Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 152 Another treasure!Wu Chou is arrogant!Madam please take action!

Chapter 152 Another treasure!Wu Chou is arrogant!Madam please take action!

More than a month later, Lu Tiandu suddenly appeared again on this deserted island.

After releasing his spiritual consciousness and observing the surrounding movements, Lu Tiandu found the right direction and turned into a golden and purple rainbow soaring into the sky.

The cave of this baby carp beast is less than [-] miles away from his current location, and he can get there in two days at his current speed.

Over the past month, Nishang has initially refined the magic weapon Black Rock Shield. It will take another year or two to truly refine it, but it does not affect its use now.

As for the Gubao Gantian Ge, this one is very easy to use. After a little practice, you will know the performance of this Gu Ge.

Moreover, in the past month, Cen Jingjun, Chen Qiaoqian and others, under the guidance of Xin Ruyin, have already become very proficient in practicing the Six-Escape Water Wave Formation. This time they went hunting monsters with ease!

A few days later, on a deserted island, Xin Ruyin and five women set up a large formation. Lu Tiandu let go of his consciousness and observed the surrounding movements.

After checking that there was nothing unusual, I felt relieved.

An hour later, Lu Tiandu and Nishang set up the escape light and flew towards a sea area hundreds of miles away.

"Sister Nishang, please wait here while I go down to investigate. If this monster is in the cave, I will lure it out and you can just swipe at the side..."

Lu Tiandu said a few words to Nishang beside him, and in a flash, his figure used the water escape technique and entered the sea below.

Over the years, in addition to the two escape techniques of wind and thunder, he has also achieved extraordinary achievements in the two escape techniques of earth and water. Once he touches the sea surface, he melts into the sea like a drop of water and disappears.

Nishang's consciousness searched for Lu Tiandu several times, but there was no trace.

With a smile on his lips, he secretly applauded his superb combination of escape technique and nameless breathing technique.

Just a moment later, a large white fog suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance.

The white mist is getting bigger and bigger, rolling and steaming, as if something foreign is about to appear in it.

Suddenly, along with bursts of thunder, a sharp cry of a baby came out of the white mist, getting louder and louder.


Lu Tiandu's voice suddenly came to Nishang's ears. Without saying a word, she set up a blue escape light and flew towards the island.

Not far behind him, Lu Tiandu held up a green-black treasure fan, and bursts of green-black mist turned into a several-foot-long python, teasing a monster beast in the billowing white mist.

This fan magic weapon was one of the first magic weapons he got from the dazzling storage bag. Although the attack power is average, it can be regarded as a range attack magic weapon. It is just right to tease this baby carp beast at this moment.

While Nishang was flying away, his spiritual consciousness was also observing the infant carp beast.

This baby carp beast looks extremely strange.

The under-year-old baby has a face, bulging eyes, sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. It has a blue carp body and tail, four white and tender human hands under its body, and two huge fins that look like wings.

But the most peculiar thing is that each of its four hands is holding four different things, a huge red crab claw, a blue coral several feet long, a white bead the size of an egg, and a shield-like silver clam shell.

These few things are all gleaming, and they are rare at a glance.

Just then, the baby's crying stopped.

The baby's face rose and fell, and countless blue fists of light flew out from the baby carp beast's mouth. They were densely ejected from the white mist and shot towards Lu Tiandu with great momentum.

The thunder ball was so powerful that Lu Tiandu speeded up and flicked it with his hand, and a small gray shield with dim light instantly grew in size and appeared behind him.

This is naturally the infant carp beast's natal magical power, "Water Gang Divine Thunder".

Lu Tiandu had briefly tested the power of this thunder method before. As a result, the small gray shield obtained by the Li brothers from the Ghost Spirit Sect was hit by hundreds of thunder balls, and the aura was greatly damaged.

There were bursts of thunder, howling wind, and constant "rumbling" sounds.

