as his Tianxuan Treasure Clothes, but it is probably the top-notch existence among ordinary ancient treasures, and it is also a rare pair of ancient treasures.

As for Gu Tongyuan's other magic weapons, a shield and a sword are still intact, but the black iron ring is broken.

The black shield also has the words "Black Rock Shield" engraved on it. This shield has good defensive power and can block several attacks from his black gold stick. It looks pretty good.

Lu Tiandu remembered that in the original plot, this man was seriously injured after using Qian Tian Ge. In addition to using a round bowl, he did not release any magical weapons with amazing defensive power in the process. He was eventually killed by Han Li and Qu Hun.

After opening the man's storage bag, Lu Tiandu found a yellow round bowl, and inside it he found three small fonts, which were "Hunyuan Bowl".

This is a magic weapon with many functions. It can attack, defend and also has the ability to fly. No wonder this person didn't dare to release it before.

Compared with the black rock shield, the pure defensive ability of this magic weapon is indeed much worse.

"The natal flying sword, the Hunyuan bowl, the black rock shield and the black ring. Even though this person is an elder of the Sixth Company Hall, as an early stage Golden Core cultivator, these treasures are too many, right?"

Lu Tiandu said secretly.

Naturally, he didn't know that the best black rock shield among them was a defensive magic weapon that Gu Tongyuan rented from the Sixth Company Hall in order to ambush him and later Elder Miao, who spent a lot of his own merit.

Lu Tiandu opened other things in this man's storage bag.

Seven 80 Yuan mid-level spiritual stone.

The token has a ferocious ghost head engraved on one side. It exudes a faint black aura and has no words engraved on the back. It should be the predecessor of the "Counter Star Order".

There is also a token depicting six enclosed palaces on the front and "Six Connected Palaces" on the back, which is this person's identity token.

There are two talismans shining in blue and gold. One is a talisman with a golden sword, and the other is an unknown talisman with a blue dragon. They can be given to women who are still in the foundation building stage. use.

A level five inner elixir that glows blue.

A yellow jade bottle about an inch tall had five yellow pills as big as a thumb rolled out of it.These pills are not only the same size, but also bright in color, crystal clear and well-proportioned, and exude a strange medicinal fragrance.

This is naturally the Dust Falling Pill.

Lu Tiandu thought for a moment and realized that this should be the reward given by the Sixth Company Palace one or two years after the original plot when he asked the other five to set up a large formation in the later stage of foundation building.

A Taoist book called "Tu Li Jue" and other miscellaneous worthless things.

Opening Elder Miao's storage bag, together with a golden flying knife and a round shield that had exploded from the man's body, the items inside were:
60 yuan of mid-level spiritual stones, a bottle of elixir to improve cultivation, several top-level magic weapons, two talismans, the same two-sided token, several intermediate talismans, and some other messy things.

"Hey, this is a spirit animal card!"

Lu Tiandu picked up a black wooden sign from the debris and looked at it.Although it was slightly different from what he got from the monks in Spirit Beast Mountain, if he took a closer look, it was still the Spirit Beast Card.

Lu Tiandu didn't bother to refine it. Even if he released a seventh-level monster, everyone could easily suppress it.

He patted one of the spirit beast bags, and suddenly there was a flash of golden light, and a palm-sized golden-haired mouse was about to escape in a flash.

Lu Tiandu grabbed the big-nosed golden-haired mouse and imprisoned it in the air.

"Hey, this seems to be...a treasure hunter rat?"

Suddenly Hongfu made a sound with surprise on his face. He put his jade hand into his hand and held the mouse in his hand, observing it carefully.

Lu Tiandu also had a weird look on his face at this moment. He didn't expect to get such an ancient beast. Although it was only at the second level, it would definitely be of great use if it was properly cultivated.

Among them, the women who had seen the jade slips containing records of spiritual beasts in the pavilion of the pagoda also discovered this rare species of spiritual beast and looked around curiously.

The little mouse was trembling all over now, and his golden eyes showed a pleading look.

"Unfortunately, this mouse has already been claimed by someone using the God-Control Array!"

Hongfu said with regret.

Although there is no ban on self-destruction, if the spirit beast is claimed as its owner, it is basically difficult for others to claim its owner again.

"This is not a problem for my husband!"

Nangong Wanying smiled, and Nishang also laughed, "My husband knows a mysterious soul-suppressing technique. I think it won't be a problem for this spiritual beast to recognize its master for the second time."