Nishang's eyes flashed with brilliance as she watched the water-gang divine thunder emitted by this sixth-level infant carp beast. Once she has mastered the water-gang true thunder, and can throw dozens of thunderballs at the wave of her hand, it is estimated that not many people will dare to stand up to her magical power. !
The distance of hundreds of miles was only a moment for the two of them and the infant carp beast who was born with water escape.

At this moment, Nishang in front has already informed the girls.

Cen Jingjun and the other girls have already taken their places and stood in front of the formation gate that they presided over, and each of them had a big blue flag in their hands.

This flag is about two feet long, and the whole body is shining with blue light, which is extremely dazzling.

At this moment, the six goddesses looked solemn, each of them was separated by a distance of more than a hundred feet, and their feet were floating on the sea, forming a semicircular pocket.

"Everyone, be careful. Once the baby carp beast enters the formation, immediately seal the formation gate."

Xin Ruyin reminded again.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound of thunder, and in everyone's eyes, Lu Tiandu turned into a golden-purple escaping light, closely chasing after a large group of rolling white mist, extremely fast.

Everyone looked at each other, held the formation flag in their hands, and began to cast spells.

In the blink of an eye, a faint blue light flashed, everyone disappeared, and the sea returned to an empty scene.

After a moment, a golden-purple light flashed past, followed by a hundred-foot-sized white mist that suddenly plunged into the place.

As soon as the white mist flew into the formation, a misty blue light burst out from all around, and a huge blue light mask appeared out of thin air, trapping it inside.

Nishang, Cen Jingjun, Xin Ruyin and other women also showed their figures.

"Okay, everyone starts casting spells to trap this beast. My husband and I will work together to kill it!" Nishang's solemn voice came out.

Lu Tiandu suddenly appeared beside her and nodded.

Along the way, after several trials, he naturally discovered that this thunder-attribute monster was indeed extremely powerful.

And in addition to the Shuigang Divine Thunder, the monster beast's four treasures, who didn't know whether it was accompanied by it or where it got it from, are all extremely powerful.

Among them, the white beads continuously emit white mist. If you are wrapped in it, not only your spiritual consciousness will be suppressed, but it will also have the effect of trapping the enemy.

The silver clam shell should also be the remnant of a level six or seven monster beast, and its defense power is astonishing.

Lu Tiandu doesn't know the use of the blue coral yet, but the red crab claw is also a sharp monster relic, and it would be very good to refine it into an attack magic weapon.

With natural magical powers and four treasures, it’s no wonder that the Sixth Company Palace has to prepare this grand formation.

After all, if it can't be trapped, it will be really difficult to kill.This beast has natural water escape in the sea, so it is still possible to escape if it cannot be defeated.

This was naturally a method he had prepared after not knowing that Miao Gu and Miao Gu from the Sixth Company Hall had previously prepared a monster hunt with the help of ancient treasures and another golden elixir monk.

Lu Tiandu and Nishang each took out a Gantian Ge and threw it in front of their eyes. As the two chanted the chants, the Gantian Ge continued to grow in size, and at the same time, it emitted a bright yellow light.

At this time, the infant carp beast trapped in the light barrier seemed to understand its situation. After a burst of shrill cries, the white mist of more than a hundred feet suddenly shrank toward the center, and in the blink of an eye it became only more than ten feet. The size actually formed a milky white mist shield.

Seeing the changes in the infant carp beast, Lu Tiandu and Nishang stepped up their spell casting.

At this moment, after the infant carp beast had arranged its defensive measures, bursts of thunder and cries of infants were heard in the mist, which deafened the ears of the six women arrayed around them, making people feel secretly frightened.

Suddenly the baby's crying stopped!
Then countless large blue fist light groups were densely ejected from the white mist, and hit the blue light shield menacingly.His voice was so fierce that everyone couldn't help but feel nervous!
Just as the baby carp beast launched its attack, two huge yellow lights flashed in the air for a few times like thunder and lightning, then fell from the sky and plunged into the huge waves and wind.

Within the formation, the baby's shrill screams suddenly sounded louder, and then disappeared for a moment.