The two of them naturally thought of the golden-backed mantis, the spiritual beast of Duan Kaiyang, the golden elixir monk of the Yuling Sect, whom they met when they were traveling together.

After Duan Kaiyang seized the body, he had a vague connection with the monster, but Lu Tiandu used a secret technique to snatch him away and recognize him as his master again.

"In this way, if you cultivate it carefully, it will definitely be of great use when we go on subsequent expeditions!"

After hearing this, Hong Fu showed a smile.

Lu Tiandu nodded. There is a little golden monkey looking for elixirs, and there is a treasure-hunting rat detecting treasures. They are definitely very good auxiliary spirit beasts.

"The two of them were ambushing my husband. Could it be that this treasure-hunting mouse discovered the Tianxuan treasure robe that my husband was wearing?"

Xin Ruyin suddenly spoke.

"Yin'er is indeed a person with a clear heart and a clear mind!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and praised, and the other girls also had expressions of realization on their faces.

Everyone gathered around the strange beast that they had suddenly obtained. At this moment, when they thought about it, there was a high probability that this incident happened because Lu Tiandu received two people last time.

The girls and Lu Tian have practiced dual cultivation countless times, and are very familiar with both this treasured garment and the treasured boots on their feet (the previous golden silk armor was given to Chen Qiaoqian).

Naturally, the ancient treasure that can cause the Golden Core cultivators to take action is the Tianxuan Treasure Clothes.

Although he knew that some people practicing special skills or special spiritual beasts would detect the treasure energy around him, Lu Tiandu naturally would not put away the Tianxuan Treasure Clothes just because of this small problem. After all, this ancient treasure is only worn outside. It is the greatest guarantee for his safety.

Looking at the last spirit beast bag, which was most likely the one represented by the spirit beast card, Lu Tiandu patted it and released it.


Several loud screams resounded in the Lingkong Tower, and a huge red fire crow appeared in the sky. The crow looked energetic and majestic.

As soon as they saw the people in Lu Tiandu below, they screamed and suddenly raised their heads, and a pillar of red fire as thick as a bucket spurted out.


Hong Fu and Nangong Wan snorted coldly, and they took action together. In just a moment, they suppressed the red fire crow with one seal and one ring.

"It's actually a level six monster, a level six fire crow. This is quite interesting!"

Lu Tiandu and Ni Chang had already taken action to protect the other girls, but no one was hurt by the fire pillar. When they saw this level six monster, their eyes lit up.

After all, as long as the mark of the former master's consciousness on the spirit beast card is erased and refined, this monster beast will naturally be able to command it like an arm.

"But this guy is a cultivator in the early stage of Golden Core. Where did he get the sixth-level monster?" someone asked doubtfully.

"I heard that the owner of Sangxing Island has a sixth-level fire crow, can it be this one?" Hong Fu and Nangong Wan looked at each other.

Naturally, this news was mentioned when Kan Qin introduced the Jindan monks from the three big islands.

After saying this, everyone became confused again. Could it be that the owner of Sangxing Island was behind the ambush of their husband?

"Don't think about it!" Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

"Maybe it's a spiritual beast borrowed by this person, but even if the island owner has any intentions, even if he appears in person, facing our whole family, he will only seek death!"

Lu Tiandu said this, causing the girls to chuckle.

Isn’t it so confident to carry a sect with you?

In fact, Lu Tiandu guessed that this spiritual beast was naturally borrowed by Miao Chenghai, and it was also to guard against Gu Tongyuan.

It's a pity that it won't be used until death!
"Hey, no, this doesn't look like an ordinary fire crow!"

Nangong Wan took a closer look at some golden lines on the red feathers on the back of the fire crow, and said with some surprise and uncertainty.

"Are there any other bloodlines?" Lu Tiandu asked, thinking of the mutated golden thunder tiger and white jade poisonous dragon.

"No, it's not a mutation. This Fire Crow should have a trace of Golden Crow blood!"

Nangong Wan casually inserted a red filament into Huo Ya's body and sensed it for a moment, then said with a look of surprise.

"Golden Crow? This is a heaven and earth spirit beast that can be ranked in the top ten!"

Lu Tiandu was surprised again.

If the Golden Crow evolves into the Three-Legged Golden Crow, it will be the famous True Spirit of Heaven and Earth, on the same level as True Dragon, Tianfeng, Suzaku, Qilin, and Youtian Kunpeng.

Fully grown, comparable to the existence of a true immortal!

"Well, although my Suzaku True Fire has not yet fully matured, I can still feel that this Fire Crow definitely has thin Golden Crow blood in its body..."

"Golden Crow True Fire, this kind of true fire is said to be ranked among the top among the many flames in the spiritual world. If my Suzaku True Fire can be cultivated with the help of this spiritual beast with the Golden Crow bloodline, it may be able to go one step further..."

Nangong Wan walked around the fire crow with a happy face.

"It's just that the level of this spiritual beast is a bit low, and its bloodline is too thin!"

After being happy, Nangong Wan felt regretful again.

Since she came to the tower, with the help of a large number of sun essence stones and a few drops of fire marrow in the sun essence stone veins, not only the power of the magic weapon has been greatly improved, but also her Suzaku True Fire has made great progress.

Now with the help of this sixth-level fire crow, the Suzaku True Fire may be even more powerful.

"In that case, then Wan'er, you will refine this spirit beast card... After we go to the outer star sea and hunt the monster beasts, we will then refine a batch of Qi and Blood Pills to speed up the evolution of this fire crow... …”

Lu Tiandu laughed.

"Thank you, husband!" Nangong Wan smiled softly and did not refuse.

As there are more and more women around Lu Tiandu, if she wants to maintain her advantage, she must keep up with Lu Tiandu's pace and continuously improve her strength, otherwise she may become a canary in the end.

This was not something she was willing to accept despite her pride.

In fact, this kind of looming crisis appears in many women in Lutiandu. This is one of the reasons why everyone practices hard when there are sufficient resources.

"I got a lot of useful things this time, let's share a share!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the girls and smiled.

"It's up to you, my husband, to refine this pair of ancient Jin Ge treasures! With this pair of treasures, your husband's strength will naturally improve a lot!"

Hongfu and the others shook their heads.

Although the ancient treasure basically requires cultivation in the middle stage of the Golden Core to exert its power, Lu Tiandu's true energy is far stronger than that of the monks in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and his spiritual consciousness is also extremely powerful, so there is no problem in using it.

After some refusal, Lu Tiandu asked Hongfu and Nishang to refine a Gantian Ge each.

Before Nangong Wan left, Nangong Ping presented a fine ancient treasure, as well as the powerful Suzaku Ring and two other ordinary magic weapons. There was no shortage of magic weapons for the time being.

Hongfu in the late Jindan period does not have any ancient treasures.

Of course, the power of Hong Fu's natal magic weapon Xuan Han Jade Seal (previously called Han Jade Seal, but later re-refined using a large amount of deep sea Xuan Crystal, Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade, and several drops of cold marrow) has also greatly increased in power. For decades, the power may be far greater than that of ordinary ancient treasures.

With the help of this ancient treasure, the combat power will definitely increase greatly.

The same is true for Nishang. After all, he has only been promoted to Jiedan for a few decades and his net worth is not much.

There was only one natal magic weapon, the Jade Belt with a Ring, before. During the Demonic War, Lu Tiandu once presented a copper coin as a defensive magic weapon. After several battles, this defensive magic weapon, the copper coin, also suffered a lot of damage.

At this moment, in addition to the Qian Tian Ge, Lu Tiandu also let her refine the black rock shield to increase her strength. After all, maybe in a few years everyone will go to the outer star sea to kill the monsters. Naturally, the pill-forming girls are The stronger, the better.

Other magic weapons such as the Hunyuan Bowl, the yellow small sword, the golden flying knife, and the round shield will be placed in the treasure pavilion first. Then Cen Jingjun and other female pill-forming queens can also choose to refine some.

As for Lu Tiandu, in addition to the Tianxuan treasure clothes and the dragon-patterned black gold stick, there are four or five other magic weapons. There is no shortage of magic weapons for the time being.

The girls smiled and divided the remaining things, and then placed the temporarily unused items such as the Six-Escape Water Wave Formation in the Treasure Pavilion.

"What shall we do with this baby carp beast now?"

Lu Tiandu handed the jade slips in his hands to everyone for inspection.

What is recorded in it is the lair of the infant carp beast.This jade slip was found when he was searching for the jade slips of the formation.


Nishang looked at Lu Tiandu with a pair of charming eyes and said sweetly.

"What, Sister Nishang, do you want the demon pill?" Lu Tiandu naturally saw the expectation in Nishang's beautiful eyes and said with a smile.

"Hmph, husband, don't you know what I mean?" Nishang's beautiful eyes glanced at Lu Tiandu, her teeth bit her plump lips, with a look of resentment on her face.

"Okay! Sister Nishang wants it, so of course I have to get it for her!"