The more than ten feet of mist that enveloped the infant carp beast slowly dissipated, revealing the true form of the infant carp beast hidden inside, while two bronze Changges that had restored their original shape were shining with yellow light, nailing their crosses. On the sea.

Seeing the dying Infant Carp Beast, Lu Tian was not surprised. After all, he and Nishang worked together to inspire the pair of ancient treasures, which was much better than the two ancient Miao in the original plot.

In this way, including the inner elixir, I got five treasures at once, as well as the flesh and blood of the sixth-level monster. This harvest is not bad.

Just when Lu Tian was about to go down and finish off the baby carp beast with a stick, a wild and excited laugh came over:

"Good! Very good! Hahaha... I didn't expect that this young master would not only get so many treasures, but also seven such delicate beauties. It is really a blessing for me!"

Following this wild laughter, a dark wind blew from the sea in the distance. The black wind dissipated, revealing three figures, one man and two women.

The man was in the early stage of Jindan cultivation. He was short and skinny, with a dark face.Both women are in the late stage of foundation building. They are beautiful, plump and voluptuous. They are wearing sleeveless short skirts and are extremely sexy.

"Okay, go away, you pretty boy. I, the young master of Jiyin Island, accept your woman, haha..."

Wu Chou's little eyes rolled around on his ugly face, and he glanced at the seven girls lustfully, but he didn't look at Lu Tiandu, "Yes, yes, a concubine in the middle stage of the Golden Core is really rare!"

Wu Chou looked at the two Changge and Infant Carp bodies in the formation with greedy eyes, and then placed them on Nishang again.

This man already has a way to die!

Lu Tiandu looked at Wu Chou with an expressionless expression. Based on these obscene words, Wu Chou might not be alive today.

"act recklessly!"

Lu Tiandu sneered and went straight to collect the treasure without looking at Wu Chou.

In the original work, this person attacked from under the sea. In addition, the two Gu Miao were limited in strength and the slow activation of the ancient treasures caused the five people in the formation to be injured by the infant carp beast. Waiting until the person is almost dead before taking action), he cannot continue to preside over the formation, otherwise, just because this guy appears in the formation, he will only die if he is directly trapped.

Of course, this premise is that Gu Miao dares to kill him.

When Lu Tiandu set up their formation this time, they had already inspected the island, and there were no living people hiding there, so naturally they were too lazy to pay attention to the arrogant Wu Chou.

After collecting the treasure, just kill this person.

At this moment, Nishang was already staring at Wu Chou with murderous intent, and several magic weapons such as a jade belt and a small sword appeared around her.

The six girls, Nie Ying, Chen Qiaoqian, also looked at the sudden appearance of the ugly guy with sneers on their faces.

They have naturally heard of the Jiyin Island family, but if they dare to be so disrespectful to their husbands, even if they have Nascent Soul cultivators as their backers, how can they be afraid?
As long as this person dares to enter the battle, he must be given a try.

"Good boy, how dare you look down on this young master!"

When Wu Chou saw Lu Tiandu ignoring his behavior, he was immediately furious, with murderous intent in his small eyes.

He always had low self-esteem because he was born ugly, and he hated handsome people in his heart. He used the excuse of letting Lu Tiandu go to conquer Nishang who was in the middle stage of Jindan, but he didn't expect that others would ignore him.

Suddenly, Wu Chou's eyes were gloomy, he sneered, and he kept chanting curses, and the mysterious evil energy around him became stronger and stronger.

Following the sound of Wu Chou reciting a curse, just when Lu Tian was about to approach the infant carp beast, two groups of green oil suddenly emerged from under the infant carp beast's body.

A flash of green light revealed two humanoid monsters covered in green.

This monster was wearing a set of dark and shiny iron armor. It had bare hands, inch-long nails and extremely sharp nails. It had a mouth full of burnt-yellow fangs. It looked at Lu Tiandu with a ferocious smile. "Boy, just let my young master's two monster corpses play with you!"

Wu Chou looked at the demon corpse that appeared in the formation after performing the Earth Escape Technique, and said fiercely.