Lu Tiandu laughed loudly and kissed Ni Shang's lips a few times, making Ni Shang squeal.

"My husband and I will go together!" Nishang whispered.

When she heard her husband's words, she was naturally extremely sweet.

Seeing that Sister Hongfu and Sister Nangong have developed great supernatural powers one after another due to the opportunity on the second floor of Yaochi Tower, how can this happen if she, a middle-stage Jindan monk, doesn't work hard?
"That's fine!" Nangong Wan said with a smile, "Since they dare to ambush their husband, naturally this level six monster cannot take advantage of them!"

"We will use their magic weapons and formations to kill the baby carp beast! We will also get this demon pill for Sister Nishang!"

The girls talked to each other and quickly decided.

Although Lu Tiandu roughly guessed from the plot that he might encounter Wu Chou because of this monster, but since his woman wanted it and had already offended the Sixth Company Palace to some extent, it seemed that there was no point in offending Jiyin Island. What.

Moreover, no one may find out that they did it.

As for why Nishang is so looking forward to this sixth-level demon pill, it is naturally related to the water-type thunder method she practices.

Ever since Lu Tiandu got the Thunder Source Fruit and the Wind Source Fruit, he looked down on the Thunder Spirit Pill that was previously refined with the inner elixir of the fifth-level monster Thunder Frog.

However, it would be a waste to leave the elixir unused, so when he explained that he could use the Thunder Spirit Pill and the Wind Spirit Pill to assist in practicing some thunder and wind magical powers, he naturally fell in love with Nishang who was suffering from the lack of powerful magical powers.

Feng Xian left many spells and magical power jade slips, and naturally there were many powerful water spells. Among them, Nishang took a fancy to the magical power "Water Gang True Thunder".

However, thunder-attribute inner elixirs are rare, and everyone has only been able to purchase one after coming to Inner Star Sea for so many years.

Moreover, even though she has taken two level five thunder-attribute inner elixirs and a large amount of precious elixirs to refine the thunder elixir, Nishang's thunder method practice is still progressing slowly.

After all, the practice of thunder method is extremely difficult, and Nishang's practice time is still short.

Since there is a level [-] thunder attribute demon pill this time, Nishang naturally has no intention of letting it go.

Speaking of which, there is only one word difference between this baby carp beast's innate magical power "Shui Gang Divine Thunder" and the Shuigang True Thunder that Ni Chang is currently cultivating. According to Lu Tiandu's guess, it may be that the human monks are based on this talent of the demon clan. There might also be a thunder method discovered through magical powers.

Now that the decision has been made, everyone takes action separately.

Under Xin Ruyin's guidance, the five girls, Cen Jingjun, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, Xiaomei, and Lu Tianxuan, started to practice together the formation that had been put aside in the Treasure Pavilion.

Among the six, except for Lu Tianxuan, who was at the peak of the middle stage of foundation building, the others were in the late stage of foundation building, and there were no problems with the main formation at all.

As for why Hong Fu, Nangong Wan and others were not used to kill him directly, it was naturally the reason why the girls requested it.

After all, when they go out to sea to hunt monsters in the future, the girls don't want to be excluded because of their low cultivation. This is their first time to try their skills.

If the strength of the girls increases quickly enough, it won't be a problem to divide into two or three teams to hunt monsters at the same time after going to sea.

Naturally, Lu Tiandu would not dampen the enthusiasm of the girls. No matter how busy the girls were, they approached the Guiji sisters and the four girls Yuan Yao and Yanli.

"Nian Wei, Nian Xin, Yao'er, Yan'er, what are your thoughts on joining the Yaochi Sect?"

Lu Tiandu asked with a smile while hugging the twins.

Naturally, he saw the shock, resentment, and surprise on the faces of the four women when they saw him.

"Humph, the young master didn't reveal his identity to us. The slave family will never pay attention to the young master again!"

Gui Nianwei, a mature and beautiful woman, stared at Lu Tiandu with her beautiful eyes, looking like a resentful woman with a resentful look on her face.

"Yes, if it hadn't been for this accident, I don't know how long the young master would have kept it secret from us!"

A hint of resentment appeared on Gui Nianxin's cold face, her sweet tongue swept over her red lips, and she stared straight at Lu Tiandu.

Bah, these two naughty hooves, they really want me to eat them!
Lu Tiandu secretly complained, how could he not understand the little tricks of the two sisters for eight years!

However, there is Ru Yan, a gorgeous beauty in front of me. If I skip her and eat someone else first, I will definitely be jealous in the future!

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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