"Tiandu Demon Corpse? Is it just these wastes?" Lu Tiandu said indifferently.

Naturally, he knew that this Tiandu Demon Corpse was the product of the Tiandu Corpse Fire in Jiyin's more than a hundred years of practicing the Xuanyin Sutra. In the original plot, he remembered that during the copy of Xutian Temple, Jiyin released seventeen or eighty corpses at once.

Each Tiandu demon corpse has the strength of the middle stage of the Golden Core. It is infinitely powerful and extremely fast. It can also heal itself after being injured. It is naturally very difficult for ordinary people to deal with.

But he really didn't like this thing, and because these monsters had names similar to his own, he had already thought of getting rid of them in the future.

Since Wu Chou brought two people here this time, he was naturally not polite.

But since he wanted to capture this person, he didn't want to scare him away because he was too strong.

Seeing the two monster corpses flashing towards each other, Lu Tiandu's black gold brilliance flashed in his hand, and the black gold stick with dragon pattern appeared in his hand.

As soon as the figure flashed, Lu Tiandu struck at the demon corpse with a stick.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the corpse monster, the six women and Ni Chang who were in charge of the formation were shocked. When they activated the formation again, Ni Chang's figure flashed into the formation.

"Bang! Bang!"

Continuous collision sounds were heard, and the figures quickly flashed and separated.

Green light splashed everywhere, and the two monsters immediately flew backwards for dozens of feet, but with a low roar, they immediately stopped and looked at Lu Tiandu with a fierce look in their eyes.

The demon corpse suffered a few blows from him, and the armor it was wearing was shattered a lot. Not enough that there were only a few external wounds on the demon corpse, and green light continued to fill the wound, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is not surprising to Lu Tiandu!
After informing the girls about the characteristics of the monster corpse, Lu Tiandu's figure flashed, and two Gantian Ges were shot at Ni Chang's position in the air, and Lu Tiandu also put away the body of the infant carp beast.

When Wu Chou outside the formation saw the strange stick in Lu Tiandu's hand, his small eyes flashed with greed, and he chanted a spell again to drive the monster.

The two monster corpses that were knocked away by Lu Tiandu flashed green eyes, beat their chests with their fists, shouted "Wow!", their figures suddenly blurred, and disappeared on the spot!

Lu Tiandu sneered, swung the black gold stick suddenly, and with a bang, two green figures behind him were knocked away...

"Hey, is this all you have? If you only have this ability, you can die!"

Lu Tiandu sneered, and with a wave of his hand, a tiger and a dragon appeared in front of the two demon corpses.

Dragons roared and tigers roared, lightning thundered, and venom flew. The golden thunder tiger and white jade poisonous dragon, which had advanced to the fifth level a few years ago, pounced on the two zombie monsters.

"What? Golden winged tiger? White dragon?"

Seeing the two monster corpses retreating after being bombarded, Wu Chou was surprised and sneered:
"Do you think I only have these two monster corpses?"

After finishing speaking, Wu Chou waved his hand, and six more green demon corpses appeared in the air in front of him. Each demon corpse had a ferocious expression, its eyes were fierce, and the several-inch-long black light on its two sharp claws could be stretched or retracted. .

Lu Tiandu had already tested the limits of the strength of the two demonic corpses at this moment. After releasing two more demonic beasts, Ni Chang was still in the formation. He no longer cared about the two refining corpses, and the figure flashed out of the formation.

Looking at the six monster corpses in front of him, Lu Tiandu chuckled and said:
"You don't think you're the only one with help, do you?"

Under Wu Chou's incomprehensible eyes, Lu Tiandu waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Please also ask Madam to take action to destroy the enemy!"

In the sky, two graceful and graceful figures, one red and one white, suddenly appeared.

Hong Fu had a sneer on his face, looking at the monster in front of him. The red clothes were like a rising flame, leaping and making hunting sounds.

Nangong Wan was dressed in palace attire, with fluttering skirts. Her delicate face had an indifferent expression, and her pair of phoenix eyes looked at Wu Chou as if she were looking at a dead person.

"Teleportation Array?"

Feeling the two cold eyes and the rich aura of the two women, Wu Chou narrowed his eyes and became solemn.

There is no problem in using one golden elixir in the late stage to fight two or three golden elixirs in the mid-term.

What he was curious about was that none of these people had ever heard of it. The people who came here should be from the Sixth Company Hall. Why were there so many golden elixir female cultivators?
"Okay, you can die!"

Lu Tiandu's words seemed to be some kind of signal. Within the formation, one person, two spirit beasts and two demon corpses continued to fight.

Outside the formation, Nangong Wan slapped the spirit beast bag on her waist, and a huge fire crow appeared out of thin air. After two "quacking" sounds, a bucket-thick fire pillar erupted from the fire crow's mouth and shot towards the group of demon corpses.

Nangong Wan ignored the fire crow and patted the storage bag. A small clock the size of a human head with a yellow light appeared in her hand. She threw it casually and flew towards Wu Chou.

This small bell is naturally the ancient treasure Zhenling Bell given to her by Nangong Ping, a treasure specially used to trap enemies.

While sacrificing this ancient treasure, Nangong Wanxiu spat out, and a red fire ring the size of a thumb suddenly appeared, with flames lingering on it and a soft chirp. It grew bigger in an instant and was surrounded by countless red firebirds. With jade rings, they all flew towards Wu Chou.

At the same time as Nangong Wan took action, Hongfu and Lu Tiandu followed the fire crow and rushed towards the six demon corpses.

Hongfu opened his mouth and sprayed, and a small silvery-white seal appeared out of thin air amidst the cold air. It instantly turned into an ice jade the size of a house, calming down the monster.

Lu Tiandu still used the black gold stick to fight in close quarters. After all, without a powerful magic weapon that could kill with one strike, this monster corpse recovered quickly.

Wu Chou looked at the huge yellow bell that was covering him, and with a flick of his hand, he threw the two concubines far away, with mysterious evil energy billowing around him.

His arm shook, and a strange-looking snake-patterned armband instantly released a pink light shield to protect him.

At the same time, with a casual throw, a black brocade handkerchief emitted billowing black energy and faced the giant bell.

Looking at the astonishing Chi Huan who followed Huang Zhong, Wu Chou looked solemn. With a wave of his hand, a magic knife as black as ink emitted torrential magic flames and faced the powerful Suzaku Huan.

The battle began, with roars and roars coming one after another.

Looking at the six monster beasts that were roasted by the fire crows and roared by the frozen jade seal of the mysterious cold, Lu Tiandu had figured out Wu Chou's trump card at this moment, and smiled, no longer hiding his clumsiness.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's figure flashed, turned into a breeze, and instantly approached the two monsters. He opened his mouth suddenly, and two small golden arrows were sprayed out.

The little arrows were only about a foot long and looked a bit illusory. In a flash, each of them penetrated the body of a monster beast. The two increasingly illusory little arrows hit a monster beast again before "whooshing". dissipate...

In the blink of an eye, the three demon corpses contaminated by the golden arrows turned into powder in a strange way!
"Okay! Junior brother, this magical power is really amazing!"

At this moment, Hong Fu, who saw Lu Tiandu using his three-flavored divine wind to destroy three demonic corpses in an instant, had a smile on his lips, and a look of surprise flashed through his cold, beautiful eyes.

Looking at the three-headed demon corpses that were still roaring in the two layers of ice and fire, Hong Fu no longer hesitated.

He stretched out his snow-white slender jade hand and struck three times in a row. The three-foot-long silver chain flashed away and instantly hit the three demon corpses that were constantly conflicting under the suppression of the Xuanhan jade seal.

This silver bolt is naturally the magical power "Xuanhan True Light" that Hongfu cultivated after entering the ten-thousand-year-old Xuanyu Mine on the second floor of Yaochi Tower. The Xuanhan True Light combined with the body of Xuanhan Ice is naturally amazingly powerful!

Looking at the corpses of the three monsters that were instantly frozen, Lu Tiandu raised his dragon-marked black gold stick, and the figures had disappeared.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After three muffled sounds that almost combined together, the three ice sculptures instantly turned into countless tiny ice particles and scattered towards the sea.

"how is this possible?"

It only took a blink of an eye for Lu Tiandu and Hong Fu to work together to kill the six demon corpses. Seeing such a huge change at this moment, Wu Chou instantly panicked.

Although his grandfather had already refined eighteen demon corpses, because he could only command eight at most, he usually took them all out when he went out.

If he encounters trouble, he doesn't need to release the demon corpses, but just reports a very sinister reputation so that no one dares to offend him. As a result, six of the eight demon corpses that he originally relied on were killed in an instant?
Hong Fu swept his consciousness and saw a demon corpse still remaining in the formation. He shook his sleeves, put away the Xuan Han Jade Seal, flashed his figure, and went to help.

Lu Tiandu took one step forward and reached Nangong Wan and Wu Chou's side.

"Since Sister Hongfu and her husband have shown their hand, Wan'er cannot fall behind!"

Nangong Wanming smiled brightly, stretched out her right hand, opened her five green fingers, and suddenly a ball of hot red flames filled the palm of her hand. In an instant, Lu Tian felt that his whole body was extremely hot. .

Just as Wu Chou looked at him in surprise, Nangong Wan flipped his palm and grabbed it with five fingers. A giant flaming hand swelled in the wind and grabbed Wu Chou with scorching flames.

"What kind of flame is this?"

Wu Chou's expression changed, and his heart skipped a beat.He clapped his right hand suddenly, and a black ring on his left index finger appeared above his head in a flash.

As the ring instantly enlarged, many ancient mysterious runes appeared on it, emitting a rich blue light.

"Hey, isn't this the Yin Ring in the Yin-Yang Ring ancient treasure?"

Lu Tiandu secretly guessed at the sudden appearance of the treasure and Wu Chou's uncomfortable expression as he sacrificed it.

Jiyin has a pair of Yin and Yang ring ancient treasures obtained from Master Xuan Gu. The Yin ring is mainly for defense, and the Yang ring is for attack, and the Yang ring restrains the Yin ring. Ji Yin later changed its name to Xuanyin ring.

He also lent the Yin Ring to Han Li during the process of clearing the Xutian Palace.

If it were this ancient treasure, Nangong Wan's Suzaku True Fire might be frustrated at this moment.

Sure enough, under the burning of the giant flame hand, Wu Chou's outermost pink light shield quickly broke, and the snake pattern armband instantly dimmed.

After the flames and the blue light emitted by the Yin Ring held each other for a moment, the ancient treasure was still not destroyed.

"Okay, let's make a quick decision!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, and with a wave of his hand, two streams of light, one golden and one black, shot towards Wu Chou.

Wu Chou's face turned pale at this moment. After all, with his current golden elixir initial stage magic power, he had already sacrificed three magic weapons, the brocade handkerchief, the magic knife, and the armband. It would be extremely difficult to sacrifice the ancient Yin ring treasure again.

Facing Jin Lingsuo and Heizhu from Lu Tiandu, Wu Chou gritted his teeth and spat out, using a small black sword to stop Jin Lingsuo and Heizhu...

Why did Lu Tiandu think that two ordinary magic weapons could break the Yin Ring's defense?

While sacrificing these two magic weapons to harass, he raised the dragon-marked black gold stick and struck it...

A moment later, before Lu Tiandu could break through Yinhuan's defense, Wu Chou, who was commanding four magic weapons at the same time, turned pale and staggered in the face of the two attacks.

Lu Tiandu instantly found the opportunity and blasted away the giant black ring with a stick, caressing a piece of golden wind, and Wu Chou's corpse was gone!

And the two Wu Chou concubines who had been frightened into silence also followed Wuchou after the fire crow flew over...

 Thanks to book friend Hai Bing666 for the 500 book coin reward, thank you to book friend Chenwang Zibing for the 200 book coin reward, and thank you to book friend Wolf's child a for the 100 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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